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Nama : Novalia

NPM : 41183403200025
Kelas : Akuntansi Reg.C
income statement preparation on December 31 2000 cathy chan, a self employed sertifikat publik
accountant (CPA) completed her first ful year in bussines. during the year, she hilled $180,000
for her accounting service. she had two-employees : a bookkeeper and a clerical assistant. In
addition to her monthly salary of $4,000, Ms chen paid annual salaries of $24,000 and $18,000 to
the bookkeeper and clerical assistant, respectively. employment taxes and benefit costs for Ms.
Chen and her employees totaled $17,300 for the year. Expenses for office suppliyer, including
postage, totaled $5,200 for the year. in addition, Ms. chen spent $8,500 during the year on tax-
deductible travel and entertaiment associated with client visits and new bussines developmeat,
lease payment for the office space rented (a tax-deductible expense) wer $1,350 per month.
depreciation expense on the office furniture and fixtures was $7,800 for the year. During the
year, Ms. Chen paid interest of $7,500 on the $60,000 borrowed to start bussines. she paid and
average tax rate of 30 percent during 2000.
1. prepare in income statement for Cathy Chen, CPA for the year ended December 31 2000
2. How much cash flow from operations did Cathy realize during 2000 ?
3. evaluate her 2000 financial perfomance.
Answer :
Cathy Chan (CPA)
Laporan Laba Rugi
Untuk 31 Desember 2000
A Sales Revenue $180,000
Less : Operating expenses
Book Keeper Salary $24,000
Clerical Assistant Salary $18,000
Ms. Chan Salary ($4,000 x 12) $48,000
Employement Taxes and Benefit $17,300
Office Supplies & Postage $5,200
Travel and Entertaiment $7,800
Lease Payment ($1,350 x 12) $16,200
Depreciation expense $7.800

B Total Operating Expense $144,300

Operating Profits (EBIT) (A-B) $35,700
Less : Interest expense ($7,800)
Net Profits Before Tax $27,900
Less : Taxes (30%) ($8,370)
Net Profits After Tax $19,530

2. Pendapatan yang diperoleh cathy chen sebesar $180,000 dan beban-beban yang dia keluarkan
selam tahun 2000 yaitu sebesar $144,300, jadi dia memperoleh laba sebelum pajak sebesar

3. Cathy Chen meminjam $ 60.000 untuk memulai bisnis. Pada tahun 2000, ia memperoleh laba
bersih sebesar $ 19,530, yaitu 32,55% ($ 19,530/ $ 60.000) setelah laba pajak atas investasinya
sebesar $ 60.000. Kinerja Keuangan Cathy Chen pada tahun 2000 baik

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