Part 1. Describe An Ideal House/apartment Where You Would Like To Live in The Future

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Part 1. Describe an ideal house/apartment where you would like to live in the future.
Everyone has lot of dreams about their house. I too have. Now I’m living in a small house in
a small town of Dong Thap province. So in the future, when I have enough money, I want to
bulid an own house.My dream house will be a villa by the seaside in Phu Quoc because I
enjoy seeing the lovely and charming the beauty of sunrises and sunsets. It is not neccessarily
a large house, as long as it fits my style and character. the exterior of house should be painted
in grey and white. My house will be in the middle and the garden and the yard will around.
Absolutely , the yard will filled with full flowers such as roses, tulip, fruits, oganic vegetables
and green trees so every morning I have a reason to wake up early to water and feed them.
There will a table for morning or evening tea, for BBQ parties, and of course there will have
a big swimming pool on the roof of the house, it will be surrounded by glasses so every
morning or evening you can swim and enjoy the sunrises and sunsets.
My house will be a glass house which has 3 floor. First floor will be a living room and
kitchen room. Because I like cooking so I want kitchen will be big and full of modern
technologies such as washing machine, owen,… On the second floor, this will a resting place,
I want to live with my parents so there will at least 3 bedroom on this floor. And the final
floor will a relaxing and ancestor worship place. It must have karaoke room, movies room
and gym room. And of course, my room will face with sea and have a balcony with full of
roses flowers so that when I feel stress I’ll go there to breath the fresh air and see the beach at
night. This house would definitely /đé-phơ-nợt-li/ be my dream house where I want to live
with all my close and loved ones sometime in the future. I know it’s not easy to have such a
perfect house, but I’ll try my best to make every piece of my dream come true. And hopefully
I’ll be able to share this dream world with my significant other, because you know, nothing is
scarier than loneliness.
What do you think are the differences between living in the city and living in the
Well, There are numberous differences but I cannot enumerate all of them, instead,i will be
talking abot the most obvious ones. First, in terms of city living, the convenience is
incomparable-useful facilities such as hospitals,transportations system, various shops,schools,
among others in which the countryside lack is what the city people enjoy.
Secod, many job opportunities are available in the city than in the countryside wherein jog is
limited to agriculture.On the other hand, living in country is way refreshing and calming
since pollution is near to impossible, that is what the city comes short.
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you played an outdoor game with others
An outdoor game? hmm. This topic made me thought about my childhood.
Dating back to my secodary school , exactly when i was in grade 7. I
remembered clearly that I had 30 minutes to break time. My friend , of course
including me always thought what should we play? Play hide and seek,jumping
rope or mandaring square capturing, and so on. However, one outdoor game
which was close to my heart as a child was football.Maybe you will think why I
am a girt that I liked playing football,hihi. Simply, when we were a kid, we
didnt distinguish which games for boy, which games for girl, we just played for
Every break time, my friend and me gathered in
the schoolyard and divided into 2 teams. The match was very fierce.  Because
We were kids with enthusiasm, we played our best and always wanted to win
for the team.  22 people tried to get the ball and put it in the goal.  30 minutes
was so short with enthusiastic children. All were tired but noone wanted to stop.
30 minutes gradually passed in the regret of the playful children
Although I played football every break time, every time I played I still feel like
the first, always be enthusiastic and dedicated. However, now thati am mature, I
keep trying to find that feeling again, but I can't. because the enthusiasm and
eagerness to fight is gone. What's more, I can't play with my friends anymore.
Soanyway, that was an occasion when I played an outdoor game with my
sweatie friends.
1. Would you say people spend more time outdoors today than they did,
say, 20 years ago?
I don’t really think so. Now with so many modern conveniences there’s less
need of work- outdoors; There are so many offices and indoor jobs, now
that’s almost considered “low class” to do manual labor or work outside.
Most middle-class working people do not get sufficient amounts of exercise,
and as a result are weak and more prone to sickness.
2. Are there any outdoor activities that many people used to do but which
most people don’t do now?
One of the main ones that I can think of is walking people still walk, but not in
the same proportion that they used to years ago. Walking used to be the main
source of travel, unless you could afford a horse, donkey, or mule. But now with
cars, buses, and the internet, people do a lot less walking to get to work, the
store, or wherever they need to go.
3. What are the most popular outdoor activities in your country ?
Many people enjoy playing badminton, riding bicycles, and walking. Some
sports that have been adopted from other cultures are also popular, such as
basketball, tennis, and track sports. One outdoor activity that most people, both
old and young like is table tennis, it is a national sport in our country so it’s not
really surprising that so many people enjoy playing it.
4. Do old and young people like doing the same kinds of activities
It really depends on the people playing sports, because some old people are very
strong and can keep up with the younger ones quite well. But for the most part
old people generally don’t exert themselves physically as much us the younger
ones do. They’d much rather take a walk or play badminton than climb a
mountain or play a full-court game of basketball.
5. Describe an outdoor activity that you would like to try for the first
I would like to start in a simple manner. I’m interested in walking.  I see a lot of
adverts about walking groups on social media. So I’m soon planning to join a
group and try walking.
6. Describe an outdoor activity that you did for the first time?
My company had organised a marathon and all of us were asked to participate. I
agreed reluctantly. But as I took part in the event, I started to enjoy it. It charged
me up so much that I became fond of marathons.
7. What outdoor activities do you like to do?
I like to do a variety of outdoor activities ranging from gardening, bird-
watching, hiking, horse-riding to playing tennis, cricket and basketball.
8. Describe an outdoor activity that you enjoy doing in your free time?
(0r) Describe your favourite outdoor activity? (0r) Talk about your
favourite outdoor activity?
I go trekking. I prefer ones that last for a day. I’m also part of an adventure club
which organises many trips to the nearby forest areas and mountains. We go in
groups and it is lots of fun.
9. Do you like outdoor activities?
Yes, I do. I prefer ones which involve a lot of people. I play cricket and tennis.
So I participate in the games organized by the local club in which I’m a
10.What do you think are some of the differences between working
outdoors, compared to say, working in an office ?
If you’re always indoors then you’ll get weak and sick easily; whereas if you
work outside then you’re getting fresh air and sunshine, which are two things
that everyone needs to stay healthy. If you’re working outdoors, then you’ll
probably be much more physically fit and a whole lot stronger than if you’re
sitting at your desk all day. Of course, if you don’t have a balanced life then you
are bound to have complications, and if you don’t spend at least a few hours on
your computer every day you might not be able to sleep at night.
11.Do people in your country prefer to work indoors or outdoors ?
Most people prefer working inside to working outside. They’ve had to work
outdoors for so many years that it’s a relief to work inside. I think that a
common mentality is that if you work outdoors you’re low class and can’t do
anything else. This might be true in some cases, but I’m not sure that it’s true
with everyone.
12.If you had to choose an outdoor job, what would you choose to do ?
I would probably choose a job where you have to exert yourself physically.
Maybe I’d work on a farm or some job like that, although I’d like to learn
carpentry. Oh, I know I’d work at a zoo cleaning the monkey’s cages. And
when I would have time off, I would go to the elephant cage and feed them
13.Why do some people prefer to work outdoors?
Outdoor work is interesting because one doesn’t get restricted inside office
premises. There is a sense of freedom. Also, one gets to see different people and
there is no chance of getting bored.
14.How do you think climate and the environment affect what activities
people do outdoors ?
If it’s really cold then you can’t do some of the things that you can when it’s
really hot. If you try to play basketball the ball won’t bounce so well because
the cold makes it flat. That’s why they have indoor basketball courts; they keep
it warm so that the ball can bounce and the teams can play without freezing. In
the cold climates you can skate, ski and snowboard, and in hot climates you
can surf, swim, and play football or basketball.
15.Do you think the air quality in your hometown has improved or
worsened in recent years ?
Improvement as far as air pollution is concerned is an impossibility,  the air has
steadily gotten worse at an alarming rate. Over the past few years more people
have gotten cars, more factories have been constructed, and the air has just
gotten worse. The sad thing is that, it is  slowly killing us all, and in a matter of
years we’ll all have bronchitis, or maybe tuberculosis—not a very pleasant
thought if you ask me.
16.Do you think it will be easy for the government to solve environmental
problems ?
It won’t just be hard, it will be almost impossible. As far as air pollution, the
government is fighting a losing battle: every time they pass new regulations or
set the standards higher something twisty happens. Like when the Russians
were conducting the safety tests at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, it blew
up in their faces. But they should definitely try to do their best to solve these
17.How do you think the environment in your hometown should be
If we had more trees and plants around the city then the air would be a lot
fresher. There needs to be some kind of quality control on vehicles that are
going around the city, some of those farm tractors are blowing out black smoke
that suffocates anybody who’s nearby. The sad thing is that people in my
hometown are so accustomed to the environment being bad that they don’t
really care about changing it; they just want to do what’s easiest, even if it
means mining their health and slowly killing themselves.

Part 3: Describe a piece of important news you got through a text message
Everyday I recieve tons of message on my mobile phone, most of them are for
advertising purposes and it is often delivered to rubbish after I read. But today, I
will tell you a piece of important news I got.
I was recieved this massege more than 1 year ago. I remembered clearly that I
was sitting on my sofa and enjoyed milk tea cup. My phone suddenly rang “ting
ting”, as usual, without a second thought, I thought It was an advertising
message. And even if I didnt want to see what the message was. But I didnt
know why, my intuition told me I had to see this message. Yeah, and I opened
my phone and saw the massege. Surprinsingly, this massege was sent from
UEF-my university.
At this moment, I couldnt believe in my eyes. The massage wrote
“congratulation on your admission to UEF”. Omg, my heart seemed to dance
and I screamed because I was so happy and because my dream came true.And
after that my mom and my dad came and shared this happiness with me. That
night, my mom cooked a hearty meal to congratulation to me.
I coudnt sleep that night and I reread this masege many times.And I still keep
this massage to this day because it was one of the most essential thing in my
1. Why do some people dislike sending text messages?
Some people dislike sending text messages because they feel that it is easier
and faster to call than typing a text message and then waiting for a reply.
Also, sometimes the text maybe misinterpreted and may lead to
2. What is the information that cannot be communicated via text
Information that is confidential shouldn’t be communicated through text
messages. Besides that, in situations that require conveying feelings,
emotions or a deeper meaning, only text messages cannot convey that and
need face-to-face interaction.
3. How do people in India deliver important information?
Important information in India is usually communicated through letters and
these days email communication has also become quite common to send
important information.
4. What do you think of traditional paper mails?
I think that the traditional paper mails still hold some value in today’s world
of technology.
There are people who are not very comfortable with technology and prefer
paper communication. There may also be people who still don’t have access
to technology, especially in remote areas. Also, for personal communication,
handwritten paper letters add a personal touch.
However, technology has made it faster, convenient, and easier to stay in
touch with our family and friends, irrespective of distance. It is also the
preferred mode for most official communication.
5. Do you think it is still a good way to deliver information using
traditional mails?
Yes, in certain cases, traditional mails are still a good way to deliver
information. There are
many people, for example, some elderly people, who are not comfortable
using technology, who prefer that official communication be sent to them in
the traditional way.
6. Have our ways to communicate with each other changed in recent
Yes, it certainly has. In the past, most of the communication happened
through handwritten or typed paper mails. However, now most of the
communication is electronic, through emails, chat apps, phone calls, videos
calls, etc.
7. What are the advantages of sending messages via social applications?
The main advantage of sending messages via social media is that people can
stay connected with their friends and relatives easily. It’s easy to contact
others and share information, news, and feelings. Audios, videos, and photos
can also be shared through such apps.

Part 4:Describe an experience when you travelled by public transport.

This is the first time I had travelledd alone by public transportation from my
hometown to HCM city.As my parents are very concerned about my security,
absoluteky, it is not safe for a girl to go far alone so it is natural for my parents
to get anxious about their child. However, I had to follow me go alone because I
would study university in HCM city and I have to go Sg many by myself.
I remember that journey was one year ago, that was the first day I came to and
started student’s life in SG. Everything was new with me.It takes 3 hours to go
from my hometown to hcm city by bus, It is to far so I decided to go by bus
because it is not safe to drive motorbike for a long distance.
The bus started at 7am. However, there were some problems with the bus so It
was delayed 30 minutes to repair it. So final, I started my journey at 7:30am. I
took a seat near window and got some snacks and listened to my favourite
songs.I chose seat near window because I like seeing everything appear and
pass quickly and melodious music in the ear ,It makes me comfortable and
relaxed.Moreover, when seating on bus, everything appear in my mind , about
my future, about new ideas, about family and so on. After 3 hours, finally I
arrived in sg. The journey was so smoothy and I was satisfied with this trip.
After this trip, I have some experiences for you. First of all, you need to go the
bus station on time or 15 to 30 minutes earlier because when you are late you
have to wait 1 to 2 hours in order to catch another bus. Second, you should be
careful with people on the bus, especially, persom who sit next to you. And I
think you should sit near female instead of a mele if you are a girl. Final, when
you use public transportation, you shouldnt wear jewelry. You need to be
careful with your luggage. Especially, when you go to the restroom, you have to
bring your phone, your money.
1.   How easy is it to travel around your country?

Normally it is easy to travel in my country, however, in the big cities, the traffic jam is
terrible in  rush hour because of private cars and motorbikes using. Therefore, I prefer using
public transportation like bus to my own bikes to commute from home to workplace.

2.    Which method of travel do you consider safest? Why?

Honestly travelling by planes is my cup of tea because I suppose it is safest. It has

own flight line in the sky and can avoid most of traffic crash as normal mode of
3.    Has travel become safer in recent years than that was in the past?

Thanks to the technology advancement, travelling is safer and more convenient than

previous time. The mechanicians fix all the mistakes of cars and bikes and make them even
easier to use. 

4.   What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel?

Obviously it will be easier for people to travel, especially the low-income people. However,

more flights can bring more air pollution because the current planes still use fossil
power to operate  like oil or gas.

5.   How do you think people will travel in the future?

I hope more environment – friendly vehicles will be invented in the future for travellers.

They can use them more frequently without concerning about the pollution. Moreover,
the automatic traffic such as automatic cars or flights will reduce people’s energy.

6.   Should  the  government  in  a  country  focus  more  on  rail  transports  or
road transports? Why?

The road transports  are overloaded   now so  I  think rail transports  will be a

suitable alternative. Moreover, rail transports seem to be much safer than the normal way and
they help avoid traffic jam.

Part 5: Describe an ideal job you would want to have in the future.
Being a girl living in my 20s, I strongly believe that I should choose a right path for my
career .For me, a good career is not only a job that can offer me a good income to afford my
living, but is enjoyable as well. That’s why I think a job in Marketing field will suit me well.
International business includes all commercial activities that take place to facilitate the cross-
border transfer of goods, services, resources, people, ideas and technology between countries.
International business graduates often join employers in sectors closely related to the subject,
such as marketing, HR, finance and sales.
Common employers include:

 banks
 management consultancies
 recruitment agencies
 technology companies.
To do this jobs we need to know some skills:

1. Communication Skills: Business professionals need to communicate with a variety of

audiences. They need to communicate in a variety of situations, as well
2. Analytical Skills: Analytical skills are also among the most valuable business skills
you can possess. In the business arena, you must be able to analyze situations quickly
and effectively,
3. Management and Leadership: Probably one of the most important qualities of a
good businessman is to have leadership skills. You need to make sure that
your employees are going to trust you and follow you and your decisions.
Daily responsibilities of IB: 
 Directing operational activities to create in-demand global products and
 Discussing company performance with other executives, staff, and board
members worldwide. 
 Negotiating and signing off on contractual agreements. 
 Assigning department heads and managers overseas. 
I think to do this job we need a lot of characteristics but now i will tell you three of them.  
 Firstly, Probably one of the most important qualities of a good businessman is
to have leadership skills. You need to make sure that
your employees are going to trust you and follow you and your decisions.
 Secondly, Be Persistent. Dont waste your time
on avoiding the failure. Busonessmen has to face
a lot of risks and failures.  Instead of avoiding it,
we should confront it confidently and resolutely.  Failure will teach us many good experie
nces and lessons so that we can not repeat those failures in the future.  And when you fail,
don't give up, just persevere
 Finally, I A good businessman needs to not be afraid to take risks.
The entrepreneurial spirit needs tobe strong in order to advance the business and improve r
evenue. And this will require for the businessman to take risks from time to time.

1. Do you work or study?

Well, I have just finished college and currently I’m working as a freelance copywriter. This is
what I love to do ever since I was a college student. I have a passion for digital marketing,
and how blessed I am to have a job that gives me pay cheques and the freedom to create,
without having to spend days in an office.

2. Is that a popular job in your country?

I don’t really know. I suppose marketing is a popular choice in general, but not a lot of people
can develop a passion for copywriting since they think it can be a dull job. In that case, I
don’t really blame them though, because having to create similar contents for days can be
quite monotonous.
3. Are there anything special about your job?
You'll have the option of traveling all around the world. Your interest in
international business will take you around the world — from your studies to
your new roles at work. Studying abroad is common among international
business programs to prepare you to work with different cultures and
leadership styles.
4. Is there another type of job you would like to do?
Besides this, ever since I was a little girl, I have dreamt of becoming a writer, like J.K
Rowling, you know. I think literature is one of the strongest media that can reflect all aspects
of life. Journalism sounds great too, but I have never been good at photography, so writing
books is probably the only other job I would want to do.

5. Would you recommend your current job to other people?

Yes, I would recommend it to everybody who is majoring in Business in general.
Copywriting can be stressful sometimes, but I believe that it can foster your creativity and
imagination to a large extent. If you’re good enough, you can be the trend setter for almost
anything in the market.

Part 6: Describe a person who is good at his/her job.
When I recieve this topic, without a second thought, I thought about my brother
who is good at running an own business. Overall, he is good-looking, by which
I mean he is tall enough. But it is not the reason that I like most. He has big
black eyes and shiny smile.He is 29 years old. To make a long story short, he
attained pharmaceutical /phá mơ sí đơ cô/ degree from Can Tho university,
during his studying, he has been awarded many scholarships.My family couldnt
be prouder.And he has been worked as an apotheracy /a pó thơ khé ri/ for two
years in SaiGon before deciding to return home to do business ,that was a bold
decision. He left Sàigon where was a meaningful place with him. He returned
home to follow in family’s footsteps- selling pesticide. He never know anything
about pesticide, he doesnt have any experiences but he runs buiness very well,
he manages finance, he interacts with customers to introduce products for them,
and so on. He tried to learn the use of insecticide, pesticide, fertilizer,… every
night. And we know that farmers start their work early, and of course, my
brother has to wakeup early so that he can sell pesticide for farmers. He is really
devoted with job, and no matter what, devotion is in his nature, he always tries
and does his best. He always keep in mind “nothing is impossible”, If
he encounters a problem, he strains every nerve to discover the causes. He never
gives up until he can unlock a problem. It proves that now he is a successful
businessman. To sum up, he is my idol and a person who I really admire.
Part 7. Describe an environmental issue facing your country.
When the world is getting more and more modern, people has to face with
different kind of pollutions such as: air pollution, noise pollution, water
pollution, and so on.And no exception for my country. Many years ago, my
countryside is peaceful and fresh place , but recent years, The appearence of
industrial ,vehicles, it makes the air worse everyday. The effects of air pollution
are really dangerous. Air pollution in my country is responsible for many
health-related problems among citizens, and also kills many people every year.
People get many diseases who are exposed to air pollution for a long time. It
cause long-term effects on humans’ nerves, brain, kidneys, liver and other
organs. Other health issues such as heart disease and lung cancer would be
worrying. Unfortunately, air pollution in our country is reducing the life
expectancy of many people. There are many ways to reduce this probem, but in
my opinion we should do two following steps .Firstly, public transport and eco-
friendly vehicles should be encouraged, and prices of motorcycles should be
raised to discourage citizens from using them regularly. By doing that, the
amount of smoke coming from vehicles would be greatly reduced. Secondly,
The most important step to reduce air pollution is to reduce carbon emission. So
we need to reduce the use of gas, oil and other fossil fuels. Alternative energy or
green energy like solar energy, hydroelectric power and wind power should be
used more extensively.To sum up, I wish that with two steps can hepl solve air
Part 8:Describe a subject that you found boring to study at high school.
12 years of education, 3 years of high school, It can say that there are many
subjects that made me crazy. But I think the most difficult one is Physics.
Dating back to my 6th grade, when I were first introduced to the subject, I were
so excited because I could learn something new and had a chance to explore
about electric, movement of matter in space and time. Everything was ok during
my secondary shcool, I could understand what my teachers taught and do
assignments well. But life was not a dream, my hope and dream were quickly
crushed when I studied Physics at high school. Physics was my obsession
during 3 years of high school. I did not know why I had to study complicate
things such as light wave, light quanta, alternating current, harmonic oscillation,
… In other words, my mind automatically shut down at the giant amount of
formulas I had to learn. For me, there are many factors that make Physics
different and more difficult than other subjects. The most reason is that there are
too much formulas. In fact, I couldnt remember all of them and I used to
misunderstand between this formula with that ones. Furthermore,even if I
memorised all of them, I wouldnt know how to apply the formula to the
excercises.One of the main reason why I found boring to study Physics was it
wasnt my speciality. Maths, Chemistry and English were three subjects that I
had to focus to take the university entrance exam. So all my energy went to
these subjects. I used to miss school on Physics day, and I used to fall asleep in
the class time to time. And of course, my teacher was angry with my behaviour.
So anyway, what ever I liked or not, I had to study Physics during my high
school. And fortunately, I overcame my obstacle and finished it perfectly.
Part 9: Describe an exam that was very hard for you
Life is challenges and exam is challenges “knowledge” too.Ad of course, I had to face
with many exam in my life but then, there are some exams which are so hard that I
just wish I didnt have to face it. Today, I’ll sharing my story abot exam that it made
me crazy.
Dating back 2 years ago. It was a big event in my life. My family decided to transfer
me to HCMC to study high school. As you know, school in HCMC has a good
qualification and students have more opportunities to develop so this was the reason
why my parents decided it. And well, I had an entrance exam for 2 subjects: Math and
English.I had to fight with many intelligent and brilliant students from around my
country to have a chance to study that high school.Before the test day, I tried to study
hard to improve some skills that I was weak. So at least,I thought that I had a good
preparation for both: mental and knowledge. I started with Maths first and I did it very
well. But on the other hand, English was really difficult because it was an
international standard examination.
As I remembered, the exam had 2 skills : reading and listening .It was so differnet
from what I have prepare at home.
Finished the examination I felt so confident and I thought that I could pass. But life
was not a dream, ĐTL called me and said I failed because my score wasnt
satisfactory. At that times I was very upset and hopeless.I used to think that my effort
would be rewarded well, but everything didnt turned out the way I wanted. After a
long time,I think that god is fair, if I lost my chance to go to new environment to
study, the improtant things tha I recieved was my friends and had a chance to meet my
boyfriend.So anyway, it is unforgetable event in my life.
Part 10:Describe an unusual experience of Travelling /vacation/ holiday
I would like to tell you about a journey that I haven’t forgot. It was a trip to Vung Tau
beach 3 years ago. I went Vung Tau for a vacation with my friend. It only took us 4
hours to go there so we decided hired a 16 seats. We started at 7am, after 1 hour we
got to HCMC but the horrible thing happened that was we got stuck in traffic
jams for 30 minutes. I was looking through the window and I realized that there
was a very long line of motorbikes, cars and trucks in front of us.  Then we had
another problem. Our car  got a puncture.Finally, everything was ok.But no, on the
way from Saigon to Vung Tau, we encountered a heavy rain and it knocked down a
tree across the street. And of course we were stuck here for 30 minutes until the
ambulance came to retrieve that tree. But it didnt stop here, I booked rooms in a
hotel but once I reached there, they charged me more than usual.After all that,
You know we were all very tired and helpless.  So the total amount of time was 6
hours, which was too long. So, the trip could not fill my expectations.
1. What are the most popular holiday places that people in your country
enjoy going to?

In my country there is no shortage of beautiful landscapes and unique places for

locals to explore. However, my local people usually go on a trip to Vung Tau
beach which is one of the most popular destinations for a summer holiday in my
country.  Vung Tau has drilling rig, lighthouse which is a place where you can cover the
whole Vung Tau city, zoom your eyes out to other mountains, watch the vast blue sea and
undulating rooftops.

2. Why do you think people go on holiday?

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