LBYCV3B - Construction Materials and Testing Laboratory

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LBYCV3B – Construction Materials and Testing Laboratory

Group No. Group Members (Surname, First name M.I.)

5 1. Aguilar, John Jose

2. Comendador, Jan Josef G.

3. Guillermo, Lenard Jan C.

4. Isip, Julia Angela R.

5. Seno, Raphael Matthew T.

Experiment No. 5 Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregates

1. A short introduction and experiment objective(s)

Specific gravity is defined as the ratio between the weight of a given volume of an
aggregate and the weight of water in equal volume. In this experiment, the sample used is a fine
aggregate in saturated surface dry or SSD condition. In determining the specific gravity of fine
aggregates, the standard method can be found by reading ASTM C128. Additionally, once the
specific gravity is calculated, the value of average absorption can be solved.

Specific gravity and absorption are very important properties of aggregates that are
needed by engineers in order to make sure that they are suited for the project that they are going
to be used for.

The objectives of this experiment are as follows:

● To determine the Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregates.
● To compare the calculated Specific gravity and assess them through an analysis.
● To evaluate the percentage of water absorption of the Fine aggregates.
● To be able to classify the aggregates depending on their respective specific gravity.
● To discuss the importance of the specific gravity of fine aggregates in civil engineering
● To assess the SSD condition of the sample.

● Soak the sample in water for about 24±4 hours.
● To avoid the loss of fines, proceed with decanting the water cautiously.
● Expose the sample to warm air. Frequently stir to secure homogenous drying.
● Perform the cone test to determine if the sample has reached the saturated surface-dry
(SSD) condition.

Cone test:
1. Firmly hold the cone on a smooth non-absorbent surface.
2. Place the fine aggregate loosely inside the cone by filling it to the point of
3. Lightly tamp the fine aggregate with 25 drops of the tamper. Distribute drops all
over the entire area.
4. Remove any excess or loose sand from the base and vertically lift the mold.
5. If the aggregate slumps lightly, that is a clear indication that the sample has
reached the saturated surface-dry condition.
Test Procedure:
● Take the weight of the Chapman flask. (Wf)
● Fill the flask with water to about 50% capacity.
● Approximately weigh 500 g of saturated surface-dry aggregate.
● Pour the sample into the flask. Add water to about 90% of flask’s total capacity.
● Roll, invert, and agitate the flask to cease all emission of air bubbles.
● Bring water level in the flask to its calibrated capacity.
● Immerse the flask in water at a temperature of 20 degrees centigrade until a constant
weight is obtained.
● Weigh the flask with the sample and water.
2. Experiment results (datasheet) including calculation
Sample Code/ Description: Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregates

Test No. 1 2 3
1. Flask No. 1 2 3
2. Weight of Flask (Wf), g 180.2 167.1 175.3
3. Weight of Pan, g 383.4 346.3 428.9
4. Weight of SSD Sample + Pan, g 888.6 846.4 934.1
5. Weight of SSD Sample (Ws) = [4]-[3], g 505.2 500.1 505.2
6. Weight of Flask + Sample + Water (Wt), g 972.6 956.7 966.9
7. Specific Gravity = [5] / {500 - [6] + [2] + [5]} 2.374 2.378 2.365
8. Average Specific Gravity (SSD) 2.372
9. Weight of Oven-Dried Sample + Pan, g 863.6 818.4 907.7
10. Weight of Oven-Dried Sample = [9] - [3], g 480.2 472.1 478.8
11. Absorption = 100 x {[5] - [10]} / [10], % 5.206 5.931 5.514
12. Average Absorption, % 5.550
Computation / Remarks:
𝐴𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑃𝑎𝑛 1 = 100 𝑥 [ 480.2
] = 5. 206
𝐴𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑃𝑎𝑛 2 = 100 𝑥 [ 472.1
] = 5. 931
𝐴𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑃𝑎𝑛 3 = 100 𝑥 [ 478.8
] = 5. 514
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐴𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = (5. 206 + 5. 931 + 5. 514)/3 = 5. 550

3. Conclusions
Upon performing the experimental procedure, the researchers obtained an average
specific gravity for the fine aggregate sample. An article from Civil Allied Gyan (2020) states
that the typical specific gravity of fine aggregates range between 2.65 and 2.67. Inorganic clays
have specific gravity that range from 2.7 to 2.8. It was also stated that a specific gravity value
below 2.6 implies that the sample is soil with a lot of organic matter or porous particles.
Additionally, aggregates with a higher value of specific gravity generally indicate a higher
density and a higher compressive strength while aggregates with a low value of specific gravity
indicate high porosity and lower strength. A value of 2.372 as the average specific gravity of the
sample suggests that the fine aggregate sample consists of high amounts of organic matter and
porous particles.

Kearsley & Wainwright (2001) states that the relationship between porosity and
absorption is almost linearly proportional. This can be observed in the fine aggregate sample as
the low specific gravity indicates high porosity, and with that is the high absorption value of
5.550%. The low value of the specific gravity obtained also indicates lower strength. It was also
mentioned that high absorption signifies potentially low durability. This was also stated by Penn
State College of Engineering, elaborating that the normal absorption values for fine aggregate is
between 1-2%, and that higher values indicate high porosity and possible durability issues which
is the case for the tested fine aggregates.

In terms of accuracy in measuring, the weight of the SSD sample depends on its
conditions. A wet sample can cause the SSD to weigh higher, which causes the calculated
specific gravity to be lower. Whereas if the SSD’s pore water has evaporated, the weight will
tend to be lower and the calculated specific gravity will be higher. Errors such as air entrapped in
the sample, loss of material when transferring pans and incorrect balance calibration in the
apparatus are also possible.

4. Things Learned from the Experiment

The researchers discovered that the specific gravity of fine aggregate ranges from 2.65 to
2.67 and for most construction projects, the accepted value for specific gravity ranges from 2.5 to
3.0 with an average of about 2.68 which is higher than the average specific gravity acquired
during the experiment. This means that the sample that was tested during the experiment is not
the best choice for certain construction projects. In addition to that, specific gravity can also be
an indicator of the strength of the aggregates. Aggregates that have higher specific gravity are
generally considered to have higher strength and lower specific gravity will indicate weaker
strength in aggregates.

5. References
Kearsley, E., & Wainwright, P. (2001). Porosity and permeability of foamed concrete. Cement

and Concrete Research, 31(5), 805-812.

Penn State Engineering. (n.d.). Moisture content.


6. Group Members Contributions

Aguilar - Objectives and Procedure

Comendador - Conclusion
Guillermo - Introduction
Isip - Conclusion
Seno - Learnings

Group Members Evaluation

Evaluator Group Members (Surname, First Grade
name M.I.)

Aguilar, 1. Comendador, Jan Josef G. 100%

John Jose
2. Guillermo, Lenard Jan C. 100%
3. Isip, Julia Angela R. 100%

5. Seno, Raphael Matthew T. 100%

Evaluator Group Members (Surname, First Grade

name M.I.)

Comendador, 1. Aguilar, John Jose 100%

Jan Josef G.
2. Guillermo, Lenard Jan C. 100%

3. Isip, Julia Angela R. 100%

4. Seno, Raphael Matthew T. 100%

Evaluator Group Members (Surname, First Grade

name M.I.)

Guillermo, 1. Aguilar, John Jose 100%

Lenard Jan
C. 2. Comendador, Jan Josef G. 100%

3. Isip, Julia Angela R. 100%

5. Seno, Raphael Matthew T. 100%

Evaluator Group Members (Surname, First Grade

name M.I.)

Isip, Julia 1. Aguilar, John Jose 100%

Angela R.
2. Comendador, Jan Josef G. 100%

3. Guillermo, Lenard Jan C. 100%

5. Seno, Raphael Matthew T. 100%

Evaluator Group Members (Surname, First Grade
name M.I.)

Seno, 1. Aguilar, John Jose 100%

Matthew T. 2. Comendador, Jan Josef G. 100%

3. Guillermo, Lenard Jan C. 100%

5. Isip, Julia Angela R. 100%

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