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‘one eyele of which occurs when physizally tis equation represents an undamped ee vibration, Pah iqavien through 360 degrees: therefore riod 7 = —22= and natural frequency fx = 1/7 eps Pe Tm where VE/m =» rad/sec is the angular natural frequency: rind the equivalent springs for the systems shown in Fig: 1-7a and Fig. 1-7b where lel and in series respectively. the springs are in paral For springs in parallel, Di Fi=kex, and Fo= Pit Fs = (ka + kes) es k and in general Be For springs in series, force is the same in each but the total displacement is the sum of the Thus es mt = Pik + Fike Fiske, Then sprit individual displacements. Fokim = ke: and 1 Then kee = Fle = TESTE and in general, ks Assuming that the spring constant is inversely proportional to the number of coils in the spring, z find and compare the natural frequencies of the systems shown in Fig. 1-8. the equation of motion is m+ kx = For 20 on = VE For case (5), the equation of motion is mE + (ithe = 0 corresponding to springs in parallel, so wx = V(ki + ka)/m. = 2k, w.= Vak/m and the required But since ky ratio is 1:2. A simply-supported beam with a concentrated load acting on the midspan is shown in Fig. 1.9. If the mass of the beam is negligible compared to the mass acting, find the natural frequency of the system. From Strength of Materials, the deflection at the midspan of a simply-supported beam due to a concentrated load P at the center of the beam is 2 given by 5 = PL'/48EI where E and I take on the Sen usual meaning. For small deflections, k = P/é = A8EI/IL'; hence theyequation of motion for this free. undamped vibration is mitk: = 0 Fig.1-9 and = Vk/m = V48ET/mL> rad/sec Dipindat dangan CamScanner Solved Problems EQUATION OF MOTION AND NATURAL FREQUENCY 1, Determine the equation of motion and natural frequency of vibration of the simple spring-mass system shown in Fig. 1-6. Applying Newton's law of motion, 3F = ma: For vertical oscillations, the forces acting are the Z spring force, k(8, + 2), and the weight mg of the mass. Therefore the equation of motion i Ka +2) mE = -K(8,.+2) + mg ie where = d'x/dt*, and 8,, is the static deflection due to the weight of the mass acting on the spring. Then me mg = 5,,k, and the equation of motion becomes 7 mi tke = 0 which is the differential equation for SHM. The most Fig. 1-6 general form of solution for this equation is x = AsinVk/mt + BcosVkimt or = = Ceos(Vkimt + 9) where A,B,C, and ¢ are arbitrary constants depending on initial conditigns z(0) and (0). Two constants must appear in the general solution because this is a second order differential equation. For an initial displacement xo, we have A =0, B= 2» and hence 3 (Vk/m t) ® x Dipindatdangan CamScanner CHAP. 1] SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM 7 5. The string is under tension 7 which can be assumed to remain constant for small displacements, For small oscillations, find the natural frequency of the vertical vibra- tion of the string. F=—.—] f4 This is free undamped vibration; the restoring force is the tension in the string. Since the tension is essentially constant, this is T[z/a + x/(L—a)]. Applying Newton's second law of motion, the equation of motion is mE + Txla + 2ML—a)] = 0 or mi + T[L/o(L—ajjz = 0, and we = 4 wai rad/see A steel cantilever beam of length 10 in. has a square cross-section of }x}in. A mass of 10 Ib is attached to the free end of the beam as ‘ shown in Fig. 1-11. Determine the natural fre- : quency of the system if the mass is displaced Fig. 1-1 slightly and released. Assume the mass of the cantilever is small. From Strength of Materials, the deflection at the free end of the cantilever due to mass m is 8 = PL'/3EI. For small oscillations, the cantilever behaves elastically; hence the spring scale k = F/8 = 3EI/L* Ib/in. ‘The moment of inertia I of the beam is I = b*/12 elasticity of the steel is Z = 30(10)* Ib/in’, ‘The equation of motion for free undamped vibration is m¥+kz = 0, and - aaO) 2) o = vile 10(8072)(1 = |eeeTiraitiess 4) (p/12 = 1/3072 in', and the modulus of Dipindatdangan CamScanner 10. An electric motor ix supported by 4 aprings, each having spring constant kIb/in as shown in Fig. 1-18. If the moment of inertia of the motor about the central axis of rotation in J», find ite natural frequency of oaeillation. Newton's law of motion in the form of the torque equation aM twisting torque © restoring torave Mhate = 8 from which #4 (Akot/J)e ~ 0 and w= 2aVUTI: eatiuve A semicircular homogeneous disk of radius r and mass Fig tay m is pivoted freely about ity center ax shown in Fig. 1-14. Determine its natural frequency of oscillation for smayj dixplacementa, Ne 2 Fig tlt Employ Newton's torque equation, 2M = Je¥, Hore Je = Jmr* and the distance of the mass center from the center of the disk is R= t/t as shown, Hence the restoring torque is mgR sing and the equation of motion ia (qr = mg sino where the minus sign is required Lecause the force mg is actin, ig in the decreasing # dircetion. Por small values of ¢, sine ¢ and the equation of motion becomes + (B9/3re)9 = 0 which is the differential equation of a system having simple harmonic mation; hence 8 ee Say Tad/see « in where Jo = Mfr is the moment of inertia of the pulley. But at static equilibrium, mgr = kre Hence equation (£) becomes ~ r(mg — m2) — kre — mgr . vases Determine the natural frequency of the spring-mass-pulley system shown in Fig. 1-15, “ 3 Newton's law of motion: For the mass m, x mg -T = me G & s o mg rte For the pulley M, AG = Tr~ kote ® Fig. 1-15 Dipindatdangan CamScanner CHAP. 1) SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM the differential equation of motion hecomes ke and = VfB Fm Replacing # by 72, oF # by » rad/aee (Me + mrs) + kre = Energy method: KB, = K.E.of mass + KE, of pulley dm? + fied? = fmrtdt + fle PEL = feet = phntet Since the total energy of the aystem remains unchanged, a Scr + PE) = 0 and Since 4 is not always zero, (mr*# + Jy + kr's) is equal to zer ‘Then 0 and oe = Af ara em TAdlse€ 11, Determine the natural frequency of the system shown in Fig. 1-16 where the mass of the spring is not small. If the mass of the spring is not to be ignored, K.E.of the system = KE, of mass + KE. of spring = gnats f * Node (ernyae where (c/L)z is the displacement at an intermediate point of the spring at a distance ¢ from the upper fend, and p is the mass of the spring per unit length. Rayleigh’s method: (K.E.)nu = (P-E)ne (KE Joe = mie + Henle fede = mba + Yoldna/LP (LS) = Hom fol) he (PE Jan = Herb jon, let 2 = Assinust; then, equating the two maximum For sinusoidal oscill: energy expressions, Hom + foL)lorAy? = dha? which gives ex = Vilon# fob) rad/see If p is negligible compared to m, then ws = Vk/m, which is the natural angular frequency of the simple spring-mass system shown in Problem 1. 12. A simple pendulum is shown in Fig. 1-17. Determine the natural fre- « quency of the swing, (a) if the mass of the rod is small compared to the mass at the end, (b) if the mass of the rod is not negligible. (@) Brergy method: 2 (KE. + PE) = 0 For small rotation of the mass about the pivot, Ka frat = 4m(Léy', PE. = mgL(1 — cos) ad 4(CB.+ PE) = mths + mgLsines = 0 + (/l)sine = 0 4; the equation of motion then becomes For small angle of oscillation, o+(g/L)s = 0 with os = Vo/L rad/see » Dipindatdangan CamScanner 10 SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM (CHap,; (b) Let Mf be the mass of the uniform rod; it acts through the center of the rod halfway from both ends, KE, = K.E.of mass + K.E. of rod 4m(Lay + 4(1/3)M(L8)* PE, = PE of mass + P.E. of rod = mgL(1 — cos) + Mg(L/2)(1 — cos 4) LRB.4 PE) = (m+ MIST + oLim+ Mi2)sings = 0 el a4 [at Miz Bi agtine |r) = 0 For small angle of oscillation, sin@ + 6 and the equation of motion becomes 0 with ow, (EE om rad/sec 1+ M/2m T+ Mam in+M/2 e+ ee De Note that if Mf is much smaller than m, then is essentially 1 and w, has approxi. mately the same value as in part (a). 13. The Compound Pendulum is a rigid body of mass m and is oc 15. pivoted at a point a distance d from its center of mass G. It is free to rotate under its own gravitational force. Find the frequency of oscillation of such a pendulum. At any instant under consideration, the weight of the body is the only force acting, Then Je = —mgd sing is the equation of motion, where J is the moment of inertia of the body about the axis of rotation. Considering only small oscillations, sine 2 9 and T+ (mgd/de = 0, un = Vmgd/d rad/see But o. = Vg/d for a simple pendulum of length d. Hence J/md ean be Fig. 1-18 defined as the length of the equivalent simple pendulum. The uniform stiff rod is restrained to move vertically by both linear and torsional springs as shown in Fig. 1-19. Calculate the frequency of the vertical oscillation of the rod. Applying the torque equation 3M = — Ko — 2kl* sing = (mL*/3) where m is the mass of the rod, and J is the moment of inertia of the rod with axis of rotation at the end. Thus (mL*/3)8 + Ko + 2kL and on = [HERE ape Vase Flan The mass M at the end of the cord of the conical pendulum is revolving around the vertical axis as shown in ‘Fig. 1-20 below. The plane of the circular path is horizontal, and will rise when the angular velocity of rotation is increased. Determine the fre- quency of the system. — | i Dipindat dangan CamScanner a SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM (cap, 18. A circular cylinder of mass m and radius 7 is connected by a spring of modulus k as shown in Fig. 1-23. If it is free to roll on the rough horizontal surface without slipping, find its fre- quency. Energy method: The total energy of the system consists of kinetic energy (rotational and translational) and potential ‘energy; and should remain the same all the time. ‘Translational K.E, = 4mit, Rotational KE, = Joi? Fig. 1-23 where the moment of inertia of the eylinder is Jo= Jmrt, . Also re =z, or ré = 3. ‘Thus, for the system at any time, KE, = mit + 4(fmr(d/r}* mt PEL = fkst and SKE. + PE) = E+ ky = 0 SKE + PE) = 0 or fm + kaye = Since # is not always zero, the equation of motion becomes m3 + ke = 0, and soo. = V2K/8m rad/see Nevwton’'s law of motion: Applying Newton’s law of motion to the cylinder, BF sma or = m¥ = -ke + Fy where F; is the friction force. Using the torque equation, 3Af = Jy Ae DeO= Fyre or (dmr\(E/r) = —Fyr and hence F; = —Jm, Substitute this expression for Fy into the foree Fr ‘equation to obtai ckz-4mZ or m+ kx = 0 Fig. 1-24 and so on = VBE/Bm rad/see 19, The homogeneous circular disc has a moment of inertia about its center equal to 10 Ib-in-sec’. At the static equilibrium posi- tion, both springs are stretched one inch. Find the natural angular frequency of oscillation of the disc when it is given a small angular displacement and released. k = 10 Ib/in. Using the torque equation % 5, the initial tension in the spring is 10 Ib, and the change in tension is 10(108) Ib, and = [(10~ 1008) ~ (10 + 1004)] 10 or G+ 2000 = 0 from which ws = ¥200 142 rad/see. 20. The mass of the slender uniform rod shown in Fig. 1-26 below is small compared to the mass attached to it. For small oscillations, calculate the natural frequency of the swing of the mass. Using the torque equation 2M. mbt where @sing is the amount the spring stretched. Assuming small osei = 14, we obtain —mgL sin @ — (a cos )k(a sin 6) ions, sing = ¢, cose = 1s Dipindat dangan CamScanner CHAP. 1] SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM 13 and the equation of motion becomes mL? 3 + (mg + ka’ye 0 F(ab te), = 9 or o4 (mee which gives a . on = 4) MOE Ek ead/zce, If the apring constant bis stro, the expression for the angular nathral frequency of the pend. Tum is reduced to the femillar expression fer ‘ sion for & Fig. 1-25 simple pendulum, w. = V9/L rad/sec, * 21, Use Rayleigh’s method to find the natural frequency of the semi-circular shell of mass m and radius r which rolls from side to side without slipping as shown in Fig. 1-27 below. QO ce. MER Th 1 Ymg Fig. 1-27 (KE jen = Yael = mr(r— aot e+ m(r—a)t = Ie mat + m(r—ayt = 2mr(r— a). Then (K.E)ax = (PED) or . ‘mr(r—a)ez = mga(l ~ cos 6) where Is and os c rad/see 22. Use the Energy method to find the natural frequency of oscitlation of the homogeneous cylinder as shown in Fig. 1-28 below. . Fig 1.28 KE, = fit + pJed* = fmrtet + forte = Smrtst where m is the mass of cylinder and Jo its mass moment of inertia, PE, = dket = 2+ dk(rtaytet where = ‘6 and sing Then a _ we Akita), Ee. + PB) = 0 or gmtdd + hin to 0 or ++ ete, = 0 from which on = 4] HEE rad /see Dipindatdangan CamScanner 14 SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM (CHap, 23. The cord can be assumed inextensible in the spring-mass-pulley system as shown in "Fig. 1-29, Find the natural frequency of vibration if the mass m is displaced slightly and released. Use the Energy method. KE.oun = K. + KE. putiey dnt + ye + dmi* + JMG) + JGatr\G/2n* Jit + hae elastic energy of spring det = Aiday = phat Then SKE4PE) = 0 or +4MEE + deed = 0 and Ham¥ + 4M E+ kee) = 0 Since # is not always zero, _ k ‘i Zam+ = 0, and oy rad Fig. 1-29 (am + $M) + ke = 0, d a \d/see ig. 24. The mass m is hanging from a cord attached to the circular homogeneous disc of mass M and radius R ft, as shown in Fig. 1-30. The disc is restrained from rotating by a spring attached at radius r ft from the center. If the mass is displaced down- ward from the rest position, determine the frequency of oscillation, Applying Newton's second law of motion to the mass, BF sma or T—mg = —mna and tension T = m(g—a), Let a be the angular acceleration of the disc; then a= Ra and T m(g — Ra) = m(g — RB) When the mass is at rest, the torque due to the weight of the mass is balanced by the mou ment due to the restoring force in the spring, ive, mgR = Tyr where Te is the initial tension in the spring; then T, = mgR/r, Additional torque due to further stretching of the spring is krive), where & is the modulus of the spring. Also, the total torque due to the Fig.1-30 weight of the mass is mR(g— R¥), Using the torque equation, EM = Joa, Js9 = —(kr*9 + mgR) + (mgR — mR*s) or Gat mR)9 + rte = 0 which is the differential equation of motion of a system having simple harmonic motion; therefore, Ier® = ket where Jo= 4MR* is the mass moment of inertia of the dise with respect to the central longitudinel axis. 25. The cylinder of mass m and radius r rolls without slipping on a circular surface of radius R as shown in Fig. 1-31 below. Determine the frequency of oscillation whe" the cylinder is displaced slightly from its equilibrium position. Use the Energy method: Dipindatdangan CamScanner CHAP. 1) SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM 15 The total energy of the system consists of kinetic eners tio i i energy; and should remain the same all the time, ee hee Translational K.E. = 4m ((R—r) Rotational K.E, = 4Jo($—6 ; r f jonal K.B. = }Jo(}—8)*, where the moment of inertia of the cylinder is Je=}mr’. Also, are = 95 inertia ofthe ender 4m’. Also, arc length AB = Re =rg; hence ¢=Re/r. Thus, for the K.E. 4m[(R = r)a}* + 4(pmr4y(R/r — 1) 5* PE. = mg(R—r)(1 — cose) da » st GAKEL+ PE) = 0 or HR=s)'mF + mg(R-r) sine = 0 For small angles of oscillation, sin@ + @ and the equation of motion becomes 0, and 80 os -ad/see Kya + Fig. 1-32 Fig. 1-31 26, If the mass of the pulleys shown in Fig. 1-82 above is small and the cord is inextensible, find the natural frequency of the system. dz, and zy the displacements of pulleys A and B respectively. But since neither pulley A Let 7’ be the tension in the cord, ‘Then, if pulley B is fixed, z=2z; if instead pulley A is fixed, 7 = 22. nor pulley B is fixed, © fm 4.20 Consider pulley B as a free-body, and sum forces: QT —keey = 0 or 9 2 = kaze Similarly for pulley A: OT = kee or OT = ate = Inte = Dee t Bey = AT(I/ke + Wks) Tag Then is the equivalent spring constant. This has reduced the problem to a = 1 where kee = 07k, + 17h simple spring-mass system with spring constant equal to he But m#+kx = 0 is the equation of motion for a simple spring-mass system with natural frequency Vk/m; hence 7 Vim = [ee oe = Keglm = Tnike +h) rad/sec és Dipindat dangan CamScanner

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