Evangelista - Activity Lit 1

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Evangelista, Karen Joyce A. Ms.

Ruth Aquino

BSED-3B ENGLISH Lit1 (10:00am-



1. What are your insights about the epic story "Bantugan"?

 The moral of the tale is to be content with who you are and what you
have, as the Good Prince Bantugan did. You don't have to be envious of
others' characteristics or achievements because everyone is unique and
capable of achieving success in a variety of ways. Rather than becoming
envious, use them as motivation to work harder and longer to reach your
goals. I think it is a good literary piece because it taught us moral lesson
that we can apply I our daily lives.

2. What is the significance of the story "Ibalon" to what is happening in the present
 A good leader must be prepared at all times. We must note that becoming
a successful leader requires a great deal of courage to lead change within
a single organization. A leader must learn to encourage others, lead
change, communicate a vision, and most importantly, inspire those
around them. For me, in our generation there’s a lot of people who can be
a leader but not all can be an effective leader and it shows on our
government now. Always be courageous. And if you're not courageous,
try to be. Let's face it, we all have our doubts, but if we don't let them go,
nothing will change. Even if you know you're putting your life on the line,
be courageous. Be brave enough to speak for yourself.

3. Which character in the epic story of "Hinilawod" do you think you can relate with
and why?
 I can relate with Alunsina, aside from being beautiful I am also standing
up to fight for women’s right. I can also stand on my own and I don’t
need a man to survive. I am a strong independent woman.

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