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Qusetion (1):

1. What is meant by the following items? (chapter 1)

a) Digital image
b) Pixel
c) Low-level, digital image processing
d) i(x,y), r(x,y)
e) quantization step(resolution),
f) Spatial resolution
g) Intensity resolution
h) N4(p), ND(p), N8(p)
i) 4-adiancey, 8-adjancey, m-adjancey
j) Path
k) Region, Boundary,
l) Foreground, Background

2. What is meant by the following items? (chapter 2)

a) Filtering
c) Sharping
d)Low pass filter
e) High pass filter

3. What is meant by the following items? (chapter 3)

a) Image Negative
b) Low contrast image
c) High contrast image
d) Bright image
e) Contrast stretching using linear transform
f) Histogram, Normalized histogram
g) Histogram equalization

4. What is the contrast in image processing?

5. What are the components of image processing systems?
6. What is image interpolation?
7. What is Histogram?
8. Explain the steps of converting an image from analog to digital in short
9. What is a digital image?
10.Give an example of a 3x3 filter-mask that smooth an image.
11.What is image analysis?
12.Which type of enhancement operations that modify pixel value
according to the value of pixel's neighbours?

Question (2): Answer with true or false

a) An image with low contrast has wide histogram distribution
b) The idea behind contrast stretching is to increase the dynamic range of the gray levels
in the image being processed
c) High-boost filtering gives us the flexibility to decrease the contribution made by the
image to overall enhanced result.
d) Convolution is the same as correlation expect that , the filter is first rotated by 180
f) Power-law function maps a narrow range of low gray-level values in the input image
into a wider range of output levels.
g) Single valued is required to guarantee the inverse transformation will exist

h) Laplacian filter replaces the pixel value by the median value in the neighborhood
i) The number of bits used to quantize the image is known as intensity reslution.
j) When using the contraharmonic filter positive values of Q eliminates the pepper noise

Question (3): MCQ

1)The shape numbers measure of shape ----------
a. correlation b. Compactness c. Convolution d. filtering
2)The kernel [-1 2 -1] is meant to approximate ---------- order derivative
a. a Low pass filter b. second c. first d. Median filter
3)In the time domain, the convolution multiplication becomes__________ operation
a) Linear b) Nonlinear c) a sum d) Bicubic
4)Digitizing image intensity amplitude is called________
a) Enhancement b) Sampling c) Dynamic range d) Quantization.
5)Filter that performs opposite to band rejected filter is called filter.
a) Harmonic b) bandpass c) LPF followed by HPF d) Bicubic e) None of the above.
6)Fourier transform is a ________________ transform
a) Linear b) Nonlinear c) Bilinear d) Bicubic e) None of the above
7)(T/F)The dynamic range of an image can be compressed by replacing each pixel value
with its logarithm
8)The Rayleigh density can be used to approximate ______
a) Ideal histograms b) Non-Ideal histograms c) Gaussian histograms d) Skewed
9)(T/F) noise reduction can be accomplished by blurring with a linear filter and also by a
nonlinear filter
10) Entropy represents the ___________amount of data required to represent an image.
a) maximum b) average c) minimum d) all of the above
11) To map a narrow range of low gray-level input image into a wider range of output
levels , we use

a) Log Intensity Transformation Function
b) Power-law Intensity Transformation Function
c) Inverse Log Intensity Transformation Function
d) Identity Intensity Transformation Function
12) MRI Technology used --------- band
a) Gamma Rays b) CT Scan
c) Visible d) Radio waves
13) The sum of all elements in the mask of the smoothing averaging spatial filtering must
be equal to
a) m rows
b) n columns
c) m * n
d) 1
14) Sharpening the images is commonly accomplished by performing a spatial -------- of
the image field.
a) Min Filter
b) Smoothing Filter
c) Integration
d) Differentiation
15) One of the following filters is nonlinear
a) Gaussian Filter
b) Averaging Filter
c) Laplacian Filter
d) Median
16) -----------Filter cannot be implemented using convolution mechanism.
a) Average b) Gaussian
c) Median d) Disk

17) To remove "salt-and-pepper" noise without blurring we use
a) Max Filter b) Median Filter
c) Min Filter d) Smoothing Filter
18) Edge detection in images is commonly accomplished by performing a spatial ------
of the image field.
a) Smoothing Filter b) Integration
c) Differentiation d) Min Filter
19) Both the -------- and -------- filters are used to enhance horizontal edges (or vertical if
a) Prewitt and Sobel b) Sobel and Gaussian
c) Prewitt and Laplacian d) Sobel and Laplacian
20) Transforming the pixel values of an image using the log ( ) transformation is an
example of contrast compression of the dark pixels
a) True b) False

Question (4): The following tables give the number of pixels at each of the
grey levels 0-15 in an image. In each case draw the histogram corresponding
to these grey levels, and then perform histogram equalization and draw the
resulting histogram.


Question (4): Filter the given 4x4 gray level image with
A. 3x3 weighted filter using zero padding.
B. Laplacian filter with given mask and reflecting the border pixels
C. Sobel filter with given mask and reflecting the border pixels
D. Show the output image as a result of histogram equalization for the following
5x5 image where the pixels take on values {0,1,..,7}.
Clearly state any assumptions you make..

Question (6): a 3-bit image of size 5-by-5 image in the square, with x and y
coordinates specified,

Compute the following: (Show steps in obtaining your solution)

(a) The output of a 3 × 3 mean filter at position (2,2).
(b) The output of a 3 × 3 median filter at position (2,2).
(c) The output of a 3 × 3 MAX filter at position (2,2).
(d) The output of a 3 × 3 MIN filter at position (2,2)
(e) The output of Sobel filter that detects horizontal edges. (Use even boundary

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