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Annual Reviews in Control 33 (2009) 136–148

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Fault-tolerant actuators and drives—Structures, fault detection principles and

Marco Muenchhof *, Mark Beck, Rolf Isermann
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institute of Automatic Control, Laboratory for Control Systems and Process Automation, Landgraf-Georg-Strasse 4, Darmstadt, Germany


Article history: As fault detection and fault diagnosis methods are more and more finding their way into modern
Received 4 June 2009 industrial mechatronic products, it is now time to take the next step. Based on the research efforts for
Accepted 23 August 2009 fault detection and diagnosis, a status report has been prepared for research on fault management, i.e.
Available online 30 October 2009
automatic reactions of the system to continue operation after the detection of faults. These reactions may
employ hardware redundancy (i.e. switching from a faulty actuator to another, intact one) or analytical
Keywords: redundancy (i.e. switching from a faulty sensor to a ‘‘model sensor’’ or ‘‘soft sensor’’).
Sensor and actuator faults
A total fault-tolerance concept must encompass all components of a system, i.e. the actuators and
Structural analysis
Aerospace applications
drives, the process itself, the sensors as well as the controller and communication. In many cases, a
Automotive applications degradation of functions has to be accepted after a fault has appeared. Concentrating on some
Electro-mechanical applications widespread actuation principles, the paper will focus on electric drives and hydraulic actuators.
Other applications First, a review is given on fault-tolerance principles and general structural considerations, e.g. hot-
standby and cold-standby, focusing on the scheme of an overall fault-tolerant control system. Then, fault
statistics for existing actuators and drives will be presented. These fault statistics give hints on the parts
of the actuators which are most susceptible to faults. Different designs of fault-tolerant actuators and
drives, which have been realized as laboratory prototypes or even on an industrial scale, shall be
presented and evaluated with respect to their capabilities of withstanding faults. Finally, an outlook for
fault-tolerant mechatronic systems will be given.
ß 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction delivers fault-tolerance. In this paper, case-studies shall be

presented which show how an integrated fault management
While fault detection and diagnosis techniques in the past have system was designed for typical mechatronic actuators and drives,
mainly been used to increase the safety of components or to such as e.g. electric motors or fluidic actuators.
optimize the planning of maintenance schedules, the demand for While on the one hand, the introduction of hardware
enhanced reliability of components has attracted the investigation redundancy into the system often causes additional cost for the
of fault-tolerance techniques quite recently. acquisition of the system, savings in the operating costs can be
Without the aforementioned raise in reliability that has been expected on the other hand, mainly by the reduction of unexpected
obtained by the application of fault-tolerance, many current downtime. Such unexpected downtime can cause high cost, if e.g.
innovations would have been impossible. Fly-by-wire is one of an entire production line must be stopped. In many other
such innovations (Goupil, 2009; Tarnowski, 2008). Also space applications, legislation or safety requirements can mandate the
missions such as the Mars explorer (Cox, 2005) would most likely use of fault-tolerant actuators or sensors. In order to keep the total
not have been completed successfully. But also every-day system cost as low as possible in the presence of enhanced
machines such as road vehicles, production machines and others reliability requirements, only those parts should be made
can benefit from an integrated fault management system which redundant, which are the most likely to fail. Fault statistics, as
presented in Sections 4.1 and 5.1, aid in locating the most critical
components, which must then be made redundant in an
appropriate way, see Section 3.
* Corresponding author. Fig. 1 presents the overall setup of an integrated fault
E-mail addresses: (M. Muenchhof),
management system and provides an outline of this paper as (M. Beck),
(R. Isermann).
the individual blocks shown in Fig. 1 will be discussed in the
URL:,, http:// following. Section 2 will introduce the fault detection and diagnosis methods employed in the fault management systems.

1367-5788/$ – see front matter ß 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Muenchhof et al. / Annual Reviews in Control 33 (2009) 136–148 137

Fig. 1. Scheme of an integrated fault management system (Isermann, 2006).

Fault-tolerance strategies will be discussed in Section 3. Then, (1989), Patton, Frank, and Clark (2000). They yield so-termed
different fault-tolerant actuators will be analyzed in detail in features, which can be process parameters (e.g. friction coefficient,
Sections 4 and 5. These sections follow the same composition: inductance, . . .), process states (e.g. pressure, flow rate, . . .) or
First, fault statistics will be presented, which give hints on the residuals. These features are then compared to their nominal values.
reliability of the individual components (Sections 4.1 and 5.1). Larger deviations indicate the presence of a fault and hence lead to
Then, a condensed overview of the applicable fault detection the detection of the fault.
methods will be given (Sections 4.2 and 5.2). Thereafter, In the next step, the fault is subject to a symptom-fault
prototypical realizations from industry and academia as well as classification or inference which leads to the diagnosis of the fault,
industrial products will be presented and the particular fault i.e. determination of the type, position, size and cause of the fault.
detection methodologies and fault-tolerance strategies analyzed Subsequently, the severity of the fault is rated and the fault is
(Section 4.3 through 4.5 and 5.3 through 5.5). Fault-symptom assigned to a hazard class. Finally, a decision is made concerning
tables illustrate which faults can be detected and mitigated. the remedial strategy against the implications of the fault. The fault
Finally, in Section 6 some conclusions will be drawn and an outlook management system can automatically instantiate these counter
will be given with respect to fault-tolerant systems. Other measures or can ask the user to acknowledge the actions first. The
examples of fault-tolerant systems can be found in the publica- different remedial strategies are discussed in the next section.
tions by Isermann (2007) and Muenchhof, Beck, and Isermann
(2009a), Muenchhof, Beck, and Isermann (2009b), Muenchhof, 3. Fault-tolerance strategies
Beck, and Isermann (2009c).
As illustrated in Fig. 1, the fault management system can take
2. Fault detection methods for fault-tolerance one of the following actions upon the detection and, if required,
diagnosis of a fault:
Before the system is able to automatically react to a fault, the
fault must first be detected and diagnosed, i.e. its type, position, size  Reconfiguration is the most comprehensive action against a fault
and cause be determined. The fault detection and diagnosis system and exploits redundancy inherent in the process. The use of
in Fig. 1 is divided into two parts: First, the inputs uðtÞ to the analytical redundancy allows the reconstruction of a measure-
process, the outputs yðtÞ and possibly additional measurements ment from a faulty sensor by means of an analytical model of the
xðtÞ are passed to a direct signal evaluation block in the monitoring process dynamics driven by measurements from other, still
level. If the signals or their time-derivatives exceed certain intact sensors. Actuator, sensor, or process hardware redundancy
thresholds, then an alarm is raised and the operator is informed. means that there are more actuators/sensors present in the
As these methods are typically only capable of detecting large system than would be necessary to fulfill the required actions. In
faults, the system is in most cases automatically shut down as a the case of a fault, the system can switch over from a faulty to an
protective measure upon the detection of a fault. This functionality intact (spare) actuator/sensor. Often, strongly coupled process
forms the protection level. parts can evoke fault-tolerance. In an airplane for example,
As the fault management system must have detailed informa- almost all maneuvers can be carried out by different combina-
tion about the fault to react correctly, one typically applies model- tions of the control surfaces.
based fault detection methods in this context, as they are capable of  Change of operation or controller reconfiguration: As secondary
providing in-depth information about the system and possible means to react to the existence of a fault, the controller can be
faults. The available signals uðtÞ, yðtÞ, and xðtÞ are analyzed and reconfigured, i.e. its parameters or structure can be changed. For
their information is consolidated by means of various signal-model example, upon the onset of a fault, the controller can be made
based and process-model based methods as depicted in Fig. 2. These more robust with respect to plant uncertainties. Typically,
methods have been discussed in the books by e.g. Chen and Patton controller reconfiguration alone cannot accommodate all-too
(1999), Gertler (1998), Isermann (2006), Patton, Frank, and Clark many faults, it must be combined with analytical redundancy or
138 M. Muenchhof et al. / Annual Reviews in Control 33 (2009) 136–148

Fig. 2. Overview of different fault detection methods (Isermann, 2006).

hardware redundancy. The topic of fault-tolerant control shall not Due to the high number of components (to withstand n faults a
be treated here, as this contribution deals with hardware and total of 2n þ 1 components is needed in the case of sensors with
algorithmic redundancy for actuators, drives and their sensors as voting), the application of static redundancy is constrained to
means to limit the impact of faults. The interested reader is highly safety critical applications, such as nuclear power plants,
referred to the contributions by Blanke, Frei, Kraus, Patton, and airplanes, etc. Furthermore, care must be taken that the group of
Staroswiecki (2000), Blanke, Kinnaert, Lunze, and Staroswiecki sensors or actuators shows a small susceptibility to common cause
(2006), Patton (1997), and the survey paper by Zhang and Jiang faults. If identical components are used, one is always confronted
(2003) for a deeper treatment of fault-tolerant control. with the risk that all components show a fault at the same time due
 Stop of operation: If the fault is too severe, the further operation to the same adverse condition (e.g. over-temperature, shock, loss of
may not be possible and the system has to be shut down. The power supply, . . .). Therefore, it is advisable to employ diverse
main reason to mandate the stoppage of operation is to avoid measuring or actuation principles whenever possible.
further harm to health and wealth by bringing the system to a By relying on dynamic redundancy concepts, the number of
safe state. Yet, not all systems have a safe state: While the safe parallel components can be reduced effectively, especially in the
state for a road vehicle is in most cases the standstill at the case of sensors. Here for example, already two parallel sensors now
roadside and can be reached easily, the safe state for an airplane suffice to tolerate one fault. This however comes at the expense
is on the ground with engines off, which cannot be reached easily that a fault management system must be integrated. The fault
during normal operation (i.e. flight). management system must determine the defective component in
 Repair/maintenance: In addition to or instead of any of the case of a fault and must have remedial strategies to isolate the
previous actions, maintenance or repair must be carried out to faulty component if necessary and switch over to the intact one.
bring the system back to its full capabilities. Isermann (2006) Depending on whether the standby component is also active or
defines maintenance as an action taken to retain a system in, or not, one differentiates between cold-standby (Fig. 4) and hot-
return a system to its designed operating condition. Maintenance standby (Fig. 5). For cold-standby, the redundant (spare) compo-
extends the useful life of systems, ensures the optimum nent is only put in operation whenever a fault comes into
availability of installed equipments or equipment for emergency existence. This operating mode on the one hand saves lifetime of
use. the spare component. On the other hand, it is not possible to
foresee whether the spare component will run up when required.
As described above, the fundamental idea of fault-tolerance is In the case of hot-standby on the contrary, the spare component is
that faults of individual components are accepted, but at the same always up and running. While the component is now subject to
time, measures are taken to limit the impact of these faults on the constant wear-and-tear, it can obviously immediately be observed
overall functionality, e.g. by changing the system structure and that the spare component also operates as expected.
exploiting redundancy. There exist different redundancy concepts Another form of redundancy that can be employed successfully
(e.g. Isermann, Schwarz, & Stölzl, 2000), which shall be shortly for fault-tolerant architectures is the analytical redundancy. Upon
reviewed in the following: the loss of one sensor, it is possible to reconstruct its measurement
The most simple to realize type of redundancy is the static by a process model which is fed by other, still active sensors. This
redundancy. Here, typically three or more components (often technique is also often termed model-sensor.
sensors, but also possible for actuators) are operated in parallel Although not in the scope of this paper, it should also be noted
and, in the case of sensors, a voter is used to consolidate the that not only the hardware, but also the software can be a source of
information, i.e. determine the most likely sensor reading, see Fig. 3. impairments to the operation of the component. For example, the
M. Muenchhof et al. / Annual Reviews in Control 33 (2009) 136–148 139

Fig. 3. Static redundancy (n-out-of-m voting; m ¼ 3 ! 1 fault tolerated, m ¼ 5 ! 2 faults tolerated).

crash of an important software part (e.g. operating system), can in safety-critical applications. It is suggested by Reichard (1998)
lead to disrupture of operation. to further subdivide the term fail-operational into short-time and
Depending on the choice of components, the full function- long-time fail-operational with regard to vehicles.
ality of the component cannot always be maintained after the  Fail silent (FSIL) characterizes a component that is switched off in
onset of a fault. Depending on the severity of the reduction of the case of a fault. As the functionality of the failed component is
functionality, one speaks of different degradation steps. In many not replaced, this always goes along with a degradation of the
applications, it is required that the component can tolerate one functionality. With respect to the interaction with other
fault without a cutback in functionality. Upon the emergence of components, the faulty subsystem remains silent, i.e. it does
a second fault however, typically degradation starts. Depending not negatively influence other components. This operation mode
on the degree of degradation, the following degradation steps is nowadays already typical for the electronic subsystems of
have been defined: mechatronic systems.
 Fail-safe (FS) describes a situation, where the operation cannot be
 Fail-operational (FO) means that the component remains kept up. Thus, the mechatronic system is brought to a safe state
functional in the presence of a fault. The component can either (e.g. stand-still of moving parts), where it does not cause harm
maintain full operationability or can maintain partial operation- and is then switched off. This obviously means that there is a
ability under certain impairments, depending on whether the severe degradation in the functionality. The term fail-safe can
functionality lost due to the presence of the fault can be replaced further be subdivided into passive fail-safe and active fail-safe
fully or not. This degradation mode will be required for sensors depending on whether the system needs an external energy
and actuators of fault-tolerant mechatronic systems, especially source to reach the safe state or not.

4. Fault-tolerant electrical drives

The first actuation principle to be under closer examination are

electrical drives. Before going into details, however, a very short
comparison of electrical and fluidic actuators shall be given, based
on the book by Isermann (2005). Electrical motors show good
response characteristics. They can be used for flexible drive concepts
and show a high overall efficiency especially if electrical power is
already available at the installation site. Model-based fault detection
and diagnosis methods can be implemented more easily since good
models are known. One drawback is the restricted thermal range of
operation. There is also a high percentage of moving mechanical parts
Fig. 4. Dynamic redundancy with cold-standby. and a high rotational inertia of the rotor, which limits the dynamic
operation range. Hydraulic systems on the contrary can be used to
develop high actuating force at large displacements. They have a high
power density and the actuators have a rugged design. The main
disadvantages are the need for an additional power unit and a larger
overall system structure.
As quite a few of the realizations discussed in the following
stem from aeronautical applications, the most important pro’s and
con’s of the competing actuation principles shall be mentioned
according to Garcia, Cusido, Rosero, Ortega, and Romeral (2008),
where electro-hydraulic and electro-mechanic actuation are
compared for aeronautical use.
Here, the electro-hydraulic actuator (EHA) is recommended due
to the fact that the reliability of EHA components has been studied
Fig. 5. Dynamic redundancy with hot-standby. well and that both hot-standby and cold-standby configurations
140 M. Muenchhof et al. / Annual Reviews in Control 33 (2009) 136–148

have been developed and validated. One major disadvantage is the ments in the insulating coating, ageing, over-temperature,
maintenance necessary for hydraulic components—an issue that water-entrapments or excessive shock). Only 4% of all faults
can be reduced by a change to condition-based maintenance pertain to the rotor, thus rotor faults have not to be seen in the
methods. The typically chosen central pressure supply is seen first place. Fault statistics for power electronics are presented
critical because the infrastructure (i.e. the piping) is heavy and by, e.g. Thorsen and Dalva (1995).
inflexible and in the case of leakages corrosive fluids might spill
(Rosero, Ortega, Aldabas, & Romeral, 2007). While distributed 4.2. Fault detection methods for electrical drives
pressure supplies overcome these drawbacks, they suffer from the
increased cost and weight. For the fault detection at electrical drives, one often employs
Even though the electro-mechanical actuator was strongly signal-model based methods. These methods are well suited for
promoted as part of the all-electric aircraft in the past, nowadays periodic processes and hence are well suited for the periodic stator
only a perspective as a stand-by actuator for primary flight surfaces currents and the rotating magnetic fields inside the motor.
and as a main actuator for secondary flight surfaces is seen for the Typically, stator currents, rotor speed and structure-borne noises
electro-mechanical actuator. Here, the significant maintenance cost are evaluated. The analysis of structure-borne noise is easy to
reduction due to the reduction of wearing parts, such as seals, is very realize and allows a reliable detection of bearing faults, but only in
favorable (van den Bossche, 2002). The electro-mechanical drive is laboratory settings. In the presence of louder ambient noises, gear
heavily impaired by the fact that a linear motion can in most cases teeth influence, etc., the detection performance decreases tre-
only be generated by a matching gear, thus fostering flutter mendously. Faults in the stator windings (shorts and breaks)
concerns due to the free-play of the mechanical transmission and the directly affect the shape of the stator currents. By the electro-
jam susceptibility. Upon shorts, there is also always the risk of fire as magnetic coupling between the stator and the rotor, one can
pointed out by Rosero et al. (2007). furthermore also detect defects at the rotor by an analysis of the
stator currents. A survey of these signal based methods can be
4.1. Fault statistics of electrical drives found in the publications by El Hachemi Benbouzid (2000),
Filippetti, Franceschini, Tassoni, and Vas (2000), Zhongming and
A first glance on the fault statistics of AC induction motors, see Bin (2000). Signal-based supervision of the frequency inverter and
Fig. 6 (data taken from Motor Reliability Working Group, 1985; the induction motor has also been treated by Wolfram and
Thorsen & Dalva, 1995), shows that the most predominant faults are Isermann (2000).
bearing defects, which account for 51% of all faults. Bearing faults Another fault detection method relies on the placement of
are caused by the permanent wear-and-tear of the rolling elements measurement coils inside the motor (Seinsch, 2001). Besides the
as well as the inner and outer races and appear mainly by overload, necessary design change, this method is also limited to stationary
missing lubrication and overheating. Further reasons can be operating points. Furthermore, one can monitor the temperature of
corrosion or deformation due to static overload or peak loads. the windings (Salzer, 2001). However, this method makes it hard to
Further 15% of all faults affect the stator windings, a fault discern between the operation related and fault induced increases
whose impact can be limited by multi-phase machines and/or in temperature.
appropriate inverter structures (Muenchhof & Clever, 2009). Physical model-based methods have also successfully been
Stator winding faults are mainly caused by insulation break- applied. Beilhartz and Filbert (1997) presented an offline fault
downs (due to high temperature, air entrapments and contain- detection method for induction motors, Wolfram and Isermann
(2002) suggested the use of parameter estimation methods during
running and stand-still of the induction motor to detect rotor and
stator defects. In the paper by Kral, Wieser, Pirker, and Schagginger
(2000), the comparison of a torque-model based on the stator
voltages and a second model based on the rotor-currents allowed
the detection of faults. However, the stator voltages are often not
measured. The frequency response locus of the stator impedance
has been used for fault detection by Nold (1991).

4.3. Fault-tolerant AC motors

Most AC motors have three stator phases, which are connected

in Delta or Wye connection. Due to this wiring, upon the loss of one
phase, the motor becomes single-phased and cannot generate a
rotating magnetic field any longer but only an alternating field.
Upon a simple change of the structure of the frequency inverter, the
three-phase machine can already be made fault-tolerant as shown
in Fig. 7. Here, each phase is controlled separately by a full H bridge.
Upon the loss of one phase, the motor still has two remaining
healthy and independently controllable phases and can hence
generate a rotating field and thus torque. The loss of a phase is a
critical fault since according to Klima (2003), the most common
power inverter failure is in fact the loss of one leg, i.e. at least one
permanently open switch. Although the operation in the presence
of this fault can be maintained, the torque generation along the
circumference after the loss of one phase is quite inhomogeneous.
Another disadvantage is the fact that the number of wires needed to
Fig. 6. Scheme of an induction motor along with fault statistics (data taken from connect the motor to the frequency inverter doubles (Atkinson
Motor Reliability Working Group, 1985; Thorsen & Dalva, 1995) et al., 2005; de Lillo, Wheeler, Empringham, Gerada, & Huang,
M. Muenchhof et al. / Annual Reviews in Control 33 (2009) 136–148 141

direct signal evaluation. The drain-source voltages of all FETs are

monitored. They indicate whether a FET is conducting or not and
also provide a scaled measurement of the current carried by the
FET in the ‘‘on’’ position. The logic allows to detect whether a FET
does not conduct despite it was commanded to be ‘‘on’’. It also
allows to detect over-current which can be caused by the fact that
the opposite FET in the inverter leg is conducting even though it
was commanded to be ‘‘off’’. Furthermore, the phase current as
supplied to the motor is monitored. Since this monitor is operating
at a slower sample rate, it does not detect faults as fast as the FET
drain source voltage monitors. Whenever a fault is detected, its
effect is mitigated by a change of the vector control sequence of the
remaining healthy H bridges. One may not be able to mitigate the
effect of a shorted phase, since the rotor upon movement will
induce a voltage into the shorted phase, which in turn causes a
Fig. 7. Fault-tolerant electrical drive by separate control of the windings and/or magnetic field, which then generates a decelerating rotor torque.
multiple poles, scheme (Krautstrunk, 1999). Please note that in this diagram as in all following diagrams, the
fault management options shutdown and repair will not be stated
explicitly. Of course, the fault mitigation by redundancy can only
2008; Green, Atkinson, Mecrow, Jack, & Green 2003; Krautstrunk, be a short or medium time option. In the long run, repair must be
1999, 2005). carried out to reestablish full functionality of the system.
Fig. 8 shows the fault-tolerant drive as developed by In order to generate a more homogeneous torque, the number
Krautstrunk (1999, 2005). Only one full H bridge is shown in of phases of the stator windings can be increased. Although the
detail. However, the methods for fault detection and fault resulting so-termed multi-phase motors have already been under
mitigation apply to all H bridges. The fault detection is based on investigation in the 1960’s, the breakthrough came with a need for
high-power electric drives, e.g. for ship propulsion, hybrid vehicles
and such (e.g.Levi, 2008). Here, the loss of one phase is less critical
as the motor e.g. has a total of 15 windings. The design of a four-
phase fault-tolerant PMSM aircraft actuator is shown by Atkinson
et al. (2005). A five-phase permanent magnet motor has been
realized by Bianchi, Bolognani, and Pre (2008) and has been
investigated experimentally for post-fault operation.

4.4. Fault-tolerant synchronous and BLDC drives

The next example comes from an aeronautical application. The

pressure in the fuselage of passenger planes flying above 2000 m is
permanently controlled. Fresh bleed air from the engines is
constantly released at the front of the fuselage. At the tail, so-

Fig. 8. Fault-tolerant electrical drive by separate control of the windings and/or Fig. 9. Fault-tolerant electrically actuated cabin outflow valve, scheme (Moseler &
multiple poles, fault detection, diagnosis and fault management (Krautstrunk, 1999). Isermann, 2000).
142 M. Muenchhof et al. / Annual Reviews in Control 33 (2009) 136–148

Fig. 11. Fault-tolerant parallel electrical drive, scheme (Reuss & Isermann, 2004).

windings. Parity equations are used to calculate five residuals.

Furthermore, the variance of the residuals is also monitored.
Finally, a logic is used to monitor the signals from the three Hall
sensors for improper combinations of their outputs, which also
points to a fault. The detected faults include overheat and shorts as
well as winding interruptions and increased friction. Furthermore,
all sensors are monitored for offset and stuck-at faults.
The fault management system switches over from the defect to
the spare intact drive in the case of a fault. Only increased friction
in the drive train may not be compensable, especially if the reason
for the increased friction (e.g. bearing defect) is located between
the combination gear and the flap. However, there exists at least a
second outflow valve as redundancy.

4.5. Electric motors in parallel and serial connection

As was discussed in Section 4.1, bearing defects are a typical

fault for electric motors. Bearing defects can lead to a blockage of
the rotor and hence to failure of the electric drive. This fault can
only be tolerated if two separate motors are used and the faulty
motor can be detached by a clutch. One can think of two setups:
Fig. 10. Fault-tolerant electrically actuated cabin outflow valve, fault detection, Parallel or serial connection, see Figs. 11 and 13. There are two load
diagnosis and fault management (Moseler & Isermann, 2000).
transfer modes possible for the parallel connection which are
chosen to enable a bumpless transfer under load condition,
termed cabin outflow valves are mounted, which allow the air from depending on the severity of the fault (Reuss & Isermann, 2004): In
the fuselage to escape to the surroundings. The valves are driven by the case of a minor fault, the second motor first speeds up. Once the
brushless DC motors (BLDC) as illustrated in Fig. 9 (Moseler, Heller, desired rotational velocity is reached, the first clutch disengages
& Isermann 1999). There are two brushless DC motors, which act and thus separates the defective motor from the load and the
on a common gear. The control system determines, which of the second clutch engages and establishes the power flow between the
two brushless DC drives is active and is hence used as the actuator spare motor and the load. In case of a severe fault, the first clutch
for the fuselage pressure control circuit. Upon a fault, the system disengages instantaneously. The load is thus free-running while
will change over from the faulty to the intact BLDC. If both BLDCs the second motor speeds up and reaches the desired final velocity.
fail, the pilot still has a fallback and is able to manually operate the Once the drive is up to speed, the second clutch closes and the load
valve by a third motor, which is designed as a classical DC motor is driven by the second motor resulting in a small and unavoidable
with mechanical commutator and brushes. bump. As each motor can be decoupled from the load, it is also
The entire fault management system that was designed by possible to conduct special motor tests from time to time without
Moseler and Isermann (2000) is illustrated in Fig. 10. Here, several affecting the motion of the load.
fault detection methods are combined to achieve optimal Instead of the parallel connection, one can also think about
performance under various operating conditions, i.e. with excita- mounting the two motors one behind the other as illustrated in
tion, without excitation, etc. Parameter estimation is used to Fig. 13. Here, at least the rear motor can be detached from the load,
determine the flux linkage and the resistance of the armature while the front motor is always connected to the load. Thus, if the
M. Muenchhof et al. / Annual Reviews in Control 33 (2009) 136–148 143

Fig. 13. Fault-tolerant serial electrical drive, e.g. for steer-by-wire, scheme (Heitzer,
2003; Reuss & Isermann, 2004).

AC motor with separate power electronics served as a load

emulator. Now, in the case of a fault, the system can open one
clutch to separate the faulty motor from the drive train and close
another clutch to use the second motor as a drive as was described
in the preceding paragraphs.

5. Fault-tolerant fluidic actuators

The main distinctive features of electrical and fluidic drives

have already been summarized in Section 4 and hence shall not be
repeated here.

5.1. Fault statistics of hydraulic actuators

Fig. 14 shows the general setup of a (conventional) hydraulic

servo axis, along with fault statistics from aeronautical applications.
The hydraulic fluid is conveyed and pressurized by the pressure
supply (3% of all faults) and then delivered to the hydraulic valve. As
can be seen from the fault statistics for aircraft actuators, the
proportional valve is the most error prone component, aggregating
51% of all faults (valve assembly 19% of all faults, lap assembly
32% of all faults). Typical faults are control edge erosion (65% of all
valve faults), particles being caught between sleeve and spool (20% of
Fig. 12. Fault-tolerant electrical drive, fault detection, diagnosis and fault all valve faults) and external leakage (10% of all valve faults).
management (Reuss & Isermann, 2004; Wolfram & Isermann, 2002.
The proportional valve throttles and directs the hydraulic fluid
to the two chambers of the hydraulic cylinder, which accounts for
another 16% of all faults. Here, the most typical faults are external
rotor of the front motor blocks, the entire fault-tolerant drive fails. leakage (58% of all cylinder faults), internal leakage (14% of all
Heitzer (2003) proposed the same serial setup for an electric steer- cylinder faults), and broken or cracked piston rods (14% of all
by-wire system, but in this case without a clutch. cylinder faults). Finally, the fluid flows back to the supply tank. The
Fig. 12 illustrates the fault detection system and the fault- load driven by the hydraulic cylinder attains for further 16% of all
tolerance setup. As in the previous example, different methods faults.
have been combined for fault detection and diagnosis. For fault
detection, Wolfram and Isermann (2002) applied direct signal 5.2. Fault detection methods for hydraulic actuators
monitoring, the Discrete Fourier Transform, also in combination with
time-warping for an angle-synchronous sampling, parameter Industrially applied fault detection methods for hydraulic systems
estimation and signal energy evaluations in the form of parity are typically limited to pressure switches, temperature switches and
equations. The load supervision was designed for centrifugal level switches for the hydraulic fluid in the supply tank. More
pumps and is left open in the figure, as the load supervision detailed fault detection is mainly based on mounting additional
methods must be designed specifically to the load that is driven by sensors, such as e.g. expensive flow meters, as well as acceleration,
the fault-tolerant drive. The fault-tolerant motor setup was temperature and pressure sensors.
combined with clutches and a second AC induction motor with Recently however, also model-based supervision methods have
frequency inverter by Reuss and Isermann (2004). A synchronous been in the focus of research in industry and academia, see the
144 M. Muenchhof et al. / Annual Reviews in Control 33 (2009) 136–148

Fig. 14. Scheme of a hydraulic servo axis with pressure supply and fault statistics (Muenchhof, 2006).

survey papers by Murrenhoff, Meindorf, and Stammen (2004) and is thus immune to loss of oil in one hydraulic circuit as well as air
Bredau, Winter, Post, and Bauer (2008). There are two trends: enclosures in one circuit and laminar leakage inside the cylinder as
Condition monitoring for components as well as oil condition long as only one circuit is affected. All control edges are mounted
monitoring. For the latter, special sensors need to be inserted into on one valve spool. If the valve spool blocks or the electro-magnetic
the system (e.g. Seyfert, 2004). drive of the valve spool fails, then the entire actuator fails.
Model-based approaches most often employ the Extended However, the electro-magnetic force is doubled such that hard
Kalman Filter to identify physical quantities such as the laminar enclosures inside of the valve can be removed by the oversized
leakage coefficient, increased friction of the piston or the valve
spool, etc. (e.g. An & Sepehri, 2003). Parity equations as a means to
supervise hydraulic actuators are presented by Kress and Crepin
(2000) and Muenchhof (2006), where also parameter estimation
methods have been used.
Neural nets as models have also been used for the supervision of
hydraulic systems avoiding the rather complex nonlinear physical
modeling of the hydraulic components. Other data-driven model-
ing techniques that have successfully been applied include support
vector machines (Schaab, Muenchhof, Vogt, & Isermann, 2005).
The main application of signal-model based methods is for fault
detection at the pressure supply: Ramdén (1998) uses the analysis
of structure-borne noise for the supervision of pumps. As hydraulic
pumps typically rotate at a constant speed, signal-model based
methods can show their full potential in this application. Pump
monitoring using wavelet analysis is proposed by Gao and Patton
(2003) and Leykauf and Isermann (2008). Tan and Sepehri (2001)
also supervised the pump. Other, non-model based methods
include acoustic analysis and infrared thermography of the
hydraulic system.

5.3. Fault-tolerant hydraulic actuator with dual ram and valve

Fig. 15(Crepin & Kress, 2000; Kress & Crepin, 2000), shows a
fault-tolerant hydraulic actuator, the rudder actuator of the
Eurofighter. The actuator has two separate hydraulic circuits and

Fig. 16. Fault-tolerant electro-hydraulic rudder actuator for Eurofighter, fault

Fig. 15. Fault-tolerant electro-hydraulic rudder actuator for Eurofighter, scheme detection, diagnosis and fault management (Crepin & Kress, 2000; Kress & Crepin,
(Crepin & Kress, 2000; Kress & Crepin, 2000). 2000).
M. Muenchhof et al. / Annual Reviews in Control 33 (2009) 136–148 145

power. The electro-magnetic drive has been designed as a lines, valve spool grooving, control edge erosion and sealing
quadruplex system. defects inside the cylinder along with faults at all employed
Two different fault detection and diagnosis systems have been sensors. In case of a fault, the controller can be reconfigured, the
developed, see Fig. 16: While Kress (2002) was developing an end- load can be transferred from one valve to the other or a model
of-line monitoring system with special sensors mounted at the sensor can be used to reconstruct the piston position from other
actuator, Crepin (2003) was concerned with developing methods sensor measurements, see Fig. 18.
for in-flight diagnostics. Whenever a fault is detected, the
corresponding sensor, controller and electromagnet of the quad- 5.5. Fault-tolerant hydraulic actuator with dual ram and integral
ruplex control loop are shut down, i.e. each lane is designed to be pressure supply
fail-silent. For sensor signal consolidation, Kress, Crepin, Kubbat,
and Schreiber (2000) have used different voting schemes. Fig. 19 shows a design of an aircraft actuator with a
decentralized, individual pressure supply. Such an actuator is
5.4. Fault-tolerant hydraulic actuator with single ram and dual valve typically only employed for the control of secondary flight control
surfaces (Moog Aircraft Group, 1996; Navarro, 1997). Here, two
The design in Fig. 17 is an alternative with regard to the opposite acting cylinder chambers are connected to one fixed
problems associated with the criticality of one single valve spool. displacement pump each. By control of the electric drive, the
Here, the hydraulic cylinder is fed by two parallel hydraulic valves. If amount of hydraulic fluid displaced from one chamber to the other
one valve spool blocks (sufficiently close to the zero position), then can be determined exactly. Bypass valves allow the piston to move,
the other valve can discharge the parasitic volume flow of the if the pump axle should be blocked and the pump should thus not
blocked valve and maintain control of the cylinder. The entire
system has been constructed from standard components of industrial
hydraulics, thus avoiding expensive re-designs. For this setup, it has
also been shown how the hydraulic servo axis can operate in
closed-loop position control even after a loss of the position sensor
by Muenchhof (2008). As a normal differential cylinder can be used
instead of the four chamber double-rod cylinder employed in the
previous example, the increase in installation space for the fault-
tolerant actuator has been limited while many of the faults
mentioned in Section 5 can still be tolerated. However, if one
valve blocks close to full open, the other valve is not able to
position the piston rod anymore. Hence this scheme is only fault-
tolerant for small travel ways of the valve.
The fault detection system that was developed by Muenchhof
(2006) is based on parity equations that provide five residuals and
parameter estimation that provides the valve-opening-flow-rela-
tion of the four control edges and the bulk modulus and coefficient
of the laminar leakage flow between the two chambers and is
capable to detect faults such as congestion of the supply and return

Fig. 18. Fault-tolerant electro-hydraulic servo axis, fault detection, diagnosis and
Fig. 17. Fault-tolerant electro-hydraulic servo axis, scheme (Muenchhof, 2006). fault management (Muenchhof, 2006).
146 M. Muenchhof et al. / Annual Reviews in Control 33 (2009) 136–148

the benefit of increased running-times, less downtime and longer

maintenance cycles. This will lead to cost reduction and will be
interesting in terms of the life-cycle costs. The arrival of fault-
tolerant components and their penetration of the market shall shortly
be discussed for both electric and fluidic actuators.
For electric actuators, there will be a coexistence of both, three-
phase and n-phase (n > 3) motors expected, due to the distinct
advantages and disadvantages of both. Three-phase machines are
available off-the-shelf in many different ratings, making it easy to
find a suitable product at a low (mass-production) price. The changes
in the power electronics (from single legs to H bridges) can be
accomplished with little effort taking into account the low prices for
power semiconductors. Multi-phase drives on the contrary still
Fig. 19. Fault-tolerant electro-hydraulic servo axis, scheme (Moog Aircraft Group, have to be engineered specifically for one application which affects
1996; Navarro, 1997). the price of the component. They will for some time only be used, if
their distinct advantages, such as the possibility of splitting the
power across a higher number of phases, or the absence of an off-the-
shelf three-phase motor render the increased design cost insignif-
icantly (Levi, 2008).
Although the electrical faults can be coped with very well by the
presented designs, mechanical faults cannot be tolerated by many of
the designs discussed in this paper. Mechanical faults, such as e.g.
bearing defects, can only be tolerated by entirely new designs of
electric drives, where e.g. two drives act on a single load and can be
disconnected by clutches or special gears that allow to isolate a
faulty motor entirely from the load, see Sections 4.4 and 4.5.
Furthermore, as permanent magnet synchronous motors induce a
current into the stator upon movement of the rotor, care must be
taken that the defect windings of a synchronous motor are never
shorted while the motor is still rotating. This requirement could
also nicely be fulfilled by separation of the drive using a clutch
(which however decreases reliability).
In the area of hydraulic systems, fault-tolerance concepts so far
have mainly been realized for aeronautical applications. The major
disadvantage of the current designs with a dual-tandem ram is the
increase in installation space due to the double cylinder, which
furthermore must be designed as a double rod cylinder to ensure
equal active piston areas in all four chambers. The design proposed in
Section 5.4 can save installation space, however with losses in the
degree of fault-tolerance. It is based on standard industrial
components and can be used with a differential cylinder with
one-sided piston rod only. Many other architectures for EHA’s in
aeronautical applications have been assessed by Sadeghi and Lyons
It is expected that current developments such as steer-by-wire
and brake-by-wire will bring more and more fault-tolerant
mechatronic systems to the mass market (e.g. Isermann et al.,
Fig. 20. Fault-tolerant electro-hydraulic servo axis, fault detection, diagnosis and 2000, Isermann, Schwarz, & Stölzl, 2002). While fly-by-wire has
fault management (Moog Aircraft Group, 1996; Navarro, 1997). already become the de-facto standard for larger passenger planes,
other areas, such as cars, trains, etc., have not yet been equipped in
be able to rotate. The decentralized pressure supply however large numbers with X-by-wire systems. For helicopters e.g. the first
requires an increase in installation space. Unfortunately, neither fly-by-wire helicopter was the NH90 by Eurocopter in 2004. One
the test methods nor the fault symptom tables have been reason for the particular deep penetration of fly-by-wire in the area
published by the authors, so only the employed measurements of airplanes is the fact that the control surfaces of airplanes are by
could be shown in Fig. 20. themselves redundant. The most important maneuvers can be
Further fault-tolerant actuators and sensors have been pre- triggered by different combinations of control surfaces. This is e.g.
sented in the survey papers by Muenchhof et al. (2009a, 2009b, not true for helicopters, where the loss of one control element
2009c) and the respective publications by Isermann (in press, already leads to a loss of the helicopter. The same argument can
2007). also be applied to steer-by-wire and brake-by-wire in cars. Braking
and steering tasks cannot be transferred to the other components
6. Conclusions and outlook very well. Furthermore, X-by-wire in automotive applications
suffers from obligations by the legislation which mandate that the
Safety-critical systems, such as e.g. airplanes, trains, road- driver always has full control over his/her vehicle (Dilger &
vehicles and so-termed X-by-wire technologies will inherently Dieterle, 2002). The trend to fault-tolerant mechatronic systems
require fault-tolerant structures. For non safety-critical systems, such however is probably growing slowly and is especially suitable for
as machine tools, production robots, etc., fault-tolerance will bring systems with very high demands on reliability or safety.
M. Muenchhof et al. / Annual Reviews in Control 33 (2009) 136–148 147

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148 M. Muenchhof et al. / Annual Reviews in Control 33 (2009) 136–148

Marco Muenchhof is currently working as a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Technology. Since 2006 he is professor emeritus and is Head of the Research Group
Automatic Control at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, in the fields of of Control Systems and Process Automation. He received the Dr hc (honoris causa) from
fault management for hydraulic/mechatronic systems, adaptive control, and system L’Université Libre de Bruxelles and from the Polytechnic University in Bucharest. In
identification. Marco has studied electrical engineering at TU Darmstadt and obtained 1996 he was awarded the ‘‘VDE-Ehrenring’’, and in 2007 the ‘‘VDI-Ehrenmitglied’’. The
a diploma (Dipl-Ing) and a doctoral degree (Dr-Ing) respectively. His doctoral thesis MIT Technology Review Magazine awarded him in 2003 one of the Top Ten repre-
investigates fault detection and diagnosis methods for hydraulic servo axes. In addition sentatives of emerging Technologies in the field of mechatronics.
to his studies in the field of electrical engineering, he holds a masters degree (MS) in He has published books on Modeling of Technical Processes, Process Identification,
mechanical and aerospace engineering from the State University of New York at Digital Control Systems, Adaptive Control Systems, Mechatronic Systems, Fault
Buffalo, USA. At SUNY Buffalo, his research interest had been in the area of control Diagnosis Systems, Engine Control and Vehicle Drive Dynamics Control. Current
of flexible structures. He is involved in several national and international professional research concentrates on the fields of identification and digital control of nonlinear
bodies. For IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic Control, he currently serves systems, intelligent control and model-based methods of process fault diagnosis with
as Chair of the Technical Committee 4.1 (Components and Technologies for Control). applications to servo systems, fault-tolerant systems, combustion engines, automo-
He has been member of International Program Committees of several conferences. biles and mechatronic systems. The research group on combustion engines works on
Further information can be found on his homepage multivariable engine modeling, HiL-simulation, combustion pressure control and
fault diagnosis of both, CR-Diesel engines and FSI-gasoline engines. In the vehicle
dynamics group present topics are parameter estimation for drive dynamics control,
Mark Beck studied electrical engineering at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. fault detection of sensors, suspensions, tires and brake systems and the development
After obtaining his diploma (Dipl-Ing) in 2007 he started to work as a research of collision avoidance systems with surrounding sensing and active braking and
associate at the Institute of Automatic Control at the Technische Universität Darm- steering.
stadt. His research interests focus on the fields of fault detection, fault diagnosis and Since 1975 he held several chair positions of IFAC-Technical Committees (Interna-
fault tolerance of hydraulic and mechatronic systems. tional Federation of Automatic Control). In 1996 he was elected as Vice-President of
IFAC until 2002. From 2002 to 2008, he was a member of the IFAC-Council.
Rolf Isermann studied mechanical engineering and obtained the Dr-Ing degree in He organized several national and international conferences like the 10th IFAC-
1965 from the University of Stuttgart. In 1968 he became ‘‘Privatdozent’’ for automatic World-Congress in Munich 1987, the 1st IFAC-Symposium SAFEPROCESS, Baden-
control and in 1972 he became a professor in control engineering at the University of Baden, 1991 and the 1st IFAC-Conference on Mechatronic Systems, Darmstadt held
Stuttgart. From 1977 to 2006 he was professor for control systems and process in 2000. He also organized the biannual VDI/VDE-Conference AUTOREG (control of
automation at the Institute of Automatic Control of the Darmstadt University of vehicles and power trains) from 2002 to 2008.

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