BSI IndiQual Doc4.1 OverviewSpon LowRes

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Dri Ur Peer Reel) UC PIAL ALTO NATO Overview and Sponsorship rela ilding sssional Certification Program Sponsors @opeveim =" Dm chee ntcras senwere {GATRR DIGITAL SUISSE CCOSTRUZIONE DIGITAL SvIZZERA CCONSTRUIR DIGITAL S¥I2RA, y @BovidingSMART ‘Akademie — e°- : " ° bs freelance mensch maschne BoulldingSMART. ®6iBIMi institute for BIM Italy Contents Forward 1. Introduction 4.1 Scope 2. Individual Qualification 2.4 Content Development 2.2 Course Deivery Approval 23 Individual Qualification 3 Learning Outcome Framework 8.1 Methodology and Structure 8.2 Learning Outoome Framework 3.3 Question Database 8.4 Body of Knowledge 8.5 Purpose and Use 3,6 BASIC Learning Outcome (overview) 4 Organisation & Sponsorship 4.1 Organisational Structure 4.2 Sponsorship Professional Certification Program Phase 1: Individual Qualification Overview and Sponsorship Plan Prepared by: Mark Baldwin, Leader, buildingSMART International Professional Certiication Committee Reviewed by: bultingSMART International Professional Certiication Committee & Acvisory Pane! Contact: Draft Version 1.0» May 2018 10 10 & ouildingSMART. Professional Cateaton Foreword In recent years we have witnessed an accelerated adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) around the world. However, there is stil alot of confusion and a lack of consistency in defining processes ‘and agreeing on basic terms and concepts. There is also a great disparity in the competence of industry professionals who manage and deliver BIM projects. For BIM adoption to be successful, we need * Consensus in the use of standardised terminology and processes: ‘+ Abenchmarking mechanism against which the competence of individuals ‘can be measured buildingSMART is a recognised leader in the development of openBIM standards and can bring clarity and consensus in the definition and application (of openIM principles. Through its Professional Certification Program, buildingSMART wll provide a global benchmark for openBIM training ‘and cortfication This Program will have a widespread impact across the global industry. It wil provide a stable reference point for professionals working in the field of BIM, It wil also assist employers in recruiting BIM professionals as well as provide transparency for project developers in procuring BIM competent consulting ‘and contracting fers, Like all buldingSMART initiatives, the success of this Program is dependent ‘on industry participation. | encourage you to engage with this Program at the level that is most suitable for you as an intemational sponsor, as a local partner ‘or training provider within your Chapter, or as an industry professional seeking {a globaly recognised training Richard Petrie Chiat Executive, buldingSMART International Part 1 Introduction ‘The Professional Certification Program exists to support training organisation to deliver internationally standardised and recognised training content. bulldingSMART is not, and will not become, a training organisation. However buildingSMART wil, rough the Professional Cortfication Program ‘+ Support the standardisation of openBIM training content ‘Enable the approval of training organisations * Test and qualify individuals (who have undertaken these aporoved trainings) 1.1 Scope ‘The Program is dhided into two phases, Phase 1, caled Indhidual Qualification, is the fst release of th Program that focusses on knowledge-based learning “Te Indicual Quaf[eaton was developed based on the successful education program from buildingSMART Norway. In September 2017 this Program was officially launched by duldingSMART International and is now being adopted ‘and implemented by Chapters around the world In Phase 2 a more comprehensive version of the Program will be launched that will focusses applied learning within the field, This second phase, simply labelled ‘Professional Certification’, is exected to be market-ready in 2021, ‘Trtiary education is the highest possibie lovel of training, However, as buldingSMART is industry focused, tortiay ‘education is not addressed within this Program. BouildingSMART fessional eon Individual Qualification, is the first release (Phase 1) of the Program ‘The current focus of buidingSMART is on Phase 1: Tertiary, X Excluded from Education), bS! Scope Individual Qualification, as outlined in this document. Individus (arena cr Professional errr (Applied learning) eee v Phase 2 eee erie v Phase 1 d learning) Program Scope & Phases Part 2 Individual Qualification Indevidual Qualifcation delivers in three areas: + Content Development defining learning outcomes ‘and related resources, + Course Approval the procedure to review and approve candidate training + Individual Qualification the testing and qualification of individuals who have undertaken an approved training 2.1 Content Development Learing content is delvered in multip's modules. There are currently seven ‘modules planned (see below). The Basic ‘module, which is already complete, is the foundation of the Program and is mandatory forall Chapters to adopt, Each Module has specific learning ‘outcomes defined by buldingSMART International (oS). These learning ‘outcomes are international standards, ‘The builcingSMART Chapters who impioment the Program cannot chango the core learning content however, they ccan add additional local content to meet rational standards or requirements. = re - = - = 2.2 Course Delivery Approval ‘Training providers who wish to deliver ‘a buldngSMART approved course must apply to thelr local buldingS MART ‘Chapler. The review and approval of training organisations folows 2 ‘our-stage process. Course approval is delvered by the buildingSMART Chapter, or its nominated representative, Training providers ‘are obliged to pay a fee of between £1,500 ~ 2,500* forthe approval process. Course approval willbe valid for two years, after which time the training provider must reapply. Pyare) Nr Xt 2.3 Individual Qualification Indivduals wishing to receive 6S) ualfications must complete @ buldingSMART approved course from a registered training Provider. Once the training is complete, the candidate fs eligible to sit an exam and become buldingSMART Qualified. BUICINGSMART ren ncernational Re of open Available courses sting and qualfication is managed via an onfine Qualification Platform, his isa straightforward multiple-choice ‘exam that can be completed within 20 minutes. Directly after completely the exam, the candidate will be noted of their result. they have passed, they will receive a digital cetfcate with their name, training provider, unique ID, cate etc. which can be printed or shared digital, The cost o ‘and qualiication is botwoon €7 individual assessment 25." oe bst-BIM Basie course @PbvioingsMAAT building SMART. Once the training is complete the candidate is eligible to sit an exam and become buildingSMART Qualified. Pruigingsmage ‘Sone ® ovseantans Above: Individual Qualification Certiicate Lett Online Qualfication Program Part 3 Learning Outcome Framework 3.1 Methodology and Structure ‘The Program utlises Bloom's Taxonomy to classify the level of learning required. Asan entry level, the Individual (Quatfcation has been designed to satisly only basic knowledge requirements ‘around BIM specially the knowledge ‘and comprehension learning levels ‘of Bloom's Taxonomy. In Phase 2, the more advanced learning lovols (application, analysis, synthesis ‘and evaluation) will be addressed. 3.2 Learning Outcome Framework ‘The Learning Outcome Framework (LOF) is the core component of the Program, Each rmodule is to have a minimum Cf 25 and maximum of 20 individual Learing Outcomes (LOS) The LOs define the minimum lesring that approved trainings must convey within their course curricula and is subsequently the framework against which applicant courses willbe assessed and approved. The LOs are also the basis {or the testing and qualtication processes. Tho Basic module contains 28 LOs. 3.3 Question Database ‘A question database of a minimum +180 questions is to be created for each LO module. The question database is usedlin the Qualification Platform to randomly select questions for each candidate tost 3.4 Body of Knowledge A Body of Knowledge wil be created for ‘each module, Ths s not @ learning resource, but rather a source reference for each learning objective anc question content ‘covered in a paticular module. Chaoters may aso wish to translate this into their local language to support their local raining providers in developing ther course 3.5 Purpose and Use “Training Providers ae encouraged to Uso this LOF as a basis for developing IM training content. However itis notintended that the LOs alone wil compose ful ‘course curriculum. The LOF represents the minimum learning an itis expected that approved courses wil cower other content in adalton to the LOs described within this framework. We suggest thatthe time required to sufficiently cover all content within the LOF is not less than 6 hours. ‘This is desgned to be implemented into traning courses with a duration of 1-2 days. The LOs define the minimum learning that approved trainings must convey within their course curricula and is subsequently the framework against which applicant courses will be assessed and approved. 3.6 Basic Learning Outcome (Overview) 1 Understand what BIM is, why itis needed, and recognise its specific terminology. 1.1 Define the drivers that have toBM; 1.2 Define BIM; 1.3 Identity & define key BIM terminology; 1.4 Define BIM maturity levels 1.5 Define what constitutes an Information Mode! 2 Recognise the advantages of BIM compared to traditional project delivery. 2.1 Know why collaborative and new ways of working aro roquired; 2.2 Identily the effects of poor information management on projects; 2 (dently the standards develooed to mitigate poor information; 2.4 Identiy the benefits of BIM to construction professionals; 2.5 Identity the benefits of BIM adoption to clients and facility management 3 82 33 8a 35 Understand the project information development cycle (and its key terms); specifically how project information is specified, produced, exchanged, and maintained. 1+ Know why employers need to Clary dofine thoir requirements (EIR) Know why the supply chain needs ‘10 agroo a plan to execute BIM fn the project (BEP); Know why consistent exchanges: of information are required; Identity the key elements and benefits of using a collaborative ‘exchange platform (CDE} Know why clearly defined infornation management responsbllies are required; Know why assessing potential supply chain members before appontment is required 4a 42 43 44 45 46 az 586 BouildingSMART Professional Cateaton Recognise the need for open and interoperable solutions. Define the bulldingSMARY ‘community: Define openBIM and its benefits compared to using proprictary products and systems; now what IFC is and its benetits Know what MVDs are ang their benefits; Know what IDMs are and their benefits; Know what the BSD is and its benefits; Know what BOF is and its benefits. Identity an organisation’s capability in working with BIM. Understand the potential benefits for a company in adopting BIM: Understand the factors that define an orgarisation’s ovo of BIM Maturity 8 Know why 8IM adoption needs {0 align to organisational goals; Identity the benefits and challenges 10 BM adoption; Know what the data security Impications are for adogting 81M. Part 4 Organisation & Sponsorship 4.1 Organisational Structure “The Program is managed at an inteatioral ively the bS'Professional Cadfeaton Committ. Tis body, currently representing seven buildingSMART ‘Chapters (Canada, Germany, Japan, Korea, Norway, Spain, Switzerland and UK & Ireland) reports to the bSI Standards Commitee Execute (SCE) and coorcinates Al “down-steam’ davelopment of the Program with the local Chapter committees. ‘an Advisory Panel provides extemal input and peer review. Cod Qualification coy Coe Qualification cou 4.2 Sponsorship The Program wil have a huge impact An Advisory Panel on IM cecal around the word. provides external input professional competency and will and peer review. help raise the level of BIM delivery across the global industry. We are offering a select number of organisations to partner with us at an international level. Bocorning an international sponsor enables an organisation to align itsef with this important intative. ere eon eed Cee) retin eee Certification eee) Cod Qualification cog Cee Qualification coe Cee rece coy Program Organisation Fea eS eae eel st fee Sac Nee ee fee Tamla eee aM en Tee tone Or visit: ®iBIMi ® DEUBIM menschitma:

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