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Design Principles and Considerations of Port Elements 241

WEBB, J. C., 1982. "The LOOP Project: Taking WINDLER, F. J., 1983. "The Corrosion Survey
the Port to the Ship." ASCE Civil Engineer- -An Engineer's Guide to Maintenance Paint-
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WEBB, D. W., 1995. "San Juan Harbor Naviga- WooD, J. S., KHANNA, J., and DEMBINSKI, M.,
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Specialty Conference PORTS'95, Tampa, FL. ing Large Ships in a Strong Current," Pro-
WEIS, J. M. and BLANCATO, V., 1959. "Breasting ceedings of Permanent International Associa-
Dolphin for Berthing Supertankers." ASCE tion of Navigation of Congresses, 26th
Journal of the Waterways and Harbours. Congress, Edinburgh.
PRESERVATION, 1987. Minutes of the 37th ROBERTSON, J., 1987. "Port Bonython Jetty,
Meeting of the General Assembly, Portschach, South Australia," Proceedings Institution of
Austria. Civil Engineers, October.
WHITENECK, L. L. and HOCKNEY, L. A., 1989. YARON, S. L. and SHIMON!, J., 1982. "The Hadera
Structural Materials for Harbor and Coastal Offshore Coal Unloading Terminal: A New
Construction. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Approach to Unloading of Bulk in the Open
New York. Sea," Proceedings of Offshore Technology
WICKER, C. F. (ed.), 1965. "Evaluation of Present Conference, Houston, TX, May.
State of Knowledge of Factors Affecting Tidal YINGLING, J., MULLINGS, G. M., and GAINOR,
Hydraulics and Related Phenomena," Report R. D., 1992. "Loss of Air Content in Pumped
No. 3 Committee on Tidal Hydraulics, U.S. Concrete." Concrete International, October.
Army Corps of Engineers. YOUNDALE, J. E. and SHRIVASTAVA, S.M., 1986.
WILLIAMSON, G. R., 1978. "Steel Fibers as Web "Design and Construction of Marine Facilities
Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete," Pro- for Ridley Island Coal Terminal," Proceedings
ceedings of U.S. Army Science Conference, ASCE Specialty Conference PORTS'86,
Vol. 3. Oakland, CA.
Design Loads

3.1 GENERAL with the following:

The purpose of this chapter is to provide • Ship docking and mooring operations, in-
the port designer with guidelines on loads cluding berthing impact, and mooring
and forces to be used in the design of port forces due to winds, waves and current
related marine structures. acting on the vessel
All applied design loads and forces which • Vertical and longitudinal friction forces
should be considered in marine structures between the ship and fenders due to
tidal action, change in ship draft due to
design may be defined in the following basic
loading/unloading, and the ship rubbing
categories: along the structure during berthing ma-
• Loads and forces from the water side of • Loads and forces due to the operation of
the structure cargo handling and hauling equipment
• Loads from the land side of the structure such as fixed, rail-mounted, and mobile
• Loads and forces related to dock operation cranes, dry bulk loadingjunloading equip-
• .Load due to the temperature effect ment, conveyers, miscellaneous tire and
crawler track-mounted equipment, trucks
Waterside related loads and forces are and other vehicles, liquid· cargo handling
basically environmental forces such as wind, arms and piping, and others
waves, current, and ice. Land-side related • Uniform distributed loads of a miscella-
neous nature
loads are typically the weight of the struc-
ture, the vertical and horizontal compo-
nents of soil pressure, and the hydrostatic Loads due to temperature effects may
pressure from the groundwater behind the have a substantial impact on the spacing
structure. between expansion joints. In general, these
Loads and forces related to the operation loads may generate considerable horizontal
of the dock are basically those associated loadings on marine structures and be espe-

244 Design Loads

cially detrimental when applied to some Safe operation of any structure depends
specific structural components. on the loadings subsequent to completion of
Additionally, loads acting on a marine construction. Because the structure is usu-
structure can be classified as permanent, ally loaded after it is built and not always
temporary, and special. as designed, the selection of design loads is
a problem of statistics and assessment of
Permanent loads include the weight of the probability. In some cases, neither the
structure along with the weights of ware- owner nor the designer is sure what maxi-
houses, sheds, and administrative offices all mum loading the structure may be required
permanently installed on the marine struc- to sustain in the course of its useful life. In
ture, and also the weight of permanently in-
addition, the selected loading is often sub-
stalled fixed cargo handling equipment. In
further discussions, this kind of load will be
jective and largely depends on the designer's
referred to as dead load. (Note that lateral experience. To avoid divergent designs and
soil pressure may also be defined as a perma- to formulate reasonable design loads and
nent load.) load combinations, the designer should fol-
Temporary loads and forces include those due low relevant guidelines, codes, and stand-
to the environment and dock operation. The ards, but also exercise common sense. Rea-
latter includes all kinds of live loads sonable design loads are those that do not
(surcharge, moving equipment), ship berthing result in either prohibitive cost of structure
forces, and mooring forces. construction nor in structure obsolescence
Special loads include accidental loads, earth- shortly after commissioning. The designer
quake forces and other unusual loads. also should exercise great care in formulat-
ing design loads, particularly those gener-
As with the design of conventional struc- ated by mobile cargo handling and hauling
tures, the loads, and their combinations, equipment.
used in marine structure design are distin-
guished as normal and extreme.

Normal load combinations are those that 3_2 ENVIRONMENTAL LOADS

could exist under normal dock operations. The
most severe, realistically expected combina- Wind, waves, current, and ice provide the
tions of dead load and soil pressure, ship principal environmental loads on marine
impact and mooring forces, loads generated
structures. Typically, environmental design
by cargo handling and hauling equipment,
and appropriate surcharge loads are usually
loads are based on storm conditions having
selected as the normal design load combina- an average expected recurrence interval of
tion for a given structure. To proportion the 50 years; some important marine structures
structural elements exposed to normal load may be designed on the basis of an expected
combinations, normal allowable stresses are event recurrence of up to 100 years.
used. Because most of the port related marine
facilities are located in areas sheltered from
The normal loading, in combination with the action of sizable waves and strong cur-
unusual forces such as an earthquake, an rents, the direct action of these environ-
accidental load of miscellaneous nature or mental agents against marine structures
operation under a damaged condition, is are, in general, negligible. Under typical
considered to be an extreme load condition. design conditions, berthing and mooring
In such cases, allowable stresses used in loads and lateral soil thrust are, as a rule,
design would be appropriately increased the dominant horizontal forces acting on
(see "Load Combinations," Section 3.8). a berthing structure. However, even in
Design Loads 245

protected harbors the traveling vessels may Table 3-1. Value offactor C 1
generate substantial waves, the effect of
Length of the Ship
which could be considerable on moored
ships. ::;; 25m 50m lOOm ~200m

However, at exposed locations (i.e., 1 0.8 0.65 0.5

breakwaters, offshore terminals, or some
terminals located in inland waterways) the
effects of wave and current forces must be where
studied closely. Pw = total wind force on the dock structure in
In countries with a cold climate, ice rep- kilonewtons.
resents a major environmental load on dock k = 1.3, shape factor, which considers suction
structures. The ice may impose lateral increase on the leeward side.
thrusts against a structure, produce uplift cl = coefficient that considers the length of the
and pile jacking loads, increase the weight ship; the recommended values of C 1 are
of the structure, and abrade the structural given in Table 3-1.
material. C2 = gust factor; average gust-factor value range

Note: when selecting a design value of C2 the

3.2.1 Wind size of the ship is to be considered. Because
the gust duration may be insufficient to de-
velop a full mooring force or maximum fender
The magnitude and strength of a wind load strain on a large ship (the "inerta effect"),
acting on a dock structure depends on the smaller values of C2 are usually used when
velocity of the prevailing wind, dock orien- dealing with large ships. Fang (1979) has re-
tation, the amount of structure exposed to ported on test results to verify wind and cur-
wind, and the size of a ship moored along- rent loads on tankers 170,000-280,000 DWT.
side the dock structure. In general, the wind It has been found that 20 s of sustained gust
force that acts on a ship is proportional to can fully excite the moored very large crude
the square of the wind velocity. The wind carrier (VLCC), whereas approximately a 1-
min gust duration is required to induce the
effect, which by its nature is dynamic, is
maximum ship response.
usually decomposed into a static action (e.g.,
no variation in wind speed) and a dynamic LAx and LAy
action (e.g., gust) is covered by a special = exposed to wind areas of the ship, cargo

coefficient(s). Two components of wind forces handling and hauling equipment located on
the structure, and the dock structure area
are usually considered: one that acts per-
(in m 2 ) above water line exposed to wind
pendicularly to the dock structure and the respectively in x and y directions. If the
other that acts parallel to it. The maximum dock structure is occupied by ships on both
wind force is usually obtained when the sides, the sheltering effect of the windward
wind is blowing at 90° to the ship's center- ship is taken into account. The wind force
line. on the sheltered vessel is usually assumed
Total wind force, Pw, acting on a ship to be 50% of the value of an unsheltered
alongside a structure may be expressed as vessel had it not been sheltered against the
follows: wind.

Note: The maximum wind load on a dock

Pw = kpwC1C2( LAx sin 2¢ + LAY <f>)
cos 2 structure will be when the ship is in a light
condition (maximum exposed to wind area). If
accurate wind area information for a specific
246 Design Loads

design ship is not available, then approxi- water surface (V10 ), obtained from available
mate values obtained from Figures 3-1 and wind records. If the wind is recorded at an
3-2 may be used for the preliminary design. elevation other than 10 m, the wind speed
cf> = angle of wind direction to ship centerline. at the 10-m level is determined using
Pw = specific wind pressure (in kPa), which
varies with the square of the sustained vw = V10 = ( 1o;z) 1/7 vz (3-3)
wind velocity. The sustained wind velocity
is the average speed over 1 min. The value where
of Pw may be obtained from V 10 = wind speed at an elevation 10 m over
surface of water
Pw = 4.74 X 10- 5 v.,7 (3-2) Z = elevation of recorded wind (in m)
Vz = recorded wind speed at elevation Z.
where Vw =velocity of the wind (in kmjh).
For fetch length, that is, the horizontal ex-
The value of Pw varies from place to place tension of the wave generating area, less
and usually is specified by local building than or equal to 15 km, the wind speed
codes. Wind speed is usually assumed to be recorded over land (VL) should be adjusted
the sustained wind speed 10 m above the to obtain the over-water wind speed (Vw)


""'cc I

,." I
0 100 J
r-- -- ./"

2 3 4
Exposed to wind a rea
6 7 8

Figure 3-1. Approximate projected (vessel in ballast condition) to wind area as function of
Design Loads 24 7

using For preliminary design Udovichenko and

Yakovlev (1976) recommended the following
equation to determine the ship's exposed to
If the fetch is longer than 15 km, the ratio wind area, A, when she is in a light condi-
R = VwfVL can be obtained from Figure tion:
More information on wind speed and A= aL~ (3-5)
wind forces calculations can be found in
NAVFAC DM-26.2 (1982), Gaythwaite where
(1981, 1990), Headland (1995), Bruun A = exposed to wind area of a ship m light
(1989), Sohngen (1995) and PIANC (1995). condition (m 2 ).



I /

I v


~ /



10 l "/ /
0 2 3 4 5 6
Ship exposed to wind area (m 2 x 10 3 )

Figure 3-2. Approximate projected to wind area as a function of vessel capacity: 1. general cargo
(light condition); 2. container ship.

Table 3-2. Coefficient a in eq. (3-2)

Length (L 8 )
Type ofVessel lOOm 150m 200m 250m and More
Mixed general
cargo /passenger 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.11
General cargo 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08
Tankers 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07
248 Design Loads

L 8 =maximum length of a ship (in m). ues of wind load presented in Figure 3-4
a = empirical coefficient which takes into ac- are obtained from miscellaneous sources
count the ship's shape and length. The rec- and should be considered as rather conser-
ommended values of a are given in Table vative. The wind load is transmitted to the
3-2. quay structure via the ship's mooring lines,
Additionally, it should be recognized that the or fender units effectively in contact with a
area of a ship exposed to the wind is not sym- ship.
metrical about the midship line; the latter may In some cases, the berth could be partly
help to develop a moment of rotation about the shielded against the seaward wind by exist-
ship's center of gravity. ing structures, such as warehouses, office
buildings, or by specially constructed wind-
In designing the dock structure for wind protective structures. In the past, such
forces, it is usually assumed that cargo han- structures have been effectively used in
dling equipment such as cranes and loading ports at Le Havre, Marseilles, Dover, and
towers would not operate with a wind other locations (Minikin, 1963).
stronger than 25 kmjh. It is also customary
to consider that a ship would not remain
alongside the dock in light condition in a
3.2.2 currents
severe storm; she would either take on bal-
last or leave for sea. (pw = 0.25 kPa is usu- In the design of marine structures there
ally considered adequate for the dock struc- are three major kinds of currents to be
ture.) In designing the dock, use of unit considered:
wind pressure greater than lkPa should be
justified by special requirements.
1. River currents
For the preliminary design, values of de-
sign wind load (kN jper linear meter of ship) 2. Tidal currents
can be obtained from Figure 3-4. The val- 3. Wind-induced current in harbors

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40KNOTS

0 10 45 .._ES PER HOUR


Figure 3-3. Ratio (R) of over-water (Vw) to over-land (VL) wind speed as a function
of over-land wind speed. [After Resio and Vincent (1976).]
Design Loads 249


90 I
80 I
70 I

••cc 80

-• J

40 ~


'D 30
:;; /
20 /
10 ,..._... .... .J

- 1---
10 20 30
Wind load (kN per lin. m of ship)

Figure 3-4. Approximate wind load per linear meter of ship.

River and tidal currents are usually se- ships and larger values for the dock
lected from available statistical data, structure. These values of care conserva-
whereas the wind-induced currents in still tive and are recommended for the prelim-
water are usually taken as equal to 1% of inary design stages only. The true value
the velocity of sustained wind at 10 m above of c may be obtained from model tests of
the surface of the w~ter. Typically, current the design ship and dock structure.
velocity decreases slowly with depth, and Vc =velocity of the current (in mjs).
current load (drag) on a dock structure de- E A = exposed-to-current areas of the fully laden
pends on the square of the current velocity ship and the structure system (in m 2 ).
and the shape and magnitude of the
exposed-to-current areas of both the
fully laden ship and the submerged part of In a strong current, a dock structure is
the structure. usually placed parallel to the stream. The
The force of the current exerted on the design current force is typically based on a
ship/structure system in both longitudinal current having an expected average recur-
and transversal directions (Pc) (in kN) can rence interval of 5 years.
be obtained from Current force acting on the vessel is usu-
ally transmitted to the dock structure
through the mooring lines and very seldom
Pc = c "'AV
2 (3-6)
by the ship bearing against the fender sys-
tem. For more information on the direct
where quasi-static curre:n:t forces imposed against
c = empirical drag coefficient; c = 0.5 to 1.0 ship/dock structure system, the reader is
(kN s 2 jm4 ). Smaller values are used for referred to the British Standard Code of
250 Design Loads

Practice for Maritime Structures, Part 1 velocities of 5 and 7 knots, respectively, and
(1984), NAVFAC (1968, 1982), Palo (1983), dependent on the berth location. The ap-
Gaythwaite (1981, 1990), Bruun (1989), proximate one-third difference in C 8 value
Headland (1995), and PIANC (1995). measured in the above experiments and
Newman (1977) provides an in-depth those measured at lmmingham Oil Termi-
treatment of hydrodynamic current forces nal were mainly attributed to the different
on ships, where, under certain site condi- area densities of piling. Specifically, at Im-
tions, strong current may produce substan- mingham it was about 3% according to
tial standoff forces exerted on the vessel. In Khanna and Sorensen, and in the Wood et
1968, serious problems associated with a al. experiments it was equal to about 1% of
strong tidal current (velocity of about 5.5 the structure's effective area. However, in
knots) was experienced during construction the latter case, a 16% increase in pile den-
and operation of the Immingham Oil Termi- sity did not alter standoff forces signifi-
nal for 100,000-DWT tankers on the Hum- cantly. More details on the effects of pile
ber River in the United Kingdom (Jackson, density and configuration on standoff forces
1973). One problem that appeared was vio- is found in the work of Ball and Wilcock
lent oscillation of unbraced piles across the (1981), and PIANC (1995).
flow. Even when restrained by bracings or a In general, the reduction in the depth/
superstructure, the piles were not immune draft ratio from 1.5 to 1.32 resulted in about
to some vibration and extensive additional a 35% increase in standoff force. The mo-
bracing was subsequently added in order to tion of the moored ship usually started when
ensure safe terminal operation. the flow of water exceeded a threshold ve-
Another problem observed, during a high locity of approximately 2 knots. Under such
current the moored ship was pushed off the conditions, substantial dynamic mooring
berth by considerable standoff force that line loads (two to three times that due to
was built up between the ship and the pier the standoff force) are encountered are
structure. The cause of this force attributed attributed to strong surge-yaw and sway
to the effect of slowing down water passing motions.
through the pier piling, resulting in a pres- A phenomenon similar to that at lm-
sure head by raising the water level. The mingham Oil Terminal can be experienced
increased head of water in the area of the by a ship moored alongside a berth struc-
piles deflected the current outward, with ture located in close proximity to the river-
the result that there was a flow across the bank or in a narrow tidal estuary with
berth line. As a result, a ship moored to a strong currents. In this case, the acceler-
piled berth structure was pushed away from ated flow of water around one side of the
the berth by a combination of the differen- ship may result in differential head (a hy-
tial head and the angular current (Fig. 3-5). draulic gradient across the ship) pushing
The differential head across the moored ship the ship away from the bank.
(tl.h) was found to be equal to tl.h = Therefore, at terminal sites with strong
c.v 2 j2g, where the coefficient c.= 0.42, current and where a potential for standoff
Vis the undisturbed current (flow) velocity, forces exist, the designer should carefully
and g is gravity acceleration. investigate the problem, as no typical de-
Khanna and Sorensen (1980) and Wood sign solution or theory exists in practice at
et al. (1980) reported on model test results this time.
carried out on a 1 : 100 scale model to study In conclusion it should be noted that an
the standoff effect phenomenon. They found essential parameter to be considered in cal-
the value of coefficient c. to range from 0.1 culating the force of current, besides the
to 0.15 and 0.07 to 0.12 for scaled current current velocity, is the underkeel clearance,
Design Loads 251

) I\

• • • •
• • • •
1- _jA
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •

... h = c.v 2 /2g

- --

Figure 3-5. Standoff force on moored ship.

i.e., the vertical distance from the bottom of to direct wave forces of significant magni-
the ship to the bed of the basin. According tude.
to PIANC (1995), if the underkeel clearance Goda (1985) suggested that any harbor
is small, the current force can be up to six where a significant wave, H 8 , is less than
times the value of that in deep water. approximately 1.0 m, even under design
storm conditions, can be considered a calm
harbor; he offers the following criteria for
3.2.3 waves harbor tranquility:

As was stated earlier in this chapter, most 1. The harbor should have a broad interior.
marine terminals are built at protected lo- 2. Any portion of the harbor that can be
cations and therefore they are not exposed viewed through the entrance should have
252 Design Loads

a natural beach or wave-absorbing struc- are close to the natural periods of surge,
ture. sway, and yaw for medium and large ships,
3. Small craft should not be viewable from which, combined with usually low damping
the open ocean at any angle. of the ship mooring system, may result in
4. A portion of the waterfront should be wave resonant phenomena (Jensen and Warren,
dissipating in character. 1986; Stammers and Wennink, 1977;
5. Wave reflection from the back side and Viggosson, 1988).
the use of energy-absorbing quay walls Harbor protection from long waves will
such as perforated or slit caissons should require construction of a very long break-
be considered. water, that in most practical cases is uneco-
nomic. Instead, careful design of the berth
In protected harbors, berthing and moor- mooring system and correct positioning of
ing forces typically are much more severe the berth with the harbor is needed to mini-
than those which can be generated by wave mize response of ships to long waves. This
action, and therefore the latter are usually can be best achieved by physical modeling
neglected. However, even in a protected of port (harbor) layout.
harbor moored ship movements can occur, Furthermore, waves created by a passing
as depicted in Figure 3-6, due to the re- vessel under specific conditions may pro-
sponse of the water surface in the harbor to duce standoff forces on a moored ship simi-
excitation by open ocean long-period waves lar to those discussed in the previous sec-
known as seiches. Seiches may cause sub- tion. Naturally, structures located offshore
stantial damage to both ship and mooring should be designed for sea waves of sub-
structures. stantial magnitude. The purpose of this sec-
Long-period waves, or long waves, in the tion is to introduce some basic state-of-the-
open sea are rather small, but they are art concepts for wave loads under the
amplified in coastal regions due to a variety above-noted conditions.
of nonlinear effects. When entering en- In general, the interaction between wave
closed bays or harbors, long waves may be forces and a moored ship is a very complex
further amplified and natural water oscilla- phenomenon, and analytical treatment of
tion may develop. It is very difficult to dissi- the problem typically involves the combined
pate energy of these waves. Their periods effects of wind, wave and current loads,

......,. l

Figure 3-6. Typical ship motions.

Design Loads 253

coupled with ship motion and response of proximity to the bank or another vessel. For
the mooring system. Progress in develop- details, consult Chapter 2. Additional infor-
ment of an analytical solution can be fol- mation on dynamic effects of ship passage
lowed in the works of Wilson (1951, 1958, on moored vessels is found in Wang (1975),
1959), Van Oortmerssen (1976), Van Oort- Jensen et al. (1990), and PIANC (1995).
merssen et al. (1986), Bomse (1980), Vasco As was stated earlier, the evaluation of
Costa (1983), NATO (1965, 1973, 1987), and hydrodynamic loads, associated with long-
PIANC (1995). period waves, and standoff forces on a
In the above works, sophisticated mathe- moored vessel generated by passing ships
matical modeling techniques have been pro" on marine structures is extremely complex.
posed. The proposed methods· formulate a The problem's complexity is aggravated by
mathematical approach for obtaining water the fact that the added mass and damping
surface response, ship motion, and mooring coefficient of an oscillating vessel are dif-
forces due to a given offshore wave spec- ferent for each of the six degrees of freedom
trum for a vessel moored at a particular (Fig. 3-6) and are dependent on the fre-
location in the harbor. It should be noted quency of the ship's oscillation and, to a
that at their present stage of development, great extend, her underkeel clearance. De-
mathematical models of moored ships are tailed treatment of this subject is beyond
best used in preliminary stages of port de- the scope of this text. For a comprehensive
sign, where several alternative solutions are treatment of the subject matter, the reader
usually investigated to achieve the most is directed to the sources cited earlier in
efficient design. Physical scale modeling this section.
may be employed to calibrate (validate) the Offshore marine terminals, such as
mathematical model. Because physical scale transhipment islands or individual cargo
models are expensive and time-consuming loading/unloading berths, are exposed
they are usually employed to model the to substantial wave loads. Perimeter walls
final harbor layout obtained on the basis of of the offshore islands are usually of verti-
a calibrated mathematical model. Principles cal configuration and typically exposed to
of hydraulic modeling are described in most wave forces similar to those acting on
fluid mechanics texts. breakwaters of the same configuration.
As a rule of thumb, standoff forces on a Forces of this type are discussed in detail in
moored ship, generated by passing vessels, Chapter 10.
are proportional to the square of the speed
of the passing ships and the separation wave Force on
distance. Circular Piles and
Additionally, the underkeel clearance, Large-Diameter Cylinders
the vessels' block coefficients, the softness
of mooring lines, and the ratio of length of The majority of individual offshore berth
moored ships (Lms) to length of passing structures, such as piers, breasting and
ships (LP.) affect the maximum standoff mooring dolphins, cargo handling equip-
forces and subsequently, the mooring line ment supporting platforms, and approach
loads. Forces on the moored ship are greater trestles are typically of the open-type con-
when Lps/L88 » 1 and are slightly notice- struction, which, in general, comprises of a
able when Lps/L88 « 1, even for a very concrete deck structure supported on piles
close separation of both vessels. By its very of miscellaneous construction. Circular piles
nature, the effect produced by the passing are used more often than piles of other
ship on a moored vessel is very similar to cross sections because they offer less resis-
that of a vessel transiting a channel in close tance to wave or passing current action.
254 Design Loads

The approach to calculating wave forces ter particles used in the Morison equation
on piles depends on the ratio of the pile are calculated from the conventional wave
diameter (D) to the incident wavelength equations [see for example, the U.S. Army
(L). When the ratio is small (D jL < 0.2) (1984), Shore Protection Manual]. The em-
the wave motion is relatively unaffected by pirical dimensionless coefficients CD and CM
the presence of pile, and the analytical ex- for cylindrical piles are given in Table 3-3.
pression of the wave force acting on a pile For detailed information on the coeffi-
(Fw) is normally calculated using the well- cients CD and CM, the reader is referred to
known Morison equation (Morison et al., Isaacson (1988) and Chakrabarti (1991).
1950). This equation is based on an as- Some preliminary data on CD and eM, ob-
sumption that the pile (cylinder) does not tained from field measurements in the surf
disturb the waves and consists of the sum zone, are reported by T(llrum (1989). Values
of the inertial force (F1 ) and the viscosity of CD and eM for square piles, H-piles, and
drag force (FD): piles of other shapes are found in the British
Standard Code of Practice for Maritime
(3-7) Structures (1984), EAU (1990), and Det
where Norske Veritas (1977).
The assessment of drag and inertia co-
FD 0.5cD(;) Du lui
= (3-8) efficients is made not on the basis of theo-
retical considerations, but principally by
and means of measurements on models and pro-
totypes. They correlate the computed force
(3-9) to the existing force and are greatly depen-
dent on the Reynolds number. They are
where very sensitive to the pile roughness caused
by such effects as fouling, which may sub-
CD = empirical dimensionless drag coeffi- st~ntially increase the pile's projected area.
cient taking into account the resistance
The Reynolds number (Re) is given by
of the pile against the flow pressure
CM = empirical dimensionless inertia coeffi-
cient taking into account the resistance (3-10)
of the pile against the acceleration of
water particles where
g = gravity acceleration (mjs 2 ) v = kinematic viscosity (m 2 js)
'Yw =density of water (kNjm 3 ). For freshwa- um = approximate maximum horizontal water-
ter, 'Yw = 10 kNjm 2 and for seawater particle velocity (mjs) at z = 7Jc (see def-
'Yw = 10.25 kNjm 3 inition sketch, Fig. 3-7)
u = horizontal component of the instanta-
neous orbital velocity of the water par-
ticles at the studied pile location (mjs) Table 3-3. Drag (CD) and inertia (CM) coefficients
for cylindrical piles
dujdt = horizontal component of the instanta-
neous orbital acceleration of the water Cn eM Reynolds Number (Re)
particles at the studied pile location
(mjs 2 ) 2.0 > 2.5 X 10 5
1.2-0.7 1.5-2.0 2 X 10 5-5 X 10 5
D = pile diameter or (at noncircular piles) 0.7 >5 X 10 5
characteristic width of the structural 1.5 <5 X 10 5
member(m). 1.2 < 2.5 X 10 5
Note: Cn = 0.7 and CM = 1.5 are typically used for most
The velocity and acceleration of the wa- design applications.
Design Loads 255

In deep water, and added vectorially. For this, the equa-

tions for Fn and F1 can be given by
= _T e2"'zL cos
Fn = {fndZ (3-12)

where (J is the wave phase angle and um(max) and

will occur at e = 0.
Additionally, the coefficient of inertia eM
takes into account the fact that the added where
mass, subject to the force of inertia, has a
greater magnitude than the one correspond- fv = 0.5cv(;) Du lui (3-14)
ing to the volume of fluid displaced by the
In order to obtain the total instantaneous
wave force the drag and inertia components
must be integrated over the water depth and z is the depth in terms of vertical

Figure 3-7. Wave force on vertical pile.

256 Design Loads

tant velocity rather than on the velocity

component perpendicular to the pile axis.
With due consideration to these experi-
mental observations, the following proce-
dure has been recommended for calculating
wave forces on batter piles. For a given
location on the pile (X0 , Y0 , Z 0 ) the force
per unit length of pile is taken as the hori-
zontal force per unit length of a fictitious
vertical pile at the same location. For a
detailed procedure and numerical examples
the reader is referred to U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (1984). It must be noted that
Note: x, Y, and Z a1.aa
ara orthogonal, besides drag and inertial forces, a trans-
verse force due to alternate eddy formation
and shedding generated downstream from
Figure 3-8. Wave force on battered pile. the pile known as the "lift force" (FL), will
also result from the wave-pile interaction.
The lift force acts perpendicularly to both
distance along a coordinate axis with its wave direction and pile axis and is analo-
origin at the bottom (Fig. 3-7). gous to a drag force. It reaches its maxi-
The problem also could be solved by us- mum value at the same moment as the drag
ing nondimensional nomographs and tables force does, but could be four to fives times
provided in the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- greater than the drag force (Rogan, 1978).
neers' Shore Protection Manual, Vol. II For design of rigid structures, NAVFAC
(1984) and in NAVFAC DM-26.2 (1982), or DM-26.2 (1982) recommends adoption of a
by commercially available computer pro- conservative value of CD for determination
grams, [e.g., Pile developed by Bridgeman of lift forces, regardless of the force direc-
(1987)]. tion.
The maximum drag force occurs at the Due to the oscillatory nature of the lift
force in the design of flexible structures, the
wave crest position and the maximum iner-
dynamic response of the structure must be
tial force occurs at about one-quarter wave-
considered (Laird, 1962; Chakrabarti, 1991).
length ahead of the crest. The practical ex-
The magnitude of this lift force can be de-
ample is given in Isaacson et al. (1995).
termined by
For nonvertical (sometimes called batter
or raking) piles, the wave phase angle (}, for
the local coordinates X 0 , Y0 , and Z 0 , is (3-16)
different for each individual section, as de-
picted in (Fig. 3-8). Because wave forces
are perpendicular to the pile axis, it is pos- where CL is the lift force coefficient which
sible to calculate them by Morison's equa- can be taken as approximately equal to
tion using components of velocities and ac- Cn/3 for circular cylinders and steady flow
celeration perpendicular to the pile (U.S. velocities. It generally does not depend on
Army Corps of Engineers, 1984). Experi- pile roughness. For more information on CL
ments by Brusnall and Loftin (1951) sup- values under different conditions, the reader
port this assumption. They found that the is referred to Chang (1964), Sarpkaya
drag force component depends on the resul- (1976), and Sarpkaya et al. (1977).
Design Loads 257

Both linear and nonlinear wave theories The combination of piles is then superim-
are used for the calculation of wave forces. posed over the plot of wave forces, and the
However, use of nonlinear wave theory [e.g., maximum force for the system is found by
the fourth and fifth order of Stoke's wave summing the forces on the individual piles
theory can produce better results (Tsuchiya for small changes in phase angle ( 8) (Fig.
and Yamaguchi, 1974; Isaakson and Qi-Hua 3-9). The phase difference between piles is
Zuo, 1989)]. If nonlinear wave theory is given as
used, the Morison equation is usually solved
by numerical integration. 11 () = (27T' jL) 11 x (3-18)
The moment of wave force about the
mudline is given as follows: where
L = wavelength
(3-17) 11 x = spacing between piles in the direction of
wave advance (i.e., along the x-coordinate
where z is the depth in terms of vertical
distance along a coordinate axis with its Assuming that the two-dimensional wave is
origin at the mudline level (Fig. 3-7). not changing while moving, the force ap-
The single small-diameter pile structure plied on individual pile and pile groups for
is rare in marine applications. The usual different wave phases may be determined
open-type piled structures are piled piers, as follows (Rogan, 1978):
platforms, or dolphins. It is generally ac-
cepted that unless piles are placed too
close to each other (1.5D or less) the pile
density may be ignored in calculating total
wave force on a pile group (Quinn, 1972; (3-20)
Bushnell, 1977). Wave forces on a combina·
tion of piles in group are calculated by plot- where Fw(n) and Mw(n) correspond to the
ting the forces on a single pile as a function total force and moment acting on the nth
ofwave phase angle (8). pile in a pile group, respectively. The total

Figure 3-9. Wave force on pile group.

258 Design Loads

force (Fw(T)) and moment (Mw(T)) on a at breaking, it is usually given as equal to

structure composed of n piles will then be (gdb) 0·5 , where db is the water depth at
expressed as breaking, which is approximately equal to
the breaker height (Hb). Current velocities
(3-21) of any kind (steady, tidal, or generated
by the sustained wind) should be added
Mw(T) = L Mw(n) (3-22) As was stated earlier, the Morison equa-
1 tion is used to obtain wave forces on a
small-diameter pile (D jL < 0.2). This
The maximum wave force on a group of equation simplifies the general problem by
piles generally occurs when the central pile assuming that the pile (cylinder) does not
is located near the wave crest. disturb the incident wave in any way. How-
Wave forces on a pile bracing system are ever, as the cylinder's diameter becomes
determined in a manner similar to that large relative to incident wavelength, the
used for vertical piles; that is, the wave large-diameter cylinder causes reflection
force per unit length, az, of pile (Fig. 3-7) and diffraction of the incident waves, which
is also the drag force per unit length of makes Morison's equation unapplicable, and
horizontal bracing when az =DB, where a diffraction theory must be used instead.
DB is the diameter of the horizontal brac- The diffraction theory assumes that the
ing. Naturally, the wave force on the hori- fluid is homogeneous and inviscous, and
zontal bracing is a function of the bracing that the fluid motion is irrotational. Addi-
position above the seafloor. Because brac- tionally, the wave heights are assumed
ings are typically beams of small diameter, small relative to the wavelength so that
only the drag force is usually considered. terms involving wave steepness to the
The wave load on an angular bracing may second (or higher)-order power may be
be obtained by the integration of loads per neglected. MacCamy and Fuchs (1954)
unit length at different elevations. developed a linear diffraction theory for
Although notable progress has been made calculating wave loads on a vertical circular
in recent years regarding understanding of cylinder extending from above the water
the breaking wave-pile interaction, well- surface to the mudline. This theory was
founded recommendations on a part of the supported by limited experiments con-
breaking wave force on pile are sparse. Apelt ducted by Chakrabarti and Tam (1973) for
and Piorewicz (1987) state that no theory is DjL up to 0.54.
available for predicting wave forces in the According to MacCamy and Fuch (1954),
breaking zone, although a considerable the total force on a large-diameter cylinder
amount of experimental work has been re- (Fw) is given by
ported (Swift, 1989; T¢rum, 1989).
For practical engineering applications in
shallow water, the inertia component of pgHL2
breaking wave forces on a pile is normally Fw = - -2- fa tanh(kd) cos( angle) (3-23)
ignored, and the drag coefficient is usually
taken as equal to 1.75 to 2.5 times greater
than the one used in the deep water (U.S. where
Army Corps of Engineers, 1984; NAVFAC p = 'Ywlg = fluid density
DM-26.2, 1982; Rogan, 1978). 1
Because the wave crest velocity (uc) in
shallow water approaches the wave celerity
Design Loads 259

where introduced to the market a computer pro-

J1 =first derivative of the Bessel function of the gram based on MacCamy and Fuchs' origi-
first kind nal formulation of wave load on large cylin-
Y{ = first derivative of the Bessel function of the ders.
second kind for the angle (wt) - a; here For a discussion on wave loads on square
a= arctan(JJYi) and w = 2TTjT in wave caissons and conical-type structures, the
circular frequency reader is referred to works by Mogridge and
k = 27TjL Jamieson (1976), Jamieson et al. (1985), and
T = wave period Rahman and Chakravartty (1986).
with 'Yw• L, H, and d as previously defined. wave Load on
Mogridge and Jamieson (1976a, b) have continuous Vertical Wall
presented a simplified graphical version of
the linear diffraction theory of MacCamy When the structure width is longer than
and Fuchs to estimate wave forces and mo- the incident wavelength (D jL > 1.0), it can
ments on large cylinders. Garison et al. be treated as a continuous wall exposed to
(1974) and Hogben and Standling (1975) the wave force per unit length along the
have extended the diffraction theory to wall. This case of wave load is treated in
structures of arbitrary geometry. Theoreti- virtually all general textbooks and hand-
cal treatment of the diffraction theory is books on coastal and port engineering [e.g.,
found in Sarpkaya and Isaacson (1981). Ac- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1984),
cording to Sarpkaya and Isaacson, the total Gaythwaite (1981, 1990), Bruun (1989),
wave force on a large-diameter cylinder can Herbich (1991/1992), and many others.
be obtained from The extensive discussion on wave loads
and their impact on vertical walls is found
in special issue of Coastal Engineering [Vol.
Fw = ( i)'YwHD 2tanh( 2 ~d )eM cos(wt- 8) 22 (1994)], in Proceedings of International
Workshop on Wave Barriers in Deep
Waters (1994), Osaka, Japan, published by
Port and Harbor Institute, Yokosuka,
where all of the terms are as previously Japan, and in Proceedings of the Annual
defined for small-diameter cylinders. Offshore Technology (OTC) Conferen-
Although considerable efforts have been ces, Houston, Texas, and International Off-
spent on research with wave forces on verti- shore and Polar Engineering (ISOPE) con-
cal cylinders subjected to regular and ran- ferences.
dom waves, studies on the wave-induced In general, where the water depth at the
dynamic pressure distribution around verti- face of the wall is deep enough (i.e., equal to
cal cylinders, especially due to random approximately 1.5-2.0 times the incident
waves, are rather limited. The most recent wave height), the wave will be reflected and
study to date on wave impact pressures on form a standing-wave pattern, also known
large-diameter vertical circular cylinders in as clapoties. In general, it is assumed that a
deep water has been conducted by Sundar standing wave is equal to twice the height
et al. (1989) and Khalfin (1990). It has been of the incident wave.
concluded that the values of the dynamic In shallow water (e.g., H < 1.5d, where
pressure coefficients derived from the pres- H is the height of the incident wave and d
sure spectra are in satisfactory agreement is the depth of the water), the wave may
with the linear diffraction theory of Mac- break against the wall, thus generating
Carny and Fuchs. Bridgeman (1984) has greater forces on it.
260 Design Loads

On the basis of his extensive laboratory level (SWL) in the Minikin method is given
tests of the breaking waves impacting (by by the semiempirical formulation. The total
plunging) directly on vertical, 10°, and 30° dynamic force that is centered about the
backward inclined walls with 1/10 fore- SWL is added to the hydrostatic pressure to
shore slope, Kirkgoz (1992) concluded that obtain the total profile of the pressure dia-
within a range of water depth conditions gram (Fig. 3-10b). Again, complete step-
used in his investigation the most frequent by-step instructions and graphical aids for
location of the maximum impact pressure applying the Minikin method are found in
for all three walls tested remained almost the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering (1984)
at the still-water level. Shore Protection Manual. A complete dis-
Figure 3-10 illustrates typical wave load cussion on wave forces acting on vertical
diagrams attributed to the action of stand- wall breakwaters is given in Chapter 10.
ing and breaking waves. Wave forces gener-
ated by a nonbreaking wave (Fig. 3-10a)
generally are calculated using the methods
of Sainflou and Miche-Rundgren, which ac- 3.3 MOORING LOADS
count for partial reflection, as described in
step-by-step instructions and graphical aids Mooring forces acting on a berth structure
in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering arise from environmental forces, passing
(1984) Shore Protection Manual. vessels, and forces due to ship berthing ma-
When waves break against the wall, the neuvers. They are transmitted to the struc-
Minikin (1963) and Goda (1985) methods ture via ship mooring lines secured to the
are generally employed. The peak dynamic mooring hardware such as bollards, bitts,
pressure which is assumed at the sea water quick-release hooks, and other mooring
As was mentioned in the previous sec-
tions, at most sea port locations wind is a
dominant force to be considered in mooring
system design; at inland ports, located along
riverbands with strong currents, the force
of current may control mooring forces; at
exposed offshore locations, a combination of
all environmental forces (e.g., wind, waves,
and current) must be considered. In the
latter case, berth operations are usually
= limited to certain acceptable weather
~ conditions.
H, - Standoff forces due to current andjor
d, wave effects, as well as ship surging mo-
~ d. tions, due to effects of long-period waves
must also be considered at certain locations
(as described in previous sections of this
(b) chapter). Naturally, vessel size and type are
key issues in the determination of mooring
Figure 3-10. Wave pressure on a vertical wall: (a) forces on a berth structure and the design
by a standing (reflected) wave and (b) by a breaking
wave. H and Hb are respectively the height of an
of mooring systems.
incident wave and of a breaking wave; h 0 is the setup Typically, the general arrangement for
of the water level. mooring lines for a ship lying alongside a
Design Loads 261

marginal wharf is as shown in Figure 3-11, from surge motions. They run fore and aft,
and a typical arrangement of mooring lines, typically at an angle of 5°-10° to the quay
at tanker berth, is shown in Fig. 3-12. face. Breasting lines are used to provide
lateral resistance to wind and current forces
imposed on the vessel. These lines are
3.3.1 Mooring Lines nearly normal to the quay face.
Arrangement In general, a minimum of four lines are
required to safely secure a ship at a berth;
Ship mooring lines (hawsers) are usually of however, in practice, the actual number of
three types: bow and stern lines, springs, lines in each category basically depends on
and breasting lines. Bow and stern lines vessel size. In the case of mooring a large
are used to resist current and wind forces ship, as many as 24 (and more) lines may
imposed against the vessel and acting par- be employed. As mooring lines are usually
allel to the berth. These lines are attached regarded as shock-absorbing elements, they
to the respective ends of the ship and usu- should not be less than about 30 m in length
ally make an angle of 30°-45° with the face to provide for sufficient elasticity.
of the quay. Larger angles are usually not To be efficient, mooring elements, such
recommended. Springs are also used to ab- as mooring and breasting dolphins, must be
sorb wind generated and current generated properly positioned to handle the expected
forces acting parallel to the quay direction, range in ship sizes. This often means that
but they are also used to prevent the vessel additional mooring dolphins are spotted be-
tween the ones on the extreme ends of the
berth. Sometimes it is also necessary to
have the breasting dolphins double to pro-
vide for sufficient ship support and to han-
dle spring lines. Where practical (e.g., at
berths where berthing is only on one side),
Figure 3-11. Marginal wharf. Typical layout of
the mooring dolphins should be set back
mooring lines: 1- dock structure; 2-ship; 3-bollard;
4- bow line; 5- stern line; 6-breasting line; from the breasting dolphins by as much as
7- spring line. 30-45 m to limit the upward component of

t Sym .

0 .3 Lo (min.)

Figure 3-12. Tanker berth. Typical layout of mooring lines: 1-ship; 2- mooring line;
3-loadingjunloading platform; 4-breasting dolphin:; 5- mooring-dolphin; 6-access
trestle; 7- gangway.
262 Design Loads

the mooring pull (vessel in light condition) lifetime than lines made from natural
and also to reduce navigational hazards. fibres. Compared to natural fibres, the
More information on this subject is given in synthetic fibre lines have a higher load/
Chapter 8). diameter ratio, are relatively light, and are
Bulk cargo terminals frequently employ easier to handle. The elongation of syn-
the same concept for mooring arrangements thetic lines is rather large and their
as is used for tanker terminals (Fig. 3-12). strength characteristics can be affected in
At these terminals, however, a greater case of high temperature (e.g., caused by
number of breasting dolphins may be re- friction).
quired, especially in the cases where the Steel wire ropes are relatively cheap and
ship needs to be shifted into position for have a long lifetime if well maintained. They
access to all hatches by loading/unloading have a low elongation being proportional
equipment. to the mooring line load and a high load/
diameter ratio. The disadvantage of these
lines is that they are stiff and heavy and
3.3.2 Mooring Line Materials therefore are difficult to handle. Also owing
to their low elongation rates, they are vul-
Mooring is provided by mooring lines ex- nerable to a potential breakage under dy-
tended from the ship and secured to moor- namic load conditions. Sometimes steel wire
ing hardware, fastened to the berth struc- rope lines are used in combination with
ture. All mooring lines are typically made synthetic tails which enhance the shock ab-
from the same material. They are usually sorbing characteristics of steel wire rope
made from natural (manila) or synthetic lines. In most cases tails are not longer
(nylon, polyester, terylene, polypropylene, than 10m and are connected to steel wire
etc.) fibre materials, or galvanized steel ropes by means of shackles, protecting the
(wire ropes). For better elasticity, individu- tail eyes with leather or plastic sheathing.
als fibers are woven together into strands, These lines most often are used for mooring
which, in turn, are woven into ropes accord- large tankers.
ing to specific patterns. Fibre ropes are usu- Typical values of breaking strength for
ally of three- to nine-strand construction, different types of hawsers is provided in
and steel wire ropes typically consist of six Table 3-4. The elastic stretch at break
strands, each containing 19, 24, or 37 indi- ranges from approximately 10 to 15% for
vidual wire filaments built around a fibre or manila ropes, to about 50% elongation for
steel core. A detailed discussion on the elas- nylon lines. Consequently, a nominal work-
tic properties of mooring lines is found in ing load is approximately in order of 10 to
Wilson et al. (1958) and Wilson (1967). For 15% of tensile strength for manila ropes,
more information on steel mooring cables and 10 to 20% for lines made from syn-
the reader is referred to NAVFAC (1986), thetic materials where the line stretch can
Tsinker (1986), and Gaywaite (1990). be tolerated. The elongation of steel wire
Natural fibre lines are relatively cheap, mooring ropes at break typically range from
easy to handle (when dry), but have a very 2 to 5%.
moderate resistance against abrasion and
therefore have a relatively short lifetime.
These lines are sensitive to high tempera-
tures (due to sunlight or friction) and chem- 3.3.3 Mooring Forces
icals. They absorb water easily, making the
handling process cumbersome in wet condi- Mooring forces are calculated from the envi-
tions. Synthetic fibre lines also are rela- ronmental design loads, as previously dis-
tively cheap; however, have much longer cussed, and are assume to act on the largest
Design Loads 263

Table3-4. Breaking strength of hawsers (tonnes)

6 X 24 Wire 6 X 37Wire
Diameter Polyester Poly- Rope, Galvanized Rope, Galvanized
(in.) (mm) Manila Nylon (Darcon) propylene Plow Steel Plow Steel

1 25 4 13 10 6 26 29
lft 35 7 23 17 11
1-'-2 38 57 65
2 50 14 48 40 24 100 113
3 75 29 111 79 52
4 100 48 180 136 86
5 125 282

vessel for which the facility is designed. It Table 3-5. Number of simultaneously
is necessary, however, to relate the calcu- working bollards (nB)
lated forces to the breaking strength of the Minimum Distance
mooring lines. It is therefore recommended Length of Ship Between Bollards
that the designer consult with the dock op- (m) (m) nB
erator to obtain information on the design :::; 50 20 2
vessel and on number and size of mooring 150 25 4
lines to be considered. 250 30 6
The critical wind load is transmitted to ~ 300 30 8
the structure when the wind is blowing nor-
mal to the ship's centerline, pushing her
out from the dock. When the wind force is The magnitude of mooring force per bal-
symmetrical, the normal component of lard, and its vertical and longitudinal com-
mooring force per ballard (Ns) is given by ponents, can be obtained by the following
equations (see Fig. 3-13):
(3-25) NB
QB = -.--=-- (3-26)
cos f3
Sill a
Vs = QB sin f3 (3-27)
Pw = the total wind force onto the ship (in kN)
expressed by Eq. (3-1) Ts = QB cos a cos f3 (3-28)
ns =the number of simultaneous working hoi-
lards (mooring lines)

The actual number of simultaneous work-

ing bollards (ns) depends on the length of
the ship; unless special mechanisms are
used to equalize mooring forces in hawsers,
n B can be obtained from Table 3-5.
The British Standard Code of Practice
for Maritime Structures, Part 4 (1985) rec-
ommends that when the ship is moored at
six points, one-third of the total force should
be assumed at any one point, and when the
ship is moored at four points, one-half of
the total force should be assumed to act at
any single point. Figure 3-13. Mooring forces.
264 Design Loads

In general, the normal component of the The values given in Table 3-7 are suffi-
mooring force (NB) used in Eqs. (3-26)- ciently accurate for seagoing vessels, and
(3-28) should be increased by at least 20% the values given in Table 3-8 can be used
to allow for nonuniformity of distribution of for the design of inland port mooring
mooring forces between working bollards. If structures.
the actual values of a and f3 are not known, It must be noted that bollards at the
then for the preliminary design they may ends of each berth are usually designed for
be obtained from Table 3-6. double the value of mooring force used for a
As the ship mooring lines are generally regular bollard. At docks where strong cur-
not fully stressed simultaneously and the rents exist the values of QB, obtained from
mooring line forces partially cancel each Tables 3-7 and 3-8, should be increased by
other, in the absence of actual mooring line 10-25%. A smaller value applies to smaller
forces supplied by the port operator, the vessels and a larger value to larger vessels.
values in Table 3-7 and 3-8 should be used Normally, bollards are spaced uniformly
for the preliminary design. along a quay face and symmetrical about

Table3-6. Values of a and {3 in Eqs. (3-36)-(3-28)

Vessel Bollard Laden Vessel in Light
Type Location a Vessel Condition

Seagoing At the quay edge 30° 20° 40°

Second line of 40° 100 20°
Passenger At the quay edge 0°-45° -30° 30°
Cargo vessel At the quay edge 0°-30° -30° 30°

Table 3-7. Mooring forces Q8 generated by seagoing vessels

Vessel Vessel
Displacement Line Pull Displacement Line Pull
(tonnes) (kN) (tonnes) (kN)

2,000 100 100,000 1,000

10,000 300 200,000 1,500
20,000 600 > 200,000 2,000
50,000 800

Table 3-8. Typical values of Q8 transmitted by inland waterway ship mooring lines to bollards (kN)

Maximum Displacement (tonnes)

Vessel Type s; 100 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 50,000 100,000 2000,000 ~ 200,000

Passenger and
mixed cargo I
passenger ship 50 100 150 200 250
Cargo ship 30 50 100 130 150 200 250-300 600 800 1,000 1,500 2,000
Design Loads 265

the center of a quay section (between ex- expected to be satisfactory at berths accom-
pansion joints). Other arrangements are modating large vessels. A potential "side
also used, depending on the actual length of effect" of the pretension of mooring lines is
the section and bollard spacing require- the creation of vertical up and down friction
ments. Typically, bollards should be de- forces between the ship and fender system
signed to hold several hawsers simultane- due to tidal variation, or changing draft of
ously, and, therefore, the load per bollard the ship due to loading or unloading. These
must be adjusted accordingly. forces are then transmitted to the dock and
In most seaports, bollards are installed have to be applied to the front of the dock
at ground surface level. In inland ports, structure for calculation of general stability
where the water level may fluctuate signif- and local strength. Naturally, fenders must
icantly, bollards are usually installed on at be strong enough structurally to sustain
least two levels, but quite often they are this load.
installed at various elevations to allow for The mooring system must be designed to
ship convenient and safe operation. Some limit ship movements at berth to prevent
practical examples are found elsewhere in possible damage to the ship, mooring struc-
this book. ture, and loading/unloading equipment.
At exposed locations, a soft mooring sys- Information on ship movement allowances
tem comprising of mooring lines with nylon obtained from miscellaneous sources is pre-
tails in combination with soft fenders are sented in Table 3-9. An extensive research
used (Khanna and Sorensen, 1980; Wood et program was carried out by the Nordic
al., 1980; and PIANC, 1995). Nylon tails countries to establish acceptable ·criteria of
provide an additional elasticity to the moor-
motion of moored ships (Jensen et al., 1990).
ing system, thus reducing the load in the
Motion of moored ships were measured at a
mooring lines due to motions of the moored
number of ports for various ships being
ship. Furthermore, in a multicomponent
loadedjunloaded by different gear, and
mooring arrangement, the length of nylon
ship acceptable motions were recommended
tails can be varied in order to maintain
based on interviews with ship crews and
approximately equal loads among lines un-
port operators. Based on these recommen-
der anticipated ship movements.
Nylon tails are routinely used by oil com- dations PIANC (1995) suggested somewhat
pany fleets, particularly at exposed loca- more liberal motion criteria than those
tions. Soft fenders, although absorbing given in Table 3-9. More information on
equal amounts of the ship's energy, produce acceptable ship motions while under load-
smaller forces on the mooring structure ing/unloading operations is found in Bruun
than stiff fenders. They are provided to be (1989), Bratteland (1974), Slinn (1979),
compatible with the softer mooring lines. Thoresen (1988), Jensen et al. (1990), and
Pulling a ship against a fender system by PIANC (1995).
pretensioning of mooring lines may reduce Safe berth operation to a great extent
her motion and thereby reduce the forces in depends on mooring systems reliability.
mooring lines (Brunn, 1989). Therefore, redundancy should be provided
The magnitude of pretension required in as much as is practical; factors of safety on
the mooring lines is not precisely defined. the mooring system components typically
Normally, a pretension to about 10% of a range from 1.5 to 2.0, depending on the
line's breaking strength will remove the ini- severity of environmental conditions and the
tial sag from a synthetic line. In practical nature and consequence of a failure. It must
terms, a relatively small amount of preten- be noted that standard practice in the wire
sion on the order of about 10 tonnes is rope industry is to use a factor of safety of
266 Design Loads

Table3-9. Movement allowance for ship at berth

Surge Swayb Heave Yaw Pitch Roll

Type of Ship (m) (m) (m) (degree) (degree) (degree)

Tanker 2.5a 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Ore carrier
(crane operation)d 1.5-3.0 0.5-2.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
Grain carrier
(at elevator) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Container 0.5 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
RojRo (side ramp)c 0.3-0.5 0.3-0.5 0.3-0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
RojRo (bow or stern ramp) 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.0 1.0
General cargod 1.5 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0
LNG 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0
Fishing Vesseld ±0.15-2.0 0.15-1.0 0.4 3.0 3.0 3.0

a Can be larger at a single mooring buoy or single-point mooring systems.

b Movement away from the berth.
c Allowance movements dependent on ramp design.
d Depends on cargo handling equipment.

3-5 on maximum breaking strength when of more than two breasting dolphins, then
specifying the working load. possible misalignment of dolphins (.:1)
Monitoring of the mooring lines forces to andjor other factors (e.g., eccentric load ap-
keep them constant is the latest technologi- plication) could result in an unequal load
cal tool used for improving operations at a distribution between individual dolphins.
berth. This technology is basically used for (Fig. 3-14). To account for this, it is recom-
handling of large ships, particularly at loca- mended that the design load generated by a
tions exposed to waves, wind, and current. ship against individual dolphin be in-
The system triggers alarms when loads ex- creased by a factor of 1.3. Additionally, if
ceed a setup limit, which permits initiation these dolphins are of different construction,
of necessary action, such as early line tend- then the total component of mooring force
ing or use of a tug to hold the ship. normal to berthing line, Ps(p)' must be re-
Finally, if the berth structure comprises distributed among the dolphins according to

-·----~~~ __£]___·_~· _K___~


Figure 3-14. Berthing forces due to misalignment of dolphins: 1-ship; 2-breasting

dolphin; 3-loadingjunloading platform; 4-berthing line.
Design Loads 267

their respective stiffnesses. Therefore, con- handled was increased from 20 kg to a few
sidering the possibility of dolphin misalign- hundred kilograms; the cargo was trans-
ment, the normal component of mooring ferred with the help of powered winches,
load exerted on an individual dolphin, Pd(p)' which enabled lifting of larger and heavier
can be given by units. In the 1950s, palletization and pres-
linging came into common use; the aim was
to standardize units of up to 2000 kg.
Pa<P> = 1.3 I: (EI)a (EI)i (3-29) A pallet is essentially a wooden or metal
base on which the cargo is placed. The cargo
is typically secured with different kinds of
where banding. The pallet is transported by fork-
'[,(EI)a = total stiffness of the system of breast- lift vehicles and may have provision for
ing dolphins in direction normal to the being lifted by sling. Pallets are generally
berthing line loaded to a maximum height of about
(EI)i = stiffness of the particular breasting 2.5-3.0 m and may be stacked up to about
dolphin within the system in direction 5.0m.
normal to the berthing line In the 1960s, the standardization process
took a step further through containeriza-
Essentially, if all dolphins are of the same tion and refinement of other systems for
construction, then products requiring protective containers
(e.g., liquid and bulk cargoes).
Productivity, safety, and the working en-
pd(p) = 1.3 ( -n- (3-30) vironment have been improved with the de-
velopment of the innovative cargo handling
methods. The present trend in industrial
where n is the number of breasting shipping is the use of the roll-onjroll-off
dolphins. (RojRo) systems, which under certain con-
For the case in question, the horizontal ditions may be several times as efficient as
component of a total mooring force Ps(h)' is conventional systems. The chief merits of a
transmitted to dolphins via mooring lines Ro jRo system is greater flexibility toward
and through friction forces between the ship various cargoes, no demand for expensive
and the fender system. port installations, and high utilization of all
port and stevedoring resources. However,
conventionallift-onjlift-off operation is very
3.4 LOADS FROM CARGO often found less costly for high-density
Naturally, developments which occurred
EQUIPMENT AND UNIFORM in ship construction and cargo handling and
DISTRIBUTED LOADS hauling technology inevitably affected de-
sign and utilization of terminal marine
structures. In modern practice, port related
3.4.1 General considerations marine structures are typically designed to
support relatively heavy loads imposed on
Historically, during the era of sailing ships, them by cargo handling and hauling equip-
vessels were loaded and unloaded manu- ment such as fixed cranes, rail-mounted and
ally. With the introduction of steamships, mobile cranes, vehicular loads, railroad
the average weight of a general cargo unit track loads, miscellaneous material hauling
268 Design Loads

equipment, and miscellaneous uniform dis- The container cranes most commonly used
tributed (surcharge) loads. feature the following characteristics:
In some cases, particularly at dedicated
terminals, the structures are designed for • Minimum height between the lower part of
very specific loads. Depending on structure the spreader and quay level of 30 m.
usage, the formulation of possible design • Minimum outreach, measured from the
loads is practically limitless. During the face of the quay, 35 m, and back reach of
useful life of a terminal the kind of vessels 15m.
calling at the terminal may suddenly • Rail gauge between 16 and 35 m; a rail
change, with a subsequent change in the gauge of 30.5 m is most common.
required quay edge cargo handling equip- • A clearance of at ieast 16 m is provided
ment. Therefore, in the formulation of the between the legs in order to leave room for
dock design loads, unless the dock is de- containers and cargo hatches.
• At least 400 kN of lifting capacity under
signed to serve a highly specialized kind of
the heaviest spreader.
vessel, the designer must exercise a certain
flexibility to strike a balance between a
cost-prohibitive structure and a structure In general, container throughput averages
that becomes repeatedly unusable or even 20 containers per hour per crane. According
obsolete because of an inability to support to PIANC (1987) there is a tendency to
unanticipated loads. At present, various anticipate heavier containers and larger
trends can be observed with regard to the ships, which may result in required con-
selection of quay edge handling equipment. tainer crane lifting capacity under the
For example, if traffic is sufficiently homo- spreader of 500 kN and boom outreach,
geneous, dense, substantial, and stable over measured from the face of the quay, of 40
time, then highly specialized cargo han- m. These cranes will also need a larger
dling equipment is used, whereas in other clearance between the legs to allow for pas-
cases the port authorities prefer multipur- sage of the larger containers. The required
pose, more versatile cargo handling equip- space under the crane is determined by the
ment. horizontal cargo handling operation, result-
The recent changes in quay edge equip- ing in a certain number of traffic lanes.
ment are a function of a dramatic evolution Probably the latest development in ship-
of ships. The ship specialization and their ping technology is the use of specific types
increase in sizes conditioned the need of of RojRo ships with stern, side, andjor
quay edge cargo handling equipment. Also, quarter ramps, the weight of which can be
the loads to be handled in ports are getting quite substantial for some. Because one end
heavier, as the ships' beam increase. Hence, of these ramps is supported on the quay
the lifting capacity of cranes and reaches of structure, the resulting load must be con-
their booms are also modified. sidered in the design of the structure.
The general trend concerning multipur- Ships provided with a ramp can be
pose rail-mounted and mobile cranes ob- moored at any location on the quay; there-
served in modern ports is as follows fore, the whole structure must be designed
(PIANC, 1987): to support the ramp loads. If operation of
Ro jRo vessels with ramps is foreseen, then
• Minimum reach of a crane boom, mea- all edge bollards, and any kind of surface
sured from the berthing line of 35 m rails must be located below the deck surface
• 350 kN of lifting capacity under hook, or level (Fig. 3-15).
280 kN under spreader The following is a guideline for typical
• Lifting velocity of 1-1.5 mjs loads which are to be considered in the
Design Loads 269

3.4.2 Design Load Assumptions

Two concepts are presently employed in the

formulation of design loads acting on ma-
rine structures; one is a "real-life" load as-
sumption which is based on the use of mis-
cellaneous loads which are falling in a line
or concentrated load category (e.g., crane,
outrigger pads, gantry, and road traffic
loads) (Fig. 3-16a); the second concept is
Figure 3-15. Edge bollard installed below grade at based on an equivalent uniform load as-
Ro jRo terminal.
sumption (Fig. 3-16b). The equivalent uni-
form load in many cases is a convenient
design of a modern marine facility. It must simple assumption; it is easily recognized
be understood, however, that each port is and understood and is used in lieu of "real"
different and, therefore, recommended gen- concentrated and line loads. Pallets and
eralized design loads provided herein must containers are typically considered as uni-
be treated with caution. form distributed loads.

(a ) (c )

(b ) (d )

Figure 3-16. Terminal design load assumptions: (a) real loads; (b) equivalent uniform
distributed load; (c) compromise between assumptions (a) and (b); (d) example of loading case
(a)- general view.
270 Design Loads

In general, at cargo berths the equiva- should be designed for both a maximum
lent uniform load is usually assumed as design uniform live load and a maximum
being placed within the apron area (area concentrated live load. The latter usually
between berthing line and transit sheds, or has a very noticeable effect on the deck
the open storage area). It is appropriate to slab, somewhat less pronounced effects on
note here that in current practice 20 m is the supporting beam system, and usually
considered as the minimum acceptable insignificant effects on the foundation. This
apron width for the general cargo berth; is because each successive structural ele-
however, a wider apron (up to 40 m) is ment is affected more by the uniform load
usually more desirable because it provides than by the concentrated loads, the effect of
for more flexibility in cargo handling and which is successively diminished.
hauling operations. In general, regular concentrated loads
In some practical cases, however, use of from permanently installed and mobile
the equivalent uniform load concept may be cargo handling and hauling equipment, such
misleading. As is pointed out by Junius as cranes of different kinds, fork lifts, strad-
(1983), in some instances the gross load dle carriers, tracks, and others, must be
intensity of stacked pallets may only accounted for in the dock structure design.
amount to 20-25 kN jm 2 , but due to the Occasional usage of special heavy lift equip-
specific configuration of the pallet, the real ment such as large mobile cranes and the
local concentrated load may be several times like, must be carefully evaluated. Because
as much. Therefore, depending on the rela- the load from such equipment can substan-
tive configuration of the berth structure, tially increase the cost of the structure, it
serious overstressing may occur locally even can be treated as an extreme load, there-
though the design equivalent uniform load fore, in such cases, the structural members
rating of the dock is not exceeded. In prac- designed for normal loads should be checked
tice, a compromise is recommended in the for larger allowable stresses and smaller
combination of both concepts (Fig. 3-16c). factors of safety. In practice, loads from
Because the quay edge area is usually seldom used heavy lifts are spread out by
the most sensitive to closely situated con- different means (e.g., steel beams, mats and
centrated (point) loads, all kinds of related others).
loads, such as rail-mounted and mobile Gurevich (1969) reviewed available re-
crane outrigger loads, and the like, must be search data on loads produced by 45 portal
considered, provided that the equivalent revolving cranes, used in different combina-
uniform load case is less critical than the tions (total 350), with railway track loads
concentrated load(s). placed under the portals of these cranes. It
It must be noted that in the design of has been concluded that, in most cases, por-
backfilled structures, the design concen- tal revolving cranes, in combination with a
trated load must be considered as dis- railway load, produced an equivalent load
tributed in all directions in relation to the of about 35 kNjm 2 ; some 150-kN lift capac-
berthing line. This may significantly reduce ity cranes occasionally produced an equiva-
the effects of heavy concentrated loads on lent load of about 40 k.Njm 2 • In general,
backfilled structures. Gurevich recommends the use of an equiva-
On the other hand, this must not be lent uniform apron load equal to 40 k.Njm 2
expected in the case of open-type berth for ports operating conventional portal
structures with conventional concrete (or cranes in combination with other loads (e.g.,
other) deck structure supported on piles. railway track and vehicular loads); he also
This type of berth structure, as well as recommends a uniform equivalent load of
approach trestles of similar construction, 20 kNjm 2 to be used in general cargo
Design Loads 271

berth design if conventional mobile andjor the surcharge load of stockpiled bulk mate-
crawler cranes are employed for cargo rial. In the case of bulk material, stockpil-
handling. ing the load diagram as depicted in Figure
Again, it must be stressed that, in all 3-16c should be modified to that as shown
cases, the effect of any kind of heavy con- in Figure 3-17.
centrated load on the local strength of a Typically, palletized general cargos nor-
quay wall, or pile-supported pier structure, mally would produce a uniform load of
must be carefully evaluated. around 20-30 kNjm 2 , and general cargo
shipped in containers may produce a load
up to 45 kN jm 2 • General data on standard
3.4.3 Uniform Distributed containers are found in Table 3-10. In this
cargo Loads and table, the basic characteristics including the
weight of internationally used containers
Miscellaneous Live Loads are given according to ISO (International
Standards Organization) Standard 104.
A discussion on uniform distributed equiva-
lent loads (qc) and conditions ofload appli- However, the actual weight of containers is
cation have been provided in the previous usually 50-75% less than the maximum
section. Additionally, it must be said that values given in Table 3-10 and, in practice,
this kind of load is typically used within the 2-high stacked and 4-high stacked contain-
width of dock apron (b) only. Theoretically, ers produce respectively 20 and 30 kN jm 2
an unlimited surcharge load (q 8 ) may be of equivalent uniform load.
applied beyond the apron because it does
not affect strength and stability of the berth
structure. In practice, however, this load is 2

limited by the very nature of the stored -----~

cargo (e.g., liquid or bulk material, general I/ I I
cargo piled on pallets, or in containers, etc.) ~

and by the allowable bearing pressure on

the storage area foundation material. For
example, bulk materials such as sand, stone,
coal, and ore can be stockpiled to produce
surcharge loads up to 100-300 kNjm 2 . The Figure 3-17. Typical load diagram at bulk material
use of retained walls can further increase handling terminal.

Table 3-10. Characteristics of standard container

Maximum Theoretical
Value of Uniformly
Weight of Distributed Load (kNjm 2 )
Dimensions (mm) Max. Container (kN) Number of Layers
Types Length Width Height Weight Aluminum Steel 1 2 3

1A 12,190 2,435 2,435 300 230 420 10.1 20.2 30.3

1B 9,125 2,435 2,435 250 180 325 11.2 22.4 33.6
1C 6,055 2,435 2,435 200 130 230 13.6 27.2 40.8
1D 2,990 2,435 2,435 100 75 135 13.7 27.4 41.1
1E 1,965 2,435 2,435 70 14.6 29.2 43.8
1F 1,460 2,435 2,435 50 14.1 28.2 42.3
272 Design Loads

Thoresen (1988) recommends that aprons to pedestrian use only, are normally de-
and ramps for container traffic should be signed for a minimum uniform live load of 5
designed for a uniform live load of at least kNjm 2 • If piers are open to automobile
40 kNjm 2 • Multipurpose RojRo cargo in traffic, then in addition to the uniform loads
modern port design is usually accounted for given in Table 3-11, the loads recom-
30-50 kNjm 2 uniform load. Some repre- mended by the latest issues of the National
sentative ranges of uniform distributed Bridge Design Codes must be taken into
loads, obtained from miscellaneous sources account.
and recommended for design of marine A uniform live load of 10-15 kNjm 2 on
structures, are given in Table 3-11. the deck area is used for design of oil docks
Loads in transit sheds depend to a great or similar docks, which handle bulk materi-
extent on the height to which palletized als by conveyor or pipeline, and for which
cargo are stacked. Typically, this load may general cargo is of secondary importance.
vary between 20 and 50 kNjm 2 depending Liquid bulk cargos are handled by
on the type of cargo. pipelines which exert local concentrated
If there is any possibility that the cargo loads at pipe supports; bulk cargos trans-
may occasionally be stored in nondedicated ported by conveyers usually exert live loads
storage areas, then it is recommended the transmitted to the supporting structure
same uniform distributed load be applied to through the conveyer's frame. Saturated
the whole terminal area, including the weights should be considered for uncovered
apron. Such an approach will ensure safety bulk materials; NAVFAC (1980) covers dock
of terminal operation and provide for maxi- loads for navy piers and wharves; loads for
mum flexibility in cargo handling and haul- ship repair and maintenance facilities are
ing techniques. discussed in Mazurkiewicz (1995).
If appreciable quantities of cargo are
likely to accumulate on the deck of rela-
tively narrow piers (20-50 m wide), then
the actual uniform load (but not more than 3.4.4 Rubber Tire and
20 kNjm 2 ), in combination with heavy con- crawler Track
centrated loads (if any), should be used in Mounted Equipment
the pier's design. Passenger piers, such as
commuter boat piers and those, accessible Contemporary vehicular hauling equipment
such as mobile cranes, forklift trucks, strad-
dle carriers, heavy trucks, and so on impose
Table 3-11. Uniform distributed loads used heavy concentrated loads on a marine
in modern port design
structure. In fact, these loads may govern
Load the design of the pile-supported dock sys-
tem or apron andjor storage area pave-
Passenger cars and light trucks 5
Cars and trucks of all kinds
General cargo 20 Forklift trucks (Fig. 3-18) are probably
Paper 25-55 the most common cargo handling equip-
Forest products 70 ment used in ports. Normally they have a
Steel products 40-100 lifting capacity in the range 30-100 kN and
Coal, sand 100-200
up to 420 kN, with a typical wheel load of
Cement in bags 15-20 118 kN for 200-kN-capacity lift trucks and
Fertilizers 15 215 kN for 420-kN-capacity lift trucks.
Perishable produce and Forklift trucks typically have a turning ra-
grain in bags 15-30 dius in a range of about 4.0-5.0 m. Usually,
Design Loads 273

(a )


(b )

Figure 3-18. Examples of forklift trucks.

274 Design Loads

general cargo tenninals and specialized straddle carriers used in container tenninal
piers are designed for200-kN-capacity fork- operations (Fig. 3-19) have a lifting capac-
lift trucks. However, heavier trucks must ity of 450 kN with a maximum correspond-
also be considered where applicable. ing load per wheel equal to 170 and 160 kN,
Typically, 3-high and 4-high stacking respectively. Because forklifts, straddle car-


1 15.30

4 . 65

:-:·.·.·.·. .·.·:·:·.·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:;:~:·:·:·:·:-:
4 .10

A 9.90 A 3 high
- 4 .45 r-


3 .115

(b )

Figure 3-19. Examples of typical 3- and 4-high stacking straddle carriers.

Design Loads 275

riers, and other rubber tire mounted equip- purposes, the loaded area usually is repre-
ment of different capacities are fitted with a sented as the equivalent rectangular area
number of wheels proportional to their lift- (ab), which is assumed to be uniformly
ing capacities, the usual maximum contact loaded (Fig. 3-20).
pressure remains below 1000 kNjm 2 . The standard truck load typically used in
Normally, terminal facilities are de- North American bridge design practice is
signed to accommodate a standard highway shown in Figure 3-21. The average actual
load. In designing for a vehicular highway dimensions of the standard North American
load, it is typically assumed that a 20-t truck tires (corresponding to approximately
motor truck (traffic load class H20-44 or 36.5-, 54.5-, and 73-kN wheel loads) and the
HS20-44) could, within reason, be placed assumed dimensions of the rectangular
anywhere on the dock's deck, and load dis- wheel-load areas at the deck surface (ap-
tribution assumptions should comply with proximately the actual tire pattem dimen-
bridge construction regulations. However, sions) are given in Table 3-12. In addition
the impact coefficients normally used for to vertical loads, all moving rubber tire
bridge design may be decreased by half, mounted vehicular equipment produces lon-
assuming reduced speed of vehicular traffic gitudinal forces due to traction and braking.
on the deck of the dock and access trestle To account of it, 10% of the vertical wheel
(bridge). load is usually applied longitudinally. Ap-
The vehicular load in pier design basi- plicable design codes such as AASHTO
cally consists of the individual wheel, axle, (1982), CANjCSA S6-M87, or similar speci-
and truck loads, as given by the appropriate fications should be used as a design guide
specification. In the design of a pier deck, for defining the general vehicular loads.
the uniformly distributed live load rarely Mobile cranes are a common cargo han-
govems because of the relatively short dling equipment in ports. They may be rub-
spans of the deck structural members. The ber tire or crawler track mounted. Lifting
critical wheel load on the deck elements capacity of this type of equipment ranges
depends on the wheel contact area. In the from 30 to 100 kN and up to 3000 kN; note
case of the deck wearing surface, the di- that to handle loaded containers, the crane
rectly loaded area of the deck structure is must have at least 400 kN lifting capacity.
somewhat larger than the contact area be- Rubber tire mounted mobile cranes trans-
tween the tires and the deck riding surface. mit their corner loads via outriggers to the
This is due to the effect of the load dis- pier deck structure or to the apron pave-
tributing action of the wearing layer. For a ment of backfilled dock structures. In gen-
concretejasphalt wearing surface, a 45° eral, the wheels of mobile cranes are not
distribution is usually assumed. For design used to transmit loads during hoisting oper-

I a, I

I a •I
Figure 3-20. Wheel load.
276 Design Loads

i i
H20-44 36.5 kN t45.5kN
H 15-44 27.5 kN ttO.OkN

T ...
HI0-44 18.5 kN 72.5kN

. I

i i I
HS2G-44 36.5 kN 145.5 kN t45.5kN
HS 15-44 27.5 kN ttO.OkN uo.o kN


I .. ~


·--$·---¥~ 0 ~

Figure 3-21. Standard truck load. V is the variable spac-

ing, 4.3-9.2 m inclusive. Spacing to be used is one which
produces maximum stresses. For details, see relevant
bridge design code.

ations. The crane's outriggers are typically This, however, is done at the expense of the
dimensioned in a way that the bearing crane's mobility and, therefore, should be
pressure against the terminal pavement avoided where possible.
amounts at a maximum of about 400 Unless otherwise required, new general
kN jm 2 . This load may be too heavy for berthing piers, or quays should be designed
some older structures. In this case, the load to accommodate a minimum 700-kN-
must be properly distributed to the deck capacity mobile crane (NAVFAC, 1980).
structure by means of mats or steel beams. Using this minimum crane size for design,
The bearing pressure ~ay also be reduced the maximum outrigger corner load may
by enlargement of outrigger bearing area. be on the order of 700 kN. Additionally,
Design Loads 277

Table 3-12. Truck wheel dimensions and loaded area (mm)

Dimensions Used in Design

Nominal Top of
Wheel Wearing Top of
Loads Wheel Dimensions Surface Deck Structure
(kN) T L A s w al bl a b

36.5 178 226 40 X 10 3 290 467 508 254 559 305

54.5 201 274 55 X 10 3 325 526 508 254 559 305
73.0 254 279 71 X 10 3 412 666 610 254 660 305

Table 3-13. Mobile crane maximum loads nature of these loads. PIANC (1987) recom-
mends that static wheel loads for mobile
Capacity Wheel Load" Outrigger Load cranes and for forklift trucks be increased
(kN) (kN) (kN) by 20% and 40%, respectively.
Crawler track mounted mobile equip-
150 at 3m 160 180
250 at 5 m 120 300 ment (mostly cranes and bulldozers) are
400 at 28m 110 1300 also used in ports. The load distribution
400 at40 m 150 2400 under the crane's tracks is typically trape-
800 at 14m 140 1680 zoidal (nearly triangular) and the bearing
• Traveling position. pressure under the tracks may peak up to
Source: From PIANC (1987). 700 kNjm 2 • Tread widths are typically
within a range of 85-140 em. Crawler track
cranes may cause horizontal forces due to mounted equipment is usually used on un-
wind, and braking due to movement or paved surfaces of port territory. Otherwise,
during rotation. As a rule of thumb, this timber mats must be used to protect the
force is usually taken as equal to about 10% pavement or concrete deck surface. Mats
of the wheel load and can be applied in any are also recommended for better load distri-
direction. Some representative values for bution where required. In addition to the
mobile crane wheel and corner loads are rated load, an impact factor of about 20% is
found in Table 3-13. Typical wheel and usually applied to account for the dynamic
outrigger arrangements for mobile cranes effect of the crane's performance.
with 250 and 450 kN capacities are de- Generally, specific data on the mobile
picted in Figure 3-22. Other types of cargo handling and hauling equipment are
rubber tire mounted equipment include obtained from the manufacturer's litera-
different types of tractors, with or without ture. However, the manufacturer's general
trailers, front-end loaders, automobiles, brochures can sometime be dangerously
Ro jRo trailers, and others. Some of the misleading in regard to deck load, warns
above vehicles may produce substantial Gaythwaite (1990), because the listed aver-
wheel loads and should be considered in the age tread pressure for crawler-type cranes
structure's design; others, such as automo- may be inadequate for deck structure de-
biles, produce relatively light loads. As it sign. Therefore, if in doubt, the designer
was pointed out earlier, piers designed to should carefully verify any specific equip-
handle Ro jRo and heavy truck traffic must ment characteristics with the manufac-
be able to withstand substantial localized turer.
loads. Regular loads, obtained from the In conclusion, it should be noted that to
equipment manufacturer's literature, must prevent mobile equipment from rolling over
be used with consideration of the dynamic the berth edge and into the water, a safety
278 Design Loads

,. 5,80


.I 1~·90



I 4.80



Figure 3-22. Examples of typical wheel and outrigger arrangements for

mobile cranes, 250 kN (a) and 450 kN (b) capacities.
Design Loads 279

curb 20-30 em high is usually installed . small as possible; however, care must be
along the berthing line. This curb is typi- taken to avoid any potential collision be-
cally designed to take a horizontal impact tween the crane and a heeling ship, or the
force of 15-25 kN, depending on the type of ship's flared bow.
mobile equipment used. In inland ports, portal cranes are usually
placed closer to the face of the berth than in
seaports (Fig. 3-23). This is usually done
for the following reasons: riverboats and
3.4.5 Rail-Mounted cargo barges generally do not have flared bow and
and Material Handling therefore cannot hit the crane during the
Equipment high water level while approaching the
dock; they also cannot hit the crane by
This type of equipment includes revolving the stern during departure maneuvers; a
portal and container cranes of miscella- closer crane location is required to improve
neous capacities and construction, railroad ship observation by the crane operator dur-
trains, and a variety of specialized bulk ing loading/unloading operation under a
handling equipment. low water level.
Customary general cargo handling cranes Inland port cranes usually have the front
used in port operation are basically revolv- legs placed about 1.1-1.3 m from the berth's
ing portal level-lifting cranes spanning one, face; this provides a minimum 0.8-m walk-
two, or three railway tracks (6-15 m be- way along the structure's edge. In some
tween legs). Typically, portal crane capacity cases however, and particularly when a
varies in the range of 30-400 kN at a work- crane's front legs rest on sheeting, or at
ing radius of 20-40 m. At seaports, the pier-type structures built on a sloped por-
crane's front rail is typically placed at tion of the quay, the walkway for the crew
1.75-2.25 m from the quay edge. This is and maintenance personnel is provided be-
usually done in order to maintain sufficient hind the front leg of the crane. This type of
room for bollards, to accommodate the out- arrangement, in general, is not desirable
board of a crane leg, to provide working because of its vulnerability to ship impacts.
space for line handlers, and for access to It may also cause the problems associated
the berth. with crane accessibility for maintenance
In general, the distance between front from the water side and difficulties with the
rail and quay edge should be maintained as arrangement of mooring hardware and the

rr=--=---=--=.-1I I

1/ .e-1.0

(a) (b) (c)

. Figure 3-23. Typical positioning of portal cranes in inland ports in relation to the
berthing line.
280 Design Loads

placement and handling of ship mooring picted in Figure 3-24. Again, a dynamic
lines. factor of 1.2 is typically used to account for
The crane boom can slew through 360°. vertical and horizontal inertia forces that
Therefore, the maximum load per leg that occur during lifting or setting down of cargo.
is usually attributed to maximum design A horizontal load of 10% of the wheel load
wind load imposed on the crane can occur in the rail direction, due to crane traction or
at each corner boom position. centrifugal forces, is also considered.
Maximum portal crane wheel loads are The most unfavorable crane load combi-
typically within the range 200-400 kN and nation on a berth structure is created by
are usually obtained from the crane manu- two portal cranes operating at the closest
facturer. Some typical values of portal crane distance (typically 2.5 m) between adjacent
wheel loads used in North America are de- wheels. Naturally, under such conditions











CAPACITY 45.5 TONNES />T 35.1 m

Figure 3-24. Standard North American portal cranes wheel load.

Design Loads 281

two neighboring cranes cannot produce 3-25) should be increased by 10-15% due
maximum loads in adjacent legs simultane- to wind action or inertia effects.
ously, otherwise the crane's jibs would in- Maximum wind forces parallel to the
terfere with each other. craneway direction and perpendicular to it
The German code EAU (1990) provides on the order of 200-300 kN are applied to
guidelines on typical portal crane corner typical working cranes, or a load of 600-750
loads. Useful information on rail-mounted kN applied on idle cranes must be consid-
crane loading may also be obtained from ered. Smaller values of wind force are used
NAVFAC (1980). in areas with relatively moderate wind con-
A great variety of rail-mounted container ditions, and larger values in areas with
cranes of various configurations are now severe or special wind conditions. If cranes
used in ports throughout the world. Most with spans of more than 18 m are used,
container cranes have lifting capacity in then maximum corner load, as well as max-
excess of 400 kN. They are typically built as imum wind force exerted on the cranes,
full portals cranes with cantilever beams must be corrected accordingly. For example,
and trollies, whose supports have, as a rule, some container cranes with ali effective
six or eight wheels. The crane gauge is span of 30 m may produce a maximum
typically in the range 15-18 m. An example corner load in the order of 3000-3600 kN
of a typical container crane of 530 kN lifting (EAU, 1990).
capacity (inclusive of spreader) commonly In addition, the rated capacity, impor-
in use is shown in Figure 3-25 (EAU, 1990). tant crane features are its outreach and
These cranes are designed to handle the backreach. These effects on crane loadings
typical 40-ft container as well as 2 X 20-ft must also be considered.
containers (so-called twin-twenty method). Contemporary container ships are usu-
The maximum corner load on a portal sup- ally built with flared bows which may sub-
port of either 3000 kN or 3300 kN (see Fig. stantially overhang the berth line. In order

. (:

(a) (b)

~ ~ ~ ~
1080 1080 1080
170 1370 1370
Otslonce beTween /JUI/ers: 11.50 m

(c) (d)

Figure 3-25. Typical container crane of 530 kN lifting capacity.

282 Design Loads

to prevent bow collision a crane is usually dynamic response of elevated structures un-
place 2 m or more from the berth face. der wind loading must also be carefully
A wide variety of specialized rail- addressed (Phang, 1977). In general, when
mounted equipment is employed in bulk nonstandard equipment is employed, it is
cargo handling terminals. As a rule, this advisable that the designer work closely
equipment is custom built to serve a certain with the equipment manufacturer to prop-
particular project. It includes traveling erly understand the loadings and relevant
gantry cranes (bridge cranes) with miscella- operating criteria.
neous grab devices, traveling bucket eleva-
tors which utilize various conveyor systems,
traveling ship loaders, and others. Their 3.4.6 Fixed-Base Equipment
design parameters are provided by the fab-
ricators and typically include vertical and This may include regular stiff-leg (derrick)
horizontal wheel loads due to material han- cranes (Fig. 3-26), stiff-leg cranes sitting on
dling, and dynamic impact and inertia. Most a ring which can slew the crane through
often, maximum design wheel loads are 360° (ringer crane), loaders, such as that
limited to the design loads on a rail section depicted in fixed in-place revolving cranes,
and, similar to the crane corner loads, can miscellaneous loading towers, liquid bulk
be within 350-450 kN. handling arms (Fig. 3-27), and others.
In most cases, this type of equipment has The weights of the above equipment are
substantial windage area able to attract typically in a range 150-500 kN, with some
significant lateral wind force, so that the up to 15,000 kN, and in special cases, even

Figure 3-26. Stiff-leg crane (derrick).

Design Loads 283

Figure 3-27. Liquid bulk loading arms.

more. The foundation structure for this type with similar port characteristics, such as
of equipment is designed on a basis of load exposure to environmental forces, mode of
data and the operating criteria provided by operation, type of vessels, and others. How-
the manufacturer, along with associated ever, one should realize that the data
forces due to effects of environmental loads obtained from actual measurements of
and berthing and mooring forces as previ- berthing energies cannot be applied auto-
ously discussed in this chapter. matically to new port design. For example,
In addition to normal service loads, an data based on measurements on ships ar-
appropriate impact factor is used. Descrip- riving fully loaded cannot be used for load-
tion of some unique installations of this ing terminals where ships will arrive in
kind can be found in special publications by ballast. In the first case, the current could
ASCE, PIANC, The Dock and Harbour be a dominant factor in ship berthing en-
Authority, and others. ergy, and in the latter, the wind load may
be more dominant than current force. It
should be noted that actual berthing-
energy measurements usually show a
3.5 SHIP IMPACT (BY M. SHIONO significant scatter, which can only be de-
AND G. TSINKER> scribed statistically.
Furthermore, the statistical approach
Ship impact force on berthing structures implies that regardless of which design
can be determined by statistical, empirical, value of berthing energy is chosen there is
or theoretical methods, or by physical always a risk that it can be exceeded. Also,
andjor mathematical modeling. the more berthing operations the facility
The statistical method is based on in- (fender) is .exposed to, the larger this risk
formation obtained from prototype projects becomes.
284 Design Loads

Based on field observation data and risk According to Girgrah, Eq. (3-31) may be
analysis, Dent and Saurin (1969) suggest applied in the design of the end fenders and
the folloWing design values for tanker ter- isolated berthing points where the point of
minals located at exposed-to-Wind and contact is amidship. For interior fenders,
waves locations: the value should be reduce by a factor of
1. 2.6 meter-tonnes (18.8 feet-kips) per 1000 It should be mentioned that both the
DWT of design ship at yield stress in the statistical and empirical methods are more
fenders often recommended for determination of im-
2. 1.55 meter-tonnes (11.2 feet-kips) per pact forces generated by large ships.
1000 DWT as a normal maximum related The theoretical (kinetic) method of
to approximately maximum working calculating the ship berthing energy is more
stress in breasting structures and fenders universal than both the statistical and em-
pirical methods and is also applicable to a
For berths located in protected harbors and ship of any size. It tends to account for the
for loading terminals where vessels nor- folloWing factors affecting dissipation of the
mally berth in ballast, five-eighths of these ship's total berthing energy:
values are recommended.
More details on statistical methods for 1. Rotation of the ship
the determination of a ship berthing energy 2. Elastic deformation of the berth structure
is found in works by Balfour et al. (1980), 3. Compression of the fendering system
Piaseckyj (1977, undated in 1982), and in 4. Displacement of water between the ship
PIANC (1984). and berth structure
In the empirical method, the folloWing
parameters are usually taken into account: Thus, in most cases, the fender system must
absorb orily a part of the ship's total kinetic
1. Berthing frequency of the design vessel energy, which is usually referred to as the
2. Exposure conditions "effective berthing energy" of a ship (E).
3. Number and maneuverability of vessels The effective berthing energy may be ob-
4. Berthing method: with or without tug tained from
5. Berth mode of operation; loading or un-

Specific values are assigned to the parame- where

ters based on judgment and experience and W1 = displaced weight of the vessel
are related to the cost of repair against both W2 =hydrodynamic or added mass
downtime and the probability of exceeding
Vn = component of the vessel's velocity normal
the ·fendering energy capacity. to the berth structure
Girgrah (1977) has concluded that
g = gravitational acceleration
berthing energy is empirically related to
CE = eccentricity factor
ship displacement (W1 ) and to the inverse
square root of vessel displacement as fol- C8 = ship andjor structure softness factor
The sum (W1 + W2 ), which is usually re-
ferred to as a ship virtual mass (W), is
wl typically expressed in tonnes. The approxi-
E = 120 + wts (t . m) (3-31)
mate relationship among the ship's dis-
Design Loads 285

placement tonnage and her gross, net, and semiopen) and spring properties of the
deadweight tonnages for a variety of vessels fenders
is given in Chapter 2. 2. Ship characteristics, such as its under-
Hydrodynamic mass, sometimes called water shape and draft, and the way she
"added mass," is the mass of a water en- approaches the berthing facilities (e.g.,
trained by a moving vessel as the result of a sideways, parallel to the pier, or straight
vessel's motion (Valentine, 1967). While in forward at a certain angle)
motion, a ship displaces water and pushes 3. Berthing velocity and underkeel clear-
ahead of her a positive pressure field, ap-
4. Oceanographic and environmental fac-
parent as a raised water level. The dis-
tors, such as water depth and possible
placed water passes back along the hull.
impact of current, wind, and waves.
For a ship moving sideways, much of the
returned flow moves under the keel (Fig.
Some studies indicate that the added mass
3-28a), unless the underkeel clearance is
of many slender structures immersed in
too small, in which case the flow is forced to fluid is comparable to the mass of fluid
return around the stern and bow. displaced by these structures. On this basis,
In principle, the hydrodynamic mass of a and for simplification, some authorities rec-
ship moving in open water is approximately ommend using the value of hydrodynamic
10% of the ship's mass. It increases consid- mass W2 as equal to the weight of water
erably during sideways movement, such as contained in a cylinder that has a diameter
during the berthing process, because the equal to the vessel draft and a length equal
ship's mass is augmented by the large vol- to the vessel length. Therefore,
ume of water involved in the transverse
motion of the vessel toward the berth. This (3-33)
volume varies with the following factors:
1. Berthing facility characteristics, such as D = vessel draft
type of structure (open, solid wall, or L = vessel length
p = specific weight of water

According to Eq. (3-33), the added mass of

a fully loaded large tanker, or fully loaded
N•oal•v• wov•
Pf'OI)OQOtU '--------'

"''o• .,rMI.,
large cargo ship, becomes equal to 0.5-0.6
times the displacement tonnage.
Further recommendations to aid in the
aMJ IIIOW•F"\aftl
calculation of the hydrodynamic or added
(a) mass are available. The majority of these
recommendations describe the virtual mass
s... ....... /"···
..-~--'-'---..--1>...m in terms of its relationship with ship
diplacement tonnage.
Equation (3- 34) presents another means
of determining the virtual mass:
(3- 34)

Figure 3-28. Water movement and wave propaga- where em is the hydrodynamic mass factor.
tion during ship side-way movement. [After Ball, (1982) For the determination of em, Grim (1955)
and Middendorp, (1981).] proposed Eq. (3-35), which is based on re-
286 Design Loads

sults obtained from model tests: Prior to 1989, the Japanese standard
MOT considered formula (3-39) to deter-
1.8D mine the hydrodynamic mass factor, appar-
em= 1.3 + -B- (3-35)
ently based on a publication by Stelson et
al. (1955):
D = draft (in meters)
B = beam of the ship (in meters)

Saurin (1963) published a comparison on where

energy absorption by fender systems using D = draught of ship
theoretical data and data derived from full-
L = overall length of ship
scale observations. The observations were
based on 70 berthings of ships varying from p = specific weight of water at berth
16,000 to 50,000 DWT, with various under- wl = displacement of ship
keel clearances. Despite the scattered re-
sults of these tests, Saurin concluded that a According to formula (3-39) for fully loaded
value of em = 1.3 would represent a rea- large tankers and for fully loaded cargo
sonable average. However, the factual data ships, em approaches 1.5-1.6.
presented by Saurin suggests that to be on Blok and Dekker (1979) remarked that
the conservative side, a value of em = 1.8 expression (3-39) is basically the added
should be used. mass following from potential theory on
Vasco Costa (1964), on the basis of his sway oscillation for a beam-to-draught ratio
experiments, suggested some corrections to of 2 in infinite water depth. They also point
Grim's formula and recommended the fol- out that the value of em is greatly influ-
lowing expression for determination of mass enced by fender characteristics such as
factor em: spring rate and the character of its
load/ deflection relationship.
2D Fenders with different stiffness charac-
em= 1.0 +B- (3-36) teristics by as much as a 1 : 10 ratio were
used by Blok and Dekker in their tests. For
Ruppert (1976) suggested modification to the total impulse versus change of momen-
tum for all fenders they found a value of
formulas proposed by Grim and Vasco
Costa, which lead to somewhat lower em
em = 3.8 (with little scatter). The explana-
tion for the larger hydrodynamic mass fac-
values. According to Ruppert, em can be
tor probably lies in the fact that when a
determined from the following formulation:
light vessel hits a stiff fender, she tends to
change her direction of movement very
em =0
. 9 +B-- (3.-37) rapidly. The resulting side movement, how-
ever, meets resistance from ambient water
as well as the momentum of ship move-
On the basis of model tests in five different ment, which prevents the ship from chang-
water depths (HjD = 1.07, 1.14, 1.90, 3.31, ing her forward movement rapidly. This in-
and 3.81), Girandet (1966) proposed the fol- evitably, results in a larger impact load
lowing equation which links em value to compared to that resulting from a collision
depth of water (H): between a ship and a soft fender.
On the basis of field observations and
em= 1.2 + 0.12(-D-) (3-38) model studies, Ueda (1981) concluded that
H-D the second part of Eq. (3-39) should be
Design Loads 287

increased by a factor of 2 and hence by imbalance between the flow displacement

equal to 0.57TDLpjW1 • The latter resulted by the ship and the underkeel flow (Mid-
in em values in the range 1.6-2.3. For cal- dendorp, 1981; Ball, 1982). The difference
culation of em value, Ueda proposed Eq. in water level across the ship produces a
(3-40) in which he introduced the. ship's hydrodynamic force toward the berthing
block coefficient ( eb): structure, which is appended to the ship's
own mass to give the "virtual mass."
(3-40) As it was mentioned earlier, when the
forward-moving ship collides with a stiff
fender at a certain angle, she rapidly
This value of em is currently recommended changes direction, which is resisted by the
by the latest issue of Japanese Standard ship's mass as well as by the resistance of
MOT. It should be noted that for eb = 0.785, ambient water. A laboratory investigation
the outcome of Eq. (3.40) is similar to that of the above mode of ship-dock collision has
obtained from Eq. (3-36) proposed by Vasco demonstrated that the magnitude of hydro-
Costa. dynamic mass depends greatly on the angle
From field measurements conducted from between the dock and approaching vessel;
1966 to 1968 in the port of Le Havre accordingly, a smaller hydrodynamic mass
(France) at oil tanker berths receiving is associated with a small approach angle
tankers ranging from 70,000 to 130,000 (Gorunov, 1980).
DWT despite inherent inaccuracies in the Contrary to an open berthing structure,
observations and calculations and in the when a ship approaches a solidwall struc-
variation of D jH ratios, the value of em ture, a gradual cushioning effect occurs, in-
ranged between 1.4 and 1.7, with an aver- creasing with the decreasing distance from
age close to 1.5 (PIANC, 1984). the structure.
The numerous studies conducted in In general, for a preliminary evaluation
Japan (Motora, 1959; Nagasawa, 1959; of the value of added mass, some authori-
Heyashi, 1962; Fujino, 1968; Mizoguchi and ties recommend considering the following
Nakanayama, 1973; Otani et al., 1974; and factors:
others) have produced various values of em
in a range between 1.9 and 3.6. 1. 1.0 for an open structure of any dimen-
The value of the hydrodynamic mass is sions
largely dependent on the berth structure
2. 0.8 for a semisolid-wall structure longer
geometry. For example, an open piled struc-
than the length of the ship
ture allows water from around the ship to
move relatively unimpeded past the piles. 3. 0.6 for a solid-wall structure longer than
On the other hand, a solid-wall structure the length of the ship
considerably obstructs the flow, particularly
if the underkeel clearance is small. When Similar recommendations are found in
the ship suddenly stops upon impact with PIANC (1984).
the berthing structure, such as an open It should be also noted that the em value
piled structure, the flow displacement rate may be affected by currents (Tyrell,
drops suddenly to almost zero, causing the 1966/1967). For large ships, unless the de-
water level to fall on the ship's side nearest signer has good reason to adopt other val-
to the berth and rise on the other side (Fig. ues, Permanent International Association
3-28b). This phenomenon is a result of the of Navigation Congresses (PIANC, 1984)
momentum of the mass of water under the recommends that the value of hydrody-
keel, which maintains an underkeel flow namic mass (W2 ) range between 1.5W1 (for
when the ship is stopped, thus creating an very large underkeel clearance, say 0.5 X
288 Design Loads

draught) and 1.8W1 (for very small under- much larger berthing energies to be ab-
keel clearance, say 0.1 X draught). sorbed by the fender system. Therefore, the
Depending on site conditions, fender ship's approach velocity data should not be
stiffness, and flexibility of berth structure, relied on exclusively but used as a starting
em values for smaller ships can be much point in fender system design. A discussion
greater than those for large ships. It should with local pilots who are going to use the
be noted, however, that some earlier field berthing facility is also recommended.
measurements of ship berthing velocity The latest technology, such as sonar sys-
show no correlation with vessel size (Dent tems (Fig. 3-29), provides dock and ship
and Saurin, 1969; Svendsen, 1970). operators with a means to keep the berthing
The dock designer must always be aware vessel under better control while docking.
that in all cases of the ship's direct ap- Docking sonar systems assist in safe and
proach to the berthing structure, the value controlled berthing operations by providing
of added mass should be determined by an accurate and highly stable measurement
exercising good judgement and by evaluat- of a vessel's approach speed and distance
ing all berthing conditions previously dis- from a berthing structure. Distance and
cussed. A degree of uncertainty in the speed are measured at the bow and stern
mechanism of ship-dock interaction does independently and are instantly available
present a problem in determining the value to both the pilot on board and the dock
of the added mass, which, apparent in the personnel throughout the berthing opera-
above mathematical equations, probably tion. The data are also printed out for sub-
cannot be solved with mathematical preci- sequent analysis.
sion without further research. The above Docking sonar systems have been used
frequently at oil and LNG terminals which
speculations on a part of the hydrodynamic
typically receive large tankers. However,
mass factor, em, indicate that it has been
because of the relatively high cost of this
and still continues to be a matter of debate
technology it is seldom used in dry bulk and
among practitioners.
general cargo ports. One example of sonar
Despite various methods that have been
system use at a bulk loading facility is
suggested to determine the value of the Ridley coal loading terminal, Price
added mass, most practitioners in the field Ruppert, Canada (Port Development Inter-
still rely heavily on past practice, good national, February 1985).
judgment, and experience. The proper selection of ship speed is very
Approach velocity and angle are very im- important in arriving at a realistic value of
portant components to be considered in the kinetic energy to be used in the design of
evaluation of a ship's berthing energy. As the fender system and subsequently the
seen from Eq. (3-32), the approach velocity berthing structure. As a general recommen-
is an important parameter in determining dation, the following berthing velocities can
energy to be absorbed by the fender system. be assumed for the design of a berthing
The designer must always realize that the structure.
ship's approach velocity is almost entirely
dependent on the size of a ship, mode of 1. For tug-assisted large ships
approach (e.g., assisted by tugs or self- • very favorable conditions, 10 cmjs
propelled), human factors, environmental • in most cases, 15 cmjs
conditions, part'iculars of the site, and the • in very unfavorable conditions with
skill of local pilots. A wrong maneuver of cross-currents and/or much wind, 25
the ship due to human error or a sudden cm/s
change in weather conditions can results in 2. For any ship approaching the dock with
a much larger approach velocity and, hence, no tug assistance, 20-25 cm/s
Design Loads 289


(b ) (c)

Figure 3-29. Docking sonar system: (a) general view; (b) and (c) display board.

In the first case, the design of the terminal The energy to be absorbed by the dock
is usually based on an approach angle of fender system is usually taken as equal to
10°. In all other cases, an approach angle of one-half of the ship's kinetic energy, based
10°-20° is used based on local approach and on CE = 0.5. The remaining half is assumed
environmental conditions, The larger ap- to be absorbed by the ship and water due to
proach angles are more characteristic for ship's rotation about her contact point with
inland ports, and smaller angles are most the fender. This point is commonly referred
often in seaports receiving large ships. to as a "quarter point" (Fig. 3-30). For other
The likelihood of exceeding these design berthing points, the value of CE can be
berthing velocities is great; hence, caution obtained from Eq. (3-41) or Fig. 3-31.
should be exercised in selecting ship design
approach velocities and subsequently fender
system design. For more information on
berthing velocities, the reader is referred to
PIANC (1984).
290 Design Loads

where When the vessel is brought to rest along-

l = distance from the gravity center of a ship to side of a stiff marginal wharf structure, it is
the point of contact, measured along the face assumed that the impact energy is primar-
of the pier (Fig. 3-30) ily absorbed by the fender system only. Fur-
r = radius of gyration of a vessel's gravity center thermore, it is usually considered that the
on the horizontal plane, commonly, r = potential deflection of any type of continu-
0.25£, where L is the full length of the ship. ous berth structure cannot contribute to ab-
sorption of the energy, as the time it takes
for the structure to react is much longer
than the time over which the impact is
applied. To calculate the impact force re-
sisted by the continuous, or otherwise very
stiff, structure it is necessary to consult
load-deflection curves provided by the
fender manufacturer.
In contrast, flexible breasting structures
(e.g., flexible dolphins and similar struc-
tures) greatly contribute to the absorption
of ship berthing energy (Fig. 3-32). As men-
Figure 3-30. Berthing ship. tioned earlier in this section, rubber tires
are used often as fenders in small-craft har-
I0 bors. With varying degrees of success, they
~~ are also used to absorb berthing energy
from larger ships up to 3000-5000 DWT.
i or, ~ Load-deflection curves for used tires, or
Jo.• -...__r---
............. other fender systems which include used
tires (e.g., tires filled with a closed-cell foam
(Tsinker, 1986), big tires stuffed with
0 IL O.lL II• L O.JL O.•L O.SL
smaller ones, and others), can be obtained
D«tbl"' point'ohhr wnKI (A) experimentally.
Figure 3-31. Eccentricity factor versus vessel As reported by Hendrick (1980), used
berthing point. rubber tires and particularly those of large

... Pile t Fender
Pile ~ """'
Sea bed
(a) (b )

Figure 3-32. Energy absorption by combination of flexible dolphin and fender: (a) flexible
dolphin/fender system; (b) system reaction versus deflection.
Design Loads 291

diameter, can absorb substantial amounts determination of the ship impact load that
of energy, especially when assembled in will act on a marine structure. Practically,
groups of three and more tires. On the basis it is done by consulting the reaction
of rather comprehensive tests that have force I energy absorbtion in fender deflection
been carried out at the Building Research curves, given in the fender manufacturer's
Structures Laboratory of the Canadian catalog. Normally, these curves are ob-
National Research Council, Hendrick has tained from the fender load tests that are
arrived at the following basic conclusions: carried out in accordance with recommen-
dations established by PIANC (1984). Ac-
1. The condition of the tire greatly influ- cording to these recommendations, in order
ences the ultimate load on it; factors to be to obtain the aforementioned curves, the
considered are wear, amount of tread re- fenders are tested at relatively low com-
maining, whether or not the tire has been
pression speeds. This, according to
retreaded, cuts (size and location) and
bruises. Kiedaisch (1995), results in the unneces-
sary redundancy ("reserve of energy absorb-
2. The tire construction and type or tread
design may influence the energy absorb- tion capacity") and therefore in fender
tion capacity and the resulting reaction overdesign. By the time this book is pub-
force. lished at least one fender manufacturer is
using the so-called "velocity correction fac-
Performance of used tires as a fender can tor" to account for a ship actual berthing
be enhanced greatly by filling them with a velocity. This resulted in smaller more eco-
closed-cell resilient foam (Tsinker, 1986). nomical fender units recommended by this
In experimental work, the F = f(dr) manufacturer for dock fendering. Padron
curve is obtained first. Here F is the force (1994) disagrees with this practice. He ar-
applied to the fender and d f is the corre- gues that the velocity correction factor, as
sponding fender deflection (Fig. 3-33). The currently applied, is based on the assump-
area between curve F = f( d f) and the axis tion that the fender unit is compressed at a
dr represents the work (energy) done by the constant velocity throughout the impact cy-
fender. Hence, the curve E = f(d,), which cle, while in practice this velocity varies
is an integral curve in the relationship to from the initial impact velocity to zero as
the curve F = f(d,), can be plotted by inte- the vessel comes to a stop. In the process
grating the appropriate areas. the fender unit deflects at a continuously
The design berthing energy of a ship is decreasing rate. Padron pointed out that
used for selection of a desired energy ab- use of the velocity correction factor does
sorbtion (fender) system and ultimately for have validity with respect to the maximum
reaction force that the fender unit imposes
on the structure because it is important to
the designer to be fully aware of the peak
reaction force for which the structure must
be designed. Padron further suggests that
normally the velocity correction factor
should be applied when considering the
magnitude of the reaction force that the
fender unit can be expected to exert on
the structure, and not applied to fender
Figure 3-33. Typical energy versus deflection dia- energy absorbtion capacity because, as
gram obtained from fender test. presently used, the velocity correction fac-
292 Design Loads

tor tends to overstate the fender energy structure interaction phenomenon. How-
absorbtion capacity. More recent investiga- ever, data obtained from scale modeling
tion carried out by Hayama and Sakuraoka usually suffer from the scale and viscosity
(1996) basically supported the opinion ex- effects and, therefore, require experienced
pressed by Padron. interpretation. In practice, scale modeling,
Certainly, more research is needed to es- and small-scale modeling in particular, can
tablish the effect of ship berthing velocity be interpreted as qualitative only and
on fender performance. This is particularly should not be used quantitatively in the
important for performance of relatively stiff practical design, unless the proper compari-
buckling-type fender units. This also ap- son with prototype conditions is available.
plies to magnitude of the other correction The mathematical modeling approach
factors that should be used to account for to the ship berthing phenomenon is still
effects of fender aging, temperature, repeti- under development, and comparison with
tive compression, etc. All this is on PIANC full-scale berthings are still scarce. Some
agenda for years to come (PIANC, 1995b). information on the subject matter is found
As pointed out earlier, the approach veloc- in Van Oortmerssen (1974), Fontijn (1980),
ity and angle are the most important pa- and Middendorp (1981). Mathematical mod-
rameters that affect the berthing energy eling, which potentially can provide better
and ultimately the ship impact load on a theoretical insight into the mechanisms of
structure. ship-fender-structure interactions with
Unfortunately, in real life the actual ves- consideration of such parameters as added
sel approach velocity, due to variety of rea- mass, underkeel clearance, stiffness offend-
sons, sometimes exceeds the design values. ers, approach angle, and others, undoubt-
This results in damage to fender units, dock edly will be developed to the degree neces-
structure, and sometimes to a ship. This is sary to enable it to be used in practical
why in this writers' opinion the dock fender applications.
system should have a sufficient redundancy Fontijn (1987) has developed the Impulse
and in most practical cases should not be Response Function (IRF) method to de-
designed with mathematical precision. The . scribe the ship-berth interaction phe-
designer must be aware that the cost ofthe nomenon. In the model developed by
dock fender system in most practical appli- Fontijn, the ship is treated as a rigid pris-
cations contributes approximately 3-5% or matic body moving in surge, sway, and yaw
less of the total cost of the dock. Hence, an through still water of uniform depth (i.e., no
insignificant reduction in the cost of the waves or currents). Headland (1992a and b)
fender system will practically not affect the compared both the kinetic energy and IRF
total cost of the project; however, it may methods will full-scale measurements, re-
significantly affect safety of dock operation. ported by Lee (1965, 1966). The comparison
Finally, it should be noted that in a indicated that both methods gave nearly
structure-fender-ship system a portion of identical results. Furthermore, both meth-
the kinetic energy is absorbed by a ship's ods were partially verified by Lee's full-scale
hull elastic deformation. As plastic defor- measurements. A complete verification
mations of a ship's hull are unacceptable could not be found due to inconsistency
and elastic deformations are very small (according to Headland) in Lee's data.
compared with those of fenders, the amount At present, the kinetic energy approach
of energy absorbed by a ship is negligible with many refinements as discussed in this
and is usually ignored (softness coefficient section is still considered as the most prac-
C8 = 1.0). tical method of determining the amount of
Physical scale models are sometimes kinetic energy to be absorbed by a fender
used to determine and study the ship- system. However, again, a sound judgment
Design Loads 293

always must be exercised by the designer not reach its maximum value and the ice
during selection of design parameters to be floe may be stopped or change direction of
used in calculations. motion without exerting a maximum load
PIANC (1984) recommends that the sta- on the structure.
tistical method be restricted to new fender The applicability of either of the afore-
system designs on berthing structures at mentioned conditions depends on the
sites where measurements have been taken ice-structure interaction scenario and the
until sufficient measurements are accumu- magnitude of the driving forces in compari-
lated from a number of locations. PIANC son with the potential local forces between
(1984) also recommends that both kinetic the ice and the structure. Examples of the
energy and statistical approaches be consid- above conditions may be the movement of
ered as complementary. the first-year ice sheet against the struc-
ture, or the interaction between structure
and a large ice feature such as multiyear
3.6 ICE LOADS floe, ice ridge, or similar.
In the former case, the ice sheet is usu-
ally large enough so that the structure can
be fully embedded in the ice, and the ice
3.6.1 General load can be calculated from the local loads
along the length (width) of the structure. In
The ice load depends on port geographical
the latter case, if the driving forces are
locations, harbor and waterway geometry
relatively small in comparison with the po-
and protection, ice control and ice manage-
tential local forces, the maximum ice force
ment in berth areas, and geometry of the
dock structure. may not be reached. This would mean that
The motion of ice against the structure the use of potential ice forces rather than
could lead to the generation of substantial those that practically could be reached could
forces which could be of a global or local lead to the overestimation of the loads.
nature. The global ice loads in some cases The ice loads also depend on the defor-
may control general stability of the struc- mation behavior of ice (e.g., bending, buck-
ture; the local loads may determine the re- ling, .compression, shear), which, in turn,
quired strength of some structural compo- depends on the geometry of the structure
nents. Naturally, the ice generated loads (e.g., vertical or sloping). Vertical structures
depend on ice mechanical properties (e.g., would typically include narrow vertical
crushing and flexural strengths and shear structures such as column (pile) supported
resistance) and the driving forces such as platforms, as well as solid vertical walls.
wind, tides, currents, and waves. If the Sloping structures are those with sloping
driving forces are sufficiently high, the sides, intended to fail ice in bending.
structure may be fully enveloped in the ice Ice sheets, or ice floes, are common ice
feature (i.e., ice floe). In this case, the inter- features to be considered in port marine
face area between the ice feature and the structures engineering. When engaged with
structure is at its maximum and, subse- a structure, they can crash or creep
quently, the ice load exerted on the struc- in the indentation mode, buckle, or fail in
ture reaches its maximum value. On the bending.
other hand, the ice-structure interaction Ice movement against a vertical struc-
may end at an earlier stage if the driving ture is one of the most common ice-
forces are insufficient to overcome forces structure interaction scenarios in marine
exerted by the structure on the ice feature. engineering. On the basis of field observa-
In the latter case, the contact width does tions and test results, Sodhi and Nevel
294 Design Loads

(1980) concluded that for ice sheets collided force (Tc) acting on a floating ice sheet:
with vertical structure, the occurrence of a
crushing or buckling mode of failure de- (3.43)
pends on the aspect ratio D jt, where D is
the width of the structure and t is the
thickness of the ice sheet. Buckling was
observed to occur for higher aspect ratios Yw = density of water
(generally greater than 6), whereas a crash- V0 = current velocity under the ice feature
ing failure is characteristic for aspect ratio H 0 = depth of water under the ice undersize
smaller than 6.
For comprehensive treatment, the sub- 2/3
ject of ice physical properties and the modes n = [ nP; n~-5 ] (3-44)
of ice-structure interaction, the reader is
referred to Tsinker (1995).
In Eq. (3-43) and (3-44), n 1 and n 2 are
Manning's roughness coefficients respec-
tively for interface between the water and
3.6.2 Environmental the ice sheet, and the water and the bottom.
Driving Forces They very considerably. For example,
0.005 < n 1 < 0.04 is used, depending on the
Ice motion in rivers and natural harbors conditions of ice formation and accumula-
which is associated with spring breakup tion. More details on the values of n 1 is
begins with local melting and weakening of found in Michel (1971). Extensive discus-
the ice cover. The following massive ice sion on the values of the bottom roughness
movement is typical in many rivers and coefficient n 2 is given in Van Te Chow
large sea harbors. (1959). Note that in Eq. (3-43) and (3-44),
Ice motion in large bodies of water (e.g., SI units are used.
natural harbors or lakes) is caused mainly According to Tryde (1989), the current
by wind friction. The air friction force ex- shear on the underside of the ice sheet can
erted on an ice cover (Tw) can be calculated be expressed as follows:
as follows: (3-45)

(3-42) where
Pw = density of water
where Vwt = velocity 1 m below the underside of the ice
p = the air density; p = 1.34 kgjm 3 at -10°C.
C = the drag coefficient at the 10-m level. An The maximum value of environmental driv-
average value of C = 0.0022 for a rough ice ing forces is reached when wind- and
cover could be used (Croasdale, 1980). Ac- current-driven forces coincide. In real de-
cording to Tryde (1989), C = 0.006. signs, the environmental external forces on
Vw = the wind speed at the 10-m level. the ice floe depend on many factors, such as
A = the fetch area. ice accumulation, shape and curvature of
the river or navigational channel, geotech-
In rivers and navigational channels, water nical characteristics of the riverbanks, and
friction forces are the principal causes of ice other objects restricting ice movement. More
motion. Michel (1971) developed the follow- information on this very special subject is
ing equation to determine the water friction given in Michel (1971), Eranty and Lee
Design Loads 295

(1981), Fenco Engineers (1984), and in more (F) is expressed as

recent work by Wake et al. (1987).
Fe= pDh (3-46)
p = effective ice stress
3.6.3 Ice-crushing Load D = width of indentor
h = ice thickness
By definition, the ice-crushing process is
the complete failure of granularization of Both empirical and theoretical methods are
the solid ice sheet into particles of grain or used to determine value of p for the partic-
crystal dimensions; no cracking, flaking, or ular ice-structure interaction conditions.
any other failure mode occurs during pure In empirical methods, the effective ice
crushing. The immediate clearing of the pressure is usually related to the ice uniax-
broken ice by extrusion along the structure ial compressive strengths by the introduc-
wall or indentor face follows the failure. tion of a number of coefficients to account
When the ice is sufficiently thick, crush- for contact conditions, indentation, and
ing is one of the most common modes of shape of the structure.
failure, particularly for ice interacting with Korzhavin (1962) proposed the empirical
narrow vertical structures. Kry (1980) noted relationship (3-47) for p which, according
that the ice-crushing mode of interaction to Neill (1976), is valid for strain rates of
follows the indentation problem. where a 10- 3 -10- 4 s- 1 and gives values of the
triaxial state of stress develops in the ice effective pressure in the range of 0.9uc <
due to the confinement effect of the ice p < l.6uc.
sheet in the ice-structure interaction area.
As summarized by Blauchet et al. (1989), (3-47)
an observation of indentation tests shows where
the following: I = indentation coefficient which accounts for
the confining (scale) effects on ice compres-
• First, microcracks are formed in the vicin- sive strength.
ity of the indentor. fc = contact coefficient which accounts for nonsi-
• Immediately in front of the indentor, ice multaneous contact between the indentor
then separates into fine grains of dimen- and the ice feature. Essentially, for perfect
sions less than 1% of the indentor width. contact, fc = 1.0. Generally, fc is taken as
• The failed ice is ejected out of the contact 0.4 < fc < 0.7.
zone and accumulates in front or on the m = shape factor which takes into account shape
sides of the indentor. of the indentor. It is usually taken as equal
• The actual tests, measured periods of to 1.0 for flat and 0.9 for circular and semi-
crashing loads decrease from 1 s to 0.06 s circular indentors, and 0.85(sin a) 0 ·5 for in-
with the increase in penetration rate from dentors with wedge angles of 2 a between
0.01 mjs to 0.21 mjs. 60° and 120°.
• The size of the ice pieces decreases with uc = uniaxial unconfined compressive strength
the increase in the penetration rate but of ice.
does not very with the aspect ratio.
• The recurrence period of crushing varies I is a dimensionless number and is the
from 0.02 s to 1 s. ratio of the observed failure pressure to the
measured unconfined compressive strength
On the premise that ice failure due to frac- for the same ice sample (e.g., for a sample
ture does not occur, the load exerted by the the same crystal size, temperature, brine
ice sheet due to crushing mode of failure content or salinity, etc.). There are several
296 Design Loads

Table 3-14. Values of contact coefficient fc sional, where I depends on the aspect ratio
Velocity of Ice Flow
D jh as follows:
Width of Movement (mjs)
Rough contact:
Indentor (m) 0.5 1.0 2.0

3-5 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.35

6-8 0.6 0.5 0.4 I= 1.45 + Djh ~ 2.57 (3-49)

Source: After Korzhavin (1962).

Smooth contact:
different ways to calculate the value of I:
I= 1.15 + Djh (3-50)
• Assur (1975) recommended that I be de-
termined as equal to I= 1 + 2CI-D/h),
which gives a value of I = 3 at D jh = 0.
• As the indentor size increases, the nature A number of other theoretical solutions have
of the stress field in the ice more closely been proposed. These are summarized in
matches that of plane stress, and the ef- Tsinker (1995).
fective contact crushing stress is reduced It must be pointed out that results of
(Ralston, 1977). relatively recent field experiments reported
• An alternative approach is found in Kry by Danielewicz and Blanchet (1987) and
(1978) and Iyer (1983).
Johnson and Benoit (1987) suggested that
• To some extent, settling of fc to less
than 1 accounts for the brittle nature of
the real ice loads can be significantly lower
the ice and its nonsimultaneous failure. than those measured at smaller scale or
Korzhavin (1962) recommends the values predicted by presently used theoretical
of fc depending on the velocity of ice move- models.
ment as shown in Table 3-14. The ice crushing failure at a wide verti-
• Michel and Toussaint (1977) suggested cal structure (D jh ~ 5) is somewhat dif-
that Korzhavin's formula should be modi- ferent from crushing against narrow verti-
fied to account for strain rate. cal indentor. At wide structure because of
• Croasdale et al. (1977) applied the theory rugged surface of the ice sheet the failure of
of plasticity to the solution of the indenta- the ice sheet edge does not take place si-
tion problem. The latter authors suggest multaneously along its entire length but
that the value of the effective stress can be
only at a few placed along the edge.
determined by
The latter results in dramatic decrease
(3-48) in a global ice pressure upon structure.
Bercha (1986) provides the most recent re-
where I is the indentation factor which view of the state of the art on the effect of
can be determined from upper- and lower- the structure size on ice pressure. A com-
bound solutions. prehensive discussion on mechanism of the
wide structure-ice interaction is given in
Expression (3-48) assumes perfect contact Fenco Engineers (1984).
between the structure and the indentor. As- It should be noted that, at present, the
suming a flat indentor, the problem reduces use of empirical data has become the norm
to the classical Prandtl indentor, for which when it is desired to estimate ice loads on
I= 2.57. For homogeneous and isotropic ice, wide vertical-sided structures. Af3 a rule of
provided that Dis much larger than h, the thumb, Bercha (1986) recommends compu-
lower-bound solution equals 1.0. Between tation of the first-year ice sheet load on a
these limits, the problem is three dimen- wide structure by multiplying ice contact
Design Loads 297

area (Dh) by 1.75 MPa. In the latter case, sheet into blocks typically four to five thick-
D is the width of a structure if it is smaller nesses in diameter (Blanchet et al., 1989).
than the ice sheet; on the other hand, it As an ice sheet approaches a sloping
may be considered as the effective length of structure, at initial contact it begins to
the ice in contact with a structure in case crush at the interface (on the underside of
an ice sheet is smaller than structure. the ice sheet for an upward breaking slope).
Ice-crushing load is basically characteris- The resulting interaction force, acting nor-
tic for the vertical face structure-ice inter- mal to the face of the structure, has a verti-
action. However, this kind of load can also cal and a horizontal component. There will
exist under conditions where ice sheets in- also be a frictional force along the slope.
teract with an inclined structure with an- The vertical and frictional components pro-
gles to the horizontal of greater than 75° duce bending in the ice sheet and the ice
(Michel, 1978). For structures with inclined will fail in bending when these components
surfaces, the vertical component of an ice- are increased to a certain critical level. Once
crushing load should be considered. the ice sheet has failed, the smaller pieces
Marcellus et al. (1987) and Timco (1987) of ice are pushed by the advancing ice sheet
discuss ice sheet interaction with multi- and begin to ride up the face of the struc-
legged structures (e.g., piled piers, offshore ture. This causes a larger interaction force
platforms, etc.). For more information, con- to be generated, because additional force is
sult Tsinker (1995). required to push the broken pieces of ice up
the structure.
On a wide structure, the ice may get
turned back on itself, creating additional
3.6.4 Loads Due to Ice Bending ice on the slope of the structure, which may
Mode of Failure lead to the creation of an ice rubble in front
of the structure. The latter, in turn,
These loads are characteristic for the slop- may inhibit simple bending failure of the
ing or cone-shaped structures which tend to advancing ice sheet against the sloped
induce bending failure in ice sheet. The structure.
resulting ice load is substantially lower as Croasdale (1980) presented a two-
compared to the case where the ice sheet dimensional analysis model of ice interac-
fails in the crushing mode. For example, tion with a sloping structure in which the
PIANC (1984) suggested that when the wall horizontal H and vertical V compc>nents of
is sloped greater than 25° from the vertical, the normal load N are determined as
the resulting ice load is reduced by a factor follows:
up to 4 in comparison with the vertical wall.
Actually, two basic loading conditions can (3-51)
result in ice bending failure. The first one
may occur due to ice compressive loading in and
combination with ice sheet natural asym-
V = N cos a - fN sin a (3-52)
metry and eccentricity of the load which
results in tensile stresses in ice sheet. The
second process occurs when a vertical load where f is the friction coefficient and a is
is applied to the edge of an ice sheet as a the slope angle with the horizontal.
result of riding up (or down) the side of a When the moment capacity of the ice
sloping (conical) structure. The low tensile sheet is related to corresponding vertical
strength and limited ductility of ice result force required to initiate failure, the hori-
in the formation of cracks, which break the zontal force per unit width of the structure
298 Design Loads

is computed by component is proportional to about h 5 and

the ride-up force is proportional to ice thick-
ness. More information on the numerical
H ( Pwghs ) 0 ·25 (3-53) estimation of ice forces acting on inclined
D = 0.68ur - E - C
structure is given in Lindstrom (1990).
For inclined narrow or conical structures,
where the failure zone typically extends around
the structure, and usually not all broken
D =width of the structure
pieces of ice are riding up the slope. Typi-
ur = ice bending strength
cally, they clear around the structure. For
Pwg = weight density of water
specific information on ice-conical struc-
h = ice thickness ture interaction the interested reader is re-
E = elastic modulus of ice ferred to Edwards and Croasdale (1976),
C = coefficient which relates H and V with Manas'ev et al. (1971), Ralston (1979),
respect to a; that is, H = VC, where C = Frederking (1980), Nevel (1972), Morrison
(sin a+ {cos a)j(cos a- {sin a)
et al. (1988), and Wessels and Kato (1989).
Very little experimental data exists on
Once the ice has failed, the broken pieces downward ice breaking structures. Some
start to ride up the face of the structure and preliminary data were reported by Abdel-
an additional force is experienced by the nour (1981). His experiments indicated re-
structure; the latter is computed from ductions in forces by a factor of about 2,
compared with upward breaking. Results of
model tests on a downward icebreaking cone
carried out in an ice tank are reported by
Lau and Williams (1991). Effects of some
parameters, for example, ice thickness, ap-
where proach speed, and cone waterplane diame-
cl = o.6BC ter, on ice load are discussed.
C2 = C(sin a+ {cos a)+ Most recently, Nixon et al. (1993) pub-
(sin a+ fcos a)jtan a lished results of a total 57 tests carried out
z = the maximum ride-up height on a model of a cable-moored floating plat-
Pig = the weight density of ice form with inverted conical geometry. The
basic findings from this study were that the
As follows from the two-dimensional model forces on the structure increased monotoni-
of the ice forces acting on the sloping struc- cally with ice layer thickness, that reso-
ture, the effect of friction and slope angle nance effects and the process of ice collar
becomes significant above and angle of 45°. formation around the platform complicated
[Some examples are provided by Marcellus the variation of forces with ice speed such
et al. (1987).] The ice strength affects the that a clear trend of platform reaction
icebreaking component but not the ride-up (mooring) forces with ice speed is not read-
component, and in two-dimensional elastic ily apparent and that stiffness of moorings
analysis, the ride-up force in a typical inter- has a marked effect on a platform resisting
action is larger than the breaking force. forces.
Ice thickness is the most significant When considering the appropriate value
parameter affecting ice loads on sloping to use for ice flexural strength in ice loading
structures. As follows from Eq. (3-54), in equations, it is necessary to recognize that
two-dimensional analysis the icebreaking ice flexural strength can vary as a function
Design Loads 299

of the following: greater than the largest tests to date, is

still an issue for speculation.
• Salinity and temperature distribution For a comprehensive review on the state
• Strain rate of the art on ice sheet-conical structure
• Crystal structure interaction, the reader is referred to
• The size of the ice beam (or thickness of Marcellus et al. (1987). Some additional
the ice sheet) information on the subject is found in
Izumiyama et al. (1991).
Whether the same flexural strength should
be used for upward breaking and downward
breaking will depend on the salinity and
temperature profiles through the ice. In this 3.6.5 Forces Due to Ice Sheet
context, it is also necessary to recognize Adfreeze to the
that moment capacity is perhaps more rele- structure
vant than flexural strength, as the position
of the neutral axis within the ice will also The adfreeze forces may arise if an ice sheet
vary with salinity and temperature profiles. has developed a bond with the structure
The issue to size effects in flexural fail- during a period of no ice movement, which
ure is important because in most real situa- is characteristic for the nearshore arctic en-
tions involving ice features they are much vironment and inland waterways where the
larger and have been tested in the measure- ice surrounding a structure can remain sta-
ment of flexural strength. It is not clear, tionary long enough to freeze to the struc-
however, whether a size effect exists in ture. There, the vertical motions of the ice
flexural failure. The ice flexural strength due to tidal action or water-level fluctuation
values discussed in the literature show a can be so small that an adfreeze bond can
range from nearly zero to about 3.5 MPa, be developed between the ice sheet and the
but it is clear that the high values have structure. Once the ice sheet starts to move
been obtained from small-scale tests. This again, sliding motion between ice and a
trend is confirmed by Marcellus et al. (1987), structure first requires breaking the ad-
who indicated that for large beams a flexu- freeze bond. In the process, ice adhering to
ral strength value of 0.7 MPa or less would marine structures may cause substantial
be appropriate. The results also show that horizontal andjor vertical forces on these
multiyear sea ice appears to be weaker than structures. According to Cammaert et al.
low-salinity columnar sea ice. The appropri- (1986), the load required to fail an adfreeze
ate value of flexural strength to use in ice bond on ~ conical structure can be much
load calculations for typical multiyear ice larger than the load associated with bend-
features, with cross sections 10-500 times ing failure.

Table 3-15. Values of factor I in Eq. (3-55)

Zone Cone Angle
Angle 8 40° 50° 60° 70° goo

75° 1.524 1.672 l.g92 2.240 2_ggg

goo 1.612 1.760 1.9g1 2.329 2.9g7
g5o 1.700 I.g4g 2.069 2.417 3.066
goo 1.7g7 1.936 2.157 2.505 3.152

Source: From Cammaert et a!. (1986).

300 Design Loads

As suggested by Cammaert et al. (1986), With epoxy coated steel, the strength was
the load required to break the bond be- 0.13 MPa.
tween the ice sheet and a conical structure Alliston (1985) reported results of com-
over an angle 2 8 can be obtained from prehensive laboratory tests of low friction
and adfreeze coatings to reduce frictional
CaCsDhTai resistance and adfreeze.
Ha=--.-- (3-55)
Sin a As stated earlier, ice adhering to the ma-
rine structure may cause substantial verti-
where cal uplift or downgrade load. For example,
ca =adfreeze factor to account for incomplete on large linear structures, the uplift load
bonding: ca = 0.3 to 1.0 may range from 15 to 30 kN jm around the
Cs = stress factor to account for nonuniform periphery. Downward loads will result when
stress distributions: Cs = 0. 7 to 1.0 water levels fall. Hanging ice may span
D = structure diameter at the water level distances of 5-10 m between vertical
a = cone angle to the horizontal supports.
I= elliptic integral which varies with a and 0, An upper limit to these loads is provided
the failure zone angle; representative val- by the adhesion bond between the ice and
ues of I in Table 3-15. the structural material, shear strength of
ice, or the bending strength of ice sheet.
Other models to consider the effects of The limit force of two former conditions is
adfreeze forces on ice horizontal forces on calculated from
marine structures have been proposed by
Croasdale (1980) and Gershunov (1985). It
should be noted that all three recommenda-
tions produce substantially different force
values. where
With regard to the adfreeze shear T = ice adfreeze (shear) strength
strength, there have been several studies S = adfreeze (shear) area
performed, usually, on a very small scale
and at high strain rates. The range of val-
ues obtained from these studies is quite
wide. For example, Sackinger and Sackinger 3.6.6 Vertical Loads on Piles or
(1977) measured about 0.5 MPa with sea ice Piers Due to Changes in
and uncoated steel at - 15°C. At higher water Level
temperatures, the adfreeze strength was
somewhat less. As water-level changes through, for exam-
Saeki et al. (1981) measured adhesion ple, tidal action or seasonal fluctuation, the
strengths for steel, concrete, painted steel, ice sheet adhering to a pile or pier can
and corroded steel for sea ice at - 2.0°C. deflect and exert a vertical force on it. The
Typical values for clean steel were in the problem of computing vertical forces on piles
range 0.1-0.3 MPa, for painted steel much is usually solved using the theory of a
lower, and for corroded steel in the range of floating elastic ice plate subjected to static
0,4-0.56 MPa. loads with the following governing differ-
Oksanen (1983) performed adhesion ential equation (Kerr, 1976, 1978, 1986;
strength tests with fresh ice on a variety of Gold, 1984):
materials at temperatures of - 5°C, - 10°C,
and - 15°C. For uncoated steel he meas-
ured 0.46 MPa at all temperatures. (3-57)
Design Loads 301

where intact ice sheets ranging from 100 to 400

Di = flexural rigidity of the ice plate: Di = kN. In practice, these loads can be mini-
Eh 3 /12(1 - v 2 ), where E is Young's modu- mized by reducing ice adhesion values to
lus, h is the ice cover thickness, and v is piles. This can be achieved by using low-
the average Poisson ratio across the ice friction materials and miscellaneous spray-
cover thickness. on coatings, jackets, and wrappings around
V4 = biharmonic. operator piers and piles. Additionally, bubbler sys-
b. = vertical deflection of point at the plate ref- tems can be used to protect the piers and
erence plane piles from ice adhesion.
k = specific weight of water (k = Pwg)
q = vertical load distribution
3.6.7 Ice Load of Thermal
Equation (3-57) may be valid even when E Origin
varies across the thickness of the ice cover,
provided that flexural stiffness of the ice When an ice cover is subjected to a temper-
plate is determined from ature increase, it will expand. This will re-

Di = 1/(1- v 2 ) r-z
0 z 2E(z) dz (3-58)
sult in forces exerted on the surroundings,
which may include miscellaneous marine
structures such as piles piers and gravity-
type vertical walls. The magnitude of these
where z 0 is the coordinate of the ice plate forces will depend on a number of parame-
reference plane which is determined from ters, such as the following:
the condition
• Temperature variation as a function of
• Material properties of the ice cover
• Ice thickness, presence of cracks, and other
Solutions for a variety of ice cover problems irregularities and geometry of the ice cover
that are based on Eq. (3-58) were reviewed • Restrictions to expansion along the bound-
by Kerr (1976). aries of the ice cover
Most recently Sodhi (1995) proposed a
theoretical formulation for determining the A number of theories on ice thermal load-
breakthrough load using plastic limit anal- ings have been suggested and several labo-
ysis. This load is obtained by equating the ratory experiments and full-scale observa-
rate of work done by the load to the rate of tions have been conducted to verify these
energy dissipation during compression of theories. A comprehensive review of the
ice caused by radial and circumferential state of the art on thermal ice forces is
wedging of ice during deformation. given in work by Kjeldgaard and Carstens
A comprehensive review of experimental (1980). The latter investigators concluded
studies of uplifting forces exerted by ad- that in spite of the considerable amount of
frozen ice on marine piles is given in work experimental work conducted in laborato-
by Christensen and Zabilansky (1985) and ries, there is a great deal of divergencies
Sodhi (1995). concerning the difficult question of which
In general terms, depending on ice sheet stress-strain relationships should be con-
thickness and ambient temperature, water- sidered appropriate as the basis for the
level fluctuations may produce uplift and method of computation of thermal ice forces.
downdrag forces on dolphins, single piles or The first approximation of thermal ice
a small group of piles, and uplift loads from loads at different locations and climatic
302 Design Loads

zones traditionally done on the basis of 3.6.8 Other Ice-Induced Loads

available empirical values. For example, in
contemporary Canadian practice, empirical These are loads associated with ice accre-
values of ice loads of thermal origin for tion on the structure (icing), ice dynamic
rigid structures such as dams or gravity- loads, ice-induced vibration of the struc-
type marine structures vary from 150 to ture, and so forth, which are beyond scope
220 kN jm, and for the design of relatively of this book. Again, for comprehensive
flexible structures such as sluice gates, val- treatment of ice loads on port related ma-
ues of 70-75 kN/m are commonly used. rine structures, and ice effects that affect
These values are suggested in work by port (harbor) operations, the reader is re-
Michel (1970). Drouin (1970) recommended ferred to Tsinker (1995), a companion work
even higher values of ice thermal pressure to this book.
(up to 300 kNjm) to be used in the design
of gravity-type structures, and PIANC
(1984) suggested that intact ice sheets may 3.7 SEISMIC LOADS
exert thermal thrusts in the range 75-300 <BY W. S. DUNBAR)
kNjm, regardless of ice thickness. Rigid
structures and structures in ice sheets con-
If a port is located in a seismically active
fined by harbor (basin) geometry will expe-
area, consideration should be given to the
rience the larger loadings. More flexible
need for including seismic loading (as an
structures and structures in more open or
extreme load conditions) in the design of
sloping-sided harbors (basins) will have
terminal structures. The first step in seis-
smaller loads. It has to be noted that smaller
mic design should be the establishment of
values of ice pressure exerted on flexible
the seismic design criteria applicable to the
structures must be treated with great cau- particular structure. Such criteria are based
tion because in some practical cases (e.g., on the consequences of failure due to seis-
sluice gates), load relaxation at the middle mic loads. For instance, the destruction of a
of the structure may result in a heavy load warehouse with low occupancy, and there-
concentration at the bearing points. fore, low risk of loss of life would require
In recommendations by Canadian De- less stringent seismic design criteria than
partment of Environment (1971), it is as- say a quay wall which is likely to be highly
sumed that the ice thrust varies linearly occupied and on which different kinds of
with the ice thickness and, therefore, that cargo handling equipment are installed. Ad-
ice loads of 150 and 220 kN jm subse- ditionally, as the loss of a quay wall could
quently correspond to ice thickness of 0.3 disable a terminal for a considerable period,
and 0.6 m, respectively. economic losses may have to be considered.
In cold Siberian regions of Russia, the ice Different design loads, possibly larger
pressure of 300 kPa · is commonly used, than those specified in building codes, may
whereas for somewhat less severe condi- be applied to critical structures whose col-
tions, ice pressures ranging from 150 to 200 lapse would endanger lives andjor entail
kPa is more common (Starosolsky, 1970). significant property damage. Typically, a
In Norway, an ice load of 100 kNjm is two-tiered design criterion is applied to crit-
typically used for an average ice condition, ical structures. The first tier is sometimes
and under especially unfavorable condi- called the maximum probable event (or
tions, the value of the ice load may be as equivalent seismic loading) wherein a criti-
high as 150-200 kN jm (Kjeldgaard and cal structure is designed to remain. opera-
Carstens, 1980). tional in the event the "probable" earth-
Design Loads 303

quake occurs. However, in the event of a

maximum possible earthquake, the struc-
ture may not be operational, but total or
catastrophic destruction must not occur.
The applicability of the above types of
design criteria will depend on the details of 0 Epicenter
the port design, requirement of the port
authority, and local building codes. How-
ever, the establishment of design criteria is
an essential step, without which nonuni-
form design criteria and inadequate or
overconservative designs are very likely.
The remainder of this section assumes Figure 3-34. Pictorial definitions of earthquake
that design criteria have been established hypocenter and epicenter.
and deals with the description of seismic
ground motion and its estimation for design The basic and relatively simple ideas of
purposes. plate tectonics provide a good theoretical
framework for understanding the mecha-
nism of plate boundary or interplate earth-
quakes. However, a significant number of
3.7.1 Seismic Ground Motion earthquakes, known as intraplate earth-
quakes, occur within the plates on almost The Earthquake Source every continent. Although the basic mecha-
The basic mechanism for the majority of nism of these earthquakes is the same as
that of the interplate earthquakes (i.e.,
earthquake occurrences is shear rupture
shear rupture along a fault), the mecha-
along a fault in the earth's crust. Such rup-
nism for stress generation within a plate is
turing implies that the shear strength of
not understood. This and the fact that in-
the fault surface has been exceeded. A
traplate earthquakes are relatively rare oc-
major goal of basic research into earth-
currences makes the prediction of seismic
quake mechanisms is to determine both the
hazard due to such events quite difficult.
distribution of strength on a fault and the
Two common terms used in earthquake
behavior of the driving forces which cause it
engineering to define the location of the
to be exceeded.
seismic source are hypocenter or focus and
The origin of the driving forces was un-
epicenter. The hypocenter or focus of an
known until about 1965 when the theory of
earthquake is defined as the point within
plate tectonics begari to be developed. The
the earth where rupture begins. The epicen-
basic idea of this theory is that the outer-
ter is the points on the surface of the earth
most part of the earth is divided into large-
directly above the hypocenter (Fig. 3-34).
scale slabs or plates which move inde-
pendently of each other, presumably as a
result of plastic flow processes deep in the Recordings of Ground
earth underneath the plates. Many of the
world's earthquakes occur at the boundries Ground motion caused by an earthquake
between the plates where relative plate mo- may be measured by an accelerograph. An
tion results in a buildup of shear stress and accelerograph consists of an accelerometer
ultimately shear failure, an earthquake (the transducer) and a recording mecha-
[see, for example, Bolt (1987)]. nism (e.g., photosensitive paper or magnetic
304 Design Loads

tape). The accelerometer is a motion- 0.10

recording device whose amplification is 0.00

maximum at frequencies greater than 10 -0.10

Hz. The motion recorded by an accelero-
graph is measured in units of acceleration 0.10

and is called an accelerogram. Accel- §

erograms give a direct measure of the ::3 0.00
force applied to a structure; thus, they 'il
play a fundamental role in earthquake -Q.10
Accelerographs may be located on the 0.00
ground (free field) or in structures. At a
typical recording station, three orthogonal -o.05
components (two horizontal and one verti- 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0

cal) would be recorded. An example is shown Time (sec)

in Figure 3-35. These accelerograms may Figure 3-35. North-south, east-west, and vertical
be integrated numerically to produce veloc- accelerograms of the November 25, 1988 Saguenay,
ity and displacement records, if necessary Quebec M6.0 Earthquake Recorded at St. Andre du
(Hudson, 1979). Lac. (Data provided by the Geological Survey of
Canada.) Seismic wave Types
There are basically three types of seismic caused by a P wave is alternatively back
wave: compressional or P (primary) waves, and forth along the direction of propagation
shear or S waves, and surface waves. P (Fig. 3-36a). This produces zones of com-
waves and S waves are sometimes called pression and dilation along the propagation
body waves. In a given material, P waves path. An S wave causes particle motion in a
are faster than S waves, and surface waves direction perpendicular to its path of propa-
are slower than the two body waves. The gation (Fig. 3-36a). As there are two per-
actual speed of propagation depends on the pendicular directions to the propagation
density and elastic properties of the rocks path, the particle motion of an S wave ex-
and soil through which the waves pass. hibits polarization, and components in two
Generally, the stiffer the material, the orthogonal directions will be dominant, re-
greater the propagation speed. P waves can sulting in SH and SV waves. There are two
propagate through both solids and liquids. types of surface wave. Love waves and
An S wave cannot propagate through a Rayleigh waves. These waves propagate
liquid. The motion of the particles of rock horizontally along the surface of the earth.

·y Love Waves

Direction of Propagation
Direction of Propagation Perpendicular to Page

(a) Body Waves (b) SUrface Waves

Figure 3-36. Particle motion of(a) body waves and (b) surface waves.
Design Loads 305

The particle motion caused by a Love wave half-'space is

if always parallel to the earth's surface; no v.
motion perpendicular to the earth's surface fo = 4H (3-59)
(vertical motion) occurs (Fig. 3-36b). The
particle motion due to a Rayleigh wave is where V. is the shear wave velocity of the
somewhat more complicated, but it is simi- layer. Thus, for the resonance mechanism
lar to that of an ocean wave in that the to be operative, the soil layer must have a
motion forms an ellipse and is confined to a thickness equal to a multiple of one-quarter
vertical plane lying in the same direction as of the spatial wavelength of the waves [see,
the propagation path (Fig. 3-36b). This type for example, Dobry et al. (1976)].
of motion is called elliptical retrograde. Love The effects of both of these mechanisms
waves travel faster than Rayleigh waves. would be significantly modified by damping
Depending on the proximity of the earth- and nonlinear properties. Generally, such
quake, any one of these wave types can be properties tend to decrease amplification in
the main contributor to ground motion at a a soil layer.
site. Near an earthquake source, the motion Prediction of the level of ground
is due to a complex combination of waves motion amplification in a soil layer is not
because the source of seismic energy is simple. At a particular site, all the above
spread over a fault. However, it is generally mechanisms could be operative to a degree
S waves which cause the larger amplitude dependent on the geometry and material
properties of the soil and on the nature of
motion. Surface waves develop at some dis-
the incoming waves. An extreme example of
tance from the source. All of this assumes
ground motion amplification is that which
that no amplification has occurred due to
occurred in the soft clayey lake deposits of
the presence of soils or topographic effects
Mexico City during the 1985 Michoacan
at the site of a port. These effects are dis- earthquake. The surprising aspect of the
cussed in the next section. observed ground motion is that Mexico City
is about 300 km from the earthquake. It Amplification Due to appears that the low-amplitude ground mo-
Local conditions tions in the rock underlying Mexico City
were amplified by resonance in the lake
Several studies (Wiggins, 1964; Murphy . deposits (Anderson et al., 1986; Beck and
et al., 1971; Berrill, 1977) have demon- Hall, 1986; Singh et al., 1988).
strated that, for the same earthquake, Other, more regional, features may affect
ground motion at sites composed of soft the response at some. port sites. For exam-
materials is greater than that at sites com- ple, topographic features such as hills can
posed of stiff materials. There are two phys- cause local amplification of incoming seis-
ical mechanisms responsible for amplifica- mic waves through focusing of rays. Multi-
tion or ground motion at soft sites. The ple reflections of trapped seismic waves in
dominant mechanism is conservation of en- sedimentary basins can also amplify mo-
ergy: Because the wave propagation veloc- tions. Highly fractured andjor weathered
ity decreases toward the surface of a soft rock can lead to unusual dynamic behavior.
site, wave amplitude must increase to con- Effects of this nature are highly complex
serve energy. The other mechanism is reso- and would require wave propagation model-
nance due to the constructive interference ing on a regional scale to estimate resulting
of upgoing and downgoing waves in the soil ground motions. However, such modeling is
layer. The fundamental resonant frequency, beyond the state of practice and is only
{ 0 , of a layer of thickness H overlying a recommended in extreme situations. Exam-
306 Design Loads

ples may be found in Wong and Jennings companies and to engineers or planners
(1975) and Barel and Gabriel (1986). concerned with site selection.
A more quantitative measure of the size Intensity and Magnitude of an earthquake is its magnitude which is
derived from instrumental measurements.
The oldest measure of the size or strength Presently there are several different magni-
of an earthquake is its intensity. The inten- tude scales in use. However, the principle of
sity is a measure of such things as human each is the same, namely that the larger
reaction, ground surface effects, and dam- the earthquake, the larger the amplitude of
age to structures. An intensity scale con- the radiated seismic waves. Thus, each dif-
sists of a series of increasing numbers, typi- ferent magnitude scale is associated with a
cally Roman numerals, each of which is specific wave type. Brief descriptions of the
associated with a description of damage or more common magnitude scales are given
other earthquake effects. The larger the below:
number, the greater the effects or damage.
An example is the Modified Mercalli scale
1. Local magnitude (ML)-This is the origi-
(MMI) developed in 1931 (Richter, 1958). nal Richter magnitude scale and is based
For example, the description of the smallest on the peak amplitude of the seismogram
value of MMI, Roman numeral I, is in the 1-5-Hz range.
2. Body wave magnitude (mb)-This uses
I-not felt except by a very few under espe- the peak amplitude of the P wave at a
cially favorable circumstances frequency of 1 Hz.
3. Surface wave magnitude (M8 )-This uses
whereas the description of the largest value the peak amplitude of Rayleigh surface
of MMI, Roman numeral XII, is waves at a frequency of 0.05 Hz.

XU-damage total. Practically all works of The amplitudes used for ML and mb tend
construction are damaged greatly or de- not to increase with increasing earthquake
stroyed. Waves seen on ground surface. size. This is referred to as saturation of the
Lines of sight and level are distorted. magnitude scale and occurs when the rup-
Objects are thrown into the air. ture dimension of the fault becomes much
larger than the spatial wavelength of the
The selection of an intensity value is seismic waves used to determine the magni-
based on observations made by humans. tude. The result is that ML and mb tend
Consequently, although the descriptions of toward the same anomalously low value for
effects which occur at each intensity level magnitudes greater than about 0.6. To over-
are fairly precise, the selection of a number come this problem, the surface wave magni-
can be subjective or judgmental in some tude, M 8 , is used. Large shallow earth-
cases. quakes produce significant amounts of sur-
Because damage and other earthquake face waves at distances greater than about
effects can depend on local conditions, in- 100 km so that reported M 8 values are
tensities will naturally vary with local con- from relatively distant stations.
ditions. Thus, if intensity measurements are Ideally, if ML> mb, and M 8 were ob-
plotted on a map and contoured, they can tained for the same earthquake, they would
provide valuable information on the distri- be numerically equal. However, this almost
bution of the strong ground motion of past never happens. The reason is that, depend-
earthquakes. In the absence of other infor- ing on their size, earthquakes emit differ-
mation, this may be of use to insurance ent amounts of energy at different frequen-
Design Loads 307

cies resulting in peak amplitudes which are earthquake is analogous to breaking a small
representative of the energy at those fre- dry twig which results in a high-frequency
quencies. snap, whereas a large-magnitude earth-
For very large earthquakes ( > 8.0), satu- quake is analogous to felling a large tree,
ration of the M 5 scale occurs. To circumvent which results in a lower-frequency crack or
this, the seismic moment is used to meas- "thud.") Duration of significant strong
ure the size of the earthquake. The moment ground motion depends mainly on the time
of an earthquake is proportional to the zero taken for fault rapture to occur. The longer
frequency (or long period) amplitude of the the rupture time, the greater the earth-
spectrum of the seismogram. Seismic mo- quake magnitude, so that duration in-
ment is a true physical measure of earth- creases with earthquake magnitude.
quake size and has been used for earth- Figure 3-37a shows the accelerogram due
quakes with local magnitudes as low as 3.0. to a M6.2 earthquake recorded by an ac-
Hanks and Kanamori (1979) developed a celerometer of the SMART array in Taiwan.
moment-magnitude scale based on the A M4.9 aftershock of this earthquake oc-
measured seismic moment. This magnitude curred at about the same location and was
scale is preferred in earthquake engineer- recorded by the same accelerometer; the
ing. However, all other magnitude scales accelerogram of this event is shown in Fig-
are used and care must be taken to ensure ure 3-37b. Note the difference between the
that the same magnitude scales are being frequency content and duration of these two
used to compare earthquake sizes. Similar accelerograms.
care must be exercised when using attenua- Quantitative measures of the duration of
tion relationships for ground motion param- significant shaking are important in the
eters (discussed later), as these relation- analysis of soils. Relationships between
ships are defined for a particular type of magnitude and duration of strong ground
magnitude. Nuttli and Herrmann (1982) motion for the westem United States have
provide an excellent description of the vari- been derived empirically by Trifunac and
ous magnitude scales in use. Brady (1975). Measures of the duration of
strong motion for recorded accelerograms Duration and have been proposed by Bolt (1969) and
Frequency content McCann and Shah (1979).

Seismic waves of all types are attenuated

as they pass through the earth, owing to
the inelastic properties of rock and soil. In 3.7.2 Descriptions of
general, attenuation increases with both Ground Motion
distance and wave frequency so that near
an earthquake source, the wave frequencies In order that seismic design can be per·
would be high (10-20Hz or greater in the formed, it is necessary to have some repre-
very near field), whereas at large distances sentation of the ground motion, typically
from an earthquake, frequencies will tend the ground acceleration. Multiplication of
to be less than 10 Hz. the ground acceleration by mass quantities
Both duration and frequency content gives seismic forces which the structure
vary with earthquake magnitude. Large- must be designed to withstand.
magnitude earthquakes tend to produce There exist several methods of describing
low-frequency ground motion, whereas ground motion for design purposes. Each is
small-magnitude earthquakes produce applicable in some situations, inapplicable
higher frequencies. (A small-magnitude or inappropriate in others. It is important
308 Design Loads

SMART ARRAY rise to greater than normal loads in struc-

Station c-oo M6.2 R=5km NS Component 7/30/86 tures. Usually, but not always, the design
for gravity loads includes a large enough
factor of safety to accommodate additional
loads due to vertical ground motion.
"" 0.1

0 Peak Amplitudes
::: 0.0

~g The most widely used description of

ground motion is peak amplitude, often
peak horizontal acceleration. One philoso-
phy behind the use of a peak acceleration is
-o.3 that if the structure is designed to with-
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
stand the maximum force occurring during
Time (sec)
the ground motion, then it should be ade-
quately designed for other smaller forces
SMART ARRAY occurring during the ground motion. This is
Station C-oO M4.9 R=5km NS Component 7/30/86 considered a suitably conservative assump-
tion for design purposes.
Unfortunately, peak motions have seri-
ous limitations as meaningful engineering
descriptions of ground motion. It is now
well known that peak motions do not corre-
late well with structural response or dam-
age potential (Stevenson et al., 1984; EPRI,
1988). Peak ground accelerations, for exam-
ple, are contained within high-frequency
( > 25 Hz) ground motion, and as the reso-
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 nant frequency of most civil structures is
Time (sec) less than 25 Mz, such motions cannot in-
(b) duce significant structural response.
The response of a structure also depends
Figure 3-37. (a) North-south accelerogram ofM6.2, on the duration of the ground motion.
July 30, 198 6 event recorded at station C-OO of the
SMART accelerograph array in Taiwan. The accelero-
Short-duration impulselike motions, such as
graph was located at a distance of 5 km from the those due to a small earthquake, do not
earthquake. (b) North-south accelerogram ofM4.9 have sufficient time to induce a significant
aftershock of main M6.2 event also recorded at station structural response. The above applies to
C-OO of the SMART array. Note the long duration and linear behavior of structures. Damage is a
low frequency in the ground motion of the main event
as compared with that of the aftershock. [Data pro-
nonlinear phenomenon which also depends
vided courtesy of the Seismographic Station of the on the amplitude of ground motion as well
University of California at Berkeley and the Institute as its duration and frequency content in a
of Earth Sciences of the Academia Sinica, Taipei.] more complicated manner. Response Spectrum

to understand these descriptions and their
advantages and limitations. The most com- As mentioned earlier, peak ground accel-
mon descriptions are discussed below. erations are often contained within high-
Horizontal components of ground motion frequency ( > 25 Hz) ground motion. Be-
are typically used in design since they give cause the resonant frequency of most civil
Design Loads 309

structures is less than 25 Hz, such motions where u(t) is the time history of the rela-
cannot induce significant structural re- tive displacement of the mass, m, of the
sponse. Therefore, peak ground acceleration oscillator, c is the damping coefficient of the
can only characterize the response of very dashpot, and k is the spring stiffness. The
stiff structures whose resonant frequency is dots indicate differentiation with respect to
high. time. Dividing Eq. (3-60) by m results in
The dynamic characteristics of a compli-
cated structure can be represented in terms ii(t) + 2{3w 0 it.(t) + w~u(t) = -a(t) (3-61)
of its response in fundamental and higher
natural vibration modes or frequencies where w 0 = ..jkjm is the resonant angular
(Chopra, 1981). The response of the first or frequency of the oscillator (in radians Is)
lowest-frequency mode is typically the most and {3 = cj2mw 0 is the damping ratio ex-
significant. The behavior of each mode can pressed as a fraction of critical damping.
be modeled by a linear single degree-of- For most structures, {3 lies in the range
freedom damped oscillator, an example of 0.02 (2% damping) to 0.10 (10% damping).
which is shown in Figure 3-38a. Thus, the The solution to Eq. (3-61) is the relative
maximum value of the response of this os- displacement response time history, u(t).
cillator to the ground motion is the engi- Differentiation gives the relative velocity
neering quantity of interest. A plot of the response history, u(t), and the relative ac-
maximum response of the oscillator versus celeration time history, ii(t). The latter is
the corresponding oscillator frequency or not meaningful in terms of an effect on the
period results in a response spectrum for oscillator. The absolute acceleration, z(t), is
the particular ground motion. Displace- a measure of the force applied to the mass
ment, velocity, and acceleration response and is given by
spectra may be defined. The remainder of
this section is concerned with the computa- z(t) = ii(t) + a(t) = 2{3w 0 it.(t) + w~u(t)
tion and characteristics of response spectra. (3-62)
When driven by the accelerogram, a(t),
the equation of motion of the oscillator
shown in Figure 3-38a is Displacement response spectral ordinates
for a particular value of damping ratio are
mii(t) + cu(t) + ku(t) = -ma(t) (3-60) computed by varying the oscillator fre-
quency and monitoring the computed rela-

tive displacement time history to obtain the
~~m peak value, Siw 0 , {3). Velocity and acceler-
ation response spectra, S u and Sa, respec-
tively, may be similarly defined as

-a(t) Sd(w 0 , {3) =max lu(t, w 0 , {3)1

Sv(w 0 , {3) =max lit.(t, w 0 , /3)1
Sa(w 0 , {3) =max lz(t, w 0 , {3)1
SDOF Oscillator
a (t) "%·~ u (t)
The procedure for computing S d is illus-
(b) trated in Figure 3-38b. An algorithm for
Figure 3-38. (a) Damped single degree of freedom
numerical computation of the response his-
oscillator. (b) Illustration of the procedure for comput- tories and their maxima is given in Nigam
ing the displacement response spectrum sd. and Jennings (1969).
310 Design Loads

The maximum force in the spring of the damping, PSA is a good approximation to
oscillator is kSd = mw~Sd. The quantity Sa for all frequencies. The approximation
w~Sd has units of acceleration and is known PSV = S v is good in the intermediate fre-
as the pseudo-acceleration (PSA). Pseudo- quency range (approximately 0.5-20 Hz).
velocity (PSV) is similarly defined. Thus, Quantities related by powers of w 0 such as
Sd, PSV and PSA can be plotted on four-way
PSA ~ w3Sd logarithmic paper. For the north-south
component accelerogram shown in Figure
PSA = w 0 Sd 3-35, the four-way logarithmic response
spectrum plot is shown in Figure 3-39a.
For {3 = 0, PSA =Sa. For Low values of Although such plots are useful, in that all
quantities of interest are presented on one
Frequency (Hz)
diagram, four-way log plots can be difficult
10.00 1.00 0.10
to read. The useful quantity for design is
PSA which may be plotted using linear axes
as shown in Figure 3-39b. Given an ordi-
nate on this plot, PSV and Sd may be easily
The use of the prefix "pseudo" in connec-
tion with velocity and acceleration spectra
is somewhat misleading because there is
nothing false or incorrect about PSV and
PSA; they are merely approximations to Sv
and sa.
Response spectra of accelerograms tend
to certain limits depending primarily on the
relationship between the frequency of the

0,01 0.10 1.00 10.00

Period (sec l oscillator and the dominant frequency of
(a) the ground motion. These limits can be de-
duced from Eq. (3-61). As w0 becomes large
(high frequency), the first two terms on the
left-hand side of Eq. (3-61) become negligi-
:s0: 0.3 Taft earthquake K7.2 ble and w~(t) = -a(t). The latter approxi-
mation must apply to peak quantities so

.l! 0.2

PSA-+ pga as w 0 -+ large
Equation 4-50
"" ·-·--- ------------------
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
where pga is the peak ground acceleration
Period (sec)
of the accelerogram a(t). This type of re-
sponse occurs in stiff structures whose reso-
nant frequency is high relative to the fre-
Figure 3-39. (a) Four-way logarithmic plot of the quencies present in the ground motion so
response spectrum of the north-south accelerogram that only a small relative displacement will
shown in Figure 35. (b) Linear plot of pseudo-
acceleration spectrum for same accelerogram. The produce the induced force. Similarly, as w0
damping ratio of each spectrum is 5%. becomes small, the last two terms on the
Design Loads 311

left-hand side of Eq. (3-61) can be neglected tween a response spectrum and a particular
so that u(t) "" -a(t). Integrating and as- accelerogram. For example, it is possible to
suming peak quantities find short-duration accelerograms, typical
of small earthquakes, that result in approx-
Sd = pgd as Wo ~ small imately the same peak response at resonant
frequencies in the 10-Hz range as that of a
where pgd is the peak ground displacement. long-duration accelerogram typical of a
This type of response would occur in a very larger earthquake.
flexible structure whose resonant frequency
is low relative to the frequencies present in
the ground motion, so that a large relative
displacement would be required to produce Time Histories
the induced force.
Based on these limits, it may be seen
that as the oscillator frequency becomes The most complete description of ground
large relative to the dominant frequency motion at a site would be there orthogonal
of the ground motion, the peak response of components of ground acceleration. These
the oscillator depends on the peak ground could be used as input to a computer or
acceleration. As the oscillator frequency physical model of the structure andjor its
becomes low relative to the dominant foundation. The model could then be used to
frequency of the ground motion, the peak make realistic determinations of response.
response of the oscillator depends on the The use of physical models is expensive, but
peak ground displacement. Intuitively, it is common in research. Computer models of
may be seen that the response at inter- structures and foundations are more com-
mediate periods depends on peak ground mon in practice.
velocity. When time histories are used in design,
The utility of a response spectrum is that it is common to select from a database a
it represents the frequency dependence of number of accelerograms caused by earth-
the response, whereas peak ground acceler- quakes whose characteristics (magnitude,
ation is only representative of the response distance) are similar to those of the design
of a very stiff structure. Despite this, a earthquake. A particularly important char-
response spectrum is still not a complete acteristic is recording site conditions which
representation of ground motion or struc- should be similar to those at the site of the
tural behavior. Two important limitations port.
must be recognized: Selection of time histories for use in de-
sign has been automated by various institu-
1. A response spectrum can only be used in tions and government agencies. For exam-
a linear analysis of structures and cannot ple, the National Geophysical Data Center
directly account for nonlinear structural
(NGDC) in Boulder, Colorado maintains a
large database composed of 12,000 (pre-
2. A response spectrum is not representative
of the duration of strong ground motion sently)
accelerograms. A microcomputer-
which, for some structures or materials, based catalog search program is available
may be an important consideration in as- from NGDC which would enable one to gen-
sessing damage potential. erate a list of accelerograms in the database
which have the desired characteristics. The
A corollary of the last item is that there accelerograms can then be ordered from
does not exist a one-to-one relationship be- NGDC or other agencies.
312 Design Loads

3.7.3 Design Ground Motion number of selected accelerograms. The se-

Estimation lection of a design time history (or histories)
would also involve considerations of re- Design Motions quired structural behavior.
The distinction between a ground motion
As can be seen in Figure 3-39, the re- and a design motion must be made at all
sponse spectrum of a particular accelero- times. The former is a seismological de-
gram is an irregular function of frequency scription of ground motion, whereas the lat-
or period. This is due to the highly variable ter is a design requirement. Design motions
nature of ground motion, even ground mo- result when design criteria are applied.
tion due to earthquakes of similar magni- Thus, for example, all response spectra, in-
tude and recorded at similar distances. In cluding smooth spectra, are descriptions of
order to represent the possible variability in ground motion and potential design spectra.
ground motion, a smooth response spec-
trum is used. Such a spectrum is often de-
rived by finding the pth percentile of the scaled Response Spectra
spectra of a number of accelerograms. Ex- The peak oscillator responses, PSA, PSV,
amples are the median spectrum (50th per-
and sd, can be larger in different period
centile) or the median plus one standard
ranges than the corresponding peak ground
deviation (84th percentile) spectrum. The
motions. This is due to the behavior of an
average spectrum may also be computed.
oscillator at low, intermediate, and high pe-
The derivation may be deliberately weighted
or biased in some fashion to reflect known riods described above. Thus, for periods less
seismological data or site conditions. How- than 0.1 s, PSA is large compared to pga,
ever, the result is a smooth function of fre- whereas S d is small. The composite holds
quency or period. at long .periods. At intermediate periods,
Although a response spectrum may be the peak ground velocity, pgv, is amplified
consistent with all known seismological data to give a large PSV.
and site conditions, it may not be appropri- Amplification in different period ranges
ate for design. For a variety of reasons, a allows the delineation of the response spec-
design engineer may require certain kinds trum into three ranges: the low period or
of behavior of a structure. This leads to the acceleration range, the intermediate period
concept of a design spectrum which is a or velocity range, and the long period or
measure of the force the structure must displacement range. In each region, the cor-
resist elastically. Thus, if the structure is responding ground motion is amplified the
capable of absorbing energy (e.g., a ductile most. Based on this, Newmark and Hall
steel frame), the required elastic forces (1969) recommended that constant amplifi-
could be less than those implied by a smooth cation factors, PSAjpga, PSV jpgv, and
response spectrum, because, presumably, Sdjpgd (peak ground displacement), be
the structure could absorb energy in its defined for the acceleration, velocity, and
inelastic range. By contrast, if the structure displacement period ranges, respectively.
is considered critical, it is conservative to Using several earthquake records, median
ignore the possibility of inelastic energy- amplification factors were derived. Multi-
absorbing behavior and to use a design plication of the peak ground motions by
spectrum which may possibly be one of the these amplification factors resulted in
larger percentile smooth response spectra. spectral ordinates which could be plotted on
A similar concept is a design acceleration four-way log paper to produce a smooth
time history which may be a composite of a response spectrum.
Design Loads 313

These initial estimates of the amplifica- and Hall (1982) and in Mohraz (1976) from
tion factors were based on accelerograms which pgv and pgd may be computed. How-
recorded during the 1934 and 1940 El ever, these estimates depend on both earth-
Centro, California earthquakes and the quake magnitude and site conditions in a
1952 Kern County, California earthquake. complicated manner; published values ex-
Following the 1971 San Fernando earth- hibit a large amount of scatter.
quake, more records were available, making The procedure of scaling amplification
it possible to obtain better statistical esti- factors to define a response or design spec-
mates of amplification factors (Blume et al., trum is only valid if the amplification fac-
1972; Newmarket al., 1973). These studies
resulted in 50 percentile (median) and 84
percentile (median + one standard devia- Frequency (Hz)

tion) amplification factors for peak accelera-

tion, velocity, and displacement and for
several damping ratios. The amplification
factors formed the basis for the U.S.
Atomic Energy Commission (now the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission) Regula-
tory Guide 1.60 (1973) which gave a design
spectral shape for nuclear power plants.
Further studies in the mid-1970s re-
sulted in more refined estimates of amplifi-
cation factors. These are given in Newmark
and Hall (1982) and reproduced in Table
3-16. Figure 3-40 shows an example of the
construction of a response spectrum using
these amplification factors. Period (sec)

The use of these amplification factors re- Figure 3-40. Method of construction of a scaled re-
quires independent estimates of pga, pgv, sponse spectrum. The dashed lines are values of peak
and pgd. Often only estimates of pga are ground motions. The solid lines are spectral bound
available and would be derived using one or computed by scaling the median amplification factors
for 5% damping in Table 3-16 by the peak ground
more of the methods discussed below. motions. At periods less than 0.1 s, the pseudo-
Estimates of the ratios pgajpgv and acceleration spectral ordinates decrease log-linearity
(pga)(pgdjpgv 2 ) are available in Newmark to the value of peak ground acceleration.

Table3-16. Spectral amplification factors

84 Percentile Median
Damping Ratio(%) pga pgv pgd pga pgv pgd

0.5 5.10 3.84 3.04 3.68 2.59 2.01

1 4.38 3.38 2.73 3.21 2.31 1.82
2 3.66 2.92 2.42 2.74 2.03 1.63
3 3.24 2.64 2.24 2.46 1.86 1.52
5 2.71 2.30 2.01 2.12 1.65 1.39
7. 2.36 2.08 1.85 1.89 1.51 1.29
10 1.99 1.84 1.69 1.64 1.37 1.20
20 1.26 1.37 1.38 1.17 1.08 1.01

Source: From Newmark and Hall (1982).

314 Design Loads

tors, which basically define the shape of the This means that the same earthquake could
spectrum, are independent of magnitude, produce different ground motions at differ-
distance, and recording site conditions. As ent sites which are equidistant from the
mentioned previously, the frequency source. The dependence on source and prop-
content of ground motion depends on the agation path imply that earthquake magni-
earthquake magnitude; small-magnitude tude and a measure of source-site distance
earthquakes generate ground motion rich would be useful explanatory variables in an
in high-frequencies, whereas, large-magni- attenuation relationship. A functional de-
tude earthquakes generate ground motion scriptor of site conditions could also be in-
rich in low frequencies. Examples were cluded. A general expression for an attenu-
shown in Figure 3-37. Numerous studies ation relationship is
(McGuire, 1974; Trifunac and Anderson,
1978; Joyner and Boore, 1982) have con- logy = a + { 1(M) +fiR) + f 3 (S) ± E (3-63)
firmed that the dependence of ground mo-
tion frequency on magnitude results in a
dependence of spectral shape on magnitude.
There is also evidence of a dependence on y = ground motion parameter
distance from the rupture zone. Spectral M = a measure of magnitude
shape also depends on site conditions in R = a measure of distance
that long-period ground motions tend to ex- S = a set of variables describing the site founda-
hibit larger amplitudes on soft soil sites tion conditions
than on hard sites. Amplification factors for E = a random error term with zero mean and
different site conditions are given in Mohraz standard deviation a.
(1976) and Seed et al. (1976). The possible
bias associated with magnitude and site Each of the functions f 1 , f 2 , and fa contain
condition dependence can be significantly constants to be estimated. Both base 10 and
reduced by scaling amplification factors ap- natural logarithms are used on the left-hand
propriate to the site conditions in question side of the above equation.
by independent estimates of pga, pgv, and The function f 1 is often assumed linear
pgd. in powers of M, whereas f 2 is linear in
powers of R and log R. The function fa is
linear in the variables S, which are often Attenuation Relationships multiplied by 0 or 1 (i.e., 0 denotes one type
Ground motion attenuation relationships of foundation condition, 1 denotes another
are functions relating a ground motion pa- type). Most empirically derived attenuation
rameter, such as peak ground acceleration, relationships use moment magnitude as a
to certain explanatory variables. In general, measure of earthquake size. This provides a
ground motion due to earthquakes depends more consistent magnitude measure for
on three things: earthquakes of all sizes, as discussed above.
The measure of distance R is more prob-
lematic, particularly in the near field. As
1. Source characteristics-magnitude, na-
discussed previously, the source of earth-
ture of faulting
quake energy is rupture along a fault sur-
2. Propagation path-reflection and refrac- face. In the far field (a distance of several
tion, nature of materials through which rupture lengths), this source may be treated
waves propagate as a point source, say at the centroid of the
3. Site conditions-soil or rock site, layer- rupture surface. R is then the hypocentral
ing, heterogeneity depth. However, in the near field, the orien-
Design Loads 315

tation of the fault with respect to the site their validity in other regions is question-
plays an important role in determining the able. However, examples of other such rela-
amplitude and duration of ground motion. tionships and useful references are given in
The distance of closest approach to a. fault Joyner and Boore (1988).
is therefore often used as a measure of Prediction of spectral response using at-
distance. Further discussion of this issue tenuation relationships differs from the
and references are given in Campbell (1985). conventional practice of scaling a normal-
An example of empirically determined ized spectral shape by peak values of dis-
attenuation relationships for both peak placement, velocity, and acceleration, as de-
ground acceleration and response spectral scribed above. Attenuation relationships
ordinates is given in Table 3-17. As only which predict spectral response explicitly
accelerograms from Western North America account for this dependence of spectral
were used to derive these relationships, shape on magnitude discussed previously.

Table 3-17. Spectral attenuation relationships

(logy )a + b(M - 6) + c(M - 6) 2 + d log R + kR + s

y = larger of two horizontal components

8 = { *0 soil site. 2:: 5 m thickness

0 rock site
5 ~ M ~ 7. 7, M = moment magnitude

R = (r 2 + h 2 / 12 , r = distancetoverticalprojectiononearth's
surface of nearest point of rupture
u = standard deviation of log y

T (s) a b c d h k s u
Pseudo-velocity (cmjs) 5%damping

0.10 2.24 0.30 -0.09 -1.0 10.6 -0.0067 -0.06 0.27

0.15 2.46 0.34 -0.10 -1.0 10.3 -0.0063 -0.05 0.27
0.20 2.54 0.37 -0.11 -1.0 9.3 -0.0061 -0.03 0.27
0.30 2.56 0.43 -0.12 -1.0 7.0 -0.0057 0.04 0.27
0.40 2.54 0.49 -0.13 -1.0 5.7 -0.0055 0.09 0.30
0.50 2.53 0.53 -0.14 -1.0 5.2 -0.0053 0.12 0.32
0.75 2.46 0.61 -0.15 -1.0 4.7 -0.0049 0.19 0.35
1.0 2.41 0.66 -0.16 -1.0 4.6 -0.0044 0.24 0.35
1.5 2.32 0.71 -0.17 -1.0 4.6 -0.0034 0.30 0.35
2.0 2.26 0.75 -0.18 -1.0 4.6 -0.0025 0.32 0.35
3.0 2.17 0.78 -0.19 -1.0 4.6 0.0 0.29 0.35
4.0 2.10 0.80 -0.20 -0.98 4.6 0.0 0.24 0.35

Peak Acceleration (g)

0.49 0.23 0.0 -1.0 8.0 -0.0027 0.0 0.28

Peak Velocity (cmjs)

2.17 0.49 0.0 -1.0 4.0 -0.0026 0.17 0.33

Source: After Joyner and Boore (1988).

316 Design Loads

However, the random error, e, associated . For given values of m and y, the dis-
with these attenuation relationships can be tance r is given as the solution to the equa-
large. tion y = f(m, r ), where f(m, r) is the
attenuation relationship for the ground Probabilistic Estimates motion or spectral ordinate y. An earth-
quake of magnitude m within the distance
If an exceedance probability for ground
r from the site will cause a spectral
motions can be specified as a design crite-
ordinate of y or greater. The probability
rion, then probabilistic seismic hazard anal-
P(Y > y I M > m) thus depends on the ge-
ysis methods can be used to estimate the
ometry of the seismic zonation model. For
corresponding ground motions or response
example, if the model restricts earthquake
spectral ordinates.
occurrences to a region whose total area is
Modern seismic hazard analysis is done
A and in which the seismicity is assumed
by variants of the Cornell method (Cornell,
uniform, then
1968). These methods can account for known
or assumed seismological characteristic of
if r not in A
the region surrounding a site. Th methods P(Y>y IM> m) ={~A/A ifrinA
require descriptions of the spatial and tem-
poral occurrence of earthquakes. A seismic (3-65)
zonation, in which zones of uniform seismic-
ity or active faults are identified, is used to where AA is a small area centered at r.
describe the possible spatial occurrences. A A further consideration is the effect of
magnitude-recurrence relationship, de- the error term, e, in an attenuation rela-
rived empirically from historical data, is tionship such as that of Eq. (3-63). In phys-
used to describe temporal occurrences. Us- ical terms, the significance of the error is
ing basic probability concepts, a brief that, in addition to the possible combina-
derivation of the method is given below. tions of magnitude and distance causing the
Let Y > y be the event that a ground event Y > y, the error could also result in
motion or spectral ordinate exceeds a value Y > y. Thus, if the error is independent of
y. The simplest probabilistic hazard model magnitude and distance,
is one where Y > y is caused by the occur-
rence of an earthquake whose magnitude P(Y'>y)= {P(Y>ylv)p(v)dv (3-66)
exceeds m at a distance r from the site. If 0

earthquake magnitudes are assumed to oc-

where Y' = v Y and the probability density
cur in the interval me .:::; m .:::; mx, where
p( v) is usually derived from a lognormal
magnitudes greater than a maximum mag-
distribution. For a given exceedance proba-
nitude, mx, are not considered possible and
bility, this additional integration typically
magnitudes less than me are not of engi-
results in larger ground motions or spectral
neering interest, the probability P(Y > y) is
ordinates than the median values obtained
given by
by ignoring the variability. The difference
increases with the standard deviation of the
P(Y > y) = jmxP(Y > y I M > m)p(m) (3-64) error term in the attenuation relationship.
m, The results of a probabilistic hazard
analysis are sensitive to the assumptions
where p(m) is the probability density func- made concerning attenuation and, particu-
tion of earthquake magnitudes which may larly, to assumptions concerning zonation
be derived from a magnitude-recurrence and recurrence. However, it should be rec-
relationship. ognized that the EPRS is similar to scaled
Design Loads 317

spectra and spectra computed from an at- acceptable provided one can choose values
tenuation relationship in that it represents of magnitude and distance in a rational
the result of a combination of earthquakes. manner. In most parts of the world it is not
One essential difference is that an EPRS difficult to judge a maximum magnitude.
represents the result of all possible earth- However, it is often very difficult or impos-
quakes, whereas scaled spectra and spectra sible to choose a distance in a rational man-
computed from an attenuation relationship ner. By rational, it is meant that the occur-
represent only those earthquakes that were rence of an earthquake of the assumed
used in the estimation of the amplification magnitude at a particular distance is a
factors or the regression coefficients, respec- geophysically1 seismologically possible
tively. Also, the weighting done in combin- event. If the port facilities lie within a seis-
ing the effects of several earthquakes to mic zone of areal extent where the seismic-
produce an EPRS is done according to the ity cannot necessarily be associated with a
probability of exceedance as defined by the causative geologic structure, one is not enti-
recurrence relationship, the zonation geom- tled to assume that an earthquake can oc-
etry, or other factors included in the proba- cur anywhere within the zone. A wholly
bilistic model. deterministic estimate requires that a
Probabilistic hazard analyses have been mechanism for earthquake generation be
performed in a variety of contexts to esti- specified. Past observations in California
mate peak ground motions having a speci- suggest that about 40 km of fault rupture
fied probability of exceedance (Algermissen must occur to produce an M6.0 event. Thus,
and Perkins, 1976; Basham et al., 1985). for example, the assumption of the occur-
The existence of attenuation relationships rence of an earthquake directly beneath the
for spectral ordinates makes possible the site is likely not rational and often results
computation of an equal probability re- in extremely conservative designs. In a de-
sponse spectra (EPRS) [i.e., a spectrum in terministic analysis, everything is assumed
which each ordinate has an equal probabil- to be known or predictable by judgment or
ity of exceedance (see, for example, EERI past experience. The possibility of an earth-
Committee on Seismic Risk, 1989)]. Cur- quake occurring anywhere within a seismic
rently, there is little precedent for the di- zone is a probabilistic notion which must be
rect use of such a spectrum in design. How- excluded from a deterministic analysis.
ever, because an EPRS is consistent in an
unbiased manner with available seismologi- statistical Estimates
cal data, it is useful for comparative pur-
poses, (i.e., to determine the exceedance A statistical approach to ground motion
probability associated with spectra derived estimation begins by defining the magni-
by other means). tude and distance range of the controlling
earthquakes based on the known seismic Deterministic Estimates characteristics of the region surrounding the
site. Recorded accelerograms due to past
Given an assumed magnitude and a dis- earthquakes in these magnitude and dis-
tance to a causative geologic structure, one tance ranges are then used to form a suite
could compute ground motions andjor spec- of representative time histories or to define
tral ordinates using attenuation relation- response spectra at various percentile lev-
ships such as those discussed above. The els, typically median and 84 percentile. The
computed values would be median values. If recorded accelerograms are selected to have
desired, one could also compute 84 per- similar source, propagation path, and
centile values. A deterministic approach is recording site conditions as the controlling
318 Design Loads

earthquake(s). This approach has been base shear force is applied statically to the
adopted by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory structure.
Commission (USNRC, 1989) as a means of The zone coefficient, Z, is related to the
obtaining a site-specific response spectrum. seismicity of the region surrounding the
The 84 percentile spectrum is used to define structure. It may range from a value of 1 in
the motions due to the "Safe Shutdown regions of low seismicity to a value of 3 in
Earthquake." This would be appropriate for regions of high seismicity (e.g., Uniform
critical port structures. A suitable design Building Code, 1982).
spectrum for a less critical structure might The importance coefficient, I, increases
be the median spectrum. The use of repre- with increasing risk to life and limb posed
sentative accelerograms to define a design by structural failure. For example, in the
spectrum on a statistical basis is feasible, Uniform Building Code (1982), 1 :::;; I :::;; 1.5.
as available databases of accelerograms are The building or structure coefficient, K,
quite large. Usually, suitable accelerograms is related to the type of structure and is
are available to adequately describe the intended to place less stringent demands on
range of possible ground motion due to structures that have performed well in
earthquakes within a small-magnitude earthquakes and raise the margin of safety
range and occurring within a given distance for structures that have performed badly.
range. The principal advantage of the ap- Thus, most building codes specify 0.5 <
proach is that the effects of controlling K < 1 for a double steel frame, but K :::::
earthquakes are directly incorporated by 2.5 for an elevated tank.
only considering accelerograms due to The site factor, S, is a function of the
earthquakes in a restricted magnitude and ratio of the fundamental structural period
distance range. In addition, the estimates to the fundamental period of the founda-
depend on real data and not on a model tion. Formulas for the fundamental build-
such as that implied by an attenuation rela- ing period are usually specified in codes,
tionship or probability model. but, in general, a geotechnical site investi-
gation is required to estimate the funda-
mental period of the site [Eq. (3-59) could
be used for a single-layer site]. In all cases,
3. 7.4 Design Loads s;:::: 1.0.
The base shear coefficient, C, is a func-
3. 7.4.1 Building Code Seismic tion of the fundamental natural period, T,
Design Principles of the structure. In the Uniform Building
Code (1982) the formula for C is
The seismic design provisions of most
building codes, particularly those in North T
America, are based on identical principles. C = -- T~ 0.3s
15/T' (3-68)
The goal in each is to compute the maxi-
mum base shear force, V, as the product of C = 0.12, T < 0.3 s
six factors
The use of the fundamental natural period
V=ZIKSCW (3-67) is justified because, for most structures, the
seismic response is dominated by the re-
sponse in the fundamental mode.
where Z, I, K, and S are dimensionless The weight of the structure, W, is really
coefficients, C is a base shear coefficient, the effective weight in the fundamental
and W is the weight of the structure. The mode, which is typically less than the total
Design Loads 319

3. 7.4.2 Seismic Earth Pressures

As backfill is placed behind the wall and
as any loads are placed on the surface of the
backfill, an active thrust is developed which
tends to push the wall outward as well as to
;;:: 0.2
i overturn the wall around its toe. Sliding
resistance along the base of the wall and
passive resistance of any soil lying over the
toe of the wall tend to counteract the out-
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
ward horizontal component of the active
Period (sec)
thrust. The weight of the wall and the verti-
cal component of the active thrust resist the
Figure 3-41. Comparison of the seismic coefficient overturning.
computed by Eq. (3-68) and the 2% damped pseudo- In the event of an earthquake, additional
acceleration response spectrum of the 1952 M7.2 Taft
earthquake. inertial forces are applied to the wall. The
most commonly used formulation to com-
pute the total (static plus dynamic) active
thrust on the wall is a modification of the
weight of the structure. However, as the Coulomb lateral earth pressure theory orig-
base shear force depends mainly on the inally presented in Okabe (1924, 1926), and
base shear coefficient, the additional con- Mononobe (1929) and further described by
servatism caused by assuming that W is Mononobe and Matsuo. (1929). It is now
the total weight is not significant. known as the Mononobe-Okabe formula-
The dimensionless of C and its depend- tion. Applications and discussion of the for-
ence on resonant period might lead one to mulation are given in Seed and Whitman
believe that it is the same as a pseudo- (1970), Richards and Elms (1979), Elms
acceleration spectral ordinate, PSA. Al- and Richards (1990), Prakash (1981), and
though it is true that they have comparable Whitman (1990).
meanings, a direct comparison is difficult For a detailed discussion on soil dyri.amic
because allowable stresses and the differ- pressures due to seismic or other dynamic
ences between static and dynamic behavior loads, the reader is referred to Chapter 5.
have been taken into consideration when
developing equations or values for C. A
comparison between the seismic coefficient 3.8 LOAD COMBINATIONS
computed according to Eq. (3-68) and the
2% damped pseudo-acceleration response The structure as a whole and all structural
spectrum of the 1952 Taft earthquake is members should be designed to provide an
shown in Figure 3-41. This is perhaps an acceptable and relatively uniform degree of
extreme comparison because 2% damping safety under different load combinations.
is rather low and the magnitude of the Taft As the dead load, which is the weight of
earthquake was large. However, it does in- the overall structure, including the relevant
dicate that the difference between C speci- weight of the backfill and permanently in-
fied by a building code and the value of the stalled fixed cargo handling equipment and
PSA given as the description of ground mo- miscellaneous structures, is practically con-
tion can be large. Details concerning the stant through the life of a structure, a com-
development of seismic design procedures bination of a dead load with any other load
in building codes are given in Berg (1983). is a basic combination in which appropriate
320 Design Loads

factors of safety are applicable. Note that a EP = earth pressures; both vertical andjor hori-
dead load is the weight in air; therefore, zontal, including unbalanced hydrostatic
where applicable, a buoyant weight should water pressure
be considered. L = the worst possible combination of live
When the dead load plus buoyancy is loads, such as any kind of loads generated
combined with some other loads (see the by cargo handling and hauling equipment,
including impact factors, uniform dis-
following load combinations) because of the
tributed loads, ship impact, and mooring
short duration of some of these loads (e.g., forces
ship impact, seismic load, and others), the
E = the worst possible combination of environ-
simultaneous occurrence of the full design mental loads, such as current, wind,
value of each of the loads involved has a low waves, and ice
probability. For example, seismic load usu- T = contraction or expansion due to tempera-
ally does not need to be considered concur- ture changes, shrinkage or creep in compo-
rently with maximum wind or wave forces nent materials, or a combination of these
or, say, ship impact. Therefore, the use of effects
somewhat smaller values for the factor of S = seismic load
safety or an appropriate increase in permis-
sible stresses in structural elements due to The following percentages of permissible
combinations of the dead load and buoyancy stress are recommended for the above load
effect with other load effects is justified. combinations:
In general, the designer, in consultation
with the dock owner, should scrutinize all • 100% for load combinations in Group 1
load combinations rationally. It should be through 5
noted that critical loading may occur not • 125% for load combinations in Groups 6
necessarily during operation of the struc- and 7
• 135% for load combination in Group 8
ture but rather during construction (trans-
portation, installation, etc.).
Load combinations and subsequent recom-
In designing the dock structure, all of the
mended unit stresses as discussed in this
loads discussed in this chapter plus soil
section are used in the working stress de-
(Chapter 5) and ice loads should be consid-
sign method, which is still basically used in
ered to act in the following basic combina- marine structures design. In the case that
tions, and the combination producing the the designer will select the limit state de-
most unfavorable effect should be selected. sign method, appropriate load factors must
be applied to all design loads.
Group 1 = D
Group 3 = Group 2 + EP AASHTO, 1992. Standard Specifications for
Group 4 = Group 3 + L Highway Bridges, 13th ed. with annual sup-
Group 5 = Group 3 + E plement, Washington, D.C.
Group 6 = Group 4 + T ABDELNOUR, R., 1981. "Model Tests of Multiyear

Group 7 = Group 5 + T Pressure Ridges Moving onto Conical Struc-

tures." Proceedings IAHR Symposium on Ice,
Group 8 = Groups 3 + 5 Quebec City, Quebec.
In the above groups of load combinations, SHRAISHTEIN, Z. I., 1971. "Ice Pressure on
Individual Marine Structures." Ice Physics
D = dead load as previously defined and Ice Engineering, Israel Program for Sci-
B =buoyancy entific Translation, 1973, Tel Aviv.
Design Loads 321

ALGERMISSEN, S. T. and PERKINS, D. M., 1976. "A BERRILL, J. B., 1977. "Site Effects During the
Probabilistic Estimate of Maximum Accelera- San Fernando, California Earthquake." Pro-
tion in Rock in Contiguous United States." ceedings of the 6th World Conference on
USGS Open File Report No. 76-416. Earthquake Engineering, India.
ALLISTON, G. R., 1985. "Low Friction and BLANCHET, D., CHURCHER, A., FITZPATRICK, J.,
Adfreeze Coatings." Proceedings Conference and BARDA-BLANCHET, 1989. "An Analysis of
Arctic 1985. Observed Failure Mechanisms for Labora-
ANDERSON, J. G., BODIN, P., BRUNE, J. N., PRINCE, tory, First-Year and Multi-Year Ice." Special
J., SINGH, S. K, QuAAS, T., and ONATE, M., Report 89-5 by IAHR, edited by G. W. Timco,
1986. "Strong Ground Motion from the Hanover, NH.
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