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Chapter 5
The Communication Process

Chapter 6
Source, Message and Channel Factors

Topics Discussed
Chapter 5:

• A Basic Model of Communication (Review)

• The Response Process
o Traditional Response Hierarchy Models
▪ AIDA model
▪ Hierarchy of effects model
▪ Innovation Adoption Model
▪ Information processing model
o Cognitive Processing of Communications
▪ The Cognitive Response Approach
▪ Product/Message Thoughts
▪ Source-Oriented Thoughts
▪ Ad Execution Thoughts
▪ Attitude toward the ad

Chapter 6:

• Promotional Planning through the Persuasion Matrix

▪ Persuasion Matrix
• Source Factors
• Source Credibility
• Applying Expertise
• Applying Trustworthiness
• Using Corporate Leaders as Spokespeople
• Limitations of Credible Sources
• Source Attractiveness
• Applying Similarity
• Applying Likability: Using Celebrities
• Overshadowing the Product
• Overexposure
• Target Audiences’ Receptivity
• Risk to the Advertiser
• Return on Investment
▪ Understanding the Meaning of Celebrity Endorser

• Choosing a Celebrity Endorser

▪ Applying Likability: Decorative Models
o Source Power

• Message Factors
o Message Structure
▪ Order of Presentation
▪ Conclusion Drawing
▪ Message Sidedness
▪ Refutation
▪ Verbal versus Visual messages
o Message Appeals
▪ Comparative Advertising
▪ Fear Appeals
▪ How Fear Operates
▪ Humor Appeals

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