The Task of English Language Paper Makalah

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TERNATE 2021/2022

Praise be to God Almighty for giving the author the opportunity to complete this
paper. Thanks to His grace and guidance, the author was able to complete the
paper entitled Sentence on time.

Sentence papers are prepared to fulfill assignments in English courses at the

University of Muhammadiyah, North Maluku. In addition, the author also hopes
that this paper can add insight for readers about sentences.

The author would like to thank profusely to the lecturers of English subjects. The
task that has been given can increase knowledge and insight related to the field
occupied by the author. The author would also like to thank all those who have
helped in the preparation of this paper.

The author realizes that this paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, constructive
criticism and suggestions will be accepted by the author for the perfection of this

Fatma Santiriska Mansur


TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................3
Sentence Patterns..................................................................................4
Sentences Types....................................................................................5
Simple Sentence....................................................................................5
Example of simple sentences................................................................6
Compound Sentence..............................................................................6
Complex Sentence.................................................................................6
Compound-Complex Sentence..............................................................7
Sentence Fragment & Run-On Sentence...............................................9
Sentence is a grammatical construction that contains a complete thought.
Sentence is formed from one or more clauses, where there is at least one
independent clause (consisting of subject and predicate). Sentence begins with a
capital letter and ends with a full stop (period), exclamation mark (exclamation
mark), or question mark (question mark).

Example of sentence:

 He eats a sweet orange (Dia makan sebuah jeruk yang manis)

 Budi is shopping in the store (Budi sedang berbelanja di toko)

Sentence Patterns
An independent clause is composed of a subject and a predicate. There are many
possible combinations of subject and predicate (sentence pattern ~ sentence
pattern) generated. Here are some of them:

1 subject + verbtransitive + direct object

I just finished my homework.
(Saya baru saja menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah saya.)

2 subject + verbtransitive + indirect object + direct object

I just sent you an email.
(Saya baru saja mengirimu email.)

3 subject + verbintransitive +/- adverb

He speaks slowly.
(Dia berbicara pelan-pelan.)

4 subject + linking verb + noun/adjective

He is a scientist.
(Dia seorang ilmuan.)

Sentences Types
Sentence types can be distinguished based on their structure or usage. Based on
the structure, sentences can be grouped into simple sentences, compound
sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentence:

simple sentence The ship will arrive late.

(Kapal akan tiba terlambat.)
terdiri dari
satu independent

compound sentence I lent him the book, but he didn’t read it.
(Saya meminjaminya buku, tapi dia tidak membacanya.)
terdiri dari dua atau
lebih independent

complex sentence I was sleeping when you called.

(Saya sedang tidur ketika kamu menelepon saya.)
terdiri dari
satu independent
clause dan satu atau
lebih dependent

compound-complex Yulia, who works out three times a week, feels good about her
sentence body; therefore she is happy all the time.

kombinasi compound
sentence dan complex

Simple Sentence
A simple sentence is the most basic sentence type, which consists of only one
independent clause. This type of sentence does not mean "simple" (simple) to
understand because the simple sentence itself refers to the sentence pattern, not
the complexity of thought.
Example of simple sentences

1 My sister read the magazine.

(Saudara perempuanku membaca majalah.)

2 The manager came late today.

(Manager tersebut datang terlambat hari ini.)

3 I am very hungry.
(Saya sangat lapar.)

Compound Sentence
A compound sentence is a sentence type consisting of two or more independent
clauses. In a compound sentence, the thoughts of two or more independent clauses
are linked with equal importance. Conjunction and Punctuation in Compound
Sentence to connect two or more independent clauses in a compound sentence,
you can use coordinating conjunctions, semicolons (semicolons), and conjunctive
adverbs (adverbial conjunctions). Although connected by a conjunction or
semicolon, each of these independent clauses can actually stand alone.

Example of compound sentences

1 I’m not really hungry; however, I want some ice cream.

(Saya tidak benar-benar lapar. Meskipun demikian, saya ingin es krim.) awal

2 It was a difficult and boring task, but she managed to finish on time nevertheless.

(Itu merupakan tugas yang sulit dan membosankan, tapi dia berhasil menyelesaikannya
tepat waktu meskipun demikian.)

Complex Sentence
A complex sentence is a sentence type consisting of one independent clause and
one or more dependent clauses. Complex sentences tend to be more effective
than compound sentences because they show a clearer or more specific

relationship between the clauses in the sentence thanks to the role of
subordinate conjunctions, relative pronouns, question words, and if.

Example of complex sentences

1 Because she had free time during last holiday, she rearranged her house.
(Karena dia punya waktu luang selama liburan lalu, dia menata ulang rumahnya.)


 because she had free time during last holiday = adverbial clause
 she rearranged her house = independent clause

2 I’ll give you a call when I finish.

(Saya akan meneleponmu setelah saya selesai.)


 when I finish = adverbial clause

 I’ll give you a call = independent clause

3 I like the book that he just read.

(Saya suka buku yang baru dia baca.)


 that he just read = adjective clause (essential)

 I like the book = independent clause

Compound-Complex Sentence
A compound-complex sentence is a sentence type which is a combination of a
compound sentence and a complex sentence. This type of sentence has 3 or more
clauses in it where there are at least 2 independent clauses and 1 dependent clause.

No Example of Compound-Complex Sentence

1 Yulia, who works out three times a week, feels good about her body; therefore she is
happy all the time.
(Yulia yang berolahraga tiga kali seminggu, merasa nyaman dengan tumbuhnya;
karena itu dia bahagia sepanjang waktu.)


 dependent clause (adjective clause) = who works out three times a week
 independent clause = (1) Yulia feels good about her body. (2) She is happy
all the time.
 subjunctive adverb = therefore

2 People who do exercise regularly rarely get sick; they usually have a good immune
(Orang-orang yang berolahraga secara teratur jarang jatuh sakit. Mereka biasanya
mempunyai sistem imun yang baik.)


 dependent clause (adjective clause) = who do exercise regularly

 independent clause = (1) people rarely get sick. (2) they usually have a good
immune system.

3 I can start a conversation that makes people interested, but it’s hard to keep it going
because I often run out of things to say.
(Saya dapat memulai percakapan yang yang membuat orang tertarik tapi sulit untuk
mempertahankannya karena saya sering kehabisan hal untuk dikatakan.)


 dependent clause (adjective clause) = that makes people interested

 depedent clause (adverbial clause) = because I often run out of things to say
 independent clause = (1) I can start a conversation. (2) it’s hard to keep it
 subordinate conjunction = because

Meanwhile, based on its use, sentences can be categorized into: declarative

sentences, interrogative sentences, exclamatory sentences, and imperative

declarative sentence The weather is good.

untuk membuat pernyataan (Cuacanya bagus.)

interrogative sentence How far is the grocery store from here?

untuk membuat pertanyaan (Seberapa jauh toko kelontong dari sini?)

exclamatory sentence How cruel you are!

(Kamu kejam sekali!)
untuk mengungkapkan perasaan yang kuat

imperative sentence Let me think about it.

(Biarkan saya berpikir tentang hal itu.)
untuk memerintah, memberi petunjuk, atau

Sentence Fragment & Run-On Sentence

Sentence fragment and run-on sentence are problems on topic sentence. Sentence
fragment is an incomplete sentence but acts as if it were a complete sentence.

Sentence Fragment Example:

Because I enjoy cooking.

correction: remove "because" so that the meaning of the sentence becomes intact.

While the run-on sentence consists of two or more independent clauses but not
connected properly.

Example of Run-On Sentence:

The test begins in a few minutes (you) get your pen and paper ready.

correction: The test begins in a few minutes. Get your pen and paper ready

Based on its function, sentences are divided into 3 parts, as follows:

• An interrogative sentence or question is generally used to ask for information
"Do I have to go to work?"

• An exclamatory sentence is a sentence with an exclamation point that is

generally in the form of a statement expressing a firmer emotion: “I have to go to

• An imperative sentence or command tells someone to do something with a

firmer emphasis: “Go to work.” Or “Go to work!”

An independent clause is composed of a subject and a predicate. There are many

possible combinations of subject and predicate (Sentence pattern ~ sentence
pattern) generated. Here are some of them:

Subject + transitive verb + direct object

• I just sent an email.

Subject + transitive verb + indirect object + direct object

• I just sent you an email.

Subject + verb intransitive +/- adverb

• He speaks slowly.

Subject + linking verb + noun/adjective

• He is a scientist.

Sentences Elements


• Complete Subjects.

• Simple Subjects.

• Compound Subject



• Direct objects

• Indirect objects

• Prepositional Object


• Subject Complement

• Object Complement

• Adjective Complement

• Verb Complement

• Adverbials


Sentence Fragment & Run-On Sentence

Sentences Fragment and Run-On sentence are problems on topic sentence.

Sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence (sentence that is not complete) but
acts as if it were a complete sentence. This is often a problem for us, because we
find it difficult to distinguish which are complete sentences and which are
incomplete sentences.

Sentence Fragment Example:

Because I eat too much chocolate.

correction: remove "because" so that the meaning of the sentence becomes intact.

Example Sentences

The sky is blue. blue sky

Today is Monday. today is Monday

Tomorrow is Tuesday. tomorrow is tuesday

The baby is smiling. the baby is smiling

This is the road to take.

andy is a student and akbar is too


Sentences is a grammatical construction that contains an incomplete thought.

Sentences are formed from one or more clauses, where there is at least one
independent clause (consisting of a subject and a predicate). Sentences that start
with a capital letter and end with a period, exclamation mark, or question mark.

Sentences have four types, namely simple sentences, compound sentences,

complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences. based on its use, sentences
can be categorized into: declarative sentences, interrogative sentences,
exclamatory sentences, and imperative sentences.

1. What is a Sentence? http://www-
Accessed on September 19, 2013.
2. Sentence Types.
Accessed on September 19, 2013.
3. Kinds of Sentences and Their
Punctuation. Accessed on
September 19, 2013.
4. The Discourse Functions of Sentences.
grammar/clauses/decl.htm. Accessed on September 19, 2013.
5. Kinds of
h/sentences_kinds_of.pdf. Accessed on February 26, 2013.
6. Sentence Patterns.
patterns/. Accessed on February 27, 2013.
7. Run-on Sentences, Comma
Splices. Accessed on
February 18, 2013.
8. Sentence
Accessed on March 19, 2013.
9. Fragments and Run-ons.
and-run-ons/. Accessed on February 3, 2013.

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