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Title of Activity Page

EPISODE 1 – The Ideal Teacher 1-3

EPISODE 2 – The Teacher’s Philosophy 4-5

EPISODE 3 – The Teacher in the Classroom 6-7

EPISODE 4 – The Teacher in the Community 8

EPISODE 5 – The Global Teacher 9-11

EPISODE 6 – The Teacher as a Professional 12-15

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About the cover

21st century learners and the skills, knowledge and

understandings they require. Yet we appear to talk less
about the qualities of the teachers. Should teachers
have 21st century mindsets, be lifelong learners,
adventurous, innovative and imaginative. It does seem
that the focus has shifted to the student and the teacher
has become a little forgotten

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About the Author

Hi, I
Mylin D.
Isidro, I am
taking up

Bachelor of Secondary Education majoring in TLE (Technology and Livelihood education) and at
Third Year level of this academic year 2019-2020 in Capiz State University.

There a lot of things that I learned in conducting my Field Study and it is really memorable and
worth it because it helps me and teach me a lesson that I can use when I become a Teacher. As a
teacher we need a patience, perseverance, and dedication so that we can achieve our goals to teach
students and allow them to learn in school and also grow in a good manner.

Becoming a teacher is not easy because some teacher takes risks and dangers in way to school.
Some teacher climbs on the mountains in order to bring learning in the school and let the
children/pupils learned.

These things that I learned in conducting my field study would help me to develop and achieve
my goals that will guide me to become a successful teacher someday.

About the Portfolio

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In my field study, I have learned so many things that can help to achieve my goals. I have
learned that becoming a teacher is not easy because you need patience to teach the students properly.
As I observed in conducting my field study, I learned that high school life is the best time to grow and
developed our capabilities like talents and skills.

I learned how spend my time properly because in my field study 3 travels 10 minutes in order to
reach my cooperating school and conduct my field study properly. I learned how to spend my money
properly, each time I went to my cooperating school I spend money so that we need to budget our
money in order

for me to conduct my field study 6.

I learned how to observe the students and my cooperating teacher. As I observed, my

cooperating is calm and she handled her students with dedication and effort that she can teach her
students well and let the children grow as life goes on. These things will help me and guide me to
achieve my dreams.

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Field Study 6
On Becoming the 21st Century Teacher

Episode 1- The Ideal Teacher

1.1 Qualities of a Teacher (Personal)
Instructions: The following are some qualities that teachers should possess. Evaluate yourself
honestly using the checklist (Bilbao, 2014) below by placing a check mark on the column that
to your answer. Please use this guide: SA (Strongly agree); AG (Agree); UD (Undecided); DA
SD (Strongly Disagree)

I am the kind of person who… SA AG UD DA SD

Is mentally alert √

Is very imaginative √

Tries out new things √

Appreciates other people

Tolerates other people √

Adjusts to different situations √

Looks at the brighter side of life √

Does not consider self as better than others √

Shares privileges with others √

Gives up personal time for others √

Sees to it that I do my job well √

Makes quick solutions to problems √

Volunteers to do tasks for others √

Works for the group even without being affirmed √

Is calm in the midst of chaos √

Is dependable in a given task √

Gives equal chance for others to be heard √

Is sure of what I am doing √

Holds anger even when provoked √

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Is punctual in attendance √

Question 1. Which of these qualities would you consider as your strengths?

 Makes quick solutions to problems
Question 2. Which of these qualities would you consider as your weaknesses?
 Holds anger even when provoked
Question 3. What do you plan to do to improve your weaknesses?
 Simple relaxation strategies, such as deep breathing and relaxing imagery, can help
soothe angry feelings. If you practice one or more of these strategies often, it will be
easier to apply them when angry feelings strike.

1.2 Qualities of an Ideal Teacher (Ideal Teacher)

Instructions: Think of a teacher that you consider “ideal” and evaluate him/her using the checklist
(Bilbao,2014) below. Place a check mark on all the qualities that you have observed in him/her, and
leave the space blank for those that you did not observe. Attach a short bio-data and picture of the
teacher, if available.
Name of Teacher: Mark D. Isidro
Grade/Year Level Taught: Grade 7/8
Subject Taught: Filipino
Qualities Observed
Is mentally alert √
Is very imaginative √
Tries out new things √
Appreciates other people
Tolerates other people
Adjusts to different situations √
Looks at the brighter side of life √
Does not consider self as better than others
Shares privileges with others √
Gives up personal time for others
Sees to it that he/she does his/her job well √
Makes quick solutions to problems √
Volunteers to do tasks for others √
Works for the group even without being affirmed return √
Is calm in the midst of chaos √
Is dependable in a given task √
Gives equal chance for others to be heard
Is sure of what he/she does √
Holds anger even when provoked √
Is punctual in attendance √
1. Aside from these qualities, what other characteristics does this teacher have that you
really admire/appreciate?
 The ability to develop relationships with their students.
2. Why do you consider him/her ideal?
 Because respect of physical and emotional balance, behavior and attitude, moral
values, personality. ... He or she needs to be social, friendly, and respectful to
3. What are his/her qualities that you would apply when you also become a teacher?
 mentally alert, Makes quick solutions to problems,
4. How has this teacher affected you as a person?
 It's given me the chance to use both my undergrad degree majors. I was pretty
sure I'd get to draw on History but the fact that I get to teach Linguistics
excites me every day.
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5. If you are to see him/her now, what would you tell him/her?
 An ideal teacher is a divine blessing for the society. He/she devotes heart and
soul to teaching and career-building of his pupils. He/she commands respects
from our heart. He possesses all good and noble qualities of a human being. 
1.3 Qualities of an Ideal Teacher (Cooperating Teacher)
Instructions: Evaluate your cooperating teacher using the checklist (Bilbao, 2014) below. Place a
check mark on all the qualities that you have observed in him/her, and leave the space blank for
those that you did not observe.
Qualities Observed
Is mentally alert √
Is very imaginative √
Tries out new things √
Appreciates other people √
Tolerates other people
Adjusts to different situations √
Looks at the brighter side of life √
Does not consider self as better than others
Shares privileges with others √
Gives up personal time for others √
Sees to it that he/she does his/her job well √
Makes quick solutions to problems √
Volunteers to do tasks for others
Works for the group even without being affirmed return √
Is calm in the midst of chaos √
Is dependable in a given task √
Gives equal chance for others to be heard √
Is sure of what he/she does √
Holds anger even when provoked √
Is punctual in attendance √
1. Would you say that this teacher is effective?
2. What are his/her qualities that really stand out?
 Sees to it that he/she does his/her job well.
3. What are his/her qualities that you would like to apply when you become a teacher also?
 Makes quick solutions to problems.

1.4 Interview your cooperating teacher about his/her personal biodata and about his/her
description of an ideal teacher
Name of Teacher: Karen Joy E. Tugnao No. of Years in Teaching: _______
Age: ______________ Position: _______________
Grade/Year Level Taught: _____________________Subject Taught:
An ideal teacher is …….
Reflections: What realization that relate to your becoming a teacher have you gained from
this activity?
 Assessment of teachers through student opinions has been the most used method to
define the characteristics of teaching quality. There is no previous literature applying
the Semantic Differential (SD) with this objective. SD can detect the attributes of the
'ideal teacher', and find the evaluative, emotional or affective components linked to
this concept

Name and Signature of FS Student __ MYLIN D. ISIDRO ___________________

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Episode 2 –The Teacher’s Philosophy
2.1 Determine your own philosophy of education by answering this questionnaire of Sadker and
Sadker, and Ed. Bilbao, 2014). Just write the number that corresponds to your answer using the
guide that follows:
5 – Strongly Agree; 4 – Agree; 3 – Undecided; 2 – Disagree; 1 – Strongly Disagree

__3_ 1. The learning of students should be centered around the 3Rs only.
__3_ 2. The school subjects should focus on the great thinkers of the past.
__4_ 3. Many students learn best by engaging in real-world activities rather than reading.
_2__ 4. The students should be permitted to determine their own curriculum.
_3__ 5. Subject matter is taught effectively when it is broken down into small parts.
_4__ 6. The school subjects should include only the essentials for all students to know.
__2_ 7. Schools, above all, should develop students’ abilities to think deeply, analytically and
creatively than develop social skill or acquire body of knowledge.
__4_ 8. Teaching should prepare students for analyzing and solving the types of problems they will
face outside
the classroom.
__1_ 9. Reality is determined by each individual’s perceptions. There is no objective and universal
__1_ 10. People are shaped much by their environment than by the exercise of their free will.
__2_ 11. Students should not be promoted to the next grade until they have read and mastered
certain key material.
_2__ 12. An effective education is not aimed at the immediate needs of the students or society.
_3__ 13. The curriculum of a school should be built around the personal experiences and needs of
the students.
__1_ 14. Students who do not want to study much should be required to do so.
_3__ 15. Program learning is an effective method of teaching information.
__4_ 16. Academic rigor is an essential component of education.
_2__ 17. All students, regardless of ability, should study more or less the same curriculum.
__3_ 18. Art classes should focus primarily on individual expression and creativity.
_2__ 19. Effective learning is unstructured and informal.
_4__ 20. Students learn best through reinforcement.
_2__ 21. Effective schools assign a substantial amount of homework.
_ 2__ 22. Education should focus on timeless questions such as “What is beauty” or “What is truth”?
__2_ 23. Since students learn effectively through social interaction, schools should plan for more
social gathering
in their curricula.
_ 3__ 24. The purpose of school is to help students understand themselves and find the meaning of
their existence.
_3__ 25. Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine what student knows.
_4__ 26. Countries must become more competitive economically, hence, schools must bolster
their academic requirements for more competition.
_4__ 27. Students must be taught to appreciate learning primarily for its own sake, rather than to
help them into their careers.
_3__ 28. Schools must place more emphasis on teaching about the concerns of minorities and
_4__ 29. Each person has free will to develop as he or she sees fit.
__3_ 30. Reward students well for learning so they will remember and be able to apply what they
learned, even if they were not able to understand why the information is worth knowing.
__4_ 31. Philippine schools should attempt to instill tradition Filipino values in students.
_3__ 32. Teacher-guided discovery of profound truths is a key method of teaching students.
_4__ 33. Students should be active participants in the learning process.
_4__ 34. There are no external standards of beauty. Beauty is what an individual decides it to be.

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_3__ 35. We can place a lot of faith in our schools and teachers to determine which student
behaviors are
acceptable and which are not.
_4__ 36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic facts regarding the books,
and events.
__3_ 37. Philosophy is ultimately a practical subject to study like computer.
__4_ 38. Teachers must stress to the students the relevance of what they are learning to their lives
outside and inside the classroom.
__4_ 39. It is important for a student to develop a positive self-concept than to learn specific
_ _2_ 40. Learning is more effective when students are given frequent tests to determine what they
have learned.

2.2 Request your cooperating teacher to answer the same questionnaire. Once you have
completed the two (2) questionnaires, determine your and your cooperating teachers’ dominant
philosophy of education using the guide in your book on The Teaching Profession.

2.3 Once you have determined you and your cooperating teacher’s philosophy of education,
The following questions:
1 What is your dominant philosophy of education? Read about it. Based on your readings, do
you agree that you really manifest the characteristics of a teacher who practice this
philosophy? Give at least five (5) of your personal beliefs/practices that show that you are
kind of teacher.
 My dominant philosophy of education is progressivism.
The practices that I do as a student and future teacher that reflect my philosophy are: As
a future teacher, I will promote democratic social living, I will develop lifelong learners,
interdisciplinary and outcomes based, I will also have taught my student to appreciate
leaning primary for its own sake, rather than to help them into their carrier.

2 What is the dominant philosophy of education of your cooperating teacher? Observe his/her
class and identify five (5) of his/her classroom behavior that reflect her philosophy. Describe
them well. Can you say that your cooperating teaching really practice her philosophy
of education in her actual teaching? Explain your answer.
 Yes, her teaching philosophy is that “she believes that teaching is the foundation of
all learning, she also believes that the students suppose the master” and her
philosophy is can be use then way she teaches. she always wanted to put the learning
of her student into a real world situation.

Reflections: What realization that relate to your becoming a teacher have you gained from this
 I have realized that on how be a good and better person on society I live. Through the
of interdisciplinary and outcome base teaching. I can be a lifelong learner and
someday I can also teach my learner on how to face real life problems and situation
while they
are achieving their dreams and goals.

Name and Signature of FS Student MYLIN D. ISIDRO _ ___________________

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Episode 3 -The Teacher in the Classroom
1) Secure a copy of your cooperating teacher’s class program and analyze it using the guide below:
1.1 Total Load __________________
1.2 Number of Preparations __________________
13. Number of Hours in Teaching __________________
1.4 Number of Hours for other activities as ide from teaching __________________
(Enumerate his/her other activities)

2) Would you consider your cooperating teacher as over loaded? Why? Confirm your observation
by Asking your cooperating teacher if he/ she considers himself/herself as overloaded, and what is
his/her opinion about it.
 Yes, Teaching is an amazing profession where I can teach children and even learn,
from them. I love teaching so I would consider it as over loaded.

3) Take a picture of the classroom and describe how the furniture are arranged. How would you
describe your cooperating teacher based on the general appearance and structure of his/her
  teachers create focused and nurturing classrooms that result in increased student
learning.  These teachers teach and rehearse rules and procedures with students,
anticipate students' needs, possess a plan to orient new students, and offer clear
instructions to students 
4) Interview your cooperating teacher about his/her way of keeping the records of the learners
and reporting them to the parents and guardians. Write here the questions that you asked him/her
and his/her answer.
 Question: How do you keep parents informed of student progress?
 Answer:  Parent Teacher Meeting Form. I believe it is very important to keep track of
all meetings that we have with parents. 
5) How would you describe the physical condition of the classroom? Is the general atmosphere of
the classroom conducive for both learners and students? Justify your answer by giving concrete
 The term physical environment refers to the overall design and layout of a
given classroom and its learning centers. Teachers should design the environment by
organizing its spaces, furnishings, and materials to maximize the learning
opportunities and the engagement of every child.
  Students and teachers spend the majority of their day in school classrooms, and it’s
your responsibility to foster an environment and atmosphere that enhance learning.

6) What is the seating arrangement applied by your cooperating teacher to his/her learners? Is it
effective? Why or why not? Are the learners comfortable with this seating arrangement?
 Students face the instructor with their backs to one another.
 Yes! Studies have reported that seating arrangements impact the learning process.
Students occupying the front rows are more attentive that those in the back. The
students in front are the ones who generally answer questions asked in class.
Classroom arrangement; from a students' point of view, symbolizes their personality .

7) How does your cooperating teacher impose discipline in his/her classroom? Explain in detail.
Interview your cooperating teacher about some of his/her challenges when it comes to the
behavior of learners and how he/she dealt with it.
 Positive discipline is a more effective way to manage misbehaving students in the
classroom, rather than using punishment or rewards. It allows students to learn and

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adapt their behaviors to meet expectations in the classroom, while simultaneously
teaching them how to make better choices in their path to adulthood.

8) Do you notice some routine activity that the class you are observing is doing? Describe them
and ask your cooperating teacher how he/she started these activities.
 The routine activity theory describes how likely offenders come to commit a crime
partly based on their normal everyday activities. Routine travel and activities can
bring a motivated offender into contact with a desirable though vulnerable asset
without appropriate guardianship.

9) Considering the duties and responsibilities of a teacher that you observed in your cooperating
teacher, are you still willing to become a teacher? What are some of the characteristics of your
cooperating teacher that makes him/her worthy to be emulated?
 Yes! It is The ability to develop relationships with their students. ...

Reflections: What realization that relate to your becoming a teacher have you gained from this
 I realized that teaching isn’t an easy job. It requires our full dedication, love and
compassion on the profession and learners.
 Dedicated in a sense that, teachers have the ability to inspire us students through their
approaches, actions, and even through the lessons or activities they engage us in.
Although all teachers possess this potential, only there are some teachers who stand out
in our minds as truly great and dedicated teachers.  These are the teachers whom I find
very inspiring. 

Name and Signature of FS Student _ MYLIN D. ISIDRO ___________________

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Episode 4 –The Teacher in the Community
Interview 15 persons from all walks of life (professionals, businessmen, housewives, farmers,
and ask them about the role of the teacher in the community. Use the guide questions below:
1. What are the roles that teachers play in the community?
 The role of a teacher is to improve the society we are a part of. His/her role is to gain
valuable knowledge and impart it further to the students for making this world a
better place. They encourage to do something for the betterment of
their community or society within their reach.
2. Do you consider the teacher as a respected person in the community? Why?
 Yes, because they are like master that teach a student to improve his/her skills.
3. How do teachers help in the improvement of the community?
 teachers can help improve society and or community by contributing their knowledge
and area of expertise to the world. ... Teachers can give talks, provide training and
leadership to others in their community so that more people can learn and model the
values and traits that teachers possess.
4. Do teachers serve as models in their behavior in the community?
 Teachers are responsible for the social behavior in their classrooms. This behavior is
primarily a reflection of the teacher's actions and the environment she
sets. Teachers typically do not think of themselves as role models, however,
inadvertently they are.
5. Do you ask the advice of the teachers about concerns in the community?
 YES! community engaged teaching can present unique and sometimes difficult
challenges for which many are not equipped. 
6. What do you think are the attitudes and values that teachers should possess?
 Integrity. It's necessary for a teacher to be honest with his/her job role and
responsibility. ...
7. Do the teachers seek the support/help of the community for his/her classes?
 Teachers can help improve society and or community by contributing their knowledge
and area of expertise to the world. ... Teachers can give talks, provide training and
leadership to others in their community so that more people can learn and model the
values and traits that teachers possess.
Present the profile of your respondents here and consolidate their answers based on the
questions. How does the community see the role of teachers at present? Is there a difference in the
community’s? perception about the teacher before and at present? Justify your answer.

Reflections: What realization that relate to your becoming a teacher have you gained from this
 I realized that teacher is one of the most trustworthy people in the community. The
community respects the teacher. Teacher is a noble profession and not all people can
become a professional teacher, only few are capable to become a teacher. I also
realized that when you become a teacher, you give your all to it and never allow any
negative things to happen especially to your students. You should be a role model that
they can admire and idolized through their learning until they become successful and
a good citizen. And, if you are really a teacher even if you are not wearing your
uniform, people will notice you as a teacher.

Name and Signature of FS Student __ MYLIN D. ISIDRO ________________________

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Episode 5 –The Global Teacher
5.1 Answer the questionnaire below with a simple Yes or No by checking the appropriate column.
Competencies: As a future teacher, I… Yes No
1. demonstrate values for lifelong learning. __√__ _____
2. will teach considering that learning is of different kinds. __√__ _____
3. will create an environment that is safe and conducive for learning. __√__ _____
4. will communicate higher learning expectations to each learner. _____ __√__
5. will accept learners’ diverse knowledge and experiences. __√__ _____
6. demonstrate mastery of the subject matter. __√__ _____
7. will make use of allotted instructional time. __√__ _____
8. recognize that each learner is unique. __√__ _____
9. demonstrate skills in the use of technology. __√__ _____
10. will develop and use appropriate instructional plan. __√__ _____
11. will develop and use a variety of instructional support materials. __√__ _____
12. will develop and use a variety of appropriate assessment strategies. __√__ _____
13. will communicate promptly and clearly to learners, parents and
Superiors about learners’ progress. _√___ _____
14. take pride in the nobility of the teaching profession. _√___
15. will enhance myself through continuing professional development. __√___

Number of Yes: _____14________

Number of No: ______1_______
Based on your responses, can you now say that you are a global Filipino teacher?
 Yes! I see myself as a global Filipino teacher, an expert in a particular area of study
which has a global demand for knowledge on the subject, ready to meet many
challenges in the teaching professions.
 Not only do I know multiple languages but being be able to communicate with my
5.2 Ask your cooperating teacher to answer the questionnaire by requesting him/her to place a
check on the column of his/her answer.
Competencies: No/ Frequency
Yes, If Yes, 1 – Sometimes; 2 – Often;
Do I… frequency… 3 – Always
No Yes 0 1 2 3
1. demonstrate values for lifelong √ √
2. teach considering that learning is of √ v
different kinds?
3. create an environment that is safe v √
and conducive for learning?
4. communicate higher learning √ √
expectations to each learner?
5. accept learners’ diverse knowledge √ √
and experiences?
6. demonstrate mastery of the subject √ √
7. make use of allotted instructional √ √
8. recognize that each learner is √ √
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9. demonstrate skills in the use of √ √
10. develop and use appropriate √ √
instructional plan?
11. develop and use a variety of √ √
instructional support materials?
12. develop and use a variety of √ √
appropriate assessment strategies?
13. communicate promptly and clearly √ √
to learners, parents and superiors
about learners’ progress?
14. take pride in the nobility of the √ v
teaching profession?
15. enhance myself through continuing √ √
professional development?

Interpret the responses of your cooperating teacher by identifying the competencies that he/she
always, often, and sometimes possess, based on the frequency.
5.2 1. Can you say that your cooperating teacher is a global Filipino teacher based on his/her response
To the questionnaire? Justify your answer.
 Yes, because she is a flexible teacher. She knows how to adjust and meet the new standards of
in this 21st century. She maintains learner-centered classroom, and develops them on how to be life-
long learners.
5.2.2 Research on two (2) other countries that offer teacher education and describe the personal
professional qualities expected of their teachers. Complete the table below:
Name of Country Personal Qualities of Professional Qualities Requirements to
Teachers of Teachers become a Professional
United states of Compassionate, Professional State certified,
America positive, dependable, efficiency, working VISA, and a
communicative, knowledgeable, Bachelor’s degree
flexible, patient and creative, motivational. diploma.
fun loving.
Thailand Affectionate, sense of Integrity, have Bachelor’s degree
humor, respect and collegial ethics, diploma, TESI.
equality enthusiast. Certification, non-
immigrant business
“B” Visa and a good
picture and a good

5.2.3 Can you say that Filipino teachers are comparable with their counterparts in other countries
in terms of their personal and professional qualities? Justify your answer.
 Yes! The Filipino teachers has really met the requirements on the competencies of the
national standards for teachers because quality education matters and practically. Relevant
education is needed to create a lasting change and improved the children’s learning. I believed
observed that the teacher I have interviewed has the integrity. Efficiency and advocacy to help
create a well-developed. Well-mannered globally competitive learners.
5.2.4 What do you plan to do to prepare yourself for the 21st Century learners?
 I must prepare myself to become a globally competitive and aware of the educational
System of other countries. I should be knowledgeable in information technology so that I can
use it to improve my skills in teaching and should always apply new techniques in teaching, and be
open to different changes in the society.
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Reflections: What realization that relate to your becoming a teacher have you gained from this
 I realized that you should know first on how to handle diverse learners to be an effective teacher
not only locally but globally.

Name and Signature of FS Student _MYLIN D. ISIDRO___________


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Episode 6 -The Teacher as a Professional
6. 1 Look for a teacher in each group (1 – 3 years, 4 – 10 years, 11 – 15 years, more than 15 years
Teaching experience and have retired) and ask them to answer the questionnaire (PPST Career
1. In which career stage do these teachers belong?
 Distinguished
2. What are the characteristics of teachers in this stage?
  understanding of their students and their needs. In order to offer assistance to teachers
6.2 Conduct an interview with these teachers using the following questions:
For Teachers with 1 – 3 years Teaching Experience
Name of Teacher: Mark D. Isidro No. of Years in Teaching: 2years
Age: 22 Position: Filipino teacher
Grade/Year Level Taught: Grade 7to12_ Subject Taught: Filipino

1. Where did you earn your degree? When?

 I’ve earn my degree in Capiz State University- Main Campus, Roxas City last March 30,
2. How many years did it take for you to be hired in a teaching job?
 The year after I graduated and passed the LET, I directly apply in one institution in
Pontevedra and fortunately got hired
3. How did your university/college prepare you to become a good teacher?
 From the very first year of my studies, Capiz State University never disappoint me for the
quality education that they have imparted to every student. The university have a very
competent teacher in every specialization they have. They make sure that the objectives
and goals of the school were highly attained before they let their students which is us to
the teaching field.
4. When did you pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)? What was your rating?
 I’ve passed the Licensure Examination for teacher last September 24, 2017. I’ve got a
rating of 82.40%.
5. When did you start teaching as a professional?
 I started teaching since the opening of classes in the year 2018.
6. What are some of your most unforgettable experiences as a teacher?
 For me, the most unforgettable experience that I have as a teacher are during every
events in school in which every students and teachers united and become one in facing
full of struggles and problems but in the end, we finally see the fruits of our cooperation
which is having a successful event.
7. What inspires you as a teacher?
 The things that inspires me as a teacher are my students. Being with them every day are
full of happiness, the ability of a teacher to touch the hearts of their students gives an
inspiration to every teacher to teach their student for every teacher believes that
education is the best antidote to the virus of ignorance.
8. What are your greatest challenges as a teacher?
 For me the greatest challenge I have encountered being a teacher is that I’ve handle 6
year levels (Grade 7- Grade 12) every day you have to prepare 6 lessons and instructional
materials for you to professionally teach your students.
9. What professional development activities/trainings have you participated in?
 There are different seminars I have participated which highly develop my professional
capability. One of them is During PEAC in ILOILO. The speaker shared to us the different
teaching strategies that we have to use to fully attained the objectives of our discussion.
10. What professional organizations are you a member of?
 I am a member of CIC (Campus Integrity Crusaders).
11. What should professional teachers remember always in terms of their behavior?
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 In terms of behavior, teachers must always act professionally. Teachers must always
think on how to help their students in every aspects of their lives and impart them to
help in the development of our community.
12. What kind of teacher would you like students to remember you when you retire?
 In the future when I retire, I want my students to remember me as their friends outside
the school, to be their parents inside the school premises and as a professional teacher
inside the classroom. I want them to remember me as a unique kind of teacher that
touch their lives in which even if I’m not their teacher anymore, none of them would
forget that once in their life I’ve become their teacher.
13. How do you see yourself 5 years from now?
 5 years from now, I can see myself as a professional teacher with a stable life, I can
provide the needs of my family.

For Teachers with 4 – 10 years Teaching Experience

1. Are you satisfied with your job as a professional teacher for the past years? Why?

2. What are some of your most unforgettable experiences as a teacher?

3. What inspires you as a teacher?

4. What are your greatest challenges as a teacher?

5. What are you plans for the future?

6. Do you think you will retire as a professional teacher?

7. What should professional teachers remember always in terms of their behavior?

8. What kind of teacher would you like students to remember you when you retire?

For Teachers with 11 – 15 years Teaching Experience

1. Are you satisfied with your job as a professional teacher for the past years? Why?

2. What are some of your most unforgettable experiences as a teacher?

3. What inspires you as a teacher?

4. What are your greatest challenges as a teacher?

5. What are you plans for the future?

6. Do you help the younger teachers in your school? How?

7. How would you compare yourself with the younger teachers?

8. What awards or citations have you received as a professional teacher?

9. Do you think you will be promoted to higher positions soon?

10. Do you think you will retire as a professional teacher?

11. What should professional teachers remember always in terms of their behavior?

12. What kind of teacher would you like students to remember you when you retire?

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For Teachers with 15 years or more Teaching Experience

1. Are you satisfied with your job as a professional teacher for the past years? Why?

2. What are some of your most unforgettable experiences as a teacher?

3. What inspires you as a teacher?

4. What are your greatest challenges as a teacher?

5. What do you consider as your most significant contribution to the teaching profession?

6. What are your plans for the future?

7. How many times were you promoted in your career? Why were you promoted? What benefits
did you get from the promotion?

8. Do you think you will retire as a professional teacher?

9. What should professional teachers remember always in terms of their behavior?

10. What kind of teacher would you like students to remember you when you retire?

For Teachers who have Retired from Teaching

1. What are your usual activities now that you have retired from teaching?

2. How long were you in the teaching profession? Do you regret being a teacher?

3. What are some of your most unforgettable experiences as a teacher?

4. What do you consider as your most significant contribution to the teaching profession?

5. In your opinion, is teaching the noblest profession? Why?

6. What should professional teachers remember always in terms of their behavior?

7. What kind of teacher would you like students to remember you when you retire?

8. What advice can you give all teacher aspirants and new teachers?

Note: Attach the bio-data of the teachers and your picture during the interview.

1) What are the characteristics/ideas/beliefs that these teachers have in common, despite the
differences in the teaching experience?
 Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity so that all students achieve in the
global society.
2) Would you say that they professional teachers in the real sense of the word?
 Yes! here is a real sense in which it can be said that each mentor 'owns' ... statement
of professional intent, that a school 'intends to deliver the Training
Curriculum ... We perceive mentoring 'in terms of the character of the relationship and
the function it ...
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3) Have your interviews strengthened your dream to become a teacher?
 Professionally my dream is to become a teacher, as I feel that it is a very noble job &
really a job that can change the society & a teacher can produce good human beings.
Schools may be called a factory for the production of young talent & good humans as the
base is always formed at school for every child. Teaching always keeps you around the
young children which always give a chance to think more creatively in our life. 
4) What do you think are the values that you should develop for you to become a competent
 Learner-centeredness
5) If you are to choose one (1) word to describe the teaching profession, what would it be and
 Creative. Because creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas,
alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with
others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
Final Note:
Congratulations! You have reached the end of your Field Study experiences. May God bless,
sustain and inspire you more as you start your career as a molder/transformer of life and a
catalyst of change.
Ma’am Lida

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