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IMR 451

“Motivations For Records Management in Mobile Work”


IM2493 (ELEK E)

3th JANUARY 2022

Num Content Page

. s
1. Acknowledgement

2. Introduction

3. Article Summary

4. Conclusion

5. References

6. Sketch note

Praise to Allah SWT for giving all the strength and His blessing for us to complete this
assignment. Also, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who contributes their
ideas in this assignment.

Special appreciation goes to Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad for her kindness in guiding us in
choosing article and also her support towards the completion of this assignment. Without his
guidance and support this assignment will not completed successfully.

Sincere thanks to all my friends, for the kindness and moral support in helping each other in
order to complete the assignment. Last but not least, our deepest honour goes to our
beloved parents for their endless support and encouragement not only during the process of
completing this assignment but also throughout our whole studies.

Thank you.

An organization is a collection of people who inclusively work towards a

common purpose. An organization also deal with a big amount of information on a
daily basis as the organization has many activities that use information to ensure the
smooth running of the affairs or business that conducted by the organization.
Productive organizations incorporate with effective records management process
into their daily operations. Records management is the system that used to control
the organization’s records from the creation of the record until the record is archived
or disposed. Record is a document that come in form or medium created, obtained,
maintained and used by an organisation whether public or private in the transaction
of business, of which it provides evidence. The record can be stored either on paper
or electronically through email, digital file, database or spreadsheet. Records also
can be photographs, audio profile, or video. The organization also need motivation to
have record system in their company as it helps organization in decision making and
to ensure that the organization were in a good track based on the record of their
organization performance.

In this article, the author discusses about what motivations there are for an
organisation to invest on using records management especially in a mobile working
environment and the motivations were analysed based on ISO 15489-1 records
management standards which is used to create a model of relevant characteristics.
The author also explains some of previous research that support the article as there
is no research about organisational motivation for record management with the
different approach.

Based on the studies, the use of records management is depended on the

needs of organisation and it consist of business purposes, accountability
purposes and cultural purposes. Sundqvist (2009) has studied the information
behaviour of users of record in organisational settings, how records are used and
how the search. The needs of the records were initiate by accomplishment of any
kind with the purpose to achieve something. Those needs motivated the purposes of
use of records material, operational, accountability seeking or knowledge enhancing
purposes. The users obtain the records with different means for example, artifactual
intermediaries as the journal and the archives inventory that could be defined as
representational systems, in order to reach a certain outcome. In line with the
passage of time, mobile work and mobile information technology also been
developed which requires employees to have access and tools to have resource.
This development creates records outside the organisation and organisation’s
control and purpose that mobile professional who needs to access documents when
away from the desk in a wide geographical location. So, the employees are seen as
nomad’s user where they have to work all around the places and it has noted by
Bailey (2008) that mobile work has been recognized records management practices
that depend on employees using organisation-controlled client-server records
management systems.

Next, in this paragraph, the author conducted an analysis on the motivation to

use records management to three different organizations in Finland which are state
government, education and enterprise sectors and the analysis was based on what
are the motivating factors for records management in mobile work and how these
motivations appear in different organisations utilising mobile devices also based on
the standard of ISO 15489. Based on the analysis that have been carried out, these
three organisations have the factors that require mobile work environment and the
author also comparing the result of the analysis with the ISO 15489 and came out
with three categories which is internal motivations, external motivations and
cultural societal goals. Internal motivations were related to all the inlying forces
and conditions present within the company that can affect the company’s working.
For example, in the analysis the internal motivations include few things such as
information-based motivations, work-process related motivations, supporting
decision making and policy formation, also motivate to reduce risks. External
motivations are a set of all the extrinsic forces that have potential to affect the
organization’s performance. For external motivations in the analysis include the
accountability to stakeholders, regulative environment and the interests of
society. Cultural societal-goals were explained by the author, function as
providing evidence, establishing activities, supporting research and
maintaining memory.

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