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Topic of your production and why it is

important to British Youth The more malicious side of the net, such as the unfiltered
deep web and the less moderated sites on the clear net.
The British youth (ages 14-24) are the first real British
generation who’ve grown up with a fairly consistent
internet- like it’s been a part of their entire life, and some
need to learn about the travesties that can be found there.

How does the production suit your

target audience? Our target audience (as mentioned before) is the first real
generation to grow up with the internet being fairly
readily accessible; yet despite this, some find themselves
feeling care free enough to not worry about what sites
they find themselves on.

What are the ethical aspects of your

production? Will you offend / fight a I suppose that our production is about bringing the real
cause / raise awareness of it? malice to some people on the internet (especially the deep
web) to light; so that some more lesser informed may
understand the need for safety precautions online, and
avoiding particular sites.

Why should BBC ‘buy’ your

productions – what does it offer that Why would the BBC purchase this? Good question, I
hasn’t been covered before? believe they would because it’s informative- and the
more information you own, the more you can drive the
country; as I don’t believe I’ve seen any documentaries
about the unsavoury side of the internet.

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