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The United States (/e.ta.z‿y.

ni/, in long form the United States of AmericaN 1, also informally called the
USA or less exactly America (in English: United States, United States of America, US, USA, America), is a
transcontinental country with the majority of its territory in North America. The United States has the
political structure of a constitutional republic and a federal state with a presidential regime, consisting
of fifty states. 48 of the 50 states are adjacent and form the Mainland. It is bordered by the Atlantic
Ocean to the east, the Gulf of Mexico to the southeast and the Pacific Ocean to the west, and is
bordered to the north by Canada and to the southwest by Mexico. . The two non-bordering states of the
Union are Alaska, northwest of Canada, and Hawaii, an archipelago in the middle of the North Pacific
Ocean. Additionally, the country comprises fourteen island territories scattered across the Caribbean
Sea and the Pacific. The country's geography and climate are extremely diverse, home to a wide variety
of flora and fauna, making the United States one of 17 megadiverse countries on the planet4. The
federal capital, Washington, is located in the District of Columbia, an area landlocked in the Union, but
outside the fifty states. The currency is the US dollar. The flag consists of thirteen red and white stripes
along with fifty stars representing the thirteen original and fifty current Federated States of the Union.
The national anthem is called The Star-Spangled Banner. There is no official language in the United
States, although the national language is de facto American English. Before being explored and
conquered by Europeans, the country's territory was first occupied by Native Americans who migrated
from Eurasia around 15,000 years ago5. European colonization began in the 16th century. On May 14,
1607, the English colony of Virginia was founded; subsequently, twelve other British colonies were
founded along the Atlantic coast, while other European powers explored the rest of the American
territory. A series of conflicts between the Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain led to the Revolutionary
War in 1775. The Declaration of Independence was proclaimed on July 4, 1776, in which the thirteen
colonies united to form the United States of America, the first decolonized nation in the world6,7,
recognized by Great Britain at the end of the war. in 1783. The contemporary history of the United
States is marked by the rivalry between New York and Philadelphia, then by the conquest of the West,
the Indian wars and the Civil War. At the beginning of the 20th century, the country became an
industrial power which had the means to intervene outside its borders. It thus took part in the First
World War and then suffered the Great Depression in the early 1930s. Winners of the Second World
War alongside the Allies, the United States had been a nuclear power since 1945. Having become a
world superpower, they were then confronted with the communist system of the USSR and its allies, for
a period of forty years, designated by the term "cold war". In 2020, the United States has a population of
approximately 331 million inhabitants8, placing it third in the world in this respect, after China and
IndiaN 2. The country covers an area of 9.8 million km2 , which makes it, according to the criteria, the
third or fourth country in the world in area after Russia, Canada and ChinaN 3. The American population
is increasing thanks to a natural balance and a positive migratory balance. It is marked by great ethnic
diversity due to ancient and diversified immigration. The capitalist-type national economy is the largest
in the world with the highest GDP in 20159,10; it is fueled in particular by high labor productivity11. The
sectors that reflect American power are agriculture, high-tech industries and services. The US economy
is also one of the largest manufacturers in the world12. The country accounts for 37% of global military
spending13; it is also a prominent political and cultural force as well as a world leader in scientific
research and technological innovation14,15,16,17,18. The United States is a member of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Organization of American States (OAS), ANZUS, Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD), G7, G20, and permanent members of the United Nations
Security Council. Summary

1 Etymology

2 History

2.1 Pre-Columbian period (before 1492)

2.2 Colonial period (1492-1775)

2.3 Revolution, independence and new institutions (1775-1800)

2.4 Conquest of the West, industrialization and the end of slavery (1800-1917)

2.5 Rise of the country to the rank of hyperpower through the wars (1917-1991)

2.6 Contemporary era

3 Policy

4 Associations and organizations

4.1 United States Conference of Mayors

5 States and territories

6 Geography

6.1 General characteristics

6.2 Large natural ensembles

6.3 Human geography

6.4 Transportation

7 Foreign policy

7.1 Armed Forces

7.2 Relations with the United Kingdom since the American Revolution

8 Economy

8.1 General situation

8.2 Federal government economic policy

8.3 Key figures

9 Society

9.1 General characteristics

9.2 Social protection

10 Demography

10.1 Languages

11 Science and culture

11.1 Science and technology

11.2 Literature and philosophy

11.3 Plastic and visual arts

11.4 Architecture

11.5 Music and performing arts

11.6 Kitchen

11.7 Religion

11.8 Sports

11.9 Holidays and public holidays

12 Statistics

13 Codes

14 Notes and references

14.1 Notes

14.2 References

15 See also

15.1 Infographics and files

15.2 Bibliography

15.3 Related Articles

15.4 External links


Amerigo Vespucci.

In 1507, the Lorraine cartographer Martin Waldseemüller produced a planisphere (known as the
Waldseemüller planisphere) representing in particular the southern region of the western hemisphere.
He then wrote the feminized first name "America", in honor of the Florentine navigator Amerigo

The country's name was suggested by Thomas Paine and first adopted by the Thirteen Colonies of the
British Empire in the United States Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

The designation in short form — used in daily life, education and cartography19 — of this country is
"United States" (in English United States, abbreviated as "US") and the long form — used in official
documents — is "United States of America" (English: United States of America, abbreviated as "USA").
The long form "United States of America" is unlike the vast majority of long forms that start with
"Republic of", "Kingdom of", etc. On the other hand, it is close to that of the neighboring country, the
United Mexican States. In France and in many other countries, the country is also referred to in short
form, in everyday language20, but also sometimes in official speeches21, by the informal term
“America”22. In English, the short form “America” is widely used, including in official speeches23.

In French, in everyday language, the country is sometimes also referred to as "the US", "the USA", "the
States" or "the States" (the latter is used in Canada, mainly in Quebec).


Main article: History of the United States.

Pre-Columbian period (before 1492)

Main article: Native Americans in the United States.

Cliff Palace, Anasazi dwellings (13th century), Mesa Verde National Park (Colorado).

The debate over the origin and date of the arrival of Native Americans in North America is not closed.
Archaeological discoveries indicate that the eastern United States has been inhabited for more than
12,000 years, while the arrival of the first inhabitants of the continent dates back more than 30,000
years. Since 1927, the most commonly accepted theory has been that of the immigration of Asian
peoples 12,000 years ago through the Bering Strait. However, certain archaeological discoveries made in
recent years give new directions regarding the prehistoric colonization process in North America.

Some scientists believe that other peoples could have arrived on the northern coasts, 17,000 years
before our era [ref. necessary], during the deglaciation of the northern regions. Other specialists believe
that the first inhabitants would have crossed the Pacific Ocean by boat to arrive first in South
Before the arrival of Europeans, several civilizations developed on the current territory of the United
States: the Mound Builders laid out the first mounds around 3,400 BC. J.-C.25. In the 12th century, the
city of Cahokia, near Saint-Louis, had some 15,00026 to 30,000 inhabitants27 and 120 burial mounds26.

Despite the difficulties in establishing statistics, most historians agree in estimating the native
population of the present United States at 7 to 8 million people in 1492. In the 16th century, the lands
east of the Rocky Mountains were populated by Amerindian tribes: Cheyennes, Crows, Sioux, Huron-
Wendats, Iroquois, Cherokees and Creeks who hunt bison but also practice agriculture, gathering,
breeding and fishing. The Iroquois live in the St. Lawrence Valley, in the area of Lakes Erie and Ontario,
in the Hudson River Valley and in the western part of the Appalachians. They have six major tribes.

Tribes of herders and farmers, Apaches, Comanches or Pueblos, inhabit the Rockies28.

Colonial period (1492-1775)

Main articles: European colonization of the Americas and Thirteen Colonies.

Map of North America in 1755.

Map of the Thirteen Colonies circa 1775.

Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1492 and then explored present-day
Puerto Rico the following year. In the 16th century, the European powers in search of the Northwest
Passage and wealth sailed and then settled along the Atlantic coast. Here follow one another more or
less permanent Spanish, English, French, Dutch and Scandinavian colonies. The most famous and oldest
establishments are those of Saint Augustine (Florida, 1565), Jamestown (1607) and Plymouth (founded
by the Puritan Pilgrim Fathers in 1620). To the southwest, the Spanish expanded New Spain by leading
expeditions from Mexico. To the northwest, the Russians settled along the Pacific coast. Whites come
into contact and trade with indigenous peoples. But the Amerindians did not resist the epidemics
introduced by the Europeans (smallpox, measles), acculturation (alcohol,

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