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Williams Syndrome Association

Literacy Instruction
for Individuals with
Williams Syndrome (WS)
When teaching READING to individuals with WS...
Word Language Literacy is...
Sequence Identification Comprehension "...reading and
Anchor Includes both decoding and
writing traditional
Teach in context of
Read sight word recognition
reading; orthography, or
Apply Don't teach sight words in not just in isolation
isolation; teach them in the
alphabet letters, for
context of reading meaningful
Reading Fluency purposes." (Erickson
Reading Motivation Most efficiently gained & Koppenhaver,
by successfully
Personal: Investment in content
reading a wide range
2020, p. xvi)
Connected: easy reading; series
books of materials
Repetition with Variety; re- Any book that moves a
reading is great! child to read is a great
Don't outlaw content
- David Koppenhaver
When teaching WRITING to individuals with WS...

Structure & Scaffold Anchor in Prior Knowledge

Build the system so that the child can complete as The child is the expert on the topic
independently as possible
Facilitate, don’t legislate, topic
Avoid verbal prompting; Use indirect or environmental
prompting choice

Name Audience Mitigate Motor Needs

Who are you writing for? This is especially important for to investigate and resolve
the child with Williams syndrome
any issues you face
Support the child’s ability to think about a variety of
audiences: self, single others, groups

Integrate Types of Writing Affirm & Encourage

Be a “curious partner”
Lists, narrative, expository (compare and contrast, Ask student to read back what they wrote.
timelines, directions), poetry, letters (friendly and Affirm their idea; “that sounds great”
business), journals and diaries, texts, email, social media “Tell me more” about…; what else?; oooh
posting interesting… tell me more…;
NO "WH" Questions!

Your Goals are... Use Mentor Texts

clear communication NOT perfect spelling, grammar, These are great examples of
punctuation, beautiful handwriting... different types of writing
Independence in all aspects (choice of topic, choice of
audience, genre, revision, editing…)

Where do you start?

They are
accessible to
others only if you
share them using
password or in a
public mode.

Children learn what they have been taught

Key Concepts to Remember in the way they have been taught. 
- David Koppenhaver
(Mervis et al., 2021)

Language & Vocabulary
Working Memory
Visual-spatial Deficits
Individuals with WS may be Individuals with WS may Significant visual-spatial
highly verbal but that does struggle to hold multiple deficits are common in
not mean that they have pieces of information in individuals with WS.  
equal receptive and short term memory. These deficits can impact
expressive language skills.   Utilizing a "two ways in" visual tracking, handwriting,
Direct instruction in strategy supports their and reading comprehension.
Ensure visual-spatial needs
vocabulary & language are ability to absorb and retain
are supported before
beneficial throughout the presented information
assuming a child cannot
entirety of their school

Need more support?  The WSA is here to help!

Training Resources Consultation

The WSA will provide The WSA has a The Education Consultant is
training for you and/or myriad of happy to provide 3 hours of
your school.  Training resources on its FREE consultation to you
can be done virtually or website to and/or your team as you
in person. support you and support your student with
your teaching. Williams syndrome.

Erickson, K., & Koppenhaver, D. (2020). Comprehensive literacy for all: Teaching students with significant disabilities to read and
write (1st ed.). Brookes Publishing.

Mervis, C. B., Greiner de Magalhães, C., & Cardoso-Martins, C. (2021). Concurrent predictors of word reading and reading
comprehension for 9-year-olds with williams syndrome. Reading and Writing.

Infographic created by Robin Pegg, MEd, COTA/L, ATP - August 2021

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