Collocation: Place. Temperature Quickly and Easily Using A

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Can everyone go ahead and take a seat,

take a seat Tìm một chỗ ngồi
and let's get started.
Never, ever take a taxi from the Sài
take a taxi Đón một chiếc taxi
Gòn Airport.
Ngọc has to take an exam but she
take an exam Đi kiểm tra
doesn't know any of the answers!
Students use laptops or pen and paper
take notes Ghi chú
to take notes.
take someone's Someday someone's going to take your
Thế chỗ ai đó
place place.
You can take someone's
take someone's
Đo nhiệt độ của ai đó temperature quickly and easily using a


Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples - Ví dụ

make preparations Chuẩn bị Any intelligent person must make
preparations for the future.
Once you make a decision, the universe
make a decision Ra một quyết định
conspires to make it happen.
Scientists make a discovery to boost
make a discovery Khám phá ra
drug development.
You can make a call from your Gmail
make a call Làm 1 cú điện thoại
Let's just make a noise before someone
make a noise Lên tiếng hay làm ồn
else gets hurt.
It is better to say nothing than to make a
make a promise Hứa một điều gì
promise and not keep it.
make a complaint Phàn nàn, khiếu nại You can make a complaint over the
phone, by email or in writing.
My advice is to stop worrying about it
make an effort Nổ lực, gắng hết sức
and make an effort.
make a comment Cho một lời bình I want to make a comment on ANCNV.
make a suggestion Đưa ra một đề nghị May I make a suggestion?
First, I must make a list of all the things
make a list Làm một danh sách
I need to do.
Let's make a connection and have a
make a connection Tạo một kết nối
make a difference Tạo nên mô ̣t sự khác Together, we can make a difference.
biê ̣t
Give it a try, but don't make a mess of it
make a mess Làm hư hay dơ bẩn
- Sandy made a mess of the kitchen.
When you make a mistake, your boss
make a mistake Gây ra lỗi
will be watching you closely.
It is possible to make money from home
make money Làm ra tiền
if you have the right set of skills.
Why do some people make progress and
make progress Đạt được sự tiến bô ̣
others don't?
Make room for Vinnie. He needs a place
make room Tạo ra chỗ trống
to sit - I'll make room for this package.
China makes trouble with Vietnam in
make trouble Gây rắc rối
South China Sea.

Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples – Ví dụ

do damage Làm thiê ̣t hại/hư hại Unsupervised TV watching would do
damage to the child.
He tried to do research on the language
do research Nghiên cứu
of bees.
Làm mô ̣t viê ̣c tốt She did justice to our side in the
do justice
contract negotiations.
Làm tổn thương/tổn Dogs are capable of doing harm to
do harm
hại human beings.
do business Làm ăn/kinh doanh I found them very easy to do business
do nothing Không làm gì cả I can't just sit at home and do nothing.
do someone a favor Làm ơn hay giúp ai Can you do me a favor?
do the cooking Làm bếp I always do the cooking around here.
I always help my mom to do the
do the housework Làm viêc̣ nhà
do the shopping Mua sắm/ đi chợ I often do the shopping in the evenings.
do your best Làm hết sức mình You must do the best for your health.
do your hair Làm tóc You can do your hair after a shower.
do your homework Làm bài tâ ̣p về nhà You must do your homework every
Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples - Ví dụ
1. Bị đau đầu 1. Some people never have a
2. Bị làm phiền headache.
have a headache
2. Go away! I'm having a
I had an operation on my right foot
have an operation Giải phẫu
four weeks ago.
They decided to have a baby. - She's
have a baby Có em bé.
having a baby.
We're going to have a party. - Let's
have a party Tổ chức mô ̣t bữa tiê ̣c
have a party!
have breakfast An sáng/ăn điểm tâm They are having breakfast now.
have fun Vui vẻ, vui chơi Let's have fun with English!
My employer refuse to let me have a
have a break Nghỉ mê ̣t, thư giãn
have a drink Uống rượu Let's go out and have a drink.
Have a good time! - I hope you have a
have a good time Đi chơi vui vẻ nhé
good time at the beach.
Gă ̣p trở ngại/rắc rối
have a problem I do have a problem with alcohol.

have a relationship Có quan hê ̣ tình It's wrong to have a relationship with
cảm/tình yêu a close relative.
have lunch Ăn trưa He's having lunch with me.
I have no sympathy for students who
have sympathy Sự thương cảm
get caught cheating in exams.
Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples – Ví dụ
break a habit Phá vỡ mô ̣t thói quen Thumb sucking can be a difficult
habit for a child to break.
Chúc may mắn Let's all go and do our best. Break a
break a leg
Thất hứa I know it is a bad thing to break a
break a promise
The league record was broken after
break a record
Phá vỡ kỷ lục thirty years.
Tháo gỡ mô ̣t vâ ̣t ra
break free I broke the gun free from her grasp.
khỏi mô ̣t vâ ̣t khác
break someone's Làm cho ai đó đau It breaks my heart to see him so
heart khổ unhappy.
He tried to break the ice, but she was a
break the ice Phá vỡ sự im lă ̣ng
little cold.
Phạm pháp/ phỡ vỡ If you never break the law, you will
break the law
luâ ̣t pháp never get arrested.
Đưa tin tức khẩn, tin I hate to break the news, but you're
break the news
xấu fired.
Phá vỡ quy định, quy Some people break a few rules, others
break the rules
tắc break all of them.
Collocations Meaning - Nghia Examples - Vi du
get a job Xin viê ̣c To get a job, write your story instead
of a resume.
Vinnie would never get angry at
get angry Nổi giâ ̣n, nổi nóng
anything or anybody.
The city where couples are most likely
get divorced Ly hôn
to get divorced.
She gets frightened when he shouts at
get frightened Bị khiếp sợ, kinh hãi
Have a great time and get home safely
get home Trở về nhà
without any problems.
1. Follow the path, or you might get
1. Lạc đường lost.
get lost
2. Đi đi, cút đi 2. Stop bothering me. Get lost! - Get
lost! Leave me alone.
Before you can get married in Florida,
get married Kết hôn
you need a Marriage License.
How do I get permission to use
get permission Xin phép
content on your website?
Once you stop using birth control, you
get pregnant mang thai/có bầu
can get pregnant at any time.
Are you ready, Sandy? I got ready for
get ready Chuẩn bị sẵn sàng
get started Bắt tay vào viê ̣c It's almost ten o'clock. Let's get
Có ấn tượng/có cảm I don't want you to get the wrong
get the impression
giác như impression.
Được tin nhắn/hiểu Okay, I get the message - you want to
get the message
rồi be alone.
Khó chịu, thất vọng, Please don't get upset over minor
get upset
lo lắng setbacks.
get wet Bị ướt If you use a raincoat, you won't get
Try not to get worried. Don't let them
get worried L o l ắ n g
upset you.
Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples – Ví dụ
catch a ball Chụp/bắt bóng He can catch the ball before it hits the
Most people will catch a cold two to
catch a cold Bị ốm/cảm lạnh
four times a year.
Đón xem mô ̣t bô ̣
catch a movie Want to catch a movie tonight?
Bắt xe lửa Hey dude, I gotta go catch a train, I'll
catch a train
see you later
Tóm cổ tên lừa đảo
catch a crook It takes a crook to catch a crook
Bắt xe buýt
catch a bus I saw a man trying to catch a bus.
You can catch a chill from being out
catch a chill Gă ̣p lạnh
in the cold
The best person to catch a thief is
catch a thief Bắt trô ̣m
another thief.
catch fire Bắt lửa, bị cháy Her clothes catch fire while cooking.
Bắt gă ̣p bóng dáng I caught sight of the bird just before it
catch sight of
vâ ̣t gì đó flew out of sight.
catch someone's Gây sự chú ý với ai Lots of girls will show a little leg to
attention đó catch a guy's attention.
A beautiful girl passing by caught his
catch someone's eye Bắt mắt ai đó
catch the flu Bị cúm People can catch the flu every year.
come close Đến gần He came close to her, but she ran
Đến với đầy đủ tất Our machines come complete with a
comes complete with
cả ten-year warranty.
Parking is limited, so come early to
come early Đến sớm
enjoy the fireworks.
Đến trước hoặc ưu Which comes first, your customers or
come first
tiên your employees?
A large herd of elephants came into
come into view Đến trong tầm mắt
view in the distance.
Never put them first, if you always
come last Đến sau cùng
come last.
come late Đến trể He doesn't always come late.
come on time Đến đúng giờ He had come on time.
Đến có chuẩn bị /sẵn
come prepared We must always come prepared.
I'll come right back and give you a
come right back Trở lại ngay
Đi đến một sự thỏa Coming to a compromise can be
come to a compromise
hiệp incredibly difficult.
come to a decision Đi đến quyết định Have you come to a decision yet?
come to an agreement Đi đến thỏa thuận They have come to an agreement.
The celebration came to an end about
come to an end Đi đến kết thúc
Đi đến một bế tắc The accident caused traffic to come to
come to a standstill
nào đó a standstill on the freeway.
Đến với hay nhìn She's never really come to terms with
come to terms with
nhận sự thật her son's death.
Vietnamese boats come under attack
come under attack Bị tấn công
in South China Sea.

Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples - Ví dụ

go abroad Đi ra nước ngoài As Vietnam's women go abroad,
dads tend the home.
1. We went astray but a man
1. Đi lạc đường, redirected us.
2. Lạc lối (đúng và 2. Parents must do more to ensure
go astray
sai) teens do not go astray.
3. Thất lạc 3. The money seems to have gone
It's almost midnight, and we must go
go to bed Đi ngủ
to bed.
Bị hói đầu, cạo hết Many men go bald because of an
go bald
tóc inherited condition.
go bankrupt Khai phá sản When you go bankrupt you will get a
bankruptcy trustee
Bị mù mắt/không biết The disease made her go blind in one
go blind
đúng sai. eye.
Trở nên khùng, phát Don't go crazy trying to find the right
go crazy
điên. words
Bị điếc, không nghe He was trying to hang on to his
go deaf
được. hearing in fear of going deaf.
Đi câu cá, bị khùng,
go fishing He's definitely gone fishing.
nghỉ mệt
Phát điên, phát khùng I would go mad if I had to stay in bed
go mad
lên. for three weeks.
Two people went missing while
go missing Mất tích, thất lạc
swimming at Hoàng Kiếm Lake.
Children go to school on foot (/walk
go on foot Đi bộ, đì bằng chân
to school)
Lên mạng; vào trực
go online I need to go online every single day.
Việc làm ăn thua lỗ I have to work hard to keep from
go out of business
bị đóng cửa going out of business.
Many more people go overseas these
go overseas Đi ra nước ngoài
days .
When we woke up this morning,
go sailing Đi thả thuyền buồm paradise seemed to demand that we
go sailing.
Tranh giành, đánh What happens to the US when
go to war
nhau Vietnam goes to war with China?

Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples - Vi du

keep a diary Giữ một nhật ký I have kept a diary since the age of
Three can keep a secret, if two of
keep a secret Giữ một bí mật
them are dead.
If you can't keep a promise then don't
keep a promise Giữ một lời hứa
make one.
If you are unable to keep an
keep an appointment Giữ một cái hẹn appointment, please notify us within
24 hours.
Now keep calm everyone, the police
keep calm Giữ bình tĩnh
are on their way.
keep control Giữ kiểm soát U.S. should keep control of Internet.
When friends move away, it's hard to
keep in touch Giữ liên lạc
keep in touch with them.
if they keep quiet, the stones will cry
keep quiet Giữ yên lặng
Giữ tiền lẻ - tiền thối Here's five dollars, and keep the
keep the change
lại change.

Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples – Ví dụ

pay a fine Nộp tiền phạt I'd rather pay a fine than apologize.
Vinnie, pay attention to what you're
pay attention Chú ý
You may choose to pay by credit
pay by credit card Trả bằng thẻ tín dụng
card. instead of cash or check.
Should I finance or pay cash for a
pay cash Trả bằng tiền mặt
They must pay interest on the money
pay interest Trả tiền lời
that they borrow.
pay a compliment Cho một lời khen I wanna pay a compliment to
Please pay a visit to our house
pay a visit Thăm viếng
whenever you are in town.
pay the bill Thanh toán chi phí You can pay the bill online.
Oh, my head! I am paying the price
pay the price Trả một cái giá đắt
for drinking too much last night.

Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples – Ví dụ

save energy Tiết kiệm năng lượng One of the easiest ways to save
energy is to use your body properly.
You'll be more likely to save money
save money Để dành tiền
if you make it a priority.
Animals have to save their strength,
save one's strength Để dành sức mạnh and wait for the perfect moment to
strike at their prey.
Sandy, you just make sure to save
save someone a seat Dành một chỗ ngồi
me a seat at the table.
I have donated my blood to save
save someone's life Cứu mạng sống
someone's life.
save something to a Ghi vào ổ cứng Once you've entered all the code,
disk save the code to a disk
save space Để dành chỗ Roll your clothes to save space.
save time Tiết kiệm thời gian Buy online and save time and
save yourself the Tránh được rắc rối Save yourself the trouble and don't
trouble stay here!!.

Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples - Ví dụ

a big accomplishment Một thành quả lớn Graduating high school was a big
accomplishment for me.
a big decision Một quyết định lớn Ngọc has a big decision to make.
Your odyssey of hope is nothing
a big disappointment Một sự thất vọng lớn
but a big disappointment.
I believe that multiculturalism is a
a big failure Một thất bại lớn
big failure.
There's been a big improvement in
a big improvement Một cải tiến lớn
the children's behaviour.
a big mistake Một lỗi lớn Voting for Obama was a big
a big surprise Một ngạc nhiên lớn Life is a big surprise.
Người ăn nhiều, ham I am not a big eater, but I can't lose
a big eater
ăn weight.
a big dreamer Người mơ ước lớn I am a big dreamer and my dreams
turn to reality a lot of the times.
Người uống rượu như I am not a big drinker, but when I
a big drinker
hũ chìm go out I like Heineken.
Người xài tiền như Man, I'm a big spender and I got
a big spender
nước money all in my pocket.
a big talker Người ba hoa khoác That dude over there is a big
lác talker.

Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples – Ví dụ

great admiration Rất ngưỡng mộ I have great admiration for him.
A man of great anger will bear the
great anger Quá phẫn nộ
great enjoyment Sự thích thú lớn Hunting is his greatest enjoyment.
The news caused great excitement
great excitement Sự phấn khích lớn
among her friends.
Video games are great fun for kids
great fun Thú vui lớn/tuyệt vời
and adults as well!
Only love can bring peace and
great happiness Sự hanh phúc lớn
great happiness in this world.
Your love has given me great joy
great joy Niềm vui lớn
and encouragement.
We have explained that in great
in great detail Hết sức chi tiết
Knowledge is a great power. Do
great power Quyền lực rất lớn
you agree with me?
great pride Niềm tự hào lớn She took great pride in her sons.
He handled the situation with
great sensitivity Sự nhạy cảm cao
great sensitivity.
You don't need great skill to be a
great skill Kỹ năng cao
great artist.
great strength Sức mạnh lớn lao Sacrifice gives us great strength.
Whoever is patient has great
great understanding Sự hiểu biết sâu rộng
understanding, but one who is
quick-tempered displays folly.
Our present intellectual
superiority is no guarantee of
great wisdom Trí tuệ cao rộng great wisdom or

Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples – Ví dụ

a large amount một số lượng lớn I am getting a large amount of
money in my saving account.
Vinnie has a large collection of
a large collection một sưu tập lớn
famous love quotes and sayings.
Vinnie catches a large number of
a large number (of) một số lượng lớn
fish every day.
Why'd China develop such a
a large population một lượng dân số lớn
large population?
Water covers a large proportion
a large proportion một phần/tỷ lệ lớn
of the earth's surface.
A large quantity of heroin was
a large quantity một số lượng lớn
discovered by police.
When planning a large scale
a large scale một quy mô lớn event there are many more issues
to keep in mind.

Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples – Ví dụ

strong argument tranh luận mạnh mẽ After making a strong argument,
let your opponent do all the
There is a strong emphasis on
strong emphasis chú trọng mạnh mẽ
math and science at the school.
Doctors now have strong
strong evidence bằng chứng mạnh mẽ evidence that colonoscopies save
Chiaroscuro in art is the use of
strong contrast sự tương phản mạnh strong contrasts between light
and dark.
The boss noticed her strong
strong commitment sự cam kết chắc chắn
commitment to her work.
Vinnie has faced some strong
strong criticism chỉ trích nặng nề
criticism from Vietnam lately.
The government has issued a
a strong denial Một từ chối mạnh mẽ strong denial of responsibility
for the mistake.
I have a strong feeling that I was
a strong feeling một cảm giác mạnh
born in the wrong body.
Vinnie has a strong opinion on
a strong opinion một ý kiến mạnh mẽ
almost every topic.
Vietnam shows strong
strong resistance sự kháng cự mạnh
resistance against China.
Durian has a strong smell and a
a strong smell một mùi quá nặng
unique taste.
Fish sauce has a strong taste and
a strong taste một mùi vị mạnh mẽ
smell bad.

Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples - Vi du

deep depression trầm cảm sâu I went through a period of deep
depression and fear of
Uncle Vinnie has a deep
deep devotion sự tận tâm sâu đậm devotion for learning and close
ties to his students.
in a deep sleep trong một giấc ngủ say Her baby is in a deep sleep.
It seems like you're in deep
in deep thought trầm tư suy nghĩ thought, but actually just
thinking about food.
in deep trouble bị rắc rối lớn After three months in Vietnam,
I found myself in deep trouble.

Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples – Ví dụ

heavy rain Mưa lớn, mưa nặng Watch out for heavy
rain showers and
later today.
Heavy snow can immobilize a
heavy snow Tuyết rơi lớn, rơi nặng
region and paralyze a city.
Heavy fog caused a big
heavy fog Sương mù dày đặc slowdown during the rush hour
A female heavy drinker is
a heavy drinker Nghiện rượu nặng someone who has 8 or more
drinks a week.
A heavy smokers is someone
a heavy smoker Nghiện thuốc lá nặng who has more than 15
cigarettes per day.
Jack was suspected to have
a heavy drug user Người nghiện ma túy nặng been a heavy drug user before
he died.
Heavy traffic expected this
heavy traffic Kẹt xe nặng
holiday weekend.
People were fed up with
heavy taxes Đánh thuế nặng the heavy taxes levied against
Collocations Meaning - Nghĩa Examples - Ví dụ
hold a party tổ chức một bữa tiệc Sandy plans to hold a party
for her friends
We'll have to hold a meeting
hold a meeting tổ chức một cuộc họp
to make a decision.
Coca-Cola will hold a
hold a conference tổ chức một hội đàm conference call and webcast at
8:00 a.m.
tổ chức một cuộc phỏng They find a suitable venue to
hold a job interview
vấn việc làm hold a job interview.
Đà Nẵng will hold an election
hold an election tổ chức một cuộc bầu cử to choose the mayor and
If you think I’m coming back
don’t hold your breath.
nín thở để chờ đợi một điều
hold your breath (Nếu anh nghĩ rằng em sẽ trở
gì sắp đến
lại với anh có lẽ sẽ không xảy
ra đâu.)
If you hold your own, you are
tự đứng vững trong mọi as successful as other people
hold your own
tình huống khó in a situation.

Something takes a hold of me,

something I can't believe.
bị kiểm soát hoàn toàn bởi (Cái gì đó nó nhập vào tôi,
something takes hold
cái gì đó điều gì đó tôi không thể tin -
như ma
Does this rule hold true all the
hold true được giữ đúng
Yes, it holds true no matter
I like nothing better than a
không có giới hạn hoặc fight with no holds barred.
no holds barred
kiểm soát
He holds a point of view.

hold a point of view Giữ vững 1 quan điểm

He has the right to hold an

hold an opinion Có một ý kiến opinion.

China, Vietnam ministers to

hold talks tổ chức hội đàm hold talks on anti-China riots.

The boring teacher could not

hold somebody's
giữ được sự chú ý của ai đó hold the students' attention.

The man was too drunk to

hold a conversation có một cuộc trò chuyện hold a conversation.

County school board will hold

hold discussions tổ chức sự bàn luận discussions Tuesday night.

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