Essay Religion - Group 3

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Educational Journay

Islamic Religion Studies

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Audifa Valenia Syahida1, Nicholar Arie Putra Lande2
1Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Jalan Teknik Kimia, Keputih, Kec. Sukolilo, 5994251
2 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Jalan Teknik Kimia, Keputih, Kec. Sukolilo, 5994251

Overtime, there have been a lot of chaotic situation. This chaotic situation happen by so many
background causes especially led to this globalization. So many youth and adult are starting
to lose their morality. This was the effect of misunderstanding in Iman, Islam dan Ihsan. The 3
basic structure of islamic and morality studies, but so many people still misinterpreted is as a
different substantial. A learning about Integrating these three need to occured in order to build
a harmony and more dynamical society. This essay aimed to be an essay who have a goals
to changed persepective of so many moslems with research by quality and quantity by
doing field research and polling, the results will conducted the situation in the society
and analyzation within the society problem.
Keywords: Ihsan, Iman, Islam.

Globalization changes the way people and society act. A change in society can
causes a problem and benefit at the same time. The bad side of changes, can differ
society and led the situation into a mess.This because, society has less
understanding about integrating basic studies and morality in their own religions.
In islam religion it also conduct a morality studies based Iman, Islam and Ihsan.
Those three are the basic fundamental laws or shariah which represented behaviour
and the way of life. Those three things are really important to be interpreted in the
daily life. One of big picture, about what happen if this three studies cant be
interpreted nicely in life is the war that happen in Middle East and African Countries
or Islamic based countrie. The sources of this war occured because of the minimum
understanding of Iman, Islam and Ihsan. The understanding of these three also need
to be integrated, because these three represented each other and linked with each

Research Method

The methods that we used in this research is through quality and quantity. In the
quality side we conduct a research in society by searching the information and news
about what happen in society. In this case we want to see a more broad prospect
about the incident. Experiencing dynamical persepective and picturization about
how Integrity, Iman, Ihsan and Islam will shaped people differently
On another hand we also conduct a research by quantity. We have arranged
some question in google form about understanding integrity in Iman, Islam and
Ihsan and then spread them into all society. In this case we did not limit the
respondent, because we want to see how many people would understand this
interpretation without age limit.

Results and Discussion

1. Journal Research
Islam can be learn in such different ways. Different times have different ways
of learning. Islam was founded long time ago in the 7th century. When Islam
was founded, people must be new and clueless about this religion. When
people just knew about Islam, they have to learn bit by bit about Islam until
they know the deeper meaning about Islam. As times goes, people are
developed by learning new things for example learning about Islam. Now, we
talk about the modern days, people must have have know alot of things that
are taught in Islam for example integrating Faith, Islam, and Exellence. Those
are important when it comes to people that who have just embraced Islam.
They have to know about Faith(Akidah) first. And then learning by learning,
they developed their knowledge about Islam. Talking about Faith, Islam and
excellence people wonder what does it means in Islamic way, and why it is
Human only own four materials: body, heart, soul and feeling that function
to execute God’s will. To be a good creature, a human need to strengthen their
faith (Iman) not only until the yakin stages (believed) but also ainul yakin and
haqqul yakin. Because in this world we live alongside with inequality and
wickedness to fight over dunya. About this integration of Iman, Islam and
Ihsan (Endang Saifuddin Anshori,1998) in his books Kuliah Al-Islam, he
differentiate islamic learning into three basic things; aqidah, shariah and
akhlaq. With a descripition that aqidah is a branch of learning to study Iman,
Shariah in Islam and Akhlaq with Ihsan.
Iman from arabic “amana yu’minun mu’minin”. Meaning as “believe,
conviction and determination”. According to Abul ‘Ala al Maududi translated
iman as “to know, to believe, to be convinced beyond the last shadow of
doubt. For short Iman in islam has it own pillars. They are; believe in god,
believe in angels of Allah, believe in Allah’s bible, believe in Muhammad,
believe of the dooms day, and believe in Allah’s faith. As a moslem it is a must
to believe in those pillars, because its a basic construct of everything.
Meanwhile, Islam in arabic meaning as “Aslama yuslimu” which defines as
surrender, and obey to Allah. Because everything is back to Allah and human
could not control. In Islam pillars in itself there are 6 pillars; shuhada, Sholat
or pray, zakat, fasting, and hajj. In shuhada is the most important things in
Islam, because shahada is a commitment from human to their gods, as human
they belong to Islam, as a community belong to muslim and as a creature
belong to Allah. And then Hajj, hajj is a special pray where you have to pray
and go to Mecca, the law of Hajj for moslems is must but in quote for the one
who are able. So it is not necessary to do for the people who has lots of
struggle in economics and so on.

The last is Ihsan, Ihsan is the morality of islam. Ihsan is a personality for
moslems. Ihsan is the results from doing Iman and Islam. Ihsan happen
because people already understand and integrated those two above. In Ihsan,
the quran told about how to behave amoung others. The basic behaviour to
each others, its such an important parts, because people would only see the
output in the first sight. Ihsan will give human a sense of awareness and will
be avoided by bad environnment.
Those three aboves need to be integrated. Integration is a method or process
for developing a madani generation of deep learning in the educational
sector. Integration is defined as a union or merging of two or more races
(factors, sectors, and so on). In order to achieve insanul kamil (a wise human
being) we need to combined and integrated those three into once. Take a look
an example about situation happen right now:

Picture 1. The bribery in Indonesian Government

The headlines about bribery in Indonesia. People know bribery meaning and
already understand it. However, a lot of people who have position still
misfaulting their power. This also linked in the importance of integrating
Iman, Islam and Ihsan. From Iman, we will understand that everything in this
world are just a temporary, then Islam will guide us to get closer with allah
and Ihsan is the way we act to the people. This person, are faulting the Ihsan
which is behaviour to others. If Ihsan in itself is being faulted then rest
substantial already damaged. Because like a chain if one of the part are
broken, the rest are also collapsed.

a) Understanding Integrating Iman, Islam and Ihsan

Picture 2. The graphic

In this graphic, most moslems already understand about the Iman, Islam
and Ihsan. In this case we did not find anythings wrong.

Picture 3. The Graphic of Learning Iman, Islam and Ihsan

In this graphics, a picturization that most of the respondent taught about

Iman, Islam and Ihsan in the school rather than in society or their homes.
More than a half choose school as their option in studying nicely about Iman,
Islam and Ihsan. In this case a question about whether islamic values in the
house did not have a deep taught.
Picture 4. Graphic of Iman, Ihsan and Islam

In this picturization showed how 74,3% are enough to practice about Iman,
Islam and Ihsan. And almost quarter people not really practice the Iman, Islam and
Ihsan. And the rest are practicing it nicely. We can conclude that almost all of them
did not practice it nicely. There might be a reason behind it, we already did a
questionnaire on the causes why they did not practice it.
Most correspondent although they understand about Iman, Islam and Ihsan
they said they had some private problem in their life. Such as busy time and etc. This
causes why so many of them leave praying, on other hand they also answered the
reason of why they did not go to hajj, and almost all of them said it was an economical

Conclusion and Suggestion

Conclusion, so many people understand about the importance of Iman, Islam
dan Ihsan. However, most of them also did not practicing it. In another side we
viewed that Integrating Iman, Islam and Ihsan are really important in order to have
a really calmed and peaceful society.
As a result we want that beside school. Iman, Islam and Ihsan can be
interpreted to regulation from government or a mechanism from government, to
gather moslems to practice about Iman, Islam and Ihsan to create more safe society.
Book Sources
Wahyuddin, Zainul M, Mohammad Saifulloh (2020) Pendidikan Agama Islam
Membangun Karakter Mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi , Littera Jannata
Perkasa, Surabaya.
Website Sources:
Basten, G. (2021, July 18) Indonesian former fisheries minister jailed for bribery in
lobster retrieved from https: //
Journal Sources:
Norazmi,A.,Dr.Engku,A. (2013). The Concept of Knowledge Integration. The
Integration of Knowledge in Islam: Concept and Challenge (1), 3-4.

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