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CLASS 12 – Time allowed: 60 minutes
Full name:…………………..
Class: …………….

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three:
1. A. résumé B. certificate C. diploma D. degree
2. A. recommend B. insincere C. technology D. academic
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three:
3. A. plashed B. fetched C. blesssed D. snowed
4. A. vans B. tents C. soaps D. clicks

Read the following passage and choose the correct answers:

Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher and poet, well-known for penning the book Tao Te Ching. He
was the founder of philosophy of Taoism, a religious and ethical custom of ancient China. He is largely
respected as a religious deity in various traditional Chinese religious schools of thought. He is also believed
by some to be an older contemporary of the famous philosopher Confucius.
Lao Tzu’s journey began as he set foot towards the western border of China, currently Tibet. He was
saddened by what he saw around him: men being diverted away from nature and the goodness it brings. A
guard he met on the border asked Lao to write down his teachings as he went. This is when he wrote the
famous Tao Te Ching, a 5,000 character account of his thoughts and philosophical ideas.
Like various ancient Chinese philosophers, Lao Tzu made use of rhyme and rhythm, paradoxes and
interesting analogies to get his point across in Tao Te Ching. In reality, the entire book can be considered as
one great analogy.
The ‘Tao Te Ching’, literally meaning ‘The Way and Its Power’ presents the idea of ‘Tao’ as being the end all
and be all of existence. It is extremely powerful, yet down to earth. It is the source of all being in the world.
The book intends to guide people on how to return to the laws and ways of nature to maintain the balance of
the Tao.
Lao Tzu’s philosophy was a simple one. He was against putting effort and striving, as he thought struggle is
not only pointless but also hinders productivity. In his theory of ‘wu-wei’, he advises to simply do nothing. By
this he means not to go against the forces of nature, wait for the gush of events nature brings to you and dive
right in. He advised not to struggle to change the natural order of things, but to bring spontaneity to one’s
actions as one holds on to the nature’s way of life.

5. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Lao Tzu’s biography B. What Lao Tzu did in Tibet
C. Lao Tzu’s books D. Lao Tzu’s philosophy and books
6. What is not true of Tao Te Ching?
A. It is a 5,000-character book
B. It consists of his teachings.
C. It is about how men moved away from nature and gods.
D. It was written from the request of a guard he met.
7. What is not included in Lao Tzu’s writing style?
A. rhyme B. analogies C. codes D. paradoxes
8. Which of the following may be the synonym of the word ‘schools’?
A. the places where children are taught B. learning processes
B. groups of people D. ways
9. What is the purpose of Tao Te Ching?
A. To encourage people to return to nature laws and ways
B. To guide people how to exist in the end
C. To present great analogies
D. To introduce the balance between Tao and other religions
10. Which of the following does the theory ‘wu-wei’ support?
A. the struggle against nature B. the change of one’s existence
B. the change of natural order D. the acceptance of nature as it is
11. What is the most noticeable feature in Lao Tzu’s philosophy?
A. Making more and more effort B. Living spontaneously
C. Simplicity D. Struggling for productivity

Choose the answer A, B, C or D which is suitable to complete each of the following sentences:
12. The movie star is said ________ in an action film; she hardly has any experience of such films.
A. to not perform B. not performing
C. never to have performed D. never having performed
13. No sooner _______ the book to the library than he borrowed five more.
A. did Peter return B. has Peter returned
C. Peter had returned D. had Peter returned
14. Comic books _______ with colorful funny pictures easily attract the young children’s attention.
A. illustrated B. been illustrated C. illustrating D. are illustrated
15. Her interesting résumé in addition to her good qualifications _______ of great contribution to her
winning a post in a prestigious company.
A. are B. is C. have been D. had been
16. If there should be another campaign against smoking, I ________ it.
A. will join B. would join C. would have joined D. should join
17. _______ the instructions the predecessors gave him, Harry decided to complete the project with the
help of an infamous company.
A. Despite B. Although C. Even if D. Because
18. The last train to Norfolk ________ in time had it not been for foggy weather.
A. would have come B. would come C. had come D. will have come
19. I wonder _______ such a qualified team.
A. how could our team defeat B. whether could our team defeat
C. how our team could defeat D. that our team could defeat
20. By the time Gina ______ secondary school, her family had moved their house 5 times.
A. will have finished B. has finished C. finishes D. finished
21. His latest work cannot be ______ as either a novel or an autobiography.
A. fallen B. put C. categorized D. typed
22. Starting to work in a small company in a remote area must be a _______ experience.
A. challenged B. daunting C. academic D. close-knit
23. She fortunately found a job _______ right after her graduation from law school.
A. vacant B. vacancy C. vacation D. vacate
24. Jim, though trying hard, failed to _______ the teacher’s attention to his drawing.
A. absorb B. draw C. turn D. pay
25. In order to be _______ to the institution, Olga had to submit a 700-word essay.
A. accepted B. offered C. employed D. admitted

Choose the word or phrase which is SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined part in each of the
following sentences:
26. I find it very challenging to translate these terms into my first language, for I fail to find direct
A. translators B. dictionaries C. equal phrases D. same things
27. When asked about why they locked their dog in the wardrobe, the kids looked at each other, their
eyes full of mischief.
A. trouble B. harm C. doubt D. happiness
Choose the word or phrase which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the
following sentences:
28. That is certainly an academic question and I ensure that it has nothing to do with common sense.
A. doubt B. prepare C. make sure D. protest
29. The interview ended abruptly, and the candidate did not understand why his answers were rudely
A. suddenly B. without notice C. happily D. predictably

Choose the sentence which is similar in meaning to the given one:

30. He was found guilty for having accepted bribes from a big corporation.
A. He offered bribes to a big corporation, and he was guilty.
B. He was accused of having taken bribes from a big corporation.
C. He was found guilty by a big corporation because of bribes.
D. Bribery was what a big guilty corporation had accepted from him.

31. Don’t be taken in by his words when that snake-oil salesman tries to sell you the useless items.
A. Don’t be cheated by the salesman’s words who tries to sell you snake-oil.
B. Don’t try to buy snake-oil from the salesman who sells useless items.
C. Don’t believe the useless words of that snake-oil salesman who tries to buy items.
D. Don’t be cheated by the snake-oil salesman’s words when he wants to sell useless items.
32. Social housing is houses or flats that are provided by a local council or another organization for
people to buy or rent at a low price.
A. Houses or flats provided by a local council or an organization for buying or renting cheaply are
called social housing.
B. People who can buy or rent houses or flats at a low price are working for social housing
provision or local council.
C. Provision of houses or flats by a local council for people to buy or rent at a low price is done by
an organization called social housing.
D. A local council or another organization where people can buy or rent houses or flats at a low
price is named social housing.
33. South Kensington is a district in west London. It is well known for its museums, foreign embassies,
expensive houses, and fashionable shops and restaurants.
A. Museums, foreign embassies, expensive houses, and fashionable shops and restaurants are all
famous for South Kensington, a district in west London.
B. South Kensington is among the famous museums, foreign embassies, expensive houses, and
fashionable shops and restaurants in a district in west London.
C. South Kensington, located in west London, is a district famous for its museums, foreign
embassies, expensive houses, and fashionable shops and restaurants.
D. Among many west London museums, foreign embassies, expensive houses, and fashionable
shops and restaurants, South Kensington is the most famous district.
34. Elderly people often show their fear of being abandoned and being sent to nursing homes.
A. Elderly people are often afraid of being left behind and sent to nursing homes.
B. Elderly people often fear for abandoning their nursing homes.
C. Abandoned nursing homes are the frequent fear of elderly people.
D. Being abandoned often, the elderly people living in nursing homes are fearful.
Identify the mistake in each of the following sentences:
35. With long queues (A) of customers waited (B) outside on Black Friday, the staff in the shop felt (C)
pity for themselves (D).
36. Most of the citizen (A) in the city desire for the abolition (B) of the tax though they can predict that
their (C) suggestion may not be considered (D).
37. The clerk could have helped me (A) with the bank account , but (B) I failed sending (C) the letter in
time to him (D).
Read the following passage and choose the correct answers:
Experiments have shown that in selecting personnel for a job, interviewing is at best a hindrance, and may
even cause harm. These studies have disclosed that the judgments of interviewers differ markedly and bear
little or no relationship to the adequacy of job applicants. Of the many reasons why this should be the case,
three in particular stand out. The first reason is related to an error of judgment known as the halo effect. If a
person has one noticeable good trait, their other characteristics will be judged as better than they really are.
Thus, an individual who dresses smartly and shows self-confidence is likely to be judged capable of doing a
job well regardless of his or her real ability.
Interviewers are also affected by an effect called the primacy effect. This error occurs when interpretation of
later information is changed by earlier connected information. Hence, in an interview situation, the interviewer
spends most of the interview trying to confirm the impression given by the candidate in the first few moments.
Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that such an impression is unrelated to the ability of the applicant.
The phenomenon known as the contrast effect also changes the judgment of interviewers. A suitable
candidate may be underestimated because he or she contrasts with a previous one who appears
exceptionally intelligent. Likewise, an average candidate who is preceded by one who gives a weak showing
may be judged as more suitable than he or she really is.
Since interviewers as a form of personnel selection have been shown to be inadequate, other selection
procedures have been prepared which more accurately predict candidate suitability. Of the various tests
prepared, the predictor which appears to do this most successfully is cognitive ability as measured by a
variety of tests.

38. This passage mainly discusses the
A. effects of interviewing on job applicants.
B. inadequacy of interviewing job applicants
C. judgments of interviewers concerning job applicants
D. techniques that interviewers use for judging job applicants
39. The word ‘hindrance’ is closest in meaning to
A. encouragement B. assistance C. procedure D. interference
40. The word ‘they’ refers to
A. judgments B. applicants C. interviewers D. characteristics
41. According to the passage, the halo effect
A. stands out as the worst judgmental error
B. takes effect only when a candidate is well dressed
C. exemplifies how one good characteristic colors perception
D. helps the interviewer’s capability to judge real ability
42. According to the passage, the first impression
A. can easily be changed
B. is the one that stays with the interviewer
C. is unrelated to the interviewer’s judgement
D. has been repeatedly demonstrated to the applicant
43. The word ‘this’ refers to
A. prepare personnel selection B. measure cognitive ability
C. predict candidate suitability D. prepare accurate tests
44. The author mentions all of the following reasons why interviewing is not an accurate way to predict
candidate suitability EXCEPT the
A. halo effect B. primacy effect C. contrast effect D. cognitive effect
45. The paragraphs following the passage will propably discuss which of the following?
A. Other reasons for misjudgments of applicants
B. More information on the kinds of judgmental effects
C. More information on cognitive ability tests
D. other selection procedures included in interviewing

Choose the word or phrase which best completes the following passage:
Why do unhappy couples still stay together? According to a study, it may be because they fear their
(46)______ won’t be able to cope without them.
Samantha Joel, an assistant professor of psychology at Western University, Ontario, and adjunct professor
at the University of Utah, explained: “The more dependent people believed their partner was on the
relationship, (47)________ they were to start a breakup.”
In the past, researchers looked toward self-interest for nurturing a relationship. Here, the psychologists
wanted to investigate pro-social motivations, and the apparent desire to protect one's spouse (48)______
hurt. To (49)_______ the research, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the team
carried out two studies. In the first, they recruited 1,348 volunteers in romantic relationships and tracked them
over a 10-week period. In the second part, the researchers continued and replicated the first part, including
500 participants who were weighing whether to (50)_______ up with their spouses. This group was studied
for two months. And the results were surprising.

46. A. partners B. counterparts C. occupants D. inhabitants

47. A. the more likely B. the less likely C. the less regular D. the more able
48. A. over B. against C. off D. from
49. A. comprehend B. conclude C. conduct D. compose
50. A. break B. get C. do D. take


CLASS 12 – Time allowed: 60 minutes
Full name:…………………..
Class: …………….

Read the passage and choose the correct answers:

There is nothing worse than someone who is always late. Lateness can be a charming eccentricity –
for a little while. The trouble is that Mr or Mrs Unpunctual soon starts causing inconvenience to other people.
That’s when the cheerful acceptance gives way to scorn and resentment. It’s surprising how far the
unpunctual person will go to inconvenience others. For example, after accepting the offer of a lift to work the
following morning, he or she will fail to turn up at the pick-up spot at the agreed time. There’s sure to be a
convincing reason: lost door keys, a child with whooping cough, a cat stuck up an apple tree…
The giver of the lift makes sure he’s not late. He’s made the offer and now he feels responsible for it;
come what may he must keep his word. On the other hand, the person who’s receiving the favour feels free
to turn up 10, 15 or 30 minutes after the time which has been agreed. For him or her they are minutes of
hurried activity earning the right to chauffeur-driven luxury; for the driver – the victim – they are minutes of
sheer frustration, boredom and wasted time.
What’s the result of this easy-going attitude? Well, maybe the person who offered the lift gives up the
seemingly endless wait and disappears, in which case the latecomer struggles to complete his day’s schedule
later than ever. Wherever he goes he blames the lift for ‘letting him down’.
There’s another equally likely result. In this version of the story, the giver of the lift waits in loyal
frustration at the side of the road for as long as the thoughtless passenger takes to reach the spot. Not only
are both of them late for work, but the passenger tells his colleagues about the driver’s impatience in traffic
So what’s the answer? Perhaps there should be a subtle change in how we view time. At the moment we
think of it as a very elastic commodity; we make vague arrangements to meet at about a certain time, and no
one has a clear idea as to just how far that time will stretch. Will ‘about ten o’clock’ stretch to quarter past ten
– or will it stretch to half past ten? There are no fixed rules.
Why not arrange to meet by a certain time and stick to it? Not giving even a minute’s grace seems a little
harsh, but look at it this may: a train won’t wait for a late passenger. People know what the deadline is, they
accept that they have to be on time and they usually are. Even the closest friends give up on each other
eventually, so they may as well as set a giving – up time when they make their arrangement. ‘By ten o’clock’
should mean ‘sorry, but that’s when I set off without you’.

1. What is the passage about?

A. An example of an person who is unpunctual. B. Problems of being late.
C. How we feel when giving lifts to people. D. Inconvenience lateness brings about.
2. What does the word “resentment” mean?
A. discomfort B. disappointment C. anger D. doubt
3. How does the person receiving the lift offer feel about his lateness?
A. He deeply regrets it.
B. He knows it is inconvenience, but he could not make it on time.
C. He feels disappointed.
D. He thinks that he has the right to be late.
4. What is the common thing in the two ways of reaction mentioned in the passage?
A. The latecomer will speak ill about the lift-giver.
B. The lift-giver will feel at ease.
C. Both the lift-giver and the latecomer are late but happy.
D. Both the lift-giver and the latecomer avoid talking about it.
5. According to the writer, what is wrong with our judgement of time?
A. We think it is a precise arrangement. B. We mistake it as something elastic.
C. We value it as something unchanged. D. We love to stretch them as long as possible.
6. What does the writer advise us to do?
A. not to give lifts B. set a time and stick to it
C. set off without worrying about arrangements D. be harsher to close friends
7. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “letting him down’?
A. Leaving him behind B. disappointing him
C. challenging him D. asking him to leave the car

Choose the best answer to fill in each blank of the following passage:
The Questions before the Consent” are an important (8)_______ of a Catholic wedding ceremony. (9)_____
to its name, this moment entails the celebrant (priest or deacon) asking the bride and groom a (10)______
of questions immediately before they exchange their consent (marriage vows) and are married. These
questions involve the couple’s “freedom of choice, fidelity to each other, and the acceptance and
(11)_______ of children”. While they are asked the questions together, each person must answer the
questions (12)______. It is a solemn moment, as bride and groom pledge before God and the community
their intention to undertake through God’s grace the vocation of lifelong marriage, a permanent union open
to the gift of new life.
8. A. role B. part C. speech D. drama
9. A. True B. Real C. Right D. Correct
10. A. group B. collecion C. line D. series
11. A. upbringing B. outcome C. intake D. downpour
12. A. solely B. singularly C. lonely D. individually

Read the passage and choose the correct answers:

Geographers are social scientists who study countries, regions, and cities through their economy, social
conditions, climate, and topography. Geographers use their findings to solve problems in urban and regional
planning, business, and agriculture. While many geographers are involved in environmental planning, most
teach and do research in colleges and universities. Geographers also teach in high schools or work for federal
and state agencies, private companies, or as self-employed consultants.
Geographers analyze distributions of physical and cultural phenomena on local, regional, continental,
and global scales. Most geographers specialize in a particular aspect or method of geographic study.
Economic geographers study the distribution of resources and economic activities. Political geographers are
concerned with the relationship of geography to political phenomena, and cultural geographers study the
geography of cultural phenomena. Physical geographers examine variations in climate, vegetation, soil, and
landforms and their implications for human activity. Urban and transportation geographers study cities and
metropolitan areas. Climatologists study weather patterns. Regional geographers or area specialists do
research on a particular geographic region, ranging in size from a congressional district to entire continents.
They use research methods from many aspects of geography to study all facets of an area, including its
climate, economy, physical features, and culture. Medical geographers investigate health-care delivery
systems, epidemiology (the study of the causes and control of epidemics), and the effect of the environment
on health. Cartographers collect information and develop maps from aerial photographs, surveys, and other
sources. They usually work for companies that publish maps and for the defense and intelligence
departments of the government. Geographical information systems specialists use computer-aided
technology to compile and analyze large amounts of data for environmental planning and natural resource
Most geographers use GIS technology to assist with their work. For example, they may use GIS to create
computerized maps that can track information such as population growth, traffic patterns, environmental
hazards, natural resources, and weather patterns, after which they use the information to advise governments
on the development of houses, roads, or landfills.
In business, geographers help decide where to locate production facilities, find markets for goods and
services, and do market analysis. Their advice is valued because they are trained to study physical features,
such as natural resources, in tandem with cultural conditions, such as the availability of labor and

13. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

A. What characteristics a geographer possesses.
B. Which jobs a geographer may be involved in.
C. Different fields are well-related to geography.
D. Characteristics of geography.
14. Which geographer is qualified in climate and terrain reseach?
A. cultural B. political C. urban D. physical
15. A regional geographer may engage himself in all of the following EXCEPT…
A. climate reseach B. culture observation
C. environmental problems D. regional features

16. What is the purpose of paragraph 3?
A. To describe the detailed activities of geographers.
B. To list all applications of GIS technology.
C. To give examples of how applicable the geographical information is.
D. To illustrate an idea in the previous paragraph.
17. What does the phrase ‘facets’ mean?
A. problems B. values C. aspects D. save
18. Which of the following is one of the jobs of business geographers?
A. finding markets B. fabricating things
C. recruit labor D. improve transportation
19. Which of the following questions is NOT answered in the passage?
A. How much does a geographer earn?
B. Which job opportunities can a geographer get?
C. Which field can a geographer be useful for?
D. What does a geographer exactly do?

Choose the correct answers:

20. ________ below zero, we would lose all of the crops.
A. Were the temperature to fall B. If the temperature falls
C. Had the temperature fallen D. If the temperature should fall
21. Children often take up smoking ______ peer pressure.
A. for B. in case C. due to D. despite
22. Never before _______ to produce a variety show which attracts a wide audience.
A. does the theatre fail B. the theatre has failed
C. did the theatre fail D. has the theatre failed
23. - You look gorgeous in the new suit! - __________.
A. You can say that again B. Thanks C. Good for you! D. Nice saying!
24. Teachers are mostly responsible ______ the parents ______ the children’s behavior.
A. for/for B. with/about C. to/ for D. by/about
25. On a regular basis, mail _______ twice a week in this neighborhood.
A. delivers B. is delivered C. has been delivered D. are delivered
26. The fight against terrorism has become _______.
A. more and more challenging B. more and more easier
C. least tense D. less difficulty
27. The last item _______ was added to the shoping list cost the most.
A. It B. which C. though D. that
28. I forgot _______ back my passport from the hotel reception, and it was a big mistake.
A. to get B. to have got C. getting D. being gotten
29. You should have written a better ______ to get a better chance of interview.
A. recommendation B. qualification C. résumé D. reference
30. Mrs Smith is too old to work an eight-hour _______.
A. shift B. section C. lap D. session
31. The dancing instructor asked me to find a _______ to practise, but I knew no one in the class.
A. partnership B. partner C. counterpart D. part
32. ________ is to blame for the food scarcity and bad health care.
A. population B. populous C. populated D. overpopulation

Choose the word which is similar in meaning to the underlined part in the sentence:
33. The number of candidates has dwindled for the last six months. The competition has lost its
A. decreased B. risen C. soared D. burst
34. The government and the Union have finally reached a settlement to stop the strike.
A. deal B. solution C. stage D. agreement

Identify the mistake in each of the following sentences:

35. You would not (A) be able to remember what the speaker says (B) if you do not take (C) any notes
or (D) record anything.
36. Old Jimmy used to come to the bank (A) every Monday and ask (B) a bank-teller how much money
is left (C) in his (D) account.

37. According to scientific findings (A), lack of (B) sleep can lead to (C) poor concentration, lapse of
memory and you are tired (D).

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced in a different way:

38. A. mischief B. chore C. chapter D. chemistry
39. A. résumé B. rescue C. resist D. result
40. A. eel B. cheese C. feel D. peer

Word forms: (1pt)

1. The low _______ standards of the university have had serious impact on the admission figures for
the last three years. (ACADEMY)
2. The girl walked out of the house and her dog followed _______ at her heels. (OBEY)
3. The first thing you have to learn when taking a part-time job at the library is how books are
________. (CATEGORY)
4. Is it true that ________ can lead a happier life than others? (OPTIMISTIC)
5. Whatever job you do, you should show your responsibility and ________. (ENTHUSE)
Sentence transformation: (1pt)
1. The cricket match has been for 3 hours. AGO
The …..
2. It is obligatory for freshmen to take an English placement test.
Freshmen are ……….
3. A passer-by phoned the police, and the boy was rescued.
Had ……..
4. Helen’s pessimism prevents her from making friends.
As Helen …..
5. Our close-knit famiy always help each other whenever problems happen. UP
Whenever ……

The end of the test

Choose the best answer to fill in each blank: Choose the best words or phrases to complete the
Line dancing is a variation of circle dancing and Irish-step dancing following sentences:
is one of the well-known types of line dancing. Irish step-dancing 16. The future is believed ________ much better than it is now.
is also a type of folk dance and has a modern form as well as a A. that it will be B. to be C. to have been D. being
(1)_____ form. This type of dancing has been made famous by 17. Offices in the future will _______ electronic and paper will be
the Lord of the Dance and Riverdance productions and is a out-of-date.
wonderfully vibrant form of expression. (2)____ step-dancers A. come B. be brought C. go D. be taken
enjoy this art form as a recreational activity and others are 18. Crops are more than often ________ threat ______ insects
seriously (3)___ in competitive events throughout the Irish and pests.
cultural areas of the world. (4)___ the dancers participate in step- A. under – of B. in – of C. with – to D. over - of
dancing for recreation or for competition, they find there is a 19. Many countries in the world are now suffering what is called
certain rigidity about the rules of dance but there is great economic ________.
flexibility as to movement and variety within the rules. For A. pressure B. depression C. domestication D. security
example, step-dancing requires the feet to move quickly and the 20. I decided to apply for the post _________ on the Evening
upper body to be stiff. The lack of use of hands in step-dancing News yesterday.
really is based on history and the attitudes of the English who did A. advertised B. to be advertised
not approve (5)____ dancing. C. which advertised D. advertising
1. A. customary B. old C. traditional D. previous 21. If possible, show your _______ of responsibility to the
2. A. All B. Some C. A great deal of D. Any interviewers
3. A. joined B. involved C. footed D. settled A. article B. part C. meaning D. sense
4. A. What B. Because C. Even if D. Whether 22. I love ____ jobs, because I don’t have to worry about
5. A. in B. such C. any D. of changing or transferring.
Identify the mistake in each of the following sentences: A. thrilling B. daunting C. challenging D. secure
6. I found Mr. William‘s remarks quite daunting, and I decided 23. You should mention your experience which is well ________
quitting. to the job.
A. found B. remarks C. daunting D. quitting A. devoted B. related C. proposed D. impressed
7. Don’t blame me on whatever my son does because it is time he 24. ________ neatly for an interview is very important in creating
was responsible for everything he does. good impressions on interviewers.
A. on B. whatever C. because D. was A. Having B. Clothing C. Dressing D. Taking
8. He said that the place where he used to study was an 25. ______ Holland is a country in________ Europe which can be
university in Indiana. also called ______ Netherlands.
A. the B. where C. was an D. in A. O – O- the B. O – the- O
9. I expected to be present at 8am for a job interview but I forgot C. The – O – the D. O – the - the
about it until 9am. 26. Most cars nowadays are fitted with modern equipment and
A. expected B. present C. but D. until can run ______ electricity.
10. Most of the applications could not handle the situation posed A. on B. in C. into D. off
by the interviewers. 27. The police officer ____ down the number plate of the blue
A. Most B. applications C. the D. posed car.
Read the passage and choose the correct answers: A. jotted B. brought C. got D. carried
Serious research on intelligent robots began in the 1960s in 28. Public school system in Great Britain is _________.
several countries. Since then, robots have become cheaper and A. non-fee B. fee-paying C. fee-paid D. fee-free
have entered different aspects of our life. They can work in 29. ________ Mount Everest is _______ highest peak in the
situations that are dangerous or harmful to human workers. They world.
can work in a paint factory, a nuclear power plant or undersea A. The - the B. The – O C. O - the D. 0 - 0
research stations. Japan leads the world in the development of 30. Sarah said that she ____ 6 other schools before moving here.
robots. They have 12,000 robots working and produce 30,000 per A. had attended B. attended C. would attend D. was attending
year, most of which are for export. Today’s robots are simple- 31. Labour-saving devices can help _______ the burden of
minded compared with the ones of the future. Researchers are housework for women.
now working on a new generation of robots. Besides being able to A. repeat B. little C. divide D. reduce
see, touch, hear, understand a limited vocabulary, the new robots 32. - Your performance is a success!
will have different arms and fingers, move in different ways and - ________.
make complex decisions in a working environment. It is A. Thanks, I am glad you like it B. Not too bad
impossible to imagine what the next generations of robots will be C. You’re welcome! Thanks D. You can say that again!
like. 33. A brief raise of hand or a small wave is OK in situations of
11. What is the passage about? ________.
A. How to make future robots A. courtesy B. ignorance C. disapproval D. informality
B. Some particular unusual jobs robots can do 34. Helen met me round the corner of the street and gave me a
C. The development of robots _______ nod.
D. Robots in the past A. quick B. slight C. light D. full
12. Compared to the past, robots nowadays are 35. The most common way of __ someone’s attention is by
A. more expensive B. less bulky waving.
C. more hard-working D. more useful A. making B. paying C. attracting D. assisting
13. Which statement is not true? 36. The cashier asked me ________ in cash or by credit card.
A. Research on robots dated back to the 1960s. A. if I would pay B. would I pay
B. Robots can only work in dangerous situations. C. that I would pay D. whether I pay
C. Today’s robots are rather simple-minded. 37. In order to know more about the market we have to _____
D. Robots in the future may understand human speech. another survey.
14. Which statement is true about Japan? A. record B. conduct C. carry D. submit
A. They create the most expensive robots 38. The colleagues congratulated me _______ my promotion.
B. They turnout 3,000 robots a year A. for B. on C. with D. in case
C. They are number 1 in robot development 39. The majority of young people nowadays _______ arranged
D. All of the robots made in Japan are to export marriages.
15. What does it mean ‘complex? A. object B. oblige C. compel D. reject
A. quick B. risky C. complicated D. creative 40. What is your attitude _______ interracial cooperation?
A. towards B. with C. on D. for
41. _______ Helen, my life would be different now. Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different
A. Had not I met B. Had I not met 46. A. majority B. significant C. equality D. sacrifice
C. If I haven’t met D. Unless I had not met 47. A. counterpart B. contribute
42. This is the first time I _____ to such an interesting story. C. develop D. domestic
A. listen B. have listened C. listened D. had listened 48. A. appropriate B. assistance
43. The audience ________ enjoyed the opera sung in Italian. C. thoroughly D. amazement
A. generally B. wildly C. academically D. thoroughly 49. A. vacancy B. candidate
44. She kept asking me if I believed _______ God? C. recommend D. nervousness
A. for B. into C. on D. in 50. A. responsible B. particular
45. _____ the end of the day I realized how lucky I had been. C. influence D. certificate
A. At B. In C. For D. As

I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:

1. Why do you always ask me a favour when I have got my _____ full?
a) palms b) brains c) hands d) arms
2. I wouldn't go so far as to ____ my professional career on the unsafe enterprise.
a) venture b) stake c) dare d) expose
3. They said I'd be on ____ for the first two or three weeks as they want to find out about my skills.
a) testing b) examination c) inspection d) probation
4. We thanked the hosts for their generous ____ and got under way.
a) hostility b) honesty c) hospitality d) hostage
5. It was ____ to Mark that he'd better withdraw from the game in case his knee injury got worse.
a) argumented b) recommended c) insisted d) appealed
6. Thousands of newcomers imagine this place to be their El Dorado where they can easily make a _____ start in life.
a) plain b) fresh c) clean d) first
7. The silly gossip ____ to a panic among the private entrepreneurs who began closing their accounts in the National Bank.
a) led b) prompted c) resulted d) aroused
8. The authorities probably want to be tough and won't ____ to the hijackers' absurd demands.
a) abandon b) resign c) yield d) collapse
9. The Stetsons' son must be _____ his family a lot of trouble and worry with his wild ideas.
a) making b) developing c) providing d) giving
10. Pasta in its various forms is the _____ diet in Italy.
a) common b) staple c) usual d) obvious
11. At first _____, you would say they were twins, but in reality, they didn't even know each other.
a) sighting b) look c) glance d) view
12. In the _____ of cold weather, remember to put on some warm clothes.
a) possibility b) fear c) event d) risk
13. If it hadn't been for Simon who _____ our attention to the mistake, the faulty project would have received our acceptance.
a) drew b) caught c) paid d) called
14. Mr. Douglas, Arthur's grandfather, is notorious for his uncontrollable ____ in gambling in Las Vegas.
a) attraction b) indulgence . c) appreciation d) temptation
15. This training is _____ at those who prefer a heavy body workout.
a) aimed b) offered c) intended d) focused
16. Let me please ____ my memory before I get down to answering the questions.
a) resume b) ease c) awake d) refresh
17. Of course, we don't need this dictionary at present, but in the long _____ it may prove useful.
a) run b) time c) future d) perspective
18. I was rather at a _____ in the beginning because I was the only person of different origin.
a) displeasure b) dislike c) disadvantage d) disinterest
19. Last time, we were within a hair's ____ of defeating the Auckland team. I'm sure we'll beat them in the approaching season.
a) breadth b) depth c) length d) width
20. There are languages hard to ____, but English is definitely out of this group.
a) accomplish b) master o) educate d) conceive
II. Mistake identification:
1. With his father's guidance (a), Mozart began playing the clavier (b) at the age of (c) three and compose (d) at the age of five.
2. The (a) corals can be divided (b) into three groups, two of which (c) is (d) extinct.
3. Students (a) in the U.S. often support themselves (b) by babysitting (c), working in restaurants, or they drive taxi cabs (d).
4. Because the solar tiles were very secure (a) fastened, only a few (b) became detached when (c) the space shuttle reentered the
earth's (d) atmosphere.
5. Traditionally (a), the flag is risen (b) in the morning and taken down (c) at night (d).
6. A large number of (a) American universities has opened (b) branches and hundreds of (c) two-year community colleges have
sprung up (d) in small town.
7. The editor (a) and writer Jim Brown have (b) agreed to have (c) an interview with (d) us.
8. Since (a) infection can cause both fever as well as (b) pain, it (c) is a good idea to check (d) a patient's temperature.
9. Despite (a) rain or snow, there were (b) more than fifty thousands (c) fans at (d) the football games.
10. What happened (a) in New York was (b) a reaction from city workers, included (c) firemen and policemen who had been laid (d)
off from their jobs.
III. Word form:
1. If people were __________, they would understand that. (MIND)
2. She gave me a vigorous 15- minute __________ massage that made frown lines fade and cheekbones appear. (FACE)
3. He has attempted to find a __________ solution to the conflict. (PEACE)
4. ‘You’re right,’ Rita said, in order to pacify him. (PEACE)
5. He was wrong, and courageous enough to admit it. (COURAGE)
6. Cooder was encouraged to begin playing the guitar by his father. (COURAGE)
7. With __________, Sally is starting to play with the other children. (COURAGE)
8. The officers were told the records had either been lost or __________. (PLACE)
9. The villagers were __________ against the rising flood water. (POWER)
10. There have been __________ delays on the freeway because of an accident. (EXPECT)
11. At first, two decades ago, environmentalists predicted we would run out of certain raw materials. (ENVIRONMENT)
12. The animal was weak through loss of blood. (LOSE)
13. Main reasons seem to be persistent low profitability among farmers and their uncertainty about the future. (CERTAIN)
14. Regular babysitters can become deeply __________ to the children they take care of. (ATTACHMENT)
IV. Sentence transformation:
1. I think I’ll leave a note on the desk in case he needs my address.
Should _________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Have you decided whether to join our chess club or not? (MIND)
3. There hasn’t been such a scandal in our school before.
This is _________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. This water is too cold to brew tea. (ENOUGH)
5. She says she finds nothing unusual about stormy weather in this country. (USED)
6. This loud music makes me nervous. (NERVES)
7. She hasn’t decided yet whether to buy this house or not. (HESITATING)
8. We were surprised to learn that Brian had become a monk.
It came ________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to take your book home. (ACCIDENT)
10. Stanley is rather fearful of the new English teacher. (AWE)
11. It took me a fairly long time to answer all my emails.
I spent _________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. My friend persuaded me to go to the party in fancy dress.
My friend talked _________________________________________________________________________________________
V. Prepositions:
1. When the detective reached _______ his gun, the crowd stepped nervously back.
2. According to the guidebook, this region is notorious _______ floods and tornadoes.
3. The owners of huge companies are more likely to benefit _______ the new law than the small business entrepreneurs.
4. Beware _______ the heavy traffic in the centre of the city or else you'll waste at least two hours in the jams.
5. She said she had great faith _______ us. I think well have to do our best not to let her down.
6. It’s not so easy to be patient _______ young pupils, especially if the only thing they speak about are video games.
7. I was tough. They had a hard time of persuading me _______ changing my mind about the weekend plans.
8. You'd better ask Tom about the girl. I can't tell you much as I only know her _______ sight.
9. We don't want anybody else to find out about our arrangements, do we? We must organize everything _______ secret.
10. He says he could do all the work _______ his own. But, I don't believe one person will ever be able to lift those heavy boxes.
11. The tanker had already been _______ sea for two weeks when it struck the iceberg.
12. Their design didn't vary much _______ ours. Consequently, the jury decied to reward them both.
13. I'm afraid you'll have to buy a new hairdryer; this one is _______ repair.
14. During this month, we'll be concentrating _______ developing the basic skill of using the aqualung.
15. A brigade of well-trained commandoes participated in the action against the terrorists armed _____ machine guns and grenades.
16. The actual cost of making his movies nearly always goes _______ the original budget.
17. How are you settling _______ your new home?
VI. Reading comprehension:
Passage A:
Our M. S. Jensen EXPLORER is not an ordinary cruise ship. It was built for the purpose of exploration. Its shallow draft allows us to explore
remote islands not available to other cruise ships. Inflatable Zodiac rafts will land us on previously inaccessible beaches.
Even though the EXPLORER is relatively small, it still accommodates ninety-two passengers with all the comforts expected aboard a modern
cruising vessel. We have a Lido deck with a swimming pool, comfortable lounges, and spacious cabins. And although the air is warm, soft,
and inviting in these tranquil waters, the ship is fully air-conditioned. Each expedition carries an expert staff of naturalists, anthropologists, and
diving instructors.
1. What makes the Explorer an unusual cruise ship?
A. its safety equipment B. its accommodation C. its name D. its structural design
2. What are the passengers most likely interested in?
A. competitive diving B. astrology C. nature study D. sailing
3. What kind of weather is expected on the trip?
a. thick fog b. clear and chilly c. frequent rainstorms d. warm and sunny
4. How will passengers get to unexplored beaches?
a. by helicopter b. by raft c. by swimming d. by airplane
5. What feature of the cruise is not discussed?
a. the employees b. the food c. the bedrooms d. the recreational facilities
6. What does it mean 'shallow'?
a. large b. modern c. high d. not deep
7. What is not mentioned in the passage?
a. the number of passengers b. the facilities c. the name of the ship d. the fare
8. Who are not among the staff?
a. anthropologists b. divers c. naturalists d. instructors
9. What can “vessel” be best replaced by?
a. ship b. ferry c. raft d. lounge
10. What is similar in meaning to “inflatable”?
a. can be lowered b. changeable c. can be filled with air d. well-equipped
Passage B:
Alzheimer's disease impairs a person's ability to recall memories, both distant and as recent as a few hours before. Although there is
not yet a cure for the illness, there may be hope for a cure with a protein called nerve growth factor. The protein is produced by
nerve cells in the same region of the brain where Alzheimer's occurs. Based on this relationship, scientists from the University of Lund
in Sweden and the University of California at San Diego designed an experiment to test whether doses of nerve growth factor could
reverse the effects of memory loss caused by Alzheimer's. Using a group of rats with impaired memory, the scientists gave half of
the rats doses of nerve growth factor while giving the other half a blood protein as a placebo, thus creating a control group. At the
end of the four-week test, the rats given the nerve growth factor performed equally to rats with normal memory abilities. While the
experiments do not show that nerve growth factor can stop the general process of deterioration caused by Alzheimer's, they do show
potential as a means to slowing the process significantly.
1. With what topic is this passage mainly concerned?
A. impaired memory of patients B. cures for Alzheimer's disease
C. the use of rats as experimental subjects D. nerve growth factor as a cure for Alzheimer's
2. According to the passage, where is nerve growth factor produced in the body?
A. in nerve cells in the spinal column B. in red blood cells in the circulatory system
C. in nerve cells in the brain D. in pituitary gland
3. Which of the following can be interred from the passage?
A. Alzheimer's disease is deadly.
B. Though unsuccessful, the experiments did show some benefits derived m from nerve growth factor.
C. The experiment did not show any significant benefits from nerve growth factor.
D. More work needs to be done to understand the effect of nerve growth factor.
4. The passage most closely resembles which of the following patterns of organization?
A. chronological order B. statement and illustration C. cause & effect D. alphabetical order
5. The relationship between nerve growth factor and a protein is similar to the relationship between Alzheimer's and _____.
A. forgetfulness B. a disease C. a cure D. a cancer
6. What is the use of giving some rats a blood protein as a placebo in the experiment?
A. to cure their forgetfulness B. to create a control group C. to improve their memory D. to see whether they have
7. The word 'impairs' is closest in meaning to
A. affects B. destroys C. enhances D. diminishes
8. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word 'doses'?
A. measures B. pieces C. injections D. numbers
9. Which can best replace the word 'reverse'?
A. foster B. prompt C. override D. match
10. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word 'significantly'?
A. considerably B. knowingly C. suggestively D. tirelessly
VII. Guided cloze:
Passage A:
The bath was invented before the bath plug. The bath plug could not have been invented before the bath, except as a small object
with which to play ice hockey. The order (1) ____ which inventions are (2) ____ is very important, much more important than has
ever been realized, because we (3) ____ automatically to think that later inventions are better than earlier ones. A moment's thought
will show this is not so. If, for example, a (4) ____ to today's urban traffic problem was proposed in the shape of a small man-
powered two-wheeled vehicle which would make the motor car look like a cumbersome over-powered device, a space rocket trying to
tackle suburban problems, we would greet it (5) _____ a great technological breakthrough. "Bicycle makes car obsolete!" we would
cry. (6) ____, the bike came first, and we shall always unconsciously see it as a cruder version of the car.
(7) ____ things which may have been invented too early are the airship, the radio, the railway train, the piano-roll player and the cuff-
link. Consider also the zip. Zips represent a technological advance (8) ____ buttons, being faster and more complete. They are also
more liable to come adrift, break, jam, malfunction, stick and catch. Buttons can (9) ____ go wrong if the thread is faulty. Even then,
buttons can be (10) _____ by the user. Zips rarely can't.
1. a. of b. by c. in d. with
2. a. made b. performed c. prepared d. done
3. a. agree b. tend c. refuse d. try
4. a. answer b. test c. preparation d. solution
5. a. with b. as c. in d. into
6. a. Unfortunately b. Suddenly c. Certainly d. Probably
7. a. Many b. Few c. Different d. Other
8. a. to b. in c. on d. with
9. a. never b. sometime c. only d. even
10. a. mended b. exchanged c. repaired d. renewed
Passage B:
Every year, the village of Pettineo (11) ____ its unique arts festival. For a few days each summer, artists from all over Europe gather
at this village near the north coast of Sicily to enjoy the creative atmosphere. During their stay, the artists get together with the local
people to paint a one-kilometer long picture that (12) ____ the length of the high street. Once the painting is done, each visiting artist
joins a local family for a big lunch and, (13) ____ the meal, the family receives the (14) ____ of the painting that the artist has
painted. As a result, though few villagers are rich, almost every home has at least one painting by a well-known European artist.
Visitors to the village are eagerly invited into homes to see these paintings. The festival was the (15) ____ of Antonio Presti, a local
businessman who (16) ____ it up four years ago. Since then, Pettineo has become a sort of domestic art museum in which any visitor
can (17) ____ a doorbell, go into a house, and (18) ____ a painting. In addition to this exhibition of paintings in people's homes, for
those who have time to (19) ____, there is an opportunity to (20) ____ through the display of huge sculptures in the village square.
11. a. celebrates b. shows c. honors d. demonstrates
12. a. stretches b. runs c. follows d. is
13. a. in addition to b. in place of c. in common with d. in exchange for
14. a. partition b. section c. division d. region
15. a. image b. purpose c. thought d. idea
16. a. set b. got c. put d. broke
17. a. ring b. push c. press d. pull
18. a. respect b. stare c. admire d. Foster
19. a. share b. choose c. take d. spare
20. a. move b. step c. wander d. march
The way children play has (1)_____ considerably over the last 50 years. In the past, parents did not have to fear for the safety of their
children if they went out to play. Most neighborhoods were communities (2)______ everyone knew everyone and children could be left
to play supervised by adults. Additionally, there was hardly any traffic and a street could be easily formed into a football (3)_______ or
used for a game of tag. Unfortunately, things are very different today. Apart from the fact that our streets are much more dangerous
than they were in the past, the last 50 years have seen the (4)______ of more and more sophisticated games, including, of course,
the thousands of computer games on the market. Too much time spent alone with a computer may (5)______ the child’s ability to
form friendship with other children.
1. A. grown B. changed C. moved D. affected
2. A. when B. that C. whose D. in which
3. A. pitch B. course C. court D. ring
4. A. create B. creator C. creation D. creativity
5. A. spoil B. threaten C. hurt D. damage
6. One of the most (A) famous and respectable (B) learners of the country (C) is said to have found (D) this school.
7. As soon as the (A) singer came onto (B) the stage, there had been (C) a round (D) of applause.
8. There are more than two hundred (A) applications (B) for this job vacancy (C) , and most (D) of them can speak English very well.
9. The interviewer told (A) me which (B) university in the U.K. (C) I had graduated (D) from.
10. He would have sent you a (A) post card when he is (B) on holiday abroad (C) if he had had (D) your address.
An A level is an Advanced level GCE qualification. This exam is normally taken after two years of A level study, following the O
level/IGCSE exams. Students can take any number of A level exams; in the UK, most college students take three or four A level exams
for their final two years of study. The number of A levels to be taken will often depend on the qualifications that the university chosen
requires. A level results can open doors to undergraduate studies at some of the best higher educational institutions in the world, and
to a wide range of professional and vocational courses that can help build skills for an exciting and rewarding career. In many
countries round the world, some schools follow the GCE syllabus to prepare their pupils for taking A level exams. Students at these
schools should enquire at their school about how they can register and sit for the exams. Students who do not attend a school that
follows the GCE syllabus can still take A level exams and can register as a private individual with the British Council.
In order to register for an A level exam one will need to complete an entry form which will become available at the British Council
offices. Form usually become available for January examinations in early August of the preceding year. For May/June examinations,
they are available in early December of the preceding year.
11. What is the passage about?
A. How to pass A level exams B. Some particular information of A level exams
C. The development of British Council D. How useful A level exams are
12. The number of A level exams depends on
A. the requirement of the chosen university B. the British Council
C. the schools following the GCE syllabus D. the candidate’s decision
13. Which statement is not true?
A. One will need to complete an entry form to register for an A level exam
B. One can register in August for January examination
C. In the U.K. all students have to take three or four A level exams
D. A level exams can offer students good chances of studying in good universities.
14. Students can register for A level exams right at their school if
A. the school follows a GCE syllabus B. the British Council has refused to help them
C. the forms are not available at the British Council D. the university they have chosen asks them to
15. What does it mean ‘vocational’?
A. skilful B. academic C. unprofessional D. job-related
16. The teacher told the students to read the questions and ______ anything.
A. not writing B. not to write C. don’t write D. should not write
17. Resume is a short written _______ of someone’s education and previous job.
A. story B. document C. account D. paragraph
18. I can’t remember _______ him at the summer camp before. He is not familiar to me.
A. meeting B. to meet C. to have met D. I had met
19. What we love most of Gina is her good _____ of responsibility.
A. name B. sense C. spirit D. performance
20. Neat attire is likely to _ a good impression on the interviewers.
A. get B. bring C. send D. Make
21. Journalists sometimes wear _______ clothes to fit in well with the situation in which they are working.
A. ordinary B. common C. habitual D. casual
22. Stuntmen do ____ jobs, which movie stars themselves cannot do.
A. worrying B. daunting C. challenging D. secure
23. My job now is not ____ to what I was majored in at university.
A. devoted B. related C. supposed D. belonging
24. The salesman gave me a kind of detergent which I ___ before.
A. have never used B. did not use C. was not using D. had not used
25. We now do not have enough time to ______ broken things around the house as we used to.
A. make B. Arrange C. rush D. Mend

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 1
26. Were he to spend more time practicing, he _____ rapid progress.
A. will make B. makes C. would make D. would have been
27. There are not many ______ courses in the last two years at university. Most of them are compulsory.
A. required B. optional C. preferred D. Additional
28. ______ schools in England are called independent or public schools.
A. Non-fee B. Fee-paying C. Fee-paid D. Paying-fee
29. The book ______ in the book fair last week was a non-fiction one ______ on scientific facts.
A. was published – based B. published – basing C. published - based D. was published – was based
30. During the interview you should ______ your interest in the job.
A. concentrate on B. present C. admit D. Show
31. The teacher’s jokes help us somehow __ the feeling of pressure.
A. discourage B. resume C. degrade D. Reduce
32. James: Your song is very interesting! ~ David:________.
A. Thanks, I am glad you like it B. Not really C. You’re welcome! Thanks D. You can say that again!
33. The manager gave me a _____ nod and continued with his speech.
A. small B. quick C. slight D. Light
34. We shouted loudly and continuously waved but we could not _______ the star’s attention.
A. attract B. pay C. produce D. Capture
35. It is _______ to wear uniform to most high school nowadays.
A. obliged B. obliging C. obligational D. Obligatory
36. Unless Fiona _______ us an apology, the situation would have become worse.
A. had not sent B. did not send C. sent D. had sent
37. Marketing surveys are sometimes ______ in a careless way.
A. carried on B. conducted C. concerned D. Submitted
38. It is quite possible to ______ understanding and trust during years of marriage.
A. last B. exist C. remain D. Maintain
39. When it comes to children’s schooling problems, both parents have to ______ responsibility.
A. get B. respond C. compel D. Take
40. Members of a family are to be ______ of one another.
A. supportive B. responsible C. close D. Obedient
41. There _____ the second exam if any of the students ______ the first one.
A. will be / fails B. would be/ fails C. would have been/ failed D. is / will fail
42. This time last year I ______ in a local bank.
A. worked B. was working C. will be working D. had worked
43. Quite many jobs nowadays involve working _____ night shifts.
A. for B. on C. in D. With
44. The new project has put us ______ a lot of pressure.
A. on B. into C. in D. Under
45. The boy kept asking me why ______ him along.
A. I did not bring B. didn’t I bring C. I have not brought D. hadn’t I brought
46. A. majority B. responses C. equality D. physical
47. A. counterpart B. Partnership C. romantic D. sacrifice
48. A. appropriate B. Acceptable C. obvious D. society
49. A. vacancy B. candidate C. introduce D. hurriedly
50. A. responsible B. particular C. influence D. certificate

I. Guided cloze :
Passage A:
There is growing evidence that urbanization has a sharp (1) _____ on climate, causing changes that can wreak (2) _____ on
precipitation patterns that supply the precious resource of water. The heavy amounts of heat and pollution rising from cities both delay
and stimulate the fall of precipitation, (3) _____ some areas of rain while drenching others.
Cities are (4) ____ one to ten degrees warmer than surrounding undeveloped areas. Cities also produce large amounts of (5) ___
called aerosols, gaseous suspensions of dust particles or byproducts from the (6) ____ of fossil fuels. Both heat and aerosols change
the dynamics of clouds. When hoisted up in the sky, the microscopic particles act as multiple surfaces on which the (7) ____ in clouds
can condense as tiny droplets. This can prevent or delay the formation of larger raindrops that fall more easily from the sky, or it can
cause the rain to fall in another location.
In California, pollution blows eastward and causes a precipitation (8) ____ of around one trillion gallons a year across the Sierra
Nevada mountain range. (9) ___, in very humid cities, such as Houston, heat and pollutants seem to (10) ___ summer storm activity
by allowing clouds to build higher and fuller before releasing torrential rains.
1. A. impression B. impact C. influence D. affection
2. A. havoc B. damage C. chaos D. breakage
3. A. accusing B. mugging C. depriving D. avoiding
4. A. at most B. in majority C. in priority D. on average
5. A. filters B. fertilizers C. pollutants D. poisons
6. A. firing B. burning C. lighting D. flaming
7. A. moisture B. water C. wetness D. humidity
8. A. lack B. emptiness C. shortage D. inefficiency
9. A. Therefore B. Furthermore C. Otherwise D. By contrast
10. A. lessen B. invigorate C. fasten D. Eliminate

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 2
Passage B:
Human activity has (1) ____ altered the natural distribution of forests (2) ____ history. Deforestation and habitat destruction is
severely crippling the rain forest ecosystem. Rain forests are being destroyed at a (3) ____ of 78 million acres (31 million hectares) per
year; an area larger than Poland. With habitat destruction (4) ____ loss of species. The World Resources Institute predicts that
deforestation rates of 15 million hectares (5) ___ species in the closed canopy forests by 35% by 2040. In Brazil, the (6) ____ average
rate of destruction between 1979 - 1990 was 5.4 million acres per year. In 2003 a record 10,000 square miles of Brazil (7) _____ .
Deforestation causes a multitude of effects (8) _____ the natural environment. Vegetation is degraded (9) _____, a loss of nutrient-
rich litter and microorganisms to decompose organic matter. The loss of shade accelerates leaching, soil (10) _____ and drying. The
hard surface caused by heating prevents the progress of water infiltration, causing excess runoff and flooding. In addition to the effect
on the local vegetation and hydrology, forest removal impacts atmospheric composition, evapotranspiration, and rainfall.
1. a. effectively b. seriously c. violently d. aggressively
2. a. by b. during c. through d. of
3. a. rate b. level c. rank d. degree
4. a. comes b. it comes c. does it come d. come
5. a. reduced b. has reduced c. would reduce d. is reducing
6. a. estimated b. calculated c. figured d. valued
7. a. was cleared b. was clearing c. cleared d. had been cleared
8. a. in b. on c. to d. for
9. a. due to b. in spite of c. but for d. on condition of
10. a. washing b. decay c. exhaust d. erosion
II. Reading comprehension:
Passage A:
The main complaint from young people these days seems to be “I don’t know what I want to do” followed closely by “It’s pointless
trying anyway”. Times have changed and the job market is not what it was with even graduates living off state unemployment
benefits. But there is work if you want it, and if you are prepared to try hard and follow our handy advice, you can still find your first
foothold on the career ladder.
Think about what you would like to do. If you hate children, forget about primary school teaching. If you can’t stand writing, forget
about journalism. Do you want to work abroad? Do you want to work in an office? Be imaginative! Don’t limit yourself to what you
want to be, but to what you like to do. And watching telly doesn’t count!
If you like listening to people’s problems and helping your friends out when they’re in tricky situations, you should find out about the
kind of jobs which involve this sort of work. Psychotherapy, social work, teaching, and personnel management are some of the jobs
you could do. Find out what you would have to do in the job, and how you could get qualified.
1. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. How to be successful in an interview. B. How to get a job of your dreams.
C. How to become famous. D. How to solve unemployment.
2. The word “handy” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. important B. suitable C. basic D. useful
3. It can be inferred that you should pay attention to ________ when choosing a career.
A. what you like to do B. what you want to be C. how much the salary is D. what qualification is needed for the job
4. According to the passage, you can work as a journalist if ________ .
A. you don’t like children B. you like watching T.V C. you are good at writing D. you want to work indoors
5. Which quality is one of the requirements of a personnel manager?
A. being imaginative B. helping people with the work C. working abroad D. listening to people’s problem
Passage B:
During the 19th century, women in the U.S. organized and participated in a large number of reform movements, including movements
to reorganize the prison system, improve education, ban the sale of alcohol, and, most importantly, to free slaves. Some women saw
similarities in the social status of women and slaves. Women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucy Stone were feminists and
abolitionists who supported the rights of both women and blacks. A number of male abolitionists, including William Lloyd Garrison and
Wendell Phillips, also supported the rights of women to speak and participate equally with men in anti-slavery activities. Probably more
than any other movement, abolitionism offered women a previously denied entry into politics. They became involved primarily in order
to better their living conditions and the conditions of others.
When the Civil War ended in 1865, the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution adopted in 1868 and 1870 granted citizenship
and suffrage to blacks but not to women. Discouraged but resolved, feminists influenced more and more women to demand the right
to vote. In 1869 the Wyoming Territory had yielded to demands by feminists, but eastern states resisted more stubbornly than ever
before. A women's suffrage bill had been presented to every Congress since 1878 but it continually failed to pass until 1920, when the
19th Amendment granted women the right to vote.
1. What is the topic of the passage?
a. The Wyoming Territory b. The 14th and 15th Amendment C. Abolitionists d. Women's suffrage
2. What is not among the reformation movements of women?
a. reorganizing the prison b. freeing the slaves C. passing the laws d. banning the sale of alcohol
3. According to the passage, why did women become active in politics?
a. to improve the conditions of life that existed at the time b. to support Elizabeth Cady Stanton
c. to be elected to public office d. to amend the Declaration of Independence
4. The word 'primarily' is closest in meaning to
a. above all b. somewhat c. finally d. always
5. What had occurred shortly after the Civil War?
a. The Wyoming territory was admitted to the Union. b. A women's suffrage bill was introduced in Congress.
c. The eastern states resisted the end of the war. d. Black people were granted the right to vote.
6. The word 'suffrage' could be best replaced by
a. pain b. citizenship c. freedom d. right to vote
7. What does the 19th Amendment guarantee?

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 3
a. Voting rights for blacks b. Citizenship for blacks c. Voting rights for women d. Citizenship for women
8. When were women allowed to vote throughout the U.S.?
a. After 1866 b. After 1870 c. After 1878 d. After 1920
9. What is wrong about William Lloyd Garrison?
a. He supported the rights of women. b. He was living at the same time with Lucy Stone and Wendell Phillips.
c. He used to he a slave. d. He believed in equality between men and women.
10. What can not be inferred from the passage?
a. The abolitionists believed in anti-slavery activities.
b. The eastern states did not like the idea of women's right to vote.
c. The blacks were given the right it to vote before women.
d. A women's suffrage bill had been discussed in the Congress for 50 years.
III. Multiple choice:
1. What a nuisance! I’ve done everything possible but the cooker _______.
A. isn’t worked B. does not work C. didn’t work D. won’t work
2. It is _______ that the plan will fail.
A. likelier B. more than likely C. all likelihood D. more likely than
3. There’s a letter pinned on the door. The mailman ________ it there.
A. could leave B. can have left C. must have left D. should have left
4. Goldsmith, together with Brown and Green, _______ to take part in the contest.
A. have decided B. has decided C. decide D. are deciding
5. Finding a job is becoming _______.
A. much difficult B. more and more difficult C. the more difficult D. more difficulty than ever
6. A: How do you like Korean food? ~ B: _______
A. Let’s eat it! B. Another time perhaps. C. I don’t think much of it. D. Rather not!
7. A: Do you think MU can win the championship this season? B: _______
A. True enough! B. Not a chance! C. Nothing but the truth! D. Really? It is.
8. You should never _____________ the power of the press.
a. underestimate b. undergo c. underweight d. Underdo
9. This car is ______ of the two models in the showroom.
a. the more modern b. the most modern c. more modern d. one of the most modern
10. That is one of the most exensive paintings _________ Mark.
a. belonging b. over possessing by c. owned by d. owed to
11. I came across some oldphotos when I was looking through some old papers.
a. Looking through some old papers, some old photos were found.
b. I found some old papers while I was looking for the old photos.
c. Looking through some old papers, I happened to find some old photos.
d. Old papers, not old photos were found when I was looking for them.
12. I would be grateful if you could send me further details about the job.
a. If I were you, I would send further details about the job.
b. I wish you could send me further details about the job.
c. Would you mind if I gratefully send you further details about the job?
d. Would you please send me further details about the job?
13. She used to keep me company when I was sad.
a. I was sad and I found the way to her company. b. She stayed with me when I was sad.
c. I had to accompany her when I was sad. d. Working for her company kept on making me sad.
14. It is not necessary for every member to wear uniform to the club.
a. Wearing uniform to the club is optional to members. b. You do not need to wear uniform if you are not a member of the club.
c. Members of the club needn't have worn uniform. d. Every member of the club is not necessary to wear uniform.
15. Hardly any candidates can speak Arabian.
a. Candidates cannot speak Arabian hard. b. Very few candidates speak Arabian.
c. At no time can candidates speak Arabian. d. Occasionally candidates speak Arabian.
16. Despite all the interruptions, _____.
a. he went on with his work. b. he set out on his work c. he put up with his work d. he got away with his work
17. Intelligent as Martha was, _____.
a. she couldn't fail to answer the question in just a few seconds. b. she did not succeed to give the answer in just a few seconds.
c. she was in failure giving the answer in just a few seconds. d. she failed to give the answer in just a few seconds.
18. It came as no surprise _____.
a. with my failing the test b. that I had failed the test c. to me as I fail the test d. if I failed the test
19. No sooner _____ than I saw the robber rushing out.
a. I had parked my car b. had I parked my car c. I parked my car d. my parking of the car
20. It was not raining _____.
a. as the weather forecast was predicting b. as if the weather forecast had said
c. as it had been forecast d. as much as the weather forecast would say
IV. Choose the word that is pronounced differently from the others:
1. a. wound b. drought c. bounce d. cow
2. a. tooth b. smooth c. threat d. wreath
3. a. celebrate b. cell c. celery d. cello
4. a. parade b. paper c. papal d. patent
5. a. rope b. romantic c. rocket d. rodent
6. a. penalize b. terrible c. penetrate d. hesitate
V. Error identification:

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 4
1. Because I had lost (a) my key, I had to pound (b) on the door to get up (c) my roommate when I got home (d) last night.
2. Parents need to be involved (a) in their children's (b) education however (c) busy they were (d).
3. Sandra must have ended (a) the speech 15 minutes earlier (b), for (c) the next lecturer was very upset not to have (d) enough
4. They asked us, Sarah and I (a), whether (b) we thought that it would be (c) a good idea to go (d) camping in the fall.
5. A number of applicants were (a) submitted later (b) than the (c) deadline, which (d) was the 20th April.
VI. Prepositions and phrasal verbs:
1. It looks as if John has got addicted ______ cigarettes. The boy smokes one packet a day.
2. I advise you to stop chewing the gum when you talk to the boss. He is rather intolerant ______ any extravagance.
3. We didn't see much of the landscape because our father drove ______ high speed all along the way.
4. Patrick is too intent ______ his picture painting to take care of any housework.
5. On June the first, it will have been seven years since I graduated ______ university.
6. Apart from the constant electricity shortage, we were also deprived ______ the possibility of taking everyday showers.
7. We are in ______ a lot of trouble unless George manages to repair the radio station.
8. Five participants have been expelled ______ the survival course for their abject disobedience.
9. According to the weather forecast, the coastal area will soon be ______ threat of the destructive force of a typhoon.
10. There were no protests to the chairman's proposal to do away ______ the standard procedures and advance to the major point of
the debate.
11. Before you go and check your abilities ______ practice, you must learn to follow the traffic regulations.
12. The serial murderer has been convicted ______ six homicides and a rape and sentenced to death by hanging.
13. When I entered the classroom I was surprised ______ the scene I saw. Several pupils were lying on the floor and the rest were
sleeping in their benches.
14. He never told us he was Italian and that his real name was Franco. We all knew him ______ the name of Eddie.
15. The president will be delivering a speech ______ memory of the war victims and the representatives from around the world will
be laying wreaths at the tomb.
16. Although I couldn't speak the language, I managed to get my meaning ______ when necessary.
17. It was so busy that Francisca couldn't get ______ ______ the phone all day.
18. I will look ______ this matter and see what I can do about it.
19. I will look ______ my email to see if I can find your request.
20. I can't get ______ how much your kids have grown.
VI. Choose the correct word to fill each gap:
cash fingers flight hand home lamb log names
risk rule sense temper tune weather wall
1. The younger scouts were too afraid to take the ______ of marching through the deep forest late at night.
2. After a while, the lecturer lost his ______ and started to shout at the students who had been sniggering all the time.
3. The trading company that he set up a year ago has recently gone to the ______ because of the huge financial losses it has made.
4. Mary has no problems with running the accounts. Indeed, she feels at ______ with the job.
5. I can't say he's very good at playing the saxophone. It happens quite often that he plays out of ______.
6. There is no bigger gardening enthusiast in the village than Mr Dandelion. His skill at growing plants is admirable and his
neighbours say he's got green ______.
7. Let me stay at home this morning, please. I'm feeling rather under the ______, so I won't be of great use in the office.
8. Phillip, apologize to your sister! I don't want to hear you calling her ______ any more.
9. We were informed by the shop assistant that they didn't accept credit cards. Consequently, we had no other option but to pay in
10. When Alex returns from work, he is usually so tired that he falls asleep immediately and sleeps like a ______ until supper time.
11. I can understand his dissatisfaction with his meagre wages, but on the other ______, he isn't a full time worker.
12. Somebody pushed Eric in the crowd and the boy fell down the ______ of stairs and broke his leg.
13. Brian takes sandwiches and black coffee for breakfast as a ______.
14. That dog of theirs may look dangerous, but in fact, it's as gentle as a ______.
15. The new apprentice is very clever. However, one thing he still lacks is the ______ of duty.
VII. Word form:
1. I shall never forget the __________ shown by the people of Da Nang. (GENEROUS)
2. My __________ include answering the phone and dealing with customer enquiries. (RESPONSIBLE)
3. It was highly __________ of him to leave the children on their own in the pool. (RESPONSIBLE)
4. Any alcoholic beverage consumed __________ can lead to problems. (RESPONSIBLE)
5. "I can't find my passport," she said __________. (WORRY)
6. Passengers are reminded to take all their personal __________ with them when they leave the plane. (BELONG)
7. Sherry is a very __________ person. (GO)
8. A policeman who chased a burglar despite a serious leg injury has received an award for __________. (BRAVE)
9. Optimists say __________ means more cultural choices for everyone. (GLOBE)
10. To win the Olympic gold medal was the __________ of his life's dream. (REALIZE)


Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 5
While some dreams (0) __________ forever, other dreams come back again and again, which for the (1. DREAM) __________ is like
going back to the same place for a (2. VACATE) __________ and doing the same things. We do not only “go back” to (3.
ENJOY)__________ experiences but also to (4. PLEASURE) __________ ones. An example of a nice dream is when we are doing
something very (5. SUCCESS) __________, like winning a prize, while a common nightmare is when we are making fools of (6. SELF)
__________ in public or being in a situation from which it is (7. POSSIBLE) __________ to escape. Perhaps, then, we should not see
dreams as an escape from (8. REAL) __________, but as an extension of it. In dreams, we (9. USUAL) __________ continue to
occupy ourselves with whatever pleasure or problems we have had during the day, while we were (10. WAKE) __________. So, rather
than freeing us from everyday life, dreams lead us hack to it.
VIII. Sentence transformation:
1. Thao finally managed to get a job.
Thao finally succeeded ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. “If I were you, I’d take a holiday,” said the doctor.
The doctor advised _______________________________________________________________________________________
3. He prefers golf to tennis.
He’d rather _____________________________________________________________________________________________
4. I am sorry I didn’t finish my homework last night.
If only _________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. A train leaves at 8 o’clock every morning.
There __________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. We can’t afford to buy the car.
The car ________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Someone painted her car last Sunday.
She ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. The boss phoned back after I had just put the phone down.
Scarcely ________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. She will take care of the children for us next weekend because her business trip was canceled.
If _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. Nicole speaks Chinese fluently because she lived in China for ten years.
Had ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
11. John let me drive his new car.
I ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. She made her children do their homework.
Her children _____________________________________________________________________________________________
13. John’s house was broken into last night.
John had _______________________________________________________________________________________________
14. Someone will fix my washing machine tomorrow.
I’ll _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
15. The Japanese keep producing new electronic gadgets. (BRINGING)
16. Who mentioned the subject at the meeting? (BROUGHT)
17. They offered the job to Simon.
Simon _________________________________________________________________________________________________
18. The boss showed the new computer to Anna.
The new _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Anna __________________________________________________________________________________________________
19. Although he’s got an English name, he is in fact German.
Despite ________________________________________________________________________________________________
20. You must take your umbrella so that you won’t get wet. (PREVENT)

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 6
CLASS 12 – Time allowed: 60 minutes
Full name:…………………..
Class: …………….

Read the following passage and choose the correct answers:
What is vertical farming?
Vertical farming is the practice of producing food on vertically inclined surfaces. Instead of farming vegetables and
other foods on a single level, such as in a field or a greenhouse, this method produces foods in vertically stacked layers
commonly integrated into other structures like a skyscraper, shipping container or repurposed warehouse.
Using Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) technology, this modern idea uses indoor farming techniques. The
artificial control of temperature, light, humidity, and gases makes producing foods and medicine indoor possible. In many
ways, vertical farming is similar to greenhouses where metal reflectors and artificial lighting augment natural sunlight. The
primary goal of vertical farming is maximizing crops output in a limited space.
How Vertical Farming Works
There are four critical areas in understanding how vertical farming works: physical layout, lighting, growing medium,
and sustainability features.Firstly, the primary goal of vertical farming is producing more foods per square meter. To
accomplish this goal, crops are cultivated in stacked layers in a tower life structure. Secondly, a perfect combination of
natural and artificial lights is used to maintain the perfect light level in the room. Technologies such as rotating beds are
used to improve lighting efficiency.Thirdly, instead of soil, aeroponic, aquaponic or hydroponic growing mediums are used.
Peat moss or coconut husks and similar non-soil mediums are very common in vertical farming. Finally, the vertical farming
method uses various sustainability features to offset the energy cost of farming. In fact, vertical farming uses 95
percent less water.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Vertical Farming
Vertical farming has a lot of promise and sounds like the farm of the future. However, there are a few stumbling
blocks to consider before rushing full-speed ahead into vertical farming.
1. What is the passage about?
A. The difference between vertical farming and greenhouses.
B. The advantages of vertical farming.
C. An overview of vertical farming.
D. Technology behind vertical farming.
2. What is the reason for vertical farming?
A. Artificial lighting can be used in place of natural sunlight. B. Metal reflectors should be highly
C. Indoor farming techniques can be put into use. D. Productivity in crops can be enhanced.
3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word ‘augment’?
A. change B. lessen C. increase D. replace
4. According to the passage, which of the following locations is NOT suitable for vertical farming?
A. skyscrapers B. shipping containers C. fields D. repurposed warehouses
5. Which of the following statements is wrong?
A. Hydroponic growing medium is one of the ways to replace soil.
B. More water is needed for vertical farming.
C. Maintenance of light level is important.
D. Vertical farming has both advantages and disadvantages.
6. What is ‘growing medium’ concerned with?
A. what can be used to plant trees in B. what is related to sustainability
C. what is brought about in harvests D. what can be compared to natural sunlight
7. What does the word ‘offset’ mean?
A. compensate B. improve C. abolish D. maximize
8. The words ‘stumbling rocks’ refer to _______.
A. the prizes B. the obstacles C. the hesitations D. the preparations
Choose the word or phrase which is similar in meaning to the underlined part:
9. Edwin Hubble was one of the scientists who lived through two world wars.
A. experienced B. survived C. struggled D. became reputed
10. Could you please run your eyes over my report before I hand it in? I am not confident enough.
A. leave comment on B. suggest some ideas for C. start criticizing D. have a quick look at
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others:
11. A. parkas B. Inuit C. orbit D. unmanned
12. A. nostalgic B. amazing C. catastrophe D. obstacle
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
13. A. module B. commune C. capsule D. tunnel
14. A. reduced B. considered C. coped D. crashed
Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correction:
15. Thousands of people (A) came to the funeral of a famous actor, that (B) might be considered either (C) as a token
of gratitude or idle (D) curiosity.
16. Vietnam is believed to have (A) a venerable tradition of hospitality (B), so they attract (C) lots of tourists (D) every
17. The crime (A) will stand trial (B) for a few attempts of child abduction (C) and his name is the keyword (D) in online
search these days.
Choose the correct answers to complete the following sentences:
18. _________ people know how to use common sense to solve their problems.
A. Sensible B. Sensitive C. Open-minded D. Self-confident
19. It took Mathew quite a few years to get himself ________ to the country of his new citizenship.
A. native B. belonging C. responsive D. attached
20. Working in the show business, stars are better off _________ cautious responses to the media.
A. to give B. giving C. give D. given
21. It was not desirable teamwork, for arguments often _________ among the members.
A. burnt out B. broke out C. mounted up D. put on
22. Darren is ________ the most decisive person I have ever met.
A. no matter B. by far C. at most D. in turn
23. Robots can now be used to ________ bombs, which can effectively ease the task.
A. defuse B. decode C. extinguish D. put out
24. When we first came to Morocco, we could not _________ with the heat there.
A. shake off B. put off C. break off D. put up
25. The Inuit keep their history alive by telling their children _________ stories and legends.
A. mythical B. ethnic C. misery D. harmonious
26. Apollo 13 was a space flight which met with catastrophe and _________ in history.
A. went down B. recorded C. fell out D. presented
27. While the winds ________ outside, the children ________ by the fire listening to fairy tales.
A. were howling – sat B. were howling – were sitting C. howled – were sitting D. howled – sat
28. – Did you have a nice time on your trip? - _________.
A. That’s not the worst of it B. To make matters worse C. Unbelievable D. Not so good, I’m afraid.
29. The neighborhood was so insecure that more police officers were brought in to ________ every single night.
A. sweep B. scan C. mission D. patrol
30. Not until 6 o’clock ________ at the last stop.
A. did the bus arrive B. that the bus arrived C. the bus arrived D. when the bus arrived
31. The man asked Gina ________ her name at the reception desk.
A. whether did she register B. whether had she registered C. if she had registered D. to have registered
32. The Mid-summer feast was being prepared by the women in the village, and the children could not wait to
________ in.
A. rush B. jump C. dive D. plunge
33. The old nurse is always on time; at 6am she enters to ________ temperatures of every patient in the room.
A. measure B. extract C. evaluate D. take
34. While the lecturer was delivering his speech, some young men were walking round the hall _______ brochures.
A. giving off B. handing out C. taking on D. putting away
35. Nobody could persuade Tom to change his mind, _________?
A. couldn’t he B. could he C. could they D. didn’t he

Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. (1pt)
1. Susie put too much sugar in the cake and it went burnt.
If Susie ……
2. It took Wendy 3 hours to decorate her living room for Christmas.
Wendy spent …..
3. The ferry left before we came to the harbor.
By the …….
4. The man preferred getting a one-way ticket, but he couldn’t.
The man failed …..
5. It was such salty soup that the children could not eat it. TOO
The soup …..

Use the correct forms of the words to complete the sentences: (1pt)
1. You should talk to the school ________ to receive some advice for your choice of career. (COUNSEL)
2. Robots now can work efficiently as bomb_________ experts. (DISPOSE)
3. Scientists have __________ a link between diet and cancer. (IDENTITY)
4. Storm-chasers could get ________ close to the storms without feeling in danger. (CREDIT)
5. Yuri Gagarin was the first astronaut to carry out a _________ mission into outer space. (MAN)
Fill in each blank with ONE word:
Whether you love them or loathe them, household (1) _______ are a necessary part of everyday life. So wouldn’t it be great
to have someone or something to pick (2) _______ the slack? Enter: the robot vacuum cleaner, a worthwhile investment for
any busy household.
Recently, a number of new manufacturers (3) ______ joined the vacuum cleaner market, offering a (4) _______ range of
features like voice control and room mapping – with some being slightly unnecessary, and some genuinely useful.
Robot vacuums can be very expensive – one product we tested cost almost £1,200 – but the good news is, as the
technology develops, these products are becoming more and more affordable with many models of a (5) ________ bargain.

Read the passages and choose the correct answers:
Passage A:
Geographers are social scientists who study countries, regions, and cities through their economy, social conditions, climate, and
topography. Geographers use their findings to solve problems in urban and regional planning, business, and agriculture. While many
geographers are involved in environmental planning, most teach and do research in colleges and universities. Geographers also teach
in high schools or work for federal and state agencies, private companies, or as self-employed consultants.
Geographers analyze distributions of physical and cultural phenomena on local, regional, continental, and global scales. Most
geographers specialize in a particular aspect or method of geographic study. Economic geographers study the distribution of resources
and economic activities. Political geographers are concerned with the relationship of geography to political phenomena, and cultural
geographers study the geography of cultural phenomena. Physical geographers examine variations in climate, vegetation, soil, and
landforms and their implications for human activity. Urban and transportation geographers study cities and metropolitan areas.
Climatologists study weather patterns. Regional geographers or area specialists do research on a particular geographic region, ranging
in size from a congressional district to entire continents. They use research methods from many aspects of geography to study all
facets of an area, including its climate, economy, physical features, and culture. Medical geographers investigate health-care delivery
systems, epidemiology (the study of the causes and control of epidemics), and the effect of the environment on health. Cartographers
collect information and develop maps from aerial photographs, surveys, and other sources. They usually work for companies that
publish maps and for the defense and intelligence departments of the government. Geographical information systems specialists use
computer-aided technology to compile and analyze large amounts of data for environmental planning and natural resource
Most geographers use GIS technology to assist with their work. For example, they may use GIS to create computerized maps that can
track information such as population growth, traffic patterns, environmental hazards, natural resources, and weather patterns, after
which they use the information to advise governments on the development of houses, roads, or landfills.
In business, geographers help decide where to locate production facilities, find markets for goods and services, and do market
analysis. Their advice is valued because they are trained to study physical features, such as natural resources, in tandem with cultural
conditions, such as the availability of labor and transportation.
1. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
A. What characteristics a geographer possesses. B. Which jobs a geographer may be involved in.
C. Different fields are well-related to geography. D. Characteristics of geography.
2. Which geographer is qualified in climate and terrain reseach?
A. cultural B. political C. Urban D. physical
3. A regional geographer may engage himself in all of the following EXCEPT ______.
A. climate reseach B. culture observation C. environmental problems D. regional features
4. What is the purpose of paragraph 3?
A. To describe the detailed activities of geographers.
B. To list all applications of GIS technology.
C.To give examples of how applicable the geographical information is.
D. To illustrate an idea in the previous paragraph.
5. What does the phrase ‘facets’ mean?
A. problems B. values C. aspects D. save
6. Which of the following is one of the jobs of business geographers?
A. finding markets B. fabricating things C. recruit labor D. improve transportation
7. Which of the following questions is NOT answered in the passage?
A. How much does a geographer earn? B. Which job opportunities can a geographer get?
C. Which field can a geographer be useful for? D. What does a geographer exactly do?
Passage B:
There is nothing worse than someone who is always late. Lateness can be a charming eccentricity – for a little while. The trouble is
that Mr or Mrs Unpunctual soon starts causing inconvenience to other people. That’s when the cheerful acceptance gives way to scorn
and resentment. It’s surprising how far the unpunctual person will go to inconvenience others. For example, after accepting the offer
of a lift to work the following morning, he or she will fail to turn up at the pick-up spot at the agreed time. There’s sure to be a
convincing reason: lost door keys, a child with whooping cough, a cat stuck up an apple tree…
The giver of the lift makes sure he’s not late. He’s made the offer and now he feels responsible for it; come what may he must keep
his word. On the other hand, the person who’s receiving the favour feels free to turn up 10, 15 or 30 minutes after the time which has
been agreed. For him or her they are minutes of hurried activity earning the right to chauffeur-driven luxury; for the driver – the victim
– they are minutes of sheer frustration, boredom and wasted time.
What’s the result of this easy-going attitude? Well, maybe the person who offered the lift gives up the seemingly endless wait and
disappears, in which case the latecomer struggles to complete his day’s schedule later than ever. Wherever he goes he blames the lift
for ‘letting him down’.
There’s another equally likely result. In this version of the story, the giver of the lift waits in loyal frustration at the side of the road for
as long as the thoughtless passenger takes to reach the spot. Not only are both of them late for work, but the passenger tells his
colleagues about the driver’s impatience in traffic queues!
So what’s the answer? Perhaps there should be a subtle change in how we view time. At the moment we think of it as a very elastic
commodity; we make vague arrangements to meet at about a certain time, and no one has a clear idea as to just how far that time
will stretch. Will ‘about ten o’clock’ stretch to quarter past ten – or will it stretch to half past ten? There are no fixed rules.
Why not arrange to meet by a certain time and stick to it? Not giving even a minute’s grace seems a little harsh, but look at it this
may: a train won’t wait for a late passenger. People know what the deadline is, they accept that they have to be on time and they
usually are. Even the closest friends give up on each other eventually, so they may as well as set a giving – up time when they make
their arrangement. ‘By ten o’clock’ should mean ‘sorry, but that’s when I set off without you’.
8. What is the passage about?
A. An example of an person who is unpunctual. B. Problems of being late.
C. How we feel when giving lifts to people. D. Inconvenience lateness brings about.
9. What does the word “resentment” mean?
A. discomfort B. disappointment C. anger D. doubt
10. How does the person receiving the lift offer feel about his lateness?
A. He deeply regrets it. B. He knows it is inconvenience, but he could not make it on time.
C. He feels disappointed. D. He thinks that he has the right to be late.
11. What is the common thing in the two ways of reaction mentioned in the passage?
A. The latecomer will speak ill about the lift-giver. B. The gift-giver will feel at ease.
C. Both the gift-giver and the latecomer are late but happy. D. Both the gift-giver and the latecomer avoid talking about it.
12. According to the writer, what is wrong with our judgement of time?
A. We think it is a precise arrangement. B. We mistake it as something elastic.
C. We value it as something unchanged. D. We love to stretch them as long as possible.
13. What does the writer advise us to do?
A. not to give lifts B. set a time and stick to it
C. set off without worrying about arrangements D. be harsher to close friends
14. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “letting him down’?
A. Leaving him behind B. disappointing him C. challenging him D. asking him to leave the car
Choose the best answer to fill in each blank of the following passage:
The Questions before the Consent” are an important (15)_______ of a Catholic wedding ceremony. (16)_____ to its name, this
moment entails the celebrant (priest or deacon) asking the bride and groom a (17)______ of questions immediately before
they exchange their consent (marriage vows) and are married. These questions involve the couple’s “freedom of choice, fidelity to
each other, and the acceptance and (18)_______ of children”. While they are asked the questions together, each person must
answer the questions (19)______. It is a solemn moment, as bride and groom pledge before God and the community their intention
to undertake through God’s grace the vocation of lifelong marriage, a permanent union open to the gift of new life.
15. A. role B. part C. speech D. drama
16. A. True B. Real C. Right D. Correct
17. A. group B. collecion C. line D. series
18. A. upbringing B. outcome C. intake D. downpour
19. A. solely B. singularly C. lonely D. individually
Choose the correct answers:
20. On a regular basis, mail _______ twice a week in this neighborhood.
A. delivers B. is delivered C. has been delivered D. are delivered
21. The fight against terrorism has become _______.
a. more and more challenging B. more and more easier C. least tense D. less difficulty
22. The last item _______ was added to the shoping list cost the most.
a. it B. which C. though D. that
23. I forgot _______ back my passport from the hotel reception, and it was a big mistake.
A. to get B. to have got C. getting D. being gotten
24. ________ below zero, we would lose all of the crops.
A. Were the temperature to fall B. If the temperature falls
C. Had the temperature fallen D. If the temperature should fall
25. Children often take up smoking ______ peer pressure.
A. for B. in case C. due to D. despite
26. Never before _______ to produce a variety show which attracted a wide audience.
A. does the theatre fail B. the theatre has failed C. did the theatre fail D. has the theatre failed
27. Tam: You look gorgeous in the new suit! ~ Quan: __________.
A. You can say that again B. Thanks C. Good for you! D. Nice saying!
28. Teachers are mostly responsible ______ the parents ______ the children’s behavior.
A. for/for B. with/about C. to/ for D. by/about
29. You should have written a better ______ to get a better chance of interview.
A. recommendation B. qualification C. résumé D. reference
30. Mrs Smith is too old to work an eight-hour _______.
A. shift B. section C. lap D. session
31. The dancing instructor asked me to find a _______ to practise, but I knew no one in the class.
A. partnership B. partner C. counterpart D. part
32. ________ is to blame for the food scarcity and bad health care.
A. population B. populous C. populated D. overpopulation
Choose the word which is similar in meaning to the underlined part in the sentence:
33. The number of candidates has dwindled for the last six months. The competition has lost its attraction.
A. decreased B. risen C. soared D. burst
34. The government and the Union have finally reached a settlement to stop the strike.
A. deal B. solution C. stage D. agreement
Identify the mistake in each of the following sentences:
35. You would not (A) be able to remember what the speaker says (B) if you do not take (C) any notes or (D) record anything.
36. Old Jimmy used to come to the bank (A) every Monday and ask (B) a bank-teller how much money is left (C) in his (D) account.
37. According to scientific findings (A), lack of (B) sleep can lead to (C) poor concentration, lapse of memory and you are tired (D).
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced in a different way:
38. A. mischief B. chore C. chapter D. chemistry
39. A. résumé B. rescue C. resist D. result
40. A. eel B. cheese C. feel D. peer
Word forms: (1pt)
1. The low _________standards of the university have had serious impact on the admission figures for the last three years.
2. The girl walked out of the house and her dog followed _________at her heels. (OBEY)
3. The first thing you have to learn when taking a part-time job at the library is how books are _________. (CATEGORY)
4. Is it true that _________can lead a happier life than others? (OPTIMISTIC)
5. Whatever job you do, you should show your responsibility and _________. (ENTHUSE)
Sentence transformation: (1pt)
1. The cricket match has been for 3 hours. AGO
The ________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. It is obligatory for freshmen to take an English placement test.
Freshmen are ________________________________________________________________________________________
3. A passer-by phoned the police, and the boy was rescued.
Had ________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Helen’s pessimism prevents her from making friends.
As Helen ____________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Our close-knit famiy always help each other whenever problems happen. UP
Whenever ___________________________________________________________________________________________
I. Supply the correct word form:
1. It was _________ that many of them avoided answering the question. (NOTICE)
2. He shook hands with his _________ opponent. (VICTORY)
3. Lisa shot him a _________ glance. (VENOM)
4. It was _________ of her not to tell you where she was going. (THINK)
5. As a club, we try to encourage _________ behaviour. (SPORT)
6. Many Americans are _________ in credit-card debt. (SLAVE)
7. They _________ me when I first arrived in London as a student. (FRIEND)
8. People fled in _________ as fire tore through the building. (TERRIFY)
9. A gas _______ when the attractive forces between the molecules are sufficient to bind them together in liquid form. (LIQUID)
10. I get offered a lot of work now, so I can be more _________. (CHOOSE)
11. She is an independent _________ adviser. (FINANCE)
12. Most companies are now __________ on computer technology. (RELY)
II. Sentence transformation:
1. They began working here since 2008.
They’ve _____________________________________________________________________________________________
2. He can swim further than I can.
I cannot _____________________________________________________________________________________________
3. I don’t want you to smoke in here.
I would _____________________________________________________________________________________________
4. The food was so good we had to leave a tip.
So _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Such ________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. This summer has been much cooler than last year.
Last summer _________________________________________________________________________________________
6. I'm not as good at maths as you.
You ________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Her health became worse in her old age.
The older ____________________________________________________________________________________________
8. The box was too heavy for me to lift.
It was so ____________________________________________________________________________________________
9. He has joined a gym. He wants to be healthy and fit. (AIM)
He has ______________________________________________________________________________________________
10. She didn’t go to town yesterday. She didn’t want to spend any money. (ORDER)
She didn’t ___________________________________________________________________________________________
11. I found her car in an empty room.
I came ______________________________________________________________________________________________
12. Why don't you start doing a sport? (TAKING)
Have you thought _____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
III. Open cloze:
The Magic of Manga
Every year, people in Japan (1) _________ millions of yen on a form of entertainment called manga. Today, the popular industry has
become a multi-billion dollar global market. So what exactly is it? Manga is the Japanese word (2) _________ comics, but the cartoons
aren't like the cartoons you are probably (3) _________ to seeing. (4) _________, they have their own very special style that involves
a combination of a traditional Japanese art form and foreign styles of drawing. So (5) _________ did manga begin?
As long (6) _________ as the twelfth century, Japanese artists were creating funny and satirical paintings. Manga simply follows this
tradition. Modern manga, (7) _________, really began last century when an extremely talented artist called Osamu Tezuka became
known. Tezuka started out as a doctor, but while he was studying, his career as an artist really (8) _________ off. In the 1940s, he
created an action-adventure drama inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson's book Treasure Island. He called his version New Treasure
Island and it was an instant hit. 400,000 (9) _________ were sold and it was the start of a manga craze. Later Tezuka made the
children's series Astro Boy that's still popular today. He's also credited (10) _________ inventing the film version of manga (11)
_________ became known around the world after blockbusters such as Pokemon.
Today's manga is without (12) _________ the most popular form of entertainment in Japan.
A. Choose the best answer:
1. I’m absolutely ______! I could eat a horse.
A. parched B. peckish C. hungry D. famished
2. Sid has always been a ______ eater.
A heavy B strong C grand D big
3. We were starving but mum wouldn't let us eat before dinner as it would ______ our appetites.
A damage B spoil C dent D prejudice
4. He must have been hungry. Did you see the way he ______ his dinner down?
A wolfed B. swallowed C demolished D polished
5. That's the last time they're coming to stay for the weekend. They ate us out of house and ______.
A kitchen B garden C home D larder
6. “There’s no need to stand on ceremony. ______ in,” said a disembodied voice from the kitchen.
A. Plough B. Burrow C. Fork D. Dig
7. I'm just going to ______ a bite to eat and then we can meet. Is that all right?
A grasp B clutch C clasp D grab
8. Feeling off-colour, she ______ at her food.
A bolted B. picked C worked D grabbed
9. We couldn't find a single knife, fork or spoon anywhere. Apparently, for them, fully equipped meant everything except ______.
A crockery B cutlery C utensils D gadgets
10. After three hours of walking in the hot summer sun, we were ________ for a drink.
A gasping B gulping C panting D sighing
11. He prefers ______ water to tap water.
A canned B well C mineral D fresh
12. Fresh fruit juice is better for you than ______ drinks.
A fuzzy B fizzy C saccharine D bubbly
13. They don't sell tea or coffee. They only sell _______ drinks.
A mild B sweet C plain D soft
14. We had to pay for our food but not for the drinks - they were on the ______.
A house B café C compliment D consumption
15. There's plenty of ______ food in the larder.
A spoiled B raw C frozen D canned
B. Supply the correct word form:
We found out about our next restaurant when an (invite) _________ from one of its owners found its way on to my desk. Situated in
a (neighbour) _________ overflowing with themed Irish and American eateries, the Wedge stands out not only for the (simple)
_________ of its decor (bare brick walls, polished floorboards and white linen tablecloths) but also because of its uniquely British
menu. (Need) _________ to say, we were intrigued and we chose to dine out at the Wedge last Monday. We were welcomed by a
team of excellent and switched-on staff who, (through) _________ our meal, were attentive and (courtesy) _________ without
being overbearing.
The menu was extensive, interesting and (suit) _________ for all budgets. The emphasis, as you might expect, was on traditional
British fare - roast meats, pies, baked puddings - though a number of more (innovation) _________ dishes were thrown in for those
with an adventurous palate. We were spoilt for (choose) _________ and in the end, I plumped for crab soup as a starter and roast
beef and Yorkshire pudding for my main course. The (help) _________ we were served were generous, our food arrived promptly,
and nice intervals of time were left between courses. Superior service, a relaxing ambience, an imaginative menu and (afford)
_________ prices - it would seem that the Wedge has hit on a winning formula. It is a shame, therefore, that our food tasted like
industrial strength soap.
V. Reading comprehension:
The Hutterites call themselves the human version of a bee colony. Members of this Christian sect, who first settled in the United States
in the 19th century, shun personal gain and pour their efforts into a well-oiled collective enterprise.
Hutterite ideology stresses the shared fate of the group and warns against the sin of selfishness. Anyone who withholds help from
others in need, turns lazy, or otherwise undermines community health draws stern reprimands from church elders. Failure to heed these
warnings results in forced exile.
Hutterite leaders are elected democratically and undergo a long probationary period before acquiring full power. When a colony grows
too large – which is not uncommon, as the Hutterites have long experienced high birth rates – it sorts into two groups of equal size,
skill, and compatibility. A lottery determines which group stays and which moves to a new location.
Such practices sound downright strange to the average suburbanite or city dweller. Indeed, end-of-the-millennium Western societies
seem to spawn far more self-absorption than sacrifice for any “greater good.”
But the bee like tactics of Hutterite colonies highlight an evolved human capacity for thinking in groups and advancing group interests,
even at the expense of personal strivings, asserts David Sloan Wilson, an evolutionary biologist at the State University of New York at
“Groups can be functional units in their own right, and individuals sometimes behave more like organs than like organism,” Wilson
contends. “As a result, altruism is a common feature of both human and biological nature.”
1. Hutterites are characterized by their ______.
A. pride B. greed C. selflessness D. individualism
2. A Hutterite who displays laziness and ignores warnings to reform ______.
A. is made to leave the group B. turns selfish
C. reprimands church elders D. shares the fate of the group
3. Which of the following does NOT apply to Hutterite leaders?
A. They have to elect deputies. B. They have to prove themselves worthy.
C. They are chosen by the group. D. They do not automatically assume full power.
4. What accounts for the division of many Hutterite colonies?
A. The skills of their members become unequal. B. The members are unable to live together peacefully.
C. Too many immigrants join the colony. D. New births within the colonies swell their population.
5. Wilson maintains that Hutterite practices ______.
A. mirror the average contemporary Western society. B. reflect how strong an effect altruism can have on our actions.
C. prove that personal striving is an overwhelming force. D. have a high capacity for self-absorption.

Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others.
1. a. curriculum b. scenario c. bewilderment d. devastation
2. a. appliance b. homecoming c. romantic d. dynamics
3. a. quarrel b. upset c. annoy d. dismayed
4. a. domestic b. parental c. disposal d. teenager
5. a. laundry b. housework c. divvy d. admit
Choose the correct answer.
6. We almost got lost during our …………….. trip.
a. homely b. homeward c. homecoming d. homeless
7. Are these lettuces………………or did you buy them in the market?
a. homemade b. homely c. homegrown d. household
8. The entire U.S. was ……………….. by the news of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
a. surprised b. devastated c. amazed d. thrilled
9. The shirt in the window was ……………expensive for me to buy.
a. such b. very c. too d. so
10. I ……….. a response from the company even though I ………… two application forms.
a. got/sent b. have got/have sent c. haven't got/have sent d.haven't got/have been sending
11. It didn't rain in the spring. I think we …………. water next summer.
a. will run out of b. are going to run out of c. have run out of d. run out of
12. Dry cleaning is a wet process in which the first step involves ……………. a garment in a cleaning solution.
a. to soak b. to be soaked c. soaking d. being soaked
13. Oil ………………. if you pour it on water.
a. floated b. will be floated c. floats d. float
14. The movie………until half past nine, but we ………… a couple hours earlier so that we can walk around a bit first.
a. doesn’t start/are going to arrive b. hasn’t started/arrived
c. didn’t start/were arriving d. won’t start/arrive
15. Be patient! You will have a good command of English .................
a. with time b. from time to time c. on the spot d. in the nick of time
16. They should offer a good service because they ....... a lot of money for it.
a. cost b. praise c. fine d. charge
17. Food will ………… if the temperature in your freezer rises above 8ºC.
a. damage b. ruin c. destroy d. spoil
18. Many people got sick after …………… the fish ……………… in the polluted waters.
a. having eaten/are caught b. eating/caught c. they eat/catching d.having been eaten/being caught
19. I remember ……………. on at the age of 14.
a. operating b. to operate c. being operated d. to be operated
20. Thieves stole all her priceless jewels.
a. She was stolen all her priceless jewels. b. All her priceless jewels are stolen by thieves.
c. All her priceless jewels were robbed away from her. d. She was robbed of all her priceless jewels.
21. There was too much snow for us to go out.
a. There was such snow that we couldn’t go out. b. It snowed but we went out.
c. There was so much snow that we went out. d. There was such a lot of snow that we couldn’t go out.
22. Many English words are derived from Latin or Greek words.
a. The English language is a mixture of Latin and Greek.
b. Most of the English words are a combination of Latin and Greek words.
c. The origins of a lot of English words can be traced back to Latin or Greek.
d. When there isn't an English word to describe something, English people often use Latin or Greek.
23. – ‘Excuse me!’ - ‘ ……………………………..?’
a. What b. Yes c. No d. Pardon
24. My kids are driving me mad. They never seem to listen to me unless I ……………… at them.
a. scream b. shout c. grin d. stare
25. Thanks to advertising, Dr. Thanh has become a ……………… name.
a. home b. homely c. house d. household
26. There was nothing special about his clothes ……………. from his flowery tie.
a. apart b. except c. but d. other
27. She hates it when her mother keeps nagging her ………………… cleaning her room.
a. at b. of c. about d. for
28. ‘I’m sorry about that!’ - ‘Well, ……………’
a. you’re welcome b. my pleasure c. it’s ok d. not mention
Choose the option that best completes each sentence
29. She wasn’t an able enough secretary ………. .
a. though she pretended to be so b. to typing as fast as the previous one
c. because she can’t speak a foreign language d. why she looked so nervous during the interview
30. The best magnifying glasses can make things …………………
a. look 10 to 20 times larger than they actually are b. look larger 10 to 20 times larger than they are actually
c. 10 to 20 times larger than they are actually d. look larger than 10 to 20 times they are actually
31. Having worked hard at his job the entire year, ……………………
a. his family complained that they were not seeing enough of him.
b. he was looking forward to his annual holiday.

c. which was particularly difficult around tax time.

d. his wife thought that he deserved a nice surprise.
32. When opening a bank account, ………………. .
a. the staff of the bank are very helpful with the completion of the forms
b. interest rates have gone up dramatically
c. you have to provide some form of identity
d. your money will be much safer there
33. This steak is a little bit undercooked for my taste ………. putting it back under the grill for another five minutes?
a. Why not b. Would you mind c. Do you prefer d. Do you mind if I
34. My job is very ……..……, and doesn't require any skill, but I don't mind because I find it very relaxing, and it allows
me to do a lot of thinking.
a. normal b. routine c. regular d. stable
35. Studies show that the average housewife walks 15 kilometers a day around the house doing her ……………..
a. chores b. tasks c. houseworks d. work
Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.
36. Ballpoint (a) pens require (b) a tiny, perfectly round (c) ball for its (d) tips.
37. Like (a) his brother, Mike has chosen (b) the economics (c) as his major (d) in the university.
38. Harmony, (a) melody and rhythm (b) are (c) important elements in almost forms (d) of music.
39. Ducks are less (a) susceptible to (b) infection than another (c) types of poultry (d).
40. Even during (a) economic booms, (b) there is a small number (c) of unemployment (d).

Choose the words or phrases that best fit the blanks to make a complete passage.
A family portrait is a valuable picture – it is fun to look at now, it’s great for relatives far away, and it will bring
(41)………… memories in the years to come. Families change quickly as children grow, so don’t wait, (42)…………. your
position in the family – photograph your family group now, and plan to make this a regular event. Your family album isn’t
really complete without this record of all of you together.
Getting the whole of the family together isn’t always easy. So you will need to plan ahead to be sure (43)………. has
time to pose. A relaxed, friendly feeling is (44)……… makes the picture, and you can’t expect people to relax if they’re in
a hurry to do something else. (45)………. your plans when you’re all together and in a cheerful, friendly mood – say,
during a meal, and set a time convenient for everyone.
41. a. about b. forward c. in d. back
42. a. whoever b. however c. despite d. whatever
43. a. anyone b. someone c. everyone d. no one
44. a. that b. what c. which d. how
45. a. Do b. Make c. Write d. Devise

Reading Comprehension
Manchester is the “capital” of the northwest of England. Situated on the east bank of the River Irwell, it is a lively,
bustling city with a large student population. Although it was once seen only as a dull, industrialized place, in recent years
Manchester has become the “in” place to be. It is well-known for its trendy clubs, its fashion and music not to mention its
world famous football team, Manchester United.
There’s plenty to see in Manchester and something to suit all tastes. For example, you could have a taste of the
Orient in Chinatown, home to Manchester’s large Chinese population. Another place to visit is the historic Eastlefield area,
which has the first urban heritage park in Britain. Here you can take a canal trip, stroll around the museums and
experience the atmosphere of 19th century Manchester.
Football fans need not feel left out; they can always make a trip to the Old Trafford Manchester United Museum
which also contains a coffee shop and a souvenir shop.
It’s easy to find your way around the city center and you’re never too far away from a train or a bus, which will take
you to wherever you want to go. However, many people prefer walking in a city where there’s so much to see, and much
of it is off the main travel routes.
But if you get tired with all that walking around, you can refresh yourself at one of the many café bars in the city.
There is a wide variety of homely, old-fashioned or even eccentric ones.
Whatever you do, you won’t have a dull moment in the place which was recently awarded the title of “most
interesting city in Europe”. Despite its unpopular industrial image in the past, Manchester is becoming more and more
popular as a tourist destination nowadays.

46. According to the article, Manchester is ___________.

a. a small city in the north-west of England b. only known for its heavy industry
c. interesting only if you like football d. a very exciting place these days
47. If you’re interested in history ___________.
a. you can visit the Eastlefield area b. you can go to Chinatown
c. you don’t have a big choice in Manchester d. there are only a few 19th century buildings you can see
48. Moving around the city center___________.
a. is rather confusing and difficult b. can only be done by walking
c. is very tiring d. can be done in various ways
49. If you want to have a coffee or a drink in the center ___________.
a. there are mainly traditional café bars b. there’s plenty of choice for all tastes
c. there are only extremely modern café bars d. there are only a few places you can go to
50. What was Manchester like in the past?
a. A small dull city b. An exciting city to visit
c. A city full of factories d. Tourists’ most popular destination

Mark the letter a, b, c, or d to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
1. a. name b. example c. maintain d. acquaintance
2. a. familiar b. acceptable c. equivalent d. status
3. a. astonishment b. contrast c. consider d. contact
4. a. appreciate b. interpret c. express d. Japanese
5. a. watch b. European c. what d. wrong
Mark the letter a, b, c, or d to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences
6. He ________ me the compliment of inviting me to sing at his wedding.
a. showed b. paid c. threw d. gave
7. The name sounded vaguely ______________ to her.
a. acquainted b. familiar c. similar d. well-known
8. There is a great deal of ___________ ground between management and trade unions on this issue.
a. common b. similar c. familiar d. dangerous
9. Our firm ____________ a lot of business with overseas customers.
a. makes b. deals c. takes D. does
10. Please write your ___________ name and address on the form.
a. complete b. full c. whole d. total
11. The students were listed _________ name and ________ country of origin.
a. at b. on c. with d. by
12. His name's Maximilian, but we just call him Max ___________ short.
a. for b. in c. at d. with
13. Hey, guys. Finish your lunch and ________________ business right away.
a. get up on b. get down to c. get down on d. do over with
14. The Turkish football team are going to be congratulated __________ playing so well.
a. for b. on c. at d. about
15. Australians generally don't like to ________ business during leisure hours, and they avoid making class distinctions.
a. chat b. say c. state d. talk
16. In Hong Kong, you should avoid the colors blue and white in your presentation materials, as these ________ death
and mourning.
a. present b. stand for c. represent d. show
17. We ________________ more than half an hour by the time the show began.
a. will have been waiting b. have been waiting c. could have been waiting d. had been waiting
18. The pop star ___________ when the lights _____________.
a. sang/were going out b. was singing/went out c. was singing/were going out d. sang/went out
19. Bob complimented me ___________ my new hairstyle.
a. on b. about c. of d. with
20. George told me that he ________________ back at 6.
a. is going to be b. will be c. would be d. can’t be
21. Joe said that he _________________ the previous day.
a. hadn’t felt b. wasn’t feeling c. didn’t feel d. wouldn’t feel
22. ______ you ever ________ the U.S. before your trip in 2006?
a. Have /been b. Would/be c. Would/have been d. Had/been
23. Many wheat farmers have begun to ____________ into other forms of agriculture.
a. vary b. diverge c. diversify d. move away
24. It is difficult for many people to accept a literal _________ of the Bible.
a. construction b. exposure c. revelation d. interpretation
25. His business tactics outraged the __________ of the UK establishment.
a. stiffs b. hardness c. solidity d. stability
26. - I love your car.
- This old thing? We _______________ it for fifteen years.
a. had had b. have had c. have been having d. used to have
27. - Congratulations on your new home! It's wonderful.
- ______________!
a. You’re welcome b. Thank you c. It’s ok d. Really
28. - You have a good voice.
- ________________.
a. I appreciate it b. You’ve done a good job c. Well done d. Yes, of course
29. - Tina is still looking for a decent flat.
- How long ______________?
a. was she looking b. had she looked c. is she looking d. has she been looking
30. - Any news from Tess?
- Yes. She ____________ tomorrow on the 9.15 train.
a. will have been arriving b. will have arrived c. arrives d. arriving

Mark the letter a, b, c, or d to show the underlined part that needs correcting
31. On the other hand (a), if a partner with (b) a North American or British background uses our first names right away (c),
we shouldn’t surprise (d).
32. So instant familiarity (a) is much (b) less acceptable (c) in (d) the rest of Europe and Asia.
33. How do young people (a) in Vietnam address to elderly people (b) or their superior (c) to show politeness (d).
34. The Japanese (a) often lower down (b) their eyes to show (c) respect to their superior (d).
35. Sam was sitting (a) in the seat next to me (b) when the clown had thrown (c) a bucket of water at me (d).
Choose the correct answer to fill each blank space:
America is a religious country without (36) __________ a religiously-controlled country. The Constitution protects
religion (37) __________ government interference and also from having the government select any one religion as a
preferred religion. Christianity in its many denominations is the major religion in the United States, but there are many
minority religions that thrive and that serve communities ranging from the relatively large to the very small. Some of these
religions have been (38) __________ from other parts of the world, and some have developed here as individuals and
groups seek a way to express their spirituality when they are disappointed in the existing religions. Some groups brought
their religion with them and have made it part of the ethnic community they have built here. Some of these groups have
also encountered discrimination and intolerance at various times in their American lives, but (39) __________, America is
very (40) __________ of different religious beliefs and expressions.
36. a. being b. having c. naming d. becoming
37. a. against b. out of c. from d. away from
38. a. come b. fetched c. brought d. imported
39. a. all in all b. all along c. best of all d. all at once
40. a. tolerating b. tolerant c. tolerable d. tolerated
Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question
The United States Constitution established a political system comprising a national and federal government. The new
federal system accommodated the thirteen original state governments while establishing new bodies and powers
designed to address national concerns. The national government created by the union of states stood above the state
governments in specific national matters while acknowledging the role of the states or sharing power with them in other
areas. State officials were required to take an oath to support the Constitution, and state courts were required to
recognize the Constitution and the laws and treaties made under it as the supreme law.
The Constitution, a veritable work of genius, greatly enhanced the power of central government but carefully divided
its functions into three distinct branches—executive, legislative, and judicial. The principle of separation of powers was
applied throughout the document. Carefully measured checks and balances were inserted to prevent the acquisition or
concentration of power in any one branch and also for the purpose of protecting minority rights from the potential rule of
the majority. In their powers to amend the Constitution and to elect the president and members of the Senate, the-states
also gained a role in applying checks and balances.
41. The word "them" refers to
a. national matters b. the states
c. state officials d. national and federal government
42. According to the passage, state officials were required to take an oath to
a. recognize the Constitution as a work of genius b. share power with the federal government
c. support the Constitution d. protect minority rights
43. The author of the passage is probably an expert in
a. social science b. minority issues c. public housing d. political science
44. The author's attitude toward the Constitution is one of
a. humor b. indifference c. commendation d. disapproval
45. What is the author's main purpose in the passage?
a. To discuss one of the principal elements of the Constitution
b. To mention the roles of state officials in government
c. To persuade the state legislators to support the Constitution
d. To summarize the role of the Senate
Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences
46. They felt bad about selling the house because ___________________.
a. they will have owned it for more than forty years b. they have owned it for more than forty years
c. they have been owning it for more than forty years d. they had owned it for more than forty years
47. The little girl asked me _________________.
a. was I staying there all summer b. whether I will be staying there all summer
c. if I am going to stay there all summer d. if I was staying there all summer
48. It’s the first time _______________
a. he has ever flown by Concorde b. he flies by Concorde
c. he had flown by Concorde d. he flew by Concorde
49. She waited until _______________ before starting to do her homework.
a. her brother has left for school b. her brother was leaving for school
c. her brother had left for school d. her brother would leave for school
50. It was while __________________ that I saw Mary.
a. I would walk down the street b. I was walking down the street
c. I am walking down the street d. I walked down the street

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the rest in each of the following question
Question 1: A. mayor B. stair C. are D. prayer
Question 2: A. say B. says C. ate D. said
Question 3: A. police B. polish C. pond D. pompous
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of
the main stress in each of the following question
Question 4: A. information B. television C. transformation D. education
Question 5: A. academic B. inorganic C. understanding D. uncertainty
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following question
Question 6: I’d like to have an_________of Vietnamese history. What source do you think will be best for me?
A. overall B. overview C. oversight D. overpass
Question 7: Strict ________ is imposed on army recruits
A. tension B. weight C. instruction D. discipline
Question 8: They didn’t realize the _______of people’s feelings on the issue
A. intensity B. wish C. aspiration D. will
Question 9: In this training camp, dogs are trained to be ________ to criminals
A. mild B. aggressive C. critical D. militant
Question 10: I know from __________ that everything will be all right
A. care B. wisdom C. experience D. conscience
Question 11: The pace of the race was too ________ to be maintained for long
A. severe B. fast C. stressful D. quick
Question12: The passengers begged ____the driver to stop the speeding coach
A. allegedly B. repeatedly C. supposedly D. admittedly
Question 13: Most of the teachers long for _________ freedom
A. academic B. press C. fear D. scholastic
Question 14: Is physical education on your school’s _________?
A. project B. curriculum C. activity D. concern
Question 15: Many ________ writers condemned the dictator’s policy
A. provisional B. temporary C. contemporary D. military
Question 16: He received a medal in ________ for his bravery
A. reward B. favor C. response D. turns
Question 17: Teaching is not__________ financially.
A. reward B. rewarder C. rewarded D. rewarding
Question 18: My generation behaves______________from my father’s and grandfather’s.
A. differ B. difference C. different D. differently
Question 19: His_________ to understand maths prevents him from finishing primary school.
A. able B. ability C. inability D. disability
Question 20: Most_________ understand that disciplinary actions do not always work with students.
A. educate B. educating C. education D. educators
Question 21: The meeting has been_______ arranged for 3.00 pm next Friday.
A. provide B. provisionally C. provisional D. provision
Question 22: Such considerations are__________ to our main aim of improving efficiency.
A. secondly B. secondary C. second-best D. second
Question 23: Their company is no longer _____________ in world markets.
A. competent B. competitive C. competitor D. compete
Question 24: That man is a member of a committee of_______ businessmen.
A. influence B. influential C. influenza D. influx
Question 25: This picture is ___________worth more than a million pounds.
A. suppose B. supposedly C. supposing D. supposed
Question 26: To answer accurately is more important than___________.
A. a quick finish B. to finish quickly C. finishing quickly D. you finish quickly
Question 27: A telephone recording tells callers_____________.
A. what time the movie starts B. what time starts the movie
C. what time does the movie starts D. the movie starts what time
Question 28: As soon as___________with an acid, salt, and sometimes water, is formed
A. a base will react B. a base reacts C. a base is reacting D. the reaction of a base
Question 29: Not until a student has mastered algebra_________to understand the principle of geometry, trigonometry,
and physics
A. he can begin B. can he begin C. he begins D. begins
Question 30: It costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth…………………..
A. filling B. to fill C. fill D. filled
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correcting
Question 31: Society is (A) changing more (B) rapidly, constantly and intense (C) than it (D) was in the past.
Question 32: Students’ (A) difficulties may be worsen (B) by problems concerning (C) their development and (D) worries
Question 33: Most secondary teachers do (A) not find it (B) shocking when (C) their students understand adult behavior
and lifestyles very good (D).
Question 34: There (A) are two types (B) of education (C) in Viet Nam: formal and informal (D).
Question 35: Giving (A)the strong determination (B)of the new principal,it is expected (C)that cheating will be stopped(D)

Read the passage and then mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
Although most universities in the United States are on the semester system, which offers classes in the fall and
spring, some school observe a quarter systems comprised of fall, winter, spring, and summer quarters. The academic
year, September to June is divided into three quarters of eleven weeks each beginning in September, January, and
March; the summer quarter, June to August, is composed of shorter sessions of varying length.
There are several advantages and disadvantages to the quarter system. On the plus side, students who wish to
complete their degree in less than the customary four years may take advantage of the opportunity to study year round
by enrolling in all four quarters. In addition, although most students begin their programs in the fall quarter, they may
enter at the beginning of any of the other quarters. Finally, since the physical facilities are kept in operation year round,
the resources are used efficiently to serve the greatest number of students. But there are several disadvantages as well.
Many faculties complain that the eleven-week term is simply not long enough for them to cover the material required by
most college courses. Students also find it difficult to complete the assignments in such a short period of time.
In order to combine the advantages of the quarter system with those of the semester system, some colleges and
universities have instituted a three-term trimester system. In fourteen weeks, faculty and students have more time to
cover material and finish course requirements, but the additional term provides more options for admission during the
year and accelerates the degree programs for those students who wish to graduate early.
Question 36: Which of the following would be the best title of this passage?
A. Universities in the United States B. The academic year
C. The quarter system D. The semester system
Question 37: How many terms are there in a quarter system?
A. four regular terms and one summer term
B. three regular terms and one summer term
C. two regular terms and two summer terms
D. one regular term and four summer terms
Question 38: The word “customary” in line 6 could best be replaced by
A. agreeable B. traditional C. lengthy D. limited
Question 39: The word “them” in line 10 refers to
A. faculties B. weeks C. courses D. material
Question 40: Which of the following characteristics does NOT apply to trimesters?
A. they allow students to graduate early.
B. they provide more options for admission.
C. they are long enough to cover the course material.
D. they last eleven weeks
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to choose the sentence which is nearest in meaning to the one in italic
Question 41: I ate even more chocolates than my friend does.
A. I ate many chocolates but my friend ate still more.
B. Neither I nor my friend ate any chocolates.
C. My friend ate many chocolates but I ate still more.
D. Both I and my friend ate a lot of chocolates.
Question 42: Helen was known to be in Ho Chi Minh City in 2003.
A. In 2003 Helen wished to live in Ho Chi Mina city.
B. It is a fact that Helen was in Ho Chi Mina city in 2003.
C. Helen was very famous in Ho Chi Minh City in 2003.
D. In 2003 Ho Chi Minh City was well known to Helen.
Question 43: John must describe what happened in the accident to the police.
A. The police have given John the facts of the accident.
B. John has got to make a report on the accident.
C. John has sent a report on the accident to the police.
D. John must see the police report on the accident.
Question 44: Tim’s not a young man. He must be fifty years old.
A. Tim will be glad when he‘s fifty years old.
B. Tim is certainly fifty years old; maybe he’s more.
C. Tim is much older, but he likes you to think he’s only fifty.
D. Tim’s much older than he is.
Question 45: I wish David was playing for us today.
A. We’re lucky that David’s playing for us today.
B. If David‘s playing for us today, we’ll win.
C. I’m sorry David isn’t in our team today.
D. I hope David will manage to get in the team today.
Read the passage and then mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word
Tired of the 10 large molehills that flourished on his lawn, Mr. Oscar Ejiamike decided (46)_______ them. After a
rigorous campaign of bombing, gassing and waiting round in the dark with a raised shovel, he found that the 10 molehills
survived (47) _______. There were also 22 new ones.
At this point our man decided to surprise the moles, with a midnight poisoning raid. In May 1984 he drove his Jaguar
2.4 automatic to the (48) ________ of the lawn and trained the headlamps upon the enemy zone. While reaching across
for the poison, Mr. Ejiamike knocked the car into reverse and accelerate through the wall of his cottage, knocking over the
electric heater, bursting his petrol tanks, (49)________ fire to his newly decorated sitting room and wrecking his car.
While this certainly surprised the moles, it had no effect on the 32 molehills. Next morning Mr. Ejiamike bought 22
bags of ready-mixed cement and announced that he was (50)_______ to concrete the lawn over.
Question 46: A. to remove B. move C. moving D. removing
Question 47: A. inept B. intact C. faultless D. careless
Question 48: A. edge B. line C. path D. way
Question 49: A. setting B. set C. to set D. sitting
Question 50: A. likely B. around C. able D.going

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the other three.
1. A. procedure B. applicant C. admission D. diploma
2. A. affidavit B. economics C. academic D. eligible
3. A. submit B. deadline C. transcript D. process
4. A. deposit B. notify C. official D. semester
5. A. curricular B. authorities C. institution D. certificate
1. She was _____________ for the job because she wasn’t a German citizen.
A. eligible B. ineligible C. capable D. incapable
2. ___________ to British universities depends on examination results.
A. permit B. permission C. admittance D. admission
3. His new invention has had a variety of ________ in industry.
A. applicants B. applications C. appliances D. applicators
4. This picture is __________ worth more than a million pounds.
A. supposingly B. supposed C. supposing D. supposedly
5. It may take a few weeks for your application to be __________.
A. processed B. progressed C. proceeded D. professed
6. Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding.
A. correct B. good C. suitable D. true
7. I’m studying for a _________ in hotel management.
A. diplomat B. diploma C. diplomacy D. diplomatic
8. To become a pharmacist, you must meet the certain state requirements.
A. see B. get C. take D. satisfy
9. Monica is a freshman at La Trobe University.
A. first-year student B. second-year student C. third-year student D. fourth-year student
10. American students take the SAT or ACT test in high school to be qualified for higher education institutions.
A. high schools B. vocational schools C. universities D. language schools
I. Choose the correct answers.
1. Ninety percent of the deaths resulted ________ injuries to the head.
A. from B. in C. to D. with
2. I asked _________ a pay rise and she agreed.
A. about B. for C. with D. on
3. Do you agree _________ me _________ the need for more schools?
A. to / on B. for / with C. about / on D. with/ about
4. They have applied __________ the publishers ________ permission to reprint an extract.
A. with / about B. to / for C. for / to D. in / on
5. We paid the dealer £3000 ________ the car.
A. on B. to C. for D. no preposition
6. Please sit __________ you can find a chair.
A. whenever B. whoever C. whatever D. wherever
7. Don’t forget the coach _________ at 6.45 tomorrow morning, so you’d better get an early night.
A. will leave B. would leave C. leaves D. is leaving
8. Eva _________ in Athens when she __________ the man who was to become her husband.
A. had lived / met B. lived / met C. was living / met D. lived / was meeting
9. How long ________ the hotel for now?
A. did you run B. do you run C. have you run D. have you been running
10. Mandy _______ her exams by this time next week.
A. will finish B. will be finishing C. will have finished D. has finished
11. If I __________ a more reliable car, I _________ to Spain rather than fly.
A. would have / would drive B. had / had driven
C. had / would drive D. would have had/would drive
12. __________ in my seventies and rather unfit, I might consider taking up squash.
A. Were I not B. Was I not C. Weren’t I D. If I were
13. Nobody __________ he was a thief if he _________ red-handed taking money from the safe.
A. would ever guess / caught C. would have ever guessed / had caught
B. will ever guess / catches D. would ever have guessed / hadn’t been caught
14. They still say that if he _______ into the greengrocery business when he left school, he _________ comfortably
off now instead of being poor.
A. had gone / would have been C. went / would be
B. had gone / would be D. had gone / wouldn’t have been
15. She must have loved him very much because she waited for him for fifteen years. If she _____him, she _____ so long.
A. hadn’t loved / would not have waited C. hadn’t loved / would have not waited
B. didn’t love / wouldn’t wait D. doesn’t love / won’t wait
II. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting
1. If I had been (A) late, they usually made (B) me stay (C) after school and I had (D) to do extra homework.
2. We must (A) maintain a system of law, and support (B) a police force. If we don’t (C), the criminals would (D) soon be
in charge.
3. I’m not the kind of person who goes (A) around thinking (B) if only I have (C) done this or that. I just feel (D) lucky.

4. Things will be (A) better if I will get (B) a job and earn (C) some money so I don’t have (D) to live with my parents.
5. The Czech Republic’s top general has warned (A) staff officers they will lose (B) their jobs if only (C) they don’t learn
(D) English, according to a story in the Daily Telegraph.
III. Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one
1. If you aren’t a registered student, they won’t let you take books out of the library.
A. You are not a registered student, so they don’t let you take books out of the library.
B. Because you are a registered student, they let you take books out of the library.
C. Unless you are a registered student, they let you take books out of the library.
D. They’ll only let you take books out of the library if you are a registered student.
2. The boy said that he hadn’t done anything wrong.
A. The boy admitted having done something wrong.
B. The boy denied having done anything wrong.
C. The boy refused to do anything wrong.
D. The boy accepted to do something wrong.
3. They say that she inherited a lot of money.
A. It is said that she was inherited a lot of money.
B. She is said to inherit a lot of money.
C. She is said to have inherited a lot of money.
D. Both A and C are correct.
4. “I’m sorry I didn’t finish the report on time,” said Nick.
A. Nick said he was sorry because he didn’t finish the report on time.
B. Nick apologized not to finish the report on time.
C. Nick apologized for not finishing the report on time.
D. Nick reminded me to finish the report on time.
5. They have been living in Germany for five years now.
A. It is five years since they moved to live in Germany.
B. It is five years since they have moved to live in Germany.
C. It is five years ago since they moved to live in Germany.
D. It has been five years since they had moved to live in Germany.
I. Read the following passage and choose the correct answers.
About 35℅ of all high school graduates in America continue their education in an institution of higher learning. The
word “college” is used to refer to either a college or a university. These institutions offer four-year programs that lead
to a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. Some students attend a junior college (providing only
a two-year program) before entering as four-year college as a sophomore or junior.
It is generally easier to be accepted at a state university than at a private one. Most private schools require strict
entrance examinations and a high grade point average (GPA), as well as specific college prep classes in high schools. Private
schools cost considerably more than colleges, and famous private schools are very expensive. Poorer students can sometimes
attend, however, by earning scholarships. Some college graduates go on to earn advanced masters or doctoral degrees in
grad (graduate) school. Occupations in certain fields such as law or medicine require such advanced studies.
Since college costs are very high, most students work at part-time jobs. Some have full-time jobs and go to school
part-time. Often some will take five or more years to complete a four-year program because of money / job demands on their
While the college and work demands take up the great part of a student’s time, most still enjoy social activities.
Sports, dances, clubs, movies, and plays are all very popular. However, gathering together for long, philosophical talks at a
favorite meeting place or near the university is probably the most popular activity.
1. College education is _________ in America.
A. quite common B. very rare C. something difficult D. almost impossible
2. Usually after four years of college study, one will get _________.
A. a Bachelor’s degree B. a Master’s degree C. a Doctor’s degree D. a scholarship
3. Only _________ can enter private schools.
A. rich students B. poor students C. hard-working students D. college graduates
4. Most students in America pay for their college study ____________.
A. by their parents B. by themselves C. by the government D. with the scholarships they get
5. The America college students like to ___________ most of all.
A. discuss problems on philosophy B. play balls
C. earn enough money D. go to the cinemas or theatres
II. Read the following passage and choose a suitable word to fill in each blank.
When children are three years old, they sometimes go to a (1) _______ where they learn simple games and
songs. Their first real school is called a primary school. In Britain, children start this school at the age of five. The (2)
__________ year in Britain begins in September and is divided (3) ___________ three terms. Schools break up for the
summer holiday in July. Secondary education begins at the age of about eleven, and most schools at this level are co-
educational, (4) ___________ means boys and girls study together in the same classes. In Britain, education is
compulsory from 5 to 16 years of age, but many children choose to remain at school for another two or three years after
16 to take higher exams. Most children go to (5) _________ schools, which are maintained by the government or local
education authorities, but some children go to private schools, which can be very expensive.
1. A. nursery school B. kindergarten C. elementary school D. middle school
2. A. extra-curricular B. voluntary C. academic D. study
3. A. to B. into C. in D. with
4. A. that B. where C. who D. which
5. A. state B. vocational C. professional D. training

Mark the letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose inderlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions
1. a. mechanic b. salary c. many d. satisfy
2. a. typical b. demeanor c. fill d. hindrance
3. a. contentment b. trigonometry c. photography d. property
4. a. swift b. swallow c. sword d. sweatshop
5. a. individuals b. vacancies c. associates d. tissues
Mark the letter a,b,c or d on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions
1. He lost his job ……………………… no fault of his own.
a. through b. by c. with d. over
2. He made the soup by mixing……………….. meat with some rice.
a. little b. few c. a little d. a few
3. I asked Angela to run the office while I’m going ………………… I know I can depend on her
a. unless b. since c. although d. therefore
4. ”I didn’t think much about job satisfaction when I started work”- “………………….. did I.
a. Neither b. Either c. So d. Too
5. ”Would you mind if we ………………………. you by your first name?- “Not at all. Please call me Tom. “
a. called b. call c. calling d. want to call
6. I don’t like to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could ………………..me a favor.
a. make b. do c. find d. pick
7………………………. of the shop , my friend Roger came in
a. Coming out b. On coming out c. When coming out d. As I came out
8. Helen asked me …………………..the film called “Star Wars”
a. have I seen b. have you seen c. if I had seen d. if had I seen
9. The librarian went to look in the cupboard …………………. rare books are kept.
a. which b. where c. that d. there
10. She can’t get home ……………………she has no money.
a. unless b. if c. until d. without
11. He refused to give up work , ……………………..he’d won a million pounds.
a. despite b. however c. even though d. as though
12. Let’s go for a walk , ……………………we?
a. will b. do c. shall d. must
13. The newspaper report contained …………………… important information.
a. many b. another c. an d. a lot of
14. By half past ten tomorrow morning , I …………………. along the motorway.
a. will drive b. am driving c. drive d. will be driving
15. If I had known your new address , we …………………… to see you.
a. came b. will come c. would come d. would have come
16 ……………….the rise in unemployment , people still seem to be spending more.
a. Nevertheless b. Meanwhile c. Despite d. Despite of
17. Give me a word ………………………. .with S.
a. beginning b. began c. begins d. begin
18. It …………….. a long time since I last saw you.
a. is b. was c. will be d. has been
19. The company ‘s new repair system will have been installed …………………….. the end of the year.
a. in b. from c. by d. on
20 ……………………….being very clever , he was unable to pass the test.
a. Despite b. In spite c. Although d. Even though
21. If we took the 10:30 train , ………………………
a. we would arrive too early b. we should arrive too early
c. we will arrive too early d. we may arrive too early
22. It’s very crowded here . I wish there ………………….so many people.
a. aren’t b. weren’t c. haven’t been d. isn’t
23. We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them …………….. us.
a. impressed b. delighted c. encouraged d. enlivened
24. She ……………………the impression of being very busy.
a. put b. wore c. gave d. got
25. Viewing figures for the series have dropped ………………………
a. dramatic b. quick c. dramatically d. quickly
1. The progress done (a) in the field (b) of urban planning over (c) recent years has resulted in a different view take of
downtown areas (d).
2. We’ve decided (a) to stop to interview (b) qualified applicants who are not (c) willing to relocate (d).

3. Results from many researchers’ studies (a) would seem (b) to suggest that the average human adult (c) needs
between seven to nine (d) hours of sleep per night.
4. Until (a) the 1840’s, practically (b) the only pioneers who had ventured (c) to the western United States were trappers
and a little (d) explorers.
5. Some relatives of mine (a) like staying (b) at their cabin on (c) Lake OMEGA every summer holidays (d).
The National Health Service in Britain has gone into such a big organization that it now employs more people
(1) ……… other in the country.(2) …………. efficient an organization like this may be , it is bound to (3) ………. sooner or
later but there is little the public can do when they occur. The Patient’s Association gives people advice when they think they
have not been properly looked after .Some time ago , the Association fought against the Government’s idea (4)…………..
general health centers for individual doctors . It said it did not want to tell the health service what to do but added that it
(5) …………… spend more money on doctor’s salaries, which would be cheaper than building health centers.
1. a. than any b. than some c. that any d. that some
2. a. For b. It doesn’t mind c. Whatever d. However
3. a. make faults b. do faults c. make mistakes d. do mistakes
4. a. of substituting b. for substitute c. for replacing d. for replace
5. a. should have to b. needs c. should d. ought
Choose the correct answer
My cousin Bianca is a motor mechanic. She works in a busy garage in the middle of the town about 5 minutes
walk from home .She likes everything about the job, except for the fact that she can never seem to get completely clean
at the end of the rear,
All the other mechanics, except for the supervisor, are men .She gets on with everyone very well.
Although she occasionally has trouble with customers who think that, being a woman, she can’t be a good
mechanic. As it happens, she is considered by most of her workmates to be the best mechanic in the garage.
1. What Bianca dislikes about working in the garage is that:
a. She doesn’t get on with the supervisor c. It’s quite dirty work
b. All the other mechanics are men d. The garage is a long way from the centre.
2. Which of these statements about Bianca is true?
a. She doesn’t like her job c. Every customer likes her.
b. She gets on well with all her workmates d. She isn’t a good mechanic.
3. Most of their fellow workers think that Bianca
a. isn’t as good as they are c. shouldn’t be a mechanic
b. is very popular d. is a very good mechanic
4. Which of these think that Bianca cannot be a good mechanic?
a. Some of her male colleagues c. Most of her workmates
b. Her supervisor d. A few customers
5. The phrase “As it happens “can best be replaced by
a. In fact c. Luckily
b. Unfortunately d. Surprising
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions
1. He has received several scholarships …………………………………
a. not only because of his artistic but his academic ability.
b. for both his academic ability as well as his artistic.
c. because of his academic and artistic ability.
d. as resulting of his ability in the art and the academy.
2. There were two small rooms in the beach house, ………………………………….
a. the smaller of which served as a kitchen.
b. the smallest of which served as a kitchen.
c. the smaller of them served as a kitchen.
d. smallest of that served as a kitchen.
3. Employers often require that candidates have not only a degree ………………….
a. but two years experience.
b. also two year experience.
c. but also two years experience.
d. but more two years experience.
4. Mary changed her major from French to business, ………………………………
a. with hopes to be able easier to locate employment.
b. hoping she can easier get a job.
c. with the hopes for being able to find better a job.
d. hoping to find a job more easily.
5. He had to explain the lesson very clearly, ……………………………………
a. in order that his students to understand it.
b. so that his students to understand it.
c. in order for his students to understand it.
d. for his students in order to understand it.

Choose the best answers:

1. There is a _____ shortage of food in some areas of Africa.
a. deep b. critical c. drastic d. enormous
2. All the branches of the company will be ______ in London next month.
a. centered b centralized c. in center d. on center
3. As a result of the economic reformation, our _______ have been upgraded.
a. lifestyles b. ways of living c. life circumstances d. living standards
4. Your second essay _______ improvement on the first one.
a. presented b. cast c. made d. showed
5. If you happen to find the products faulty, please contact the local _______.
a. maker b. buyer c. purchaser d. dealer
6. I prefer ______ jobs because I don’t like keep on moving and changing all the time.
a. secure b. tough c. challenging d. demanding
7. Many graduates from universities come up against ______.
a. competitions b. importation c. centralization d. unemployment
8. The investment has had _____ on the development of our project.
a. effects b. interruptions c. progress d. results
9. We really appreciate his _______ of advice because he is very experienced.
a. groups b. pieces c. slices d. fragments
10. He was chosen for the post because of his keenness and _______ of responsibility.
a. way b. form c. meaning d. sense
11. It is time you learned how to cope with the _______ life.
a. stressing b. stressed c. stressful d. stress
12. It is _____of Jack to be late for any meeting.
a. regular b. typical c. common d. particular
13. After graduation, few young intellectuals volunteer to work in the ________ areas.
a. far away b. rural c. urban d. countryside
14. The Women’s World Cup is ________ in popularity.
a. growing b. advancing c. establishing d. competing
15. With the help of technology, farmers now can have much better ________.
a. production b. results c. yields d. farming
16. _______, conservationists have to make more efforts nowadays.
a. As I see it b. I would like to say c. As far as possible d. See it
17. Excuse me, ________ where the nearest post office is?
a. may you tell me b. can you tell me c. I ask you d. may you know
18. “– Singers are richer than actors.” “ - _________.”
a. I don’t think that b. I don’t think so c. That’s it d. I could agree more
19. “- You were so nice to help me book the room.” “ - ________.”
a. Never mind b. That’s all right c. It does not matter d. Really
20. “- What_________ ?” “- Elegant and generous.”
a. Is Tim like b. does Tim like c. Tim is like d. Tim likes
21. You can always rely ______ Helen. She is quite trustworthy.
a. On b. in c. onto d. with
22. The doctor referred me ______ another doctor in St. Patrick Hospital.
a. For b. to c. with d. about
23. The swimming pool fee is included _______ the hotel invoice.
a. On b. with c. against d. in
24. Could you explain the story again ______ me?
a. For b. with c. toward d. to
25. It is rather simple, just fill ______ the blanks with words provided.
a. In b. on c. at d. into
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different:
26. a. reform b. reduce c. regret d. relic
27. a. salary b. interfere c. favorite d. temporary
28. a. economics b. reformation c. presentation d. centralizing
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
29. a. drastic b. brainwash c. export d. belong
30. a. rural b. duty c. refuse d. mutual
Identify the mistake in each of the following sentences:
31. He impressed the (a) audience by (b) the profound (c) of his knowledge (d).
32. I found (a) Mr. William‘s remarks (b) quite discouraged (c), and I decided to quit (d).
33. I was once (a) wrongly accused for (b) shop-lifting, and I insisted on (c) their apologizing (d) for insulting me.
34. Helen is a demanding (a) boss who (b) find (c) most of our jobs unsatisfactory (d).
35. Don’t blame me on (a) whatever (b) my son does because (c) it is time he was (d) responsible for everything he does.

Choose the best sentence that means the same as the given one:
36. As the luggage was so heavy, we had to take a taxi.
a. We had to take a taxi because of the heavy luggage.
b. We had to take a taxi so that we can have heavy luggage.
c. Although the luggage was heavy, we took a taxi.
d. We had to take a taxi, so we had heavy luggage.
37. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.
a. Oranges are usually the most expensive.
b. Oranges are usually more expensive as apples.
c. Apples are not usually as expensive as oranges.
d. Apples are usually less cheap than oranges.
38. I was offered to work for IBM, but I rejected.
a. I turned down the offer to work for IBM.
b. I rejected to offer to work for IBM.
c. IBM refused my offer to work.
d. I was refused by IBM at work.
39. We could not handle the situation without you.
a. You didn’t help us handle the situation.
b. If you had not helped us, we could not have handled the situation.
c. If you did not help us, we could not handle the situation.
d. We will handle the situation if you help.
40. It has not rained for a fortnight.
a. It is a fortnight since it last rained.
b. It is a fortnight since it has rained.
c. It rained for a fortnight.
d. The last time it rained is a fortnight ago.

Read the following passage and choose the correct answers:

The organization that today known as the Bank of America did start out in America, but under quite a different name.
Italian American A.P. Giannini established this bank on October 17, 1904, in a renovated saloon in San Francisco’s Italian
community of North Beach under the name Bank of Italy, with immigrants and first-time bank customers comprising the
majority of his first customers. During its development, Giannini’s bank survived major crises in the form of a natural disaster
and a major economic upheaval that not all other banks were able to overcome.
One major test for Giannini’s bank occurred on April 18, 1906, when a massive earthquake struck San Francisco,
followed by a raging fire that destroyed much of the city. Giannini obtained two wagons and teams of horses, filled the
wagons with the bank’s reserves, mostly in the form of gold, covered the reserves with crates of oranges, and escaped from
the chaos of the city with his clients’ funds protected.
A second major crisis for the bank occurred during the great Depression of the 1930’s. Although Giannini had already
retired prior to the darkest days of the Depression, he became incensed when his successor began selling off banks during
the bad economic times. Giannini resumed leadership of the bank at the age of 62. Under Giannini’s leadership, the bank
weathered the storm of the Depression and subsequently moved into a phase of overseas development.
41. According to the passage, Giannini
a. opened the Bank of America in 1904 c. set up the Bank of America prior to setting up the Bank of Italy
b. worked in a bank in Italy d. later changed the name of the Bank of Italy
42. Where did Giannini open his first bank?
a. in New York City c. On Washington Street Wharf
b. in what used to be a bar d. On a makeshift desk
43. According to the passage, which of the following is not true about the San Francisco earthquake?
a. It happened in 1906 c. It caused problems for Giannini’s ban
b. It occurred in the aftermath of a fire d. It was a tremendous earthquake
44. It can be inferred from the passage that Giannini used crates of oranges after the earthquake
a. to hide the gold c. to provide nourishment for his customers
b. to fill up the wagons d. to protect the gold from fire
45. The passage states that after his retirement, Giannini
a. began selling off banks c. supported the bank’s new management
b. caused economic misfortune to occur d. returned to work

Choose the best answer to fill in each blank:

Vietnam, along with China, stands out as a rare success story among transition economies. This authoritative study of
the reform process since 1989 (46) _____ particular attention to the way the macroeconomics framework can contribute to an
environment that encourages human development and helps to (47)_______ poverty. Thus there are chapters on
macroeconomics reforms, international trade policies, the role of the state, rural development, education and health,
environmental issues and poverty and gender inequality. Although areas of weakness are indicated, emphasis is (48)______
on the success Vietnam has experienced compared (49)______ other transition economies. The lessons of (50) ______ the
successes and failures of the reform process for policy-makers elsewhere are outlined.
46. a. makes b. does c. acts d. pays
47. a. retain b. reduce c. recede d. restore
48. a. made b. placed c. done d. conducted
49. a. for b. about c. to d. in
50. a. either b. between c. both d. neither

Choose the best answers:

1. The young should________ themselves in social activities.
a. promote b. involve c. serve d. determine
2. He is a little bit short-sighted. He doesn’t care for ________ benefits.
a. on-end b. subsequent c. implement d. long-term
3. There will be a talk on career _______ this Friday. Will you come?
a. session b. communication c. identification d. orientation
4. It took two months to get through the ________ to transport the goods here.
a. red letter b. red tape c. free-range d. white-collar
5. He was chosen for the post because of his leadership and _________.
a. entrepreneurship b. orientation c. enhancement d. progression
6. The U.N could _______ enough support to the famine victims.
a. conduct b. present c. involve d. administer
7. The first visit of the Prime Minister as well as the ________ ones were all kept secret.
a. developing b. substantial c. related d. subsequent
8. Free-range eggs are given by hens kept in the _______.
a. coops b. batteries c. natural conditions d. wild habitat
9. That good player is really the ________ of the club.
a. asset b. quality c. possession d. property
10. The deadline is coming, and we still have a lot of _______ problems.
a. solving b. unsolved c. dissolved d. unsolving
11. The ideas they presented really ________ no bounds.
a. shared b. opened c. knew d. beat
12. The government has introduced a number of renovation _______.
a. measures b. ways c. regimes d. methods
13. Thanks to the Renovation, farmers can have rights _______ land possession.
a. for b. with c. in d. to
14. Children from ethnic minorities now have more _______ to enjoy education.
a. cases b. opportunities c. occasions d. conditions
15. State intervention has been ______ in business. There are more private companies.
a. worsened b. put c. reduced d. turned down
16. ______ I could not understand their language, I could see what they wanted.
a. Because b. However c. Although d. When
17. _______ her great effort, she could not pass the exam.
a. With b. Due to c. In case of d. Despite
18. We wondered how he could manage _______ enough funds in such a short time.
a. to raise b. to be raised c. raising d. being raised
19. It is time you reaffirmed your commitment _______ certain responsibilities with our company.
a. on b. to c. for d. with
20. _______ Tina prefers going to football matches, I enjoy watching them on TV.
a. When b. As c. While d. Since
21. “- Sorry, ___________?” “- Jacob. J-A-C-O-B”
a. pardon b. again your name c. what’s it d. what’s your name again
22. Peter is working in an office. He is a ______ worker.
a. white-collar b. blue-collar c. green-collar d. brown-collar
23. Do you believe in ______ weather forecast?
a. short-timed b. short-timing c. short-time d. short-times
24. “– Young people nowadays are more ambitious.” “-_______!”
a. You can’t say that again b. You’re right
c. That’s not it d. You’ve bet
25. I quite disagree with _______.
a. what you are saying b. what is said by you
c. that you say d. that you are saying
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
26. a. identify b. involved c. behind d. dynamic
27. a. asset b. carry c. favorite d. adult
28. a. exist b. enter c. elaborate d. encourage
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different:
29.a. various b. numerous c. origin d. determine
30. a. agriculture b. minority c. inefficient d. renovation

Identify the mistake in each of the following sentences:

31. We missed (a) a (b) last bus home, so (c) we had to take (d) a taxi.
32. Although (a) the late (b) answer we sent by post (c) they offered us the (d) prize.
33. The (a) place where (b) he is studying is (c) an (d) university in Indiana.
34. No matter how (a) hardly (b) she worked, she could not earn enough (c) to support the (d) family.
35. Although Charles had promised (a) not to (b) be late again, but (c) he did not turn up until (d) 9am.
Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence:
36. _______, not much has been changed.
a. Although their quick reaction is c. In spite their quick reaction
b. Despite their quick reaction d. Without their quick reaction
37. _______ warnings have been made, people are still destroying the environment.
a. Despite b. In spite of c. No matter how many d. However
38. The children forgot to bring the exercise books, ________ they were not punished.
a. although b. while c. but d. however
39. Mike, ________, will become our manager in a few weeks.
a. that we have never met b. have never met
c. whom we have never met d. we have never met him
40. _________ hard, he could not get a promotion.
a. However he tried b. Despite he tried
c. Although he tried d. In spite of his being tried
Choose the best answer to fill in each blank:
A doctor has been fined 200 pounds for refusing to leave his surgery to see a sick patient, (41) _________ 67, who was
too ill to leave his car and walk to the surgery. A passer-by came to the assistance of the man and alerted the health centre
receptionist. However, the doctor said that the patient should drive home (42) ___________he would be visited after surgery.
The passer-by persisted, only to be (43) _________ that the doctor could not make an examination in the street because of
the noise from the traffic. Eventually the doctor asked the receptionist to order an ambulance for the sick man. The Avon
Family Practitioner Committee decided that the doctor had offered no reasonable (44) ________ for not seeing the sick man.
The committee felt that he had misjudged the situation and should have acted (45) _________ more concern.
41. a. aged b. aging c. age d. of age
42. a. for b. when c. where d. because
43. a. said b. mentioned c. discussed d. told
44. a. apology b. account c. proof d. excuse
45. a. for b. with c. on d. in
Read the following passage and choose the correct answers:
Here at St John Ambulance we are committed to training young people in first aid. We work with teachers, youth
leaders, schools, Pupil Referral Units and Local Education Authorities.
We can provide training for all young people from seven to 18 years old which can be delivered by a St John
Ambulance trainer, a teacher, higher level teaching assistant or youth leader within a recognised youth organisation, all with
relevant first aid knowledge. Our Young first aider pack is an interactive, pupil-centred resource to support this.
The government’s agenda is now placing children’s wellbeing at the heart of their education campaign. Training pupils
in first aid isn’t just about learning a life saving skill it can also boost self-esteem, encourage teamwork and communication
and provide an opportunity for children to engage with voluntary work in their local community.
First aid can be incorporated into many areas of the key stage 2, 3 and 4 curriculum.
We are interested to hear your ideas, thoughts and queries so please contact:
Education Liaison Officer, Celia North on 020 7324 4462.
46. Which of the following is unlikely to benefit from the course?
a. Teachers c. Youth leaders
b. Education authorities d. Pupils’ parents
47. What is expected to be taught?
a. How to call an ambulance c. How to work in a group.
b. How to create self-esteem. d. How to support interactive students.
48. Which statement is wrong?
a. One can contact Education Liaison Officer for further information.
b. Students can learn a life saving skill from the course.
c. Anybody can feel free to contribute their ideas to the course.
d. Children have to do voluntary work in their local community in order to join the course.
49. The word ‘incorporated’ can be replaced by
a. prepared c. included
b. divided d. changed
50. Young first aider pack is a(n)
a. material c. program
b. organization d. team

I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three
1. a. around b. mouse c. count d. country
2. a. mechanic b. achievement c. chemistry d. school
3. a. third b. threat c. thus d. thunder
4. a. physical b. mythology c. rhythmic d. psychological
5. a. caption b. completion c. official d. anxiety
II. Choose the correct answer
1. Pauline works in a local garage as a/an _______________
a. engineer b. technician c. mechanic d. operative
2. Metal pipes________________ if you heat them.
a. enlarge b. expand c. extend d. encroach
3. The old bus slowly________________ to a halt outside the school.
a. clanked b. squeaked c. whizzed d. ground
4. It is easy in some regions to_______________ electricity in hydro-electric power stations.
a. generate b. create c. fabricate d. propagate
5. My car was so old that I could only sell it for ______________.
a. rubbish b. debris c. scrap d. waste
6. The word processor ______________ of a keyboard, a monitor and a printer.
a. composes b. Consists c. comprises d. constitutes
7. We’ll come and ________________ your new central heating system on Monday.
a. set up b. lay c. establish d. install
8. The problem with your computer may be insufficient disk space.______, you may want to delete some old files.
a. If so b. If not c. If d. Without it
9. If it rains this weekend, the picnic _________________ cancelled.
a. Would be b. will be c. could have been d. should have been
10. - She looked so upset. __________________ ?
- ‘Cos she hadn’t done the English test well.
a. What for b. When c. How come d. How
11. _____________ the development of radio telescopes, the distant places of the Universe can be observed.
a. Because b. Though c. In spite of d. Because of
12. He said he was not guilty of stealing the car.
a. He denied having stolen the car c. He denied to steal the car
b. He denied if the car is stolen d. He said he has not stolen the car
13. The article is about something that seems _______________. Don’t read it!
a. scientific b. unscientifically c. scientifically d. unscientific
14. There is a ___________ on the shelf in my father’s reading room.
a. 500-pages book b. book 500 page c. 500-page book d. page-500 book
15. _______________ people learn Braille.
a. vision impairment b. visually-impaired c. visualized-impaired d. vision-impaired
16. Players may not leave the area without permission while the game is being played.
a. During the game, players may permit themselves to leave the area.
b. Players have to leave the area for permission while the game is being played.
c. Without permission, the game cannot be played in the area.
d. While playing, players are not allowed to leave the area without permission.
17. Remember to wear a helmet in order to protect your head.
a. Don’t forget to wear a helmet in order that your head will be protected
b. Don’t forget to wear a helmet so as to protecting your head
c. Wear a helmet, so your head be protected
d. Wearing a helmet means to be protected your head
18. _______________ they had been waiting in line all night, I was sure they’d get tickets.
a. as though b. because of c. since d. until
19. Sylvia said it as _______________ lovely weather they all went swimming.
a. as b. as if c. so d. such
20. Once you _______________ into a routine, you’ll find the work is quite easy.
a. are settling b. have settled c. settled d. will settle
21. Why do you learn English?
a. What made you learn English? c. What for do you learn English?
b. What do you learn English for? d. How come your English?
22. He will not eat any vegetables if they aren’t ____________
a. hand-made b. home-grown c. man-made d. house-trained
23. Eight o’ clock tomorrow morning, the spaceship ___________ 20 hours around the world
a. will travel b. has been traveling c. had traveled d. will have been traveling
24. Last week, we visited a diary farm where we saw a lot of fat _____________ cows.
a. well-cooked b. cross-eyed c. maize-fed d. home-made
25. ____________ carts aren’t allowed in the city centre.
a. snow-covered b. animal-pulled c. machine-made d. horse-drawn

26. What’s your opinion about the English competition?

a. How is the English competition like?
b. Would you like the English competition?
c. What do you like about the English competition?
d. What do you think of the English competition?
27. They have been brought ______________ by my grandparents since their parents died in an accident.
a. about b. up c. with d. on
28. We have to punch _______and ____________ to record the time we arrive or leave work every day.
a. out / to b . in / from c. in / out d. out / in
29. Mr. Brown, the supervisor, is a kind of ____________ person. He never shows any emotion.
a. baby-faced b. kind-hearted c. thin-skinned d. stone-faced
30. I regret ________________ you that we cannot accept your offer.
a. to tell b. telling c. to telling d. at telling
III. Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence
1. People were slipping (a) on the wet floor because no one had cleaned (b) up the water that all of us were knowing
(c) had leaked (d) from the coffee machine.
2. Fortunate (a), the taxi driver knew (b) the location (c) of (d) the theatre.
3. You were advised (a) not put off (b) taking (c) that course; now you won’t be able to graduate (d) on time.
4. We were all looked (a) forward to going (b) on our class (c) picnic on the last day (d) of the year
5. One of the least (a) effective ways of storing (b) information (c) is learning how repeat (d) it.
You really have to get very old before you realize you’re old. I’m in my middle fifties and I don’t feel old yet.
However, sometimes I look back at my childhood and (1) ____________ things to the way life is for today’s kids.
Some things have certainly changed. One area of change is television. Some changes have been improvements.
Some changes, on the other hand, have been (2) ____________. When I started school, most people didn’t have a
television; TV was just beginning to get popular. My father decided to go all out and buy a 16 inch black and white
Motorola set. I still remember watching the Lone Ranger save people from the bad guys on that awesome electronic
machine. That was exciting! Now, televisions have larger pictures in full color. The pictures are clearer and the sound
is much more realistic. The new high definition sets are made to rival (3) ____________ screens. The variety and
quantity of programming has (4) ____________ greatly. There are hundreds of channels and more shows than one
person could ever watch. There are many fine entertainment and educational shows. There’s also a lot of garbage,
stuff that most parents don’t want their kids exposed to. Overall, we have more choices, and that is good. I wonder
what (5) ____________ will be like when today’s kids are my age.
1. a. forget b. remember c. compare d. miss
2. a. great b. huge c. setbacks d. remarkable
3. a. movie b. video c. watch d. telephone
4. a. loss b. increased c. decreased d. played
5. a. movies b. food c. cars d. television
Noise, commonly defined as unwanted sound, is another environmental pollutant. Particularly in congested
urban areas, the noise produced as a byproduct of our advancing technology causes physical and psychological
harm, and detracts from the quality of life for those who are exposed to it.
Unlike the eye, the ear has no lid; therefore noise penetrates without protection. Loud noises instinctively
signal danger to any organism with a hearing mechanism, including human beings. In response, heartbeat and
respiration accelerate, blood vessels constrict, the skin pales, and muscles tense. In fact, there is a general
increase in functioning brought about by the flow of adrenaline released in response to fear, and some of these
responses persist even longer than the noise, occasionally as long as thirty minutes after the sound has ceased.
Because noise is unavoidable in a complex, industrial society, we are constantly responding in the same
ways that we would respond to danger. Recently, researchers have concluded that noise and our response may
be much more than an annoyance. It may be a serious threat to physical and psychological health and well-being,
causing damage not only to the ear and brain but also to the heart and stomach. We have long known that
hearing loss is America’s number one nonfatal health problem, but now we are learning that some of us with
heart disease and ulcers may be victims of noise as well. In addition, the psychic effect of noise is very
important. Nervousness, irritability, tension, and anxiety increase, affecting the quality of rest during sleep, and the
efficiency of activities during walking hours.
1. What is the author’s main point?
a. Noise may pose a serious threat to our physical and psychological health.
b. Loud noise signal danger.
c. Hearing loss is America’s number one nonfatal health problem.
d. The ear is not like the eye.
2. What is the author’s definition of noise?
a. Unwanted sound b. Physical and psychological harm
c. A byproduct of technology d. Congestion
3. What was probably the topic of the paragraph that preceded this passage?
a. Environmental pollutants b. Technology
c. Urban areas d. Disease
4. It can be inferred from this passage that the eye ______________.
a. responds to fear b. increases functions
c. enjoys greater protection than the ear d. is damaged by noise
5. According to the passage, people respond to loud noises in the same way that they respond to _______.
a. annoyance b. danger
c. damage d. disease
ĐỀ 8
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. fabric B. laptop C. patent D. imitate
2. A. patent B. patient C. inspiration D. nation
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. determined B. examine C. reliant D. medicine
4. A. international B. interpersonal C. intelligently D. intellectually
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. The prices of homes are as high in urban areas that most young people cannot afford to buy
6. The oxygen content of Mars is not sufficient enough to support life as we know it.
7. People with exceptional high intelligence quotients may not be the best employees since
they become bored of their work unless the job is constantly changing.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
8. He ________ off alone a month ago, and ________ of since then.
A. set - hasn’t been heard B. has set - hasn’t heard
C. had set - hasn’t heard D. set - hadn’t been heard
9. Information on events occurring in the theater ________ the year is available through our
A. into B. throughout C. on D. as
10. It gets ________ to understand what the professor has explained.
A. the more difficult B. difficult more and more
C. more difficult than D . more and more difficult
11. A good essay must ________ contain enough interesting ideas and specific examples but
also have good organization.
A. in addition B. either C. not only D. as well
12. You must always have a good breakfast every morning ________ late you are.
A. even if B. whatever C. no matter D. however
13. ________ she could not say anything.
A. Therefore upset was she that B. However upset was she that
C. So upset was she that D. So upset was that
14. The song has ________ been selected for the 22nd Sea Games in Vietnam.
A. officially B. office C. official D. officer
15. I called Jenny yesterday with a view ________ asking her about the project.
A. of B. to C. in D. for
16. The job requires certain________. You have to be good at operating computers and dealing
with people.
A. qualifications B. knowledge C. techniques D. skills
17. One condition of this job is that you must be ________ to work at weekends.
A. acceptable B. available C. accessible D. capable
18. Quite soon, the world is going to ________ energy resources.
A. get into B. run out of C. keep up with D. come up against
19. She never says anything good about me. She is forever running me________.
A. over B. down C. out D. off
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Tom: “Your kitchen is fantastic! Did you do it all by yourself?”
Mary: “No, I ________ by a professional.”
A. have it designed B. designed it
C. had it designed D. had designed it
21. “How about a small present for little Jimmy after his performance?” “ ________
A. Thank you for being so respectful.
B. It’s a great idea. He would like it.
C. Thanks for your promise. I’m sure he’ll be proud.
D. Not at all.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Deer-like figures made from willow shoots are the oldest evidence of human habitation in
the Grand Canyon.
A. proof B. clue C. dispute D. exhibit
23. Did she get the better of you in the argument?
A. try to be better than B. try to beat
C. gain a disadvantage over D. gain an advantage over
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. There has been no huge improvement in the noise levels since lorries were banned.
A. clear B. obvious C. insignificant D. thin
25. Many California mining towns prospered until the gold ran out and prospectors moved on
to new areas, leaving boom towns to become ghost towns.
A. declined B. assembled C. employed D. thrived
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. As soon as he arrived at the airport, he called home.
A. Calling home, he said that he had arrived at the airport.
B. No sooner had he arrived at the airport than he called home.
C. He arrived at the airport sooner than he had expected.
D. He arrived at the airport and called me to take him home.
27. Anne had the TV on when her parents entered the room.
A. Anne’s parents told her to turn on the TV.
B. Anne noticed her parents watching TV.
C. Anne’s parents found her watching TV.
D. The TV was on a table in Anne’s room.
28. Jane refused to attend his birthday party, which made him feel sad.
A. Jane’s refusal to attend his birthday party made him feel sad.
B. He felt sad not to be able to attend Jane’s birthday party.
C. Jane made him sad despite her refusal to attend his birthday party.
D. Jane refused to attend his birthday party because it made him feel sad.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. The student next to me kept chewing gum. That bothered me a lot.
A. The student next to me kept chewing gum, that bothered me a lot.
B. The student next to me kept chewing gum, which bothered me a lot.
C. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothering me a lot.
D. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothered me a lot.
30. It was an interesting novel. I stayed up all night to finish it.
A. The novel was so interesting that I stayed up all night to finish it.
B. Though it was an interesting novel, I stayed up all night to finish it.
C. I stayed up all night to finish the novel so it was interesting.
D. Unless it were an interesting novel, I would not stay up all night to finish it.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Motion Pictures: Forever Changed by the Computer
We are truly at a(n) (31) _________ between imagination and reality, especially when it
comes to film. No longer are we able to tell what is real and what isn’t. In the past, it was easy to
tell if a scene in a film was created artificially, as the special effects were never very good. To a
person who grew up with the special effects that Hollywood can create today, the effects in
films from 50 years ago are laughable. The scenes from these films come (32) _________ as so
obviously fake that they are almost painful to watch.
Today, however, a line has been crossed. Computer-generated animation has made it nearly
impossible to (33) _________ between what was actually filmed and what was created by lines
of computer code by a programmer. Not only is scenery created by computers, but also many
actors known as extras. In the past, a film director would have to hire dozens and possibly
hundreds of extras in order to show a crowd scene. This is no longer the (34) _________, and
the one film that proved thus was achievable was Titanic, directed by James Cameron.
However, years later, computer animation was taken to yet another (35) _________ by the
same director with the movie Avatar.
31. A. place B. crossroads C. junction D. intersection
32. A. across B. up C. on D. along
33. A. differ B. notice C. separate D. distinguish
34. A. occasion B. argument C. case D. problem
35. A. level B. ability C. floor D. ladder
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Tourism and Heritage Protection
Travelling is a great thing to do. It helps us learn about different people and different places.
Some people travel because they want to see nature. Others travel because they want to make
friends and try great food. Of course, a lot of tourists are interested in traditional culture.
Tourism can be very good for traditional cultures. This is because when people travel to
another country, they often want to learn more about that country’s traditions, such as music,
food, and history. Therefore, the local people in that country will keep their traditional culture
alive. They will wear traditional clothing, and sell traditional food. They will also have shows
for tourists. These shows can be dances, concerts, plays, or something else.
Tourism also helps people respect each other. If you understand another culture well, you
will probably respect that culture much more. You will probably want to protect that culture as
However, tourism is not always good for traditional culture. Many people say that tourism
creates “fake traditional culture”. This means that the local people wear traditional costumes,
and do traditional dances only for tourists, but that is not their real lifestyle. Their real lifestyles
are similar to the tourists’ lifestyle. They are just pretending because they want to make money.
Another problem is that tourists can interfere with the local people’s lives. For example,
sometimes tourists come to watch local people praying in temples. While the local people pray,
tourists take photographs and make noise. This often bothers the local people. Sometimes
tourists also damage local sites. If 500 people enter an ancient temple every day, they may
damage that temple.
No matter what, more and more tourists want to learn about traditional cultures. Most local
people want more tourism, because tourists bring money and help local businesses. Tourists
have to respect local culture and places. Local governments have to make laws that protect
places and lifestyles. If everyone is responsible, then tourism will be great for traditional
36. What is the main point of the passage?
A. Tourism is always good for traditional culture.
B. Tourism is always bad for traditional culture.
C. Tourism can be good and bad for traditional culture.
D. Tourists don’t care about traditional culture.
37. Why do local people want tourism?
A. Tourists bring money.
B. Tourists help teach local people.
C. Tourists tell local people about business.
D. Tourists destroy traditional culture.
38. What is one problem that tourists create?
A. They hurt local people. B. They steal money from local people.
C. They hurt local businesses. D. They interfere with local lifestyles.
39. The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. tourists B. local people C. tourist guides D. dancers
40. What does the second sentence of the third paragraph mean?
A. If you don’t respect other people, then they won’t respect you.
B. If you understand another culture, then you will respect it more.
C. If you respect yourself, then other people will respect you, too.
D. Nobody respects traditional culture anymore.
41. The word “fake” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to________.
A. real B. not real C. very good D. very bad
42. All of the following can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT that________.
A. tourism can create jobs for local people
B. tourism can be used as a means to promote cultural exchanges
C. in some places local people perform some dances that do not belong to their everyday
D. too many tourists at a historical site can make it collapse at once
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Cyborgs: How Man Becomes Machine
It’s only natural that people want to use the latest innovations to better themselves. Smart
devices can truly do incredible things and help to simplify our day. They can also enhance our
perceptions, arm us with knowledge, and open up a world of new possibilities. A few people
have even decided to make the leap and transform themselves to become cyborgs.
Cyborg is a term used to describe a being that is half human and half machine. This may
sound like something out of science-fiction novels, but some people have already adapted this
lifestyle. One is artist Neil Harbisson. He was bom completely colour-blind, and could only see
black and white images. It seemed that he would never experience colour. After attending a
cybernetics talk in college, he met an inventor who agreed to make a special device for him.
They designed an eyeborg, a mechanical eye that converted colours into sound frequencies.
This enabled Harbisson to hear colour and perceive the world in a different way. He started
going to museums to ‘"hear” classic paintings. In fact, a simple walk down a grocery store filled
with colourful products produces some catchy tunes. Harbisson loves his eyeborg so much that
he rarely takes it off. He now gives talks urging others to consider adding their own mechanical
In 1998, British scientist Kevin Warwick conducted his own experiment. He implanted a
chip inside of his arm, which he used to control lights and other appliances at home. He later
expanded the project by placing electrodes inside his nervous system and linking it to the
Internet. This allowed him to control external objects including robotic arms, amplifiers, and.
loudspeakers. His work remains influential as this example of extended sensory input was the
first of its kind.
If you’re interested in becoming a cyborg and you’re willing, a good place to start might be
with a pair of Google Glass. Users wear it like ordinary eyeglasses, yet Google Glass is
equipped with state-of-the-art electronics. Using voice commands you can have it take a picture
of what you see, see directions right in front of you, or translate your voice into other languages.
Hopefully, this experience will help you decide whether becoming a cyborg is right for you, or
if you’re content to remain a human like the rest of us.
43. What does the passage say about smart devices?
A. They are very dangerous to use.
B. They are quite expensive and not very useful.
C. They can make our lives easier.
D. Everyone should put them inside of their bodies.
44. What is a cyborg?
A. A computer that’s able to talk
B. A human who refuses to use technology
C. A person who uses technology to extend their senses
D. A machine that behaves exactly like a human being
45. What did Harbisson’s eyeborg do?
A. It allowed him to see colours very clearly.
B. It gave him a way to hear colour as sound.
C. It improved his vision so he could see for miles.
D. It made his sense of touch a little bit better.
46. Why was Kevin Warwick’s work important?
A. It helped researchers to build the first ever cyborg.
B. It was the first time that anyone was able to use a robotic arm.
C. It was the first time that someone controlled an outside object with their mind.
D. It was the first time that anyone could attach a machine to their body.
47. Why does the author suggest that people should use Google Glass?
A. It is the best permanent decision that they can make.
B. It is extremely cheap compared to other cyborg devices.
C. It has every single cyborg feature that a device could offer.
D. It gives them a chance to test out basic cyborg technology.
48. The word “it” in paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. the nervous system B. a chip inside an arm
C. extended sensory input D. the electric system
49. The word “state-of-the-art” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. best available B. cheaply priced
C. old but reliable D. out of fashion
50. It can be inferred from passage that________.
A. the eyeborg helps Harbisson experience colour comfortably as other people
B. Google Glass offers you a good place to try out various robotic kinds of devices
C. Harbisson’s eyeborg makes the disabled hope there will be suitable devices for them
D. cyborg is the next stage of the developments in modem times
1. THÌ HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN Simple Present


 (Khẳng định): S + Vs/es + O

 (Phủ định): S+ DO/DOES + NOT + V +O
 (Nghi vấn): DO/DOES + S + V+ O ?


 (Khẳng định): S+ AM/IS/ARE + O

 (Phủ định): S + AM/IS/ARE + NOT + O
 (Nghi vấn): AM/IS/ARE + S + O

Từ nhận biết: always, every, usually, often, generally, frequently.

Cách dùng:

1. Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả một chân lý , một sự thật hiển nhiên.
Ví dụ: The sun ries in the East.
2. Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả 1 thói quen , một hành động xảy ra
thường xuyên ở hiện tại.
Ví dụ: Mary often goes to school by bicycle.
Lưu ý : ta thêm "es" sau các động từ tận cùng là : O, S, X, CH, SH.
3. Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả năng lực của con người
Ví dụ: He plays badminton very well
4. Thì hiện tại đơn còn diễn tả một kế hoạch sắp xếp trước trong
tương lai hoặc thời khoá biểu , đặc biệt dùng với các động từ di

2. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn - Present Continuous

Công thức

 Khẳng định: S + be (am/ is/ are) + V_ing + O

 Phủ định:S+ BE + NOT + V_ing + O
 Nghi vấn: BE + S+ V_ing + O

Từ nhận biết: Now, right now, at present, at the moment

Cách dùng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

 Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn tả một hành động đang diễn ra và kéo dài
dài một thời gian ở hiện tại.
Ex: The children are playing football now.
 Thì này cũng thường tiếp theo sau câu đề nghị, mệnh lệnh.
Ex: Look! the child is crying.
Be quiet! The baby is sleeping in the next room.
 Thì này còn diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra lặp đi lặp lại dùng với phó
Ex : He is always borrowing our books and then he doesn't
remember -
 Thì này còn được dùng để diễn tả một hành động sắp xảy ra ( ở
tương lai gần)
Ex: He is coming tomrow
Lưu ý : Không dùng thì này với các động từ chỉ nhận thức chi giác
như : to be, see, hear, understand, know, like , want , glance,
feel, think, smell, love. hate, realize, seem, remmber,
Ex: She wants to go for a walk at the moment.
Do you understand your lesson?

3. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành - Present Perfect

 Khẳng định: S + have/ has + Past participle (V3) + O

 Phủ định: S + have/ has + NOT+ Past participle + O
 Nghi vấn: have/ has +S+ Past participle + O

Từ nhận biết: already, not...yet, just, ever, never, since, for, recenthy,

Thì hiện tại hoàn thành diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra hoặc chưa bao giờ xảy ra
ở 1 thời gian không xác định trong quá khứ.
Thì hiện tại hoàn thành cũng diễn tả sự lập đi lập lại của 1 hành động trong
quá khứ.
Thì hiện tại hoàn thành cũng được dùng với i since và for.
Since + thời gian bắt đầu (1995, I was young, this morning etc.) Khi người
nói dùng since, người nghe phải tính thời gian là bao lâu.
For + khoảng thời gian (từ lúc đầu tới bây giờ) Khi người nói dùng for, người
nói phải tính thời gian là bao lâu.

4. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn - Present Perfect Continuous

 Khẳng định: S has/have + been + V_ing + O

 Phủ định: S+ Hasn’t/ Haven’t+ been+ V-ing + O
 Nghi vấn: Has/HAve+ S+ been+ V-ing + O?

Từ nhận biết: all day, all week, since, for, for a long time, almost every day
this week, recently, lately, in the past week, in recent years, up until now,
and so far.

Cách dùng: Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn nhấn mạnh khoảng thời gian
của 1 hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ và tiếp tục tới hiện tại (có thể tới
tương lai).

5. THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN - Simple Past


 (Khẳng định): S + V_ed + O

 (Phủ định): S + DID+ NOT + V + O
 (Nghi vấn): DID + S+ V+ O ?


 (Khẳng định): S + WAS/WERE + O

 (Phủ định): S+ WAS/ WERE + NOT + O
 (Nghi vấn): WAS/WERE + S+ O ?

Từ nhận biết: yesterday, yesterday morning, last week, las month, last year,
last night.

Cách dùng: Thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong
quá khứ với thời gian xác định.
When + thì quá khứ đơn (simple past)
When + hành động thứ nhất

6. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn - Past Continuous

 Khẳng định: S + was/were + V_ing + O

 Phủ định: S + wasn’t/weren’t+ V-ing + O
 Nghi vấn: Was/Were + S+ V-ing + O?

Từ nhận biết: While, at that very moment, at 10:00 last night, and this
morning (afternoon).

Cách dùng:
Dùng để diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra cùng lúc. Nhưng hành động thứ nhất đã
xảy ra sớm hơn và đã đang tiếp tục xảy ra thì hành động thứ hai xảy ra.
While + thì quá khứ tiếp diễn (past progressive)
7. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành - Past Perfect

 Khẳng định: S + had + Past Participle (V3) + O

 Phủ định: S+ hadn’t+ Past Participle + O
 Nghi vấn: Had+S+ Past Participle + O?

Từ nhận biết: after, before, as soon as, by the time, when, already, just,
since, for....

Cách dùng: Thì quá khứ hoàn thành diễn tả 1 hành động đã xảy ra và kết
thúc trong quá khứ trước 1 hành động khác cũng xảy ra và kết thúc trong
quá khứ.

8. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn - Pas Perfect Continuous

 Khẳng định:S+ had + been + V_ing + O

 Phủ định: S+ hadn’t+ been+ V-ing + O
 Nghi vấn: Had+S+been+V-ing + O?

Từ nhận biết: until then, by the time, prior to that time, before, after.

Cách dùng: Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn nhấn mạnh khoảng thời gian
của 1 hành động đã đang xảy ra trong quá khứ và kết thúc trước 1 hành động
khác xảy ra và cũng kết thúc trong quá khứ

9. THÌ TƯƠNG LAI - Simple Future

 Khẳng định: S + shall/will + V(infinitive) + O

 Phủ định: S + shall/will + NOT+ V(infinitive) + O
 Nghi vấn: shall/will + S + V(infinitive) + O?

Cách dùng:
Khi ta đoán (predict, guess), dùng will hoặc be going to.
Khi ta dự định trước, dùng be going to không được dùng will.
CHỦ TỪ + AM (IS/ARE) GOING TO + ÐỘNG TỪ (ở hiện tại: simple form)
Khi ta diễn tả sự tình nguyện hoặc sự sẵn sàng, dùng will không được dùng
be going to.
CHỦ TỪ + WILL + ÐỘNG TỪ (ở hiện tại: simple form)

10. Thì tương lai tiếp diễn - Future Continuous

 Khẳng định: S + shall/will + be + V_ing+ O
 Phủ định: S + shall/will + NOT+ be + V_ing+ O
 Nghi vấn: shall/will +S+ be + V_ing+ O

Từ nhận biết: in the future, next year, next week, next time, and soon.

Cách dùng:Thì tương lai tiếp diễn diễn tả hành động sẽ xảy ra ở 1 thời điểm
nào đó trong tương lai.

11. Thì tương lai hoàn thành - Future Perfect

 Khẳng định: S + shall/will + have + Past Participle

 Phủ định: S + shall/will + NOT+ be + V_ing+ O
 Nghi vấn: shall/will + NOT+ be + V_ing+ O?

Từ nhận biết: by the time and prior to the time (có nghĩa là before)

Cách dùng: Thì tương lai hoàn thành diễn tả 1 hành động trong tương lai sẽ
kết thúc trước 1 hành động khác trong tương lai.

12. Thì tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn - Future Perfect Continuous

 Khẳng định: S + shall/will + have been + V_ing + O

 Phủ định: S + shall/will + NOT+ have been + V_ing + O
 Nghi vấn: shall/will + S+ have been + V_ing + O?

Cách dùng:
Thì tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn nhấn mạnh khoảng thời gian của 1 hành
động sẽ đang xảy ra trong tương lai và sẽ kết thúc trước 1 hành động khác
trong tương lai.

Khi ta chỉ dự định trước, dùng be going to không được dùng will.
CHỦ TỪ + AM (IS/ARE) GOING TO + ÐỘNG TỪ (ở hiện tại: simple form)
Khi ta diễn tả sự tình nguyện hoặc sự sẵn sàng, dùng will không được dùng
be going to.
CHỦ TỪ + WILL + ÐỘNG TỪ (ở hiện tại: simple form)

Exercise 1: Supply the correct verb forms.

1. I (see) her before. ……………………………..

2. I (see) her last year. ……………………………..
3. Tom (never be) in Hanoi. ……………………………..
4. I (read) the novel written by Jack London several times before.
5. What you (do) yesterday? ……………………………..
6. You (watch) TV last night? ……………………………..
7. She (be) born in 1980. ……………………………..
8. He (write) a book since last year. ……………………………..
9. Mr. Green (teach) English in this school since he (graduate) from the university
in 1986. ……………………………..
10. How long you (learn) English? ……………………………..
11. When I (arrive) at his house, he still (sleep). ……………………………..
12. The light (go) out while we (have) dinner. ……………………………..
13. Bill (have) breakfast when I (stop) at his house this morning.
14. As we (cross) the street, we (see) an accident. ……………………………..
15. Tom (see) a serious accident while he (stand) at the bus stop.
16. While my father (read) a newspaper, I (learn) my lesson and my sister (do) her
homework. ……………………………..
17. The children (play) football when their mother (come) back home.
18. The bell (ring) while Tom (take) a bath. ……………………………..
19. I (be) very tired because I (work) all day yesterday. ……………………………..
20. He (sit) in a café when I (see) him. ……………………………..
21. They (go) home after they (finish) their work. ……………………………..
22. She said that she (already, see) Dr. Rice. ……………………………..
23. When we came to the stadium, the match (already, begin).
24. They told me they (not eat) such kind of food before. ……………………………..
25. He (ask) why we (come) so early. ……………………………..
26. After they had gone, I (sit) down and (rest). ……………………………..
27. Before she (watch) TV, she (do) her homework. ……………………………..
28. After taking a bath, he (go) to bed. ……………………………..
29. What he (be) when he (be) young? ……………………………..
30. It was the first time I (ever see) such a beautiful girl. ……………………………..
31. Yesterday John (go) to the store before he (go) home. ……………………………..
32. Our teacher (tell) us yesterday that he (visit) England in 1970.
33. When John and I got to the theater, the movie (start) already.
34. Before Alice (go) to sleep, she (call) her family. ……………………………..
35. When the phone (ring), I (have) dinner. ……………………………..
36. Daisy (agree) with other members in the last meeting. ……………………………..
37. What you (do) at 6 p.m. yesterday? ……………………………..
38. The little girl asked what (happen) to her ice-cream. ……………………………..
39. He (teach) in this school before he (leave) for England. ……………………………..
40. She (win) the gold medal in 1986. ……………………………..

Sentence Transformation

A. Tenses
1. Simona last wrote to me seven months ago. heard
I ______________________________________Simona for seven months.
2. My grandmother became deaf when she was about 60. since
My grandmother _______________________________________she was about 60.
3. My grandfather doesn’t go out often these days. ever
My grandfather__________________________________ these days.
4. She hasn’t seen her family for years. last
It’s years ________________________________________saw her family.
5. He started working as a teacher five years ago. worked
He __________________________________________________ as a teacher for fivr
6. It is ten years since I last saw her. haven’t
I____________________________________________ her for ten years.
7. She moved to London two years ago. since
It __________________________________________________moved to London.

B. Reported Speech
1. “Don’t sit in front of the computer for too long” our teacher told us. warned
Our teacher________________________________________________in front of the
computer for too long.
2. “What is the width of this cupboar?” Rebecca asked her sister. wide
Rebecca asked her sister
3. “Peter, You’ve eaten all the ice cream!” said his mother. accused
Peter’s mother __________________________________________________all the ice
4. The teacher told us not to be late on Friday. better
“You____________________________________________late on Friday” the teacher
5. “Please don’t stay out late” his mother said. asked
His mother ____________________________________________out late.
6. “I’m sorry I’m late again” he said. apologized
He __________________________________________________________late again.
7. You can watch if you keep quiet” said the actor. provided
The actor said that I could watch_______________________________________quiet.
8. “Remember to bring your books,” he said. remind
He __________________________________________________bring my books.
9. John said, “ You’d better not lend them any money, Daisy” advised
John____________________________________________________lend them any
10. "Why don't you ask the teacher for help?" Peter asked me. advised
Peter________________________________________________________the teacher
for help.
11. "Don't forget to go to the supermarket after work", he said. reminded
He __________________________________________________the supermarket after
12. “ If I were you, I would go by taxi, Richard.” She said. advised
She ______________________________________________go by taxi.
13. “Where will you go tommorow?” She said to her classmate. asked
She__________________________________________________go the following day.
14. “Have you had a good time last weekend?” Peter said to me. whether
Peter__________________________________________a good time last weekend.
15. “What time did you leave the office yesterday?” the police said to him. asked
The police _____________________________________________the office the day
Admit Anticipate Appreciate Avoid Consider Delay / postpone
Detest Dislike Enjoy Excuse Finish Forgive
Keep Mind Miss Practise Prevent Propose Recollect
Resent Resist Risk Suggest


Agree Aim Appear Arrange Ask Attempt Bother
Claim Consent Decide Demand Determine Fail Happen
Hesitate Hope Learn Long Manage Neglect Offer
Plan Prepare Pretend Promise Prove Refuse Seem
Swear Tend Threaten Volunteer Wish


Advise Assist Beg Command Dare Enable Encourage
Instruct Invite Lead Order Persuade Select Teach
Tell Train Urge Warn


Begin Start Continue love hate prefer


Regret Remember Forget Like Mean Stop Try


I. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form

1. He hates (answer)___________ the phone, and very often just lets it (ring)_________.
2. If you go on (let)_________ your dog (chase)___________ cars, he’ll end by (run)___________ over.
3. I prefer (drive)____________ to (be driven)____________.
4. I advise you (start / look)____________ for a flat at once.
5. Would you mind (lend)___________ me 100 000 VND? I want (make)___________ a phone call.
6. (Lie)__________ on the beach is much more pleasant than (sit)___________ in the office.
7. By (neglect / take)_____________ ordinary precautions he endangered the life of his crew.
8. An instructor is coming (show)___________ us how (use)___________ the aqualung.
9. After (hear)__________ the conditions, I decided (not enter)___________ for the competitiopn.
10. He expects me (answer)___________ by return but I have no intention of (reply)__________ at all.
11. Some people seem (have)___________ a passion for (write)___________ to the newspapers.
12. I tried (pacify)_________ him but he refused (pacify)_________ and went on (grumble)_________
13. By (offer)__________ enormous wages he is persuading men (leave)____________ their present
jobs and (work)__________ for him.
14. He postponed (make)__________ a decision till it was too late (do)__________ anything.
15. Imagine (have)___________ (get)__________ up at 4 A.M. every day.
16. Try (forget)___________ it, it isn’t worth (worry)__________ about.
17. There is no point in (remain)____________ in a dangerous place if you can’t do anything
(help)___________ The people who have (stay)___________ there.
18. The horse won’t be well enough (run)___________ in tomorrow’s race. He doesn’t seem (have
recovered)____________ from his long journey.
19. It’s not much use (have)__________ a bicycle if you don’t know how (ride)_________ it.
20. He didn’t dare (leave)___________ the room because he was afraid of (meet)_____________ some
one who might (recognize)___________ him.
21. I distinctly remember (pay)___________ him. I gave him $150.
22. Did you remember (give )___________ him the key of the safe? No, I didn’t. I’ll go and do it now.
23. Please forgive me for (interrupt)___________ you but would you mind (repeat)__________ that last
24. I know my hair wants (cut)_________ but I never have time (go)__________ to the hairdresser’s.
25. He keeps (ask)__________ me the time and I keep (tell)_________ him (buy)___________ himself a
26. What was in the letter ? I don’t know. I didn’t like (open)___________ it as it wasn’t addresssed to
27. Do you remember (hear)___________ the bombs (drop)____________? No, in the last war, I was
too young (realize)____________ what was happening.
28. He offered (lend )__________ me the money. I didn’t like (take)__________ it but I had no
29. The snow kept (fall)__________ and the workmen grew tired of (try)_________ (keep)_________
the roads clear.
30. When the painter felt the ladder (begin / slip)____________, he grabbed the gutter (save)_________
himself from (fall)_________.
II. Choose the correct answer
1. Promise me ________ lies again.
A. that you’ll never tell B. never tell
C. that you never tell D. never telling
2. I must get ________ before the boss sees it.
A. my office tidying up B. tidied up my office
C. tidying up my office D. my office tidied up
3. “Why don’t you emigrate to Australia?” “________”
A. If only I could! B. When I only could! C. How I wish it! D. I hope so!
4. “Have a nice day!” -“Thank you! ________!”
A. And yours B. The same to you C. The same D. As much to you
5. Jane ________ better take care. The roads are very busy.
A. was B. would C. should D. had
6 . ________ would you solve the problem if this method failed?
A. What else B. Who else C. Whose else D. How else
7. It was difficult. ________, he managed to do it.
A. However B. But C. Therefore D. Moreover
8. ________ raise 860 million pounds, they increased tobacco duty.
A. As to B. In order as C. So to D. In order to
9. It’s not worth ________ out now. It is much too late.
A. to go B. it go C. going D. it going
10.I’m afraid you will ________ wait a long time.
A. have to B. must C. be to D. have got to
Buying clothes are (A) often a very time-consuming practice (B) because those clothes that a person likes
are rarely (C) the ones that fit him or her (D).
These televisions (A) are too expensive (B) for us to buy them (C) at this time (D).
George hasn’t completed (A) the assignment yet (B), and (C) Maria hasn’t neither (D).
Many theories on conserving (A) the purity of water has been proposed (B) but no one has been (C) as
widely accepted (D) as this one.
The food that (A) Sam is cooking (B) in the kitchen is smelling (C) delicious (D).

IV. Sentence transformation

1. Jack said that he hadn't cheated in the exam .
Jack denied
2. It was difficult for me no t to laugh at Wendy's letter .
I couldn’t help
3. I'm sorry but you have not been appointed to the post .
I regret
4. I needed a drink of water and so I stopped running .
I stopped
5. I think it would be a good idea to take the train .
I consider
6. Don't forget the lights when you leave. (TURN)
Don't forget
7. I think Derek has forgotten the meeting.
Derek appears
8. My neighbour said he would call the police !
My neighbour threatened

I. Choose the correct answer:
1. They were _______ from their apartment because they hadn’t paid the rent.
A. evicted B. expelled C. deposed D. discarded
2. It’s quite out of _______ for Paul to behave so terribly.
A. temperament B. personality C. nature D. character
3. To forget her problem, she _______ herself with her work.
A. devoted B. occupied C. immersed D. dedicated
4. I took _______ with him on a number of his comments, which I thought was unfair.
A. challenge B. offence C. exception D. issue
5. In my opinion, he is _______ the best tennis player now.
A. by far B. vastly C. a long way D. extensively
6. His whole life seemed to fall _______ when he lost his job.
A. through B. apart C. away D. out
7. He didn’t understand what I was saying so I had to _______ it out to him in very simple terms.
A. figure B. clear C. stand D. spell
8. The objective of the research is to gain a better _______ into labour market processes.
A. knowledge B. know-how C. insight D. awareness
9. The army is _______ to ensuring the independence of the country.
A. used B. committed C. adjusted D. contributed
10. Recently, there has been a fairly _______ rise in the cost of living.
A. pointed B. full C. sharp D. shot
11. Harry isn’t fat. _______, he is quite skinny.
A. In any case B. By rights C. In practice D. On the contrary
12. A huge crowd _______ in the pouring rain to cheer the famous singer.
A. turned out B. held up C. saw off D. dropped in
13. This machinery will have been _______ by the end of the decade.
A. broken down B. set out C. phased out D. made off with
14. Derek was _______ from military service on health grounds.
A. ejected B. barred C. earmarked D. exempted
15. Ellen has been out of _______ for six months.
A. practice B. job C. custom D. exposition
16. I _______ very well lately.
A. don’t feel B. didn’t feel C. wasn’t feeling D. haven’t been feeling
17. There were no tickets left _______.
A. all in all B. whatsoever C. by no means D. into consideration
18. _______ that people queued day and night.
A. So much the demand for tickets was B. There was the demand for tickets
C. Such was the demand for tickets D. It was the ticket demand
19. It’s possible that the last person _______ didn’t lock the door.
A. leaving B. who leave C. for leaving D. to leave
20. My friend gave me a surprise party, _______ was good of them.
A. that B. this C. which D. it
21. _______ you should do now is take a long holiday.
A. What B. That C. How D. As
22. I told you a lot of things, _______ was true.
A. several of which B. all of which C. of which all D. all that
23. What a nuisance! I’ve done everything possible but the cooker _______.
A. isn’t worked B. does not work C. didn’t work D. won’t work
24. Peter: You told him? Why? ~ Maria: ________. He asked me point-blank.
a. I couldn’t help it b. I agree c. Why not? D. Me too
25. There’s a letter pinned on the door. The mailman ________ it there.
A. could leave B. can have left C. must have left D. should have left
26. Goldsmith, together with Brown and Green, _______ to take part in the contest.
A. have decided B. has decided C. decide D. are deciding
27. Finding a job is becoming _______.
A. much difficult B. more and more difficult C. the more difficult D. more difficulty than ever
II. Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined one:
28. In a new culture, many embarrassing situations occur because of a misunderstanding.
a. convenient b. easy c. discomforting d. shameful
29. The way they’ve been treated is an absolute disgrace.
a. sheer b. partial c. indefinite d. flawed
30. Tarr threw himself in front of a train in a valiant effort to save the child.
a. coward b. yellow-bellied c. nervous d. brave
II. Mistake identification:
31. Mostly (a) none of my students (b) enjoys reading (c) his detective (d) stories.
32. Mr. Walker said to (a) the (b) press that there had been (c) a big earthquake (d) in Indonesia.
33. When he met (a) us, he offered (b) that we could (c) meet them at (d) the air port.
34. To (a) my mind, the English (b) is quite an (c) easy language to learn (d).
35. I looked (a) for my (b) keys, but (c) I couldn't find it (d).
36. Some of cities (a) advise that the resident (b) wear gas (c) masks when traveling (d) in the streets.
37. The singular (a) way to reduce (b) pollution in the city is ban cars (c) from downtown (d).
38. Quite a few people (a) can really understand (b) the important significance (c) of having a good command (d) of French.
39. Mankinds (a) are responsible for (b) the destruction of a wealth of (c) the world’s cultural heritage (d).
40. The Vietnam’s Olympic (a) team, winning two golds (b) in the last event, gave (c) a hero’s welcome on returning home (d).
III. Guided cloze:

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted (November 2020) Page 1
There is growing evidence that urbanization has a sharp (41) _____ on climate, causing changes that can wreak (42) _____ on
precipitation patterns that supply the precious resource of water. The heavy amounts of heat and pollution rising from cities both delay
and stimulate the fall of precipitation, (43) _____ some areas of rain while drenching others.
Cities are (44) ____ one to ten degrees warmer than surrounding undeveloped areas. Cities also produce large amounts of (45) ___
called aerosols, gaseous suspensions of dust particles or byproducts from the (46) ____ of fossil fuels. Both heat and aerosols change
the dynamics of clouds. When hoisted up in the sky, the microscopic particles act as multiple surfaces on which the (47) ____ in
clouds can condense as tiny droplets. This can prevent or delay the formation of larger raindrops that fall more easily from the sky, or
it can cause the rain to fall in another location.
In California, pollution blows eastward and causes a precipitation (48) ____ of around one trillion gallons a year across the Sierra
Nevada mountain range. (49) ___, in very humid cities, such as Houston, heat and pollutants seem to (50) ___ summer storm activity
by allowing clouds to build higher and fuller before releasing torrential rains.
41. A. impression B. impact C. influence D. affection
42. A. havoc B. damage C. chaos D. breakage
43. A. accusing B. mugging C. depriving D. avoiding
44. A. at most B. in majority C. in priority D. on average
45. A. filters B. fertilizers C. pollutants D. poisons
46. A. firing B. burning C. lighting D. flaming
47. A. moisture B. water C. wetness D. humidity
48. A. lack B. emptiness C. shortage D. inefficiency
49. A. Therefore B. Furthermore C. Otherwise D. By contrast
50. A. lessen B. invigorate C. fasten D. eliminate
So much sentimentality is attached to the rose in (51) _______ culture that it is difficult to separate the original mythological and
folkloric beliefs from the emotional excess that (52) _______ the flower. Yet if we look into the beliefs, we find that the rose is much
more than the mere (53) _______ of romantic love invoked by every minor poet and painter.
One of the rose's most common (54) _______ in folklore is with death. The Romans often decked the tombs of the dead with roses; in
fact, Roman wills frequently (55) _______ that roses were to be planted on the grave. To this day, in Switzerland, cemeteries are
known as rose gardens. The Saxons (56) _______ the rose with life, and they believed that when a child died, the figure of death
could be seen plucking a rose outside the house.
The rose has a long association with female beauty. Shakespeare mentions the rose more frequently than (57) ____ flower, often
using it as a token of all that is lovely and good. For the Arabs, (58) ____, the rose was a symbol not of feminine but of masculine
Later the rose became a sign of secrecy and silence. The expression sub rosa, "under the rose," is (59) _______ to a Roman belief.
During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, it was common (60) _______ to carve or paint roses on the ceilings of council
chambers to emphasize the intention of secrecy.
51. A. famous B. popular C. diverse D. outdated
52. A. gathers B. covers C. surrounds D. embraces
53. A. trace B. sign C. tail D. symbol
54. A. relations B. connections C. associations D. combinations
55. A. specified B. showed C. required D. expressed
56. A. equalized B. equated C. leveled D. considered
57. A. a B. other C. any other D. the
58. A. for lack of B. nevertheless C. therefore D. in fact
59. A. traced B. originated C. based D. contributed
60. A. function B. usage C. practice D. standard
III. Reading comprehension:
Because writing has become so important in our culture, we sometimes think of it as more real than speech. A little thought, however,
will show why speech is primary and writing is secondary to language. Human beings have been writing (as far as we can tell from
surviving evidence) for at least 5000 years; but they have been talking for much longer, doubtless ever since there have been human
When writing did develop, it was derived from and represented speech, although imperfectly. Even today, there are spoken languages
that have no written form. Furthermore, we all learn to talk well before we learn to write; any human child who is not severely
handicapped physically or mentally will learn to talk: a normal human being cannot be prevented from doing so. On the other hand, it
takes a special effort to learn to write; in the past many intelligent and useful members of society did not acquire the skill, and even
today many who speak languages with writing systems never learn to read or write, while some who learn the rudiments of those
skills do so only imperfectly.
To affirm the primacy of speech over writing is not, however, to disparage the latter. One advantage writing has over speech is that
it is more permanent and makes possible the records that any civilization must have. Thus, if speaking makes us human, writing
makes us civilized.
61. The author of the passage argues that ______.
A. writing has become too important in today’s society B. speech is more basic to language than writing
C. everyone who learns to speak must learn to write D. all languages should have a written form
62. According to the passage, speech began to exist in our life ______.
A. just when human beings appeared B. when human beings were able to communicate in writing
B. at least 5000 years ago C. when writing became important in our culture
63. The word "doubtless" in the passage mostly means ______.
A. "almost certainly" B. "almost uncertainly" C. "almost impossibly" D. "almost doubtfully"
64. According to the passage, writing ______.
A. is imperfect, but less so than speech B. is represented perfectly by speech
C. represents speech, but not perfectly D. developed from imperfect speech
65. The following statements are true EXCEPT ______.
A. writing was derived from speech B. we can talk well before we can write
C. Every spoken language has written form D. men have been writing for at least 5000 years
66. The word "acquire" in the passage mostly means ______.
A. "become aware of something by hearing about it" B. "gain something by your own efforts or ability"
C. "help somebody learn something by giving information about it" D. "develop a natural ability or quality so that it improves"

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted (November 2020) Page 2
67. In the passage, the author judges that ______.
A. writing has more advantages than speech B. speech is essential but writing has important benefits
C. writing is more real than speech D. speech conveys ideas less accurately than writing does
68. In order to show that learning to write requires effort, the author gives the example of ______.
A. intelligent people who could not write B. people who learn the rudiments of speech
C. people who speak many languages D. severely handicapped children
69. The word "disparage" in the passage mostly means ______.
A. "suggest that something is not important or valuable" B. "make something seem more important"
C. "think that something is not important" D. "think about something carefully"
70. According to the author, one mark of civilized society is that it ______.
A. affirms the primacy of speech over writing B. affirms the primacy of writing over speech
C. teaches its children to speak perfectly D. keeps written records
V. Phonology:
A. Pronunciation:
71. a. contribute b. tribe c. triangle d. final
72. a. homework b. comb c. roam d. come
73. a. monument b. number c. numerous d. curable
74. a. building b. guilty c. fill d. review
75. a. paid b. break c. bread d. ache
B. Stress:
76. a. kilometer b. unbearable c. divisible d. television
77. a. surprising b. understand c. protection d. increasing
78. a. contribute b. neighbour c. difficult d. pleasant
79. a. interested b. interesting c. response d. happening
80. a. discourage b. avoid c. interfere d. engage

I. Expressions with TIME:

Many from table pass first take this wasting your the
One tell high on five all at matter after half
1. ________ your time, there’s no hurry. 11. Time ________ time I’ve told him not to touch my computer.
2. It’s ________ time we were on our way. 12. Stop ________ your time. Get on with some work.
3. ________ time next week, we’ll be on our way to Jamaica. 13. At ________ time children were forced o work cleaning
4. I do sport ________ times a week. chimneys.
5. How ________ times do I have to tell you to keep quiet? 14. I see Trevor ________ time to time. Not very often, I’m afraid.
6. I remember ________ time we used to play hide and seek. 15. ________ times I feel like just giving up and finding another job.
7. Can I take up a bit ________ time? 16. Listening to the radio helped me to ________ the time.
8. She keeps complaining ________ the time. 17. The score at ________ time was three-nil.
9. The ________ time I went to the theatre was when I was about 18. Have you got a railway time-________?
ten. 19. Can you ________ me the time?
10. It’s only a ________ of time before someone gets seriously hurt. 20. She always comes ________ time to meetings.
II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer
The knock-on effect of volunteering on the lives of individuals can be profound. Voluntary work helps foster independence and imparts the
ability to deal with different situations, often simultaneously, thus teaching people how to (1) ______ their way through different systems. It
therefore brings people into touch with the real world; and, hence, equips them for the future.
Initially, young adults in their late teens might not seem to have the expertise or knowledge to impart to others that say a teacher or an
agriculturalist or a nurse would have, (2) ______ they do have many skills that can help others. And in the absence of any particular talent,
their energy and enthusiasm can be harnessed for the benefit (3) ______ their fellow human beings, and ultimately themselves. From all this,
the gain to any community no matter how many volunteers are involved is (4) ______.
Employers will generally look favorably on people (5) ______ have shown an ability to work as part of a team. It demonstrates a willingness to
learn and an independent spirit, which would be desirable qualities in any employee.
(Adapted from "IELTS Testbuilder 2" by Sam McCarter)
1. A. take B. work C. put D. give
2. A. but B. so C. or D. for
3. A. under B. of C. on D. out
4. A. impassable B. unattainable C. undetectable D. immeasurable
5. A. which B. what C. whose D. who
III. Reading comprehension:
It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them. They
have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they are possessive and dominant that
they do not trust their children to deal with crises; that they talk too much about certain problems and that they have no se nse of humor, at
least in parent-child relationships. I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they
themselves felt when young.
Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainers and music. This is no t their motive. They
feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns
out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles irritate their parents, this gives them additional enjoyment. They feel
they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style and taste.
Sometimes you are resistant and proud because you do not want your parents to approve of what you do. If they did approve, it looks as if
you are betraying your own age group. But in that case, you are assuming that you are the underdog: you can’t win but at leas t you can keep
your honor. This is a passive way of looking at things. It is natural enough after long years of childhood, when you were completely under your
parents’ control. But it ignores the fact that you are now beginning to be responsible for yourself.
If you plan to control your life, co-operation can be part of that plan. You can charm others, especially parents, into doing things the ways you
want. You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to
1. The author is primarily addressing ________.
A) parents of teenagers B) newspaper readers C) those who give advice to teenagers D) teenagers
2. The first paragraph is mainly about ________.

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted (November 2020) Page 3
A) the teenagers’ criticism of their parents B) misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents
C) the dominance of the parents over their children D) the teenagers’ ability to deal with crises
3. Teenagers tend to have strange clothes and hairstyles because they ________.
A) want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own B) have a strong desire to be leaders in style and taste
C) have no other way to enjoy themselves better D) want to irritate their parents
4. Teenagers do not want their parents to approve of whatever they do because they ________.
A) have already been accepted into the adult world B) are not likely to win over the adults
C) have a desire to be independent D) feel that they are superior in a small way to the adults
5. To improve parent-child relationships, teenagers are advised to be ________.
A) obedient B) responsible C) co-operative D) independent
IV. Fill each blank with ONE appropriate preposition:
1. He was very jealous _________ his friend's success. 14. I've heard _________ him but I haven't met him.
2. The old lady was generous __________ her grandchildren. 15. He forgave me _________ insulting him.
3. The little boy was very frightened ______ the dog next door. 16. The man was found guilty __________ murder.
4. To make a good impression _________ his employer he 17. The woman felt guilty _____ leaving her dog outside all night.
volunteered to work late. 18. The boy was expelled _____ school for hitting his teacher.
5. The actress was not impressed _____ the role she was offered. 19. There has been an increase _______ the price of fuel recently.
6. The watch he bought from the man was identical _____ the one I 20. She was good _________ everything at school.
had lost. 21. She's good _____ her dog because it keeps her company.
7. The key _________ his success is his decisiveness. 22. The man was not involved __________ the fight.
8. The students were dismissed __ class at the end of the lesson. 23. She was afraid to jump from the building even though it was ___
9. The doctor was intent __________ helping the patient. fire.
10. The baby had no intention ___________ eating its food. 24. That student was hopeless _____ getting her work in on time.
11. He is very keen __________ playing computer games. 25. The ice-cream consisted ___ chocolate, bananas, coconut and
12. The girl had heard ____ the accident from an old friend. cream.
13. He has not heard ________ his pen friend in Russia for ages.
V. Sentence transformation:
1. James has decided to buy a motorbike; we can't stop him. (prevent)
We can't ______________________________________________________ a motorbike.
2. He was hard-working but he couldn't find a job. (though)
Hard-working ___________________________________________________ not find a job.
3. She left all her money in the bank because she was afraid of being burgled. (fear)
She left all her money in the bank ____________________________________________________ burgled.
4. My little brother is very different from me. (like)
My little brother is _______________________________________________ me.
5. He was the only one who didn't enjoy the film. (except)
Everyone _________________________________________________ him.
6. Please don’t mention it again.
I’d rather _______________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Peter missed the train because he woke up too late.
Had ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. It’s a pity Jenny wasn’t invited to the party.
Jenny wishes ____________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Look at how he lives – he thinks he’s a millionaire.
He lives as ______________________________________________________________________________________________
10. You shouldn’t have told Sally my secret.
I’d rather _______________________________________________________________________________________________
VI. Word form:
It's noisy in space!
Inside the International Space Station, it is so noisy that the astronauts cannot hear one another. As a result, United States and
Russian engineers have launched a (PRIOR) __________ repair programme which they hope will lead to the (REDUCE) __________
of the station's 72-decibel roar: the equivalent of standing beside a busy motorway. 'It is not a (HEALTH) __________ situation,' said
Mike Engle, a (SPEAK) __________ for the engineering team. “Apart from astronauts losing sleep, there is a danger one of them will
(HEAR) __________ a colleague's instruction and press an incorrect button!” (IRONY) __________, most of the noise comes from the
equipment needed to keep them alive. 'The coolers are the worst,' Mr Engles explained. “But without them, the station would become
(BEAR) __________ hot! When we put together the station we faced a choice. We could either spend extra years (SURE) __________
that the station would be totally quiet, or we could get on and build the thing. Now it's assembled, we are doing our best to (QUIET)
__________ it down.”
VI. Synonym and antonym:
A. Synonym:
1. For the first time on the trip, I saw genuine fear in his eyes.
A. real B. fake C. false D. factual
2. The game of solving difficult puzzles has always filled people with the feeling of a profound excitement.
A. extreme B. fierce C. intricate D. vehement
3. Let me make it plain. We do not want you here.
A. pure B. transparent C. ample D. clear
4. Housing costs gobble up almost half of our budget.
A. use B. eat very quickly C. drink very quickly D. guzzle
B. Antonym:
5. I’m sure Suzy is dead but the awful thing is not knowing how it happened.
A. pitiful B. horrific C. wonderful D. surprising
6. This advertisement is a typical example of their marketing strategy.
A. representative B. strange C. common D. public
7. I should put aside the harsh words that had been said, I should try to make the best of everything.
A. cruel B. unkind C. bitter D. pleasant

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted (November 2020) Page 4
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A. match the 2 columns

1. messy a. reasonable
2. ambitious b. impolite
3. easy-going c. courageous
4. outgoing d. honest
5. open-minded e. untidy
6. grumpy f. domineering
7. sensitive g. arrogant
8. sensible h. friendly
9. sociable i. friendly and energetic
10. carefree j. relaxed and tolerant
11. rude k. ungenerous
12. brave l. having a strong desire to succeed
13. frank m. bad-tempered and irritable
14. bossy n. too curious
15. vain o. free from anxiety or responsibility
16. stingy p. easily affected by things others do or say
17. nosey q. reasonable
➔ DO TASK 4 (PAGE 9)
1. interpret (v) = ……………………………………… ≠ ………………………………………
→ ……………………………………… (n) ≠ ………………………………………
……………………………………… = someone who interprets for sb else
a. Don’t ……………………………………… me. I didn’t mean that.
b. Your ……………………………………… of his idea results in this problem.
2. set off = leave / start a journey
set out = begin to carry out a plan of action
set aside = reserve sth for a specific purpose
set back = delay / obstruct
set up = establish
set one’s heart on sth = have one’s heart set on sth = ………………………………………
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3. lean and fit = thin and healthy

4. thrill (n) → a thrill of excitement/ fear…
thrill (v) = make sb feel excited and happy
→ thriller (n) = ………………………………………
→ thrilling (a) = ………………………………………
5. be close ……… sb/sth = ………………………………………
6. generous (a) _____ sb = ……………………………………… ≠ ………………………………………
→ ……………………………………… (n) ≠ ……………………………………… = lack of generosity
7. dive in (v) = help oneself to food
8. responsibility _____ sth ≠ ………………………………………
→ TAKE responsibility _____ sth ≠ __________ responsibility _____ sth
→ …………………………………… (a) _____ sb _____ sth ≠ …………………………………… _____ sb _____ sth
9. attach (v) _____ sth = ……………………………………… ≠ ……………………………………… from sth
→ ……………………………………… (n) ≠ ………………………………………
10. effect (n) = ………………………………………
→ have little effect _____ sth = ………………………………………
→ TAKE effect ≠ __________ effect
→ ……………………………………… (a) ≠ ………………………………………
11. global (a) = ………………………………………
→ ……………………………………… (v) = ………………………………………
→ ……………………………………… (n) = ………………………………………
12. citizen (n) = ………………………………………
→ ……………………………………… (n) = the status of being a citizen of a country
13. solution (n) _____ sth = ………………………………………
→ ……………………………………… (a) ≠ ………………………………………
……………………………………… (a) not yet solved
→ ……………………………………… (v)
14. conclude (v) = ………………………………………
→ ……………………………………… (n)
→ ……………………………………… (a) ≠ ………………………………………
15. trust (n) ≠ ………………………………………
→ Put one’s trust in sb/sth
→ ……………………………………… (a) ≠ ………………………………………
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17. produce (v) = ………………………………………

→ ……………………………………… (n) = ………………………………………
……………………………………… (n) = ………………………………………
……………………………………… (n) = ………………………………………
→ ……………………………………… (a) ≠ ………………………………………
18. assemble (v) = ……………………………………… ≠ ………………………………………
19. Freeze (v) → freezer (n) = ………………………………………
→ freezing cold
20. protect (v) from sth → (n) ………………………………………
→ ……………………………………… (n) = someone that protects sb/sth
→ ……………………………………… (a) = giving protection
a. Workers here must wear ……………………………………… clothes.
b. These kids are ……………………………………… by their parents, which isn’t good for them.
21. harmony (n) = ……………………………………… → do sth in harmony
→ be in harmony with sth
→ ………………………………… (a) = tuneful and not discordant / friendly and peaceful ≠inharmonious =
a. We are a close-knit family and live ……………………………………….
b. We must ensure that tourism develops ……………………………………… the environment.
c. Red and green are ……………………………………… combined in this background. We should make a
22. snowmobile (n) = a small motor vehicle for travelling on snow or ice
23. myth (n) = ………………………………………
→ ……………………………………… (a) = existing only in stories / imaginary
We really want to see that ……………………………………… girlfriend he is always talking about.
24. legend (n) = ……………………………………… → Legend has it that SVO. = People say that SVO.
→ ……………………………………… (a) = very famous and admired / from a legend
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1. be in charge of sth = ………………………………………

→ _ _ _ _ charge of sth= ………………………………………
2. lift-off (n) = ………………………………………
take-off (n) = ………………………………………
3. superstition (n)= ………………………………………
→ (a) ………………………………………
4. catastrophe (n) = ………………………………………
→ (a) ……………………………………… = ………………………………………
5. fury (n) = ………………………………………
→ (v) ……………………………………… = ………………………………………
(a) ……………………………………… = ………………………………………
6. LOOK BACK a. look for the meaning of a word
INTO b. disrespect sb
OUT c. think of the past
UP STH d. be careful
SB UP e. investigate
UP f. improve
FORWAD TO g. visit sb after a long time not seeing him
UP TO SB h. respect sb
DOWN ON SB i. eagerly expect sth
a. I sometimes smiled happily when looking __________ my childhood.
b. Don’t look __________ those that are inferior to us.
c. We are looking __________ the day we can meet again.
d. After a year of losses, our business is looking __________.
e. Look me __________ next time you are in London.
f. Look __________! There is a hole in front of you.
g. You can use your cell phone to look __________ these new words.
h. The police are looking __________ your case. Be patient.
i. We all look __________ our parents and grandparents.
7. RUN OUT OF STH = a. chase or pursue
INTO SB / STH b. escape from sb chasing you
FOR c. meet sb unexpectedly / encounter a problem
AFTER d. try to be elected to a political party
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LHP HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306

AWAY e. be powered by
ON f. have none of sth left
OVER SB/STH g. hit sb/sth with a vehicle
THROUGH h. explain quickly / quickly practice or rehearse a play
8. depend (v) _____ sb/sth _____ sth = ………………………………………
→ (a) ……………………………………… _____ sb/sth ≠ ……………………………………… _____ sb/sth
(a) ……………………………………… = reliable
(a) ……………………………………… = depending on each other
→(n) ……………………………………… ≠ ………………………………………
(n) ……………………………………… = someone that depends on others
9. conserve (v) = ………………………………………
→ (n) ……………………………………… = the act of conserving sth
……………………………………… = a person who works to conserve the environment
10. command module (n) = a spacecraft in which people live and in which they return to earth
11. lunar module (n) = a small craft used to carry astronauts from from the command module to the surface
of the moon and back
12. amaze (v) = ………………………………………
→ (n) ……………………………………… → To sb’s ………………………………………
(a) ……………………………………… at sth = ………………………………………
……………………………………… = surprising
13. relief (n) (from sth) = ……………………………………… → _____ sb’s relief = ………………………………………
→ ……………………………………… (v) = ………………………………………
→ It is such a relief + toV
→ Sb is relieved + toV / that SVO.
→ feel an incredible sense of relief
14. go down in history = be remembered by many people for having done sth
15. PUT ASIDE a. postpone
BACK b. tolerate
OFF c. take notes
DOWN d. dress oneself
OUT e. erect
UP WITH f. express ideas clearly so that people can understand them easily
UP sth g. save sth / ignore or not deal with sth
ON h. put sth where it was previously
STH ACROSS i. extinguish a fire
sb UP j. let sb stay for the night
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a. It’s lunch time. ……………………………………… your toys, Liz.

b. The smell of the rotten fish ……………………………………… going to this market.
c. ……………………………………… your uniform and go to school now.
d. The fire ……………………………………… before the fire brigade came.
e. We ……………………………………… a sum of money every month so that we can go on holiday at the end
of this year.
f. Don’t worry. We can ……………………… you …………………… for a few nights.
g. Please ……………………………………… what I am going to say because it’s important for your final exam.
16. escape (v/n) = ………………………………………
→ (a) ……………………………………… ≠ ………………………………………
→ a narrow escape = a _ _ _ _ call = a _ _ _ _ shave = ………………………………………
17. hear (v) from sb = receive letters or phone calls from sb
of sth = find out that sth has happened
→ overhear (v) = ………………………………………
18. inform (v) sb of/about sth → (n) ……………………………………… ≠ ………………………………………
→ uninformed (a) about sth = unaware of sth → (n) ………………………………… = someone who informs
19. treat (n) = an event or sth that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure
He wants to take her out to the movies as a treat.
treat (v) oneself to sth = buy / pay for sth for sb
I am going to treat myself to a new pair of sunglasses.
20. disaster (n) = ………………………………………
→ (a) ……………………………………… = ………………………………………
(a) ……………………………………… = affected by disasters
21. footwear (shoes, boots, sandals…)
22. derail (v) = cause a train to come off the railway tracks → (n) ………………………………………
23. COME ABOUT a. return
BACK b. become ill
OUT c. regain consciousness
INTO d. offer help
IN FOR e. face difficulties
UP f. succeed
UP WITH sth g. visit
DOWN WITH h. happen
UP AGAINST i. suggest/think of an idea or a plan
ROUND j. inherit
TO k. receive sth unpleasant, usu criticism
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OFF l. become known / be published / go on strike / appear

FORWARD m. be mentioned in a conversation
a. The sun will ……………………………………… after the rain.
b. Linda always ……………………………………… very good ideas.
c. After ……………………………………… a lot of money, Tim is now very rich.
d. My friends will ……………………………………… this evening and we will talk about this plan.
e. He is absent today because he ……………………………………… a cold.
f. Many people have ……………………………………… to help the police.
g. How did the accident ………………………………………
h. After the new policy, the government ………………………………………
i. Ann’s new book will ……………………………………… soon. Wait and see.
24. hide → hideout (n) = a secret place where you can go to avoid being found by others
→ (a) ……………………………………… = kept out of sight / concealed
25. bushy (a) = covered with bushes –> bushy tail = very thick tail / bushy eyebrows
26. burn off
27. tail → not make head nor tail of sth
28. feather (n) → as light as a feather
29. discuss sth = talk about sth
→ (n) ……………………………………… → under discussion = ………………………………………
30. hear (v) of sth = be aware of the existence of sth
hear (v) about sth = be told about sth
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LHP HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306


Choose the word or phrase that best fits each blank.

1. If you don’t have the best of everything, try to _____ the best of everything.
a. get b. make c. take d. do
2. People here _____ crops and _____ animals for their livings.
a. plant / feed b. raise / keep c. grow / raise d. cultivate / feed
3. We were told about a tree _____ baboons, which was amazing.
a. full with b. laden of c. crowded in d filled with
4. For these hunter-gatherers, the _____ are their essential weapons.
a. bows b. axes c. guns d. darts
5. We _____ off to go hunting with these villagers early in the morning.
a. got b. made c. set d. took
6. My friendly neighbor is quite short _____ 1.55 meters.
a. with b. at c. of d. about
7. The villagers here are _____ and fit because of their healthy lifestyle.
a. strong b. healthy c. well d. lean
8. Using his native language, one of the tribesmen enthusiastically invited me _____ the hunt.
a. on b. to c. for d. in
9. Water scarcity is a serious problem here because water is always in _____ supply.
a. little b. few c. short d. poor
10. The people here live completely _____ what nature provides.
a. by b. off (on) c. with d. for
11. To experience their way of living myself, I had to come and meet these people in _____.
a. time b. fact c. secret d. person
12. You can visit us as you _____.
a. like b. care c. please d. want
13. Dinner is ready. Just _____ in, everyone.
a. dive b. turn c. move d. take
14. Obviously we are now _____ off now that we are both working.
a. worse b. better c. let d. put
15. The kids in my family are very _____ to their grandpa because they love listening to his stories.
a. interested b. excited c. enthusiastic d. attached
16. This pill will _____ effect in 5 minutes and you will no longer feel the pain in your arm.
a. get b. lose c. take d. give
17. They broke _____ just because of some misunderstanding.
a. out b. in c. off d. up
18. She broke _____ in tears when she heard the news.
a. down b. off c. up d. forward
19. You can _____ on me like one two three. I’ll be there.
a. decide b. count c. base d. look
20. They live _____ the extreme heat of the Yaeda Valley, where the soil is poor.
a. on b. at c. by d. in
21. I strongly disagree _____ the decision you’ve just made.
a. of b. by c. with d. to
22. What makes me disappointed is that you are so indifferent _____ other people.
a. with b. in c. about d. to
23. Taking _____ his father, my cousin has a _____ nose and a _____ complexion.
a. after/hooked / tanned b. in/well-built/brown
c. for/frizzy/pale d. off/flat/hazel
24. Mom is upset _____ our bad academic results.
a. with b. by c. about d. for
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LHP HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306

25. Wait a moment and I will give you my _____ attention.

a. all b. total c. most d. full
26. As an only child, I wish to have _____ so that I can have someone to talk to or hang out with.
a. brother b. siblings c. sister d. relatives
27. You will _____ your appetite if you have a
a. spoil b. destroy c. remove d. harm
28. The advantage of living with grandparents is that they can _____ advice to younger generations.
a. provide b. supply c. offer d. show
29. Don’t _____ to conclusions. It may be his daughter that he is dancing with.
a. reach b. come c. reach d. jump/leap
30. The internet allows information to _____ and cultures to _____.
a. flow/spread b. express/transmit c. link/show d. differ/produce
31. When will this drug _____ effect?
a. get b. take c. gain d. express
32. Thanks to the Internet, people living all around the world are more _____ linked than ever before.
a. widely b. greatly c. closely d. vastly
33. You are _____ no obligation to buy this product if you don’t want to.
a. in b. at c. on d. under
34. We are looking for a solution _____ this financial problem.
a. to b. for c. with d. of
35. Have you ever seen the snow that _____ the Arctic?
a. surrounds b. blankets c. encloses d. spreads
36. The Inuit are those who treasure harmony and _____ on arguments and fighting.
a. detest b. reject c. frown d. avoid
37. _____ are the Inuit’s means of transportation.
a. Igloos b. Fur-lined hoods c. Parkas d. dogsleds
38. Try to _____ the most of your advantage and win the game in no time.
a. make b. take c. get d. have
39. Statistics disprove the _____ that women are worse drivers than men.
a. myth b. truth c. fact d. claim
40. The population of Great Britain is _____ 87% white, 7% Asians, 3% black and 3 others.
a. included b. made up of c. consisted of d. comprised of
41. What does your new girlfriend _____?
a. look b. look alike c. look like d. look likely
42. The people there don’t _____ track of time.
a. take b. count c. make d. keep
43. Can you come and see me in _____? The problem cannot be solved through phone calls.
a. person b. time c. conclusion d. deed
44. The sight of these kids free _____ all worries playing in the yard reminds me of my childhood in the
a. with b. from c. off d. in
45. Old people may lack _____ to take care of active children.
a. health b. action c. strength d. hardship\
46. Grandparents usually _____ grandchildren if they love them too much and indulge them.
a. destroy b. damage c. ruin d. spoil
47. What do you think about this solution?
_____, I prefer another one.
a. As far as I know b. To the best of my knowledge
c. if you ask me d. To the best of my ability
48. The Inuit keep their history _____ through a tradition of storytelling.
a. awake b. alive c. alert d. alike
49. These people often dance _____ the beat of a massive drum o celebrate an event.
a. in b. by c. to d. with
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LHP HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306

50. A: Don’t you agree with me?

B: _____.
a. That’s a good point b. That’s not right
c. of course not d. I can’t believe my eyes

1. The ________________________ in this village are friendly and hospitable. (TRIBAL)
2. Without an ________________________, I couldn’t have understood what they said in this village.
3. That statement is unclear and open to ________________________. (INTERPRET)
4. Dad has ________________________ said no to my request for some more pocket money.
5. Linda thinks her friends always take advantage of her ________________________. (GENEROUS)
6. Remember to fill in the ________________________ form. (ATTACH)
7. I like this coat because it has a ________________________ hood. I can wear it without the hood
anytime I like. (ATTACH)
8. They work ________________________ due to their disunity among themselves. (AFFECT)
9. I prefer an _____________________ person who is friendly and sociable to an __________________
one who is relaxed and tolerant. (GO)
10. My new classmate is a ________________________ person. Sitting next to him brings me a lot of
________________________. (BORE)
11. Is there any ________________________ who can look after your children when you are away in
your family? (CARE)
12. _____________________ as the new worker may be, he is favored by the boss. (TRUST)
13. After getting a job, she is now ________________________ independent of her parents. (FINANCE)
14. The findings are ________________________, so they will have to do more research on this.
15. It’s hard to prove ________________________ that this factory is responsible for the pollution
caused. (CONCLUDE)
16. My cousin holds joint ________________________ in Canada and Vietnam. (CITIZEN)
17. This century has seen the ________________________ of fashion and culture. (GLOBE)
18. He is respected ________________________ and is an eminent historian. (GLOBE)
19. To work together more ________________________, you need to change your way of thinking.
20. Dad was quite ________________________ this morning. He seemed to be worried about something.
21. Linda teaches at a(n) ________________________ school. (CITY)
22. It is ________________________ for first-year students to attend this orientation. (OBLIGATE)
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23. A: “Here is the information you requested.”

B: “Oh. I am much ________________________ to you.” (OBLIGATE)
24. This problem has remained ________________________ for months. (SOLVE)
25. Traffic congestion in large cities seems to be a(n) ________________________ problem. (SOLVE)
26. Teenagers often idolize ________________________ heroes that they have watched in films. (MYTH)
27. ________________________ isn’t considered when we review the applications. (ETHNIC)
28. All the flavors blend ________________________ in this wonderful dish. (HARMONY)

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Though harvesting ice is not a new concept, recently it has been considered in a new way. Scientists have been studying
this idea of harvesting ice as a possible solution to the problem of the world's dwindling fresh water supply. Ninety percent
of the earth's fresh water is in the icecap of Antarctica. If only 10 percent of that ice could be towed to civilization, it could
provide water for 500 million people. But the problem, of course, is one of melting. How can a giant iceberg be towed
across the sea without melting? The answer could lie in enclosing the floating ice in a huge cylindrical container made of
a high strength synthetic fabric. If the iceberg were nudged into the fabric container, which is opened at both ends, then
the ends could be sealed and the sea water pumped out. After that it could be towed to civilization. The melting rate would
be slowed down and the synthetic cocoon would act as a holding tank for the water. Engineering this project, which might
include a container up to one kilometer in length and 100 meters in diameter, would be a feat, but engineers say it is
possible. After all, fishermen in North Australia sometimes use nets 8 kilometers long and 20 meters across.
1. What is the main subject of this passage?
A. The dwindling water supply on earth B. fresh water in the Antarctic
C. A solution to fresh water needs D. The making of a synthetic cocoon.
2. The word "harvesting" as used in line 1 most likely refers to which of the following?
A. cutting and gathering B. Sorting and assembling
C. Producing and selling D. Accumulating and storing
3. Of all the earth's water, the icecaps of Antarctica contain _____.
A. 10 percent of the fresh water B. 10 percent of the salt water
C. 90 percent of the fresh water D. 90 percent of the salt water
4. The word "dwindling" in line 3 could be replaced by which of the following?
A. developing B. insignificant C. inferior D. declining
50. How does the author propose to transport the ice?
A. by pulling it B. by chopping it C. by piping it D. by melting it
6. According to the passage, the purpose of the fabric container is to ______.
A. protect the ice B. diminish the speed of melting
C. cause the ice to float D. pump out the sea water
7. In line 7 the word "nudged" is closest in meaning to ______.
A. imagined B. glued C. melted D. pushed
8. As used in line 10, the word "cocoon" refers to ______.
A. protection against insects B. a tank in the boat
C. a very large net D. a protective covering
9. The word "feat" in line 12 is most similar in meaning to which of the following?
A. expensive undertaking B. difficult task
C. disagreeable job D. critical step
10. The purpose of the last sentence is to ______.
A. reinforce the feasibility of the project B. compare fishermen to engineers
C. contrast iceberg containers and fishing nets D. define the size of the container
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Recent research has (0) ……….. that a third of people in Britain have not met their (1) ……….. neighbors, and
those who know each other (2) ……….. speak. Neighbors gossiping over garden fences and in the street was a common
(3) ……….. in the 1950s, says Dr. Carl Chinn, an expert on local communities. Now, however, longer hours spent working
at the office, together with the Internet and satellite television, are eroding neighborhood (4) ………... . 'Poor
neighborhoods once had strong kinship, but now prosperity buys privacy,' said Chinn.
Professor John Locke, a social scientist at Cambridge University, has analyzed a large (5) ……….. of surveys. He found
that in America and Britain the (6) ……….. of time spent in social activity is decreasing. A third of people said they never
spoke to their neighbors at (7) ………... . Andrew Mayer, 25, a strategy consultant, rents a large apartment in west London,
with two flat-mates, who work in e-commerce. “We have a family of teachers in upstairs and lawyers below, but our only
contact comes via letters (8) ……….. to the communal facilities or complaints that we’ve not put out our bin bags properly,”
said Mayer.
The (9) ……….. of communities can have serious effects. Concerned at the rise in burglaries and (10) ……….. of
vandalism, the police have re-launched crime prevention schemes such as Neighborhood Watch, calling on people who
live in the same area to keep an eye on each other's houses and report anything they see which is unusual.
0. A. exhibited B. conducted C. displayed D. reveal
1. A. side-on B. next-door C. close-up D. nearside
2. A. barely B. roughly C. nearly D. virtually
3. A. outlook B. view C. vision D. sight
4. A. ties B. joins C. strings D. laces
5. A. deal B. amount C. number D. measure
6. A. deal B. amount C. number D. measure
7. A. least B. once C. all D. most
8. A. concerning B. regarding C. applying D. relating
9. A. breakout B. break though C. breakdown D. breakaway
10. A. acts B. shows C. counts D. works


a. You aren’t as tall as I am / am I.
b. He speaks English as well as a native speaker.
a. Your essay is longer than mine / is mine.
b. He runs faster than us / we do / do we.
a. Kathy speaks more persuasively than all of us.
b. Tony is more handsome than his brother.
a. This is the largest building in our neighborhood.
b. He works the hardest in our group.
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LHP HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306

a. My sister is the most beautiful person in the family.
b. He speaks the most persuasively in the class.


1. He speaks more persuasively than anyone else in our class.

→ No one else ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
→ He is the ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. My garden is 100 meters large. Yours is 200 meters large.
→ Your garden is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Ken play tennis better than Dave.
→ Dave …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. You are the best pianist I’ve ever known.
→ I have never known ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. This is the most thrilling film I’ve ever seen.
→ No other film ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. Your essay is the best one.
→ Your essay can’t ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Lucy paid half the price I paid for her cell phone.
→ My cell phone cost …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. This book isn’t as interesting as the one I read last week.
→ The book I read …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. We tend to be more forgetful as we get older.
→ The ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. The new boss is more considerate than the previous one.
→ The previous boss ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
11. Tim is 5 years old. Bob is 7 years old. Ted is older than Bob.
→ Ted is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
→ Bob isn’t ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ Tim is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
12. Ann doesn’t dance so beautifully as Lucy, but Alice dances more beautifully than Lucy.
→ Alice is the …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ Lucy dances ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LHP HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306


Choose the word or phrase that best fits each sentence below.

1. That house collapsed after a fire _____ out in the basement.

a. burst b. leaked c. broke d. took
2. Thousands of people _____ from their homes after the river _____ its banks yesterday.
a. removed/broke b. evacuated/burst c. vacated/hit d. moved/damaged
3. After a tanker sank, it _____ tons of oil into the sea.
a. recharged b. emitted c. flew d. spilt
4. A _____ of 5 astronauts carried out their third mission in an attempt to explore the moon.
a. crew b. throng c. gang d. pack
5. The _____ of the Oscar-winning film Apollo 13 reflects a true story of survival _____ the odds.
a. content/in b. outline/with c. plot/against d. solution/despite
6. May I see the person who is in _____ of this department?
a. need b. case c. recognition d. charge
7. Despite minor problems _____ lift-off, Apollo 13 started its journey.
a. when b. on c. by d. for
8. There was a loud bang while they were carrying out _____ checks.
a. routine b. normal c. typical d. usual
9. The spacecraft was _____ oxygen, which was a terrible problem.
a. spilling b. dripping c. leaking d. flowing
10. We have _____ with this problem many times.
a. faced b. encountered c. met d. coped
11. This device is meant to reduce the carbon dioxide to a safe _____.
a. extent b. level c. rank d. grade
12. There are sometimes _____ on the way. How we overcome them is the key to success.
a. adapters b. preventions c. obstacles d. explosions
13. _____ our relief, the test was quite easy.
a. To b. In c. On d. By
14. He’ll _____ down in history as one of the finest leaders.
a. walk b. sink c. come d. go
15. How many people _____ the plane crash?
a. avoided b. rescued c. survived d. injured
16. She _____ her arms on some rose bushes.
a. twisted b. scratched c. broke d. bumped
17. Tina _____ her ankle and now it’s swollen.
a. twisted b. bumped c. broke d. survived
18. After _____ on the moon, what did they do instantly?
a. arriving b. reaching c. touching d. landing
19. When I was young, I _____ listen to the radio.
a. got used to b. was used to c. would use to d. used to
20. These foreigners ______ chopsticks.
a. aren’t used to using b. wouldn’t use
c. get used to using d. are used to use
21. Have you heard _____ our old Form Teacher lately? has she sent you any letter so far?
a. of b. about c. from d. by
22. _____ is the weather like in your country?
a. When b. Which c. How d. What
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23. Put on your coat. It’s _____ outside.

a. frozen cold b. freezing cold c. cold frozen d. bitterly frozen
24. After the accident, he had to _____ back to the campsite for further treatment of his legs .
a. limped b. climb c. move d. go
25. A: I have won the first prize in that competition.
B: _____
a. How come? b. No way! So what did you do?
c. You are kidding! d. Not so good, I’m afraid.
26. It’s _____ today. Turn on the air-conditioner, Tom.
a. pouring b. soaking c. boiling hot d. dripping
27. A: “Did you have a nice time on your trip?” B: “_____”
a. Oh dear! That’s awful! b. Never mind.
c. Not so good, I am afraid. d. No way! So what do you do
28. These people used to live _____ darkness.
a. with b. on c. by d. in
29. In this village, people _____ their own cloth.
a. weave b. offer c. stretch d. hang
30. He looked at his _____ from the mirror and admired himself.
a. injection b. reflection c. rejection d. projection
31. The moon _____ on its axis as it orbits the earth.
a. changes b. faces c. revolves d. reflects
32. It takes approximately 28 days for the moon to orbit the earth.
a. over b. under c. mostly d. about
33. This century has seen a new _____ in international relations and technological developments.
a. phase b. period d. amount d. face
34. The whole house was _____ up on Christmas Eve.
a. turned b. lit c. heated d. reflected
35. The police _____ the village shortly before the explosion.
a. survived b. escaped c. evacuated d. rescued
36. It was _____ with rain all day yesterday.
a. showering b. boiling c. drizzling d. pouring
37. All the crew on the Apollo 13 _____ the disaster.
a. survived b. avoided c. rescued d. rejected
38. The _____ fog prevented us from seeing the cars in front clearly.
a. deep b. hard c. thick d. wide
39. It’s _____ cold today. Put on your coat.
a. boiling b. freezing c. splitting d. soaking
40. Patrick got _____ wet in a _____ shower on his way home.
a. soaking / heavy b. bitterly / strong c. heavily / light d. freezing / heavy
41. The fire had been put _____ before the firemen arrived.
a. off b. over c. up d. off
42. This is one of the greatest scientists of all time but why haven’t I heard _____ him? What a pity!
a. from b. of c. about d. with


1. The police are questioning one of the ……………………………………… about the plane crash. (SURVIVE)
2. As a journalist, he seems surprisingly ……………………………………… about what is happening in the
news. (INFORM)
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3. There were …………………………………… microphones in the room to record their conversation. (HIDE)
4. To my ………………………………………, he won the first prize in that competition. (AMAZE)
5. You did the test ……………………………………… well. (AMAZE)
6. Please remain seated during ………………………………………. (TAKE)
7. His irresponsibility ……………………………………… her and they had a row. (FURY)
8. How many ……………………………………… will follow you in this trip? (DEPEND)
9. With a well-paid job, Linda is now financially ……………………………………… of her husband. (DEPEND)
10. ……………………………………… is what helps her get promotion so quickly. (DEPEND)
11. The economy has been ……………………………………… affected during this pandemic. (DISASTER)
12. It takes a long time for the economy of these ……………………………………… areas to flourish again.
13. I ……………………………………… dropped the phone into the lake, so it is out of order now.
14. ……………………………………… are trying their best to save our mother earth. (CONSERVE)
15. How many ……………………………………… were in the ……………………………………… when the disaster
happened? (SPACE)
16. They noticed something wrong right after ………………………………………. (LIFT)
17. The police are looking into the ……………………………………… of a freight train. (DERAIL)
18. Scientist are very leased with their ……………………………………… of an ancient stream on Mars.
19. I was ………………………………………, so I went to the conference late. (INFORM)
20. Tell me one of the most terrible ……………………………………… you’ve had. (NIGHT)
21. A man carrying an ……………………………………… device was caught by the police while he was
boarding the plane. (EXPLODE)
22. My mom has just bought a ……………………………………… so store food for the next 2-week social
distancing. (FREEZE)


Earthquakes (1) __________ suddenly, violently, and without warning. Identifying potential hazards
(2) __________ of time and planning in advance can reduce the dangers of serious injury or (3)
__________ of life from an earthquake. Repairing and reinforcing building foundations, anchoring
overhead lighting fixtures to the ceiling, securing furniture and other objects (4) __________ walls
and floors, and following local seismic building standards will (5) __________ reduce the impact of

Many injuries suffered during earthquakes result (6) __________ items falling or shifting due to the
shaking of the earth. Identifying potential hazards prior to an earthquake can (7) __________ you
and your family. Do an inventory of your house and where you work. Anything that can move or (8)
__________ during a quake should be placed in a closed cabinet or a secondary container. Anything
that can’t be put (9) __________ should be securely fastened down or, for objects such as
bookcases, attached to the wall. (10) __________ hanging pictures or mirrors near beds or places
where people sit.


After an earthquake, you might not have (1) __________ to water, food, electricity, or other
necessities for up to a week. Creating a disaster supply kit will help you get (2) __________ the
aftermath of an earthquake. Store enough water, food, and other basic items to (3) __________
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LHP HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306

your needs for at least 72 hours. Keep the kit in a place (4) __________ you spend most of your
time so that it will be easily accessible if an earthquake strikes.

It is also a good (5) __________ to develop an emergency communication plan. Do not rely on cell
phones or other devices that (6) __________ electricity. Develop a plan for reuniting after the
disaster in (7) __________ family members are separated from one another during an earthquake.
Ask an out-of-state relative or friend to (8) __________ as the family contact. After a disaster, it's
often easier to call long distance than (9) __________. Make sure everyone in the family knows the
(10) __________, address and phone number of the contact person.
1. a. supply b. access c. opportunity d. chance
2. a. up b. at c. away d. over
3. a. meet b. agree c. please d. match
4. a. that b. which c. when d. where
5. a. opinion b. idea c. job d. time
6. a. have b. contain c. require d. consist
7. a. case b. which c. time d. fact
8. a. do b. go c. make d. serve
9. a. shortly b. locally c. domestic d. homely
10. a. name b. age c. gender d. face
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LHP HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306


Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
1. The future lies in the person who _____ the job.
a. accepts b. keeps c. holds d. makes
2. If you are interested in this job, _____ an interview now.
a. get b. arrange c. take d. contact
3. We are looking for a virtual security guard to work the night _____ at the weekend.
a. time b. schedule c. staff d. shift
4. This patient will be operated _____ tomorrow morning.
a. on b. in c. by d. at
5. My job here is to _____ customers’ orders.
a. give b. make c. take d. keep
6. A security guard with a dog often _____ the building site at night.
a. operates b. patrols c. defuses d. rescues
7. The courageous firemen battled through the smoke and flames to _____ the fire and save lives.
a. put out b. pick up c. give up d. hand out
8. Part of my job is to _____ patents’ temperature.
a. get b. have c. know d. take
9. The report looks at economic growth in Europe and _____.
a. whereas b. whereabout c. elsewhere d. wherever
10. As this is a new company, we all are _____ at work every day to get everything settled.
a. laborious b. hard c. difficult d. filled
11. Would you please _____ the balloons to the children?
a. put out b. head for c. check out d. hand out
12. The assistance of robots helps doctors _____ on with saving people’s lives.
a. get b. come c. put d. take
13. As we _____ for the library, we suddenly remembered we hadn’t brought my library card.
a. reached b. moved c. headed d. approached
14. Scientists have created robot firefighters that never _____.
a. go out b. give up c. break out d. get out
15. As a waiter, my job is to _____ customers’ orders and serve the food.
a. keep b. catch c. note d. take
16. Policemen often _____ the streets and fight crimes; life is safe.
a. patrol b. search c. march d. check
17. Bomb disposal experts can easily _____ bombs safely.
a. explode b. destroy c. defuse d. detach
18. After _____ the patient’s pulse and temperature, the nurse took note and reported to the doctor.
a. taking b. keeping c. getting d. making
19. This lifebuoy will keep you _____ in the water.
a. float b. afloat c. floating d. floated
20. Remember to tell the doctor your medical _____ before getting vaccinated.
a. background b. routines c. history d. habits
21. I forgot to _____ the batteries of the fan, so it doesn’t work now.
a. renew b. return c. reject d. recharge
22. Kate _____ of the weather and won the game of surfing.
a. took advantage b. took notice c. made most d. keep track
23. Jack is going to _____ his job and apply for a new one on a multinational company.
a. sack b. quit c. fire d. dismiss
24. Jack had to _____ the test after failing the first time.
a. hold b. request c. resit d. enroll
25. My uncle _____ a professional degree in social work.
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LHP HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306

a. keeps b. takes c. owns d. holds

26. I am _____ for an interview at any time.
a. available b. attentive c. willing d. free
27. Brian is _____ a low salary, but he enjoys his job.
a. with b. on c. in d. at
28. Mike worked hard and _____ his promotion _____ shop manager.
a. reached / to b. got / for c. received / of d. earned / to
29. My son is _____ to learn new skills.
a. fast b. rapid c. quick d. hard
30. I _____ myself friendly and considerate.
a. think b. consider c. believe d. trust

1. This is a _____________________ robot but can be multi-functional. (POCKET)
2. Are these _____________________ batteries? (CHARGE)
3. They won the match _____________________ because they were much better than us. (SURPRISE)
4. This doctor is very good at smoothing _____________________ patients. (COOPERATE)
5. He is a talent but _____________________ student. (ENTHUSE)
6. Thousands of _____________________ are crowding the stadium for the final match. (ENTHUSE)
7. All the problems show the _____________________ of the management board of the company.
8. This airline is notorious for its _____________________. Let’s choose another one. (PUNCTUAL)
9. The supervisor checks your _____________________ every day in class. (ATTEND)
10. With a ____________________ job, Jack is now financially ____________________ of hid parents.
11. It takes more time to know about his ____________________, the we can entrust him with this task.
12. _____________________ in Japanese is one of the requirements for this job. (FLUENT)
13. _____________________ speakers of English is _____________________ in our company, so make
sure you have a good command of English. (FLUENT / ACCEPT)
14. This book is now _____________________ read among teenagers because its contents are old-
fashioned. (POPULAR)
15. Only _____________________ students can possibly pass this test. (WORK)
16. Education is _____________________up to the age of 16. (COMPEL)
17. My new neighbor is a _____________________. I like the furniture he makes. (CARPENTRY)
18. To know more about the _____________________ condition of the place, ask this
_____________________. (GEOLOGY)
19. Is there a career guidance _____________________ at your school? (COUNSEL)
20. Thanks to _______________________ arms, the patient was rescued. (ROBOT)
21. After a 2-hour _______________________, the patient was brought through by talented
_______________________. (SURGICAL)
22. There are many modern ____________________ techniques that are applied in this hospital.
23. I quit the job because it was ____________________. (CHALLENGE)
24. Jim was ____________________ from the competition because of his ____________________.
25. Single parents have to be ____________________ and inventive. (RELY)
26. I am afraid this method is ____________________ to this situation. (APPLY)
27. We are too busy, so we need a ____________________ to look after the house. (CARE)
28. ____________________ children have very bad life skills. (PROTECT)

Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LHP HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306

Job security, often measured (1) __________ the perceived risk of job loss in the near (2) __________ , is a
significant determinant of job satisfaction. We posit that the (3) __________ job security has on job
satisfaction is not only a function of how likely it is that a worker loses a job, (4) __________ how likely it is
that a worker could (5) __________ another. The effect this has on worker job satisfaction then is different
(6) __________ on whether perceived job loss occurs (or not) when job openings are scarce or when job
openings are plentiful. We use difference-in-differences (7) __________ of the 1997 and 2008 waves from the
National Study of the Changing Workforce to show (8) __________ three measures of job security increase
private sector worker job satisfaction, and (9) __________ worker incentives to quit, more when job openings
are relatively scarce than when job openings are relatively plentiful. We find that our results are strongest (10)
__________ less-educated workers.
If you've had (1) _____ but bad jobs in the past few years, you know there's a difference (2) _____ getting
"any" job and getting a "good" job. When you’re (3) _____ for employment, there are a few ways you can
narrow down your search to filter out the bad jobs and (4) _____ for the quality ones. Read through these (5)
_____ to see how you can find a good job and nail the application process in (6) _____ time.
Sit down and make a list so you can narrow down your search. You can include your degree (if you have one),
your job (7) _____ , and any vocational training you have. You can also include “soft skills,” like
professionalism, responsiveness, and friendliness. Once you’ve figured out the skills you already have, you can
(8) _____ on a career path that’s right for you.
Jot down your likes and dislikes. What did you like about your past jobs? What did you really dislike? (9)
_____ a list of things both good and bad so you can keep them in mind as you search through opportunities.
(10) _____ your ideal work style. Do you like working from home, or would you (11) _____ go into the office?
Are you a social butterfly who’s good at talking to a variety of people, or do you prefer backend work with (12)
_____ customer interaction? Answer these questions to narrow down your search when you find open
1. a. something b. anything c. nothing d. no one
2. a. in b. of c. from d. between
3. a. searching b. seeking c. in search d. finding
4. a. head b. apply c. wait d. hope
5. a. clues b. hints c. tips d. advices
6. a. no b. any c. none d. some
7 a. qualifications b. experience c. satisfaction d. security
8. a. depend b. rely c. count d. decide
9. a. Bring b. Compose c. Make d. Take
10. a. Identify b. Predict c. Arrange d. Decide
11. a. like b. prefer c. want d. rather
12. a. more b. less c. fewer d. much

WILL  on-the-spot decisions / predictions based on what we think or believe
BE GOING TO + Vbare  predictions based on evidence / future plans or intentions
PRESENT CONTINUOUS  fixed arrangement in the near future
1. We are having a party this evening. Would you like to come?
2. Look at the dark clouds. It’s going to rain.
3. Sue is eating in class. I think the teacher will get angry.
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A. Cleft sentences
It was in this class that we first met each other.
It is her smile that makes me happy.
It was the girl that was given a big present.
It is football that is enjoyed by most people all over the world.

 IT + IS/WAS + prepositional phrase / noun phrase + THAT + SVO.

1. We first met each other in a workshop.
 It was _______________________________________________________________________
2. No one else except Linda knows the correct answer to the puzzle.

 It is _________________________________________________________________________
3. I was born in August 20 years ago.

 It was _______________________________________________________________________
4. I had a party last Friday, not last Saturday.
 It was _______________________________________________________________________
5. I don’t like the way he dresses.
 It is _________________________________________________________________________

 What _______________________________________________________________________
6. Monica studied English at La Laguna University.
 It was _______________________________________________________________________
 What ________________________________________________________________________

7. I washed all the clothes except your pink blouse.

 It was ____________________________________________________________ didn’t wash.
 What _______________________________________________________________________
8. When I got home I realized that I had left the TV on.

 It was ______________________________________________________ I had left the TV on.

9. Linda started the trouble.
 It was _______________________________________________________________________
10. I would like to go to Paris on my next holiday.
 It is _________________________________________________________________________
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 What I would like ______________________________________________________________

Either …or …
Neither … nor …
Both … and …

E.g.: - I neither knew nor cared what had happened to him.

- Neither the TV nor the video actually works.
- I’m going to buy either a camera or a DVD player with the money.
- For this job you will need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish.

1. For my birthday present, I either want a trip to Japan or Korea.

2. He likes not only Football but he also likes basketball.

3. Either you nor I will have to take this responsibility.
4. He didn’t neither inform us of the news nor invited us to the party.
5. You have to decide either to stay in London or in Cambridge.


1. Among + plural N / collective N + V + N

E.g.: - Among my birthday presents __________ (be) this dictionary.

- Among my best friends at school _________ (be) Lucy.

2. Either A or B +V
Neither A nor B +V

Not only A but also B + V

E.g.: - Not only my parents but also my younger brother comes over for dinner.
- Either the director or the employers have the keys to the Rover.

3. Any of/ Each of/ Either of / Neither of/ None of + Plural Noun/ Pronoun + Singular Verb
(Plural Verbs are sometimes acceptable.)
E.g.: - None of the trains is / are going to London.
- Each of the houses was slightly different.
- Neither of the restaurants we went to was (or were) expensive.

4. The/a majority of/a number of/a lot of/plenty of/ all (of)/some (of)+Plural Noun/ Pronoun + Plural Verb
The number of + Plural Noun/ Pronoun + Singular Verb
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E.g.: - A number of (= many) problems have arisen.

- The number of homeless people has increased dramatically.

5. N + prepositional phrase + V  The covers of the book look old.

 The bird in my hands …………… (be) actually a parrot.

6. A as well as B+V

A together with B+V

A along with B+V
A instead of B+V
A rather than B+V
A accompanied by B+V
A no less than B+V
A in combination with B + V

 Peter together with his relatives is visiting his grandfather today.

a. My parents together with my sister often ……………….. (go) jogging in this park.
b. The little boy accompanied by his parents …………………… (go) shopping.

7. one of + the / these / those / possessive adj + plural N + V

E.g.: One of the students has finished the task.

8. Subject = a sum of money

a length of time
a distance
a school subject + singular verb
a disease
a noun clause
an infinitive / ing- phrase
a. 20,000 dollars ……………………… (be) enough for this car.

b. 30 minutes ……………………… (not be) enough for this task.

c. 10 km ……………………… (mean) nothing to those whose are in love.
d. Physics ……………………… (help) us know more about the world around us.
e. Measles ……………………… (be ) quite dangerous.
f. That we have a lot of good friends ……………………… (make) my life so happy.

g. Teaching a class of little boys and girls ……………………… (require) patience and devotion.

1. A can of beans ___________ (sit) on the shelf.
2. Neither the teacher nor the students ___________ (be) happy with this result.
3. Ten dollars ___________ (be) the price of the admission to the event.
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LHP HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306

4. A few more minutes ___________ (be) enough for this task.

5. The president as well as his children often ___________ (come) here for relaxation.
6. Carlos is the only one of those students who ___________ (finish) the assignment.
7. The boy accompanied by his cats and dogs ___________ (like) going jogging in this park.
8. Not only the students but also their instructor ___________ (be) call to the principal’s office.
9. Most of the milk ___________ (go) bad. Six gallons of milk ___________ (be) still in the fridge.

10. Every student and teacher in this school ___________ (hope) for a good exam result.

11. We each ___________ (need) a private room for our work.
12. Rice and beans, my favorite dish, ___________ (remind) me of my native Puerto Rico.
13. A large number of teenagers ___________ (wait) for this famous singer’s new album.
14. Four years ___________ (be) a long way to spend away from family and friends.

15. Mathematics ___________ (be) certainly not my favorite subject.
16. The number of students enrolling in our school ___________ (decrease) dramatically.

17. Neither of the traffic lights ___________ (be) working
18. Which shirt do you want for Christmas? – Either ___________ (be) fine with me.
19. Neither my brothers nor my father ___________ (be) going to attend the show.
20. ___________ (be) either Sue or her friends responsible for this?
21. A pair of gloves ___________ (be) found near the scene of the crime.
22. Measles ___________ (be) a dangerous disease for pregnant women.

23. Our thanks ___________ (go) to the workers who supported the union.
24. Forty percent of women ___________ (agree) to join the club.
25. Two-fifths of the garden ___________ (destroy) by the storm.
26. Four times four divided by two ___________ (be) eight.

27. It was the speaker, not his ideas that ___________ (encourage) teenagers to live a good life.
28. All the teachers but not the dean ___________(decide) not to teach on Valentine’s Day.
29. One of the persons that always ___________ (help) me ___________ (go) abroad to further her

30. Growing in the middle of the flower beds ___________ (be) a little chili tree.
31. To the left corner ___________ (be) two bed rooms. You can use either of them.
32. On the table ___________ (lie) a cat and a dog.
33. Half of the sugar in these jars ___________ (go) off.
34. Either you or your sisters ___________ (have) to clean the house today.
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LE HONG PHONG HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306


1. People believe Tony had deceived Liz. (RIDE)
 Tony ______________________________________________________________________________
 Liz ________________________________________________________________________________
2. We think you have done a good job.
 You _______________________________________________________________________________
3. Everyone says mom is a good cook.

 Mom ______________________________________________________________________________

4. They believed this book is John’s.
 (TO) This book ______________________________________________________________________
 John ______________________________________________________________________________
5. We thought the cat was chasing the mice.(AFTER)
 The mice ___________________________________________________________________________
6. All the employees think the boss has made a good decision.
 The boss ___________________________________________________________________________

7. I think mom made this cake to celebrate dad’s birthday.
 This cake __________________________________________________________________________
8. No one thought Tim had done it intentionally. (PURPOSE)

 Tim _______________________________________________________________________________
9. People believe this flower originate in Holland.
 This flower _________________________________________________________________________
10. They said the cook had cooked the stake too long.
 The cook ___________________________________________________________________________
11. Scientists believe that the earth will be destroyed by humans.
 Humans ___________________________________________________________________________
 The earth __________________________________________________________________________

12. People predict that another variant of coronavirus is more dangerous.

 Another ____________________________________________________________________________
13. They thought a dog attacked the kids. (FOR)
 A dog _____________________________________________________________________________
14. We all believe our team is much stronger than the rival. (SHOULDERS)
 Our team __________________________________________________________________________
15. The boss expected the secretary to post the letter immediately. (SPOT)

 The secretary _______________________________________________________________________

16. Everyone thinks Hellen was responsible for carrying out that project. (CHARGE)
 Hellen _____________________________________________________________________________
17. They say an American corporation took control of this company last month. (OVER)
 An American company ________________________________________________________________
18. We think he began playing tennis at the age of 10. (UP)

 He ________________________________________________________________________________
19. All the student said Dave the imitated the supervisor very well. (OFF)
Dave ______________________________________________________________________________
20. Everyone believes this present comes from grandpa.
 This present ________________________________________________________________________
21. The police said a taxi driver helped that man. (HAND)
 That man __________________________________________________________________________
 A taxi driver ________________________________________________________________________
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LE HONG PHONG HIGH SCHOOL = 0918325306

♥ If I see him, I will tell him this news.
♥ If mom knows this, she will be very proud of you.


♥ If you should meet Jane at work, ask her to call me, please.
 Should you see Jane at work, ask her to call me, please.
♥ If I were taller, I could play basketball.
♥ If the teacher didn’t give us a test today, we would feel very happy.



1. WERE + S + TO V + O, S + WOULD/COULD/MIGHT + Vbare
If you stayed home today, you would regret not listening to this famous guest speaker.
 Were you to stay home today, you would regret not listening to this famous guest speaker.
Your advice helps me save a big loss.
(were it not for = but for = without)
 Were it not for your advice, I would made a big loss.
I am too short to play basketball.
 Were I not too short / taller, I could play basketball.

♥ I overslept and missed the bus to school.
 If I hadn’t overslept, I wouldn’t have missed the bus to school.
♥ Jim didn’t tell the truth, so he was punished.
 If Jim had told the truth, he wouldn’t have been punished.
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LE HONG PHONG HIGH SCHOOL = 0918325306





They didn’t study hard and failed the exam.
 Were they to have studied hard, they couldn’t have failed the exam.
( had it not been for = but for = without)
Lucy was industrious, so she passed the exam with flying colors.
 Had it not been for Lucy’s industry, she wouldn’t have passed the exam with flying
We booked a table in advance, so we didn’t have to wait.
 Had we not booked a table in advance, we would have had to wait.
1. I got lost because I was unused to that place.
 Were
 Had
2. His laziness resulted in his failure.
 But for
 Had he
3. We cannot buy this expensive book.
 Unless
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LE HONG PHONG HIGH SCHOOL = 0918325306

 Were
4. The new worker work efficiently, so he is favored by the boss.
 Unless
 Were
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LHP HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306


1. I am too young to go to school alone. (OWN)

→ Were ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Nancy got up late and missed the school bus.
→ Had …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ If …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
→ unless …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Study hard and you will pass the coming exam.
→ If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ unless ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. You didn’t support me, so I wasn’t confident enough for the competition. (STOOD)
→ Were you …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ Had you ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Don’t tell lies again or people will no longer believe you. (LIE)
→ If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. That uninteresting story made the kids bored.
→ Had it ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
→ Unless ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. We cannot entrust her with this mission because she is unreliable.
→ Were it …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
→ If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
→ Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. He is too selfish to be my good friend.
→ Were it ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
→ Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. I didn’t listen to him and gets into trouble now. (WATER)
→ Had …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LHP HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306

10. I was deceived by her innocent-looking appearance. (INTO) (RIDE)

→ Without ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ Had she ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
11. I foolishly trusted her and am now disappointed. (IN)
→ If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ Had I …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
12. Her encouragement saved me from failure.
→ Without ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ Had she ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ But for the ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
13. People learn a useful lesson from their failure.
→ But for ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
→ If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
14. He appeared in time and helped us out. (UP)
→ Without ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ If he …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ Had ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
15. Please don’t join this club if you don’t like it. (PART)
→ If …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
→ Unless …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
16. She is honest and everyone likes her. (LEVEL)
→ If …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
→ Were it …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
→ Were she ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
17. I made a serious mistake and I feel regretful now.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Had I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
18. Tim is too lazy to do his homework.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
But for …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Were Tim …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LE HONG PHONG HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306


1. I phoned him last night because I wanted to tell him something urgent.
→ I phoned him last night so that I could tell him something urgent.
→ I phoned him last night in order to tell him something urgent.

2. We do morning exercise every day because we want to keep fit.

→ We do morning exercise every day in order that we can keep fit.
→ We do morning exercise every day so as to keep fit.

3. They talked softly because they didn’t want to make noise.

→ They talked softly so that they wouldn’t make noise.
→ They talked softly so as not to make noise.

4. The kids didn’t want to go to bed because they wanted to meet Santa Claus.
→ The kids didn’t want to go to bed for fear that they wouldn’t meet Santa Claus.

5. He listened to the music with his head phones because he didn’t want to disturb others.
→ He listened to the music with his head phones lest he (should) disturb others.


LEST + S + (should)Vbare


1. The workers went on strike. They wanted a pay rise.
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. John whispered to his mom because he didn’t want others to her what he said. (VIEW)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. We played in our room because we didn’t want mom to be disturbed. (LEST)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. My cat usually lies in sun. It wants to warm its body.
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. He accompanied me to the airport because he wanted to help me with the luggage. (VIEW)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. They communicated with each other using body language because they didn’t want their teacher to notice
this. (FEAR)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LE HONG PHONG HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306

7. We phoned you so late at night because we wanted to inform you something urgent. (VIEW)
→ _____________________________________________________________________________
8. He tiptoed into the room because he didn’t want to wake the baby up.
→ So as ________________________________________________________________________
9. We wanted to celebrate our son’s birthday, so we held that party. (ORDER)
→ _____________________________________________________________________________
10. The government ask us to stay home because they don’t want us to get infected with coronavirus. (VIEW)
→ We __________________________________________________________________________
11. The car stopped suddenly because the driver didn’t want to run over a dog crossing the street. (SO THAT)
→ _____________________________________________________________________________
12. The cat walked quietly since it wanted to catch the mouse. (ORDER)
→ _____________________________________________________________________________
13. The audience applauded to welcome that famous singer. (SO THAT)
→ _____________________________________________________________________________
14. We closed the door because we didn’t want anyone to hear our conversation. (SO AS)
→ _____________________________________________________________________________


1. He tried his best but got no result.
→ Although he tried his best, he got no result.
2. It snowed heavily but he went out to pick up the kids.
→ Much as it snowed heavily, he went out to pick up the kids.
→ Heavily AS/THOUGH it snowed, he went out to pick up the kids.
3. The test was hard, but they managed to finish it.
→ However / No matter how HARD the test was, they managed to finish it.
4. You should never believe anything he says.
→ Whatever / no matter what he says, you should never believe it.





1. It snowed heavily but he went out to pick up the kids.

→ Despite the heavy snow, he went out to pick up the kids.
Compiled by Ms. DOAN THI CAT PHI – LE HONG PHONG HIGH SCHOOL - 0918325306

2. He is very rich but feels lonely.

→ In spite of / regardless of his richness, he feels lonely.


1. He spoke convincingly but no one agreed with him.
→ Despite ______________________________________________________________________________
→ ____________________ as ______________________________________________________________
→ No matter ___________________________________________________________________________
2. The program was boring but we tried to follow till the end.
→ Much ________________________________________________________________________________
→ In spite ______________________________________________________________________________
→ _________________ though ____________________________________________________________
3. The news was discouraging, but they weren’t disheartened.
→ Despite ______________________________________________________________________________
→ No matter ___________________________________________________________________________
→ _________________ though _________________________________________________________
4. He ran very fast but couldn’t keep pace with us.
→ Although _____________________________________________________________________________
→ Fast ________________________________________________________________________________
5. The students could do the difficult test in a short time.
→ Difficult _____________________________________________________________________________
→ Although _____________________________________________________________________________
→ Despite ______________________________________________________________________________
→ No matter ___________________________________________________________________________
6. She refused to accept his heartfelt apology.
→ Although _____________________________________________________________________________
→ In spite ______________________________________________________________________________
→ However ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Despite any reason he might give, no one believed him.
→ Although _____________________________________________________________________________
→ No matter ___________________________________________________________________________
8. I will support you despite anything happening. (BY)
→ Although _____________________________________________________________________________
→ No matter ___________________________________________________________________________

1. FINAL ‘S’
/s/: words ending in /p/, /t/, /k/, /f/ and /θ/. E.g.: stops, hits, attacks, laughs, maths (These sounds are all unvoiced, which means
that your vocal chords must be silent when you make the sound.)
/z/: all other voiced sounds, which means that your vocal chords must make a sound when you pronounce them. E.g.: grabs, lids,
pigs, loves, breathes,
/iz/: after sibilant sounds /s/ /z/ /ʃ/ /tʃ/ /dʒ/ /ʒ/. E.g.: watches, boxes, washes
2. FINAL ‘ED’:
/id/ after /t,d/. E.g.: wanted, added
/t/: after /p, k, f, s, ʃ, tʃ/. E.g.: washed, laughed
/d/: other sounds

I. Choose the best answer:

1. Dancers at the ballet school _______ for the performance since last November.
A. trained B. were training C. have been training D. are trained
2. You ______ the bathroom tap running.
A. are always leaving B. have always left C. left always D. have been leaving
3. "Any news from Tess?" ~ "Yes. She _____ tomorrow on the 9:15 train."
A will have been arriving B will have arrived C arriving D arrives
4. "I suppose your report isn't ready yet." ~ "Don't worry. I ______ it by tomorrow."
A will have been finishing B will be finishing C am finishing D will have finished
5. "So, are you coming along, after all?" ~ "Well, I don't know. What time _____?"
A you're leaving B will you be leaving C will you leave D do you leave
6. "I've called Eddie a hundred times but he won't answer the phone." ~ "Try once more. He _________.”
A will sleep B sleeps C will be sleeping D is to be sleeping
7. "Well, I first came here last June." ~ "So by the end of May you ______ with us for almost a year."
A will have been working B are going to have worked C will have working D will work
8. "Is Nigel still here?" ~ "Yes, but hurry up, he is just ______.”
A about to leave B about leaving C to be leaving D to leave
9. "Do you know it's Maggie's birthday today?" ~ "Yes, she ______ a party tonight."
A has B is having C is to have D will have
10. "Doesn't she feel nervous about having to teach that class?" ~ "I shouldn't think so as she's such an experienced teacher. By
October she ______ teaching for fifteen years."
A is going to be B has been C will have been D is to be
11. "Why don't we go to the cinema?" ~ "It's too late; the film ______ started by now."
A will be B is going to be C shall have D will have
12. "You look gorgeous in that dress." "Really? I ______ it then."
A will be buying B buy C will buy D am to buy
13. "So, when is your maths exam?" ~ "Well, this time tomorrow I ______ for it."
A will be sitting B will sit C will have been sitting D sit
14. "Where's Christine?" ~ "I don't know; she ______ the office fifteen minutes ago."
A left B had left C has left D had been leaving
15. "Why didn't Madeline show up at the party last night?" ~ "When I called her at 11:00 she ________”
A was still studying B had still been studying C would still study D still studied
16. Did you know that Oscar Wilde ______ in Paris during his final years?
A has been living B had lived C had been living D lived
17. "You're looking miserable." ~ "I ______ on my thesis when my computer suddenly crashed."
A was working B used to work C would work D have been working
18. "Did you hear the rain last night?" "Yes, it ______ all night."
A has been pouring B was pouring C has poured D was poured
19. "Can't we just order a nice bit of cod?" ~ "Don't be ridiculous! We ______ all this way to eat fish and chips."
A haven't been coming B haven't come C aren't coming D hadn't come
20. "I love your car." ~ "This old thing? We ______ it for fifteen years."
A had had B have been having C have had D used to have
21. "What's wrong with Robert?" ~ "I don't know. He ______ up, slammed the door and stormed out of the building."
A got B has got C was getting D had got
22. "Mary has difficulty fitting in." ~ "Well, I guess she ______ to this type of work."
A didn't use B isn't used C doesn't get used D hasn't been used
23. "I loved Christmas as a child." ~ "So did I. Every Christmas Eve all the family ______ the tree together."
A would have decorated B would decorate C had been decorating D used to decorating
24. When I lived downtown I ______ to the cinema almost every night.
A was going B went C have been going D had been going
25. Sue ______ from a severe bout of flu at the time.
A recovered B used to recover C would recover D was recovering
26. "How's Peter doing?" ~ "I don't know. I ______ from him for months."
A have to hear B didn't hear C haven't heard D don't hear
27. "Tina is still looking for a decent flat." ~ "How long ___________?”
A was she looking B is she looking C had she looked D has she been looking
28. "Has Paul come to terms with his examination results?" ~ "Yes. He ______ the fact that he'll have to resit."
A had accepted B has accepted C accepted D has been accepting
29. "Did you have a good time at the Jordans?" "Not really. I ______ I'll ever visit them again."
Compiler: LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted (12D) Page 1
A don't think B am not thinking C won't be thinking D think not
30. Gerald just can't ______ working shifts.
A used to B be used C get used to D used to be
31. Alison feels more sympathy and less anger than she _______.
A had B would C was D used to
32. "Will you ______ with the audio-video equipment by 12:30 pm?" ~ "Possibly, but I'll let you know beforehand."
A finish B finished C be finishing D have finished
33. "George is in hospital." ~ "Yes, I've heard he _____ good progress."
A makes B is making C will make D would make
34. "I'm getting my work permit next week." ~ "It's about time. You ______ here for two months by then."
A are B will be C will have been D have been
35. "How do you like your sushi?" ~ "Well, it's really different. It's the first time I ______ Japanese food."
A have eaten B eat C am eating D have been eating
36. "Wasn't sacking Mary rather harsh on his part?" ~ "Not really; he ______ her several times in the past."
A had warned B was warning C warns D will warn
37. "Where's Jonathan?" ~ "He _____ to the travel agent's."
A has been B has gone C has been going D had gone
38. By his sixtieth birthday, he ______ for thirty five years.
A. would have taught B. taught C. will have been teaching D. was teaching
39. I’ve always felt we did the wrong thing when we ______ her on as an assistant.
A. have taken B. took C. were taking D. would take
40. I ______ anyone who can run as fast as he.
A. didn’t meet B. have yet to meet C. hadn’t met yet D. won’t meet yet
II. Supply the correct verb tense:
1. My brother (do) ____________ a degree at university, so I (not see) ____________ him very often, unfortunately.
2. Why (ice/float) ________________?
3. (You/phone) ________________ me from your mobile? The line’s not very good.
4. When I heard the phone ring, I (stop) ____________ writing to answer it.
5. We decided to leave the beach because it (get) _____________ dark and we wanted to get home while there (still/be) _______
some light.
6. The Hubble Space Telescope (put) ____________ into orbit around the earth in 1990.
7. By the time we (arrive) ______________, the party was almost over.
8. A: Your light was on when I (walk) ___________ past last night. – B: Yes, I (chat) ______________ online to my cousin in Italy.
9. A: Why are you out of breath? – B: Because I (pratise) ______________ for the last hour.
10. Luckily I (just reach) _____________ the end of my essay when the teacher (tell) _____________ us all to put our pens down.
III. Sentence transformation:
1. Thanh finds chemistry easier than physics. (NOT)
Physics ____________________________________________________________________________________ for Thanh.
2. I’m sure it won’t rain tomorrow. (DON’T)
I ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. When was the invasion of Britain by the Romans? (INVADE)
When __________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. It’s a long time since I last went to the theater. (FOR)
I ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Peter keeps losing his handouts. (ALWAYS)
6. I have the same opinion as you. (AGREE)
7. Tony hasn’t been to Paris before.
This is _________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. It’s over 20 years since they got married.
They’ve ________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. This book will take me two years to write.
In two years’ time ________________________________________________________________________________________
10. What were you doing at the moment of the explosion? (OCCURRED)
When __________________________________________________________________________________________________
11. It isn’t necessary for you to drive me to the station. (HAVE)
You ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. There is no cooking oil left. (RUN)
We ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
13. Don’t blame me if there’s no food in the house. (FAULT)
It _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
14. I should wash these curtains. (NEED)
These curtains ___________________________________________________________________________________________

I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:

1. He has been very interested in doing research ______biology since he was at high school.
A. in B. into C. on D. at
2. Are you sure that boys are more _____ than girls?
A. activated B. acting C. active D. acts
3. Doctors are supposed to ______ responsibility for human life.
A. take B. do C. gain D. get
4. It _______ it is parents' responsibility to take good care of their children.
A. commonly says that B. commonly to be said that C. is commonly said that D. is commonly saying
5. In my family, both my parents ______ hands to give us a nice house and a happy family.
A. give B. join C. shake D. unite
Compiler: LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted (12D) Page 2
6. It was ______ the most delightful little puppy I had ever seen.
A. quite B. somewhat C. somehow D. rather
7. Thanh: “Lan’s the best singer in our school.” ~ Nadia: “______”
A. Yes, tell me about it! B. I can’t agree with you more! C. That’s OK! D. Yes, please.
8. In our hospital, patients ______ every morning.
A. are examined B. were examining C. have examined D. can examine
9. The Moon is much closer to Earth ______, and thus it had greater influence on the tides.
A. but the Sun is B. where the Sun is C. than is the Sun D. unlike the Sun
10. A large number of workmen ______ because of the economic recession.
A. have laid down B. has laid aside C. have been laid off D. has been laid out
11. Her brother offered to help her _____ her homework.
A. at B. with C. on D. to
12. No shop can be completely secure _____ theft.
A. against B. with C. to D. in
13. Microsoft has become a ______ name.
A. homely B. homeward C. family D. household
14. I don’t have my own room. I have to ______ the bedroom with my brother.
A. divide B. share C. separate D. live
15. He has always been extremely _______ of her.
A. supporter B. support C. supported D. supportive
16. Every year I ______ Britain to improve my English.
A. am visiting B. visit C. would visit D. have visited
17. To be honest, Harry has ______ than you have.
A. been more helpful considerably B. been considerably more helpful
C. been more considerably helpful D. considerbaly been more helpful
18. When you passed the town hall clock, ______ what time it was?
A. did you notice B. were you noticing C. are you noticed D. have you noticed
19. When I got to the cinema, Jack ______ for me.
A. was waiting B. had been waiting C. waited D. had waited
20. It seems strange but Mary ______ ill before important examinations.
A. always fell B. would fall C. was fell D. is always falling
21. The old man always ______ good morning to his neighbors.
A. asks B. tells C. requires D. says
22. Maggie says she ______ Greece next month.
A. would visit B. has visited C. is going to visit D. visited
23. She told her husband that she ______ home late.
A. won’t be B. wouldn’t be C. wasn’t D. had been
24. Tom suggested ______ out for dinner.
A. going B. us to go C. that we had gone D. to go
25. When I told Ms. Dung that the dog ______ my homework, she didn’t believe me.
A. ate B. has eaten C. had eaten D. would eat
26. We almost got lost during our ______ trip.
A. homely B. homeward C. homecoming D. homeless
27. Are these lettuces ______ or did you buy them in the market?
A. homemade B. homely C. homegrown D. household
28. Don’t you think ______ in society have a responsibility to help those less fortunate?
A. wealthy B. wealthier C. wealthiest D. the wealthy
29. The shirt in the window was ______ expensive for me to buy.
A. such B. very C. too D. so
30. I ______ a response from the company even though I ______ two application forms.
A. haven't got / have been sending B. have got / have sent C. haven't got / have sent D. got / sent
31. It didn't rain in the spring. I think we ______ water next summer.
A. will run out of B. are going to run out of C. have run out of D. run out of
32. Dry cleaning is a wet process in which the first step involves ______ a garment in a cleaning solution.
A. to soak B. to be soaked C. soaking D. being soaked
33. Oil ______ if you pour it on water.
A. floated B. will be floated C. floats D. float
34. The movie ______ until half past nine, but we ______ a couple of hours earlier so that we can walk around a bit first.
A. doesn't start; are going to arrive B. hasn't started; arrived
C. didn't start; were arriving D. won't start; arrive
35. Be patient! You will have a good command of English ______.
A. with time B. from time to time C. on the spot D. in the nick of time
36. They should offer a good service because they ______ a lot of money for it.
A. cost B. praise C. fine D. charge
37. Food will ______ if the temperature in your freezer rises above 8°C.
A. damage B. ruin C. destroy D. spoil
38. Many people got sick after ______ the fish ______ in the polluted waters.
A. having eaten / are caught B. eating / caught C. they eat / catching D. having been eaten / being caught
39. I remember ______ on at the age of 14.
A. operating B. to operate C. being operated D. to be operated
40. The sport organization proves to be more and more successful ______ the number of its sports and participants has become
larger and larger.
A. with B. on C. as D. in

Compiler: LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted (12D) Page 3
41. The more you eat, ______ you become.
A. the better B. the more C. the more certain D. the fatter
42. The game is played in 2 sets with a ______ rest in between.
A. two minutes B. two-minute C. two- minute's D. two minutes
43. Passenger: Excuse me! ~ Mr. Jones: ______.
A. What B. Yes C. No D. Pardon
44. My kids are driving me mad. They never seem to listen to me unless I ______ at them.
A. scream B. shout C. grin D. stare
45. Thanks to advertising, Vinamilk has become a ______ name.
A. home B. homely C. house D. household
46. There was nothing special about his clothes ______ from his flowery tie.
A. apart B. except C. but D. other
47. She hates it when her mother keeps nagging her ______ cleaning her room.
A. at B. of C. about D. for
48. "I'm sorry about that!" "Well, ______."
A. you're welcome B. my pleasure C. it's ok D. not mention
49. The government stopped the local companies from importing fake milk powder of public health.
A. in the interest B. to the best C. for the attention D. on the safe side
50. It was very difficult to _______ what he was saying above the noise of the traffiC.
A make out B make off C make of D make up
51. Unfortunately it all _____ to whether we can afford it.
A boils down B reduces C sums up D rings up
52. All building work must be carried out ____ safety regulations.
A. on behalf of B. with obedience to C. in compliance with D. with reference to
53. We'll have to take what he says on ___________.
A. trust B. faith C. belief D. confidence
54. _____ the nature of things, there is bound to be the occasional accident.
A. At B. In C. On D. To
55. The ringleader was extremely lucky to get ____ a suspended sentence.
A away B through to C off with D through
56. The unpaid bills will be ____ to next month's account.
A carried in B carried on C carried up D carried over
57. Some people can ____ out of their shyness as soon as they are 20.
A. move B. change C. grow D. turn
58. You can sue him for insulting you _____.
A. within reach B. by law C. at merits D. in advance
59. _______ travelling is educational, it can also be stressful and expensive.
A. Since B. Providing C. While D. Even
60. In case he asks, tell him I've already read his e-mail and ________.
A. wrote back him B. wrote to him back C. written him back D. have written back him
II. Phonology:
A. Pronunciation:
61. A. dogs B. girls C. follows D. snacks
62. A. proofs B. books C. points D. days
63. A. helps B. laughs C. cooks D. finds
64. A. neighbors B. friends C. relatives D. photographs
65. A. parents B. dad C. family D. happy
66. A. shifts B. thinks C. joins D. soups
67. A. busy B. basic C. person D. answer
68. A. bags B. grahps C. lands D. days
69. A. rules B. shares C. arrives D. dates
70. A. coach B. chore C. chorus D. check
B. Stress:
71. A. possible B. responsible C. household D. hospital
72. A. project B. family C. attempt D. pressure
73. A. mischievous B. enjoy C. believe D. biologist
74. A. obedient B. garbage C. solution D. secure
75. A. secondary B. household C. personal D. decision
76. A. curriculum B. scenario C. bewilderment D. devastation
77. A. appliance B. homecoming C. romantic D. dynamics
78. A. quarrel B. upset C. annoy D. dismayed
79. A. domestic B. parental C. disposal D. teenager
80. A. laundry B. housework C. interest D. admit
III. Reading comprehension:
Passage 1:
American movies create myths about college life in the United States. These stories are entertaining, but they are not true. You have
to look beyond Hollywood movies to understand what college is really like.
Thanks to the movies, many people believe that college students party and socialize more than they study. Movies almost never show
students working hard in class or in the library. Instead, movies show them eating, talking, hanging out, or dancing to loud music at
wild parties. While it is true that American students have the freedom to participate in activities, they also have academic
responsibilities. In order to succeed, they have to attend classes and study hard.
Another movie myth is that athletics is the only important extracurricular activity. In fact, there is a wide variety of nonacademic
activities on campus such as special clubs, service organizations, art, and theater programs. This variety allows students to choose

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what interests them. Even more important, after graduation, students’ résumés look better to employers if they list a few
extracurricular activities.
Most students in the movies can easily afford higher education. If only this were true! While it is true that some American college
students are wealthy, most are from families with moderate incomes. Up to 80% of them get some type of financial aid. Students
from middle and lower-income families often work part-time throughout their college years. There is one thing that many college
students have in common, but it is not something you will see in the movies. They have parents who think higher education is a
priority, a necessary and important part of their children's lives.
Movies about college life usually have characters that are extreme in some way: super athletic, super intelligent, super wealthy, super
glamorous, etc. Movies use these stereotypes, along with other myths of romance and adventure because audiences like going to
movies that include these elements. Of course, real college students are not like movie characters at all.
So the next time you want a taste of the college experience, do not go to the movies. Look at some college websites or brochures
instead. Take a walk around your local college campus. Visit a few classes. True, you may not be able to see the same people or
exciting action you will see in the movies, but you can be sure that there are plenty of academic adventures going on all around you!
From “Read and Reflect” by Jayme Adelson-Goldstein with Lori Howard
81. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. American colleges in the movies are not like those in reality. B. Movies about college life are similar to life and fun to watch.
C. American students do not like to watch Hollywood movies. D. You should see college movies to understand college life.
82. The phrase “academic responsibilities” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to “______”.
A. learning duties B. training skills C. caring professions D. teaching methods
83. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Learning is only part of students’ college life.
B. There is a wide choice of extracurricular activities for college students.
C. Extracurricular activities are of no importance to employers.
D. Not all extracurricular activities are students’ academic responsibilities.
84. The word “they” in the third paragraph refers to ______.
A. employers B. activities C. students D. résumés
85. The word “moderate” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to “______”.
A. not high B. unlimited C. not steady D. sensible
86. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. It is important for students to get higher education. B. All college students have to work part-time.
C. Most students in the movies can afford college expenses. D. Most college students’ families are not well-off.
87. The word “taste” in the sixth paragraph is closest in meaning to “______”.
A. kind B. example C. record D. myth
88. American parents believe in ______.
A. the extracurricular activities that help ensure their children’s jobs B. how movie-makers describe American college life
C. the necessity of higher education in their children's lives D. the quality of their children's college lives
89. Many American students have to work part-time throughout their college years because ______.
A. they are not allowed to work full-time B. they want to gain experience
C. their parents force them to D. they can earn money for their expenses
90. Which of the following could best serve as the title of the passage?
A. Going to College: The Only Way to Succeed in Life B. Hollywood Movies: The Best About College Life
C. Extracurricular Activities and Job Opportunities D. American College Life and the Movies
Passage 2:
During the late Middle Ages, oil paint took hold as the artistic medium of choice because it was effective, flexible, and resilient relative
to the wax-based, watercolor, fresco, or tempera paints prevalent at the time. Although contemporary commercially prepared paints
contain a mixture of pigments and linseed oil, poppy oil paints are also available to connoisseurs. The original recipes developed in
medieval European monasteries relied on fast-drying bases derived from various organic oils predominantly valued for their medicinal
qualities. The pigments are insoluble, lightproof, and chemically inert powders ground in the base. Occasionally, varnish can be added
to increase the paste's ability to reflect light and to cover pictures with a protective seal. The resulting stiff, resinous compounds are
often packaged in flexible metal or plastic tubes. Historically, yellow pigments have been added to the oil, and then the paste was
layered over tin foil to imitate the appearance of gold leaf.
Despite the numerous experiments to accelerate the drying process, oil paints dry comparatively slowly with little color alteration. An
important advantage of color stability is that tones and undertones are easy to blend, match, transpose, and grade, and mistakes and
smudges are simple to correct. Due to the creamy consistency of most mixtures, artists can exploit their viscosity in thick
applications, sprays, thin trickles, and three-dimensional blobs. The purification by boiling and filtering and bleaching of oils can impart
varied hues to powdered pigments, while drying time can be reduced by adding metallic oxides.
Professional painters who mix their own medium usually have their own trademark methods of mixing materials that art experts
recognize as a part of an artist's creative work. The thickness of the paste also plays an important role in defining the stages of
painting a picture. After the basic design is sketched in pencil or charcoal, the broad background or foreground areas of the canvas are
covered with thin, diluted paint on top of the primer. A thicker paint, often with added varnish, is subsequently used to refine and
outline the foundation. The width of the brush depends on the type of paint the artist chooses to use, and stiff bristles are usually
found in narrow brushes for making sharp lines, while softer brushes of animal hair can be employed in broad strokes.
91. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The evolution and history of oil paintings and media B. The technology and development of drying oils
C. The recipes and ingredients for producing oil paints D. The composition and techniques for mixing oil paints
92. It can be inferred from the passage that oil paintings
A. supplanted the use of tempera and fresco B. took hold of the artistic choices in the Middle Ages
C. promoted artistic talent since the early times D. supported the usefulness of applying paints
93. In lines 4, the word "connoisseurs “ is closest in meaning to
A. explorers B. experts C. exporters D. experimenters
94. According to the passage, medieval monks extracted oil
A. from minerals B. in conjunction with pigments C. from plants D. in combination with medicines
95. In line 6, the phrase "the base" is closest in meaning to
A. paint B. oil C. chemicals D. pestle
96. The purpose of paragraph 2 is to illustrate

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A. the laboriousness of making oil paints B. the durability of oil colors
C. the complexity of oil purification D. the superiority of oil paints
97. In line 13, the word "viscosity" is closest in meaning to
A. stiffness B. elasticity C. stickiness D. eloquence
98. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as components of oil paints?
A. accelerants B. retarders C. sealants D. glosses
99. In line 16, the word "trademark" is closest in meaning to
A. signature B. selection C. significance D. secret
100. The author of the passage implies that an oil painting
A. requires professional painters to mix their own paint B. contains a layer of canvas and charcoal
C. thickens as the oil continues to dry in stages D. requires multiple layers of brushwork
IV. Guided cloze:
A family portrait is a valuable picture - it is fun to look at now, it's great for relatives far away, and it will bring (111) ______ memories
in the years (112) ______. Families change quickly (113) ______ children grow, so don't wait, (114) ______ your position in the family
- photograph your family group now, and plan to (115) _____ this a regular event. Your family album isn't really complete without this
record of all of you together.
(116) _____ the whole of the family together isn't always easy. So you will need (33) ______ ahead to be sure (34) ______ has time
to pose. A relaxed, friendly feeling is (35) ______ makes the picture, and you can't expect people to relax if they're in a hurry to do
something else. (36) ______ your plans when you're all together and in a cheerful, friendly mood - say, during a meal, and set a time
convenient for everyone.
101. A. about B. forward C. in D. back
102. A. to come B. coming C. came D. to have come
103. A. despite B. although C. as D. but
104. A. whoever. B. however C. despite D. Whatever
105. A. put B. make C. bring D. do
106. A. Getting B. Keeping C. Taking D. Having
107. A. planning B. to be planned C. planned D. to plan
108. A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one
109. A. that B. what C. which D. how
110. A. Do B. Make C. Write D. Devise
V. Vocabulary: Complete the sentences with the word chosen from the box
polite bossy stingy carefree forgetful generous easy-going frank open-minded
brave nosy ambitious rude self-confident annoying arrogant impatient grumpy
1. He heaped the plate with a __________ serving of meat and potato pie.
2. Mina’s always a bit __________ first thing in the morning.
3. He's got no manners - he's __________ to everyone.
4. It was a __________ decision to quit her job and start her own business.
5. It's really __________ when a train is late and there's no explanation.
6. He manages to exude confidence without being __________.
7. Your young daughter's __________ attitude in later life may be channelled into quite acceptable leadership qualities.
8. I remember my __________ student days.
9. They're very __________ in your presence, but you get the feeling they're laughing up their sleeves.
10. Students are bright, articulate, __________ and surprisingly mature.
11. It's no use asking him - he's too __________ to give money to charity.
12. They were relevant, exciting and highly __________ in the knowledge and skills they demanded of teachers.
13. At first, the children are afraid to ask questions they think might be impolite or __________.
14. Doctors these days tend to be more __________ about alternative medicine.
15. Ellen was about as disorganized and __________ as any fourth grade child in memory.
16. Always an __________ person, Guy had no difficulty in making friends in any situation.
17. I'll be __________ with you - I don't think you're doing a very good job.
18. By this time there was a queue of __________ customers waiting to be served.
AGV – Unit 72

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Unit 2


1. How long _______ before Val finally turned up?
A have you been waiting B are you waiting C you waited D had you been waiting
2. You ______ be so good at backgammon, did you?
A never used to B got used to C are used to D wouldn't
3. Could you tell me, sir, what you ______ in the park at three in the morning?
A have done B have been doing C were doing D had done
4. I was angry when you saw me because I ______ with my sister.
A have been arguing B argued C had been arguing D would argue
5. The Black Pirate ______ over a million copies already this year.
A had sold B has sold C had been selling D was selling
6. Don't throw the paper away because I _____ it yet.
A haven't read B hadn't read C haven't been reading D hadn't been reading
7. By the time we arrived, the film ______.
A has already started B would already start C already started D had already started
8. We had to walk home in the end because Jimmy ______ his car keys.
A has been losing B had lost C was losing D had been losing
9. It took Edward a long time to ______ living in Canada.
A be used to B used to C get used to D be used
10. I'd love to have lived in the old days, when people ______ to market by horse and carriage.
A have been travelling B would travel C got used to travelling D had been travelling
11. I much preferred it when we to Wales _______ every summer on holiday.
A used to go B were used to going C had gone D have been going
12. Your teacher called me today and said that you ______ in the playground again.
A had been fighting B used to fight C have fought D would fight
13. When Josh phoned, he sounded like he ______ quite a shock.
A had B had had C had been having D would have
14. Just as you arrived, I ______ ready to go out.
A have got B would get C have been getting D was getting
15. The computer has had an enormous ______ on the way we work.
A impression B influence C change D alteration
16. 38 It might sound strange, but dinner yesterday was the first time I ______ octopus.
A was eating B have eaten C have been eating D had eaten
17. Make sure you ______ up the data on your computer, because you might get a virus.
A back B copy C store D save
18. The Minister was accused of _______ the truth.
A distorting B revising C reforming D shifting
19. That new painting looks a bit out of _______ in our living room, don't you think?
A room B space C place D spot
20. I woke up late for my interview because I _______ about it all night and didn't get much sleep.
A worried B have been worrying C had been worrying D had worried
21. We are pleased to announce that Keith Danish ______ replace Susan Williams as Operations Manager from 24th September.
A does B is about to C is to D is due
22. I ______ Penny for her advice, but I'm not so sure that's such a good idea now.
A am going to ask B was going to ask C was asking D will ask
23. Once ______ broadband, you won't want to go back to a dial-up connection.
A you'll be using B you'll have used C you've been used D you've used
24. ______ find out more about the costs before we make a final decision?
A Do I B Will I C Shall I D Am I due to
25. ______ to the Finance Manager or the Accounts Manager?
A Will you be reporting B Will you have been reporting C Shall you be reporting D Are you on the verge of reporting
26. This time tomorrow, Barry will ______ across the Pacific for exactly three months.
A be rowing B have rowed C be rowing D have been rowing
27. When ______ treating me with some respect at work?
A will they have started B are they going to start C are they starting D will they be starting
28. Were you really just on the point ______.
A of resigning B to resign C with resignation D of having resigned

I. Phonology:
A. Pronunciation:
1. A. agreed B. believed C. praised D. kissed
2. A. summarized B. housed C. ploughed D. wrapped
3. A. naked B. kicked C. attacked D. tracked
4. A. jogged B. walked C. waxed D. cooked
5. A. used B. breathed C. bathed D. stopped
6. A. catastrophe B. cantaloupe C. abalone D. recipe
7. A. trees B. managers C. governments D. games
8. A. rhyme B. hymn C. lynx D. gym
9. A. nuance B. numeracy C. curdle D. putative
10. A. bound B. sound C. county D. poultry
11. A. merchant B. sergeant C. servant D. mercury

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12. A. blessed B. beloved C. booked D. crooked
B. Stress:
13. A. module B. schedule C. locale D. minuscule
14. A. idea B. summary C. Chinese D. attract
15. A. determine B. response C. concern D. attitude
16. A. marriage B. confide C. majority D. activity
17. A. counterpart B. international C. possibility D. differentiate
18. A. infamous B. negligent C. discrepancy D. delicacy
19. A. influenza B. marinade C. rendezvous D. expertise
20. A. aborigine B. preparatory C. electric D. interpreter
21. A. legislature B. hilarious C. veterinary D. intimacy
22. A. pharmaceutical B. diplomacy C. superstitious D. miscellaneous
II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:
23. Hardly ever ______ a suit.
A. he wore B. did he wear C. he would wear D. had he worn
24. There’s a big difference ______ the attitudes of town and country people.
A. in B. between C. about D. with
25. ______ will we find a solution.
A. If we are patient and work hard B. Should we be patient and hardworking
C. Only by patience and hard work D. With patience and hard work
26. We decided to break ______ tradition this year and go away for Christmas.
A. off B. away C. up D. with
27. Her husband, David, and her two sons, 12-year-old Nicholas and 9-year-old Garrett, have banded together to help her _____the
A. do B. take C. run D. make
28. These teachers were _____ pressure _____ parents to increase their child's performance at school.
A. under / of B. under / from C. at / on D. under / on
29. The two leaders have applauded the fine development of the _____relationship between the two countries in recent years.
A. dependent B. caring C. close-knit D. supportive
30. Sheila is able to _____ me for different things, and I really feel good about our relationship.
A. agree with B. be attracted to C. share with D. confide in
31. Telecom users in rural areas have grown at a faster pace compared to their urban _____ in the last five years.
A. counterparts B. partners C. associates D. equals
32. A fall in the number of top grades between A to C, especially in the fundamental subject of English Language, created a cause for
_____ and disappointment amongst bewildered students.
A. thought B. concern C. demand D. attention
33. He was taken ______ by the ferocity of the criticism.
A. back B. unawares C. surprised D. unaccustomed
34. Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks ______?
A. out B. off C. through D. in
35. The tutor finally broke ______ on Sam's monologue, much to the relief of the rest of the class.
A. out B. up C. down D. in
36. When she saw the damage the storm had done to her house, she broke ______ and wept.
A. up B. down C. out D. in
37. A few members of the mainstream political party broke ______ and formed their own, more radical party.
A. through B. out C. in D. away
38. Scott sat down at his desk and _____ his attention to the file he had in front of him.
A. turned B. got C. kept D. attracted
39. In a formal interview, try to maintain good _____ with the interviewers.
A. look B. attention C. communication D. eye contact
40. Of all the museum’s paintings, only one ______ the fire.
A. survived B. rescued C. bumped D. escaped
41. _______ regards sport and leisure activities, our two countries appear to have little in common.
A. How B. What C. As D. With
42. The friendliness and _____ of their group gives people the opportunity to socialize in a warm, relaxed environment.
A. approaching B. confidence C. informality D. politeness
43. A: What a beautiful dress! I’ve never seen such a perfect thing on you.
B: _____.
A. Really? B. It’s nice of you to say so. C. You can say that again. D. You’ve done a good job.
44. A: What a nice gift you’ve brought us!
B: _____.
A I’m glad you like it. B. I think so. C. You’re right. D. That’s a nice compliment.
45. We were hurrying because we thought that the bell _____.
A. had already rang B. has already rang C. had already rung D. have already ringing
46. I won’t _____ those children making a noise in my house!
A. allow B. have C. let D. permit
47. I thought Emily put her views on politics ______ really well during the discussion.
A. in B. away C. out D. across
48. The woman was ______ from hospital yesterday only a week after her operation.
A. ejected B. expelled C. evicted D. discharged

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49. Don’t make a(n) ______ decision. Think about it first.
A. snap B. abrupt C. spontaneous D. careless
50. Hardworking parents still need to put time ______ for their children.
A. off B. in C. aside D. out
51. Although he was experienced, he was not ______.
A. mistaken B. flawed C. erroneous D. infallible
52. I am ______ my brother is.
A. nowhere like ambitious as B. nothing near as ambitious as C. nothing as ambitious like D. nowhere near as ambitious as
53. ______, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
A. However tired B. Tired as he might feel C. As he might feel tired D. He felt very tired though
54. These measures have been ______ in order to increase the company’s profits.
A. carried B. taken C. tried D. done
55. I’ve yet _____ a person as Theo.
A. to meet as infuriating B. to have met such infuriating
C. been meeting as infuriating D. been meeting such infuriating
56. ______ with about fifteen times its weight in air does gasoline allow the carburetor to run smoothly.
A. It is mixed B. Only when mixed C. When mixed D. To mix it
57. No agreement was reached. The strikers decided to ______ out for a better deal.
A. keep B. watch C. hold D. draw
58. Jadon Sancho is a brilliant young footballer who is ______ the up and up.
A. in B. to C. through D. on
59. He ______ up a lot of debts in the town and then disappeared without a trace.
A. put B. ran C. brought D. made
60. She got a bit hot ______ the collar when a colleague started criticizing her work.
A. under B. on C. beyond D. from
61. “Why don’t you put a better lock on the door?” said John.
A. John suggested to put a better lock on the door. B. John asked why not putting a better lock on the door.
C. John made us put a better lock on the door. D. John suggested putting a better lock on the door.
62. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
A. This is the first time I eat this kind of food. B. This is the first kind of food I have eaten.
C. Never before have I eaten this kind of food. D. Even before I haven’t eaten this kind of food.
63. Even though it had been snowing all day, a great many people managed to get to the end-of-term concert.
A. Very few people indeed were prevented from getting to the end-of-term concert by the heavy snow.
B. Since there had been snow all day long, it wasn’t easy for people to get to the end-of-term concert.
C. As it had been snowing heavily all day, a great many people just could not get to the end-of-term concert.
D. A lot of people did get to the end-of-term concert in spite of the snow that fell all day.
III. Mistake identification:
64. The (A) guide told the tourists that it was a (B) good restaurant specializing (C) in seafood just round (D) the corner from the
65. By the turn of (A) the century, most of the inventions that (B) were to (C) bring in all the comforts of modern living have already
been (D) thought of.
66. While verbalization is the most common form (A) of language in existence (B), humans make use of many others systems (C) and
techniques to express (D) their thoughts and feelings.
67. When a patient’s blood pressure is much (A) higher than it (B) should be (C), a doctor usually insists that he will not (D) smoke.
68. The master of ceremonies (A) announced in a loud and clear voice and told (B) that the dinner would be (C) late due to
unforeseen circumstances (D).
69. Because of (A) the Internet, working at (B) jobs at home (C) have become (D) much more common.
70. A conversation with (A) her mother had a more profound affect (B) on her than (C) she expected (D).
71. Work as quick (A) as you can (B) but as carefully as possible when (C) you take the test (D).
72. As (A) two nuclei move closer together (B), their (C) mutual electrostatic potential energy becomes more large (D) and more
73. The department store has a fine reputation because (A) its sales assistants are knowledgeable, friendly (B), and enthusiastically
(C) about the merchandise they are selling (D).
IV. Reading comprehension:
Passage A:
Sometimes you know things about people the first time you see them, for example, that you want to be friends with them or that you
don't trust them. But perhaps this kind of intuition isn't as hard to explain as it may seem. For instance, people give out body language
signals all the time. The way you hold your body, head and arms tells people about your mood. If you hold your arms tightly at your
sides, or fold them across your chest, people will generally feel that you are being defensive. Holding your head to one side shows
interest in the other, while an easy, open posture indicates that you are self-confident. All this affects the way you feel about
Also, a stranger may remind you of a meeting with someone. This may be because of something as simple as the fact that he or she is
physically similar to someone who treated you well or badly. Your feelings about a stranger could be influenced by a smell in the air
that brings to mind a place where you were happy as a child. Since even a single word can bring back a memory such as that, you
may never realize it is happening.
74. What does the word "open" in the passage most closely mean?
Unrestrained. B. Relaxed. C. Confined. D. Unlimited.
75. What influences your impression of a person you meet the first time?
A. Intuition. B. Familiarity. C. Knowledge. D. Feeling.

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76. What one feels about a stranger may be influenced by something that ________.
A. strengthens one's past behaviours B. reminds one of one's past treatment
C. revives one's past memories D. points to one's childhood
77. What does the second paragraph discuss?
A. Meanings of signals one implies towards a stranger. B. Factors that may influence one's feelings about a stranger.
C. How people usually behave to a stranger. D. Factors that cause people to act differently.
78. Intuition described in the passage can be explained by means of _________.
A. styles B. languages C. patterns D. Behaviours
Passage B:
Among all the abilities with which an individual may be endowed musical talent appears earliest in life. Very young children can exhibit
musical precocity for different reasons. Some develop exceptional skill as a result of a well-designed instructional regime, such as the
Suzuki method for the violin. Some have the good fortune to be born into a musical family in a household filled with music. In a
number of interesting cases, musical talent is part of an otherwise disabling condition such as autism or mental retardation. A
musically gifted child has an inborn talent; however, the extent to which the talent is expressed publicly will depend
upon the environment in which the child lives.
Musically gifted children master at an early age the principal elements of music, including pitch and rhythm. Pitch - or melody - is more
central in certain cultures, for example, in Eastern societies that make use of tiny quarter-tone intervals. Rhythm, sounds produced at
certain auditory frequencies and grouped according to a prescribed system, is emphasized in sub-Saharan Africa, where the rhythmic
ratios can be very complex.
All children have some aptitude for making music. During infancy, normal children sing as well as babble, and they can produce
individual sounds and sound patterns. Infants as young as two months can match their mother's songs in pitch, loudness, and melodic
shape, and infants at four months can match rhythmic structure as well. Infants are especially predisposed to acquire these core
aspects of music, and they can also engage in sound play that clearly exhibits creativity.
Individual differences begin to emerge in young children as they learn to sing. Some children can match large segments of a song by
the age of two or three. Many others can only approximate pitch at this age and may still have difficulty in producing accurate
melodies by the age of five or six. However, by the time they reach school age, most children in any culture have a schema of what a
song should be like and can produce a reasonably accurate imitation of the songs commonly heard in their environment.
The early appearance of superior musical ability in some children provides evidence that musical talent may be a separate and unique
form of intelligence. There are numerous tales of young artists who have a remarkable "ear" or extraordinary memory for music and a
natural understanding of musical structure. In many of these cases, the child is average in every other way but displays an exceptional
ability in music. Even the most gifted child, however, takes about ten years to achieve the levels of performance or composition that
would constitute mastery of the musical sphere.
Every generation in music history has had its famous prodigies - individuals with exceptional musical powers that emerge at a young
age. In the eighteenth century, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart began composing and performing at the age of six. As a child, Mozart could
play the piano like an adult. He had perfect pitch, and at age nine he was also a master of the art of modulation - transitions from one
key to another - which became one of the hallmarks of his style. By the age of eleven, he had composed three symphonies and 30
other major works. Mozart's well-developed talent was preserved into adulthood.
Unusual musical ability is a regular characteristic of certain anomalies such as autism. In one case, an autistic girl was able to play
"Happy Birthday" in the style of various composers, including Mozart. Beethoven, Verdi, and Schubert. When the girl was three, her
mother called her by playing incomplete melodies, which the child would complete with the appropriate tone in the proper octave. For
the autistic child, music may be the primary mode of communication, and the child may cling to music because it represents a haven
in a world that is largely confusing and frightening.
79. The word precocity in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. strong interest B. advanced skill C. good luck D. personal style
80. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 1?
A. Every child is naturally gifted, and it is the responsibility of the public schools to recognize and develop these talents.
B. Children may be born with superior musical ability, but their environment will determine how this ability is developed.
C. Children with exceptional musical talent will look for the best way to express themselves through music-making.
D. Some musically talented children live in an environment surrounded by music, while others have little exposure to music.
81. The author makes the point that musical elements such as pitch and rhythm
A. distinguish music from other art forms B. make music difficult to learn
C. vary in emphasis in different cultures D. express different human emotions
82. The word predisposed in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
A. inclined B. gifted C. pushed D. amused
83. According to the passage, when does musical talent usually begin to appear?
A. When infants start to babble and produce sound patterns
B. Between the ages of two and four months
C. Between ten years old and adolescence
D. When children learn to sing at two or three years old
84. According to the passage, which of the following suggests that musical talent is a separate form of intelligence?
A. Recognition of the emotional power of music
B. The ability of all babies to acquire core elements of music
C. Exceptional musical ability in an otherwise average child
D. Differences between learning music and learning language
85. Why does the author discuss Mozart in paragraph 6?
A. To compare past and present views of musical talent

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B. To list musical accomplishments of the eighteenth century
C. To give an example of a well-known musical prodigy
D. To describe the development of individual musical skill
86. In music, the change from one key to another is known as
A. rhythm B. modulation C. prodigy D. perfect pitch
87. All of the following are given as examples of exceptional musical talent EXCEPT
A. a remarkable "ear" or perfect memory for music
B. appreciation for a wide variety of musical styles
C. ability to compose major works at a young age
D. playing a single song in the style of various composers
88. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about exceptional musical ability?
A. It occurs more frequently in some cultures than in others.
B. It is the result of natural talent and a supportive environment.
C. It is evidence of a superior level of intelligence in other areas.
D. It has been documented and studied but is little understood.
V. Guided cloze:
Passage A:
Drugs are one of the (89)________ profession’s most valuable tools. Doctors prescribe drugs to (90)_______ or prevent many
diseases. Every year, penicillin and other (91)________ drugs save the lives of countless victims of pneumonia and other dangerous
infectious diseases. Vaccines prevent attacks by such diseases as (92)________, polio, and smallpox. The use of these and many other
drugs (93)________ helped millions of people live longer, healthier lives than would (94)________ have been possible.
Almost all our most important drugs, however, were unknown before the 1900’s. For example, the sulfa drugs and antibiotics did not
come into use (95)________ the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. Before that time, about 25 percent of all pneumonia victims in the
United States died of the disease. The new drugs quickly reduced the (96) ________ rate from pneumonia to less than 5 percent.
Polio vaccine was introduced in 1955. At that time, polio struck about 30,000 to 50,000 Americans each year. (97)________ 1960, the
use of the vaccine has reduced the number of new polio cases to about 3,000 a year. In 1900, most Americans did not live
(98)________ the age of 47. Today, Americans live an average of more than 70 years, in great part because of the use of modern
89. A. medicine B. medical C. health D. medic
90. A. solve B. settle C. treat D. ruin
91. A. germ-killing B. helping C. saving D. rescuing
92. A. AIDS B. measles C. influenza D. hiccups
93. A. would have B. have C. did D. has
94. A. otherwise B. even C. also D. only
95. A. to B. until C. onto D. upon
96. A. end B. death C. ruin D. termination
97. A. About B. To C. By D. Prior
98. A. past B. passing C. well D. Through
Passage B:
In the early 1960s, Dr. Jane Goodall began studying chimpanzees in Tanzania. Before the 1960s, scientists believe that chimpanzees
were (99) _____ vegetarians. It was Goodall who first reported that meat was a natural part of the chimpanzee diet. In fact, Goodall
discovered that chimpanzees are actually very (100) ______ hunters. Individual chimpanzees have been known to hunt and eat more
than 150 small animals each year. Among the chimpanzees’ favourite prey are the red colobus monkey, feral pig, and various small
antelope species. The red colobus monkey is one of the most important animals in the chimpanzees’ diet. In one notable study, the
red colobus monkeys (101) ______ for more than 80 percent of the animals eaten by one group of chimpanzees.
(102) ______ these findings, scientists still maintain that chimpanzees are mostly fruit-eating creatures. In fact, meat composes only
about 3 percent of the chimpanzee diet. This is (103) ______ less than the quantity of meat consumed by the average human. Studies
show that chimpanzees do most of their hunting in the dry season. August and September appear to be the most popular months for
hunting. During the dry season, food shortages in the forest cause the chimpanzees’ body weight to (104) ______. Consequently,
chimpanzees (105) ______ their diets with meat. During the (106) ______ of the dry season, the estimated meat intake is about 65
grams of meat per day for adult chimpanzees. This is (107) ______ to the quantity of meat eaten by modern human societies whose
member forage when other food sources are scarce. The chimpanzees’ eating habits also closely (108) ______ those of the early
human hunter-gatherers.
99. A. severe B. firm C. strict D. austere
100. A. proficient B. prominent C. professional D. gifted
101. A. comprise B. contain C. cater D. account
102. A. Despite B. In view of C. On account of D. Inasmuch as
103. A. largely B. significantly C. extensively D. substantially
104. A. fall B. drop C. decline D. lessen
105. A. supplement B. enhance C. extend D. insert
106. A. top B. height C. summit D. apex
107. A. proportionate B. tantamount C. comparable D. commensurable
108. A. coincide B. match C. concur D. resemble
VI. Sentence transformation:
109. The controller never looked away from the screen.
At no time ______________________________________________________________________________________________
110. Miranda said she was sorry that she had not read my report yet.
Miranda apologized _______________________________________________________________________________________
111. Only the Chairman’s firmness and diplomacy prevented a serious argument between the committee members.
If _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
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112. You can stay in the flat for free if you pay the bills.
So long as ______________________________________________________________________________________________
113. I didn’t mean to be impolite.
It _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
114. Despite Jack’s strange clothes, everybody ignored him.
Nobody took ____________________________________________________________________________________________
115. It was more of a business arrangement than a marriage.
It was not ______________________________________________________________________________________________
116. You must not communicate in any way with anyone involved in this case.
You must have __________________________________________________________________________________________
117. Everyone except John will remain on the coach. (APART)
118. Joan was not sure if it was a good idea to employ such a young staff. (MISGIVINGS)
119. £500 is too much to pay for that painting. (WORTH)
120. Andrew insisted that the shop gave him his money back. (REFUND)
121. Be careful not to waste water. (ECONOMICAL)
122. The performances take place every two hours. (INTERVALS)
123. Poverty is only part of the problem. (WHOLE)
124. James Hogg Ltd. is the only shop that supplies this product. (EXCLUSIVE)
125. Which of the two book would you prefer? (RATHER)
Which _________________________________________________________________________________________________
126. I’d like to visit France more than any other countries in the world.
France _________________________________________________________________________________________________
127. It’s nobody’s fault that the meeting was canceled.
Nobody is ______________________________________________________________________________________________
128. We have run out of small sizes. (STOCK)
VII. Prepositions: Fill each blank with the preposition chosen from the box
129. I find it hard not to surrender ________ the temptation of having a chocolate icecream whenever I spend my time in the cafe.
130. After a three month training period Celia gave up the nursing course ___ the grounds of having no vocation ___ this kind of work.
131. Our position is ________ considerable hazard. I'm afraid this may lead to a panic among the crew members.
132. He shouldn't be invited by anyone if he cannot behave properly ________ company.
133. Who was the chairman's criticism directed ________? Was it Nick or the other guy?
134. ________ reference to the waste disposal, I'd like to suggest a less troublesome solution.
135. The bank owner has been ________ conflict with the accountants since he decided to lower their salaries.
136. I'd rather we didn't start at 5 a.m. Honestly speaking, I'm not usually ________ my best early in the morning.
137. Why is she so critical ________ my pronunciation? Doesn't she know I'm not a native speaker of German?
138. Rap music and techno are popular ________ teenagers mostly whereas the older youths tend to go ________ rock.
139. Doesn't this lovely place remind you ________ the one we spent our holiday in last year?
140. The plot in the book is rather simple. The poor parents dream about marrying their beautiful daughter ________ a rich sheikh.
141. Mark usually suffers ________ seasickness whenever he travels by ship or ferry.
142. This year is the third ________ succession that Susan has been appointed the bank manageress.
143. I don't smoke very often. I do it ________ occasion two or three times a month.
VIII. Vocabulary: Fill each gap with the correct word from the box
appearances basis cakes case deadline emphasis fingers hand
harm history length manner thread words world
144. It was Neil Armstrong who went down in ________ as the first man to have stepped on the surface of the moon.
145. There is much hope of our team winning the game, but we have to keep our ________ crossed.
146. You should buy the insurance just in ________ something wrong happens to you during the expedition.
147. These laser printers are brand new. They sell like hot ________.
148. Fortunately, only a few of us came to any ________ when the bus collided with a tram.
149. I was moved to tears and my impressions were too powerful to put them into ________.
150. We have been working to a strict ________ as the building contractor from Madrid wants this work to be finished by the 15th of
151. Spare us the details of your story, please. Most of us have lost the ________ of it anyway.
152. Judging by ________, one could say they live in perfect harmony, but the truth is they hate one another.
153. All ________ of picture postcards were on display and I had a hard time of choosing the most suitable ones.
154. You needn't examine the witness so thoroughly, you'd better place more ________ on the suspect's claims.
155. What's the point of discussing such a minor problem at such great ________?
156. Safari huntings give an occasion to experience both the beauty and the cruelty of the African wildlife at first ________.
157. If I am to form an opinion about your writing skills on the ________ of this short story I must say you'll have to learn more before
you make a good writer.
158. Parents may sometimes get a little angry at their children, but on most occasions they think the ________ of their offspring.
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I. Fill each blank with the correct form of SAY/TELL/ASK:
1. My parrot can _________ a few words in English.
2. Please _________ me what you think of my new dress.
3. He _________ that he couldn't reply to any more questions.
4. My mother used to _________ me a story before I went to bed.
5. He promised to _________ no more about the matter.
6. She stopped to _________ the time because she thought she was late.
7. The little girl _________ her prayers and then went to sleep.
8. Sally couldn't _________ for certain whether or not she would be staying.
9. He had taken an oath so he had to _________ the truth in court.
10. With identical twins you can rarely _________ the difference between them.
11. The old man always _________ good morning to his neighbours.
12. "I'd love to go," she _________ to me.
13. When I was younger I used to _________ my sister all my secrets.
14. "Could you help me with these bags?" she _________ me.
15. Rachel keeps _________ me that she's going to change jobs, but she never does.
II. Choose the best answer:
1. When I got to the office, they told me that Mr. Adams already left /had had already left.
2. My teacher warned me that if I was /had been late, they wouldn't let me into the examination.
3. Harry told us he is / was catching the first bus to New York the next day.
4. The students going on the trip wanted to know what time they would / will get back.
5. Sam told the police he didn't know / hadn't known what had happened.
6. It says here that the plane crashed / crashes soon after taking off.
7. Alan told me he had no idea what was/is going on.
8. The customers said angrily that they were waiting / had been waiting for more than two hours.
9. Erica told me she won't/ wouldn't be back until I he following Thursday.
10. The professor told us that the Moon is / was more than 380,000 km from the Earth.
III. Rewrite the following sentences, using Reported Speech:
1. “I wouldn’t lend my car to anyone,” Andy said.
2. “I’m not very satisfied with my job,” said Peter.
3. “I don’t know where Bill is living at the moment,” said Nicky.
4. “Australia is a very big country,” he said.
5. “You took my bag, didn’t you?”
She accused him _________________________________________________________________________________________
6. “I won’t help you,”
She refused _____________________________________________________________________________________________
7. “You mustn’t touch the camera,”
She forbade _____________________________________________________________________________________________
8. “Don’t come home late,” she said to me. “You’ve got to get up early tomorrow morning.”
She advised me __________________________________________________________________________________________
9. “Okay, so I made a mistake,” he said. “I’m sorry”
He ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. “Let’s go for a picnic,” Jim said. ”It’s such a lovely day.”
Jim ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. Phonology:
A. Pronunciation:
1. a. colour b. toe c. go d. hole
2. a. sugar b. saint c. sea d. sit
3. a. nourish b. flourish c. courageous d. courage
4. a. bought b. sought c. drought d. fought
5. a. subtle b. plumber c doubt d. herbage
6. a. whistle b. little c. gentle d. battle
7. a. comfortable b. come c. some d. comb
8. a. mouths b. cloths c. booths d. months
9. a. food b. look c. took d. good
10. A. only B. abandon C. produce D. technology
B. Stress:
11. a. demonstrative b. magazine c. employee d. independent
12. a. extravagant b. economy c. tremendous d. documentary
13. a. environmental b. cinematography c. irreplaceable d. encyclopedia
14. a. originality b. preferential c. contributor d. vegetarian
15. a. emphatically b. controversial c. thermometer d. establishment
16. a. diversity b. biography c. biology d. fundamental
17. a. ceremony b. spectacular c. facility d. surprisingly
18. a. biology b. generation c. identify d. comparison
19. a. artificial b. information c. amphibian d. independent
20. a. capable b. another c. computer d. performance

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II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences:
21. ________ he gets a promotion, he will resign.
A. Until B. Unless C. Although D. While
22. Suppose she __________ the film star, do you think she’d be happy?
A. had married B. marries C. would marry D. could have married
23. The match ______ at 8.30pm next Sunday.
A. has begun B. begins C. would begin D. will be begun
24. I ________ that you are right.
A. am not thinking B. wouldn’t think C. haven’t thought D. don’t think
25. Since you ________ his phone number, you can call him.
A. have B. have had C. had D. had had
26. I _______ to complete that jigsaw for over three months now!
A. tried B. was trying C. had tried D. have been trying
27. I _______ to Paris this time tomorrow.
A. am flying B. have been flying C. will be flying D. have flown
28. The policeman _______ me the way to the station.
A. told B. said C. explained D. directed
29. I’ve lived near the airport for so long that I’ve got _____ to the noise of the planes.
A. familiar B. known C. used D. custom
30. I have always wanted to visit Paris, ______ of France.
A. is the capital B. which the capital is C. that is the capital D. the capital
31. His parents never allowed him _____.
A. smoking B. to smoking C. smoked D. to smoke
32. We didn’t _____ the station in time to catch the train.
A. make B. reach C. arrive D. Get
33. He said that if he ______ me, he wouldn’t say that.
A. were B. had been C. is D. would be
34. The headmaster disapproved_____ his behaviour.
A. with B. by C. on D. of
35. The new shopping centre is big. It's advertised as a place ______ you can find just about anything you might want to buy.
A. where B. which C. in where D. in that
36. They_____ all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach.
A. passed B. used C. spent D. occupied
37. Let your name _____ in the sheet of paper.
A. to be written B. be written C. write D. being written
38. He arrived at the hotel with only_____ luggage.
A. a little B. a few C. few D. little
39. The glass is made ______ sand.
A. of B. in C. from D. at
40. He was offered the job_____ he had no experience.
A. even though B. despite C. while D. however
41. I was born in Scotland but I_____ in Northern Ireland.
A. grew up B. grow up C. am growing up D. would grow up
42. "Is this the address to ______ you want the package sent?"
A. where B. that C. which D. whom
43. If only he_____ accept some help with the work instead of trying to do it alone!
A. will B. may C. would D. were
44. ____________, tell him to come at 10.00am.
A. Were he rung B. If he had rung C. Had he rung D. Were he to ring
45. He put the answer phone on ______ anyone wants to leave him a message.
A. unless B. in case C. despite D. for fear of
46. "Where's Loan?" - "She _______"
A. is in her room studying B. in her room is studying C. studies in her room D. has in her room studied
47. A small stone struck the windshield while we_____ down the gravel road.
A. drive B. were driving C. had driven D. had been driving
48. She’d rather watch television, _____?
A. hadn’t she B. doesn’t she C. didn’t she D. wouldn’t she
49. By the time Alfonso finally graduated from high school, he _____ seven different schools because his parents moved frequently.
A. attended B. was attending C. had attended D. had been attending
50. He’s even worse than his sister _____ maths.
A. at B. with C. in D. For
51. ______ you try, you can never get them all right.
A. How hard B. However hard C. so hard as D. for as hard as
52. He was accused of ______ his ship two months ago.
A. having deserted B. deserted C. being deserted D. desert
53. Joe wrote a best-seller in 1995, ______ he hasn’t produced very much good work.
A. by which time B. although C. since when D. which is when
54. Mr. Green supposes, ______, that he will retire at 60.
A. like most people did B. as most of people C. like most people do D. as do most people
55. On the battle field ______.
A. the tanks lay B. did the tanks lie C. lay the tanks D. lied the tanks
56. ______ are poor observers of their child's behavior so deviant behavior reaches unmanageable proportions.
a. Parents that b. When parents c. Parents d. If parents
57. ______, 70-percent alcohol is more effective than 100-percent alcohol.
A. An antiseptic used B. How an antiseptic is used C. When used as an antiseptic D. An antiseptic when used
58. We are aware that he has tried his best; ______, his work is just not good enough.
A. let alone B. albeit C. be that as it may D. come what may

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59. The police took him into custody ______ he disembarked from the plane.
A. as long as B. while C. the moment when D. the instant
60. You have failed to pay the outstanding bill and , ______, we have been forced to take the matter further.
A. finally B. consequently C. subsequently D. eventually
61. The wanted criminal was unaware that he had been under ______ since his arrival.
A. review B. consideration C. surveillance D. discussion
62. I offer you my most ______ apologies for offending you as I did.
A. repentant B. servile C. candid D. abject
63. The Martins have confirmed their strong ______ to charity actions by donating a lump sum of money again.
A. compliance B. reliance C. assignment D. commitment
64. Who needs more than the ______ necessities of life?
A. naked B. pure C. bare D. sole
65. The woman accused of shop lifting was found not guilty and was ______.
A. acquitted B. liberated C. excused D. interned
66. I ______ the thought of children breathing polluted air.
A. tremble B. dread C. alarm D. fear
67. You shouldn’t talk about him failing. You’ll ______ his confidence.
A. underestimate B. undergo C. undermine D. worry
68. There are more people employed, by and ______, in the service sector than in manufacturing nowadays.
A. large B. all C. by D. through
69. He clearly had no ______ of doing any work, although it was only a week till the exam.
A. desire B. ambition C. willingness D. intention
70. My cousin earns her living by ______ old paintings.
A. renewing B. restoring C. reimbursing D. renovating
71. Parents often fail to realize the extent ______ which they can influence the career choices of their children.
A. at B. in C. on D. to
72. He is a coward ______ his own admission.
A. by B. at C. with D. within
73. It’s no good pretending; you’ve got to _____ reality.
A. bargain for B. come up against C. face up to D. get down to
74. The speech was ______ by the music coming from the next room. We couldn’t hear a word she said.
A. drowned out B. pulled out C. broken out D. dropped out
75. Steve ______ his chances of passing by spending too much time on the first question.
A. threw out B. threw off C. threw away D. threw in
76. He ______ up a lot of debts in the town and then disappeared without a trace.
A. put B. ran C. brought D. made
77. If the rain doesn’t ______ soon, we shall have to look for a taxi.
A. turn in B. let up C. die down D. go off
78. What time does Jenny usually knock _______ from work?
A. off B. over C. down D. out
79. Could you possibly ______ me at the next committee meeting?
A. stand in for B. make up for C. fall back on D. keep in with
80. I am not friends with Peter anymore. We’ve ______.
A. fallen in B. fallen out C. broken down D. knocked up
III. Choose the sentence that has the same meaning with the one given:
81. She started learning English ten years ago.
A. She has not learnt English before. B. She has learnt English since ten years.
C. She has started learning English for ten years. D. She has learnt English for ten years.
82. “Don’t forget to phone the office”, she said.
A. She reminded him not forget to phone the office. B. She reminded him to forget not to phone the office.
C. She reminded him to phone the office. D. She reminded him about phoning the office.
83. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
A. The man is believed to be escaped in a stolen car. B. The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car.
C. The man was believed to be escaped in a stolen car. D. They believed that the man stole the car.
84. They spent a lot of money on food and clothes.
A. A lot of money was spent on food and clothes. B. A lot of money were spent on food and clothes.
C. A lot of money on food and clothes were spent. D. Money was spent a lot on food and clothes.
85. The thief wore gloves so as to avoid leaving any fingerprints.
A. The thief wore gloves so as to not leave any fingerprints. B. The thief wore gloves so that not leave any fingerprints.
C. The thief wore gloves in order not to leave any fingerprints. D. The thief wore gloves in order to not leave any fingerprints.
86. Despite meeting lots of people, she feels lonely.
A. She feels lonely although she meets lots of people. B. She would feel lonely as long as she met lots of people.
C. She feels lonely as if she met lots of people. D. She meets lots of people, which makes her feel lonely.
87. It would be better if you leave your passport at reception.
A. We’d rather you left your passport at reception. B. We’d rather leave your passport at reception.
C. You leave your passport at reception, which is better. D. It’s time you left your passport at reception.
88. He lost the game because he didn’t practice.
A. He didn’t practice; however, he lost the game. B. Had he practiced, he wouldn’t have lost the game.
C. Although he lost the game, he still practiced. D. He lost the game thanks to his not practicing.
89. Many libraries have brochures that describe what they offer.
a. Many libraries use brochures to describe their libraries b. Many libraries have brochures described in what they offer
c. Many libraries describe what they offer in their brochures d. To describe what they offer, brochures are given by many libraries.
90. You might fall if you‘re not careful.
a. Unless you are careful, you might not fall. b. If you are careless, you cannot be easy to fall.
c. Be careful or else you will have a fall. d. You are not careless and you could have fallen.
91. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 protects rare wildlife from being hunted, collected, or threatened.
a. Rare wildlife should have been protected from being hunted, collected or threatened under the Endangered Species Act of 1973.
b. Rare wildlife has been protected from being hunted, collected or threatened since the Endangered Species Act of 1973.
c. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 protects hunting, collecting, or threatening rare wildlife.
d. Rare wildlife was no longer hunted, collected or threatened thanks to the Endangered Species Act of 1973.

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 3
92. Lee gave up her job. She planned to continue her education.
a. Lee gave up her job for the reason of continuing her education.
b. Lee gave up her job with the view to continuing her education.
c. Lee gave up her job with the intention of continuing her education.
d. If Lee hadn’t given up her job, she would have continued her education.
93. TV viewers witness some sort of violence or crime on their screens almost every day.
a. TV viewers are familiar to witnessing some sort of violence or crime on their screens.
b. TV viewers could hardly witness some sort of violence or crime on their screens every day.
c. Hardly a day goes by without TV viewers witnessing some sort of violence or crime on their screens.
d. TV viewers don’t ever want to witness violence or crime on their screens every day.
IV. Error identification:
94. Mr. Pike used to be (A) considering (B) as (C) a person of statesmanship (D).
95. After saying (A) goodbye for (B) my parents, I went (C) to school with my sister (D).
96. At first (A) I found it (B) strangely (C) to drive on the left side (D) of the road.
97. According to (A) a team of (B) scientists, there are (C) evidence that Mount Everest is still rising (D).
98. Although (A) her severe (B) pain, she tried to walk (C) to the auditorium to attend (D) the lecture.
99. In the year coming (a), all the trees in (b) this forest will disappear if (c) nothing is done (d) to protect them
100. If I were like you (a), I’d spend a bit (b) more and (c) buy the hardback version (d) of the book.
101. Certain bacteria (a) can capture light (b) energy and uses it (c) to make food (d).
102. It is well-known (a) fact that (b) camels can go (c) for extended periods without (d) water.
103. Estimates for (a) scientists suggest (b) that only one percent of the world’s extinct (c) animals and plants have been identified (d).
V. Reading comprehension:
Passage A:
Marian Anderson’s brilliant singing career began at age six when she sang spirituals at the Union Baptist Church in her homet own of
Philadelphia. She toured Europe in the 1920s, drawing vast acclaim; however, when she returned to the United States she was still barred
from performing on the American operatic stage. Strict segregation laws were in force at the time, keeping many Black performers out of
exclusively white theaters and concert halls. After she was prevented from singing in Washington’s segregated Constitution hall in 1939,
Eleanor Roosevelt intervened and arranged for Miss Anderson to perform at the Lincoln Memorial. Marian Anderson’s beautiful contralto
voice broke down racial barriers, showing white Americans that blacks had a profound contribution to make to America’s cultural life.
Eventually, in 1955, she became the first African-American singer to perform at New York’s Metropolitan Opera. In her many years of touring
she had to endure a racism that forced her to enter concert halls and hotels through service entrances. Her grace under this stress showed a
moral perseverance that paralleled that of the famous Martin Luther King, Jr.
104. We can conclude from the passage that Marian Anderson first toured Europe instead of the United States because _________.
a. she was paid more in Europe b. she was not allowed to perform in the United States
c. there were better operatic facilities in Europe d. it was too expensive to tour in the United States
105. The word “acclaim” could best be replaced by __________.
a. publicity b. fund c. approval d. attention
106. The word “intervened” could best be replaced by __________.
a. appreciated b. supported c. interrupted d. interfered
107. The significance of Anderson’s Lincoln Memorial performance was that ________.
a. Eleanor Roosevelt arranged it b. her contralto voice was beautiful
c. 75,000 people came d. she was a black performer
108. The phrase “broke down racial barriers” means __________.
a. disclosed opportunities b. shattered obstacles c. revealed inaccuracies d. analyzed destinations
109. Where is the best place in the passage to add the following sentence?
“A crowd of 75,000 people came to watch her sing before the Memorial.”
a. in line 7 after the word “… Memorial” b. in line 4 after the word “… Stage”
c. in line 10 after the word “… Opera” d. in line 11 after the word “… entrances”
110. The word “grace” in line 11 is similar in meaning to ________.
a. awkwardness b. cruelty c. elegance d. saintliness
111. According to the passage, what did Marian Anderson have in common with Martin Luther King, Jr.?
a. Moral perseverance b. a clear strong voice
c. a performance at the Lincoln Memorial d. singing in church
112. The author’s tone in this passage is ________.
a. instructive b. critical c. respectful d. regretful
113. What does the word “this” refer to?
a. touring for many years b. racist attitudes toward her
c. performing before thousands of people d. being like Martin Luther King, Jr.
Passage B:
The lack of printing regulations and the unenforceability of British copyright law in the American colonies made it possible for colonial printers
occasionally to act as publishers. Although they rarely undertook major publishing project because it was difficult to sell books as cheaply as
they could be imported from Europe, printers in Philadelphia did publish work that required only small amounts of capital, paper, and type.
Broadsides could be published with minimal financial risk. Consisting of only one sheet of paper and requiring small amounts of type,
broadsides involved lower investments of capital than longer works. Furthermore, the broadside format lent itself to subjects of high, if
temporary, interest, enabling them to meet with ready sale. If the broadside printer miscalculated, however, and produced a sheet that did not
sell, it was not likely to be a major loss, and the printer would know this immediately. There would be no agonizing wait with large amounts of
capital tied up , books gathering dust on the shelves, and creditors impatient for payment.
In addition to broadsides, books and pamphlets, consisting mainly of political tracts, catechisms, primers, and chapbooks were relatively
inexpensive to print and to buy. Chapbooks were pamphlet-sized books, usually containing popular tales, ballads, poems, short plays, and
jokes, small, both in formal and number of page; they were generally bound simply, in boards (a form of cardboard) or merely stitched in
paper wrappers (a sewn antecedent of modern-day paperbacks). Pamphlets and chapbooks did not require fine paper or a great deal of type
to produce they could thus be printed in large, cost-effective editions and sold cheaply.
By far, the most appealing publishing investments were to be found in small books that had proven to be steady sellers, providing a
reasonably reliable source of income for the publisher. They would not, by nature, be highly topical or political, as such publications would
prove of fleeting interest. Almanacs, annual publications that contained information on astronomy and weather patterns arranged according
to the days, week, and months of a given year, provided the perfect steady seller because their information pertained to the locale in which
they would be used.
114. Which aspect of colonial printing does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Laws governing the printing industry B. Competition among printers
C. Types of publications produced D. Advances in printing technology

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 4
115. According to the passage, why did colonial printers avoid major publishing projects?
A. Few colonial printers owned printing machinery that was large enough to handle major projects.
B. There was inadequate shipping available in the colonies.
C. Colonial printers could not sell their work for a competitive price.
D. Colonial printers did not have the skills necessary to undertake large publishing projects.
116. Broadsides could be published with little risk to colonial printers because they ______.
A. required a small financial investment and sold quickly
B. were in great demand in European markets
C. were more popular with colonists than chapbooks and pamphlets
D. generally dealt with topics of long-term interest to many colonists
117. The word "they" in paragraph two refers to ______.
A. chapbooks B. tales C. jokes D. pages
118. The word "antecedent" paragraph two is closest in meaning to
A. predecessor B. format C. imitation D. component
119. Chapbooks produced in colonial America were characterized by
A. fine paper B. cardboard covers C. elaborate decoration D. a large number of pages
120. The word "appealing" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _______.
A. dependable B. respectable C. enduring D. attractive
121. What were "steady sellers"?
A. Printers whose incomes were quite large
B. People who traveled from town to town selling books and pamphlets
c. Investors who provided reliable financial support for new printers
D. Publications whose sales were usually consistent from year to year
122. The word "locale" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. topic B. season C. interest D. place
123. All of the following are defined in the passage EXCEPT ______.
A. broadsides B. catechisms C. chapbooks D. almanacs
VI. Guided cloze:
Passage A:
Stress is important. We all need a certain (124) _____ of it in order to (125) _____ fulfilling lives. However, if we have too much of it, it can
have the opposite (126) _____. Some people can tolerate greater (127) ______ of stress than others, but most of us will (128) ______ at
some time in our lives. It is (129) ______ a good idea to learn a few stress management techniques. Identifying the (130) _____ of the
problem we have, so that we can (131) _____ it more effectively, is one of the first (132) _____ towards reducing stress. The second is
talking to a person you can trust, who will listen and, if necessary, (133) _____ you some positive advice. Not only are smoking and drinking
(134) _____ to our health, they actually increase stress (135) ______ than reduce it. So, next time you want to relax, (136) _____ of reaching
for that glass of wine or a cigarette, have a warm bath or go for a walk. Walking has more than health benefits, it helps you think more (137)
_____ too. Pets have a calming influence on us, unless they make noise which irritates us. In fact, unwanted noises should be (138) _____ as
far as possible. On the other hand, laughter is one of the best ways to (139) _____ yourself feel considerably better.
124. A number B bulk C amount D load
125. A guide B lead C carry D spend
126. A influence B solution C answer D effect
127. A levels B platforms C grades D scales
128. A undergo B suffer C tolerate D torture
129. A therefore B so C however D nevertheless
130. A purpose B occurrence C cause D reason
131. A rather B solve C do D cope
132. A movements B methods C ways D steps
133. A give B provide C supply D hand
134. A negative B destructive C harmful D hurtful
135. A more B rather C as D quite
136. A ahead B other C because D instead
137. A clearly B well C skilfully D cleanly
138. A subtracted B avoided C limited D transported
139. A succeed B have C do D make
Passage B:
Ever since the time of the Black Death in the 14 th century, the population of Europe has been growing (140) ____. Many demographers have
tried to (141) ____ the reason why the increase was particularly (142) ____ in the 16th century. It appears as though women started marrying
younger and therefore had a longer child-bearing life, but this leaves unanswered why such a social change (143) ____ have occurred. The
18th century again (144) ____ a steady rise in the population across western Europe, which (145) ___ the major medical advances of the
following century. A modest alleviation of the harsh conditions of rural life, the improvement of the housing (146) ___ and some advances in
public health may well have contributed to a reduction in the death rate.
The population of Europe continued to grow throughout the 19 th century, but the increase was now concentrated in the urban centres which
grew (147) ___ than their service infrastructure and became (148) ___ with slum housing, malnutrition and cholera on a (149) ___ which
remains common in the burgeoning cities of modern developing countries.
For most of the workers, however, the change from rural to urban poverty was not the disaster that has often been portrayed.
140. a. relentlessly b. restlessly c. imaginatively d. sustainably
141. a. speculate b. address c. consider d. manipulate
142. a. pronounced b. announced c. renowned d. astounded
143. a. ought b. would c. must d. should
144. a. experienced b. saw c. showed d. indicated
145. a. predated b. outdated c. postdated d. undated
146. a. stock b. boom c. prices d. crisis
147. a. fleeter b. swifter c. quicker d. faster
148. a. acquainted b. identified c. linked d. connected
149. a. locale b. level c. scale d. degree
VII. Sentence transformation:
11. If I were you, I wouldn’t tell anyone about the discovery.
You had ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 5
12. What was the reason for his resignation?
What made _____________________________________________________________________________________________
13. You are all welcome to take any food you like.
Help ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
14. We haven’t had any message from him since March. (HEARD)
15. Why didn’t they tell us that they were going to sell their house?
I wish __________________________________________________________________________________________________
16. Terry had terrible problems with solving the riddle. (HARDLY)
17. Peter’s hair really ought to be cut. (NEEDS)
18. The attacker made me open the safe.
I was __________________________________________________________________________________________________
19. We have never visited a more charming place before.
Never __________________________________________________________________________________________________
20. Nobody managed to work out the correct answer. (FAILED)
21. When we came back home, we realized it had been broken into.
On ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
22. Was it difficult for you to assemble the set? (DIFFICULTY)
23. When I was a child, I was never allowed to play with the children next door. (LET)
24. Andrew said the mistake was my fault. (BLAMED)
25. Birds have better eyesight than we have. (THAT)
Our eyesight ____________________________________________________________________________________________
26. The assistant said that it was not possible for me to get a refund. (GIVEN)
The assistant said that I couldn’t ____________________________________________________________________________
27. I shouted at her because she annoyed me. (MADE)
If she __________________________________________________________________________________________________
28. I don’t understand the meaning of this sentence - it’s very confusing. (MEANS)
I don’t know ____________________________________________________________________________________________
29. It’s strange for me to eat at this time of the day. (USED)
I am ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
30. “Have you finished renovating your house?” she asked me.
She asked ______________________________________________________________________________________________
VIII. Prepositions and phrasal verbs:
A. Fill each blank with ONE correct adverb particle:
1. The death penalty should be done _____ _____. . 10. The house was so badly built that two walls fell _____ after
2. The car drew _____ at the side of the road. three months.
3. You shouldn't spend all your money as you may need 11. Peter went to the bank to draw _____ €300 to pay for his
something to fall _____ in the future. new computer.
4. It was after midnight when the train finally drew _____ at 12. Our holiday plans fell _____ due to lack of money.
the station. 13. When the man approached her, she drew _____ in fear.
5. If you fall _____ _____ your rent, you'll be evicted. 14. He wants to save up to buy a car so he'll have to do _____ a
6. The soldiers fell ____ the oncoming army and defeated them. holiday this year.
7. You shouldn't do _____ your parents. They do care for you. 15. She fell _____ his story and gave him all her money, only to
8. Joan is crying because she fell _____ _____ her best friend. find he was a conman.
9. Do _____ your shoe laces or you'll trip. 16. After a long discussion she fell _____ _____ our plan.
B. Fill each blank with ONE preposition:
1. She's experienced _____ restoring paintings.
2. He was doubtful _____ passing his physics tests.
3. The athlete failed _____ his attempt to break the world record.
4. London is famous _____ its museums.
5. Mary found it difficult to cope _____ two children and a full-time job.
6. Diane argued _____ Sally _____ who would do the ironing.
7. After such a hard winter we are all eager _____ summer to come.
8. Now that Jane is 9, she is capable _____ crossing the street on her own.
9. He didn't accept the job because he was dissatisfied _____ the wages offered.
10. I don't think there is any excuse _____ such bad behaviour.
11. The boss was furious _____ me _____ the mix-up in travel arrangements.
12. The receptionist had a little difficulty _____ understanding the foreign tourist.
13. She is an expert _____ cooking Japanese food.
14. The memory of this computer is equal _____ that one.
15. All the children are fond _____ their new teacher.
16. She remained faithful _____ her beliefs.
17. Most people believe that experiments _____ animals should be stopped.
18. Everybody congratulated him _____ his success.
19. This music is familiar _____ me.
20. A literature student should be familiar _____ Jane Austen's novels.
21. All the students were enthusiastic _____ the school trip.
22. She was envious _____ my diamond engagement ring.

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 6
Student’s name: _____________________________
Class: 12D – No.: ______________

Time allowed: 20 minutes

Date: October, 2021

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
1. A. benefits B. adults C. reasons D. helps
2. A. erased B. worked C. behaved D. played
3. A. possession B. president C. dessert D. dinosaur

II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others:
4. A. agriculture B. electricity C. alligator D. television
5. A. concerned B. physical C. terrible D. sensible

III. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences:

6. Someone broke ______ my car and stole the radio..
A. through B. out C. into D. up
7. If anyone has any ______ suggestions as to how to deal with this, please let me know.
A. sensible B. generous C. ambitious D. sensitive
8. She ______ her responsibilities as a nurse very seriously.
A. takes B. receives C. does D. works
9. Julia ______ that her family has a villa in Spain.
A. would always brag B. was always bragging C. is always bragging D. has always bragged
10. And as for your friends, please feel free to invite them ______.
A. along B. out C. in D. off
11. I am thrilled ______ close to the Hadza people.
A. getting B. to getting C. at getting D. to get
12. Can you turn the music ______ a bit? It’s too noisy and I need to do my homework.
A. off B. down C. over D. on
13. I ______ a response from the company even though I ______two application forms.
a. got/sent b. have got/have sent c. haven't got/have sent d. haven't got/have been sending
14. They tried to leave the hotel without ______ anyone's attention.
A. taking B. drawing C. attracting D. turning
15. Food’s on the table, just ______ in!
A. swim B. dive C. jump D. take
16. You can apply for a visa by mail, but it's quicker if you go to the embassy in ______.
A. person B. individual C. single D. human
17. The paper was accused of ______ the truth.
A. harming B. breaking C. violating D. distorting
18. The speech was ______ by the music coming from the next room. We couldn’t hear a word she said.
A. fallen out B. pulled out C. drowned out D. dropped out
19. - You look great in that dress, Marie.
- ______________!
a. You’re welcome b. Thank you c. It’s ok d. Really
20. Carol: Arsenal seems stronger this season.
Jason: ______!
A. Thank you very much B. You can say that again C. God bless you D. With pleasure
21. Julie didn't arrive until after I ______.
A. have left B. would have left C. had left D. will have left
22. Do you every wonder if you ______ the right decision?
A. made B. did C. created D. performed

IV. Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the one given:
23. If you buy a big house, you’ll pay a lot of money.
A. The more houses you buy, the more money you pay.
B. The bigger the house you buy, the more money you’ll pay.
C. The more you buy houses, the more money you have.
D. The more money you have, the bigger your house is.
24. The Alps are a lot higher than the Pindus range.
A. The Pindus range is nothing like as high as the Alps. B. The Pindus range is a bit higher than the Alps.
C. The Alps and the Pindus range are of the same height. D. The Alps are not as high as the Pindus range.
25. It’s the fastest car I’ve ever driven.
A. I didn’t drive such a fast car before. B. Never before did I drive such a fast car.
C. Never before have I driven such a fast car. D. I have ever driven such a fast car before.
26. He joined the golf club ten months ago.
A. He was a member of the golf club for ten months. B. He will have been in this gold club for ten months.
C. He left the gold club ten months ago. D. He has been a member of the gold club for ten months.
27. She started doing her homework as soon as her brother had left for school.
A. It was not until her brother had left for school did she start doing her homework.
B. She waited until her brother had left for school before starting to do her homework.
C. She started doing her homework before her brother left for school.
D. Her brother left for school after she had started doing her homework.
28. “I’m going on a picnic tomorrow,” he said.
a. He said that he was going on a picnic tomorrow b. He said that I am going on a picnic the following day.
c. He said that he is going on a picnic the next day. d. He said that he was going on a picnic the following day.

V. Fin the word/phrase that has the OPPOSITE meaning to the underlined word(s):
29. These shocking events horrified the entire world.
A. disgusting B. comforting C. misleading D. terrible
30. Childcare was seen as women’s work, and men disdained it.
A. disliked B. hated C. disapproved D. respected

VI. Error identification:

31. The Moken are famous for living in their boats in the Andaman Sea for eight or nine months a year.
32. In the spring the woodcock builds a simple nest of leaves and grass in a dry, quiet spots and lays four multicolored
33. Founded by the Spanish as Yerba Buena in 1835, what is now San Francisco was taken over by the United States in
1846 and later renamed it.
VII. Read the following passage and fill each blank with the correct answer:
America is a religious country without (34) __________ a religiously-controlled country. The Constitution protects religion
(35) __________ government interference and also from having the government select any one religion (36) ______ a
preferred religion. Christianity in its many denominations is the major religion in the United States, but there are many
minority religions that thrive and that serve communities ranging from the relatively large to the very small. Some of
these religions have been (37) __________ from other parts of the world, and some have developed here as individuals
and groups seek a way to express their spirituality (38) ______ they are disappointed in the existing religions. Some
groups brought their religion with them and have made it part of the ethnic community they have built here. Some of
these groups have also encountered discrimination and intolerance at various times in their American lives, but (39)
__________, America is very (40) __________ of different religious beliefs and expressions.
34. a. being b. having c. naming d. becoming
35. a. against b. out of c. from d. away from
36. a. for b. to c. on d. as
37. a. come b. fetched c. given d. imported
38. a. till b. since c. when d. if
39. a. all in all b. all along c. best of all d. all at once
40. a. tolerating b. tolerant c. tolerable d. tolerated
I. Underline the best answer:
1. Global warming is thought to be caused / is caused by pollution.
2. There are to be estimated / are estimated to be about 5,400 different species of mammals.
3. It is to be reported / has been reported that gunshots have been heard in the city centre.
4. The escaped prisoner is believed to use / to have used a rope to climb the wall.
5. It is to be calculated / is calculated that about 60% of a man's body mass is water.
6. Over 200 people are being understood / are understood to have been injured in the explosion.
7. It is considered impolite in some cultures to be eaten / to eat with your left hand.
8. There mean / were meant to have been 60 crates of olives in the order, not 600!
9. It / There has been suggested that people who don't recycle should pay more tax.
10. Your order is guaranteed will be delivered / to be delivered within three working days.
II. Choose the best answer:
1. When Nadine arrived, she soon _____ at all her jokes.
A had everyone laughed B had laughing everyone C had everyone laughing D had laughed everyone
2. The government must _____ strong measures against crime.
A be seen be taking B see to be taking C seen to take D be seen to be taking
3. Mrs. Davies asked me to tell you that she would like ____ by Friday at the latest.
A the orders sent B sending the orders C that you sent D sent the orders
4. Joining a gym ______, but I didn't really fancy the idea.
A was suggested me B to me was suggested C was suggested to me D was suggesting me
5. There _____ between 4,000 and 6,000 languages in the world, depending on how you count them.
A say to be B are said that C are said to be D said being
6. I spoke to Victor last night and he says he _____ while he was on holiday.
A had stolen his phone B got stolen his phone C was got his phone stolen D had his phone stolen
7. Why didn't you _____ you when you moved house?
A have Aaron help B have got Aaron help C have Aaron helped D get Aaron help
8. Profits _____ slightly next year, although we don't predict any job losses.
A expect to fall B are expecting to fall C are expected falling D are expected to fall
9. It's hard to believe that this film ______ completely by computer.
A was been generating B has generated C has been generated D was to generate
10. As soon as Dad _____, we can leave.
A has the car starting B has got the car started C got started the car D was got starting the car
III. Choose the verb to complete the sentences:
1. The stolen items ___________ in the attic of an empty house last week.
2. When the open-air cinema opens, the first film ___________ will be Vertigo.
3. Questions ___________ in Parliament about the Minister's business interests.
4. We're looking forward to ___________ a guided tour of the whole factory.
5. Just imagine that when these words ___________, Europeans had not yet discovered America.
6. Once the barbecue ___________, we'll be able to start cooking.
7. Before ___________ to see the invention, I had to agree not to tell anyone.
8. I would really like ___________ at the airport, if that's possible.
9. It ___________ very clear to us that we weren't welcome.
10. Gareth says he's always wanted ___________ as someone with a good sense of humour.
IV. Fill each blank with ONE correct word:
Imagine (1) ___________ transported around the globe in a matter of hours, rather than the 24 hours which (2) ___________ currently
required to get from London to Sydney. Such is the promise of the scramjet, a highly experimental type of engine which has been (3)
___________ development over the past couple of decades. In a conventional jet engine air (4) ___________ sucked into the engine
at speeds below the speed of sound, where it is mixed (5) ___________ fuel, ignited, and the exhaust gases provide thrust. In a
scramjet, which has to (6) ___________ taken to supersonic speeds by conventional means before it will operate, the air enters at
supersonic speeds.
It has (7) ___________ estimated that a scramjet might be capable of travelling at 12-24 times the speed of sound. However, the
technology (8) ___________ been found to be extremely difficult to control. Although scientists (9) ___________ had scramjets perform
short flights commercial aircraft are still a long way in the future, and indeed may never (10) ___________ successfully developed.
Complete the sentence beginnings in column A with a PUT ending from column B:
1. John managed to lose all his money and his passport, and that __ a. put a bit more effort into
2. How you two have the nerve to criticise Jan's golf, I don’t know. He's better than the two of it.
you ___. b. put it down.
3. How did I know it was the butler who did it? Well, one minute the butler stands to inherit a c. put into words
substantial sum of money in his employer's will, and the next minute the employer is dead. I d. put two and two together.
just ___ e. put paid to our holiday.
4. Fox-hunting is a despicable sport, and it is time we ____. f. put together
5. It wasn't my fault, so don't ____. g. put an end to it.
6. I can't explain how I felt. It's difficult to ____. h. put it to the vote
7. There's only one way to decide who is going to take over from Tom. Let's _____. i. put that idea into your
8. A lot has happened since I went away, so I'd appreciate it if you could _____. head?
9. The book was so good that I couldn't _____. j. put the finishing touches
10. I'm looking for a new job?! Who on earth _____. to it
11. The drama club meets three times a month and at the end of each term we _____. k. put the blame on me
12. You're not trying hard enough , so _____. l. put on a play

Compiler: LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 1
13. I'll have the report ready by tonight. I've just got to _____. m. put me in the picture

I. Phonology:
A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
1. A. world B. work C. word D. sword
2. A. confidence B. continue C. solstice D. foreign
3. A. caring B. contractual C. attitude D. landmark
4. A. signal B. determine C. whistle D. oblige
5. A. assistance B. instance C. husband D. household
B. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others:
6. A. compulsory B. academic C. independent D. governmental
7. A. information B. education C. technological D. examination
8. A. communicate B. interpret C. confidence D. tornado
9. A. generally B. primary C. curriculum D. national
10. A. similarity B. effectively C. academic D. competition
II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:
11. Only two people ______ the plane crash.
A. escaped B. survived C. evacuated D. scratched
12. ______ of people attended the show last night and all the money collected form it was for charity work.
A. A great deal B. Many C. A large number D. A lots
13. Body language is a _____ form of communication.
A. non-verbal B. silent C. non-event D. gesture
14. To get someone’s attention, you don’t need to wave as hard as you can. A slight nod will _____.
A. prove B. satisfy C. get D. do
15. Several heads of department were in _____ at the wedding of that famous businessman’s son.
A. presence B. attendance C. appearance D. attention
16. We all _____ goodbye to him until he disappeared among the crowd at the airport.
A. said B. clapped hands C. shook hands D. waved
17. My brother went to a _____ school in England, so he didn’t have to pay the school fee.
A. public B. private C. state D. localized
18. Have you _____ the garbage, John?
A. put out B. made away C. give away D. taken out
19. My dad is the one solving all problems when they _____.
A. break out B. turn out C. come up D. put forward
20. Two surveys have been _____ to get students’ opinions about the new gym.
A. deducted B. performed C. carried out D. designed
21. The chairman requested that ______.
A. every member studied more carefully the problem B. the problem was more carefully studied
C. with more carefulness the problem could be studied D. every member study the problem more carefully
22. ______ all the family, I would like to congratulate you on your graduation.
A. In view of B. By means of C. On behalf of D. Thanks to
23. My family is a(n) _____ one with many generations in it.
A. nuclear B. extended C. crowding D. generational
24. I don’t know if she will agree _____ my proposal.
A. to B. on C. with D. about
25. The criminal _____.
A. has been caught by the police B. was caught by the police
C. had the police caught them D. has the police caught
26. _______ our pre-paid order, they failed to send us the items in time.
a. With respect to b. Regardless of c. On behalf of d. Without any notice of
27. I haven't _____ any name for my puppy. What do you think I should call him?
a. get round to b. make up c. come up with d. take up on
28. I protest the way the boss takes us ______; he should recognize our contributions.
a. by surprise b. by chance c. with caution d. for granted
29. Has juvenile delinquency been ______ the increase these days?
a. in b. on c. within d. for
30. Helen was ______ interested in fashion designs when she was at high school.
a. widely b. dramatically c. elaborately d. deeply
31. My Dad always finds me ______ for everything which goes wrong in the family.
a. on the blame b. at fault c. by mistake d. in error
32. The moment I _____ her, I ______ her immediately.
A. saw/ had recognized B. was seeing / was recognizing C. had seen/ recognized D. saw / recognized
33. I always have meat for dinner, but today I ______ fish.
a. am having b. Have c. had d. did have
34. ______ demand for voluntary work, the club has posted up the advertisement for weeks.
a. Because b. Thanks to c. Due to d. In account of
35. I explained the situation ______ my bank manager.
a. to b. with c. about d. for
36. If only the neighbor ______ a pet fish, not a dog which always barks.
a. is having b. were having c. had had d. would have
37. You’d better cut _______ animal fat if you want to lower your cholesterol level.
A. down with B. off with C. out in D. down on
38. Nancy asked the stranger if he would permit her to cut ______ line at the pharmacy, as Nancy needed to get her medicine
immediately or she would vomit.
A. in B. in at the C. onto D. on

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39. I wish my friends would call me first before they drop ________.
A. in B. out C. at D. off
40. I almost dropped _______to sleep several times while the professor lectured about the painting.
A. away B. in C. off D. out
III. Error identification:
41. In order to survive, trees (A) rely to the amount (B) of annual rainfall they receive, (C) as well as the (D) seasonal distribution of
the rain.
42. To (A) everyone’s relief, the crew (B) of Apollo 13 splashed down (C) safely in the South Pacific Ocean in April 17th (D).
43. The tongue is the (A) principle organ (B) of taste, and (C) is crucial for chewing, (D) swallowed, and speaking.
44. Amazingly (A), the crew managed putting together (B) an adapter that (C) reduced the carbon dioxide to (D) a safe level.
45. In 1961, (B) America’s first (C) manned spacecraft was (D) launched out.
46. Fireflies (A) product light through a (B) complex chemical reaction (C) that takes place within (D) their abdominal cells.
47. Wind is the motion (A) that occurs when (B) lighter air rises and (C) cools heavier air replaces (D) it.
48. Oceans of the world (A) exerts strong influences (B) on the weather (C) over the Earth’s (D) surface.
49. In 1903, (A) when the Wright brothers announced they (B) had invented a flying machine, (C) his news was (D) generally
50. Alexander Calder, who was (A) originally interested (B) in mechanical engineering, (C) later became a (D) sculpture.
IV. Guided cloze:
Through out history, people have always communicated with one another not only by (61) _____ but also by movements of the
hands and body. It is, however, only over the last few years (62) _____ these aspects of communication have been (63) _____ widely.
This type of communication is known as body language. People sometimes wonder whether you can learn how body language works. It
is of course possible to read books (64) _____ the subject but you also need to spend time observing people’s movements. A railway
station is a (65) _____ good place for such observation, as here people can be seen openly expressing eagerness, sorrow, delight,
impatience, and many other human emotions by means of movement.
If you turn down the sound on your TV set and try to understand what is happening (66) _____ by watching the picture, you will
learn even more about communication without words. By turning the sound back up (67) _____ five minutes or so, it is possible to check
(68) _____ accurate your understanding is.
Having studied the art of body language will have a definite advantage at a boring party. You will be able to sit on your own for the
whole evening and (69) _____ enjoy yourself by both watching and (70) _____ the body language of all the other people there.
51. a. talk b. speech c. conversation d. dialogue
52. a. that b. when c. for d. if
53. a. learned b. searched c. talked d. studied
54. a. in b. of c. for d. on
55. a. certainly b. obviously c. extremely d. particularly
56. a. supposedly b. simply c. virtually d. accurately
57. a. later b. more c. afterward d. every
58. a. much b. how c. what d. if
59. a. extremely b. very c. largely d. thoroughly
60. a. translating b. interpreting c. looking into d. Expressing
Passage B:
V. Reading comprehension:
Passage A:
Galaxies are the major building blocks of the universe. A galaxy is giant family of many millions of stars, and it is held together by its
own gravitational field. Most of the material universe is organized into galaxies of stars together with gas and dust.
There are three main types of galaxy: spiral, elliptical, and irregular. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, a flattish disc of stars with two
spiral arms emerging from its central nucleus. About one -quarter of all galaxies have this shape. Spiral galaxies are well supplied with
the interstellar gas in which new stars form: as the rotating spiral pattern sweeps around the galaxy it compresses gas and dust,
triggering the formation of bright young stars and in its arms. The elliptical galaxies have a symmetrical elliptical or spheroidal shape
with no obvious structure. Most of their member stars are very old and since ellipticals are devoid of interstellar gas, no new stars are
forming in them. The biggest and brightest galaxies in the universe are ellipticals with masses of about 1013 times that of the Sun, these
giants may frequently be sources of strong radio emission, in which case they are called radio galaxies. About two- thirds of all galaxies
are elliptical. Irregular galaxies comprise about one-tenth of all galaxies and they come in many subclasses.
Measurement in space is quite different from measurement on Earth. Some terrestrial distances can be expressed as intervals of time.
the time to fly from one continent to another or the time it takes to drive to work, for example. By comparison with these familiar
yardsticks, the distances to the galaxies are incomprehensibly large, but they too are made more manageable by using a time calibration,
in this case the distance that light travels in one year. On such a scale the nearest giant spiral galaxy,the Andromeda galaxy, is two
million light years away. The most distant luminous objects seen by telescopes are probably ten thousand million light years away. Their
light was already halfway here before the Earth even formed. The light from the nearby Virgo galaxy set out when reptiles still
dominated the animal world.
51. The word "major" in line 1 is closest in meaning to
a. intense b. principle c. huge d. unique
52. What does the second paragraph mainly discuss?
a. The Milky Way b. Major categories of galaxies
c. How elliptical galaxies are formed d. differences between irregular and spiral galaxies
53. The word WHICH in line 6 refers to
a. dust b.gas c. pattern d. galaxy
54. According to the passage, new stars are formed in spiral galaxies due to
a. an explosion of gas b. the compression of gas and dust
c. the combining of old stars d. strong radio emissions
55. The word "symmetrical" in line 8 is closest in meaning to
a. proportionally balanced b. commonly seen c. typically large d. steadily growing
56. The word "obvious" in line 8 is closest in meaning to
a. discover b. apparent c. understood d. simplistic
57. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of elliptical galaxies?
a. They are the largest galaxies. b. They mostly contain old stars.
c. They contain a high amount of interstellar gas. d. They have a spherical shape.

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58. Which of the following characteristics of radio galaxies is mentioned in the passage?
a. They are a type of elliptical galaxy. b. They are usually too small to be seen with a telescope.
c. They are closely related to irregular galaxies. d. They are not as bright as spiral galaxies.
59. What percentage of galaxies are irregular?
a. 10% b. 25% c. 50% d. 75%
60. The word "they" in line 15 refers to
a. intervals b. yardsticks c. distances d. galaxies
61. Why does the author mention the Virgo galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy in the third paragraph?
a. To describe the effect that distance has no visibility.
b. To compare the ages of two relatively young galaxies.
c. To emphasize the vast distances of the galaxies from Earth.
d. To explain why certain galaxies cannot be seen by a telescope.
62. The word "dominated" in line 19 is closest in meaning to
a. threatened b. replaced c. were developing in d. were prevalent in
Passage B:
Botany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar position in the history of human knowledge. For many thousands of years it was the
one field of awareness about which humans had anything more than the vaguest of insights. It is impossible to know today just what
our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe of preindustrial societies that still exist; a detailed learning
of plants and their properties must be extremely ancient. This is logical. Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things,
even for other plants. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of people, not only for food, but also for clothing,
weapons, tools, dyes, medicines, shelter, and a great many other purposes. Tribes living today in the jungles of the Amazon recognize
literally hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them botany, as such, has no name and is probably not even
recognized as a special branch of “knowledge” at all.
Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct contact with plants, and the less distinct our
knowledge of botany grows. Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail
to recognize a rose, an apple, or an orchid. When our Neolithic ancestors, living in the Middle East about 10,000 years ago, discovered
that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted for richer fields the next season, the first great step in a new association
of plants humans was taken. Grains were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture: cultivated crops. From then on,
humans would increasingly take their living from the controlled production of a few plants, rather than getting a little here and a little
there from many varieties that grew wild – and the accumulated knowledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and intimacy
with plants in the wild would begin to fade away.
61. Which of the following assumptions about early humans is expressed in the passage?
A. They probably had extensive knowledge of plants. B. They divided knowledge into well-defined fields.
C. They did not enjoy the study of botany. D. They placed great importance on ownership of property.
62. The word “peculiar” in line 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. clear B. large C. unusual D. important
63. What does the comment “This is logical” in lines 4 mean ______.
A. There is no clear way to determine the extent of our ancestors’ knowledge of plants.
B. It is not surprising that early humans had a detailed knowledge of plants.
C. It is reasonable to assume that our ancestors behaved very much like people in the preindustrial societies.
D. Human knowledge of plants is well organized and very detailed.
64. The phrase “properties of each“in the line 7 refers to each ______.
A. tribe B. hundred C. plant D. purpose
65. According to the passage, why has general knowledge of botany declined?
A. People no longer value plants as a useful resource.
B. Botany is not recognized as a special branch of science.
C. Research is unable to keep up with the increasing number of plants.
D. Direct contact with a variety of plants has decreased.
66. In line 15, what is the author’s purpose in mentioning “a rose, an apple, or an orchid”?
A. To make the passage more poetic B. To cite examples of plants that are attractive
C. To give botanical examples that most readers will recognize D. To illustrate the diversity of botanical life
67. According to the passage, what was the first step toward the practice of agriculture?
A. The invention of agricultural implements and machinery B. The development of a system of names for plants
C. The discovery of grasses that could be harvested and replanted D. The changing diets of early humans
68. The word “controlled” in line 14 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. abundant B. managed C. required D. advanced
69. The relationship between botany and agriculture is similar to the relationship between zoology (the study of animals) and _____.
A. deer hunting B. bird watching C. sheep raising D. horseback riding
70. Where in the passage does the author describe the benefits people drive from plants?
A. Line 1-2 B. Lines 4 – 6 C. Lines 7 – 8 D. Lines 13 – 14
VI. Sentence transformation:
71. Never before have I seen Anita with her hair in such a mess.
I’ve yet _________________________________________________
72. He has decided to emigrate to Australia; we can't stop him. PREVENT
We can't ________________________________________________ to Australia.
73. I didn't tell her the news because I didn't want to upset her. SO
I didn't tell her the news ___________________________________ her.
74. He couldn't get a credit card because he owed the bank money. RESULT
He owed the bank money __________________________________ he couldn't get a credit card.
75. It was such a rude remark that we all felt insulted. SO
It was __________________________________________________ we all felt insulted.
76. He bought a computer as he intended to work from home. VIEW
He bought a computer _____________________________________ from home.
77. She seldom left the house because she was afraid of being attacked. FEAR
She seldom left the house __________________________________ attacked.
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78. Whatever you say, I will never trust that man. WHAT
I will never trust that man __________________________________ you say.
79. That's the shop where he used to work when he was young. In
That's the shop ___________________________________________ when he was young.
80. You must phone work if you are ill. EVENT
You must phone work _____________________________________ you are ill.
81. She was tall but she couldn't reach the top shelf. THOUGH
Tall ____________________________________________________ not reach the top shelf.
82. There was heavy traffic on the motorway so we arrived late. DUE
We arrived late ___________________________________________ on the motorway.
83. I like all my dresses but the red one is my favourite. PARTICULAR
I like all my dresses but the red one __________________________ favourite.
84. Once they all arrived, she began the seminar. HAD
She waited ______________________________________________ before she began the seminar.
85. Gary was the only one who didn't enjoy the meal. EXCEPT
Everyone ________________________________________________ Gary.
86. What a slow worker you are! SLOWLY
How ____________________________________________________ work!
87. I'm not going to work today because I've got a cold. OWING
I'm not going to work today ________________________________ I've got a cold.
88. His second film is very different to his first. LIKE
His second film ___________________________________________ his first.
89. I'm writing concerning the advertised position. REFERENCE
I'm writing ______________________________________________ the advertised position.
90. This is Mr. Jones; you will be seeing him tomorrow. WHO
This is Mr. Jones __________________________________________ tomorrow.
91. It looked like it was going to rain. IF
It looked ________________________________________________ to rain.
92. Although he knew it was rude, he couldn't help laughing. PREVENT
Although he knew it was rude _______________________________ from laughing.
93. The holiday was too expensive; we couldn't afford it. SUCH
It was __________________________________________________ we couldn't afford it.
94. Take your book; you may get bored. CASE
Take your book ___________________________________________ bored.
95. Always check the dictionary if you don't want to make spelling mistakes. AVOID
Always check the dictionary _________________________________ spelling mistakes.
VII. Open cloze:
Shyness is a problem that is common (0) ___________ many people. In (1) ___________, according to Mr Zimbardo, a
distinguished psychologist at Stanford University, eight (2) ___________ of ten people are reported to (3) ___________
been shy at some (4) ___________ in their lives. Most people (5) ___________ have this condition, suffer feelings of
discomfort and anxiety at the (6) ___________ of meeting others, especially at social gatherings (7) ___________ parties.
Keeping away from such situations is not really a solution, of course, and if a shy person can manage to overcome their
fears they (8) ___________ gain a feeling of self-satisfaction as (9) ___________ as improving their social life. However,
if the case of shyness is severe, when important occasions are missed or a person's social, educational or professional life
is affected, (10) ___________ the label ''shyness" is inappropriate. (11) ___________ this stage, it is termed "social
phobia". Those suffering (12) ___________ this condition are very often bright, talented and sensitive people. But feelings
of social isolation, resulting (13) ___________ loneliness, can lead to additional problems (14) ___________ as alcohol
abuse or addiction to medication. Fortunately, a number of treatments are available and come in the form of individual
(15) ___________ group therapy and training. Therefore, a person who has social phobia has an excellent chance of
VIII. Word form:
1. The concert was cancelled without ___________. (EXPLAIN)
2. This situation, though it seems bizarre, was really quite ___________. (EXPLAIN)
3. For some ___________ reason, some rooms of the mansion will suddenly turn very cold. (EXPLAIN)
4. We lit our campfire as ___________ fell. (DARK)
5. His eyes had immediately ___________, and his entire body had taken on an aggressive stance. (DARK)
6. At first I disagreed, but on ___________, I realized she was right. (REFLECT)
7. The alloy, when polished, is highly ___________. (REFLECT)
8. The Earth makes one ___________ around the sun each year. (REVOLVE)
9. The kitchen was warm and brightly ___________. (LIGHT)
10. He won ___________ when he appeared in the film ‘The Graduate’. (FAMOUS)
11. A small ___________ device was set off outside the UN headquarters today. (EXPLODE)
12. As the summer reaches its peak, there will be a population ___________ of butterflies. (EXPLODE)
VIII. Fill each blank space with ONE correct preposition:

Compiler: LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 5
1. She applied _____ the manager _____ the post of editor of the magazine.
2. He is crazy _____ all kinds of fast cars.
3. I wouldn't bet _____ it being warm tomorrow.
4. The manager of the bank had in account _____ all the money that was missing.
5. I didn't realise there would be a charge _____ using this telephone.
6. The police announced that they were going to charge someone _____ the murder of the priest.
7. Nobody seems to care _____ what is happening in the world today.
8. James' mother told him to take care _____ himself during the journey.
9. Mark was very clever _____ figuring out how machines worked.
10. If you apply now, you're assured _____ getting a place on the course.
11. You can't compare Elvis Presley _____ Michael Jackson. Elvis is the king.
12. Compared _____ winters in Moscow, this isn't really cold at alt.
13. The Police Inspector wasn't able to comment _____the case as they had no new evidence.
14. I'm going to have to stop eating chocolate, I think I'm addicted _____ it.
15. Scientists are still trying to find a cure _____ AIDS.
16. You have to comply _____ these rules or you will lose your job.
17. Brian's been accused _____ cheating in his exams.
18. I'm going to complain _____ the manager _____ this meal. It was terrible.
19. It upsets me when people are cruel _____ their pets.
20. He doesn't seem to be aware _____ what's going on around him.
21. This now book I'm reading is based _____ the life of Jackie Onassis.
IX. Fill each blank with the correct word chosen from the box:
1. A: Just promise not to tell anyone about this.
B: Of course. My _____________are sealed.
2. I've given up studying German. I can't get my _____________round all those long words.
3. It was a dilemma indeed - how to admit that he had done something that was incredibly stupid and yet not lose
4. Of course it's not the truth. He's lying through his _____________.
5. A good businessman always keeps his _____________to the ground and rarely takes pot luck.
6. We’re always arguing. We never see _____________to _____________on anything.
7. I passed, but only by the skin of my _____________. The pass mark was 55 and I got 56.
8. A: "You'll never guess what happened to Julie last night."
B: "Tell me. I'm all _____________.
9. I made an utter fool of myself. I'll never be able to show my _____________in there again.
10. We don't know what they'll say, so we can't plan our next move. We'll have to play it by _____________.
11. Oh, what's his name ? It's … it's … oh... it's on the tip of my _____________.
12. I know it’s only a small part but you shouldn't turn your _____________up at it. It's a major film and if they like your
acting it may lead to bigger things.
13. The police in this country tend to turn a blind _____________to minor traffic offences.
14. I was looking through the Sunday supplement and this article on Vietnam caught my _____________. I thought you
might be interested in it.
15. I didn’t realize it was a secret. Me and my big _____________!
16. They were dealing drugs right under the _____________ of the police.
17. I hope you’ve not allowed yourself to be persuaded by Laura’s silver _____________.
18. Ministers have been fighting _____________ and nail over this issue.
X. Match column A with column B, then complete the sentences with the correct phrases/idioms
1. as plain as a. the hills
2. as keen as b. a lamb
3. as fit as c. mustard
4. as gentle as d. the nose on your face
5. as good as e. ditchwater
6. as light as f. punch
7. as miserable as g. gold
8. as old as h. a feather
9. as dull as i. a fiddle
10. as pleased as j. sin
1. What do you mean, you can't see she's unhappy? It's ______________________ .
2. Joan was ______________________ when she learned she'd failed the exam.
3. That magic trick is ______________________; I've seen it a hundred times.
4. Her cat Rosie is ______________________. She weighs less than a kilo.
5. John was ______________________ to get on with the project. In fact he could hardly wait.
6. Mary was ______________________ when she learned she'd won the lottery.
7. The babysitter said that the children had been ______________________ and that she hoped to have children just

Compiler: LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 6
like them.
8. The dog looked vicious, but in reality it was ______________________.

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I. Match to make sentences:
1. If you stay with us for three days, A. we might get served a bit more quickly.
2. If you decide not to vote in the election, B. give us a call and we'll come to pick you up.
3. If you didn't eat your lunch so fast, C. very few people would obey the law.
4. If there were a few more people working, D. you wouldn't get hiccups, would you?
5. If you forget to take your passport, E. they have to go through a complicated procedure.
6. If the hire car isn't there when you arrive, F. we'd be happy to give you a good reference.
7. If the city continues to expand, G. I'm pretty sure they won't let you check in.
8. If the police didn't fine people, H. more areas of natural beauty will be destroyed.
9. If you did decide to leave the company, I. we'll have enough time to see a few sights.
10. If MPs wish to resign, J. you can't really complain about the government.
II. Choose the correct answer:
1. If we hadn't taken a wrong turning back there, we wouldn't be / have been in this mess now.
2. Should / Would you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.
3. Had they not / Hadn't they warned people in time, a lot more lives could have been lost.
4. If you worked / had worked last weekend when the boss asked you, then you wouldn't have to work this weekend.
5. Were all the members of staff to attend the conference, would the hotel have / have had enough rooms for everyone?
6. Had the government acted sooner, the general public wouldn't be worrying / have worried so much about the current situation.
7. Tom Cruise wouldn't be the star he is today had he not / should he not have made a good impression in his early films.
8. Weren't we / Were we not to build more roads, the traffic system would collapse by 2020.
9. It would be hard enough to pass the exam tomorrow even if you went / had gone to all the lectures this year.
10. You can contact the hotel manager on extension 142 should / could you need to.
11. Shouldn't you / Should you not receive confirmation of your flight by e-mail, please click the link below.
12. I would have asked the person for ID before I let him in, if I were / have been you.
III. Complete the sentences, using the words from the box
1. Do you want a highly-paid career, and, if ____________, are you prepared to retrain? Contact us.
2. I'm quite happy to lend you money, as ____________ as you make sure I get it back.
3. The village fair should be a great success, ____________ we don't have the same problems with the weather as last year.
4. It'd be great to see you on Saturday evening, ____________ you've already got other plans.
5. Could you go to the shop for me? I have to stay in in ____________ the courier comes.
6. Your idea sounds fine in theory, but just ____________ something goes wrong. What then?
7. Write your name at the top of your essay, ____________ I won't know which one's yours.
8. The judge allowed the accused to stay at home on ____________ she reported to the police every morning.
IV. Sentence transformation:
1. If he doesn’t get a promotion soon, he’ll resign.
Unless _________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have done such a thing.
Had ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. He eats meat, that’s why he ordered a steak.
If he ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. He has lost his security pass. He won’t be allowed to enter the building.
If _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Drive carefully or else you will have an accident.
Provided _______________________________________________________________________________________________
6. You’d better take his advice.
If I ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. If I were you, I’d have punished him. (SHOES)
Were I _________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. If it wasn’t for the good pay, I wouldn’t stay in this job.
But ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. If I were him, I would not be late for the interview.
He’d ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. He believed everything you said because he is so gullible.
If he ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
11. We will only sign the contract if he changes that clause.
Only if _________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. As long as you give it back by this Friday, you can borrow my book. (PROVIDED)
You can ________________________________________________________________________________________________
13. She missed the meeting because her car broke down.
Had her ________________________________________________________________________________________________
14. I need to get this to her, but I haven’t got her fax number.
If I ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
15. He didn’t go to the party because he didn’t know where it was.
Had ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 1
1. a. name b. example c. maintain d. acquaintance
2. a. familiar b. acceptable c. equivalent d. status
3. a. astonishment b. contrast c. consider d. contact
4. a. appreciate b. interpret c. express d. Japanese
5. a. watch b. European c. what d. wrong
6. a. boast b. goal c. load d. oar
7. a. how b. show c. tower d. towel
8. a. banner b. change c. plane d. sales
9. a. appealed b. denied c. hoped d. trained
10. a. computers b. documents c. trees d. woods
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others:
11. A. sometimes B. although C. newspaper D. schoolboy
12. A. magazine B. engineer C. Japanese D. television
13. A. investigate B. intimacy C. impudence D. industry
14. A. eardrum B. element C. fluoride D. event
15. A. atmosphere B. ancestry C. cosmetic D. delicate
16. a. abound b. retire c. roommate d. repulse
17. a. compete b. domain c. reply d. rooster
18. a. abandon b. decision c. president d. solution
19. a. domestic b. excellent c. foolhardy d. physical
20. a. consolation b. enthusiasm c. photography d. telepathy
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences:
6. He ________ me the compliment of inviting me to sing at his wedding.
a. showed b. paid c. threw d. gave
7. The name sounded vaguely ______________ to her.
a. acquainted b. familiar c. similar d. well-known
8. There is a great deal of ___________ ground between management and trade unions on this issue.
a. common b. similar c. familiar d. dangerous
9. Our firm ____________ a lot of business with overseas customers.
a. makes b. deals c. takes D. does
10. Please write your ___________ name and address on the form.
a. complete b. full c. whole d. total
11. The students were listed _________ name and ________ country of origin.
a. at b. on c. with d. by
12. You can always rely ______ Helen. She is quite trustworthy.
a. On b. in c. onto d. with
13. The doctor referred me ______ another doctor in St. Patrick Hospital.
a. For b. to c. with d. about
14. Could you explain the story again ______ me?
a. For b. with c. toward d. to
15. It is rather simple, just fill ______ the blanks with words provided.
a In b. on c. at d. into
16. His name's Maximilian, but we just call him Max ___________ short.
a. for b. in c. at d. with
17. Hey, guys. Finish your lunch and ________________ business right away.
a. get up on b. get down to c. get down on d. do over with
18. The Turkish football team are going to be congratulated __________ playing so well.
a. for b. on c. at d. about
19. Australians generally don't like to __________ business during leisure hours, and they avoid making class distinctions.
a. chat b. say c. state d. talk
20. In Hong Kong, you should avoid the colors blue and white in your presentation materials, as these ________ death and mourning.
a. present b. stand for c. represent d. show
21. We ________________ more than half an hour by the time the show began.
a. will have been waiting b. have been waiting c. could have been waiting d. had been waiting
22. The pop star ___________ when the lights _____________.
a. sang/were going out b. was singing/went out c. was singing/were going out d. sang/went out
23. Bob complimented me ___________ my new hairstyle.
a. on b. about c. of d. with
24. George told me that he ________________ back at 6.
a. is going to be b. will be c. would be d. can’t be
25. Joe said that he _________________ the previous day.
a. hadn’t felt b. wasn’t feeling c. didn’t feel d. wouldn’t feel
26. ______ you ever ________ the U.S. before your trip in 2006?
a. Have /been b. Would/be c. Would/have been d. Had/been
27. Many wheat farmers have begun to ____________ into other forms of agriculture.
a. vary b. diverge c. diversify d. move away
28. It is difficult for many people to accept a literal _________ of the Bible.
a. construction b. exposure c. revelation d. interpretation
29. His business tactics outraged the __________ of the UK establishment.
a. stiffs b. hardness c. solidity d. stability

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30. Tom: I love your car. ~ David: This old thing? We _______________ it for fifteen years.
a. had had b. have had c. have been having d. used to have
31. Patt: Congratulations on your new home! It's wonderful. ~ Sarah: ______________!
a. You’re welcome b. Thank you c. It’s ok d. Really
32. Trinh: You have a good voice. ~ An: ________________.
a. I appreciate it b. You’ve done a good job c. Well done d. Yes, of course
33. Paul: Tina is still looking for a decent flat. ~ Sam: How long ______________?
a. was she looking b. had she looked c. is she looking d. has she been looking
34. Alex: Any news from Tess? ~ Sue: Yes. She ____________ tomorrow on the 9.15 train.
a. will have been arriving b. will have arrived c. arrives d. arriving
35. The robbers threatened ______ if the lady moved.
A. shooting B. to be shot C. being shot D. to shoot
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correcting:
36. On the other hand (a), if a partner with (b) a North American or British background uses our first names right away (c), we
shouldn’t surprise (d).
37. So instant familiarity (a) is much (b) less acceptable (c) in (d) the rest of Europe and Asia.
38. How do young people (a) in Vietnam address to elderly people (b) or their superior (c) to show politeness (d).
39. The Japanese (a) often lower down (b) their eyes to show (c) respect to their superior (d).
40. Sam was sitting (a) in the seat next to me (b) when the clown had thrown (c) a bucket of water at me (d).
41. In order to survive, trees (A) rely to the amount (B) of annual rainfall they receive, (C) as well as the (D) seasonal distribution of
the rain.
42. A future system of (A) solid waste (B) managements should begin with (C) reduction in the (D) amount of waste.
43. The tongue is the (A) principle organ (B) of taste, and (C) is crucial for chewing, (D) swallowed, and speaking.
44. If (A) one is invited (B) out to a dinner, it is perfectly proper (C) to go either with or without (D) no a gift.
45. In 1961, (B) America’s first (C) manned spacecraft was (D) launched out.
46. Fireflies (A) product light through a (B) complex chemical reaction (C) that takes place within (D) their abdominal cells.
47. Wind is the motion (A) that occurs when (B) lighter air rises and (C) cools heavier air replaces (D) it.
48. Oceans of the world (A) exerts strong influences (B) on the weather (C) over the Earth’s (D) surface.
49. In 1903, (A) when the Wright brothers announced they (B) had invented a flying machine, (C) his news was (D) generally
50. Alexander Calder, who was (A) originally interested (B) in mechanical engineering, (C) later became a (D) sculpture.
Choose the correct answer to fill each blank space:
Passage A:
One of the groups of consumers targeted by advertisers is, oddly enough, a group with very little money of its own, but which has a
huge (51) ______ the way others spend their money. And in some ways, children and advertisers could have been made for (52)
______. After all, it is easy to fool younger children into believing (53) ______ anything and if an advertisement shows them how Biffo
Breakfast Cereal will help them run faster than their friends, then (54) ______ they are concerned, that is the truth. They also have
strong feelings of admiration for action heroes or cartoon characters or sports stars, and will want to be (55) ______ their favourite
star, and drink the same cola or eat the same sweets. And when children want something badly enough, they won’t stop nagging their
parents until they get it. Advertisements will even (56) ______ them with the arguments they can use when they are told that a
water-firing robot or a giant chocolate bar is not good (57) ______, or too expensive, or not available in the supermarket. This is why
most EU countries place (58) ______ upon television advertising aimed at children. Some countries have (59) ______ ban or ads
promoting toys during children’s programmes. Others restrict the advertising of unhealthy food, or ads involving anything dangerous.
This seems to be a sensible way of preventing advertisers from taking (60) ______ of children, but in some ways it also helps to make
a more damning point.
51. A. cause of B. reason why C. influence upon D. outcome which
52. A. each other B. the worst C. ever D. the time being
53. A. more and more B. all in all C. as good as D. just about
54. A. unless B. whatsoever C. as far as D. supposing
55. A. just like B. exactly the same C. as in D. in imitation
56. A. offer B. explain C. fill D. supply
57. A. at it B. for them C. with them D. to it
58. A. handicaps B. rules C. restrictions D. conditions
59. A. an utter B. a total C. a sheer D. a thorough
60. A. advantage B. pity C. an interest D. responsibility
Passage B:
Holidays In South Carolina
Roaring across the bay in a motorised rubber boat, we were told by the captain to keep our eyes open. With the engine turned off, it
wasn’t long before half a dozen dolphins came swimming around us. Eventually, two came up (61) ______ beside the boat and
popped their heads out of the water to give us a wide grin.
Dolphin watching is just one of the many unexpected attractions of a holiday in South Carolina, in the USA. The state has long been
popular with golfers and, with dozens of (62) ______ in the area, it is truly a golfer’s paradise. But even the keenest golfer needs
other diversions and we soon found the resorts had plenty to (63) ______.
In fact, Charleston, which is midway along the (64) ______, is one of the most interesting cities in the USA. and is where the first
shots in the Civil War were (65) ______ Taking a guided horse and carriage tour through the quiet back streets you get a real (66)
______ of the city’s past. Strict regulations apply to buildings so that original (67) ______ are preserved.
South of Charleston lies Hilton Head, an island resort about 18 km long and (68) ______ like a foot. It has a fantastic sandy beach
(69) ______ the length of the island and this is perfect for all manner of water sports. Alternatively, if you feel like doing nothing, (70)
______ a chair and umbrella, head for an open space and just sit back and watch the pelicans diving for fish.
61. A. direct B. right C. precise D exact
62. A. courses B. pitches C. grounds D courts

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63. A. show B. provide C. offer D supply
64. A. beach B. coast C. sea D shore
65. A. thrown B. aimed C. pulled D fired
66. A. significance B. meaning C. sense D comprehension
67. A. points B. characters C. factors D features
68. A. formed B. shaped C. made D moulded
69. A. lying B. running C. going D following
70. A. charge B. lend C. hire D loan
Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences:
71. They felt bad about selling the house because ___________________.
a. they will have owned it for more than forty years b. they have owned it for more than forty years
c. they have been owning it for more than forty years d. they had owned it for more than forty years
72. The little girl asked me _________________.
a. was I staying there all summer b. whether I will be staying there all summer
c. if I am going to stay there all summer d. if I was staying there all summer
73. It’s the first time _______________
a. he has ever flown by Concorde b. he flies by Concorde c. he had flown by Concorde d. he flew by Concorde
74. She waited until _______________ before starting to do her homework.
a. her brother has left for school b. her brother was leaving for school
c. her brother had left for school d. her brother would leave for school
75. It was while __________________ that I saw Mary.
a. I would walk down the street b. I was walking down the street c. I am walking down the street d. I walked down the street
Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question:
The United States Constitution established a political system comprising a national and federal government. The new federal system
accommodated the thirteen original state governments while establishing new bodies and powers designed to address national concerns. The
national government created by the union of states stood above the state governments in specific national matters while ackno wledging the
role of the states or sharing power with them in other areas. State officials were required to take an oath to support the Constitution, and
state courts were required to recognize the Constitution and the laws and treaties made under it as the supreme law.
The Constitution, a veritable work of genius, greatly enhanced the power of central government but carefully divided its func tions into
three distinct branches—executive, legislative, and judicial. The principle of separation of powers was applied throughout the document.
Carefully measured checks and balances were inserted to prevent the acquisition or concentration of power in any one branch and also for the
purpose of protecting minority rights from the potential rule of the majority. In their powers to amend the Constitution and to elect the
president and members of the Senate, the-states also gained a role in applying checks and balances.
76. The word "them" refers to
a. national matters b. the states c. state officials d. national and federal government
77. According to the passage, state officials were required to take an oath to
a. recognize the Constitution as a work of genius b. share power with the federal government
c. support the Constitution d. protect minority rights
78. The author of the passage is probably an expert in
a. social science b. minority issues c. public housing d. political science
79. The author's attitude toward the Constitution is one of
a. humor b. indifference c. commendation d. disapproval
80. What is the author's main purpose in the passage?
a. To discuss one of the principal elements of the Constitution
b. To mention the roles of state officials in government
c. To persuade the state legislators to support the Constitution
d. To summarize the role of the Senate
Since the dawn of time, people have found ways to communicate with one another. Smoke signals and tribal drums were some of the earliest
forms of communication. Letters, carried by birds or by humans on foot or on horseback, made it possible for people to commun icate larger
amounts of information between two places. The telegraph and telephone set the stage for more modern means of communication. With the
invention of the cellular phone, communication itself has become mobile.
For you, a cell phone is probably just a device that you or your friends use - to keep in touch with family and friends, take pictures, play
games, or send text messages. The definition of a cell phone is more specific: it is a hand-held wireless communication device that sends and
receives signals by way of small special areas called cells.
Walkie-talkies, telephones, and cell phones are duplex communication devices: they make it possible for two people to talk to each other. Cell
phones and walkie-talkies are different from regular phones, because they can be used n many different locations. A walkie-talkie is
sometimes called a half-duplex communication device, because only one person can talk at a time. A cell phone is a full-duplex device because
it uses both frequencies at the same time. A walkie-talkie has only one channel. A cell phone has more than a thousand channels. A walkie-
talkie can transmit and receive signals across a distance of about a mile. A cell phone can transmit and receive signals over hundreds of miles.
In 1973, an electronic company called Motorola hired Martin Cooper to work on wireless communication. Motorola and Bell Laboratories (now
AT&T) were in a race to invent the first portable communication device. Martin Cooper won the race and became the inventor of the cell
phone. On April 3, 1973, Cooper made the first cell phone call to his opponent at AT&T while walking down the streets of New York City.
People on the sidewalks gazed at Cooper in amazement as he walked down the street talking on his cellular phone. Cooper's phone was
called a Motorola Dyna-Tac. It weighed a whopping 2 1/2 pounds (as compared to today's cell phones that weigh as little as 3 or 4 ounces).
After the invention of his cell phone, Cooper began thinking of ways to make the cell phone available to the general public. After ten years,
Motorola introduced the first cell phones for commercial use. The early cell phone and its service were both very expensive. The cell phone
itself cost about $3,500. In 1977, AT&T constructed a cell phone system and tried it out in Chicago with over 2,000 customers. In 1981, a
second cellular phone system was started in the Washington, D.C. and Baltimore area. It took nearly 37 years for cell phones to become
available for general public use. Today there are more than sixty million cell phone customers with cell phones producing over thirty billion
dollars per year.
81. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. the difference between cell phones and telephones B. how Cooper competed with AT &T
C. the history of a cell phone D. the increasing number of people using cell phones
82. What definition is true of a cell phone?
A. Something we use just for playing games B. A version of walkie-talkie

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 4
C. The first product of two famous corporations D. A hand-held wireless communication device
83. What is wrong about a walkie-talkie?
A. Only one person can talk at a time B. It has one channel
C. It was first designed in 1973 D. It can be used within a distance of a mile
84. The word “duplex” is closest in meaning to
a. quick b. modern C. having two parts d. having defects
85. To whom did Cooper make his first cell phone call?
A. a person on a New York street B. his assistant at Motorola
C. a member of Bell Laboratories D. the director of his company
86. How heavy is the first cell phone compared to today's cell phones?
A. ten times as heavy as B. much lighter C. 2 pounds heavier D. as heavy as
87. When did Motorola introduce the first cell-phones for commercial use?
A. in the same year when AT&T constructed a cell phone system. B. in 1983
C. in the same year when he first made a cell-phone call D. in 1981
88. When did AT&T widely start their cellular phone system?
A. 37 years after their first design B. in 1981 C. in 2001 D. in 1977
89. What does the word 'gazed' mean?
A. angrily looked B. glanced C. started conversation D. looked with admiration
90. The phrase “tried it out” refers to?
A. tested the cell-phone system B. reported on AT&T
C. introduced the cell phone system D. made effort to sell the cell-phones
Supply the correct prepositions:
1. The contents of the parcel were broken ______arrival. Station.
2. The situation is getting ______ ______ control; we must take 15. Typewriters are going ______ ______ use as they're being
action immediately. replaced by computers.
3. The policeman took his family to the theatre as he was 16. The politician would only agree to speak to me ______ the
______ duty. record.
4. We heard about the plane crash ______ the news. 17. Let's go ______ a cruise around the Mediterranean.
5. He hasn't played tennis for a while so he's ______ ______ 18. Drinking alcohol is ______ the law in many countries.
practice. 19. I'm sure the bus will arrive ______ long.
6. The new safety measures are still ______ discussion. 20. This must be posted ______ delay!
7. You're supposed to avoid eating sweets as you're ______ a 21. I was ______ the impression he was abroad.
diet. 22. He doesn't like to carry cash, so he buys everything ______
8. The balloon landed ______ a farm quite unexpectedly. credit.
9. The parachutist landed ______ a field. 23. This newspaper is two weeks ______ ______ date!
10. You are ______ arrest; you have the right to call your lawyer. 24. I'm writing ______ regard to your recent application.
11. All medicines must be kept ______ ______ reach of children. 25. ______ our surprise, he won the competition.
12. The factory is ______ fire; vacate the area! 26. They could recite the entire play ______ memory.
13. My favourite china teapot smashed ______ pieces on the 27. Hurry up please. We're a bit ______ schedule.
floor. 28. ______ second thoughts, I'd rather not go out tonight.
14. Someone planted a bomb ______ a platform in Victoria
Verb form/tense:
If you ______ (want) to see the highest waterfall in the world, you have to go to Venezuela. There, you ______ (find) the Angel Falls -
a spectacular sight. We ______ (go) there last year and we were very impressed. We ______ (walk) in the countryside for about an
hour when suddenly we ______ (hear) the sound of water. As we ______ (approach) the waterfall, we ______ (cannot) believe how
loud the water was. It was the first time we ______ (ever/see) a waterfall and if we had known how amazing it was, we ______
(take) a video camera with us. We hope we ______ (return) one day to see this wonder of nature again.

In the past decade academics have been involved in ______ (investigate) differences between men and women. Researchers have
been especially interested in ______ (discover) what women can ______ (do) better than men. As far as language is concerned,
studies shove that girls begin ______ (talk) before boys and are capable of ______ (produce) more varied and sophisticated
sentences. In addition to ______ (have) a better command of the language, women also appear ______ (have) better social skills and
are more likely ______ (be) complimentary than men. Another area that has been investigated is how men and women lead Women
try _________ (share) power and make their employees _________ (feel) more worthwhile. Men, on the other hand, like _______
(demonstrate) their authority more formally and seem ______ (care) more about hierarchy. However, it is worth ______ (remember)
that study results reflect averages, and there will always be exceptions.

Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others:
1. A. consist B. carry C. remove D. protect
2. A. solution B. principal C. passenger D. continent
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
3. A. touch B. round C. ground D. shout
4. A. combined B. travelled C. behaved D. practised
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following exchanges.
5. A shop assistant is talking to a customer:
Shop assistant: "Do you need anything else?" ~ - Customer: "______”
A. Good job! B. That's all. Thanks. C. With pleasure. D. You're welcome.
6. Ann and Peter are talking about housework:
Ann: "I think children should be paid for doing the housework." - Peter:______. It's their duty in the family.”
A. You're exactly right B. That's what I think C. There's no doubt about it D. I don't think so

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 5
Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
7. These photos brought back many sweet memories of our trip to Hanoi last year.
A. recalled B. released C. revised D. caught
8. At first, John said he hadn't broken the vase, but later he accepted it.
A. denied B. discussed C. protected D. admitted
Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words) in each of the following questions.
9. Children brought up in a caring environment tend to grow more sympathetic towards others.
A. loving B. dishonest C. healthy D. hateful
10. It's quite disappointing that some people still turn a blind eye to acts of injustice they witness in the street.
A. take no notice of B. have no feeling for C. show respect for D. pay attention to
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:
11. As they remembered ______ about the danger of getting lost in the forest, the tourists closely followed the tour guide.
A. being warned B. warning C. to be warned D. to warn
12. Once ______ for viruses, the software can be installed in the school computer system for use.
A. has tested B. is tested C. testing D. tested
13. The teacher entered the room while the students ______ their plan for the excursion.
A. discuss B. were discussing C. discussed D. are discussing
14. His choice of future career is quite similar ______ mine.
A. with B. at C. for D. to
15. With his good sense of humour, Martin is quite ______ with the students.
A. popularity B. popular C. popularise D. popularly
16. The residents of the village are living a happy life ______ they lack modern facilities.
A. because of B. although C. therefore D. despite
17. Action films with big stars tend to ______ great public attention.
A. achieve B. show C. attract D. reach
18. This is ______ most beautiful song I've ever listened to.
A. an B. a C. the D. Ø
19. The scientists are working on a drug capable of ______ the spread of cancerous cells.
A. arresting B. catching C. seizing D. grasping
20. The little boy took an instant liking to his babysitter ______.
A. upon their first meeting B. before he first met her C. prior to their first meeting D. as soon as he meets her
21. It's time he acted like a ______ adult and stopped blaming others for his wrongdoings.
A. responsible B. sociable C. believable D. suitable
22. We ______ on a field trip if the weather is fine this weekend.
A. could have gone B. will go C. would go D. went
23. One recipe for success is to stay focused and ______ yourself to whatever you do.
A. apply B. attach C. assign D. adhere
24. It's not my ______ to tell you how to run your life, but I think you should settle down and have a family.
A. work B. chore C. job D. career
Guided cloze:
Becoming an independent language learner
In an educational context, the term 'learner independence' has gained increasing importance in recent years. It is of particular (25)
______ to language learning and commonly refers to the way students confidently control and organise their own language learning
process. While some people seem to have an almost (26) ______ flair for languages, others have to rely on strategies to maximise
their skills and learn a foreign language more effectively.
The main thing to remember is that becoming a truly independent learner ultimately depends above all on taking responsibility for
your own learning and being prepared to take every opportunity available to you to learn. You also increase your chances of (27)
______ by learning according to your own needs and interests, using all available resources. Research shows that learners (28)
______ adopt this approach will undoubtedly manage to broaden their language abilities considerably and, (29) ______, are more
likely to achieve their objectives in the longer term.
(Adapted from "Complete Advanced" by Laura Matthews and Barbara Thom*
25. A. resemblance B. relevance C. acquaintance D. acceptance
26. A. habitual B. spiritual C. perceptive D. instinctive
27. A. successfully B. successful C. succeed D. success
28. A. who B. why C. where D. which
29. A. as a result B. in contrast C. though D. because
Reading passage A:
Tribal tourism is a relatively new type of tourism. It involves travellers going to remote destinations, staying with local people and
learning about their culture and way of life. They stay in local accommodation, share facilities with local people, and join in with meals
and celebrations. At the moment, less than one percent of holidays are tribal tourism holidays, but this is set to change.
Tribal tourism is often compared with foreign exchange visits. However, a foreign exchange involves staying with people who often
share the same values. Tribal tourism takes visitors to places where the lifestyle is very different from that in their home location.
Those who have been on a tribal holiday explain that experiencing this lifestyle is the main attraction. They say that it offers them the
chance to live in a way they never have before.
Not everyone is convinced that tribal tourism is a good thing, and opinions are divided. The argument is about whether or not it
helps the local population, or whether it exploits them. The main problem is that, because tribal tourism is relatively new, the long-
term influences on local populations have not been studied in much detail. Where studies have been carried out, the effects have
been found to be negative.
So, is it possible to experience an exotic culture without harming it in some way? "With a bit of thought, we can maximise the positive
influences and minimise the negative," says travel company director Hilary Waterhouse. "The most important thing for a tribal tourist
is to show respect for, learn about, and be aware of, local customs and traditions. Always remember you're a guest."

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 6
(Adapted from "Complete IELTS" by Rawdon Wyatt)
30. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. An Old Tourist Destination B. Holidays with a Difference
C. Different Customs of a Tribe D. Peak Holiday Seasons
31. The word "They" in paragraph I refers to ______.
A. travellers B. facilities C. local people D. remote destinations
32. According to paragraph 2, what is the main attraction of tribal tourism?
A. Tourists can stay with people of the same values. B. Tourists can interact with other foreign visitors.
C. Tourists can experience a different lifestyle. D. Tourists can explore beauty spots in remote areas.
33. The word "divided" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. similar B. important. C. different D. interesting
34. According to Hilary Waterhouse, the most important thing for a tribal tourist is to ______.
A. forget about negative experiences B. respect local customs and traditions
C. learn about other guests D. be accompanied by other travellers
Reading passage B:
E.-waste is being produced on a scale never seen before, Computers and other electronic equipment become obsolete in just a few
years, leaving customers with little choice but to buy newer ones to keep up. Millions of tons of computers, TVs, smartphones, and
other equipment are discarded each year. In most countries, all this waste ends up in landfills, where it poisons the environment — e-
waste contains many toxic substances such as lead, mercury, and arsenic that leak into the ground.
Recycling is the ideal solution to the problem. E-waste contains significant amounts of valuable metals like gold and silver that make it
attractive to recycle. In theory, recycling gold from old computers is more efficient — and less environmentally destructive — than
digging it from the earth. The problem is that a large percentage of e-waste dropped off for recycling in wealthy countries is sold and
diverted to the developing world, posing an increasing threat to the health of the people there.
To address the problem of the international trade in c-waste, 170 nations signed the 1989 Basel Convention, an agreement requiring
that developed nations notify developing nations of hazardous waste shipments coming into their countries. Then, in 1995 the Basel
Convention was modified to ban hazardous waste shipments to poor countries completely. Although the ban hasn't taken effect, the
European Union, where recycling infrastructure is well developed, has already written it into their laws. One law holds manufacturers
responsible for the safe disposal of electronics they produce.
Companies like Creative Recycling Systems in Florida, the USA, are hoping to profit from clean e-waste recycling. The key to their
business is a huge, building-size machine able to separate electronic products into their component materials. As the machine's steel
teeth break up e-waste, all the toxic dust is removed from the process. This machine can handle some 70,000 tons of electronics a
year. Although this is only a fraction of the total, it wouldn't take many more machines like this to process the entire USA's output of
high-tech trash.
Unfortunately, under current policies, domestic processing of e-waste is not compulsory, and while shipping waste abroad is ethically
questionable, it is still more profitable than processing it safely in the USA. Creative Recycling Systems is hoping that the US
government will soon create laws deterring people from sending e-waste overseas.
(Adapted from "Reading Explorer 4" by Paul MacIntyre and Nancy Hubtey)
35. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Waste Recycling: A Storm in a Teacup B. Domestic Recycling: Pros and Cons
C. E-waste – An Export Commodity of the Future D. E-waste – A Mess to Clear up
36. The word "obsolete" in paragraph l is closest in meaning to ______.
A. outdated B. inaccurate C. broken D. incomplete
37. As stated in paragraph 2, a large percentage of e-waste meant for recycling in the developed countries ______.
A. is buried deep in the soil at landfills B. contains all valuable metals except gold
C. is later recycled in local factories D. is eventually sent to developing nations
38. The word "notify" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. assure B. notice C. excuse D. inform
39. The word "it" in paragraph 3 refers to ______.
A. the ban B. recycling infrastructure C. the European Union D. the Basel Convention
40. According to the European Union's laws, electronics manufacturers are required to ______
A. upgrade their recycling infrastructure regularly B. sell their e-waste to developed nations only
C. sign the Basel Convention D. take responsibility for disposing of their products safely
41. Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?
A. The USA's total e-waste output amounts to 70,000 tons per year.
B. Creative Recycling Systems has made a fortune from their recycling machine.
C. The Basel Convention originally banned the import of high-tech trash into European countries.
D. Shipping e-waste abroad yields greater profit than recycling it safely in the USA.
42. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Most countries have made enormous efforts to manage their e-waste exports.
B. Legislative action is fundamental to solving the problem of e-waste effectively.
C. Strict laws against sending e-waste abroad have recently been upheld in Florida.
D. Developing nations benefit more from the trade in e-waste than their developed counterparts.
Choose the answer that best combines the sentences given:
43. Peter moved abroad for a fresh start. He regrets it now.
A. If only Peter had moved abroad for a fresh start.
B. Peter wishes he hadn't moved abroad for a fresh start.
C. If Peter moved abroad for a fresh start, he would regret it.
D. Peter regrets not having moved abroad for a fresh start.
44. Smartphones are becoming reasonably priced. New applications make them more appealing.
A. Appealing though smartphones are with new applications, they are becoming less affordably priced.
B. Whatever new applications smartphones have, they are becoming more appealing with reasonable prices.

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 7
C. No matter how reasonable the prices of smartphones are, they are not so appealing with new applications.
D. Not only are smartphones becoming more affordable but, with new applications, they are also more appealing.
Choose the sentence that means the same as the one given:
45. It was wrong of you to criticise your son in front of his friends.
A. You shouldn't have criticised your son in front of his friends.
B. You must have criticised your son in front of his friends.
C. You mightn't have criticised your son in front of his friends.
D. You could have criticised your son in front of his friends.
46. My father likes reading newspapers more than watching TV.
A. My father doesn't like watching TV as much as reading newspapers.
B. My father likes watching TV more than reading newspapers.
C. My father doesn't like reading newspapers as much as watching TV.
D. My father likes watching TV as much as reading newspapers.
47. "How long have you lived here, Lucy?" asked Jack.
A. Jack asked Lucy how long did she live here. B. Jack asked Lucy how long she had lived there.
C. Jack asked Lucy how long she lived here. D. Jack asked Lucy hew long had she lived there.
Mistake identification:
48. At the beginning of the ceremony (A), there was a respectable (B) one-minute silence in remembrance of (C) the
victims of the earthquake (D).
49. My mother gets up usually (A) early to prepare (B) breakfast for (C) the whole (D) family.
50. The money raised in the (A) appeal will use (B) to help (C) those in need in remote areas (D).

Compiled by LE MINH CHAU – Le Hong Phong High school for the gifted Page 8
Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. concern B. confidence C. control D. contribute
2. A. addressing B. pressure C. necessary D. assessment
Pick out the word whose stressed syllable is different from that of the others.
3. A. ascertain B. approach C. respect D. contest
4. A. mischievous B. compulsory C. obedient D. domestic
Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following sentences.
5. Child rearing is no easy task but it is certainly a challenge and a __ experience.
A. instructing B. studying C. learning D. exploring
6. Jenny will certainly __ everyone's attention with that dress she's wearing.
A. hold B. keep C. catch D. turn
7. Psychologists argue that lying is just as important as any other __ skill we possess.
A. social B. basic C. manual D. special
8. It is a fact that women are far more __ liars than men.
A. skilled B. skillful C. skillet D. skill-intensive
9. As well as the usual __ such as love, patience and understanding, a sense of humor is an important feature of any parent's
A. requirements B. conditions C. needs D. demands
10. In urban areas, there are now more opportunities for women with high school __ to find jobs.
A. learning B. schooling C. education D. level
11. A genuine smile serves as a(n) __ of conciliation in conflict, and it's important to know whether we are really being offered a
truce or not.
A. sign B. notice C. gesture D. inclination
12. If education is about anything, it is surely about what is taught: the __ __ .
A. program B. curriculum C. course D. plan
13. The last two subjects are what they call __ __ subjects which you have to take.
A. optional B. normal C. essential D. core
14. In recent years, schools have become more involved with students' emotional welfare as well as their __ __ achievement.
A. academic B. academy C. scholarly D. studious
15. Anger is a potentially __ emotion that uses up a lot of energy and creates a high level of emotional and physical stress - and it
stops us thinking rationally.
A. destructible B. destructive C. destroyed D. destroying
16. A child who lives in a state that requires school attendance must attend some acceptable school during the years of __ education.
A. primary B. secondary C. academic D. compulsory
17. In some countries many old-aged parents like to live in a __ home. They want to lead independent lives.
A. nursery B. nurse C. nursing D. nurse's
18. Parents must be willing to allow their children the opportunity to explore and learn __ .
A. in principle B. from experience C. in reality D. on a daily basis
19. Many politicians are more concerned __ power and control than with the good of the people.
A. about B. in C. for D. with
20. If Betty wants to keep her job, she must change her attitude __ her boss.
A. with B. for C. about D. towards
21. He graduated __ physics __ Cambridge University.
A. in / from B. from / in C. on / at D. on / from
22. A: - Congratulations to you on passing the final exams!
B: - __ .
A. Don’t mention it. B. All right. C. Many thanks. D. You’re welcome.
23. If someone is avoiding direct eye contact with us, this makes us think that we __ to so we might lie, too.
A. are lying B. are lied C. are being lied D. have been lied
24. Close your eyes. Now listen. What __ __ __ __ ?
A. do you hear B. are you hearing C. did you hear D. have you heard
25. A genuine smile makes the skin near the eyes crease, __ a "put on" smile doesn't have the same effect on the facial features as
the real one.
A. and B. as C. though D. whereas
26. After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building __.
A. sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery. B. sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully.
C. sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week. D. sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers.
27. Nancy hasn’t begun working on her PhD __ working on her Master’s.
A. still because she is yet B. yet as a result she is still C. yet because she is still D. still while she is already
Choose the word/phrase among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
28. Traditionally, in Britain, saying sorry has been taken to mean backing down, losing the argument or being weak. But there are real
signs that times are changing.
A. stopping argument B. admitting you are wrong C. withdrawing D. retreating
29. When Mark saw how ridiculous he looked, he burst out laughing.
A. foolish B. unreasonable C. stupid D. embarrassed
Choose the word/phrase among A, B, C or D which has the opposite meaning with the given one.
30. It is very healthy for parents to be able to admit they are wrong and children learn that even their parents are fallible.
A. perfect B. making mistakes C. accurate D. failing
31. She’s apprehensive about her nursing examinations, but I’m sure she’ll do well.
A. stressed B. confident C. certain D. secure
Choose the sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
32. “I wouldn’t cook the fish for too long, Bill, if I were you,” said Ben.
A. Ben said to Bill that she wouldn’t cook the fish for too long.
B. Ben told Bill not to cook the fish for too long if she were him.
C. Ben advised Bill not to cook the fish for too long.
D. Ben advised Bill that he shouldn’t cook the fish for too long if she were him.
33. “Well, in the end I think I’ll take the brown pair,” said the customer.
A. The customer said that in the end he would take the brown pair.
B. The customer told that he would take the brown pair.
C. The customer finally decided to take the brown pair.
D. The customer agreed to take the brown pair.
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
34. The freshman (A) failed to follow the advice of his (B) senior that he studied (C) hard and not go out (D) too much.
35. State universities bear (A) the name of their (B) state, and its (C) achievements are (D) recognized as state achievements.
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Many parents believe that they should begin to teach their children to read when they are slightly more than toddlers. This is fine if
the child shows a real interest but (36) ____ a child could be counter-productive if he or she isn’t ready. Wise parents will have a
relaxed attitude and take the lead from their child. What they should provide is a selection of stimulating toys, books and other
activities. Nowadays there is plenty of good (37) ____ available for young children, and of course, seeing plenty of books in use about
the house will also (38) ____ them to read.
Of course, books are no longer the only (39) ____ of stories and information. There is also a huge range of videos, which can
reinforce and extend the pleasure a child finds in a book and are (40) ____ valuable in helping to increase vocabulary and
concentration. Television gets a bad (41) ____ as far as children are concerned, mainly because too many spend too much time
watching programs not intended for their age (42) ____. Too many television programs induce an incurious, uncritical attitude that is
going to make learning much more difficult. (43) ____, discriminating viewing of programs designed for young children can be useful.
Just as adults enjoy reading a book after seeing it serialized on television, so children will pounce on books which feature their (44)
____television characters, and videos can add a new (45) ____ to a story known from a book.
36. A. insisting B. forcing C. making D. starting
37. A. material B. sense C. produce D. amusement
38. A. provoke B. encourage C. provide D. attract
39. A. source B. site C. style D. basis
40. A. properly B. worthily C. perfectly D. equally
41. A. review B. press C. criticism D. result
42. A. set B. band C. group D. limit
43. A. Besides B. Thereby C. However D. Hence
44. A. favored B. preferential C. favorite D. beloved
45. A. revival B. option C. existence D. dimension
Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage.
Americans have in the past century assumed that their schools will be comprehensive, especially at the secondary, or high school,
level. Stated another way, there has always been broad agreement in American society that public education will not follow a strictly
defined course of study, but instead will offer a variety of options from which students may choose.
Comprehensiveness has been a corollary of the American decision to educate the mass of the nation's children and youth, without
systematically winnowing out the academically less qualified. Providing education for such a heterogeneous group of students has
necessarily involved taking account of various levels of intelligence, various career aspirations, various interests, and various levels of
social experiences.
Comprehensiveness in education has not implied fragmentation in the school's curriculum. Instead, it has affirmed that schools must
provide options that reflect the diversity of interests and abilities of their students, while still concentrating on the fundamental
learning skills."
46. What is the main topic of the passage?
(A) Secondary education. (B) Comprehensive education. (C) High school education. (D) Public education.
47. What do most Americans think about public education?
(A) It should offer a variety of subjects to choose from. (B) It should be strict.
(C) It should be well-defined. (D) It should gradually
eliminate the less qualified.
48. How does comprehensivess compare with the way children are taught in the US?
(A) It is different. (B) It is opposed. (C) It is similar. (D) It is less effective.
49. What is not mentioned in the passage as being taken into account when providing education for a mixed group of
(A) Levels of intelligence. (B) Financial background. (C) Career aims. (D) Interests.
50. What has comprehensiveness done to American education?
(A) Encouraged schools to teach fundamentals. (B) Brought education to the mass of children and youth.
(C) Caused fragmentation. (D) Made schools provide choices for students.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. a. notify b. novel c. gossip d. alcohol
2. a. species b. sugar c. social d. soccer
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. a. canoeing b. companion c. spiritual d. participant
4. a. electricity b. combination c. horizontal d. motorcycle
5. a. discipline b. implement c. photograph d. diploma
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
6. ______ the United States consists of many different immigrant groups, many sociologists believe there is a distinct
national character.
A. Although B. Because C. As D. Despite
7. A grass-eating, river-dwelling mammal, the hippopotamus _____ to the pig.
A. being related B. is related C. relate D. relating
8. Seldom _____ games been of practical use in playing real games.
A. theories of mathematics B. has the mathematical theory of
C. theorized as mathematics D. the mathematical theory has
9. Jack: I’ve just been reading through your last project report.
Jill: I hope you didn’t find too much wrong with it.
Jack: ______.
A. You can say that again B. On the contrary, you’ve done a fantastic job
C. I couldn’t help it. D. Really? You’re making me blush.
10. If the news _________, there'll be trouble.
a) gets off b) gets on c) gets in d) gets out
11. _________ to the unaided eye, ultraviolet light can be detected in a number of ways.
a) Although it was invisible b) However invisible c) Although invisible d) Despite invisible
12. Mrs. Black : “ I would like to try on this dress, please.” – Saleswoman: “ ______”
A. That’s right, madam B. By all means, madam C. I’d like to D. Why not?
13. Nam : “______” – Susan: “ Never mind.”
A. Would you like to go to the cinema? B. Congratulations! How great!
C. Thank you for helping me finish my work. D. Sorry for steeping on your toes.
14. The doctor insisted that his patient ______.
A. doesn’t work too hard for three months. B. take it easy for three months
C. to take some vacations for three months. D. taking it easy for three months.
15. ______ precise, digital clocks can’t be perfectly accurate for the Earth’s slight changes over the year.
A. Although B. Despite C. Because D. Since
16. A child in the first grade tends to be ___________ all of the other children in the class.
A. the same old to B. the same age than C. as old like D. the same age as
17. Tony’s parents decided that he couldn’t be trusted ___________ money.
A. in B. with C. for D. at
18. He _______ me off going on my holiday by his worrying weather forecast.
A. put B. made C. brought D. took
19. The economic crisis caused some ________ in fashion industry.
A. breakouts B. dropouts C. breakdowns D. shutdowns
20. It was _______ that I was late for the appointment.
A. until a traffic jam B. because of a traffic jam C. because a traffic jam D. a traffic jam
21. She’d rather watch television, _____?
A. didn’t she B. doesn’t she C. hadn’t she D. wouldn’t she
22. By the time Alfonso finally graduated from high school, he _____ seven different schools because his parents moved
A. attended B. was attending C. had attended D. had been attending
23. "Is this the address ______ you want the package sent?"
A. to which B. which C. whom D. to whom
24. They turned down the proposal ______ that it didn’t fulfill their requirement.
A. by reason B. on the grounds C. as a cause D. allowing
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
25. According to some educators, the goal of teaching is to help students learn what they need to know to live a well-
adjusted and successful life.
A. able to deal well with problems B. neater and more comfortable
C. easily fixed D. meaningful
26. We were easily cheated by this interesting commercial.
a) taken in b) taken out c) taken on d) taken away
27. When the laser strikes the chemicals, it releases a form of oxygen that kills cancer cells.
A. omits B. gives out C. vaporizes D. contains
28. Kate was overwhelmed with tension before she entered the final contest.
A. high degree B. strength C. eagerness D. nervousness
29. Plants absorb nutrients from the soil through their roots.
A. take in B. give away C. make through D. create
Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
30. People usually wear (a) clothing on (b) two basic (c) purposes – warmth and decoration (d).
31. Weather is the transitory expression of climate (a) that can (b) change great (c) from day to day or (d) season to
32. Archeological investigations indicate that control of fire is an extremely old technical attainment, though the time,
place, and mode of his origin may never be learned.
33. Until (a) the 1840’s, practically (b) the only pioneers who had ventured (c) to the western United States were
trappers and a little (d) explorers.
34. Why (a) certain plants contain alkaloids remains (b) a mystery, although (c) botanists have formulated a number
of theory (d) to explain it.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
What (35) ______ it rain? Rain falls from clouds (36) ______ the same reason anything falls to Earth. The Earth’s gravity
pulls it. But every cloud is made of water droplets or ice crystals. Why doesn’t rain or snow fall constantly from all
clouds? The droplets or ice crystals in cloud are exceedingly small. The effect of gravity (37) ______them is minute. Air
currents move and lift droplets (38) ______net download displacement is zero, even though the droplets are in constant
motion. Droplets and ice crystals behave (39) ______like dust in the air made visible in a shaft of sunlight. To the casual
observer, dust seems to act in a totally random fashion, moving about chaotically without fixed direction. But (40)
______dust particles are much larger than water droplets and they finally fall. The average size of the cloud droplet is
only 0.0004 inch in diameter. It is so small that it would take sixteen hours to fall half a mile in a perfectly (41)
______air, and it does not fall out of moving air at all. (42) ______the droplet grows to a diameter of 0.008 inch or
larger can it fall from the cloud. The average raindrop contains a million times (43) ______water as a tiny cloud droplet.
The growth of a cloud droplet (44) ______ a size large enough to fall out is the cause of rain and other forms of
precipitation. This important growth process is called "coalescence".
35. A. causes B. lets C. helps D. makes
36. A. with B. for C. on D. at
37. A. on B. at C. with D. through
38. A. so that B. but C. until D. in case
39. A. somehow B. sometime C. somewhat D. someway
40. A. indeed B. in fact C. in case D. in which
41. A. immobile B. motionless C. unfluctuating D. still
42. A. Hardly B. Scarcely C. Only when D. No sooner
43. A. as much B. as many C. as few D. as little
44. A. at B. for c. till D. to
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 45 to 52.
It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it has
been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The distinction between schooling and
education implied by this remark is important.
Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no bounds. It can take place
anywhere, whether in the shower or on the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning
that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning. The agents of education can range from a
revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist. Whereas
schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger
may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People are engaged in education from infancy on.
Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of
school, and one that should be an integral part of one's entire life.
Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the
next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at approximately the same time, take assigned seats, are taught by
an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The slices of reality that are to be learned,
whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of government, have usually been limited by the
boundaries of the subject being taught. For example, high school students know that they are not likely to find out in
their classes the truth about political problems in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting
with. There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling.
45. What does the author probably mean by using the expression “children interrupt their education to go to
school” (lines 2)?
A. Going to several different schools is educationally beneficial.
B. School vacations interrupt the continuity of the school year.
C. Summer school makes the school year too long.
D. All of life is an education.
46. The word “bounds” in line 4 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. rules B. experience C. limits D. exceptions
47. The word “chance” in line 8 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. unplanned B. unusual C. lengthy D. lively
48. The word “an integral” in line 11 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. an equitable B. a profitable C. a pleasant D. an essential
49. The word “they” in line 15 refers to _____.
A. slices of reality B. similar textbooks C. boundaries D. seats
50. The phrase “For example,” line 16, introduces a sentence that gives examples of _____.
A. similar textbooks B. the results of schooling
C. the workings of a government D. the boundaries of classroom subjects
51. The passage supports which of the following conclusions?
A. Without formal education, people would remain ignorant.
B. Education systems need to be radically reformed.
C. Going to school is only part of how people become educated.
D. Education involves many years of professional training.
52. The passage is organized by _____.
A. listing and discussing several educational problems
B. contrasting the meanings of two related words
C. narrating a story about excellent teacher
D. giving examples of different kinds of schools
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 53 to 64.
What we today call American folk art was, indeed, art of, by, and for ordinary, everyday "folks" who, with increasing
prosperity and leisure, created a market for an of all kinds, and especially for portraits. Citizens of prosperous, essentially
middle-class republics – whether ancient Romans, seventeenth-century Dutch burghers, or nineteenth-century Americans
– have always shown a marked taste for portraiture. Starting in the late eighteenth century, the United States contained
increasing numbers of such people, and of the artists who could meet their demands.
The earliest American folk art portraits come, not surprisingly, from New England – especially Connecticut and
Massachusetts – for this was a wealthy and populous region and the center of a strong craft tradition. Within a few
decades after the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the population was pushing westward, and
portrait painters could be found at work in western New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, and Missouri. Midway through its
first century as a nation, the United States's population had increased roughly five times, and eleven new states had
been added to the original thirteen. During these years the demand for portraits grew and grew, eventually to be
satisfied by the camera. In 1839 the daguerreotype was introduced to America, ushering in the age of photography, and
within a generation the new invention put an end to the popularity of painted portraits. Once again an original portrait
became a luxury, commissioned by the wealthy and executed by the professional.
But in the heyday of portrait painting – from the late eighteenth century until the 1850's – anyone with a modicum of
artistic ability could become a limner, as such a portraitist was called. Local craftspeople – sign, coach, and house
painters – began to paint portraits as a profitable sideline; sometimes a talented man or woman who began by sketching
family members gained a local reputation and was besieged with requests for portraits; artists found it worth their while
to pack their paints, canvases, and brushes and to travel the countryside, often combining house decorating with portrait
53. In lines 4-5 the author mentions seventeenth-century Dutch burghers as an example of a group that
(A) consisted mainly of self-taught artists (B) appreciated portraits
(C) influenced American folk art (D) had little time for the arts
54. The word "marked" in line 5 is closest in meaning to
(A) pronounced (B) fortunate (C) understandable (D) mysterious
55. According to the passage, where were many of the first American folk art portraits painted?
(A) In western New York (B) In Illinois and Missouri (C) In Ohio (D) In Connecticut and Massachusetts
56. The word "this" in line 9 refers to
(A) a strong craft tradition (B) American folk art
(C) New England (D) western New York
57. How much did the population of the United States increase in the first fifty years following independence?
(A) It became three times larger. (B) It became five times larger.
(C) It became eleven times larger. (D) It became thirteen times larger.
58. The phrase "ushering in" in line 17 is closest in meaning to
(A) beginning (B) demanding (C) publishing (D) increasing
59. The relationship between the daguerreotype (line 16) and the painted portrait is similar to the relationship between
the automobile and the
(A) highway (B) driver (C) horse-drawn carriage (D) engine
60. According to the passage, which of the following contributed to a decline in the demand for painted portraits?
(A) The lack of a strong craft tradition (B) The westward migration of many painters
(C) The growing preference for landscape paintings (D) The invention of the camera
61. The word "executed" in line 19 is closest in meaning to
(A) sold (B) requested (C) admired (D) created
62. The author implies that most limners (line 22)
(A) received instruction from traveling teachers (B) were women
(C) were from wealthy families (D) had no formal art training
63. The word "sketching" in line 25 is closest in meaning to
(A) drawing (B) hiring (C) helping (D) discussing
64. The phrase "worth their while" in line 26 is closest in meaning to
(A) essential (B) educational (C) profitable (D) pleasurable
Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it.
65. Many people think Paul stole the money.
Paul __________________________________________________________________________________________
66. “You should start a new hobby, Mr. Jenkins,” said the doctor.
The doctor recommended that ____________________________________________________________________
67. My advice to you is to talk to your parents.
If ____________________________________________________________________________________________
68. Barry wasn’t strong enough to lift the box.
Barry didn’t ____________________________________________________________________________________
69. All the children will receive a prize, whatever their score in the competition.
No matter _____________________________________________________________________________________
70. She was an excellent playwright whose work didn’t get the recognition it deserved. (RENOWN)
She was an excellent playwright ___________________________________________________________________
71. I knew the project would not succeed from the start. (DOOMED)
I knew the project ______________________________________________________________________________
72. Most people are indifferent to the mistreatment of animals. (SHOW)
Most people ___________________________________________________________________________________
73. Lawrence’s car became his most prized possession when he first bought it. (JOY)
Lawrence’s car became __________________________________________________________________________
Part II. Vocabulary: Complete the sentences with the phrases given
be/have (a) qualified success give sb no quarter a race against time rack one's brains lose one's rag
rain or shine have/get a raw deal go on the rampage raring to go ram home sth
be taken for a ride recharge your batteries on reflection be well rid of sb or sth take it as read
be as right as rain hit the road do a roaring trade rub sth in up and running
take the rough with the smooth
1. I’m going to watch the football match, __________________.
2. No matter how much I __________________, I couldn't answer the riddle.
3. As a politician he is a forceful speaker and __________________ his point with great conviction.
4. The bull escaped from his pen and __________________ through the town, provoking panic in his wake.
5. Barry liked the idea of a fine arts course but __________________ he decided to go in for accountancy.
6. The job was making her so stressed and unhappy that she handed in her notice, deciding that she __________________ it.
7. It is a __________________ to find cures for many diseases of our time, including cancer and AIDS.
8. This particular interviewer _________________ to politicians that he interviews and insists on a direct answer to all his questions.
9. When somebody has made a mistake, it's kinder not to __________________ by constantly reminding them of it.
10. The doctor told Jo she'd be __________________ in no time as long as she took the course of antibiotics.
11. Why did he always choose to __________________ over issues in which he was in the wrong?
12. I'd already given him £50 when I realized he was __________________.
Part III. Open cloze
Simply defined, a mask is a form (0) _______ disguise. It is an object that is frequently worn (1) _______ or in front of
the face to hide the identity of a person and, with (2) _______ own features, to establish (3) _______ being. This
essential characteristic concealing and revealing personalities or moods is common (4) _______ all masks. (5) _______
cultural objects, they have been used (6) _______ the world in all periods (7) _______ the Stone Age and have been as
varied in appearance as in (8) _______ use and symbolism.
Masks have been designed in innumerable varieties, (9) _______ the simplest of crude "false faces" held by a handle to
complete head coverings with ingenious movable parts. Mask makers (10) _______ shown great resourcefulness (11)
_______ selecting and combining available materials. Among the items used (12) _______ woods, metals, shells, clay,
feathers, paper and cloth. The artist is usually sought (13) _______ as a maker of masks (14) _______ of his known
ability to give a visually expressive (15) _______ an aesthetically pleasing presentation of the required image.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. A brief raise of the hand and a small wave is fine in most social situations where some ______ is allowed.
A. informality B. inhospitality C. incorporation D. incompetence
2. Is a large head ______ of high intelligence?
A. referring B. meaningful C. indicative D. inferential
3. Constant _______ in bad habits brought about his ruin.
A. Application B. integration C. registry D. indulgence
4. ______ language should be avoided in any sports game.
A. Wrong B. Mistaken C. Swear D. Foul
5. As soon as I threw the rope, he ______ hold of it.
A. took B. made C. had D. launched
6. I appealed to all _______ people to support me and I was successful.
A. same-minded B. familiar-thinking C. thought-sharing D. like-minded
7. The moon is often _______ in poetry.
A. personalized B. personal C. personnel D. personified
8. Surgeons now can do miracles to the physical _____ which used to be untreatable.
A. wrongdoings B. malfunctions C. abnormalities D. conditions
9. Because of the foggy weather, our train was _______ for several hours.
A. put off B. turned off C. held up D. got over
10. You should have ______ the recorder before you bought it.
A. tried out B. looked after C. come up with D. turned in
11. We tried a lot of hotels, but ________ of them had any free rooms.
A. neither B. none C. no D. not
12. _________ when I the phone rang.
A. Hardly I came into the room B. No sooner had I come into the room
C. Not until I came into the room D. Hardly had I come into the room
13. Vietnamese is a difficult language ______.
A. mastering B. for master C. to be mastered D. in mastering
14. ______ is a poison when ingested above trace amounts.
A. It is lead B. Lead C. The lead D. That lead
15. This proverb is _____ common than those ones.
A. less B. little C. much D. As
16. The man who answered the phone _______ my brother, for I have no brother.
A. can’t be B. mustn’t have been C. can’t have been D. shouldn’t be
17. You ought to know that these buttons cannot be pressed ______.
A. under no circumstances B. at no time C. before D. under any circumstances
18. ________ the cancellation of the project, many investors kept sending money in.
A. Though B. Despite C. However D. Nevertheless
19. If the truth _______ earlier, things _______ different now.
A. were revealed / would be B. Were revealed / would have been
C. Had been revealed / would be D. had been revealed / would have been
20. It is advised that no candidate _______ the room by 6pm.
A. can leave B. leaves C. is able to leave D. should leave
21. It takes him some time to contemplate ________from the post.
A. whether resigning B. Resigning C. to resign D. being resigned
22. - _____________? - He is Australian.
A. What nationality is he B. Whose nation does he come from C. Where is his nationality D. What is his nation?
23. __________ ! Help yourself to the salads.
A. Be at home B. Be yourself C. Make yourself at home D. Behave like at home
24. - How lovely your pets are! - _________.
A. Thank you, it’s nice of you to say so B. Really? They are
C. Can you say that again? D. I love them, too
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
25. The discovery (a) of gold in 1848 transformed (b) San Francisco suddenly from a quiet (c) port into one of the world's richest and
most famous city (d).
26. Charcoal is odourless (A)and tastelessness (B), and has (C) the ability to absorb a large quantity (D) of gas.
27. Ants find their (A)way by following scent (B) laid down by their (C) previous ants (D).
28. He was so careless (A) that he left (B) the work half doing (C) and (D) went to the cinema.
29. As soon as they were seated (A), the man (B) began (C) to whisper among themselves (D).
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
30. A. fear B. beard C. cheerful D. pear
31. A. because B. caution C. nought D. fall
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of the main stress in each of the following questions.
32. A. characteristic B. environmental C. documentary D. sophistication
33. A. cartoon B. typhoon C. career D. abstract
34. A. opinion B. appropriate C. miracle D. miraculous
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer that
best fits each of the numbered blanks .
Sitting in front of your computer screen in the comfort of your own home, it is easy to (35)______safe and secure as you browse on-
line and send emails to friends. Even professionals, (36)_____, need to (37)_____ certain precautions as there are some quite
unpleasant individuals (38)______there. Begin by making (39)_____a rule never to give out details of where you live to anyone
(40)_____ you are absolutely sure you can (41)_____ that person. The same is for any stranger who asks you for your phone number:
if in (42)_____, just say ‘no’.
Never arrange to meet someone you have previously only communicated with on-line if you are not (43)______ sure about them. If
you do agree to meet, tell friends or family where you are going (44)______ they can help you in time.
35. A. be B. feel C. get D. go
36. A. though B. moreover C. consequently D. then
37. A. make B. take C. get D. do
38. A. out B. in C. off D. from
39. A. this B. it C. them D. yourself
40. A. if B. unless C. as D. while
41. A. believe B. rely C. trust D. entrust
42. A. delay B. suspicion C. hesitation D. doubt
43. A. completely B. totally C. certainly D. merely
44. A. so that B. thus C. because D. if
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
The aspect of language use that is most worth changing is the clarity and style of written prose. Expository writing requires language
to express far more complex trains of thought than it was biologically designed to. Inconsistencies caused by limitations of short-
term memory and planning, unnoticed in conversation, are not as tolerable as when preserved on a page that is to be perused more
leisurely. Also, unlike a conversational partner, a reader will rarely share enough background assumptions to interpolate all the missing
premises that make language comprehensible. Overcoming one’s natural egocentrism and trying to anticipate the knowledge state of a
reader at every stage of the exposition is one of the most important tasks in writing well. All this makes writing a difficult craft that
must be mastered through practice, instruction, feedback, and – probably most important – intensive exposure to good examples.
There are excellent manuals of composition that discuss these and other skills with great wisdom. What is most relevant is how
removed their practical advice is from the trivia of split infinitives and slang. For example, a banal but universally acknowledged key
to good writing is to revise extensively. Good writers go through anywhere from two to twenty drafts before releasing a paper. Anyone
who does not appreciate this necessity is going to be a bad writer. If clear writing is wanted, then this is the course that must be
45. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The importance of repeated drafting in writing. B. The difficulties involved in producing good writing.
C. The problems of conveying meaning to readers. D. The importance of reading good writing.
46. The phrase “trains of thoughts” is closest in meaning to
A. ways of thinking B. connected ideas C. continuous concepts D. logical thinking
47. Why does the author mention “short term memory”?
A. to suggest that memories are not always accurate B. To show the problems of writing down memories.
C. to indicate the necessity for long-term memory D. to explain short-term memory is inadequate for complex writing
48. According to the passage, readers sometimes have difficulty understanding texts because
A. they have no knowledge of the subject matter. B. There is no opportunity for them to check their assumption.
C. they assume that the texts are too difficult. D. some ideas are unconnected in the texts.
49. It can be inferred from the passage that good writers
A. are self-centred B. Consider their readers C. convey knowledge precisely D. explain every point
50. The word “exposure” could be best replaced by
A. access B. detection C. approach D. pursuit
51. The author suggests that the best books about writing
A. contain explanations about grammar. B. Explain colloquial expressions.
B. include examples of good writing D. concentrate on writing skills.
52. The word “banal” means
A. weak B. poor C. common D. modest
53. The word “this” refers to
A. extensive drafting B. practical advice C. acknowledged key D. intensive exposure
54. The passage supports which of the following conclusions?
A. Conveying meaning in writing is easier than in conversation. B. Writing can be learned from a good manual.
C. There is no substitute for revision in good writing. D. Writing is a biological process with its own styles.

There are desert plants which survive the dry season in the form of inactive seeds. There are also desert insects which survive as
inactive larvae or pupae. In addition, difficult as it is to believe, there are desert fish which can survive through years of drought in the
form of inactive eggs. These are shrimps that live in the Mojave Desert, an intensely dry region in the southwest of the United States
where shade temperatures of over 50 degrees Centigrade are often recorded.
The eggs are the size and have the appearance of grains of sand. When sufficient spring rain falls to form a lake, once every two to
five years, these eggs hatch. Then the water soon swarms with millions of tiny shrimps about a millimeter long which feed on
microscopic plant and animal organisms which grow in the temporary desert lake. Within a week, the shrimps grow from their original
1 millimeter to a length of about 1 and a half centimeters.
Throughout the time that the shrimps are rapidly maturing, the water in the lake equally rapidly evaporates. Therefore, it is a race
against time. By the twelfth day, when they are about three centimeters long, hundreds of tiny eggs form on the underbodies of the
females. Usually, by this time, all that remains of the lake is large, muddy patch of wet soil. On the 13 th day and the next, during the
final hours of their brief lives, the females lay their eggs in the mud. Then, having ensured that their species will survive, the shrimps
die as the last of the water evaporates.
If sufficient rain falls the following year to form another lake, the eggs hatch, and once again the cycle of growth, adulthood, egg-
laying, a death is rapidly passed through. If there is insufficient rain to form a lake, the eggs lie dormant for a year, or even longer if
necessary. Occasionally, perhaps twice in a hundred years, sufficient rain falls to form a deep lake that lasts a month or more. In this
case, the species passes through two cycles of growth, egg-laying and death. Thus, the species multiplies considerably, which further
ensures its survival.
55. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The effects of drought in the desert. B. The lifespan of fish eggs in desert condition.
C. The survival of insects in a desert climate. D. The importance of deep lakes in the desert.
56. The word ‘form’ is closest in meaning to
A. style B. shape C. nature D. design
57. From the passage, it can be inferred that the Mojave Desert is unusual because
A. it is hot even in the shade.B. rain rarely falls there. C. it shelters inactive life. D. very little survives there.
58. The author compares inactive eggs to
A. shrimps B. sand C. larvae D. seeds
59. The word ‘These” refers to
A. plants B. eggs C. insects D. fish
60. According to the passage, the eggs originate
A. in the sand B. on the female C. in the mud D. in the lake
61. The word ‘swarms’ could be best replaced by
A. abounds B. grows C. crowds D. supports
62. According to the passage, approximately how long does a shrimp live?
A. a week B. 12 days C. 13 days D. 14 days plus
63. The word “dormant” is closest in meaning to
A. dead B. asleep C. passive D. empty
64. What does the author mean by the phrase “a race against time”?
A. The shrimps are in intense competition to reproduce. B. The shrimps must reproduce before the water recedes.
C. The shrimps do not have enough time to reproduce. D. Death occurs before the shrimps can reproduce.
Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.
65. They said they did not steal the documents.
They denied _____________________________________________________________________________________________
66. When Martha came to the party, everybody had gone home.
After ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
67. I have never met a famous baseball player before.
This is the ______________________________________________________________________________________________
68. He asked me about the exam results again and again.
He kept ________________________________________________________________________________________________
69. “I will join the expedition to Egypt.” said Barry.
Barry decided ___________________________________________________________________________________________
70. The Prime Minister decided to reintroduce the tax, which made people angry. (STORM)
The Prime Minister’s ______________________________________________________________________________________

I. Choose the best answer to complete the passage:

Passage 1:
Throughout history, people have always communicated with one another not only by (1) _____ but also by movements of the hands
and body. It is, however, only over the last few years (2) _____ these aspects of communication have been (3) _____ widely. This
type of communication is known as body language. People sometimes wonder whether you can learn how body language works. It is
of course possible to read books (4) _____ the subject but you also need to spend time observing people’s movements. A railway
station is a (5) _____ good place for such observation, as here people can be seen openly expressing eagerness, sorrow, delight,
impatience, and many other human emotions by means of movement.
If you turn down the sound on your TV set and try to understand what is happening (6) _____ by watching the picture, you will learn
even more about communication without words. By turning the sound back up (7) _____ five minutes or so, it is possible to check (8)
_____ accurate your understanding is.
Having studied the art of body language will have a definite advantage at a boring party. You will be able to sit on your own for the
whole evening and (9) _____ enjoy yourself by both watching and (10) _____ the body language of all the other people there.
1. a. talk b. speech c. conversation d. dialogue
2. a. that b. when c. for d. if
3. a. learned b. searched c. talked d. studied
4. a. in b. of c. for d. on
5. a. certainly b. obviously c. extremely d. particularly
6. a. supposedly b. simply c. virtually d. accurately
7. a. later b. more c. afterward d. every
8. a. much b. how c. what d. if
9. a. extremely b. very c. largely d. thoroughly
10. a. translating b. interpreting c. looking into d. expressing
Passage 2:
Education and work
Have you ever asked yourself what you are working for? If you have ever had the time to (26) _____ this taboo question, or put it to
others in moments of weakness or confidentiality, you (27) _____ well have heard some or all the (28) _____. It’s the money, of
course, some say with a smile, as if explaining something to a small child. Or it’s the satisfaction of (29) _____ well done, the sense of
achievement behind the clinching of an important (30) _____. I worked as a bus conductor once, and I can’t say I (31) _____ the
same as I staggered along the swaying gangway trying to (32) _____ out tickets without falling over into someone’s lap. It’s the
company of other people perhaps, but if that is the (33) _____, what about farmers? Is it the conservation in the farmyard that keeps
them captivated by the job? Work is power and a sense of status say those (34) _____ have either attained these elusive goals, or feel
aggrieved that nobody has yet recognized their leadership (35) _____. Or we can blame it all on someone else, the family or the
taxman. I suspect, and I say this under my (36) _____, that most of us work rather as Mr.Micawber lived, hoping for something to
(37) _____ up. We’ll win the pools, and tell the boss what we really think. We’ll scrape together the (38) _____ and open that little
shop we have always dreamed of, or go (39) _____ the world, or spend more time in the garden. One day we’ll get that (40) _____
we deserve, but until then at least we have something to do. And we are so busy doing it that we won’t have time to wonder why.
1. A. propose B. meditate C. consider D. launch
2. A. might B. can C. will D. should
3. A. below B. rest C. following D. later
4. A. a mission B. a job C. a task D. an effort
5. A. deal B. position C. job D. engagement
6. A. enjoyed B. wished C. hoped D. felt
7. A. make B. turn C. issue D. give
8. A. one B. case C. question D. former
9. A. people B. must C. who D. to
10. A. qualities B. statuses C. properties D. requirements
11. A. oath B. suspicion C. breath D. pressure
12. A .move B. turn C. ease D. end
13. A. resources B. opportunity C. rest D. money
14. A. round B. over C. into D. to
15. A. ambition B. encouragement C. vocation D. promotion
II. Reading comprehension:
Harvard University, today recognized as part of the top echelon of the world’s universities, came from very inauspicious and humble
This oldest of American universities was founded in 1636, just 16 years after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. Included in the Puritan
emigrants to the Massachusetts colony during this period were more than 100 graduates of England’s prestigious Oxford and
Cambridge Universities, and these university graduates in the New World were determined that their sons would have the same
educational opportunities that they themselves had had. Because of this support in the colony for an institution of higher learning, the
General Court of Massachusetts appropriated 400 pounds for a college in October of 1636 and early the following year decided on a
parcel of land for the school; this land was in an area called Newetowne, which was later renamed Cambridge after its English
cousin and is the site of the present-day university.
When a young minister named John Harvard, who came from the neighboring town of Charlestowne, died from tuberculosis in 1638,
he willed half of his estate of 1,700 pounds to the fledgling college. In spite of the fact that only half of the bequest was actually
paid, the General Court named the college after the minister in appreciation for what he had done. The amount of the bequest may
not have been large, particularly by today’s standards, but it was more than the General Court had found it necessary to appropriate in
order to open the college.
Henry Dunster was appointed the first president of Harvard in 1640, and it should be noted that in addition to serving as president, he
was also the entire faculty, with an entering freshman class of four students. Although the staff did expand somewhat, for the first
century of its existence the entire teaching staff consisted of the president and three or four tutors.
1. The word “echelon” in line 1 could best be replaced by
A. level B. rank C. class D. title
2. The main idea of this passage is that
A. Harvard is one of the world’s most prestigious universities.
B. what is today a great university started out small.
C. John Harvard was key to the development of a great university.
D. Harvard University developed under the auspices of the General Court of Massachusetts.
3. The passage indicates that Harvard is
A. one of the oldest universities in the world. B. the oldest university in the world.
C. one of the oldest universities in America. D. the oldest university in America.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that the Puritans who travelled to Massachusetts colony were
A. rather well educated B. rather rich
C. rather supportive of the English government D. rather undemocratic
5. The pronoun “they” in line 6 refers to
A. Oxford and Cambridge Universities B. university graduates
C. sons D. educational opportunities
6. The “English cousin” in line 8 refers to a
A. city B. relative C. university D. court
7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about John Harvard?
A. What he died of B. Where he came from C. Where he was buried D. How much he bequeathed to Harvard
8. The word “fledgling” in line 11 could be best replaced by
A. Newborn B. Flying C. Winged D. Established
9. The passage implies that
A. Henry Dunster was an ineffective president.
B. someone else really served as president of Harvard before Henry Dunster.
C. Henry Dunster spent much of his time as president managing the Harvard faculty.
D. the position of president of Harvard was not merely an administrative position in the early years.
10. Where in the passage does it indicate how much money Minister Harvard was really responsible for giving to the university?
A. Lines 3-5 B. Lines 6-8 C. Lines 10-12 D. Lines 12-14

III. Sentence transformation:

1. I haven’t been to the concert for a long time.
It’s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Why don’t you learn a musical instrument?
If I ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. The room is too small for us to play music in.
The room is not __________________________________________________________________________________________
4. I prefer playing the guitar to playing the piano.
I like __________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. It took them a long time to decide which concert to go to.
They spent _____________________________________________________________________________________________
6. It was unkind of you to talk to her like that.
You should ______________________________________________________________________________________________
7. It’s nearly 20 years since my father saw his brother.
My father _______________________________________________________________________________________________
8. When did you last ride a bike?
How long _______________________________________________________________________________________________
9. I’m sorry I didn’t phone him yesterday.
I wish __________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. People say Greek is a difficult language to learn.
Greek __________________________________________________________________________________________________
11. I don’t intend to apologize to either of them.
I have _________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. I never thought that I would win a prize.
It never crossed _________________________________________________________________________________________
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. ragged B. allegedly C. naked D. tiredly
2. A. cleanse B. peal C. dealt D. peasantry
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. metropolis B. humanity C. preferable D. discourteous
4. A. academician B. mathematician C. Scandinavian D. authoritarian
5. A. humane B. teapot C. peanut D. injure
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
6. By 7 AM tomorrow, Tom hopes __________his assignment.
A. tohave finished B. finished C. to finish D. finish
7. On one special occasion, Lan dressed herself in a ________jacket.
A. beautiful, French ,tight, black leather B.black , tight, beautiful, French leather
C. beautiful, tight, French, black leather D. beautiful, tight, black, French leather
8. People flocked ________ their thousands to greet their new princess.
A. of B. to C. in D. at
9. The replacement of shops such as the groceries and drugstores by the cafes ______the housewives with insufficient facilities for
A. Leave B. have left C. has left D. to have left
10. You’ll have to go for an interview tomorrow, but don’t worry. It’s just a______.
A. form B.format C. formation D. formality
11. Richard Gere was the name of the actor ______in that successful film.
A. to star B. starred C. starring D. to have been starred
12. Mr. Brit supposes, ______, that he will retire at the age of 60.
A. like most people did B. as most of people C. like most people do D. as do most people
13. I would appreciate it _______ what I have told you a secret.
A. you can keep B. that you kept C. you will keep D. if you kept
14. __________his comments, I still couldn’t make sense of them.
A.Carefully though I read B. Despite being read C. Carefully read D. Careful were
15. Lan: “ I had to take a taxi from the party last night” - Phuc:“ Oh, that’s too bad. You ______in my car.”
A. could have gone B. could go C. must have gone D. can go
16. For the time being, not only Lam but also his classmates __________ their best to pass the exam with flying colors.
A. are trying B. is trying C. has tried D. have been tried
17. Khanh: “ I have a history class at 2:00 so I have to dash now. Bye and see you tomorrow.” – Vy: “_____”
A. So long B. That’s great C. How come D. Not at all
18. Our favorite team came _____an ace of winning the championship.
A. to B. in C. within D. at
19. Old Mr. Brown condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he can _____.
A. pull through B. pull up C. pull back D. pull out
20. The prevailing culture of opting for convenience and junk foods is contributing to the obesity ______affecting today’s youth.
A. breakdown B. woe C. inept D. epidemic
21. He is ______a career break to do some travelling while he is still young and fit enough to make the most of it .
A. taking B.going C. cutting D. holding
22. The candidate who ______the hearts and minds of the voters with his passion for office and his integrity will win this election.
A. receives B. amends C. captures D. concede
23. The consultant called in by the firm brought a ______of experience to bear on the problem.
A.wealth B.realm C.bank D. hoard
24. Several passengers received minor injuries when the train unexpectedly came to a _____.
A. delay B. stand C. halt D. brake
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
25. The hotel’s description in the brochure was fallacious in the extreme and we were left utterly disappointed on arrival.
A. wrong B. rumoured C. mistaken D. illegal
26. He is regarded by his people as the patriarch of their faith and is worshipped in much the same as a god.
A. a man who is very practical in approaches B. a man who sees the way forward before everybody else
C. a man that people have a lot of respect for D. a man who is very knowledgeable in a particular field
27. Many young children are spending large amounts of time watching TV without being aware of itsdetrimentto their school work.
A.support B. advantage C. harm D. benefit
28. Her innate humanity and sound sense led her gradually to return to her place in the family circle, and she began to seek out and
help the poor and the sick.
A. of something you are born with B. of all living things
C. of something you acquire D. of important things
29. Hectic western lifestyles don't allow them the time or head space to really relax.
A. Quiet B. Fashionable C. Busy C. Optimistic
Mark the letter A,B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
30. A friend of mine (A) was a national (B) decathlon champion (C) succeeded in doing (D) 13 events in one day.
31. Played (A) in few parts (B) of the world outside the United States, the baseball (C) first became an event in the Olympic Games
(D) in 1984.
32. Not only the supply of mahogany has dwindled (A) markedly (B) in the past ten years, but its price (C) has tripled during (D) the
same period of time.
33. Located in the cranial (A) cavity in the skull, the brain (B) is the larger (C) mass of verve tissues in the human body (D).
34. We are falling very slowly (A) that we can't be dashed (B) to pieces when we land (C), and the country that we are coming to (C)
seems quite pretty.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
For many of us, saying ‘no’ is the hardest thing we have to do. Spouses, friends, children, bosses, colleagues, charities and community
groups – all weigh (35) ___ with requests for our time or money, or both. We would like to oblige but we have to refuse demands that
will impose too great (36) __ cost on our own time and tranquility. Saying ‘no’ is every person’s ( 37) ____, and it need not seem
harsh or unkind. Whenever you find yourself about to say ‘yes’ but wanting to say ‘no’, try one of the following strategies.
Begin with a compliment. When (38) ___to serve on a committee, soften your refusal by saying: ‘I’m so glad you asked. I really
admire your organization, but I’m just too busy to accept your offer.’ The same approach works socially. Try: ‘There’s no one I’d (39)
___ have lunch with,’ when turning down an engagement. Or: ‘Jim and I always have a wonderful time at your parties, so I’m really
sorry we can’t make it.’ And at work: ‘I’m sure you wouldn’t assign this job to me if you didn’t think I (40) ____ handle it, but I really
am overloaded.’
And when emotional blackmail (41) ____you say ‘yes’, respond to only half of (42) ____ the person says. To a mother who laments,
“If you cared about me, (43) ______you wouldn’t make me spend Sunday alone,’ comment only (44) _____the first phrase. Ask: ‘How
long have you been telling yourself that I don’t care about you?’
35. A. in B. on C. ..x.. D. at
36. A. a B. ..x.. C. its D. the
37. A. emotion B. action C. prerogative D. motive
38. A. asking B. asked C. ask D. to ask
39. A. wish B. prefer C. rather D. like better
40. A. should B. would C. could D. might
41. A. used to make B. is used to making C. is used to make D. is used to be made
42. A. that B. whom C. how D. what
43. A. then B. so C. and D. for
44. A. at B. for C. on D. …x….
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 45to 54.
Living on land, however, are the land turtles, properly called tortoises, of which there are approximately forty different kinds. Of these,
Gopherus, including the three gopher tortoises, is found in the southern United States as far west as New Mexico. Gopher tortoises are
so called because they dig long burrows, which may be 50 feet long and provide a home for many other animals, such as frogs,
snakes, and borrowing owls. They are primarily vegetarians, feeding on grass and leaves. Berlandier’s tortoise, a slow-moving
inhabitant of the arid lands of southern Texas and Mexico, is especially fond of prickly-pear cactus.
The true tortoises come to water only to drink or bathe, and they are adapted to walking on land by their club-shaped feet. Their
limbs are covered with hard scales that often have a bony core. The shell is high-domed in all but a very few forms. The openings at
the front and rear of the shell are usually neatly closed by the retracted limbs on which the enlarged scales may be defensively
augmented with still larger spines. The head can be entirely withdrawn, the elbows meeting in the middle in front of it and the claws
of the forelimbs overlapping the lower edge of the opening at the front. The hard-scaled soles of the hind feet cover the openings at
the rear.
Tortoises have become symbols of leisurely movement, of longevity, and of persistence, as in Aesop’s fable of the hare and the
tortoise. All tortoises share the ability to live to a great age, but the longest life of any tortoise of which there is an authentic record
is of a great tortoise of the Seychelles Islands, whose age was known to be not less than 180 years.
45. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The characteristics of the land turtles B. The life spans of tortoises
C. The symbolism associated with tortoises D. The difference between the forty different kinds of land turtles
46. Which of the following is not mentioned as a characteristic of tortoises?
A. They have retracting limbs. B. They are well adapted to water.
C. Their heads can be entirely withdrawn into the shell. D. They have long lives.
47. Gopher tortoises primarily eat ___.
A. Frogs B. snakes C. grass and leaves D. prickly-pear cactus
48. The word “augmented” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ___.
A. added B. contained C. restricted D. enhanced
49. The passage preceding this one is probably about __.
A. sails B. water turtles C. borrowing animals D. owls
50. The word “authentic” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to___.
A. written B. historic C. genuine D. legendary
51. It can be inferred from the passage that tortoises
A. are very aggressive B. have a strong defense C. are very vulnerable D. may be soon extinct
52. According to the passage, how did the Gopher tortoise get its name?
A. From its diet consisting mainly of gophers B. From one of Aesop’s fable
C. From being a vegetarian D. From digging long burrows
53. It can be inferred from the passage that ___
A. The hare and the tortoise are both persistent B. The hare lives as long as the tortoise
C. Aesop’s fable of the hare and the tortoise is famous D. No tortoises can live over 180 years.
54. The tone of the passage could best be described as ___.
A. humorous B. argumentative C. objective D. persuasive
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 55 to 64.
It’s a sound you will probably never hear, a sickened tree sending out a distress signal. But a group of scientists has heard the cries,
and they think some insects also hear the trees and are drawn to them like vultures to a dying animal.
Researchers with the U.S Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service fastened sensors to the bark of drought-stricken trees and clearly
heard distress calls. According to one of the scientists, most parched trees transmit their plight in the 50- to 500-kilohertz range.
(The unaided human ear can detect no more than 20 kilohertz.) Red oak, maple, white pine and birch all make slightly different
sounds in the form of vibrations at the surface of the wood.
The scientists think that the vibrations are created when the water columns inside tubes that run the length of the tree break, a result
of too little water flowing through them. These fractured columns send out distinctive vibration patterns. Because some insects
communicate at ultrasonic frequencies, they may pick up the trees’ vibrations and attacked the weakened trees. Researchers are now
running tests with potted trees that have been deprived of water to see if the sound is what attracts the insects. “Water-stressed trees
also smell differently from other trees, and they experience thermal changes, so insects could be responding to something other than
sound,” one scientist said.
55. Which is following is the main topic of the passage?
A. The vibrations produced by insects B. the mission of the U.S Forest Service
C. the effect of insects on trees D. the sounds made by the trees
56. The word “ them” refers to ____
A. trees B. scientists C. insects D. vultures
57. The word “ parched” is closest in meaning to _____
A. burned B. dehydrated C. recovered D. damaged
58. The word “ plight” is closest in meaning to ___
A. cry B. condition C. need D. agony
59. It can be inferred from the passage that the sounds produced by the trees
A. served as a form of communication B. are the same no matter what type of tree produces them
C. cannot be heard by the unaided human ear D. fall into the 1-20-kilohertz range
60. The word “ fractured” is closest in meaning to ___
A. long B. blocked C. hollow D. broken
61. Which of following could be considered a cause of the trees’ distress signals?
A. torn roots B. attacked by insects C. experiments by scientists D. lack of water
62. The phrase “ pick up” could best be replaced by which of the following ?
A. perceive B. lift C. transmit D. attack
63. All of the following are mentioned as possible factors in drawing insects to weakened trees except
A. thermal changes B. smell C. sounds D. changes in color
64. It can be inferred from the passage that research concerning the distress signals of trees ___ .
A. was conducted many years ago B. has been unproductive up to now
C. is continuing D. is no longer sponsored by the government
Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.
65. I think you should buy a new pair of shoes and get rid of those trainers.
It’s high time ___________________________________________________________________________________________
66. It seems that no one predicted the correct result.
No one seems __________________________________________________________________________________________
67. Only new computer programs have enabled us to solve many problems quickly and accurately.
Only with the help _______________________________________________________________________________________
68. The northwest of Britain has more rain each year than the southeast.
The annual ____________________________________________________________________________________________
69. The journalists only heard about the changes to the wedding plans when they arrived at the venue.
It was only _____________________________________________________________________________________________
70. This case is similar to the one we investigated last year. (BEARS)
I. Mistake identification:
1. New uses (A) for plastics were found (B) during the (C) 1950's and 1960's in medicine, space, research, industrial (D), and
2. To form (A) a silicate glass, the liquid from which it is made must (B) be cooled rapidly enough (C) to prevent it (D)
3. Nearly (A) 75 percent of (B) the land of the (C) Canadian province of British Columbia are (D) covered by forests.
4. By distinguishing himself (A) as a judge (B) in Arizona, Sandra Day O'Connor caught (C) President Reagan's attention and was
appointed (D) the first woman justice on the Supreme Court.
5. The cotton mills of a hundred years ago (A) were hot, dust (B), noisy (C), dangerous places and the life of the millworkers was
(D) hard.
6. Doris Humphrey, a pioneer of modern dance in (A) the United States, was an innovative (B) in the (C) technique, choreography,
and theory (D) of dance movement.
7. The primary aim (A) of science horticultural (B) is to develop (C) plants of the highest quality that offer the promise of (D) high
8. The engineering (A) in charge of the design of a scientific tool works in close (B) partnership with (C) the scientist and the
technician (D).
9. Hammers are made (A) in many different shapes and sizes to do (B) a various (C) of jobs (D).
10. Red clover, the state flower (A) of Vermont, was the leading (B) leguminous hay crop of the northeastern region (C) of the United
States until it surpassed (D) by alfalfa.
11. Afterward (A) a heavy rain (B), a rainbow may spread all the way across the sky, its two ends seeming (C) to rest on (D) the
12. The Statue of Liberty is one of the most celebrating (A) examples of repousse work, a process (B) of hammering (C) metal inside
a (D) mold.
13. Observation (A) of the Sun, Moon, and stars has enabled humans (B) to determine both the seasons and (C) the time from (D) day.
14. The oriental fruit fly causes extensive (A) damage to grapefruit, lemons and oranges but does not (B) harm to the trees on
which (C) the fruit grows (D).
15. The hardness (A) of mineral (B) often gives (C) a clue to (D) its identity.
II. Guided cloze:
When I (1) ______ shopping, I enjoy visiting street (2) ______ and looking for (3) _____ I wander around looking at each (4) _____,
and asking about (5) _____. Many (6) _____ on sale are less (7) _____ than those in high-street shops, though the (8) _____ is not
always as good. It also depends on how much you want to (9) _____. Clothes are often (10) _____, but it is difficult to (11) _____
them on. It's always (12) _____ looking at second-hand books, because you can (13) _____ a lot of money in this way. Fresh fruit and
vegetables are usually good (14) _____, and there is always an excellent selection. The main problem is whether you can carry home
lots of (15) _____ bags!
1. A like B make C go D do
2. A markets B trades C shops D sales
3. A values B cheaper C special D bargains
4. A counter B table C stall D department
5. A costs B prices C values D figures
6. A produces B shopkeepers C offers D goods
7. A expensive B cost C priced D cheaper
8. A expense B package C kind D quality
9. A spend B use C make D cash
10. A fashion B cheaper C worn D logical
11. A purchase B carry C try D wrap
12. A worth B more C been D time
13. A borrow B spend C save D count
14. A health B value C time D taste
15. A hand B papers C more D heavy
III. Reading comprehension:
A useful definition of an air pollutant is a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in such quantities as to
affect humans, animals vegetations, or materials adversely. Air pollution requires a very flexible definition that permits continuous
change. When the first air pollution laws were established in England in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to
compounds that could be seen or smelled – a far cry from the extensive list of harmful substances known today. As technology has
developed and knowledge of the health aspects of various chemicals has increased, the list of air pollutants has lengthened. In the
future, even water vapor might be considered an air pollutant under certain conditions. Many of the more important air pollutants,
such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, are found in nature. As the Earth developed, the concentrations of these
pollutants were altered by various chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical cycle. These serve as an air
purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water or soil on a global basis, nature's output of these
compounds dwarfs that resulting form human activities. However, human production usually occurs in a localized area, such as a city.
In this localized regions, human output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification scheme of the cycle.
The result is an increased concentration of noxious chemicals in the air. The concentrations at which the adverse effects appear will
be greater than the concentrations that the pollutants would have in the absence of human activities. The actual concentration need
not be large for a substance to be a pollutant; in fact the numerical value tells us little until we know how much of an increase this
represents over the concentration that would occur naturally in the area. For example, sulfur dioxide has detectable health effects at
0.08 parts per million (ppm), which is about 400 times its natural level. Carbon monoxide, however, has a natural level of 0.1 ppm and
is not usually a pollutant until its level reaches about 15 ppm.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The economic impact of air pollution. (B) What constitutes an air pollutant.
(C) How much harm air pollutants can cause. (D) The effects of compounds added to the atmosphere.
2. The word "adversely" is closest in meaning to ________.
(A) negatively (B) quickly (C) admittedly (D) considerably
3. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ________.
(A) water vapor is an air pollutant in localized areas (B) most air pollutants today can be seen or smelled
(C) the definition of air pollution will continue to change (D) a substance becomes an air pollutant only in cities
4. The word "altered" is closest in meaning to ________.
(A) eliminated (B) caused (C) slowed (D) changed
5. Natural pollutants can play an important role in controlling air pollution for which of the following reasons?
(A) They function as part of a purification process. (B) They occur in greater quantities than other pollutants.
(C) They have existed since the Earth developed. (D) They are less harmful to living beings than are other pollutants.
6. According to the passage, which of the following is true about human-generated air pollution in localized regions?
(A) It can be dwarfed by nature's output of pollutants in the localized region.
(B) It can overwhelm the natural system that removes pollutants.
(C) It will damage areas outside of the localized regions.
(D) It will react harmfully with naturally occurring pollutants.
7. The word "noxious' is closest in meaning to
(A) harmful (B) noticeable (C) extensive (D) weak
8. According to the passage, the numerical valued of the concentration level of a substance is only useful if
(A) the other substances in the area are known (B) it is in a localized area
(C) the naturally occurring level is also known (D) it can be calculated quickly
9. The word "detectable" is closest in meaning to
(A) beneficial (B) special (C) measurable (D) separable
10. Which of the following is best supported by the passage?
(A) To effectively control pollution local government should regularly review their air pollution laws.
(B) One of the most important steps in preserving natural lands is to better enforce air pollution laws.
(C) Scientists should be consulted in order to establish uniform limits for all air pollutants.
(D) Human activities have been effective in reducing air pollution.
IV. Sentence transformation:
1. The accident happened because you were driving too fast.
If you __________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. I’d like you to give me a ring the moment you arrive.
As soon ________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. He went on a diet and lost a lot of weight.
Had he _________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. I suppose you are very tired after your long walk.
You ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. It would have been better if you had gone to bed earlier.
You should _______________________________________________________________________________________ so late.
6. I prefer reading books to playing with computers.
I’d rather _______________________________________________________________________________________________
7. What a pity I don’t know Spanish.
I wish __________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. Do you own that stereo?
Is that _________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. The man suddenly realized that the neighbor was watching him. (WATCHED)
The man suddenly ________________________________________________________________________________________
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 1 to 10.
Aging is the process of growing old. It occurs eventually in every living thing provided, of course, that an illness or accident does not
kill it prematurely. The most familiar outward signs of aging may be seen in old people, such as the graying of the hair and the
wrinkling of the skin. Signs of aging in a pet dog or cat include loss of playfulness and energy, a decline in hearing and eyesight, or
even a slight graying of the coat. Plants age too, but the signs are much harder to detect.
Most body plants grow bigger and stronger, and function more efficiently during childhood. They reach their peak at the time of
maturity, or early adulthood. After that they begin to decline. Bones, for example, gradually become lighter and more brittle. In the
aged, the joints between the bones also become rigid and more flexible. This can make moving very painful.
All the major organs of the body show signs aging. The brain, for example, works less efficiently, and even gets smaller in size.
Thinking processes of all sorts are slowed down. Old people often have trouble in remembering recent events.
One of the most serious changes of old age occurs in the arteries, the blood vessels that lead from the heart. They become thickened
and constricted, allowing less blood to flow to the rest of body. This condition accounts, directly or indirectly, for many of the diseases
of the aged. It may, for example, result in heart attack.
Aging is not a uniform process. Different parts of the body wear out at different rates. There are great differences among people
in their rate of aging. Even the cells of the body differ in the way they age. The majority of cells are capable of reproducing
themselves many times during the course of a lifetime. Nerve cells and muscle fibers can never be replaced once they wear out.
Gerontologists - scientists who study the process of aging - believe the wearing out of the body is controlled by a built - in biological
time - clock. They are trying to discover how this clock works so that they can slow down the process. This could give man a longer
life and a great number of productive years.
1. What is the main idea in the first paragraph?
A. Signs of aging are easier to detect in animals than in plants. B. The outward signs of aging may be seen in old people.
C. Aging occurs in every living thing after it has reached maturity. D. Not all signs of aging are visible.
2. Which piece of information is given in the passage?
A. Gerontologists can give man a longer life.
B. Gerontologists are studying how they can slow down the process of aging.
C. Gerontologists have discovered that aging is controlled by a built- in biological time- clock.
D. Gerontologists can prevent diseases connected with aging.
3. The human body begins to lose vigor and the ability to function efficiently _____.
A. soon after reaching adulthood B. before reaching adulthood C. during childhood D. in old age
4. In old age, the bones _______.
A. become more flexible B. become heavier C. cause much pain D. break easily
5. According to the passage, what condition is responsible for many of the diseases of the old?
A. Their trouble in remembering recent events B. The blood vessels that have become thickened and constricted
C. The rigid and inflexible joints between the bones D. The worn - out nerve cells and muscle- fibers
6. Many of the diseases of old people are the results of ______.
A. lack of blood B. the thickening of the blood vessels C. poor blood circulation D. low blood pressure
7. The statement "Aging is not a uniform process" in the fifth paragraph means that ______.
A. old people do not have the same outward signs of aging B. nerve cells and muscle fibers do not age simultaneously
C. not all people age at the same age D. the process of aging is slow
8. The word "arteries" in paragraph 4 refers to ______.
A. vessels that are thickened and constricted B. the paths along which blood flows to all parts of the body
C. the tubes carrying blood back to the heart D. such heart diseases as suffered by old people
9. When the brain begins to age,______.
A. eyesight will begin too B. memorization declines C. it becomes lighter D. the thinking processes stop
10. Which of the statements about aging is false?
A. People vary in their rates of aging. B. All body cells once worn out can never be replaced.
C. The cells of the body age in different ways. D. The various parts of the body do not wear out at the same rate.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 11 to 20.
Broad-tailed hummingbirds often nest in quaking, slender deciduous trees with smooth, gray-green bark found in the Colorado Rockies
of the Western United States. After flying some 2,000 kilometres north from where they have wintered in Mexico, the hummingbirds
need six weeks to build a nest, incubate their eggs, and raise the chicks. A second nest is feasible only if the first fails early in the
season. Quality, not quantity, is what counts in hummingbird reproduction.
A nest on the lowest intact branch of an aspen will give a hummingbird a good view, a clear flight patch, and protection for her young.
Male hummingbirds claim feeding territories in open meadows where, from late May through June, they mate with females coming to
feed but take no part in nesting. Thus when the hen is away to feed, the nest is unguarded. While the smooth bark of the aspen trunk
generally offers a poor grip for the claws of a hungry squirrel or weasel, aerial attacks, from a hawk, owl, or gray jay, are more likely.
The choice of where to build a nest is based not only on the branch itself but also on what hangs over it. A crooked deformity in the
nest branch, a second, unusually close branch overhead, or proximity to part of a trunk bowed by a past ice storm are features that
provide shelter and make for an attractive nest site. Scarcely larger than a halved golf ball, the nest is painstaking constructed of
spider webs and plant down, decorated and camouflaged outside with paper-like bits of aspen bark held together with more strands of
spider silk. By early June it will hold two pea-sized eggs, which each weigh one-seventh of the mother's weight, and in sixteen to
nineteen days, two chicks.
11. What aspect of broad-tailed hummingbird behaviour does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Mating habits B. Selection of nest sites C. Caring for the young D. Migration routes
12. According to the passage, in what circumstances do hummingbirds build a second nest?
A. If there is an unusually large supply of food. B. If the eggs are destroyed early in the season.
C. If the winner is unusually warm. D. If the chicks in the first nest hatch early.
13. The word "counts" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ___.
A. numbers B. estimates C. weighs D. matters
14. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the male broad-tailed hummingbird?
A. It protects the nest while the female searches for food. B. It is not involved in caring for the chicks.
C. It shares nesting duties equally with the female. D. It finds food for the female and the chicks.
15. It can be inferred from the passage that the broad-tailed hummingbirds' eggs and chicks are most vulnerable to attack by
A. humans B. insects C. birds D. squirrels
16. Which of the following would be a good location for a broad-tailed hummingbird to build its nest?
A. A thick branch B. the longest branch of a tree C. A branch near the top of a tree D. A protected branch
17. The word "Scarcely" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. Obviously B. Barely C. Consistently D. Needlessly
18. Which of the following was NOT mentioned in the passage as a nest-building material of the broad- tailed hummingbird?
A. Plant down B. Paper C. Spider webs D. Tree bark
19. The author compares the size of the broad-tailed hummingbird's nest to______.
A. a golf ball B. a spider web C. an egg D. a pea
20. According to the passage, how long does it take for broad-tailed hummingbird egg to hatch?
A. More than six weeks B. Two to three weeks C. One month D. Less than a week
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
21. A. annual B. vegetation C. eliminate D. survey
22. A. degree B. critical C. fertile D. minimum
23. A. canal B. casino C. canary D. canon
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of the main stress in each of the following questions.
24. A. engineer B. geography C. understand D. disappearance
25. A. minimize B. luxurious C. efficient D. conditional
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
26. Although both of them (A) are trying (B) to get (C) the scholarship, she has the highest (D) grades.
27. The new technique calls (A) for heat (B) the mixture before applying (C) it to the wood (D).
28. Chocolate is prepared by a complexity (A) process of cleaning, blending (B), and roasting cocoa beans, which (C) must be ground
and mixed with (D) sugar.
29. There are (A) large supply of pens (B) and notebooks in the storeroom (C) to the left of (D) the library entrance.
30. The president refuses to accept (A) either (B) of the four new proposals (C) made by (D) the contractors.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
31. Although we argued with him for a long time, he stood his ground.
A. changed his decision B. refused to change his decision C. felt sorry for us D. wanted to continue
32. Every woman who has enough criteria can join the beauty contest irrespective of their background.
A. regardless of B. in consideration of C. under guarantee D. on account of
33. I am concerned about my children.
A. angry B. worried C. happy D. sad
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s)in each of the
following questions.
34. The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
A. protect B. eliminate C. pollute D. destroy
35. My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play.
A. unimpaired B. unskilled C. ill-educated D. unqualified
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer that
best fits each of the numbered blanks.
When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently come across words you do not (36) ______ understand. Sometimes
you (37) _____ the meaning in a dictionary and sometimes you guess. The strategy you adopt depends very much upon the
(38)_____ of accuracy you require and the time at your disposal.
If you are the sort of person who tends to turn to the dictionary frequently, it is (39) ______ remembering that every
dictionary has its limitations. Eachdefinition is only an approximation and one builds up an accurate picture of the meaning of a word
only after meeting it in a (40) _______ of contexts. It is also important to recognize the special dangers of dictionaries that
translate from English into your native language and vice versa. If you must use a dictionary, it is usually far safer to (41) _______ an
English-English dictionary.
In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary. (42) _______ you are allowed to use one, it is very time-consuming to look
up words, and time in exams is usually limited. You are, (43)_______ , forced to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.
When- you come across unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic. However, if you develop efficient techniques for
guessing the meaning, you will (44) _______ a number of possible problems and help yourself to understand far more of the text than
you at first thought likely.
Two strategies which may help you guess the meaning of a word are: using contextual clues, both within the sentence and outside,
and making use of clues (45) _______ from the formation of the word.
36. A. totally B. completely C. wholly D. fully
37. A. control B. inspect C. check D. examine
38. A. extent B. level C. degree D. range
39. A. valuable B. worth C. essential D. vital
40. A. variation B. multiple C. diversity D. variety
41. A. consult B. refer C. survey D. inquire
42. A. Even if B. Provided C. Although D. In case
43. A. so that B. therefore C. however D. so
44. A. get over B. overcome C. surpass D. go over
45. A. originated B. extracted C. derived D. coming
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
46. Air consists of a combination of nitrogen and oxygen ______ in place by gravity.
A. are holding B. being hold C. holding D. held
47. We've lost everything. Still, there's no point in complaining. We'll just have to try and make ______.
A. the best of a bad job B. no bones about it C. a splash D. a clean sweep
48. My father always ______ the crossword in the newspaper before breakfast.
A. writes B. works C. does D. makes
49. She is a friendly person. She gets ______ all her neighbours.
A. up well with B. down well with C. on well with D. get off with
50. In the kitchen, there is a ______ table.
A. beautiful large round wooden C. wooden round large beautiful
B. large beautiful wooden round D. round large wooden beautiful
51. Sara brought in a lot of business last month; she should ask for a pay rise while she's still on a______.
A. roll B. roam C. run D. rush
52. - Janet: "My parents got divorced when I was 5." - Jean: "_____"
A. They shouldn't do that. B. How did it happen? C. You must have been shocked D. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
53. He didn't know anyone at the wedding ___ than the bride and the groom.
A. except B. other C. apart D. rather
54. - Jack: "Have you heard John's getting married again?" Jean: "Really? Who _____?"
A. with B. to C. at D. for
55. We suggested that she ______ the 10:30 train immediately.
A. take B. has to take C. might take D. may take
56. I was enjoying my book, but I stopped ______a programme on TV.
A. to read to watch B. reading to watch C. to read for watching D. reading for watching
57. The child pleaded ignorance______ the vase was broken.
A. When asked him how B. when was he asked if C. when they asked him that D. when asked how
58. - Customer: "Hello, I'd like to speak with Mrs. Smith." -Clerk:"______"
A. Sure B. Who are you? C. Hang on, please, I will put you through. D. Of course you can.
59. I realized ______ that he was a thief.
A. sooner or later B. all along C. at the beginning D. eventually
60. This is ______ the most difficult job I've ever had to do.
A. by heart B. by chance C. by far D. by myself
61. Many species of wild life are______ of extinction.
A. at risk B. on the verge C: on the side D. in dangers
62. As I won't be able to attend the meeting, I'd like you to sign _______.
A. on my account B. on my name C. on my place D. on my behalf
63. By 2050, medical technology ______ many current incurable diseases.
A. has conquered B. will conquer C. will have conquered D. is conquering
64. Of all the candidates we interviewed, ______ the necessary qualifications and experience.
A. only one of them has B. only one of whom has C. there is the only one who has D. the only one who has
Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.
65. We should not laugh at the invalid and the old.
We should not make ______________________________________________________________________________________
66. The referee blew his whistle and brought the football game to a halt. (STOPPED)
Blowing ________________________________________________________________________________________________
67. The sole survivor of the plane crash was Lucy.
Lucy was _______________________________________________________________________________________________
68. She is unqualified to fill the position as executive secretary of the firm.
The job of executive secretary requires _______________________________________________________________________
69. “Why don’t you buy that book?”
Tom suggested __________________________________________________________________________________________
70. People know more about my novels than the plays I write. (BETTER)
I'm ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:

1. It is true that a __________ many people are involved in the use of English.
a. lot b. great c. big d. few
2. I don’t know how she could manage __________ the task in two days.
a. to do b. doing c. to doing d. at doing
3. If she had a family ____________, she’d be happier.
a. which cooks for b. whom she cooks for c. to cook d. to cook for
4. ___________ do women bear a lot of children.
a. No more b. How much c. How many d. Not much
5. She hopes ___________ to join the club. She can make business contact there.
a. to invite b. to be inviting c. to be invited d. being invited
6. The results of Dr. Noll’s experiment ___________ published in a scientific journal.
a. is b. were c. was d. has been
7. He had to make a decision ________ the spot.
a. by b. at c. with d. on
8. When the focus of a pair of binoculars is adjusted, into view.
a. bringing distant objects b. distant objects can be brought c. and bring distant objects d. to bring distant objects
9. From the Iroquois tradition of behind-the scenes political participation by women, Alice Jemison acquired a self-confidence that
in her later crusades.
a. her served well b. served well her c. served her well d. her well served
10. Because of its importance in modern living, in all parts of the world.
a. algebra is studied in schools and colleges b. studying algebra in schools and colleges
c. and the study of algebra in schools and colleges d. in schools and colleges are algebra studies
11. _______ in the diet is especially important for vegetarians.
a. Enough protein is obtained b. Obtaining enough protein c. They obtain enough protein d. By obtaining enough protein
12. The early work of Edith Wharton the relationship between the individual and the community.
a. focuses attention on b. focusing the attention on c. the attention is focused on d. is the attention and focus
13. Archaeologists know 35,000 years ago, but it is still unclear for precisely what purpose.
a. drawing being practiced b. when the practice of drawing c. that drawing was practiced d. practicing of drawing
14. Coral reefs owe their brilliant colors to algae in symbiosis with coral polyps.
a. that live b. do they live c. why they live d. live
15. The specialized nature of anthropological research makes that various groups of people be studied to determine their
similarities and differences.
a. imperative is b. it imperative c. it is imperative d. it is an imperative
16. Watercolor provides a brilliant transparency and freshness, it allows extraordinarily free brushwork.
a. that b. during c. which d. and
17. The common cold, normally illness, can seriously threaten the health of postoperative patients.
a. can be minor b. as minor c. minor an d. a minor
18. Commercial expansion from city to suburb has affected the way people in the United States .
a. living and working b. they live and work c. live and work d. to live and to work
19. Only recently possible to separate the components of fragrant substances and to determine their chemical composition.
a. it becomes b. having become c. has it become d. which becomes
20. Vy: How do you find HCM City?~ Jim: ______________.
A. Are you living there? B. I got a map from a friend. C. It’s a beautiful city. D. By bus.
II. Mistake identification:
1. Sculptor (a) Duane Hanson is noted (b) for his many life-sized and (c) realistic figure (d).
2. A liquid does not have reach (a) its boiling (b) point to (c) evaporate completely (d).
3. The discovery (a) of gold in California in 1848 brought (b) more than (c) 40,000 prospectors there by (d) two years.
4. Some (a) psychologists believe what (b) even when a person suffers (c) from amnesia, some memory (d) remains in the
5. The Aeneid was the greatest (a) achievement in the golden age of Latin literature, and it does (b) continued to influence (c) poets
through the (d) centuries.
6. The Appalachian Range of North America is made up (a) of a broken (b) chain of (c) ridges, plateaus, and mountainous (d).
7. Bacteria are either (a) plants nor animals, but are (b) single-celled organisms that reproduce most (c) commonly through (d)
binary fission.
8. W. A. Burpee was one (a) of the first (b) merchants to establish (c) a successfully (d) mail order business.
9. Fine (a) handmade lace (b) is traditionally making (c) of linen thread (d).
10. The Van de Graaff generator, an electrostatic machine (a) used of (b) nuclear physics to study (c) transformations in subatomic
particles, produces (d) powerful electric currents.
III. Sentence transformation:
1. She didn’t want to talk about the problem. (KEEN)
2. Whose idea was it to organize a party for her?
Who came ______________________________________________________________________________________________
3. She’s never had a job in management before now.
It’s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Despite knowing the correct answer, he didn’t say anything
Although _______________________________________________________________________________________________
5. “May we use the computer now?” they said to the teacher.
They asked _____________________________________________________________________________________________
6. When did she start preparing for her overseas study?
How long _______________________________________________________________________________________________
7. “I wasn’t to blame for the burnt house!” said Julia. (SETTING)
→ Julia ________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. Jasper warned me about the dog, so I didn’t stroke it.
→ But for _______________________________________________________________________________________________
9. There have been rumours that Peter and Jane are getting married.
→ Peter and Jane ________________________________________________________________________________________
10. Please don’t put your feet on the sofa.
→ I’d sooner ____________________________________________________________________________________________
11. Drop in and see us if you ever come to Ho Chi Minh City. (HAPPEN)
→ Should _______________________________________________________________________________________________
12. Simon said he had no idea what he was doing for the first few weeks of his new job. (DEPTH)
Simon said he ___________________________________________________________________________________________
13. I think they’re largely responsible for what’s happened.(SMALL)
I hold them _____________________________________________________________________________________________
14. You should never reveal this secret to anyone.
On no account ___________________________________________________________________________________________
IV. Guided cloze:
Choosing clothes can be difficult. Some people want to be (1) ___, but they want to look exactly (2) ___ everybody else. Not all clothes are
(3) _____ for work or school, perhaps because they're not (4) ___ enough or simply not (5) ___. It is easy to buy the (6) _____ size, and find
that your trousers are too (7) _____, especially if you're a little bit (8) ___. Very (9) _____ clothes make you feel (10) _____, but when they
have (11) _____ in the washing machine, then you have the same problem! If you buy light (12) _____ clothes, then they might not be (13)
_____ enough for winter. If your shoes are not (14) _____, and if you aren't (15) _____ for the cold, you might look good, but feel terrible!
1. A of fashion B fashioned C fashionable D fashion
2. A alike B like C similar D same
3. A fitted B suitable C comfort D equal
4. A formal B strict C uniform D suited
5. A comforting B comfort C comforted D comfortable
6. A false B mistake C wrong D error
7. A straight B close C stiff D tight
8. A slim B overweight C thin D enormous
9. A loose B lose C loosened D lost
10. A thin B slim C narrow D spare
11. A lessened B reduced C decreased D shrunk
12. A of cotton B in cotton C cotton D cottoned
13. A warm B cold C hot D cool
14. A tight B enclosed C firm D waterproof
15. A worn B clothed C dressed D fitted
Le Hong Phong High School
Teacher: Vu My Lan


Choose the correct answer:
1. Kate is quite _______; she is good at waiting.
A. impatient B. untrustworthy C. frizzy D. tolerant
2. Fiona never keeps things in a tidy way. She is ______.
A. messy B. bossy C. carefree D. out-going
3. It is not easy to please Helen. She is not as ______ as people say.
A. out-going B. pleased C. choosy D. easy-going
4. Old as Wills is, he is not _______ at all.
A. simple-minded B. narrow-minded C. open-minded D. absent-minded
5. Since her first success in the film, Sarah has become so _____ that she rarely has
A. arrogant B. reliant C. drilled D. puzzled
6. I love to tell people what to do; am I ______?
A. tolerable B. negotiable C. bossy D. active
7. Without lunch, little John would be ______ in the afternoon.
A. grumpy B. nosy C. thrifty D. tricky
8. Rita is so ______, always looking in the mirror and taking pride in her look.
A. vanish B. vanity C. vain D. vains
9. The soil is not _____ enough; it is so poor that the farmers cannot cultivate.
A. fertile B. wealthy C. dense D. plentiful
10. If you want a loan, you will have to see the banker ______.
A. in private B. in person C. in vain D. in fact
11. After years living abroad, the girl did not feel ______ to her country any more.
A. closed B. attached C. fastened D. sticky
12. The ______ weather is the result of human interference in nature.
A. extreme B. serious C. clashing D. orthodox
13. We are under no ______ to give you a refund, for you did not purchase things here.
A. tension B. responsibility C. assignment D. obligation
14. The new assembly ______ costs more than the factory expected. assembly line
A. system B. chain C. link D. line
15. The Internet allows information to ______ and cultures to ______.
A. leak-shift B. flow-spread C. spread-form D. reveal-learn
16. Globalisation can ______ foreign trade and create better marketplace.
A. facilitate B. force C. devote D. conduct
17. The Inuit value harmony and _______ arguments and fighting.
A. argue for B. long for C. frown on D. back up
18. The Inuit often wear _____ hoods called parkas.
A. fur-lined B. fur-lining C. line-furred D. line-furring
19. They villagers danced _______ the beat of a massive drum.
A. on B. to C. with D. at
20. Living in a(n) ______ family can offer you a lot of benefits such as sharing and support.
A. nuclear B. model C. extended D. intensive
21. Mark can have quick and ______ decisions, so he is chosen as the group leader.
A. sensitive B. sensational C. sensible/reasonable D. nonsense
22. The accountant has to ______ track of all of the figures.
A. make B. have C. take D. keep
23. Her intelligence ______ her lack of physical strength.
A. Takes up B. makes up for C. does up for D. comes in for
24. What ______!
Le Hong Phong High School
Teacher: Vu My Lan

A. nice handwriting B. a nice handwriting

C. nice handwriting is it D. handwriting it is nice
25. Her hair is shoulder- ______ and she is wearing a blue scarf.
A. Long B. length C. lengthened D. longed

Word forms:
1. Children learn history through mythical stories.
2. The elderly people in the village make most of the decisions.
3. The semi-detached houses may cost a little cheaper than other kinds of houses.
4. Ancestors used to live as hunter- gatherers, looking for food from place to place.
5. Human intervention in nature has caused a lot of natural disasters.
6. The passengers were reminded not to take their possessions with them while
7. The police are looking into the disappearance of the invaluable painting.
8. The reporters were all disappointed at the non-appearance of some stars.
9. As a leader, Mina has to practice her decisiveness, and time management / timing.
10. The diversity of ethnicities has characterized the culture of the country.

Fill in each blank with a suitable word:

We make decisions all the time, but we can never be certain whether we are right or wrong. The
work you choose to do may be suitable for you or it may not. Is the person you marry a perfect
match or the worst possible choice? Suppose you have saved money for the future. If you invest
it wisely, it will grow in value. If you don’t, you will lose the lot in a foolish moment. You may think
you have a healthy/balanced/good diet, but the food you eat can actually/sometimes be very
bad for you. Perhaps you travel a lot by plane. All the flights you make are routine, but one of
them could be your destiny/last. You may decide to meet/befriend someone on line, but then
regret having such a ridiculous relationship. It sometimes does not take long to answer a
question and it is the correct/right answer. Meanwhile, sometimes it takes hours or days to
come up with an answer which later turns out to be a big mistake. Decisions! Decisions! But we
don’t learn from experience. Experience is the quality that allows us to go on making the same
mistakes with more confidence!

Correct the mistake in each of the following sentences:

1. Sarah was the only child of the five who have has got a driving license.
2. Fiona together with her neighbors are is flying to New York for holiday.
3. The letter could must not have been written by the monks in the monastery at the end of
the 16th century.
4. Walking slowly down the street, the stalls looked crowded with tourists and local
5. By the end of (the) next October you will get have got at least five more orders from
6. It is highly demanded that the news bulletin is be/should be broadcast at 7pm, rather
than at 6pm as usual.
7. The tourists would rather had have taken more pictures when they paid a visit to the holy
8. The spaceship II will have has been launched by the time the spaceship I returns to the
earth. (similar to 5)
9. Bora has sent five letters to the publishers asking asked whether they have read them
and what their remarks are.
Le Hong Phong High School
Teacher: Vu My Lan

10. While one robber was busy taking the money from the boxes, the other robber threatened
to shooting the clerk if he moved.


1. The oil _______ was so serious that the environmentalists had to spend weeks cleaning.
A. span B. crash C. wreck D. spill
2. Some of the residents refused to be ________ from the flooding areas.
A. vacated B. evacuated C. removed D. relocated
3. After the landslide, mud _________ many houses in the village.
A. sank B. buried C. drowned D. submerged
4. It is very dangerous to have a gas ________ in enclosed areas.
A. spill B. drip C. leak D. outlet
5. Mark got a _______ ankle when he played football with his friends.
A. sprained B. twisting C. scratched D. wounded
6. The cat left some ________ on the sofa; I should not have got it.
A. scratches B. twists C. cracks D. tracks
7. Just a few minutes after the fall, Helen’s knee became ________.
A. puffed B. inflated C. rounded D. swollen
8. It was a miracle when all 16 people could ________ the shipwreck.
A. survive B. save C. overcome D. get over
9. After the lost ships were found, all of the fishing villagers felt ______.
A. restrained B. revived C. relieved D. retreated
10. I ________ Mom to make me a cherry cake for birthday when I was young.
A. was used to ask B. would ask C. often ask D. was asking
11. A ______ moon is the one moving towards a new moon.
A. waning B. waxing C. full D. half
12. The _______ of the moon change in a progressive sequence.
A. stages B. periods C. steps D. phases
13. It takes the moon about 28 days to _______ the earth.
A. surround B. whirl C. rotate D. orbit
14. Mark has become ________ rich after the TV show.
A. vastly B. incredibly C. seriously D. invariably
15. We, ________, have to present a topic of our own choice.
A. by nature B. on the spot C. in rotation D. with regard
16. ______ of lightnings lit up the sky and we could hear _______ of thunder.
A. Bolts/rolls B. Shades/ roars C. Flakes/ rounds D. Rays/ rolls
17. Mark’s face is like ________; he has just found out that his colleagues played a trick on
A. fog B. thunder C. shower D. heat
18. Nothing _______ the thrill of the storm chase and I never forgot it.
A. beat B. surpassed C. was compared D. was alike
19. Stars are bright ________ of light, while planets reflect light.
A. supplies B. resources C. novae D. streams
20. The soil is _________ after years of cultivation.
A. infertile B. barren C. deserted D. lacking
21. Katie _______ is the nicest receptionist I have ever met.
A. by large B. in most C. by far D. far and wide
22. The bucket has a hole in it. It is ________ water all over the floor.
A. pouring B. dripping C. throwing D. splashing
Le Hong Phong High School
Teacher: Vu My Lan

23. It is ________ with rain outside; you should not cycle to work.
A. pouring B. drizzling C. soaking D. discharging
24. I ______ a shower when I came back from school when I was young.
A. was taking B. ought to take C. had better take D. would take
25. Flames destroyed the factory, but luckily, they workers ______.
A. fled B. evacuated C. survived D. rushed
1. The relationship was strengthened with mutual effort to help each other. (strong)
2. The price has been brought to reduction one, but the customers still think it is high.
3. Because of the low temperature, the astronaut’s helmet was fogged up with moisture.
4. Don’t get panicked in case of fire (panic). Fire extinguishers (extinguish) are available
on every floor.
5. After years living abroad, Mark felt less attached to his mother land. Instead, he had a
strong attachment / bond to the country where he spent most time in. (attach)
6. The conservationists have been working very hard to protect the wilderness. (conserve)
7. The historical value of these artifacts is so great that experts have been brought in.
8. The lift-off took longer than the astronauts had expected. (lift)
9. Most of the satellites are man-made, carrying out missions carefully designed for them.
10. ________ (Allow) were available to cover the cost of hosting an evacuation. (evacuate)
11. Inexperienced employees will receive training in the next 3 months. (Experience)
12. After the floods, massive changes and restoration have to be taken into account.
13. He left the conference room unnoticed.
14. I wonder what the content of the course is. I hope it won’t be too familiar.
15. The company has seen phenomenal growth for the last 6 months. (phenomenon)

CLOZE – Supply each blank with ONE word

According to experts, shyness is a growing problem in a modern world. This is said to be
due to our loss of social skills, (1) which in turn is due to our increasing dependence on computers
and telephones for communicating with other people. To (2) make matters worse we only
exchange information and our emotions are suppressed. Consequently, (3) there is less face-to-
face contact between people nowadays.
Over half the people in the world consider (4) themselves to be shy. Shy people don’t just
find (5) it hard to deal with other people but they often feel that they are inadequate and blame
themselves whenever anything (6) goes wrong, (7) rather than looking for other causes.
Another cause of shyness may be the way the children are treated when they are (8)
brought up. Children who are made to feel that the world is a dangerous place and that other
people are likely to cheat them or take (9) advantage of them may well become shy adults.
Children who are made to feel that they are special and that other people are like them are more
(10) likely to be confidential adults.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. arrogant B. anxious C. ambitious D. animal

2. A. gathered B. belonged C. attached D. supplied

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

3. A. responsibility B. obligation C. developmental D. globalization

4. A. harmony B. mythical C. tradition D. popular

Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.

5. No matter how young are you, you should take responsibility to do some housework family
to help your parents
6. Food prices have raised so rapidly in the past few months that some families have been
forced to alter their eating habits.
7. The purpose of the United Nations, general speaking, is to maintain peace and security and to
encourage respect for human rights.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
8. If you don’t have the best of everything, try to _____ the best of everything.
a. get b. make c. take d. do
9. We were told about a tree _____ baboons, which was amazing.
a. full with b. laden of c. crowded in d filled with
10. The villagers here are _____ and fit because of their healthy lifestyle.
a. strong b. healthy c. well d. lean
11. Using his native language, one of the tribesmen enthusiastically invited me _____ the hunt.
a. on b. to c. for d. in
12. Water scarcity is a serious problem here because water is always in _____ supply.
a. little b. few c. short d. bad
13. The people here live completely _____ what nature provides.
a. by b. off c. with d. for
14. To experience their way of living myself, I had to come and meet these people in _____.
a. time b. fact c. secret d. person
15. Dinner is ready. Just _____ in, everyone.
a. dive b. turn c. move d. take
16. The kids in my family are very _____ to their grandpa because they love listening to his stories.
a. interested b. excited c. enthusiastic d. attached

17. A: “What do you think about this solution?”
B: “ _____, I would prefer another one.
a. If you ask me b. That’s right c. Certainly not d. You are wrong there
18. Don’t _____ to conclusions. It may be his daughter that he is dancing with.
a. reach b. come c. reach d. jump/leap
19. The internet allows information to _____ and cultures to _____.
a. flow/spread b. express/transmit c. link/show d. differ/produce
20. The Inuit are those who treasure harmony and _____ on arguments and fighting.
a. detest b. reject c. frown d. avoid
21. _____ are the Inuit’s means of transportation.
a. Igloos b. Fur-lined hoods c. Parkas d. dogsleds

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

22. Around 150 B.C. the Greek astronomer Hipparchus developed a system to classify stars according to
A. shine B. record C. categorize D. diversify
23. My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play.
A. skillful B. famous C. perfect D. modest

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. It was inevitable that the smaller company should merge with the larger.
A. urgent B. avoidable C. important D. necessary
25. A frightening number of illiterate students are graduating from college.
A. inflexible B. considerate C. eager to go to school D. able to read and write

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original one.

26. Her grief was so great that she almost fainted.
A. So great was her grief that she almost fainted.
B. It is her great grief that made her almost fainted.
C. Although her grief was so great, she almost fainted.
D. Her grief was so that she almost fainted.
27. It’s thought that the accident was caused by human error.
A. The accident is thought to have been caused by human error.
B. Human error was thought to cause the accident.
C. The accident was caused by human error.
D. It is human error that causes the accident.
28. Would you mind not smoking in here?
A. Please not to smoke in here.
B. I’d rather not smoke in here.
C. I’d rather you didn’t smoke in here.
D. Why not smoke in here?
Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. He came home late. This made us worried.
A. Which made us worried was that he came home late.
B. He came home late, which made us worried.
C. It was not until he came home that we were worried.
D. That he came home late makes us worried.
30. We play tennis worse than them.
A. They play tennis as well as us.
B. We don’t play tennis as good as them.
C. We don’t play tennis as well as do they.
D. They play tennis better than we are.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

One rather unlikely word that has recently entered the language is “blog”, a shortened form of “web log”. A
blog is a diary posted on the Internet by the person writing it – the blogger – who presumably (31) ……… other
people to read it. It is ironical that modern technology is being used to breathe new life into such an old-fashioned
form as the personal journal. And now, as the technology about video camera is making easier to use, we have the
video log, or “blog”. Blogging does not require highly sophisticated equipment: a digital video camera, a high-speed
Internet connection and a host are all that is needed. Bloggers can put anything that takes their fancy onto their
personal website. Some bloggers have no ambitions rather than to show films they have (32) ……… while on
holiday in exotic places. However, blogs can also (33) ……… more ambitious purposes. For instance, amateur film-
makers who want to make a (34) ……… for themselves might publish their work on the Internet. And increasingly,
blogs are being used to (35) ………. political and social issues that are not newsworthy enough to get coverage by
the mass media. It is still too early to predict whether blogging will ever take off in a major way or if it is just a
passing fad, but its potential is only now becoming apparent.

31. A. believes B. expects C. assumes D. supposes

32. A. shot B. photographed C. snapped D. captured
33. A. serve B. employ C. function D. play
34. A. publicity B. fame C. name D. promotion
35. A. emphasize B. publicize C. distribute D. circulate

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions below.

The Moon has been worshipped by primitive peoples and has inspired humans to create everything from
lunar calendars to love sonnets, but what do we really know about it? The most accepted theory about the origin of
the Moon is that it was formed of the debris from a massive collision with the young Earth about 4.6 billion years
ago. A huge body, perhaps the size of Mars, struck the Earth, throwing out an immense amount of debris that
coalesced and cooled in orbit around the Earth.
The development of Earth is inextricably linked to the moon; the Moon’s gravitational influence upon the
Earth is the primary cause of ocean tides. In fact, the Moon has more than twice the effect upon the tides than
does the Sun. The Moon makes one rotation and completes a revolution around the Earth every 27 days, 7 hours,
and 43 minutes. This synchronous rotation is caused by an uneven distribution of mass in the Moon (essentially, it
is heavier on one side than the other) and has allowed the Earth’s gravity to keep one side of the Moon
permanently facing Earth. It is an average distance from Earth of 384,403 km.
The Moon has no atmosphere; without an atmosphere, the Moon has nothing to protect it from meteorite
impacts, and thus the surface of the Moon is covered with impact craters, both large and small. The Moon also
has no active tectonic or volcanic activity, so the erosive effects of atmospheric weathering, tectonic shifts, and
volcanic upheavals that tend to erase and reform the Earth’s surface features are not at work on the Moon. In fact,
even tiny surface features such as the footprint left by an astronaut in the lunar soil are likely to last for millions of
years, unless obliterated by a chance meteorite strike. The surface gravity of the Moon is about one-sixth that of
the Earth’s. Therefore, a man weighing 82 kilograms on Earth would only weigh 14 kilograms on the Moon.
The geographical features of the Earth most like that of the Moon are, in fact, places such as the Hawaiian
volcanic craters and the huge meteor crater in Arizona. The climate of the Moon is very unlike either Hawaii or
Arizona, however; in fact the temperature on the Moon ranges between 123 degrees C. to –233 degrees C.

36. What is the passage primarily about?

A. the Moon’s effect upon the Earth
B. the origin of the Moon
C. what we know about the Moon and its differences to Earth
D. a comparison of the Moon and the Earth
37. The word “massive” in line 3 is closest in meaning to
A. unavoidable B. dense C. huge D. impressive
38. According to the passage, the Moon is ……
A. older than the Earth B. protected by a dense atmosphere
C. composed of a few active volcanoes D. the primary cause of Earth’s ocean tides
39. Why does the author mention “impact craters” in line 13?
A. to show the result of the Moon not having an atmosphere
B. to show the result of the Moon not having active tectonic or volcanic activity
C. to explain why the Moon has no plant life because of meteorites
D. to explain the corrosive effects of atmospheric weathering
40. The word “erase” in line 15 is closest in meaning to
A. change B. impact C. obliterate D. erupt

41. A person on the Moon would weigh less than on the Earth because
A. of the composition of lunar soil
B. the surface gravity of the Moon is less
C. the Moon has no atmosphere
D. the Moon has no active tectonic or volcanic activity
42. All of the following are true about the Moon EXCEPT
A. it has a wide range of temperatures
B. it is heavier on one side than the other
C. it is unable to protect itself from meteorite attacks
D. it has less effect upon the tides than the Sun
43. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. the Moon is not able to support human life
B. if the Moon had no gravitational influence, the Earth would not have tides
C. people living in Hawaii and Arizona would feel at home on the Moon
D. Mars could have been formed in a similar way to the Moon

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions below.
Are organically grown foods the best food choice? The advantages claimed for such foods over
conventionally grown and marketed food products are now being debated. Advocates of organic foods – a term
whose meaning varies greatly – frequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.
The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is
a welcome development. However, much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping claims that the food
supply is unsafe or inadequate in meeting nutritional needs. Although most of these claims are not supported by
scientific evidence, the preponderance of written material advancing such claims makes it difficult for the general
public to separate fact from fiction. As a result, claims that eating a diet consisting entirely of organically grown
foods prevents or cures disease or provides other benefits to health have become widely publicized and form the
basis for folklore.
Almost daily the public is besieged by claims for no “aging-diet” diets, new vitamins, and other wonder
foods. There are numerous unsubstantiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that
fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains,
and the like.
One thing that most organically grown food products seem to have in common is that they cost more than
conventionally grown foods. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain
health and provide better nutritional quality than conventional grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if
consumers, particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expensive organic
foods instead.

44. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The controversy over the choice of organic foods
B. The advantages of organic foods over regular food supplies
C. The health benefits provided by organic foods
D. The variety of natural organic foods
45. The word “Advocates” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. Proponents B. Merchants C. Inspectors D. Consumers
46. In paragraph 1, the word “others” refers to ______.
A. advantages B. advocates C. organic foods D. products
47. The “welcome development” mentioned in paragraph 2 is a increase in ______.
A. interest in food safety and nutrition among North Americans
B. the nutritional quality of the typical North American diet
C. the amount of healthy food grown in North America
D. the number of consumers in North America
48. According to the first paragraph, which of the following is true about the term “organic foods”?
A. It is accepted by most nutritionists B. It has been used only in recent years.
C. It has no fixed meaning. D. It is seldom used by consumers.
49. The author implies that there is cause for concern if consumers with limited incomes buy organic foods instead
of conventional grown foods because ______.
A. organic foods can be more expensive but are often no better than conventional grown foods
B. many organic foods are actually less nutritious than similar conventional grown foods
C. conventional grown foods are more readily available than organic foods
D. too many farmers will stop using conventional methods to grow food crops

50. According to the last paragraph, consumers who believe that organic foods are better than conventional grown
foods are often
A. careless B. mistaken C. thrifty D. wealthy


1. That statement is unclear and open to INTERPRETATION. (INTERPRET)
2. Dad has INGENEROUSLY said no to my request for some more pocket money. (GENEROUS)
3. TRUSTWORTHY as the new worker may be, he is favored by the boss. (TRUST)
4. My cousin holds joint CITIZENSHIP in Canada and Vietnam. (CITIZEN)
5. A: “Here is the information you requested.”
B: “Oh. I am much OBLIGED to you.” (OBLIGATE)

1. Linda is the most persuasive speaker in our group.
→ No one else in our group speaks as persuasively as Linda.
2. All the films I’ve seen aren’t as interesting as this one.
→ This is the first time I have seen such an interesting film.
3. The wind blew very strongly. We could hardly walk home.
→ So strongly did the wind blow that we could hardly walk home.
4. We first met each other 10 years ago.
→ It was 10 years ago that we first met each other.
5. They went out without a raincoat despite the heavy rain.
→ Heavily as it rained, they went out without a raincoat.


Sentence transformation:
1) It was difficult for Sarah to learn to read in Japanese.
 Sarah had difficulty learning to read in Japanese. (difficulty)
2) The police had to find out whose fingerprints they were
 The police had to find out whom the fingerprints belonged to. (belonged)
3) Many people say that there is a ghost in that house.
 There is supposed to be a ghost in that house. (supposed)
4) It might rain this afternoon so take an umbrella.
 Take an umbrella in case it rains this afternoon. (rains)
5) You didn't need to rewrite the composition.
 It was not necessary to rewrite the composition. (was)

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
In April 2001, Dennis Tito became (1) _____ as the world's first "space tourist," paying his own way on a Russian Soyuz
(2) _____ to spend a week on the International Space Station.
He agreed to replace any equipment he broke and to stay (3)_____ in the Russian part of the station, though NASA
allowed him an escorted visit into the American sections. He reportedly paid $20 million for the privilege.
At the time, NASA and the Canadian, European and Japanese space agencies said it was a one-time exception. The world's
five biggest space agencies have now (4) ______ health and training standards for both astronauts and visitors to the space
(5) _____.
Tito was (6) _____ a year later by South African internet millionaire Mark Shuttleworth. Greg Olsen, (7) _____ American
entrepreneur and scientist, became the third space tourist in October 2005.
The fourth space tourist, Anousheh Ansari, a tech businesswoman, went up on a Soyuz spacecraft on September 18, 2006.
Ansari set many firsts with her (8) _____: she became the first female space tourist, the first Muslim woman in space and the
first Iranian in space. While it is known that Tito, Shuttleworth and Olsen all (9) _______ about $20 million to go into space,
Ansari's agreement (10) _____ the Russian space agency forbids her from talking about how much she paid for her ticket.
Simonyi is said to become the fifth space tourist.
1. A. famous B. excited C. encouraging D. fond
2. A. spaceman B. spacecraft C. spacesuit D. space helmet
3. A. comfortably B. successfully C. approximately D. mainly
4. A. sent B. orbited C. established D. refunded
5. A. station B. bed C. age D. fiction
6. A. pursued B. run C. chased D. followed
7. A. a B. an C. the D. no article
8. A. plane B. flight C. craft D. shuttle
9. A. took B. borrowed C. paid D. lent
10. A. for B. in C. on D. with

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
The first successful manned mission to the moon will always remain a profoundly heroic page in the human history. In 1969,
with the space technologies being still rather primitive, but the exploration spirit and scientific curiosity burning high and
bright, the USA started its dramatic Apollo lunar program. On July 20 th, 1969, the first in the history of the humankind
manned flight landed on the moon with a fascinating triumph. Astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first man from the
planet Earth to step on the surface of the moon.
Apollo 11, launched on July 16 of 1969 from the Kennedy Space Center, happened to be the fifth mission of the American
Apollo program on the manned exploration of the moon. That was also the third manned flight towards the moon. The crew
on board of Apollo 11 included commander Neil Alden Armstrong, lunar module pilot Edwin Eugene Aldrin, and command module
pilot Michael Collins. Almost a million 'people were witnessing the spacecraft launch from the nearby beaches and
highways. Millions of other people, including American President Nixon, were anxiously watching that grand event on TV.
After Apollo 11 had reached the orbit of the moon, the astronauts started preparing for the historical lunar land ing. The
convenient, smooth and flat, landing site in the area had been found. The descending of the lunar module Eagle carrying
Armstrong and Aldrin was controlled by computers from the NASA Mission Control Center in Texas. Neil Armstrong had to quickly
react to prevent a disaster. He took manual control of their lunar module and, at last, at 20:17 of the 20th of July, the first
manned mission successfully landed on the moon. They only had 30 seconds of fuel left to complete the landing! In six and a
half hours after the Eagle had descended, Neil Armstrong, for the first time in the history of the humankind, stepped onto
the surface of the Moon. His lunar words That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind" became famous all
over the world. Later, he was followed by Aldrin. Despite some technical complications, hundreds of millions of people on the
Earth were able to see the first images of the astronauts in spacesuits moving on the surface of the moon.
For the remaining hours that the piloted lunar module spent on the moon's surface, the astronauts planted on the moon the
US flag and left a mission patch with various Earth messages. They also were experimenting with getting ad justed to the
lunar gravity and balance by trying different step methods, were photographing, writing down their impressions and
observations, and drilling the core layer of the lunar surface to obtain samples of the moon's soil. More than 48 pounds of
lunar material were collected and loaded into the module. Having completed their dramatic mission, both astronauts were
able to safely return the Eagle back to the lunar orbit. Several hours later, Apollo 11 with the three courageous astronauts
on board was on its safe way back to the Earth, which they reached on July 24th. The unprecedented, first manned voyage
to a surface of another cosmic body had been accomplished with a stunning triumph.
11. In 1969, _____.
A. man had travelled into space many times B. man was not able to go to the moon
C. the first successful manned mission landed on the moon D. the space technologies were well-developed
12. Apollo 11 _____,
A. was the first manned mission launched to the moon B. was the third manned flight to the moon.
C. landed on the Kennedy Space center D. had no man on board
13. How many astronauts were there on Apollo 11 to the moon,
A. 3 B. 5 C. 7 D. 11
14. The landing of Apollo 11 on the moon ______ .
A. was unpopular B. did not get attention from the American leaders
C. was not broadcast on TV D. was broadcast on TV
15. The word witnessing has a close meaning to ___
A. noticing B. confirming C. watching D. appearing
16. Which sentence is true?
A. They could not land on the moon immediately because they could not find a landing site.
B. Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon as soon as the lunar module Eagle landed,
C. The lunar module was nearly out of fuel when it landed on the moon,
D. The NASA did nothing with Apollo 11.
17. _____ to step on the moon.
A. Aldrin was the first B. Aldrin was the second
C. Armstrong was the only D. Armstrong did not want Aldrin
18. Neil Armstrong _____.
A. made the first words he said on the moon famous B. said nothing when stepping on the moon
C. had one giant leap D. had a small step
19. The astronauts returned back to the Earth leaving on the moon _____.
A. the US flag and a mission patch with various Earth messages B. the results of the experiments
C. photographs D. samples of the moon's soil
20. Which was not done on the moon by the astronauts?
A. Experiments. B. Writing down their impressions and observations.
C. Obtain samples of the moon's soil. D. Building a space station.

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes the following.

21. Space Adventures is currently the first and only commercial space tourism company _____.
a. have sent tourists beyond the Earth's atmosphere
b. to have sent tourists beyond the Earth's atmosphere
c. just because they have sent tourists beyond the Earth's atmosphere
d. they have sent tourists beyond the Earth's atmosphere
22. Up to now, Space Adventures has sent five tourists to the International Space Station (ISS)____.
a. which costs $20 million for each person b. it is costly of $20 million per individual
c. for a cost of $20 million each d. and costs of $20 million each
23. The Space Adventures tourists traveled in a Russian Soyuz capsule _____.
a. and their adventure lasted between 7 and 10 days b. but their adventure has lasted for 7 and 10 days
c. lasting their adventure for 7 and 10 days d. which lasted their adventure for 7 and 10 days
24. Besides flights to the International Space Station, _____, suborbital space, space walks and also worldwide
a. excursions to the moon is also developing Space Adventures b. Space Adventures is also developing excursions to the
c. Space Adventures developing excursions to the moon d. the developing of excursions to the moon by Space
25. ______ carrying one tourist every six months to the International Space Station on a so-called Russian "taxi
a. Space Adventures could be b. Space Adventures will be able to
c. Space Adventures has an ability to d. Space Adventures is capable of
Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.
26. Peter has no ability to remember the grammatical rules.
a. Peter cannot remember the grammatical rules b. Peter manages to remember the grammatical rules
c. Peter tries his best to remember the grammatical rules d. Remembering the grammatical rules is not beyond Peter's
27. I would like to be able to speak English.
a. If only I am able to speak English, b. I can speak English fluently,
c. I wish I could speak English. d. I want to speak English.
28. Perhaps he was ill.
a. He was able to be ill. b. He should be able to be ill.
c. He might have been ill. d. He cannot have been ill.
29. It was impossible that Jane was absent from class yesterday,
a. Jane surely did not go to class yesterday b. I am sure that Jane was absent from class yesterday,
c. Jane was surely absent from class yesterday d. Jane must have been at school yesterday.
30. This problem is beyond my understanding,
a. I could not understand this problem, b. My understanding of this problem is clear,
c. I can understand this problem thoroughly d. I cannot understand this problem.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.

31. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first man to go into space and orbiting the Earth.
32. Two years later, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space and she orbited Earth 48 times.
33. By the ending of the 1960s, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first human beings to walk on the

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
34.A. challenge B. launched C. achievement D. psychological
35.A cosmonaut B. possible C. honor D. hero

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
36. A. probably B. institute C. national D. develop
37. A. reveal B. survey C. project D. station

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
38. The survey revealed that about 80% of the respondents thought of travelling into space,
A. wore B. showed C. supplied D. provided
39. They are envisaging the possibility of establishing a hotel in space in the future,
A. designing B. powering C. remaining D. imagining

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
40.That is a well-behaved boy whose behavior has nothing to complain about.
A. behaving cleverly B. behaving nice
C. behaving improperly D. good behavior
41. I must have a watch since punctuality is imperative in my new job.
A. being courteous B. being cheerful
C. being efficient D. being late
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete the
following exchanges.
42. Mary invited her friend, Sarah, to have dinner out that night and Sarah accepted.
Mary: “Shall we eat out tonight?” – Sarah: “_______.”
A. That’s a great idea B. That’s acceptable
C. You are very welcome D. It’s kind of you to invite
43. “Thank you for taking the time to come here in person.” – “_______”
A. It’s my pleasure. B. I don’t know what time that person comes.
C. I’d love to come. What time? D. Do you have time for some gossip?
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
44. We all believe that a happy marriage should be _______ mutual love.
A. based on B. concerned with C. confided in D. obliged to
45. The teachers are, at the moment, trying their best _______ all the necessary that their students may need for their
critical examination while, sadly, some do not seem to appreciate that.
A. to prepare B. prepared C. preparing D. prepare
46. A lot of skills and knowledge fields _______.
A. be prepared and practiced B. have to be prepared and practiced
C. prepared and practiced D. have to be being prepared and practiced
47. They were 30 minutes late because their car _______ down.
A. got B. put C. cut D. broke
48. Scientists warn that many of the world’s great cities are _______ flooding.
A. being B. at risk C. in danger of D. endangered
49. The replacement of shops such as groceries’ and chemist’s by cafes _______ the housewives with insufficient facilities
for shopping.
A. leave B. have left C. has left D. to have left
50. My uncle was _______ ill last summer; however, fortunately, he is now making a slow but steady recovery.
A. seriously B. deeply C. fatally D. critically

51. Our recent ______________ in medicine is the development of laser in treating cancer.(ACHIEVE)
52. Air conditioning is a _____________ if you live somewhere like the south of Spain.(NECESSARY)
53. Although we didn’t win, we were able to take some ____________ from our performance. (SATISFY)
54. The appropriate attitude makes it _____________ to socialize among strangers. (POSSIBILITY)
55. Laughter can be a great release of _____________ (TENSE)


1. It was difficult for Sarah to learn to read in Japanese. (DIFFICULTY)

Sarah ____________________________________ to read in Japanese.
2. The police had to find out whose fingerprints they were. (BELONGED)
The police had to find out _______________________________ to.
3. Many people say that there is a ghost in that house. (SUPPOSED)
There is____________________________ a ghost in that house.
4. It might rain this afternoon so take an umbrella. (RAINS)
Take an umbrella _____________________________ this afternoon.
5. You didn't need to rewrite the composition. (WAS)
It _______________________________________ rewrite the composition.
Sentence transformation:
1) It was difficult for Sarah to learn to read in Japanese.
 Sarah had difficulty learning to read in Japanese. (difficulty)
2) The police had to find out whose fingerprints they were
 The police had to find out whom the fingerprints belongedto. (belonged)
3) Many people say that there is a ghost in that house.
 There is supposed to be a ghost in that house. (supposed)
4) It might rain this afternoon so take an umbrella.
 Take an umbrella in case it rainsthis afternoon. (rains)
5) You didn't need to rewrite the composition.
 It was not necessary to rewrite the composition. (was)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. a. flood b. snooze c. typhoon d. bloomer
2. a. escaped b. crashed c. climbed d. announced
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. a. receptionist b. inhabitant c. contaminate d. academic
4. A. compliment b. determine c. optimist d. marvelous
Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
5.A student at the university should attend class regularly and hand in their assignments on time .
6. Growling in the corner were two big dogs, both of them looked extremely dangerous .
7. Passengers shouldn’t be thrown away their tickets as they may be checked during the journey
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. I got a part time job to ……. experience before entering university.
a. gain b. win c. earn d. raise
9. When the restaurant closes down, all of the staff will ……. their jobs.
a. drop b. quit c. lose d. miss
10. A police officer ……. our neighbourhood every day.
a. race b. fights c. patrols d. defuses
11. He ……. a degree in Economics.
a. keeps b. holds c. takes d. attaches
12. Karen has a high ……. in the company.
a. rank b. post c. job d. place
13. Jason is going to ……. in a college course tomorrow.
a. apply b. enroll c. appeal d. graduate
14. The earthquake ………………less damage if the houses had been of stronger construction.
a. had caused b. would have caused c. would cause d. caused
15. I was really mad! I got ………………………until my brother touched my arm and told me to calm down
a. angry and more angry b. angrier and angrier c. angrier and angriest d. more angry and more angry
16. ……………………” Congratulations!” to Nam? He’s won a scholarship to study abroad.
a. Do you say b. Did you say c. Have you said d. Were you saying
17. The weather was terrible. We all were …………………after four hours of hard work under the hot sun.
a. deprived b. constrained c. exhausted d. disappointed
18. Mr Taylor’s work at the office had ………………………because he had been away on vacation.
a. piled up b. taken back c. held out d. brushed off
19. ……………………most of the world’s tornadoes happen in North America and northern Europe, tornadoes happen
on every continent except Antarctica.
a.Because b. As c. However d. Although
20. Many English learners say that they are learning the language …………………pleasure.
a. from b. at c. for d. by
21. I couldn’t get much work done as I was …………………..being interrupted by people telephoning me.
a. continuous b. continually c. continuingly d. continued
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.22. Before their relationship turned serious, they
began meeting from time to time at a coffee shop that both of them enjoyed.
a. recently b. frequently c. regularly d. occasionally
23. Before you assign a task to someone, make sure that you ask the person if he or she can do the task.
a. appoint b. attach c. award d. approve
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Here you’ll learn tips for diving in bad weather and smooth seas, and know when to stay on land.
a. polluted b. rough c. clean d. busy
25. Don’t stand here and do nothing. If the devil finds a man industrious, it will set him to work.

a. idle b. bold c. rude d. busy
Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original one.
26. Let’s leave at the end of the next program.
a. We must leave before the next program has ended
b. As soon as the next program has finished, we should leave
c. I would like you to leave when the next program ends.
d. If the next program finishes, I will leave immediately.
27. If someone understands this theory, they are cleverer than I am
a. There is someone who is cleverer than I am as he understands this theory
b. Some people who understand this theory are cleverer than I am
c. No one who is cleverer than I am understands this theory
d. Anyone who understands this theory is cleverer than I am
28. Some people believe that there must be life on other planets.
a. The belief of life on other planets is denied by some people
b. There must be some people living on other planets
c. There is a belief that life exists on other planets
d. Some people wish they were living on other planets.
Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. It was cold. Kevin and his friends still went swimming.
a. Because Kevin and his friends still went swimming, it was cold
b. It was cold while Kevin and his friends still went swimming
c. Kevin and his friends still went swimming though it was cold
d. Until it was cold, but Kevin and his friends still went swimming.
30. I met the workers. Reporters interviewed them last week.
a. I met the workers who interviewed reporters last week
b. I met the workers because reporters interviewed them last week
c. I met the workers who were interviewed by reporters last week
d. I met the reporters who interviewed workers last week
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Classrooms have changed considerably in the last hundred years. In the early 1900s, the (31)……………………class in
England was twice as big as the average in the 1960s- sixty pupils per class compared with thirty. Nowadays, the
average class size in a secondary school is twenty –three. (32) …………………..is still higher than in many other
countries. A hundred years (33) ……………………, teachers were stricter than today. Punishment was also more severe:
pupils were often hit for bad behavior- a practice not allowed in schools today. The curriculum in the past was also
(34)……………………..extensive and concentrated on the three Rs – Reading, Writing and Arithmetic – whereas today’s
curriculum includes everything from business studies to philosophy. Some people think that the teaching methods
used in schools today are not as (35)………………..as those used in the past but, given the wide range of interactive
tools available today, the 21st century is definitely the most interesting time to be in the classroom for teachers and
pupil alike .
31. A. normal B. ordinary C. average D. common
32. A. which B. that C. what D. who
33. A. then B. ago C. early D. back
34. A. more B. less C. fewer D. most
35. A. beneficial B. productive C. effective D. profitable
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions below.
Employees in many countries change jobs more often than previous generations of workers. They don’t
expect to find a job with a company that will take care of them for the rest of their lives. But what is the cause of
this trend? Is it a new economy, new ways of doing business, or the employees themselves?
A more globalized economy has had an effect on employment. A large number of companies are now
international, and one of them may decide that moving its offices from Germany to Poland, for example, is in its best
interest. That means employees who live and work in Germany may be asked to relocate their families to a new
country or be told that their jobs are simply eliminated.
Companies have also responded to economic pressures by restructuring for greater efficiency. This sort of
change within a company usually means that unnecessary jobs are cut, or that fewer employees must do more work.
In either case, some employees find themselves looking for new jobs.
New technology has also had an impact on workplaces. The increasing use of personal computers has meant
fewer jobs for office secretaries, as their former bosses do their own word processing and letter writing, and for travel
agents, as more travelers make their own reservations online. Automation, including the use of robotic devices, has
replaced workers in clothing factories, post offices, and telephone companies, to name just a few.

Besides these economic and technological reasons, today’s employees are also responsible for more frequent
job changes. Workers in the past were less likely to leave a company because they were dissatisfied with working
conditions or because they didn’t get along well with their fellow employees. People today expect to enjoy their work
and to get a high degree of personal satisfaction from what they do for a living.
Employees may also leave a job because they have learned all they can learn from their current job. Getting
a new job means gaining new skills and making new contracts, and these skills and relationships could bring them a
step closer to their “dream job”, the one that is challenging, emotionally and financially rewarding, and preferably
closer to home or their children’s school.
Finally, companies start up and close down more quickly than they once did. Employees who suspect that
their employer is not doing well may decide to start looking for a new position before the company closes its doors.
36. The passage is mainly about …………………………….
A. reasons companies aren’t taking care of employees as they once did
B. ways in which international companies have caused a loss of jobs
C. reasons employees change jobs more frequently than they did in the past
D. the contrast between employers of the past and employers nowadays

37. How has globalization affected employment?

A. Companies may relocate and cut jobs
B. Employees in Western Europe are at a disadvantage
C. Companies are not interested in keeping employees
D. Employees may refuse to move to a different country

38. What is one reason employees might keep their current jobs nowadays?
A. They are worried when the company is not successful
B. They are happy and satisfied with their work
C. They want a higher salary and more benefits
D. Their employers provide bad working conditions.

39. The word “they” in paragraph 5 refers to …………………….

A. workers in the past B. working conditions
C. fellow employees D. people today
40. According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT ……………………….
A. Some international companies may decide to move their offices to new places
B. Sometimes higher efficiency comes from cutting unnecessary jobs
C. Some travel agents have been affected because of new technologies
D. Employees have no right to follow their dream of getting an excellent job

41. Which of the following is NOT part of most people’s dream job?
A. emotional rewards B. a long commute C. lots of money D. challenging work

42. The phrase “ closes its doors” in the last sentence probably means …………………
A. stops a working day
B. stops doing business
C. dismisses its workers
D. shuts all its doors
43. It can be understood from the passage that, nowadays, ………………………………….
A. Employees leave their jobs more because they can’t have a good relationship with other co-workers
B. Employees are actually as happy with their jobs as their fathers and grandfathers were with theirs
C. Clothing factories, post offices and telephone companies are the only places using automation
D. Employees sometimes falsely think they have learned all they can learn from their present job

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions below.
Academics Aren’t the Problem
Studies about how students use their time might shed light on whether they face increased academic and
financial pressures compared with earlier eras.
Based on data about how students are spending time, academic or financial pressures don’t seem to be
greater now than a generation ago.
The data show that full-time students in all types of colleges study much less now than they did a generation
ago- a full 10 hours a week less. Students are also receiving significantly higher grades. So it appears that academic
pressures are, in fact, considerably lower than they used to be.

The time-use data don’t suggest that students feel greater financial pressures, either. When the time savings
and lower opportunity costs are factored in, college appears less expensive for most students than it was in the
1960s. And though there are now full-time students working to pay while in college, they study less even when paid
work choices are held constantly.
In other words, full-time students do not appear to be studying less in order to work more. They appear to
be studying less and spending the extra time on leisure activities or fun. It seems hard to imagine that students
feeling increased financial pressures would respond by taking more leisure.
Based on how students are spending their time, then, it doesn’t look as though academic or financial
pressures are greater now than a generation ago. The time-use data don’t speak directly to social pressures, and it
may well be that these have become more intense lately.
In one recent set of data, students reported spending more than 23 hours per week either socializing with
friends or playing on the computer for fun. Social activities, in person or on computer, would seem to have become
the major focus of campus life. It is hard to tell what kinds of pressures would be associated with this change.
44. Research studies have shown that pressures put on students nowadays are ………………….
A. much greater than the past B. not greater than the past
C. getting ever greater D. more diversified
45. Students nowadays seem to be studying less and …………………………
A. giving more time to sports B. taking more extracurricular activities
C. spending more time doing odd jobs D. spending more time on leisure
46. The study’s conclusion that students’ workload now is not greater than before is based on ………………
A. how students spend their time B. what students achieve with greater load
C. how students work through college D. what college demands from students
47. Students get higher grades as ……………………
A. students study much harder B. academic workload appears less demanding
C. academic workload appears more attractive D. college’s facilities are much better
48. The word “focus” in the last paragraph can be replaced with ……………….
A. headline B. biggest important
C. primary theme D. central activity
49. The author finds it hard to point out ………………………….
A. the cause to students’ financial pressure
B. what is associated with the change in students’ campus life
C. how students’ campus life becomes subject to academic pressure
D. how the background of students’ campus life is built
50. According to the author, the fact that students have more time for leisure is a proof that ………………………
A. financial pressure on students is not a problem
B. they cannot find extra jobs
C. academic work disinterests them
D. they are active with extra- curricular activities
1 .The job of a (SECURE)…………………………………………..guard is dangerous.
2. To work as part of a team, you need to be (COOPERATE) ………………………………………
3 .Lisa works as a (MUSIC) …………………………….in a theatre band.
4. We highly appreciate his self – (RELY) ……………………………..…………………….
5. The second test is (COMPARE) ………………………………………….…………easy for us.
1. He asked me about the exam results again and again.
→ He kept _____________________________________________________________________
2. They said they did not steal the documents.
→ They denied __________________________________________________________
3. “ I will join the expedition to Egypt”, said Barry
→ Barry decided __________________________________________________________
4. I have never met a famous baseball player before .
→ This is the first time ____________________________________________________
5. I didn’t realize he was your brother until I saw the photograph.
→ It was only when _________________________________________________________


SHOULD ----- advice You should drink a lot of fluid.
Expectation/duty You should be on time on the exam day.
The train should come at 6pm
OUGHT TO = should (advice)

CAN -COULD---------- offer/ polite request (reservation)

----------- possibility
CAN --------ability I can play guitar. (could is the past)
MUST -------- obligation She must pay back the money. Mustn’t
--------- deduction (with certainty) can’t
- Ann must have a relationship with Peter. I always see them together.
- They can’t have a relationship.

MAY-MIGHT ------ permission

------- possibility
NEED ---- necessity I needn’t join the group.
I don’t need to join the group.

B. PAST past actions (Modal Perfect)

SHOULD + HAVE + PP regret/criticism

You should have come earlier.
Ought to have +pp
You should not have gone out. (ought not to have gone)

MUST + HAVE +PP deduction (with certainty)

Can’t/ couldn’t +have +pp
Yolanda must have been very proud of her son’s scholarship.
Helen can’t have left. The car key is still here.

COULD/MAY/MIGHT + HAVE + PP possibility

Our ancestors could have been very good at farming.

Might + have + pp ---------- narrow escape.

She might have been killed in the earthquake.

NEEDN’T +HAVE + PP. -------- not necessary but DONE

You needn’t have cooked the soup too long. (you did)

DIDN’T NEED TO / DIDN’T HAVE TO ------- not necessary (not done)

Luckily, I did not need to get a visa.


I would go camping in the summer.


I tried to turn on TV, but it wouldn’t start.

Teacher: Vu My Lan


Past Simple
Past Perfect
Bare Inf

If Clause Main Clause Notes

Simple Will + Bare Inf Possible Future
Simple Past Would/could/might + Bare Inf Unreal Present
Past Perfect Would/could/might + have + pp Unreal Past
Past Perfect Would/could/might + Bare Inf Past Cond. – Present
Simple Past Would/could/might + have + pp Present Cond. – Past
Simple Simple Present Habitual condition
Simple Imperative form Imperative

If I had attended the painting course, I would work in art field.

If the electronic gadgets were cheap, I would have bought some.

If Judy has any difficulty in learning, she asks her sister for help.
If you borrow my bike, please ride it carefully.



S + would + Bare Inf Polite Request

S + Wish (that) S + Simple Past Unreal Present
S + Past Perfect Unreal Past
I wish that you would stop talking.
She wishes she lived in a bigger city. (She is living in a small city/town)
She wished she had won the scholarship. (She did not win)
Teacher: Vu My Lan

C. WOULD RATHER/ would sooner/ prefer

Would rather + (not)Bare Inf Present preference
Would rather + (not)have + pp Past preference
Would rather + Subject + (not) Bare Inf Polite Request
Would rather + Subject + Simple Past Unreal Present
Would rather + Subject + Past Perfect Unreal Past

I would rather have snacks now.

We would rather have chosen another town for holiday.

I would rather the shop deliver the sofa in the morning.

She would rather her son kept his room tidy. (His room is untidy)
She would rather the teacher had offered more help. (The teacher did not offer enough

Please don’t smoke in my room.

I would rather you didn’t smoke in my room.


It’s time/high time (that) + S + Simple Past duty/ expectation

It’s time you made a study plan.

1. Advise/ ask/ demand/ order/ propose/ recommend/ request / require/ suggest/
+ that + Subject + Bare Inf (Present Subjunctive)
Should + bare Inf (Present Subjunctive Equivalent)
2. Be compulsory/ crucial/ imperative / essential/ necessary/ important/ urgent/ vital
+ that + Subject + Bare Inf (Present Subjunctive)
Should + bare Inf (Present Subjunctive Equivalent)

She asked that the cashier give / should give back her money.
It is urgent that the doors be open for escape.
The requirement is that every student show his card.
It is advised that the teacher report the case as soon as possible.

F. As if/as though
S + V+ as if/ as though + S+ V (Past Simple/ Past Perfect / Were +V-ing)

I feel as if the room were spinning.

Olga acts as though she were a director. (is not)
Gina did not look at me as if we had not met before. (have met)

Should you know the answer, tell me.
Were you to know the truth, you would be shocked.
Had they come earlier, they could have got the tickets.

S+ V + so + Adjective/ adverb + that + S + V
S+ V + such + Noun + that + S+ V
S + V + so + Adjective + Singular N + that + S+ V

The food was so delicious that I took another helping.

It was such delicious food that I took another helping.

It is so nice a picture that I want to buy it.

It is so difficult an exercise that I cannot do it.

So + Adj/ Adv + auxiliary + S+V + that + S + V

So delicious was the food that I took another helping.

She talked so loudly that we all felt annoyed.

So loudly did she talk that we all felt annoyed.


Such was delicious food that I took another helping.
Such was the food that I took another helping.


It was such a big box that I could not carry it.
The box was so big that I could not carry it.
So big was the box that I could not carry it.
Such was the big box that I could not carry it.
The box was such that I could not carry it.

I bought the laptop because it was reasonably-priced.

It was such a reasonably-priced laptop that I bought it.

The laptop was so reasonably-priced that I bought it.

It was so reasonably-priced A LAPTOP that I bought it.

The laptop was such that I bought it.

So reasonably-priced was the laptop that I bought it.
Such was a reasonably-priced laptop that I bought it.

Such is her beauty that the actress has been given the leading role.
Such is a beautiful actress that she has been given the leading role.

The lecture was so long that people left.

So long was the lecture that …
Such was the length of the lecture that …
Such was a long lecture that ….
Never ……..
At no time……….
Under no circumstances…………..
On no account………
No longer………….
Not until ////////////////////////////// ……………………
No sooner …………………………PAST PERFECT…………….. than /////
Hardly / Barely/ Scarcely …………PAST PERFECT…………… when ////

Rarely/ Seldom/ Hardly/ Barely/ Scarcely………….

Not only ………………………………………….. but also /////
Only by //////////// …………………………………
Only when //////// ……………………………..
Only after //////// ……………………………
Only if //////////// ……………………………
Only later/then ………………………..
On no account should you pay the swimming pool fee because you live in this building.
No longer does Sarah work here.

No sooner had I walked out than it rained.

Scarcely had they paid the money when the cashier asked for more.

Not until it was 10pm did Jack come home. ( Jack did not come home until it was
They had not paid me until I called the police.
Not until I called the police did they pay me.

They explained little about the results.

Little did they explain about the results.

They donated little sums for charity.

Little ..

Tina told lies and she also played truant. / Tina not only told lies but also played truant.
Not only did Tina tell lies but also played truant. Incorrect
Not only did Tina tell lies but she also played truant. Correct
Only by working hard can you pass the exam.
Only when you work hard can you pass the exam.

I could understand only when Mark gave me the book.

Only when Mark gave/had given me the book could I understand.

Not until Mark gave/ had given me the book could I understand.
Only after Mark gave/ had given me the book could I understand.

Gina rarely sings in class

Rarely does Gina sing…

Mom had just changed the bedsheet before Mark poured water on it.
No sooner had Mom changed the bedsheet than Mark poured water on it.

You can get a discount only by buying 6 packets.

Only by buying 6 packets can you get a discount.
Only if you buy 6 packets can you get a discount.

I did not get a job until I moved to Boston.

Not until I moved to Boston did I get a job.
Only when I moved to Boston did I get a job.
D. AS/ THAN + auxiliary S + V

We are braver than our ancestors (were) hundreds of years ago.

We are braver than were our ancestors hundreds of years ago.

I guess, as do my friends, that it will take more time to complete the task.
I guess, as my friends guess, that …

Sarah works as hard as we (work)/ we (do)/ do we.

It rains as regularly in the South as __it _____ _____does ____ in the North.
( as does it)
They were driving cars faster than I. (than I was) (than was I )


The native people lived along the river.
Along the river did the native people live.

At the back of the room was sitting a lady.

Along the road were lumbering ten heavy trucks. (accurate)

Lumbering along the road were ten heavy trucks. (artistic)

The refugees were relocated in the south of the mountain range.

In the south of the mountain range were relocated the refugees.
Relocated in the south of the mountain range were the refugees.

The star came out of the hotel.

Out of the hotel came the star.

The star was coming out of the hotel.

Out of the hotel was coming the star. ///. Coming out of the hotel was the star.
Le Hong Phong High school
English Dept.
Vu My Lan


1. Although I ______ him before that I _______ from the cast, he was really surprised when
I didn’t come.
a. had told – withdrew b. told – was withdrawing
c. had told – would withdraw d. have told - withdraw
2. They _______ along the road when they ______ a kangaroo.
a. drove – saw b. were driving – were seen
c. are driving – see d. were driving - saw
3. I would like _____ another shirt of this size. Have you got it?
a. have had b. to have c. have d. having
4. I would prefer Jack _______ me the document on Tuesday.
a. send b. to send c. sending d. have sent
5. Paula as well as her children _______ to move to San Francisco next month.
a. have decided b. has decided c. had decided d. decide
6. Nick or you _____ supposed to make a report on the field trip.
a. was b. are c. had been d. has been
7. No matter how careful you ________, this job is not an easy one for you.
a. were b. maybe c. may be d. would be
8. Maria usually _______ to school, but today she ______ a bicycle.
a. walks – is riding b. walks – rides c. walked – rides d. used to walk – is riding
9. Our plans for the summer holiday_______, but we still do not know where to get money
for it.
a. was made b. have been made c. are made d. have made
10. It is time you ______ about your future career.
a. think b. should think c. would think d. thought
11. By the time you come back, he _______ his first year at college.
a. will finish b. has finished c. finishes d. will have finished
12. Don’t worry! We _______ for you at the station at 6 o’clock tomorrow.
a. will be waiting b. are waiting c. are going to wait d. wait
13. Living standards ________ for the last 10 years.
a. have improved b. were improved c. have been improved d. improved
14. Because Kate _______ to the boss many times, he now does not trust her any more.
a. lied b. has lied c. is lying d. has been lying
15. What _______ if you _______ 26 hours a day?
a. will you do – have b. would you do – had had
c. do you do – have d. would you do - had
16. Once you ________ 6 of our products, you ________ given a gift.
a. have bought – will be b. buy – will be c. bought – would be d. will buy - are
17. Not until he sent me the document _______ that it was a difficult job.
a. was I realizing b. do I realize c. have I realized d. did I realize
18. Five miles ______ too long to walk, so we took a taxi.
a. was b. is c. was not c. is not
19. I copy down his phone number in case I ______ him later.
a. would contact b. contact c. contacted d. might be contacting
20. We looked over the plan ______ make sure everything was OK.
a. for me to b. so that we c. in order that we can d. in order to
21. The train ______ at 4pm, so we should hurry or we _______ it.
a. leaves – will miss b. will leave – are going to miss
c. is going to leave – miss d. has left – will miss
22. He ______ in Perth, but he _______ us at times.
Le Hong Phong High school
English Dept.
Vu My Lan
a. lives – visited b. is living – is visiting c. lives – visits d. was living - visited
23. Our sales figures _______ much until recently.
a. didn’t change b. have changed c. does not change d. have not changed
24. If you happen ______ Helen, please tell her I _____ for her.
a. seeing – wait b. to see - am waiting c. see – am waiting d. to see – would wait
25. George forgot ______ the books to the library, and he was fined.
a. to return b. returning c. to have returned d. to be returning
26. Please remind me ______ send the letter to the headquarters by Friday.
a. of sending b. sending c. to send d. to have sent
27. They resented ________ to work overtime again.
a. asking b. to asked c. to be asked d. being asked
28. You shouldn’t postpone ________ an appointment with the dentist. Do it now!
a. to make b. making c. to have made d. to making
29. Linda is considered ________ the best pianist in our club.
a. is b. to be c. being d. for to be
30. Try ______ an aspirin. It may help you get rid of your headache.
a. taking b. to take c. and take d. being taken
31. It was suggested that we _______ cars and trucks in the city centre.
a. banned b. should ban c. would ban d. had banned
32. I wish I ______ the house in the suburb.
a. haven’t sold b. didn’t sell c. wouldn’t sell d. hadn’t sold
33. If only you ______ in the same city with me, so we could share a lot of activities.
a. are living b. would live c. were living d. can live
34. I would rather you ______ the hotel in advance. We couldn’t do anything for you now.
a. booked b. book c. should have booked d. had booked
35. Mike insisted on ______ the manager, but they avoided _______ him.
a. seeing – calling b. to see – to call c. seeing – to call d. to see - calling
36. There is no point in _______ him to come on time. It is typical of him ______ late.
a. asking – being b. being asked – being c. asking – to be d. ask – to be
37. Taking on more staff will mean ______ more time _______ them .
a. spend – train b. to spend – to train c. speeding – to train d. spending - training
38. _______ late three times this week, Ivan will be punished by the teacher.
a. Been b. Being c. Having being d. Having been
39. The news _______ to Helen although it was too late to do anything.
a. will be broken b. was broken c. would break d. has broken
40. The next time you _______ to the supermarket, please get me a dozen of eggs.
a. will go b. have gone c. went d. go
41. Carelessly ______ a few minutes before the meeting, the deputy’s speech was not
a. having prepared b. been prepared c. being prepared d. prepared
42. The doctor _______ what the girl meant if I hadn’t translated it.
a. wouldn’t understand b. will not understand
c. didn’t understand d. wouldn’t have understood
43. I couldn’t help _______ Jane many questions when she came back from Egypt.
a. asking b. to ask c. ask d. when asked
44. She sent me the petition that she _______ two days before.
a. typed b. has typed c. had typed d. would type
45. I _______ as a nurse for two years when I met George in the South of France.
a. was working b. had been working c. worked d. has been working
46. Jim would have been given a promotion if he _______ more energetic.
a. were b. has been c. would be d. is
Le Hong Phong Highschool
M.A. Vu My Lan


Choose the correct answers:
1. They expected _____ to the party, but the Williams let them down.
a. to invite b. to be invited c. inviting d. being invited
2. Though she was young, she could instruct us ______ different things.
a. doing b. to have done c. to do d. did
3. Let me ______ you to my cousin, Larry.
a. to introduce b. introducing c. to be introduced d. introduce
4. Famous film stars like ______ sunglasses to avoid _______ by the public.
a. wearing/recognizing b. to wear/to recognized
c. wearing/ being recognized d. to wear/ to be recognized
5. By the time we came to the garage, Jack _______ our car downtown.
a. had driven b. was driving c. drove d. was going to drive
6. _______ the wrong answer three times, Jack felt embarrassed.
a. Giving b. Having giving c. Having given d. Been given
7. The referee decided _______ us another chance by blowing his whistle.
a. to not give b. not giving c. not to be given d. not to give
8. Helen would not risk ______ more money in that company.
a. investing b. to invest c. to be invested d. invest
9. The judge demanded _______ the right information in the shortest time.
a. being given b. given c. to be given d. to have given
10. I hate _____ waiting. I am always punctual.
a. keeping b. to keep c. to be keeping d. to be kept
11. _______ the 6am train will mean ______ up early.
a. Catching / to get b. Catching / getting
c. To catch/ to get d. Having caught / getting
12. The document was meant _______ by any client of our company.
a. to read b. to be read c. reading d. being read
13. Kate didn’t mean ______ the suitcase open.
a. to leave b. leaving c. to be leaving d. have left
14. We all hope ______ the best salary, but most employers refuse ______ that.
a. receiving/ to do b. to receive/ to do
c. receiving/ doing d. to receive/doing
15. Jim stopped _______ a cigarette because it was too cold outside.
a. to light b. lighting c. being lighted d. and light
16. Try ______ the letter in another way. It may help.
a. type b. to type c. typing d. being typed
17. We were made ______ ties at school.
a. to wear b. wear c. wearing d. being wearing
18. ______ in Latin, the letter was too difficult to understand.
a. Writing b. Having written c. Written d. To write
19. I forgot ______ the cat before I left. Mom _______ very angry.
a. to feed/ could be b. feeding / may have been
c. to feed / must have been d. feeding/ could have been
20. Why didn’t you tell me you needed help. I ______ you.
a. must have helped b. could have helped c. could help d. was able to help
21. I am not sure; Barbara _______ the date of the wedding.
a. might have forgotten b. forgot c. could forget d. had to forget
22. You _______ the manager in London. He was in France at that time.
a. mustn’t have met b. can’t have met
c. should have met d. needn’t have met
23. The sailors agreed ______ the money equally.
a. to be divided b. dividing c. to divide d. having divided
Le Hong Phong Highschool
M.A. Vu My Lan
24. I don’t mind ______ a speech at the conference. I really hope ______ to talk in public.
a. making / to ask b. to make / asking
c. making/ to be asked d. to make / being asked
25. I _______ to water the plants. They have all died.
a. must have forgotten b. should have forgotten
c. needn’t have forgotten d. was
26. He was afraid of _______ behind his back.
a. talking b. been talked c. being talked d. having talked
27. My teacher was willing _______ the lesson again when he found out that we _______ unable to
a. to explain/had been b. explaining/were
c. to explain/have been d. explaining/are
28. Kate and Barbara decided ______ their housework after ______ many times.
a. to share/having quarreled b. to share/ being quarreled
c. sharing/having quarreled d. sharing/quarrelling
29. I _______ a map before I came here. I have lost my way three times.
a. should buy b. should have bought
c. must have bought d. may have bought
30. Our neighbor ________ something wrong, so they phoned the police.
a. can’t have noticed b. may notice
c. might have noticed d. should have noticed
31. The man risked ______ money in the new company though many of his friends _______ him of
the danger.
a. investing/have warned b. to invest / warned
c. investing/had warned d. to invest/ would warn
32. It _______ Tim’s brother you met. He is living there with Tim.
a. should have been b. must be c. should be d. must have been
33. There is no point in _______ the team captain. Nobody listened to me.
a. appointing b. having appointed c. being appointed d. appointed
34. It is no use _______ over spilt milk.
a. cried b. to cry c. cry d. crying
35. Another day _____ without Helen’s _______ me.
a. has passed/being called b. passed/calling
c. passes/ having called d. is passing/calling
36. _______ to Africa before, Jack was really surprised at the spectacular waterfalls.
a. Not being b. Having not been c. Haven’t been d. Not having been
37. Thousands of athletes gathered in the stadium _______ the closing ceremony.
a. to attend b. attending c. to have attended d. being attended
38. They ordered the book ______ by Thoreau and had it _______ by the end of the month.
a. writing/delivering b. written/delivering
c. to be written/to be delivered d. written/ delivered
39. I hope _______ another job which is more interesting than this one.
a. to give b. to have given c. to be given d. having been given
40. Now that the new teacher has come, we ________ to do more assignments and make more
a. were expecting b. are expected c. expect d. have expected
Teacher: Vu My Lan

1. I (lie)______________ on the beach at this time next week.
2. The more you (eat)____________, the more you (have)__________ to do
3. The man (write)_______________ 40 books so far.
4. While I (try)_____________ (get)____________ my car (start)____________, a
car (stop)___________ and a man (offer)___________ (help)_________ me.
5. The children (watch)_____________ this flm three times.
6. I’d rather you (not wear)____________ jeans to the office.
7. I’d prefer (dance)____________ than (watch)___________ people
8. Helen as well as I (never be)____________ to Mexico before.
9. By the time we (arrive)____________ at the station, the train (leave)________.
10. Kate together with her sisters (work)_____________ in the garden now.
11. According to the time-table, the train (leave)____________ at 6pm
12. Hundreds of workers (be)____________ on strike since last Monday.
13. By the time you (finish)____________ (type)_________ this tomorrow, I
(type)______________ 14 letters.
14. It’s no use (ask)__________ John for help.
15. I couldn’t help (make)____________ many questions when I (meet)________ Joe
. I (want)____________ (know)__________ more about the trip he
16. Either you or Harry (have)___________ to get the car (fix)___________.
17. What you (look)____________ at? I (wear)__________ a strange hairstyle?
18. The man (state)__________ that Helena (be)___________the girl he
(see)____________ in front of the bank.
19. Mike (suspect)____________ of (steal)__________ the documents.
20. I hate (tell)___________ what (do)____________. I’ll never stop
(make)___________ effort. (Not worry )__________ about me!
21. I still remember (take)____________ good care of when I was a little boy.
22. Graphology is a science which (discover)___________ man’s personality through
his handwriting.
23. The soup (eat)___________ . I ‘d better (cook )_________ some more.
24. Not only my brother but also I (fail)__________ the driving test twice.
25. Peter no less than his roommate (make)___________ noise every night.
26. What you (do)__________ at 5pm yesterday? I (iron)___________ my clothes.
27. By the end of next term I (take)____________ 5 credits . I (have)__________
only 3 more (go)_________.
28. Before I (come)_________ here, I (think)___________ the weather (be)_______
fine, but it (turn)________ out to be so bad.
29. Why you (not send)__________ me a postcard during the time you were in
Athens ? I (be)_____________ very happy if you (send) ______ one.
30. The articles (not post) ________ in the school newsdesk. It (take) ________ at
least 50 minutes to them ________ (post).



1. The train ______________ (leave) at 8 o’clock tomorrow.

2. Lend me that book when you ______________ (finish) it.
3. This is the first time Jane ______________ (eat) this kind of food.
4. While we ______________ (have) our dinner, Jack ______________ (came) by.
5. When I opened the door, the dog suddenly ______________ (jump) at me.
6. While Vickie ______________ (cook), Chloe ______________ (lay) the table. The
atmosphere was so peaceful and cosy.
7. Watch out! A bull ______________ (run) towards you!
8. Hans usually ______________ (go) to school by bike but today he ______________ (walk).
9. You ______________ (always take) my things without my permission! Could you please stop
doing so?
10. He ______________ (arrive) at the station 3 minutes late, the train ______________
(already leave).
11. I promise that I ______________ (give) him the notes when he ______________ (return)
from school this afternoon.
12. The last time Molly ______________ (meet) her cousin ______________ (be) 5 years ago.
13. She ______________ (never meet) such a rude man before.
14. This is the most boring movie I ______________ (ever watch).
15. During the last three months, the new employee ______________ (improve) his skills a lot.
16. Over the past ten years, my father ______________ (drive) me to work every day.
17. My dad ______________ (work) for that department for 30 years before he
______________ (retire) last year.
18. At that time the table ______________ (lay) so I ______________ (decide) not to come in.
19. At this time next Saturday, we ______________ (lie) on the beach enjoying our weekend.
20. At this time yesterday, my class ______________ (take) an English exam.
21. The weather forecast says it ______________ (rain) this evening.
22. I believe the German team ______________ (win) the match.
23. Don’t worry, I ______________ (help) you with your assignment.
24. The final decision is that our team ______________ (modify) the marketing plan.
25. Look at the statistics! The company ______________ (face) a drop in profits soon.
26. By the time you ______________ (finish) your report, I ______________ (finish) all three
of mine.
27. Jenny is out of breath now. She ______________ (run) for half an hour.
28. We ______________ (wait) for years until the big moment finally ______________ (come).
29. Josh always ______________ (ride) his bike to school last year.
30. Do you remember you ______________ (always forget) your things when you were a kid?
31. If you ______________ (tell) me about your schedule in advance, we ______________
(arrange) to meet sometime.
32. Unless you ______________ (promise) to give the book back, I ______________ (not lend)
it to you.
33. I ______________ (take) that offer if I ______________ you.
34. James said his family ______________ (go) to Edinburgh the previous week.
35. Sally asked us whether we ______________ (like) the concert that night.

Compiled by Ly Truong Thanh Que



1. How long have you been working on this project?

→ When __________________________________________________________________
2. This is the first time I have talked to the manager.
→ I have __________________________________________________________________
3. Ann has never tasted such a delicious dish before.
→ This is the first ____________________________________________________________
→ This is the most ___________________________________________________________
4. We last saw Mr. Smith three days ago.
→ The last __________________________________________________________________
→ We have __________________________________________________________________
5. Sam started working for our firm seven months ago.
→ Sam has __________________________________________________________________
6. “Where can I park my car?” asked the lady.
→ The lady asked _____________________________________________________________
7. “I didn’t attend the meeting yesterday,” said Mark.
→ Mark said __________________________________________________________________
8. “Wait until the interviewer asks you to come in.”
→ I was told __________________________________________________________________
9. Lenny stayed up late last night so she’s tired now.
→ Had Lenny __________________________________________________________________
10. I don’t have enough time to help you with that task now.
→ If _________________________________________________________________________
11. Lena had an accident so she didn’t take part in the competition.
→ Had it ______________________________________________________________________
12. The tourists are disappointed that the museum doesn’t open today.
→ The tourists wish _____________________________________________________________
13. It’s a pity that our leader cannot join our gathering.
→ If only _____________________________________________________________________
14. As soon as the celebrity arrived, the crowd went wild.
→ No sooner __________________________________________________________________
→ Hardly _____________________________________________________________________
15. Not until Josh met Miko in Kyoto did he know her appearance.
→ It _________________________________________________________________________
16. Eddie is the smartest student in our Physics class.
→ No one _____________________________________________________________________
17. Ricky is the tallest boy in the team.
→ No other ___________________________________________________________________
18. The fastest runner in our club is Liz.
→ No ________________________________________________________________________
19. Mike’s income is higher than Nick’s.
→ Nick’s income _______________________________________________________________
20. Naomi’s result is better than anyone else’s.
→ Naomi’s result is the __________________________________________________________

Compiled by Ly Truong Thanh Que



A clause is a combination of a Subject and a finite verb
S + FINITE V The boy is standing at the back.
S + Finite V , CONJUNCTION S + Finite V

A. Independent Clause (Co-ordinate Clause)

Conjunctions: and, but, or, so , for (BECAUSE), nor, yet (BUT), then (SO)
ex: The man has not found a job, nor has he had a place to live.
She refused to get the job. For it was not well-paid.
We would like to go out often; but we do not have much free time.
B. Dependent Clause (Subordinate Clause)
- Depends on another (main) clause.
Ex: We were studying when a young man came in.
The children often buy ice-cream at the shop which is next to my grandma’s.
As soon as I opened the door, I heard a loud scream.

1. Noun Clause (functions as nouns)

Conjunctions: that, the fact that, whether, what, where, when, why….
He wanted to know whether we could go with him.
The fact that/ That you did not succeed was not any matter to me.
The biggest problem is how we can get finance for the project.

2. Adjective Clause/ Relative Clause

Conjunctions: Rel. pronouns : who, whom, which, that, whose S/O
Rel. adverbs : when, where, why

I am coming to the village ___which ____ you visited years ago.

I am coming to the village __where ______ you met your wife.

They sent me the parcel on Monday ___when ____ I went to work.

They sent me the parcel on Monday ___which____ was my workday.

The reason __which _____ he refused to tell me was in fact nothing important.
The reason __why_____ he left school had something to do with his health.

THAT must be used when the antecedent is + used with superlative form
+ used in structure It is …
+ a combination of people and things
+ (indefinite pronoun)
+ used with such words as only, last, first, unique
+ much , all
It is the most interesting book that I ‘ve ever read.
I do not have much that I can give to you. This is all that I can do for you.

NON-RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE (Non-defining Clause)

Noun, ………non-defining clause…………, ….

+ Antecedent is + proper noun

+ definite time
+ Geographical name
+ used with a possessive adjective
+ used with a demonstrative pronoun: this, that, these, those
+ a clause
+ used with such determiners as some of, all of, none of, either of ….
+ Relative pronoun THAT must not be used
+ Relative pronoun as an object cannot be omitted.
+ Two commas separate the clause

We interviewed 20 candidates, most of whom were good at English.

We had prepared the wrong lesson, which the teacher found unacceptable.

The man whom I talked to was a director.

This man, whom I talked to was a director.
Fred, that WHOM I work with, is a millionaire’s son.

3. Adverbial Clauses

Adverbial Clause of time

Conjunctions : when, while, whilst, as, as soon as, just as, before, after, no sooner … than, hardly …
when, until , once, whenever, the time, the minute, the moment, by the time.
In Time Clauses, the future tense must not be used. The Present Simple Tense or Present Perfect Tense is
used instead.

The man had no sooner got out than it rained.

No sooner had the man got out than it rained.
I will phone you as soon as I have finished the job.
When he comes, he will tell you everything.

Adverbial Clause of Place

Conjunctions : where, wherever, everywhere
I will follow you wherever you go.

Adverbial Clause of Reason

Conjunctions : because, as, since, in case, now that, seeing that, in that, insomuch as ( inasmuch as)

Reason phrase : Due to

Because of
In view of + Noun phrase
Owing to
On account of
In case of + N

Adverbial Clause of Result

Conjunctions :
So + adj / adv + (that) ….
Such + Noun + (that) …
So + Adj + singular Noun + (that) …
N + be + such that …

Result phrase : Too + adj / adv + (for sb) + Inf


Too + adj + singular Noun

Enough + Noun +( for sb) + Inf
Adj / adv + enough +(for sb) + Inf

The room is too small for twenty students to sit in.

The room is so small that twenty students cannot sit in IT.

Adverbial Clause of Purpose

Conjunctions : so that, in order that, lest (so that…not), for fear that ( so that … not)
Modals are used in purpose clauses (will, would, can, could)

He took a taxi so that he could arrive at the airport in time.

Lest Bare Inf/ Should + Bare Inf

For fear that + Subject + Verb ( Present subjunctive / Present Subjunctive Equivalent )

We whispered lest anyone hear (should hear) our conversation.

Purpose phrase : In order (not) to

To + Inf phrase
So as (not) to
With a view to +V-ing

He came back to his hometown with a view to starting a new life.

Adverbial Clause of Manner

Conjunctions : as, just as, like, much as, as though, as if, in a / the way (that),

Pronounce the word as I do.

They cook the food the way (that)/ like their Mom has done it.

She talks as if she knew everything.

He ran as though he had seen a ghost.
Her new hairstyle looks as if she were wearing a helmet.

Adverbial Clause of Concession

Conjunctions : though, even though, although, while, whilst, whereas, despite the fact that,
no matter how (however) +adj/adv
no matter what (whatever) + noun
adj/ adv + as/ though

Lucky as she was/ might be, she could not win the prize.
His sister never eats snails while snails are his favorite dish. (contrast)
Concessive phrase : Despite
In spite of + noun phrase
Irrespective of
Regardless of
Notwithstanding bad weather, the game continued.
Bad weather notwithstanding, the game continued.

Adverbial Clause of Comparison

He could not write as much as I could.

Betty cooks better than her mother does.

As … as…
Not …as …as…/ not ..so…as..
The most carefully

Adverbial Clause of Conditions

Conjunctions: if, unless, even if, in the event that, on the condition that, providing (that), provided
(that), as long as

If Clause Main Clause

Future Possible Simple Present Simple Future
1 Habitual Simple Present Imperative

2 Present Unreal Simple Past Would + Inf

3 Past Unreal Past Perfect Would + have + pp
4 Present Condition + Simple Past Would + have +pp
Past result
5 Past condition + Past Perfect Would + Inf
Present result

Conditional phrase : Without

But for + noun phrase. = Unless

In the event of + N = If
If it rains …/ In the event of rain …

Adverbial Clause of Comparison

He could not write as much as I could.
Betty cooks better than her mother does.

Practice on Clauses

1. They need ______ guidance that they write letters to the counsellor.
A. so much B. such much C. a lot of D. too much
2. The weather was ________ we had to cancel the trip.
A. so nice B. such nice C. such that D. very nice
3. The man felt as if the floor________ in front of him.
A. were moving B. moved C. has moved D. would move
4. If the colleagues were more helpful, Jack _________ his job last week.
A. Would not quit B. would have not quit C. had not quit D. would not have quit
5. This essay was __________ the one that Jack was reading aloud.
A. Not better than B. no better C. not as good D. not so good as
6. Visitors were _________ at the statue they took a lot of pictures at the square.
A. so impressed B. too impressed C. impressed enough D. such impression
7. Paul wished he _________ to this town where he has not been able to find a good job.
A. did not move B. has not mov ed C. would not have moved D. had not moved
8. ________ the harm the dyes may bring to us, many people still dye hair quite often.
A. Although B. Even if C Regardless of D. But for
9. ________ Nina’s decision, the whole team would have got into big troubles.
A. Unless B. For fear of C. Despite D But for
10. ________ books she read, she could not benefit from them.
A. However B. Whatever C. Although D. So many
11. Gina had never had _________ the trip to Cairo last month.
A. such a good holiday than B. so nice a holiday alike
C. a better holiday than D. so nice as
12. The man told me ________ I needed to do for the camping trip.
A. that B. when C. what D. whether
13. Kate left some milk for the cat in the living room for fear that she _______ hungry during the day.
A. would not be B. was not C. not be D. should be
14. Long ago she left the hometown _________ a new life, but things were not as good as they should.
A. in order to be built B. with a vew to building
C. so that she can build D. so as to building
15. They built another fence _______ .
A. In that the cattle cannot get out
B. So that the cattle could not get out
C. For fear of getting out
D. As soon as the cattle got out
16. Helen booked one more room ________ some other relatives should want to join the holiday.
A. so that B. in case C. in the event that D. as if
17. The _______ , the more successful you become.
A. More effort you make B. more you make effort
C. most effort you make D. effort you make most
18. ________ , the match went on as expected.
A. However heavy it rained B. No matter how heavily it rains
C. Heavily as it rained D. Although it was a heavily rain
19. Mark was talking very loudly _________ from a large distance.
A. so we could hear B. in that we had heard
C. in order that we could hear D. in order to hear
20. It is required that the deposit ________ before the transaction.
A. is sent B. can be sent C. will be sent D. be sent
21. The shop assistant kept asking me ________ the receipt.
A. whether I kept B. if I kept or not C. that I kept D. how did I keep
22. No sooner _________ the train left the platform.
A. I saw Betty than B. had I seen Betty when C. did I see Betty then D. had I seen Betty than
23. ________ in the fridge, the less cold it is.
A. The more food you store B. The more you store food
C. The more food was stored D. Storing more food
24. These files, _______ you may need for your presentation, could be restored earlier than you have
A. that B. with which C. when D. which
25. Mom tiptoed through the room _________ wake up.
A. so that the baby will not B. in order that the baby did not
C. for fear that the baby D. in order the baby not to
26. The moment the flag was raised, the anthem ________.
A. voiced B. was voicing C. had voiced D. was voiced
27. By the time she ________ the truth, things will have gone so far.
A. learns B. had learned C. will learn D. is to learn
28. The music score should be printed _______ the conductor asked
A. the way B. as if C. until D. though
29. The most complicated system _______ requires demonstration deserves to be reconsidered.
A. which B. that C. whose D. it
30. If the decision had been made earlier, we __________ a little more money.
A. could save B. could have saved C. will save D. must have saved
Teacher: Vu My Lan


Correct the mistake in each of the following sentences:

1. Martha, that we really trust, will be in charge of our budget.
2. These students, that we rely on, are really good at collecting data and analysing
3. Helen must have remembered to give us the files. We were very angry for not
having them.
4. The boy stood at the bus stop waited for his little sister.
5. No matter how intelligence he was, he could not answer every question.
6. The food leaving on the table went off after a few hours.
7. Although Jack did not speak French, but we could understand him well.
8. The teacher asked us to rewrite the essays no matter what well we had written
9. Young although she was, she could work effectively and smartly.
10. Leaving the car in the garage, Dora walked into the house through the back door.
11. Having been very good at chess, Jimmy could checkmate his opponent in a very
short time.
12. The car repairing last month seems to have a problem again.
13. Paula could not produce any solutions, that really surprised us.
14. Helena invited us to a tavern which a country music band was playing merrily.
15. The date when Kate noted down in her book was so important to her family.
16. The reason how he changes his workplace very often is what we can never
17. Born in the years of war, the hardship was very familiar to Jackie.
18. Having been instructing from the very beginning, the young clerk completed the
tasks and found himself lucky enough in the job.
19. Working in a small company, the job is not interesting to the young scientist.
20. His daughter, he loves very much, will leave his hometown for an interesting job
in a big city soon.

A. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning:

1. The waves were so high that the boat was in danger.
So ..
2. The boy never goes out in the evening in winter.
Never ..
3. The student asked a question right after the teacher sat down.
No sooner ..
4. We believe in God as many people do.
We believe, …
5. The reporters and cameramen were waiting outside the hotel.
Outside …
6. I would have got a better result if I had not been absent for 2 weeks.
Had …
7. If Jack knew the answer, he would not tell us.
Were …
8. They are such old files that you cannot rely on them.
Such …
So …
9. He did not tell the truth until the police came.
Not …
10. You can only get the gist after reading the whole passage.
Only after
11. Tina failed the driving test until she was 30 years old.
Only when …
12. Mike regularly sent letters to the orphange, and he also donated to Children’s
Not only …
13. They do not read much about Oriental countries.
Little …
14. If you happen to see my bike outside, put it in the garage for me.
Should …
15. The boys were playing some games in the shade of the big tree.
In ….
16. We did not understand much what Janet was saying.
Hardly …
17. It was so interesting a film that we watched it twice.
So …
18. Rita has stopped working in my company.
No …
19. Young people love adventures. They also are risky sometimes.
Not only …
20. Jackie does not often phone his wife at work.
Rarely ….
B. Correct the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. No sooner had the singer finished her last song when the audience rushed
onto the stage.
2. Little by little will you know how to teach your children in the right way.
3. Such nice weather was it that we decided to go camping.
4. So young the clerk was that he seemed not to know how to help me with the
5. It was not until the fifth day passed could the caravan reach the oasis.
6. Not until did Helen bring up the matter we dared to tell the truth.
7. In the heavy shower were some children playing merrily.
8. It was so nice an advice that we hardly ignored it.
9. The conservationists nowadays have more concern for the ecology than were
they in the past.
10. Had not Yolanda forgot to have her car checked, it would not have broken
11. Company A has sent me more orders than did company B.
12. Were the result to be changed, we would be happier.
13. Scarcely did Jimmy put down the receiver when the phone rang.
14. It was only when you have learned all of the rules can you know how to play
this sport.
15. Down the small path were some athletes cycling and chatting.

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