Modal Verbs

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MODAL VERBS : modal +V0

Modal Verbs: Must vs. Have to, Should vs. Ought to , may, might, can, could, need,
I. So sánh must và have to
1. Dạng khẳng định
 Must: -Diễn tả sự cần thiết hay bắt buộc mang tính chủ quan (do người nói quyết
định) => compulsory
S+ must + V
1.Ex 1: -I must finish the exercises. (Tôi phải hoàn thành bài tập.)
-I must go home
Have to: students have to wear uniforms at school=> compulsory mang tính khach quan
(do người khác quyết định)
2.Ex2: He has 5 expensive cars. He must be very rich
 Prediction( certain)( > 80 %)
>< might/may: he comes home late, he may work late
=> prediction( uncertain) ( <50% certain)

3.Must not: =be not allowed to V

Ex: You must not eat that. (Bạn không được phép ăn cái đó.)
Tình huống: It's already stale. (Nó đã bị thiu rồi.)
You mustn’t feed the animals (in the zoo)
Students mustn’t cheat in exam
 Not have to: Diễn tả ý không cần phải làm gì =needn’t
S+ do not (don't)/ does not (doesn't) did not (didn't)/ will not (won't)/ ... + have to + V
Ex: -You do not have to eat that. (Bạn không cần phải ăn thứ đó.)
Tình huống: I can see you dislike that. (Mình có thể thấy rằng bạn không thích nó.)

4. should và ought to
Ví dụ: You should see a doctor if your cough gets worse. (Ông nên đi khám bác sĩ
nếu bị ho nặng hơn.)
You ought to see a doctor if your cough gets worse. (Ông nên đi khám bác sĩ nếu bị
ho nặng hơn.)

Must: - obigatory( speaker)

- Prediction( certain)
Might/may: prediction( uncertain)
Have to: obligatory( ngoại cảnh, quy tắc, luật lệ..)
Must not: = be not allowed to V
Not have to: needn’t
Should: advice (lời khuyên mang tính cá nhân)
Ought to: advice (lời khuyên mang tính khách quan..)
Can = have ability to do sth

I. Complete the following sentences. Use affirmative or negative of "must".

1. You __ must__study harder to get better marks
2. The boy is only twelve years old. He _____must not_____ride a motorbike.
3. Jimmy, you ____ must not ____bite nails.
4. My classmate is very ill. She ______ must_______ see a doctor as soon as possible.
5. Your hands are dirty. You _______must _________ wash them before meal.
6. We ________ must__________ brush our teeth at least once a day.
7. Children ____must not _______play with dangerous objects like knives and matches.
8. Students ______must not_________ use mobile phones during the test.
9. Babies ________must __________ go to bed early.
10. You _________must not________ be impolite to elderly people.

II. Complete the following sentences. Use affirmative or negative of "have to".
1. Secretaries ____have to_____ answer the phone. That is a part of their job.
2. Jason and Linda are on holiday. They __don’t have to __ go to school today
3. He __doesn’t have to __ come if he doesn't want to join with us.
4. You ___don’t have to __________ worry about me! I am ok now.
5. Lam _______has to_________ leave her house at 6.30 a.m in order to get to her school
at 7 a.m.
6. All the students ____have to _____ obey the school rules.
7. Today she doesn't have the literature lesson, so she ___doesn’t have to___ bring her
literature book.
8. I ___have to___ take these books back to the school library on time or I will get a fine
9. There is a lift in this building, so we ____don’t have to____ climb the stairs.
10. Susan doesn't like her new job. Sometimes she ____has to _____ work at weekends.

III. Choose the incorrect underlined part in the following sentences.

1. You (A) have to (B) made sure that children (C) don't play outside alone.
2. You (A) mustn't (B) uses the motorbike without a driver's license. It's (C) against the
3. Drivers (A) haven't (B) to stop at (C) yellow traffic lights.
4. You (A) ought (B) to taking him (C) to the emergency room.
5. During the lesson, (A) does you (B) have (C) to listen to your teacher carefully and take
notes quickly.
6. Students (A) don't have to (B) consume (C) food or drink in the class or in the library.
7. Get out of the grass! (A) You (B) must walk on the grass (C) here.
8. The baby (A) is sleeping. (B) You (C) don't have to shout.
9. Lien, we (A) must (B) are (C) quicker or we will miss the last train to Hai Phong city.
10. You (A) have to (B) feed the dog. (C) I've already fed it.

IV. Cross out the wrong part in the following sentences.

1. You don't have to/ must eat anything you don't like.
2. If you don't want to have a sore throat, you don't have to/ oughtn't to drink too much
iced water.
3. Flight attendants have to/ mustn't take care of passengers on the plane.
4. During the lesson, students don't have to/ mustn't leave class without the teacher's
5. Her mother cooks for her, so she herself doesn't have to/mustn't cook.
6. Smokers don't have to/ mustn't smoke in public places. This is stated in a new law.
7. Drinks are free for today. It means that you don't have to/mustn't pay money for
drinks today.
8. Kelvin won the lottery last year, so he doesn't have to/mustn't work now.
Win the lottery(V)
9. According to the company regulations, staff have to/ must finish their work with
highest efficiency.
10. To be healthy, we mustn't/ ought to eat healthful food and do the exercise regularly.

V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
51. All students ____ wear uniforms at school because it is a rule.
A. should B. have to C. ought to D. must
52. You ____ finish your homework before you go to bed.
A. must B. have to C. should D. ought to
53. This drink isn't beneficial for health. You ____ drink it too much.
A. should B. ought to not C. ought not to D. mustn't
54. This warning sign indicates that you ____ step on the grass.
A. shouldn't B. mustn't C. don't have to D. ought not to
55. I think you ____ do exercise regularly in order to keep your body in good shape.
A. must B. should C. ought to D. Both B and C
56. I will lend you some money, but you ____ pay it back to me next week.
A. should B. have to C. must D. mustn't
57. Hoa ____ feed the cats because her mother has done it already.
A. has to B. doesn't have to C. must D. Both A and C
58. Those audiences ____ show their tickets before entering the concert hall.
A. have to B. must C. ought to D. don't have to
59. The children ____ spend too much time playing computer games.
A. mustn't B. ought to not C . shouldn't D. Both B and C
60. In case you're suffered from the injury, you ____ see the doctor today.
A. had better = should B. must C. ought D. have better
61. Water park is free for kids under 6 years old, so you ____ pay money for your son.
A. have to B. mustn't C. should D. don't have to
62. You look totally exhausted. You ____ take a rest instead of working overtime.
A. should B. ought C. must D. has better
63. Anyone ____ have a passport, even a visa when travelling all around the world.
A. ought to B. must C. should D. has to
64. In the peak season, travellers ____ book their accommodation in advance.
A. have to B. must C. should D. ought
65. My car broke down yesterday, so I ____ catch a taxi to the office.
A. have to B. had better = should C. had to D. has to
66. We ____ eat as much fruit as possible in order to get enough vitamins for our bodies.
A. had better B. should C. ought to D. All are correct
67. You ____ tell anyone what I've revealed to you. It's still a secret.
A. mustn't B. had better not C. ought not to D. don't have to
Reveal (v) tiết lộ
68. If you still want to maintain this relationship, you ____ behave improperly like that.
A. ought to not B. ought not to C. mustn't D. don't have to
69. When playing or swimming in the pool, children ____ be accompanied by their
A. should B. must C. don't have to D. have to
Accompany (v)
70. We ____ go to work by car. Sky train is a wise choice during rush hour.
A. ought to B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. have to

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