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Language of meeting At the beginning, the chairperson greets and calls the meeting to order before progressing to the acceptance of the minutes. Below are the relevant functions and language expressions. Function Language Expressions To greet members and call the meeting to Good morning/afternoon/evening, order The meeting is now called to order. Ladies and gentlemen, | declare the meeting open. Right, shall we get started? Let's get down to business, shall we? To confirm minutes of the previous meeting Are they any amendments to be made in the Previous meeting? To discuss minutes of the previous meeting Are they any matters arising from the minutes? To request for acceptance of minutes ‘Would someone move that the minutes of the last meeting to be accepted? Who would like to propose the minute to be Will someone propose the minutes to be accepted? |, To propose the minutes to be accepted propose the minutes of the meeting to be accepted. (very formal) | propose the minutes of the meeting to be accepted (less formal) To request for the confirmation of proposal Who would like to second it? Can someone second the proposal? To confirm the proposal ! second it. (very formal) | second it. (less formal) TE2091-02-1S ‘WIM/TE2091/22014/S02 48 After the minutes have been accepted, the chairperson will direct the meeting to the main objectives of the meeting. Some examples of the language expressions in relation to the function are shown below. Function Language Expressions Stating purpose of meeting The purpose of today's meeting is, The first problem we have to consider is Perhaps we should first look at We are here to discuss To discuss the items on the agenda The first item on the agenda that needs our attention Let's discuss item Shall we discuss item .. After the meeting progresses, the chairperson and members may express their opinions. The manner they are expressed depends on the emphasis that the speaker may want to give in response to the issues being raised and discussed. This function and its related language expression are given below. Function Language Expressions To express opinion I definitely / certainly think that I'm convinced/sure/positive that | strongly believe that ... I considerffeel that In my opinion To my mind . As | soe it From my point of view ... I tend to think that 1'm inclined to think that I think that TE2091-02-1S wim/TE2091/22014/s02 49 In the course of a meeting, one can agree or disagree to an opinion. In disagreeing, one may want to be a tactful and polite. The following language expressions may be used. Function To agree To disagree Language Expressions I certainly agree with you. That's good idea I totally accept that. | agree to what you've just said. beg to differ. I don't agree at all I can't accept with you but \ accept that but That's good idea/ point but I can see your point of view but Besides agreeing and disagreeing, the members may give suggestions, seek clarification or even interrupt the conversation. The language expressions are shown below. Function To give suggestion To seek clarification Language Expressions [would like to suggest that .. How about Let's consider .. Could you repeat what you have just said? I'm sorry; | didn't quite follow what you have said about Could you tell us more about .....? To interrupt Excuse me; may | interrupt you for a moment? Ifyou don't mind, could | say something about .....? €2091-02:1S, wim/Te2091/22014/S02 50 During a meeting, there are occasions when the chairperson may have to direct the members to the objectives of the meeting, This happen especially if a member has moved away from the subject of the discussion. The language expressions are shown below. Function Language Expressions To keep order We seem to be losing sight of the main point. The question is Could you keep to the subject please? Let's not get sidetracked, The issue being discussed is .. We can't all speak at once; ....., would you like to speak first? . Would you mind addressing your remarks to the chair, Could we hear Views first? Other than directing the discussion or keeping order, the chairperson may invite opinions from members. The language expressions are shown below. Function Language Expres: To ask for opinion What do you think, 2 Do you have any other views, .........? Do you agree, 2 After a discussion of an item on the agenda, the chairperson may have to direct the members to the next item. Some useful language expressions are shown here. Function Language Expressions Tecgragress from one item to The next item is Shall we move to item Let’s move to the next item on the agenda. TE2091-02-1S wim/TE2091/22014/S02 51 Often there is a need for consensus in a meeting. A common procedure is for the chairperson to call for a vote. The language expressions are shown below. Function To call for a vote Language Expressions Can we have a show o hands? Could we take a vote in this matter? The last item on the agenda is usually Others Matters. It allow members to raise others matters that are not listed on the agenda. The chairperson will invite members to raise questions or issues for discussion. The language expressions are shown below. Function To invite discussion To raise an issue for discussion Language Expressions Does anyone have any other matters to raise? ‘Would anyone like to raise any other Is there anything else to discuss? Any further pints to be raised? Lately, we are having this problem I would like to direct attention to This matter needs to be looked into ... ‘When the meeting has come to an end, the chairperson may thank the on. The language expressions are shown below. Function To end the meeting Language Expressions The meeting is now adjourned. Thank you. I declare the meeting closed. Thank you, ladies and. That concludes our business today. Thank you for your. Well, I think that covers everything. Thank you very much. That's all for today, Thank you TE2091-02.15, wim/TE2091/22014/S02 52

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