Michael Angelo U. Agudo Mae Irene B. Bautista Thelma Baricaua, Mars Sarah Marie Ibay Nichole Mae M. Lozada Mica B. Talay Charissa M. Zalun

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Tuguegarao City


First Semester
A.Y. 2021-2022


CFED 1051 - CICM in Action: (Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, and Interreligious Dialogue)

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CFED Department Head

Recommended by:


Academic Dean

Approved by:


Vice President for Academics
CFED 1051- CICM in Action: (Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, and Interreligious Dialogue) |1
O God, wellspring of goodness and blessings, we give you thanks and praise as one Louisian community. The
graces You incessantly grant upon us and Your divine providence have sustained our beloved University
throughout the years of mission and excellence.

Having been founded by the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we pray that You keep us
committed and dedicated to our mission and identity to serve the Church and the society as we become living
witnesses to the Gospel values proclaimed by Jesus. For if we are steadfast in our good and beautiful mission,
our works will bring success not only to ourselves but also to those whom we are bound to love and serve.

Inspired by St. Louis our Patron Saint, who was filled with a noble spirit that stirred him to love You above all
things , may we also live believing that we are born for a greater purpose and mission as we dwell in Your
presence all the days of our life.

Grant all these supplications through the intercession of

Mother Mary and through Christ our Lord. Amen.

CFED 1051- CICM in Action: (Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, and Interreligious Dialogue) |2
School of Education, Arts and Sciences
Department of Philosophy and Religious Instruction
Curriculum 2021-2022


CFED 1051 - CICM in Action (Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, and Interreligious Dialogue)

This Weeks’ Time Table: (September 06 – 11, 2021)

For this week, the following shall be your guide for the different lessons and tasks that you need to accomplish.
Oops! Be patient, read them carefully before proceeding to the tasks expected of you.


Date Topics Activities or Tasks

September 06 - 10 The Call for a New Evangelization: The New Read the lesson
Areopagi of Mission
September 11 Submission of learning tasks Accomplish the worksheet on the
latter part of this module


CFED 1051 - CICM in Action (Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, and Interreligious Dialogue)
A.Y. 2021-2022

Topic: B. The New Trajectories of the CICM Mission

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Trace the historical background of CICM missionaries.

2. Identify different challenges which have led to the new trajectories of mission.
3. Site different missionary endeavors that exhibits the four dimensions of CICM mission.



The mark of a true CICM is the zeal for missionary work. This means that the charism of the
CICM as a missionary institute is to go out to those who are in most need (ad extra) - to go into
frontier situations, to nations (ad gentes) wherever the Good News was not heard especially by the
poor. “Going out” as a missionary gesture is the availability of oneself to be sent wherever a
CICM presence is needed. Inspired by the CICM charism of mission ad extra and dedicated to the
Incarnate Word and inspired by Mary, Theophile Verbist animates every CICM missionary to be
competent and creative persons in Jesus’ name, and a faithful disciple at the service of the
community for the respect and preservation of the integrity of the whole creation.

Lesson Proper:

CFED 1051- CICM in Action: (Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, and Interreligious Dialogue) |3

“The CICM in the Philippines in their vision for the CICM Tomorrow accepted the challenge of re-
conceiving their missionary identity adapts the process of reinvention and revitalization, explores new
missionary paradigms and develops new missionary
strategies within the context of the new planetary
transformation. One of the many mission paradigms they had
prioritized is the appreciation of lay empowerment. The
congregation recognized the importance of the mission of the
laity in new evangelization. Engaging the help of mission lay
partners necessarily brings with it a pronounced recognition
of lay participation. Lay participation in the Church’s mission
is something that the CICM tomorrow continues to support
with resolute attention and care.” – NOVA ET VETERA

This is so, since the Philippines was not spared from the impacts of globalization. The proliferation of
new technology may mean loss of jobs for manual laborers. It means more money for those who
have capital, but it makes life more difficult for those living in the margins of society. This can be
seen in the urban areas as well as the rural areas. Farmers, for example, are greatly affected with
the influx of imported goods and their expensive farm inputs and high interest of farm loans. Poverty,
hunger, unemployment, depletion of natural, and migration are only few but present the drama of
globalization in the Philippines. As they rise, the crime rate is also rising, and terrorism which is
happening in other countries, are also at our doors.

This situation should not be dismissed and ignored. In a situation of dehumanization and
meaninglessness, the CICM-RP is expected to encourage and give hope. As the CICM claimed in
one voice, “Today, the CICM as an international group of missionaries, will be called upon to support
the movement towards the promotion of a global ethics which is the common quest for a meaningful
co-existence that is genuinely fostered by mutual respect for the world’s diverse cultures and

Retracing the historical background of

the missionaries of the Congregation
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
(CICM) does not merely involve
recollection of the past but more so a
deepening of insight. The tireless
efforts of the CICM missionaries in the
Philippines as well as their continuing
efforts to respond to their missionary
calling are worth remembering for
posterity. No history of the
evangelization of the Northern
Philippines would be complete without
including the courageous exploits of the CICM missionaries and their dedicated and committed lay
companions/ collaborators. They braved the dangers of the Philippine rainforests as well as the
hostility of some members of northern tribes. The physical and psychological challenges inadequate
food, the almost total lack of comfort and medical attention, language, isolation, outright rejection by
the native inhabitants did not hinder them to pursue their missionary calling. The story of the
implantation of the Christian Church by the CICM missionaries in Northern Philippines particularly in
CFED 1051- CICM in Action: (Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, and Interreligious Dialogue) |4
the Province of Isabela can never be attributed solely to the CICM missionaries. In the just concluded
celebration of the 100 years of CICM missionary presence in Isabela with the theme, Remembrance
and Thanksgiving, a dominant motif had surfaced the empowerment of the local church as the CICM
missionaries mission partners. Ever since the embryonic stage of the CICM, the laity have always
been partners in their missionary activities and journeys. These lay mission partners had been
displaying their passion for mission since the first entry of the CICM missionaries in the Philippines.
Though the unfolding of ages created crucial facelifts on the images of the CICM mission partners
from a do-it all volunteer catechists to a paid professional or a next-to-the-rank deputy to a convinced,
dedicated, committed and educated lay, the lay has always been present in the portrait of the CICM

The CICM lay mission collaborators are envisioned as: a witnessing and caring community of
committed laypersons dedicated to support, and collaborate in the missionary task of the
CICM. Hence, four dimensions characterize these mission collaborators:

First, they revive or revitalize structural spaces and opportunities for an increased lay participation.
Second, they practice and help foster the CICM mission spirituality in all CICM institutions and
pastoral works and entities. Third, they participate in and promote the missionary character and work
of CICM institutions through mutual interchange and sharing of experiences, expertise and resources.
Fourth, they initiate programs and activities in support of the missionary priorities of the CICM.

The next years of the Congregation will certainly be another set of challenging years with new
situations and issues to confront. From 1960 onward, there was already a systematic decrease in the
number of the CICM personnel. Missionary animations were retried, but results were poor and new
approaches in animating the youth were proven to be with little success. The present global and
social challenges in doing mission confronting the Church in general and CICM in particular, had
once more called the partnership of the CICM missionaries and their lay counterparts to effectively
and boldly face these changes while maintaining the faith and keeping hope in the future of the CICM
as it continues to contribute its share in the building of God’s reign in society.

*** END OF LESSON 3 ***

CFED 1051- CICM in Action: (Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, and Interreligious Dialogue) |5


Instruction: The Sunday reflection consists of two paragraphs. The first paragraph should be the
summary of the gospel and homily. The second paragraph should be the lesson you learn from the
gospel or homily and how you as a student can apply it to your own selves. Reflections are very
personal so make sure your reflections are not copied from the internet. Once caught they are
automatically scored as ZERO. Please refrain yourself from using the third pronouns like we, us, they
and many more instead use personal pronouns like I, myself, and me.


Religious Denomination (e.g., Roman Catholic):
Parish Name (If virtual specify where you watched the mass. E.g., The Healing Eucharist):
Parish Priest/Pastor:

Summary of the Gospel and Homily:


Content: 7 pts.
Format- 2 pts.
Grammar- 1 pt.

CFED 1051- CICM in Action: (Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, and Interreligious Dialogue) |6


CICM-membership. (1999). Rome: Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (CICM).

CICM: Christ is calling me: 150 years of service in God's mission (2007). Rome: Congregation of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary (CICM).

AD GENTES: Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church (7 December, 1965), in “The Documents of
Vatican II”, ed. Walter M. Abbot, S.J., The America Press, New York, 1966, pp. 584-630. Original text in “Acta
Apostolicae Sedis” (AAS), vol. LVIII (1966), pp. 947-990.

LUMEN GENTIUM: Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (21 November, 1964), in “The Documents of Vatican
II”, ed. Walter M. Abbot, S.J., The America Press, New York, 1966, pp. 14-96. Original text in “AAS”, vol. LVII
(1965), pp. 5-67.


NOVA ET VETERA RP PROVINCE NEWSLETTER. May 2016 Vol. 52 No. 5. (n.d.). Retrieved September 03,
2020, from https://docplayer.net/55474385-Nova-et-vetera-rp-province-newsletter-may-2016-vol-52-no-5.html

Null. (2009, November 16). On New Territories for Evangelizing - ZENIT - English. Retrieved September 03,
2020, from https://zenit.org/articles/on-new-territories-for-evangelizing/

Photo credits:


CFED 1051- CICM in Action: (Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, and Interreligious Dialogue) |7

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