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Powder Metallurgy Science by Randall M. German 0 METAL POWDER INDUSTRIES FEDERATION Princeton, New Jersey Sept pr ne te Protaco ‘and Introduction £ to tne Author cant ‘De. Randall M. Geran i fly guid to nite hs tet onthe Sic of Ponder Meals. He mas educated at San lone Sut Unversy (BS) ‘tod Ohio State Universay (M1) nd carted hi PRD. athe User ot Calero, Davia Hebe his P/M cares in poder metry a Bate Clubs in 196. Ae yeas wth Ue Sandia National sorts Liner he galned ore practical experience at Momt Metall Connects, Hechovethe aadenc environment in 1980 when hee the Mate engineting Fact at Renee Poitechie Insite, lng known othe PM community thioughthepomceigeffons ofr Ent. Lene Here, ‘Rend German continental to both the ring of powder ‘meals serving tind today an ak othe techie Herts "heough «hea of paper delivered a PM conferences and published in corals throuphoat the woe, many sponsored by the American Power Metallurgy Iasttateandthe Meal Powder Indust Fedele, Dasing this rl priod he sarned the Socity of Automotive Engineers’ Ralph Testo Fogincering Educator Award, the Eaern Now York Arian Sovity for Meta Alf Geiss Award the Rena Petts es ‘te Eas Career Avan an hasbeen ite to the teraainal Tea for the Sere of Sitting. 1 sales igh this tex! on hese af powcr metangs Me riten by Profesor German 18 tine. to, cae eas th te modern cence hat tas evood frm amyserios pas. Aw art no oner, Donde metalurgs can acre mnderntechlegy tha the orton otnecreatimef nw concepts mimateriaenginering ae ithe science of ima nd metalworking. Withthstent,rofemor Getman ves smarance that he technology upon which the burgeoning PM inst) bcd ‘established om the principe of sence aa that th ar ot oly cache oe be Kempton H. Rol Enecutive Director Metal Ponder Innis erat Carol, Brie and Garth FOREWORD Powder etallargy ia pruning approach which ortiutes 3 subd siom of he general mtaboring ernie, The advantages and atc ‘ios of powder metal originate rom severatatrbutes: The abi to shape ponds diet inti comyponent fxn a major alration. ‘Tasstapins cas peormed nan economical manser wi corsiderabe late nthe maser prepertin chem heat Uealmeat arenes ie tre. The proves fod in arsorming powder mo eomolidated oducscan be viewed nei tehnolopcaorseenife sca One feemer sc the caps sn the fabeeation procedure for specie ‘meri ae eomperens Thescentfeapproach ies powder eal) ‘Satcombnation fe at of Vero MEARS aN KES This text presenis the scientific aets aces) to undead the varias specs of oder metry. The applications and spec enprering cy tebe as tastrations ie the erensponciplv ate emphisited. ‘tend! the book to be wil both a a wlige txt a ited) Ieferonce I ween the seer graduate velo tho with arate ‘incenng background, The Bock based on he snioevelcoure ght 1 Reansier Potechni lestitate Topic like microstructure ental i Ponder larson, rps! conodation lechnolopes and Tall emity pro ‘Ssinghve benincuded oincexpovte the nner descent npn ‘nealuray These det eshetogcallanotatons ate erated wie "rata! powder procs concept seas Ue appt fe amen scene, Thane ive fe Book ino ninechapers. The Fnt chapter expanse srs of poder metallurgy and he sequence epee Chapters 140 ind thee ate concerned wih poser taractenvaton and tabrciton [Caper out biel explains se eps racer in peparng x pre for otdain, spciicaly ebro, mining and tending. Compection tnd ning make upshe nex twchaple's nd prea the Bet a te poder metal proses Chopterseven dns the proces ppicable fo attainng fal dersty wing meal powders. Chapter deht dicts the properties f metal pote mpc el provides rere example fap attr The ial chapter prove a nertmericaen ef the mje tnd iets reternses for the mody of ream applctions 1 Bebeve the spectra of top proxies an overview ofthe subject hat has slit readin oraninpodactory couse whic posing emough depo prepare {wah othank several nda a thi bpm writing hs tent Alan Lawies, Sjdney Kalman nd Jone Capus fo wchuieal eviows: Pip Corso, yon Oren, Kaen Shyang Hwang, Sanda Hila, Gan Les Ant Moynihan, and Carol Geers fort help with rowing the ane: ‘evpt and the several RPI tudes who eiquedeat oes RM. German Table of Contents Preface and itrocucton tothe Author ca Foreword . . v ‘Conversion Factors & Constants vn chapter 1 Introdueton to Powder Metaluigy ..osee soe sist ‘chaptor2 Powder Charactorieation 5 ° ‘chapter 3 Power Fabrication ee) Cchaptors Procompaction Powder Handling e+. chapter 8 Compaction Gi aeeeeeae cose Chapter 6 Simoes. ocseeseeeersenee se us. chapter 7 Full Density Processing : eenceseenrec fl Chapter 8 Compsct Characterization . 205 Chapter 9 Appications fares soso 287 Appendix One Glossary : ever) Appendix Two Malet Conetane oo ococ ss ccescccseeees 879 Ido TE zs vu Conversion Factors & Constants Grit = id,a= tect" The iagms 21 eine preset psa Pe) toons reer = 8) Tart N et = OWT oud Toes saarines pie eo reomaee RiP 8.148 kp 1 moat The 005 w sacs) jad) TTT N a 000095 Ba 1 er mos (clostim~ hs) a= 03 1 0299 cabrie~ t watts hat 418k lume (iter=1) fempeatre T1=10%! = 0264 aalons (Cetus Kevin = °C)K) Tat 1791 ok. Constants otomann cowtart = 118% 10° sleton age Planck ceria = 460% 103 Sela olor coowtant ~ 519% 10" 19K CHAPTER | Introduction to Powder Metallurgy ‘Summary "his iter huge provides a inl perpen of he sujet, The nce and htry of poder mellary are bry dex to demon ‘tae te cope ad bread the tchselogs The ck se tehnlog- cal aspect ofthe sujet ar crane with pet othe bl fae Outline A. Frame of Reference 1 Defiskion CA Bret History 1D. Reasons for Usep Powder Malls E The Futare of Powder Mealangy 6. Study Questions A. Frame of Reference Amory hs vais ialnoingehnologes. powder ess she mow diverse manufacturing apicach. One ataciono pow meaty (P Mpisteattivto acne igh quali. complex pans tows tolerances ‘aneconomcalmanter he proces effective ss automated peers ‘thio energy commotion igh mage siationandtow eatal cos These sharin mate P/M wel lignes with carer concer about oducthsty- energy and raver Connequrth the il expert {rowth atthe expense of ttemnitne meallormingsperations "the purpose of ths book to prosde a ntaueion to the Basic soiente pcp behind he pode tala techelbgs The pmary linc tered to be the ade nial heoming sete ith ‘Mas aprovsing since Alena tees mod in pow det ‘netallrgycan abe beel rorsthitest. requeny empirical obervaios Jo wrenpsned and preven remain incon: becouse of a nadeque Understanding. Hence ts inended hat this book provide alec prose ‘in of undesing bai with Gwelkng onthe technologie! spin ‘need detec “The P/M proces wis on ive’ phish! approach ie compo- rent fabroaton hin kencvatered ination alworking. Spe the ests of P/M pes a ecpanded latte tothe processing ate fae Net only the mate chem, heat teste! Ad WrOsTHC AE ‘arial but a the din of phase and maracas (nck Poros) conte "Theis powdermetligs ie gongthtough major growth and den fain, Te tse of ponder malo gee extensive Several examples. wil be doveoped treuphowt ths text Honever, ava atoductin let it Sule 40 point the diene iret in th Bld Consider the we of ‘gsen lap Glamest, obsess beaingsalomote tansmision gas, srver iting projec, cet emacs cea powe fe! element Shepedic implant, bainen machbe yas igh empertae fliers tion inate tie component, a5 Jel asians ws sats othe tiers, Furthermore etd powder fi ss in sch prods as pot jens prised eet Board, erred Dow, exposes, welding ec {ese rates pretng inks ars, bee cempoursand ata Table | peosdesnoaetiomefbe move commana" ma powde {sim atte rin Fsorply of es alte als ive ise ses rence orseeralinduien Anoughisdivesyadswrowred be Reon Nah Ui = Mies aetna Stine Shee ig meaiee es, tat makes the stad of poner metals a cem08y| Aiticut Consequently his text empasizes the hase pring witha ‘ueling onthe sponte opsicatene or etl pre. 8. Detinitions. Ther area few terns neces to understand blorebeiningadseasion reder metal, Fst, «ponder = ined mw ely vided sl Siale thar | mm initsenaxinurn dimension, In mot case th powder Be metal although nan intrest) stented Wi oer has ‘chasectamic ot ply, A nporans chatacters ofa power ‘slaty high wT arent volume rat, Powdet meta sthesta ‘he rowsing of real powders, aluding ihe lactose ‘ed onverion of ral pow at eal enlceing components The dreceareequence vate the applica of Be a ea, wer, a “formation to the poe. eis the procesag Which changes te shape Proper an cir per see afinal prada An exer ist of ‘iow atin wo peer meters pen Append Tete main tps tothe seme ct powder metals arise in ute 11. Fist se perl aes inkl power techrclogy, Within the ‘eam of powder tctrtogy are te concerts with he rata of pow Consent. empha gent the labrcton, aedcton casters ‘aon and handling of pours. Secondary consi ae ite Sap safe, pacaging and Wamportaten A com examination ofthe onde Staite forSzeandshapeare commen an importan atin in theo Pome technology. Next come the adtoad ponder mca ait ‘ech a campaction apd sintering. Te conecrs th stage am ‘hoping. formung and dnstieaon ofthe odes, Fay, the comet ‘lw tare toa emphasis o the proper, with Conca atc (0 ricrosrutine Tee thes ete cannot eeprated nang pow microstructure size chemistry powder shope friction abrication press sinter reli forge rocessin ws extrude’ pr 9 ‘hot press donsity, strength uctiity( properties _)eonduetivity magnetic microstructure au 1, rcs od ea on ot ane Inveductionto Pond Margy retary siden. Decsions concerning the powder typcandiabication iuence the eae compaction and ierng Liking f const Ahir sequence spilt ponder niet! al vompactpoperie. Tha boo fll the flo chart in Figs 11 Cig mi eat describe te elect he man procsatabs Acordia. the eaom, he powder characte othe ano cans ad nal corp Propertio wil be pve ws ateton C.A Briel History ‘They carlvusestimetal ponders en tracdo several prise ‘orld. For example. gold poner wn edo To usr by the Tea, and Frypans of on powder dat ack t9 8D RC Aver exanpl the Dei column inadiawhick dates fom abo M0 AD. Thacolunaismade from appronirately 6 tne of redued son pom. Dang te R00 th ‘co power etary tects boa inearnestTe ned for pain laboratory appara id tothe develope of chxmcally recta ‘oweer sd new consoldation routes which cided highcnperatuee Sach ‘tes ocurred in Both Russia an England where peste ad het Worked power were wedto orercom inadequate rapettere capable The moderera of powder mataburyistaced to Cobdge who deveopet "ungsen np filament fo Edson, Goel proves adaption of ‘the sal ses and elope in he bt of PML ‘The inialinere impo etary sre roman cpanding materi ‘ns frmingthecomminctemens ike copper andivon hy anew, ewercont ‘echo Sabeguen. dverction wis ina thee rane ates i ntl shewadabityc podem dcatd the evolution he apps. tions fer powder mtalurgy Since tne 194 several comme eras ching peed fom powder. Tis i nla mos! alee terry Incas and ther ays (Nb, W, Mo, Zr, Tae Re) Addtionaly, de sinictralmetakhaveceane hog aeajr gosta his same pa "ie majety of the sracturel powder produecd part re fase ot Hovwesct. the ae several acer mara ad lead nd Magne ompostions alo bing prose hy PM txts Protas moreexctingh benthic evclation nappy. Thespitia sppling P/M has undetgone ares change, li, power hse com Ponerswore select simply fr tir om cn, More een the as ickatng » powder metauay route han Ben dc i improsed eat homogeneity or popertiscnplel wih an traiveces at practi, The hgh enpesatare nicked supeavs and one dagen ten ‘honed alos ofr geal caplet eslation No oly cam they Be ‘made wih bstse mae ecoerny by per sppraci, bre oad Ponder Moalgy Seance inprovedconpestionsae being develop a ake vantage of the chemi 'y ang micrnrucre conta tn th se, the we af pela power flow ly faricaton and cor temperature The new json for wing powder metal te ceftg my cot merci and rsearen appoints The italy rset expesion of Procesing eto aren equrag Mghiaity materi aed enue popes Innignpeauctty stngeae expat seatinaeceting opponunies D. Reasons for Using Powder Metallurgy Te overlapping eategrcs provide an intodony concept fr the reason fring poser tctauty, Figur iva Vent diag showing how the application for P/M can be categored Fist ar theta pic tions whet onthe ow cost producto of some pts Component for he astomotve init eprom food esas! this sea an) thee reduction hege P/M aciy, With tbe ata of economia part rutin come eoresis wah producti), eerances. and aeration, Cnty the power route Wi fein ream (xsi bth te ‘sthsezrezton machin, ad al tleran- (es when can beaut with met powder hae approaches [As Figure 12 shows, thee are ako tae propre igus mits lurejutiatonstor sing P| Mapproache, Sore ena plesaclade perous metal oudedspersion strengthened los errets nd coment ties precision productivity CAPTIVE refractory, recetive ‘loy microstructure composite wm trv tr pont The inability wo fate thse unbae miroactires by arnt ihc us cont be age pat the gw Ne ‘hence shownienthe Vena diagraa corresponds wcaptve apie ‘lo, These are tie macs which are que diel io pres by an eet tecigues Mealeeampies ae te react eractoy micas het Invaigue are notpracteal Araxher rapes emeteing group of Mae {he anarphows of gums nei In many cust dsl to om 4 ‘owe and exc ow temperature procesingto ae the microstral Samawe accompany ny levied temperatures Powder metallurgy echnqies fe ataive ec a ofthe procatng cam be proved nthe sod ste ‘aaa clement rom altrecatapres shown Figure extn most, fractal P/M appsatons. Indeed the major growth and expansion wl st cel ome rom farther combination fhe thes ema ng aig, low cnt igh quay produ, E. The Future of Powder Metallurgy The past scenes of P/M ave ders fro the xenon enc. a nor ree tines, he unig feito procs ueia have cont Bue ‘otheexpanion nthe ecological ase. These same atnbutesare expect continuo come ogee. form few afycations fo powder tab Fie areas appease Wold he nee) ingredient or contin prot 1 Wignvolume peace af pres, ight struc prt ical thos frou teed ae 2 ithculo-proces mats, where fay dense igh elormance alleys Cam be abated wih uniform ierontactare 3. Specialty alloys spell compote containing mixed has these il en b fabricated by enhaned derseton press. 4. Te nonogalium sae ach ss meron, sneroralie OF Ineastbl ales 5. The comples parts pemeosing unigue and uaconann shapes or nge- hens these wil proba be ow vee bt high pl product luis well copie tat powder eal sin aprobmed et ead. svt phase. Themnetalpeweerstimensare on aconinal expansion. As ‘i lndeaton fis wrth conser tat rom 500 ta 197 rn peer Shipments Yor PM eat trough tenfold incre More rece ths rovth his x hse enooth bat lection a hat the Fi x proving faster tun alterratve meabworingtehoologen Mowe, the ted for Imined perioral praming even move rp besaiae ofthe dere ad Aiea aptetios being deep for BM proceny The fecthack fm design engines indie that we brewed about 1 Mexpunds there ai be many mre appctons. The majority tthe Ponder Metalegy Schnee ‘urea appltions rly on the ability to provide econo! net shape ‘rowing nigel powder, The fers promisey ma {he combination of con strength dinero con ‘on of hxc advantage ill pore both economical technological owt F. References 1. Cark, Adin Perea Terie Por Meter, Rowan 2 E.G Fearon Ps Meer our vues, Ieee Ph Harlock Mes so iin, 4. WD die Pande Pcp of Pose Matai Emad Arad Pannen, London Pain. 5. EK fa) Pr Meany: Aricatens Adonis ont Loutio ‘men Sac or Mea, ea Fah OF 6 FN Lena, Pe Meng Pes an Arpaio, Meal Powder G. Study Questions |.1Disces the diferent properties sought for ahaminam perfor ven rocket fae and aera sructres Wl thee he the sme contr say? 2" Consider the ateraives wo powder metallurgy forthe faction of lamp tlameats rom tanger. Why ae fs tchniqes net applied o ths produc LX Poder mean conbutes ta sang of anterotve components, Lent two sich componers and ge the shi euemon | Powder etary was once neal ceramies” What si te drs his name suggest with ceramic processing? |S What ate some othe diferences betwen seri and ntl powckrs and os: might these illeencs fleet prong? CHAPTER Powder Characterization ‘Summary "hienater develops cescrptors sli charactesiring metal powders ope eae err et, a tae ron metal pouderare wed olhntratethe chartertoencourterd A. Concepts Seafce Area Anais \ Be Ponder Sunpting J. Profle Arias or Shape Panicle Se KK tepartle Fron D. Measurement Teshaigucs——L_nterpati Fiction Etess E Partie Sie Data M. Chemeal Characterization F. Problema Parle Se NA Minimum Characterization Analy Baty G. Particle Saupe 0 Retr HL Surtace Afuasa Shape Index P Stay Quewions Ponder Characterization A. Concepts Powdes Metagy Serco The primary lve of concern ate with svt cllecve buh} properties a powder lt. Bech guantiive aad {ualtatv descriptions ae avaable Conse the ats sown igre 22 The projected imagecan be deserbed asa youned but ieepua shape However suchinformatn io ied yal, fa contr, disiongti Darke s gute fut because ofthe shape” Same of the posse wie Mewufemenis ae show wih the provid tnuge. Widely fering We deranathos ave nowsbte ona powder depending oa these parameter tk ate shape Bees 7. she ica iat propery ta ree (satya impiesing asurption for theshapess mcesury to rede te re Aisiribotan informatie 1a singe parameter Beyond gadtate shape Stecriptr, there ae guanine pie arse teshmigussvtabe fo descr ape and texte meee ‘Te ronnie Spe Snensoraanativestwschareomee ansehen B. Ponder Sampling Coeting a tray sepeesotatve sample of pone for arly ca be ical Consider he scope ofthe problem. Apical podution ot may be ‘evel ons nie: a supe of ths ot il probably be onthe eer ‘opram Mary efth madernanaitalinstrement reste sample sev of 4 azam or ls for patel size aris. Assuming a spt shape, the Dattile population in on gram depends the ice and mattis (here densi) Table 2 sives an xan of he bree ar of Parties ivolved with all parte siz Only tte lagen do the umber of partes in Jat ore gras all below te ema stands fe ‘usc! sfeanee i a Heasureren. eave, concent NAD Che ‘srominroducedbysmallsunpe seater tiwitow reponse shemampe of teenie powder bx. 1 ig important tha samping crore avoided by using some sine rules Pome sample shoud be ke fr a eoving sean ae has from stagnant los A sauor problem ass ithe sample take ale shipping er after expences forms of ibetion In such ee. 6 imporanttoiendthe wt beloe spine wothateling etlet ae ini ied. Wis recomcaict thatthe spl e taken rom may’ poss I stati sampling procede i necessary. then mui, smal samples tae irom random locators avoids preeertia sampling” No rater wha approach taken tisreceary Werte theponshlexamplingeron and ‘arf sewing the meatrerent of poder characteris. C. Particle Size Parcs na dterination ofthe dinensions of paris, Their of patie depends onthe meaatenen!technaqe spec parameter big Imoasre and pate shear sc analss can be arbeye Several sais which usualy do at give oquivaen!dterrition do to diferent te eaured part's. Ms pte size anaes se ‘ve geomet: parameter and ke the astmpuoe 94 spec pate She: Te sor analsscan be any ofthe io geometries, sch as surace ares, peoeetedafea, makina dimension. minimum co Sectonlaren or volume. Pattee pray ene the mat important powder uracteratin othe ponder malas Se data re ot ‘ther reseed tthe the contest of the meavurement Bat ad the ‘Ssumed parte shay. Some example sie parser ace digrined Figae 2% Fora sphevca park the sige a ving porameter the flamer However, th parisleshape Decmes more complex the dil ‘sil in defn single so parameter comes ctvious Comer Make Shaped pace (Figure 2.35 at lest tw params ae eed Co aly ‘esrb the sie, the ameter wad the wid As the shape becomes Jess toga, the manber of poable sus pacers nccnen Forte toned ‘Shape in gure thesseeane dvr intra othe poet ch seem” In end Soret ‘sor ‘ere 23. An satan oft aitey manning parte Neo prs (eandom) maxim length, boron width, savant spherical volume ameter of sphere with an eeivalet surface arc and se om: Obey the more iregulr the parleshape the rete the dificult masini ae parle sve. Farthe eres shaped partie show's ipae 2.3, thors rea diel a defeg the panics Thus, acominor ond ASuareeenttotneen heparcle se stations obtained y the mary ‘erent einige and inset els osteoma aur asphet ‘al parte shape (the ste cat be pve perme pe parmser the diameter). Furbermore, the we of cxming electron meroncoy pe dies «mechani for demomaratng how th shape relates to heat 1,2 partic ve analyst should convey information onthe ancl se dsriation, particle shape, and state the base fr memoring farses. The deste o ase a ptse dimension moat carats of the powder. gure 22 provide s schema dramig cf particle for onsideratin. The size muy be gvenin weve mays ent proeced wid (maximum wid), or plojeted bight (mania hoght) Equals ‘hei ameter are gecrted (rom als vx asthe preted res sSsionl area or patie vohime. Tale 22 lis the revue af various stewurement techniques fr comparison, The maxinan hr zontal wih Wisiermed Feersdianet.Thetaninues cordlength Mand epht Mae cual vabe measurements a pariciee. Theses spherical diame ter canbe determined fom te srtace area volume, projected ten ot seiling rate mewuremeat. Foe cxampi the pate n igre 22 an Project area, A. The equivalent spent propeced damter Do cae Ine hy sting he projected area Aqualine equiva ara ace, rR en p= (arm! 02) Alternatively, for a memured volume Ve equivalent spherical volume ameter De ena y= 6)" a the enenal surge area S ie measured, then th equivalent apheri| slot Garces Ds ing Dem (sim es ki pomite co combine such mesures 0 frm ais a8 new oe ‘Se for shape andse. Extensivefutnet cacao on theeomparson ot aril Suing parameters age give in Alla, and Stoekham and Foch {TART Compr of So Dero an ie ip Phar ee x i" D. Measurement Techniques Microscopy ‘A wily apples etigue for parte new the bit fhe oe 10 rapid sie gene pats inamicroacope The eect covered ‘American Socety fot Teng Matenals specication £20 (ASIA E20, Although te teeragh i reuonably accrue he edi of wang att ‘aly sigrtcatcuncsien of parler has od to ue of atemat image nalyzs Theimage lor anal is generated by opis scing elecron ‘rtransmisson ecto meroncoper Theisen chice depends othe prt ae, Wy micrncopic courting of hametr, length ight rea. Irequeacydstibtien canbe generated. The dracon wl record the ‘lithe fequeney of eaion: parle dimensions Obtaining dispensed ‘Sle for mage anlyn a mje problem with microscopic coc Figure 24. making i dfut to dating the seal parce ze ANC shane Inetigentdcerination nee sgl nd mile paris thecoure sieee There ae lu problems with meataemes dependent 08 tates orientation, Greraly ta prefersbltoelyon parameter Sh are Urctaton ndopendon. The aqualet spherical preetesUameter Dum ‘Son in Figure 22 pantalry weal nts sere v a 2 »b — 2. Saveiag The mostcommoa ecniquefr rapid arayzing panic sis bad on versering Agar df een’ speed wirecretena mesh, Temes ‘determined the aero wes ert legth The opeine ears irene wth he meh size: Large mark sie ply sal pening Ps ‘event The moat cormmon convertion for peciving met ir eles 8 the numberof wae er nch, Mesh sts cn pt go very ema opening ‘ethos the screen ehnigue asally applied on optics ge (han zm. There re eetrofonmed meses salable dow 103 um Pt frmedscrces flit praia eA stro menses ad openings fore U.S. Standard sets of ee apeas iTable 23 (ASTM EL Thisstea eres openings spaced aaa the fourth o 4 tea 1198), Screensralysshepm witha tack ofserensofinceaeg msi. with the smallest opening si at the botom. The poader nade onto the top screen and he eee stack vibrated fora period of 29 50 minutes Pericles anahsinssample sie of pital velTisent when wing 20 Em ciamwier sens Alter ibrticn, the amcunt of pond in cach see intervals weighed andthe inter perete casTaC ans Scrsringis thermos widely sede onlystenig: howe rut ts problema, Serens wllans rn M10 7% perm variation creates of cat poi ned fr cach sie faction cng ibs power fam eating ‘he limiing sree es Hence tbe ste data showed swans the care Ponce Metaurgy Seance aril see This problem increases withthe umount of powder por unit Seren aa coat of fie packs and smal seen openings. Atier Ailey resus forthe deren sens alec, ee 1 Sperrr canbe expeced ine seen ana wih! the scien or technique ae apocifed. The difereme betwee sereeing reals can be ‘edultgapponimatel 47 i{tbestecatypesarethe same: Diicences Smalls 12 ca beatieved ful cortlsexcrched over the analy, Ths Etsparess osssibe beter ta Is-acuray tase nabs Deets ‘Greens can allow aersed partes to pas Als, too lone a screening raion en esl the pres Deakin lao finer pees Too skort Screening duracion wl give nsiert ire fr ne o pas al te a) throughthe tee ark eras hee erin ecngaiea dette, Ai Important oar standardized test methodelog. ‘Screniis abo wefan obtaining ied piers Inseveralappliatins, the amity to process ponders dependent om ether he partic ie oF tribution Consequently, creenng proves a meas oe removing = ‘ie we ration, Tic proedure ermed dasiicaton and wed talor sie ditions 2 Sediment Parise size analysis by seinetation i ext applicable tothe Get parce ss. Particles sting Uw id (gud o a) eh a tein “elo depeaeet on bot te partes and the Zuid vcs. On ths ‘as patie secan Bees om the seing etc Depei on ‘heparte dersty and shape edinentaion ens ae ot appa foparicesintne0 0st amrange.Theevienemot cements he Toner particle ies depends om the eof centiugalorcs net High fd ‘Awami aspherical partie shape, sting a the terminal eos in vinous ecm i reprreted by 2 Balance of foro The Buoyaney std "wou dag forest oer pre ets dagramed in Figure 2S [Ntoratvly, the pavtatoral fre (or the centeagl fore i applicable) fet Yo cause parte tg beams ofthe ahr pate dent. AUAbe ‘crminal elo ths foee ae balaned, Testing ores aa ans tines seckraton, Fu=(aD! ene es whee Dis the paride date, she aecleraion avy) and he Danie denety. The biovarey ores determined ty the elu o Dd Alspach park, Cb! oe eo) Pewser Choractoaes ‘were isthe density othe fd Finally the Vacousdeag fore Five y= save en whee Viste terminal velo and Vis thei iacosty. For aedimenta- tionenperment the vebcty called forte nelptand tine Combis. Ineesunons pes Y= spin) sv ey {forthe terminal vlocty, which Kron a Stokes lt icexprimenta imostconeniattocekaitha own etinghe ght H while mestarngt he Aimer sting Insuch ey, the partie vis ean be sales forthe seting tinea lr D= [BHU (expo) 9) tue fe gravitational force ere 23_ The re arch adn 1 a arnt tetng vy tr arr ‘Thetechigueofpartie sie anayy sederenation ss predetermined setling eit ane paces aeipered poder athe tp of wtube, Mesure reas othe aout of poner seing a the ben ote tae (weight or volume) venes selling tne then allows calculation of the pare soe I uw) the broeningat sie Aiteactam argccantemeared Leting By betbe talented broad ~ igen the prtileire broening slated rom he total ng he Aterenc of the nga, ae aay where Bs isthe pe broadening for the standard. The techni stot “pple fo pate sn the $0 me sie range. Under cael eapeimetal ondiom Say peak broaeaingsan be wad or pare upto 020 (20 fn) insize. However, th eshnigor oly tens mean patie se wt Shape aeration. The second tray techy is smal angle scateting. The intensity of ‘ray seated By usta parce varies wih te patse volume. Sal tiie ofa) seating mow well fr panes tees Sr nie The Techngursuraeepaticestobedinpenet wont inerpareatre ‘ee, Measurement male ofthe try item vers ange at sal ing. The iter versin angle Gata in het 3 degree ange wet ‘Mimateiie the parce sie dxinbution rhe patleshape. Thus eal ine ry seaterngprovides steciquefor determining Oxi dri ‘omit the patil chape & Known Further information onthe shai ‘evens the ex 6 Guimer cal” ‘8 Comparinon of Pate Sige Analy Tebgues The analysis of prize sre depends on mesnuing the rspume of parle tosomepyaltet Thin dacescor he rvicned the bic sora tionsand physic pineipes asexited withthe coronene, Furth ‘more, the probs and error sores for mont tximiges have be Tacit geet apse pari tape asad eicltes cfen| a be racer that assumption, Table 24 proud abe! compar ‘om othe several chaque svar pate se analy ad ss he ‘mcivermen bai nd approximate ue Fane of opal. The abe Derry fects the et pb enuremert range obras ml Doers Otten, rer partie eranges cr dynam raiox are aimed tut ‘ot demontateg, vt he nse reali patiles a the Sane panic Sos. Amore complete dscstion of patie sve anabis ecigaes viable Alles and eddow. E. Particle Sizo Data Once patie sie datas collet, conesn ius toa als of the distribution, Assuming a defen o ie and supe, he cstibtion of these parwmcteryngien nterrme freyvency plot Baca beshown ant hsoprametthe aountcfpowserinthe neared ive ements Onsich Petre mode isthe peak pasisue. Alto he cumelae panes Ponder Matty Seince SOLE Compo a os Ses Aeron ¥ mode size 5 15r 75 to90 m4 a © 40F screen 7] ¥ analysis & of 4 3 = Q 0 100 1000 particle size, pm Ponder Cnacteratios issibuion shows the average oF mean salu athe SDE pate se (Conse the sving data in Table 25, wtih pos the weigh of powder ‘tured on ach serece after sving. The ttask so coner te data incromeatl perce by diving cash increment 9) the total sare ‘igh. The Natura or hip ata seedy ung he ental Ponds are found wo exit a Bell shaped cue (Caunaedsrbution) when plotee on a log size sale A cumulative patil re distin secre by ating he ieval percentages at plot the est sere ‘he owe ineremena pats s7e The ra ath eaten teen in FAME 2S whe teresting lt ahownin gue 218. Thetlereaton given ‘sreeing saya ith spect othe wee of poder larger than he ‘pectic areentes. In Figure 3, smooth cure Maen ied Oconee the know pains. On the sooth curve the mean sie coresponds tothe Cale The standatd deviation and mean sie can both te aad by ‘sul peocedares. The tandud desation ses + or ome tandad evo ‘ion derespand tothe parce ac a roughly 4 an 1 1a for Ph Aunafsisdter nine by eon techniques ge the population tics versus sie. Moever, an anal an y ine etme. Preidesa night dsibution Wn portant atte bas fr tine a parte sive information. Comer the deus in compeing to sof ‘ca on fering bases The weight dtribrion s sewed te the vounet Patil ses incomparnon othe pops bed dat, The pati> ‘Ses eda om Figure? 13 basbeen plein Figure? Ione wah he Popaltion bse dinbation forthe same pondce. Te obvi derece Inplacemeat ofthe we dsiibuonscante cenincomparion of themean ‘sym versas 42 un). Foray pre sie aumingaspherial sae ‘lows calclaton of he suber ef parses oon the weet W and thecreal dew = Wilson), a9 whereas the nuns of partes and Dine diameter and he dens Diet camparionot weight nn popltion hae parle dbo val Arasformaton requestor uch cemparson wet egies shape sumption, usaly pena. 100, 5 & | screen = 75}. analysis s (wt.%) @ 50 «0 8 | ea € 25 mean=72 ym 3 lea 3 é 5 3 Sg 700 1000 particle size, um ‘are2s9_tmcinuasoan nent pcr maa nah The Poser Coaractrsics| 8 cumulative percent finer RS oa 1 sme othe typeof partic sie diibuions which ascencourteredin PM. Thetypicalllcure when theiervalparil ne ata tom log bass sur in Figure 2. Fue 315 show saiatorsincading rod andarow dscns as ‘ss bimodal dssibetcnfno eats). Norn powder fabrication pastes ‘an aot forma singe Si pone (monodisperse) The type pout Dobler. with a wide fang ef parle Ws. Very speci tot ae $eted to achiew a menosiné ponder. Ceeneuenty, Bath 4 means. ‘nae sie i diferent ror the meas ans the caperuoe n pare sare ‘cess inforsatin. The dispersion els the sandr deviation, a ‘Sormal Size Disteationy “Most powders follow the log orm form in thi ate, enact state A lognormal ae ition ges abel cave han th regucse Plated onaliwarsealapainst thelogof te putes Comer the Ssrution can be describ mural by mie form of th SGuanian pba Fonction Let Ps) be the pcb of ring pails deste by ~ Ise. The he function ha he fo, mw le pe Uy - Ten 2» er ere Us is the og ofthe mean panicles and is the standard deviation He dstibeten(onalog cal) Figured le pvesaschemalic comparison ae ae bio oe a a Fers216_Acongaraan the comenien partners sowing Powder Charatoses a) frequency percent g linear b) 7 frequency plot : log imulative lot percent 2 Be log d) log-normal plot particle size Pee 3. The pre de tition shen on a rot tent standard cumulative deviations log Pow’ Wentigy Seinee amount = [7 Pan ao which can be norma by vii by he ul ins perce = 100 ("Peon (“Pos an Conse a pe of anand dvion send of pce The dare devanion correspond to peste percensage pois For exile Saar deviation a ero femthe mean cores to he site The Stara deviations and conespncing cumulative percesage pos ae Tota Table The lognormal parce size ditribution is ested by replating the percentage points fom a comlate distnaton ia tans of deviations. Such apts shows ithe botlome Figure 2.16 The signicant advange ‘sthatmaay powders exhibits straight lin behavior on helo-noral plo, Hence the arise siedisribaon canbe reduced oust tho parame. ‘Anacvaniapeindoingsach fl beconesevident when pace edo ‘om afecompaed by fring neasrerentechnigs, I igre 217. the ‘lice sie dts fom Tanle 2S have heer potas a corulie loge ove ass The sara deviation poms nccated in Figure 21 have ‘een wed tomate hs plo. ging astra neo the dbubon. Note {hat only the slope and intercept ate needed to deeb te parce se Ssinbeton og alog-cmal bas Recall he problem of comparing anaes taken Irom screening and tneroope meecreenta Te re at by srening ore on weight tis ‘ai betlceecpe uatireent esinig ons popeiiea be, Cocot (he (undarmentalstractions tothe log.nareal dstibotn iy that ach ‘Comparisons (or datatranstormationsare lately simple Byknoningte raion can beet os, the slope Ponoer Charactesies v log-normal L screen analysis {wt.%) ‘standard deviations cumulative percent ge 50 100 200 particle size, im Figem247The og roma pias dbston lta dia a Tatle2 ‘Sigtne waa dean getstvon Pose 3 emainscontan on alg-nermal bs Transfrmation of thedatarguites Caleition ofthe dplcement parameter shown in Figure 2.18. To onvet fom «weigh station toe population dition, he dis laces upward end the magna dependent on the lope $= 6906) es) en te prt se sexpresied ona base 10 logs the aston tion fom a popu oa wean disibaton. ten te euplacerer is ewate owrvard} with gual magnitade. Therefore. knowing tbe meat siveana sana eevation provides ameans of creating lteapartcie Sige dition pot an koming he slope a he ner tg-sormal pot Ped. ceterminaion ofthe span ee traightloraard (e equals rer on the new diribution) Akerman, matherestndetermnation the ‘ea sie spose Foraveight cistron the mea seis gen a, b=10™ en) ‘end then the mean poption Sizes gon a, p=" em = standard deviations ° were the intercept be artless} andmietesope The oeprthe partileie de Aiallee 8 wil be ot, aenately the slower the mean ses by the 140 terhniees A move compete deveription of thesatial areal patie sve tributions andthe wef the og ome forrn a gver by Leni” F, Probloms in Particle Size Analysis There are several problea with pati sie anal, Reston wide range of parle sic simultaneously daring an aay ute ica [Aosta devices ane nied sie rane that can be accurately tsi ‘arly ate ine. Oflen tis sation rss ina alia fata of oF as the patie sre aes peter thas th he te feito a nee scat” Addinaly each enna hs 4 range Sptinalustandes Fee seve his speacraly above ym. Opel to ey i retrietol to parce above Tum I ean, sh Solietaion are any appicabe oa ao se range because Of Nt tons inthe appt pwc The probe de 1 porte Shape has en empaasized ein his Power Charscterstics hier eae ane aoaak Iloes bbe on Tio ee [nga heparie shape thermore paramctes neces tea parc Mout ineaureraetechigue ee aap shape. Ascoratevetp- ‘met sapeand i ariatonwithseistedis notewerb ta share, ike sie dsb propery of power. general the fer parle Ss ore pir chartered by sev tectngus The ime abyss range coupled toa bas towards weight ‘raed dlatuions resale neque depart he finer partesac tn frary nates ths dapat aot wartaged ince the er pret rms the preter vrsce ea aed kei act Thevearethre commonproblewssith automatics analy. The it ‘scinsdence When mare than ane pate isin he detection sore of an finale: thes arsed aon rg pris Comaqueatl the parle se “Sstibation becomes showed towards the coarse patce es. To eine ‘his prone, lower concentrations of powder in the detector fone aie ‘scr. Fe the reaming device thru ite coneatration of the powder inthe case uid Second agsloncraton eases partls| {ouppea scours puts Deaggoreration rogue agaaton ri fad possi eve eee eaters le mutta patil persion. The final problen ruts trom the elatively hh specie gravity of mest meal ‘owders. Steaming techniques asume a untorm random dhpersion at Faces nthe feosiock forthe detector The menurerents can bose ‘hase bese ot preferential etn ofthe ceare pate To amare ‘nism err lrom setting good pacts to pane the eit sample ‘cg the detector to soumrac any ating ete. G. Partie Shape The shape ofa parila dsthute parameter nhc can flcnee racking, fos, and eeraprasbliy of ponder Parcs shape provides Information on the pode lsrition route ad lps eps many pro ‘osuruchareerisin, Besa of heim waning partie she, ‘waltotie detiptors ate we. Fgute 219 gies a election of patie ‘Shapes ani shows the appropriate quale dveiptrs. Parte shige vases with partir ian he tec which he ponder nas manufactured, Ascrampleol cha aratonts veri Fgte AL A partie se anlgas whch aeures sontant shape coal poten tay tate ape err. For many anagsc. a simp qeattatve che ‘escrpor plover adaute The most iahifrwand ah despre the pect rata The apt aio wdetined athe maxi pate denon divides bythe reimarn parclecimension ora phe the aspects lint: whe ora gamer type parcial war 303k ily A

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