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Forgiveness and

What is forgiveness?
•To desire what is best for that person in spite of the things he or she has done.
•Letting go of the desire for revenge.
•Respecting people’s dignity
•Remembering they are God’s children no matter what they have done.

What does Jesus teach us about forgiveness?

•Forgive to be forgiven
•“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also
forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will
not forgive your sins.” (Matthew 6:14-15)

Why Forgive?
•Jesus asked us to forgive(Parable of the Servant, Matthew 18: 23-35).
•If we wish to be forgiven, we must be willing to forgive others.
•When we harden our hearts to people, we harden our hearts to God.
•When we forgive others, our hearts become soft enough for us to receive love and
•We experience God’s total acceptance
•Forgiving frees us from the destructive power of hate and anger.

Does forgiveness mean accepting a person’s


•Forgiveness does not mean saying what he or she did was okay.
•When we forgive people, we still expect them to do what they can
to repair the damage they have done, as best they can.
How Can I Forgive?
•We are often not able to forget but we can forgive by asking the Holy Spirit for
•The Holy Spirit can help us see that people who act in hurtful ways need our
•Forgiveness is like any other virtue – it is a good habit.
•Forgiveness is a decision, not an emotion.
•We must also learn to forgive ourselves.

•Reconciliation means “flow together again” – harmony.
•Restoring harmony between two people requires conversion and forgiveness.
•We reconcile to one another even though some sins can forever change our

The Three C’s of Conversion

1) Contrition (or sorrow). The person who has done wrong must see that it
was wrong and be sorry for doing it.
•He or she must also have a real desire to avoid doing the same thing again.
2) Conversion
•Is a change of heart
•Conversion also requires confession. We must be willing to admit and take
responsibility for what we have done. This must be done in our own hearts
and publicly because sin affects everyone and our ability to love others.
3) Correction (or Satisfaction)
•When a person has done something to harm another in any way, that person
must do what he or she can to repair the harm.

1. Who have you not forgiven?... and why?
2. Do you hold ill feelings towards someone?
3. Can you find it in your heart to forgive this person?
4. When are you called to forgive?

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