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Muriati Mukhtar Awaluddin Mohamed Shaharoun
Department of Industrial Computing Mohd Shariff Nabi Baksh
Faculty of Technology and Informatiuon Science Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
43600 UKM, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia Locked Bag 791, 80990 Johor Baharu, Malaysia.

KEYWORDS chain management principles advocates close

Supply Chain, Buyer-Supplier Relationships, collaboration among all supply chain players.
Constructs, Simulation. The practice however, is far from the theory
especially where resources and trust are scarce
ABSTRACT and the winner takes all attitudes still prevails.
A supply chain can be defined as a set of This atmosphere of distrust and wariness among
relationships among suppliers, manufacturers, players in the supply chain is still prevalent even
distributors and retailers that facilitates the more so in a developing economy and in certain
transformation of raw materials into final industries (Gules et al. 1997; Mudambi and
products. As such any examination of a supply Helper 1998). Hence the types of supply chain
chain system cannot be divorced from the relationships that exist usually falls in between
consideration of the types of relationships that arms lengths negotiation to full collaboration or
exist between the players in the chain. Such integration. Another development is the
strategic analysis will also help supply chain consideration of power exerted by certain players
members in deciding who to partner with and in a supply chain. This type of relationship is
what type of relationship would be most useful especially prevalent in the automobile industry
for the player or the supply chain. Although (Maloni and Benton 2000). As such power is
supply chain management principles advocate another variable that gives rise to yet another
close collaboration among all supply chain consideration in supply chain relationships.
players this is far from the practice especially There is thus a need to explore the impact of
where resources and trust are scarce and the such relationship profiles or relationship
winner takes all attitude prevails. The question of structures on supply chain performance.
whether to integrate or not to integrate and with
whom can be discussed by investigating effects SUPPLY CHAIN RELATIONSHIP
and trade-offs from such a venture. Other factors STRUCTURES
like the impact of the existence and position of a
powerful player in the chain can also be Utilizing the concept of supply chain structure
investigated. discussed in Mukhtar et al. (2001) we will now
This paper discusses the issues pertaining to the discuss the concept of relationship structure.
incorporation of buyer-supplier relationships in There are of course various variables that
supply chain models and the representation of contribute or define the type of relationship
such relationships in the simulation of supply between the players in the supply chain. These
chains. include formalization, intensity, frequency,
standardization and reciprocity (Chow et al.
1995). A combination of these variables will
INTRODUCTION give rise to various different buyer–supplier
relationship structures be it collaborative or arms
length type of relationships.
A supply chain is made up of many players, each Supply chain management literature abounds
with specific roles in converting raw materials with evidence of how close collaborative
into finished goods to meet customer relationships will enhance or benefit the supply
requirements. The type of relationship that exists chain. (Scott and Westbrook 1991) emphasize
between and among these players holds the key that the scope for supply chain enhancement will
to the success of the supply chain. Hence supply depend on the nature of the supplier relations in

Proceedings 14th European Simulation Symposium

A. Verbraeck, W. Krug, eds. (c) SCS Europe BVBA, 2002
Figure 1: Relationship Profiles

Buyer Buyer
Buyer dominated
dominance dominated
length collaboration

Arms True
Symmetrical Length collaboration

Supplier Supplier
dominance dominated

Low High

the chain of which the closeness of the terms. This would enable us to then investigate
relationship is one of two defining factors. the tradeoffs or effects of such types of
(Pilling and Zhang 1992) stated that long-term relationship structures on supply chain
cooperation appears to produce more net benefits performance. With this in mind, in this section
for the exchange partners than are available from we will propose a stylised method of interpreting
traditional competition-based arrangements. and incorporating the relationship profiles into a
These benefits often enhanced the competitive simulation model.
position of both the manufacturer and supplier, Simulation is one of the most popular tools
resulting in a win-win situation. employed in the operational analysis of supply
Recent research (Maloni and Benton 2000; Cox chains. The existence of various supply chain
2001) uncovers the role of power and how it simulation studies (Hieta 1998; Bagchi et al.
affects the relationship strengths and hence the 1998;Ingalls and Kasales 1999; Archibald et al.
performance of the supply chain. Hence, power 1999; van der Vorst et al. 2000), are testimony to
is a variable that cannot be ignored in the this effect. This type of analysis is valuable as
consideration of buyer-supplier relationships in companies and supply chains are always trying
the supply chain. With this in mind, and taking to continually improve their performance. In
note of the fact that a supply chain relationship addition to this type of analysis we feel that
might be anywhere in the continuum of arms simulation can be used as a tool to investigate or
length to full collaboration, the two variables i.e corroborate the claims made by the conceptual
power and degrees of collaboration, can give rise literature for example (Piling and Zhang 1992
to particular relationship structures as shown in and Spekman et al. 1998), purporting the
Figure 1. benefits and tradeoffs of the different types of
buyer-supplier relationships. In this respect the
conceptual literature can be used as a source for
RELATIONSHIP MODELLING indicators that characterize certain types of
CONSTRUCTS relationship. For example, Spekman et al (1998)
listed high levels of information sharing together
The relationship structures described in the with trust and commitment as indicators of a
previous section are abstract qualitative close collaborative relationship.
concepts. It would be beneficial if such concepts
could be interpreted or expressed in quantitative
This is utilised for example, by Gavirneni (2001) ordering patterns of the retailer and true demand
who used information pertaining to inventory patterns of the retailer’s customers.
levels and the willingness of the retailer to However, besides inventory levels and demand
transfer its inventories as indicators of information, other types of information can be
cooperative behaviour. The author considered shared in the supply chain. Lee and Whang
three models, which represented three levels of (2000) described various types of shared
cooperation. In the first model of no co- information including: Inventory levels, sales
operation, he assumed that, there is no data, order status for tracking, sales forecast,
information sharing between the retailers and the production/delivery schedule, performance
supplier. In this case the only information metrics and capacity information. Besides
available to the supplier is via the orders placed information, speculative and postponement
by the retailers. In the second model the author behaviour can also be considered when
assumed that there is some cooperation in the modelling supply chain relationship behaviour.
supply chain. Here, in addition to the orders Postponement and speculative supply chain
placed by the retailers, the supplier also received strategies (Pagh and Cooper 1998) can be used to
information on the current inventory levels of the represent power variables in a supply chain
retailers. In the third and final model, the author (Mitra 1997). In addition we can also consider
further extends the assumptions made in the five areas where power can be exercised in a
second model to include the possibility of supply chain namely pricing control, inventory
transfer of inventory from one retailer to another. control, operations control, channel structure
This they contend represents complete control and information control (Munson et al.
cooperation in the supply chain. Xu et al (2001) 2000). Incorporating these considerations we
contends that a successful implementation of a could then develop various constructs to
coordination program means that the represent the different relationship profiles. For
manufacturer gains equal access to the retailer’s example, we can represent the types of
actual demand information, adopts a one forecast relationship in Figure 1 by using sharing of
policy for both parties and determines the order demand information as an indicator of
releases for both parties. This is in contrast to the collaborative behaviour and the choice of
case where there is no collaboration. In such postponement or speculation strategies as an
cases the manufacturer relies on historical order indicator of power. An example of these types of
data from the retailer to predict both future constructs is depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2:Relationship Constructs

Relationship profile Sample Constructs

• Collaborative (supplier • Sharing of demand information

dominance) (*) Supplier uses the information to
forecast, speculate and push
products to buyer
• Sharing of demand information
• Collaborative (buyer dominance) Supplier forecast based on
information; makes product;
delivers product on signal from
buyer (logistic postponement)
• Sharing of demand information;
• True Collaboration buyer and supplier conducts joint
forecasting and decides jointly on
time and size of delivery

• Arms Length • No information sharing;

production based on orders
Figure 3: Supply Chain Structure Scenarios Simulation Framework

Map the physical variables

Map the relational 2a. Current supply chain

1.Identify the scope of the study: variables structure
product, product pipeline or
Map the spatial
3. Identify possible strategic options by identifying
changes to the spatial/relational/physical variables
2b. Identifying Contextual Variables

4. Supply chain structure


5. Model and simulate supply chain Evaluate performance of supply

structure scenarios including original chain structure scenarios

New supply chain structures

The choice of constructs is obviously not unique REFERENCES

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