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Indian Overseas Bank, Staff College, Chennai

A Quarterly Newsletter from Indian Overseas Bank

Staff College Chennai
From the Principal’s Desk


EASE-Towards Responsible and Responsive Banking

It gives me great pleasure to share my thought with you, through

this Editorial. As you are aware, Vidya Deepam is one of the
various initiatives of the Staff Training System, to reach all of you
and share knowledge among all the IOBians. In the previous
edition, we discussed about the focussed areas of the Year of
Resurgence - 2019-20. I thought that in this issue, we can discuss
on “EASE-towards Responsible and Responsive Public Sector

The massive recapitalization of PSBs was approved by the

Government in October 2017. It is incumbent on PSBs that the trust
reposed by the Government translates into economic returns for
the country. Holistic and wide ranging reforms need to therefore
take place alongside, so that this capital is effectively utilized for
achieving faster economic growth. This PSB reforms agenda-
“Enhanced Access & Service Excellence” (EASE), is based on the
recommendations made by PSB Whole Time Directors (WTDs) and
Senior Executives in ‘PSB Manthan’ in November, 2017.

Thirty action points under six themes have been set under EASE for
performance improvement of the PSBs. These six themes are: 1)
Customer Responsiveness 2) Responsible Banking 3) Credit Off-
take 4) PSBs as Udyamimitra for MSMEs 5) Deepening Financial
Inclusion and Digitalization 6) Governance and HR

Government of India has given the responsibility of doing EASE

ranking of all the Public Sector Banks to IBA and IBA has
appointed the BCG for the same. EASE ranking is one of the
criteria for GOI to decide the amount of capital infusion. There is
no need to reiterate the importance of capital to our Bank. In the
recently published EASE Reforms Index and ranking of PSBs in
September 2019 by IBA, our Bank ranked 9th with a score of 58 out
of 100. There is significant improvement in score (+9.6) over March
2019 and also the improvement of one rank over March 2019, but
still there is a gap from those Banks who secured 1st rank.

We can together make our Bank to secure 1st rank under EASE
ranking and in true sense make our Bank as CLEAN (Clean credit,
Leveraging data, Ensuring accountability, Action against
defaulters, NPA Recovery) and SMART (Speedy, Multi-channel
reach, Accessible & affordable, Responsive, Technologically
enhanced) Banking.

Let’s make a history by coming out from PCA in the current FY


Wishing all the IOBIANS and their family members a very happy
and prosperous new year 2020.

K V Subba Rao
DGM & Principal
Staff College

Date: 31.12.2019

Compiled by: Shri Abhishek Arya

Senior Manager(Faculty), Staff College


SEBI has tightened the norms for Listed Banks in reporting of bad loans. SEBI directed that the listed banks will have to
disclose any divergence in bad loan provisioning within 24 hours of receiving the RBI’s risk assessment report, rather
than waiting to publish the details in their annual financial statements. The instructions will come into force with
immediate effect. SEBI has issued a format in which such disclosures need to be made. The disclosures are required if a
bank’s additional provisioning for NPAs assessed by RBI exceeds 10% of the reported profit before provisions and
contingencies and if the additional gross NPAs identified by the RBI exceed 15% of the published incremental gross


The World Gold Council (WCG) has urged the Government to introduce Bullion Banking in India, which is the World’s
Second-Largest Consumer of the precious metal- in a phased manner for building an organised and transparent local
gold market. Bullion Banking is a division within a universal bank which offers specialised services to participants in the
bullion market. These services centre on dealing in physical bullion or bullion based contracts and are offered by banks
in most large bullion markets. Introduction of bullion banking forms an important part of the country’s Gold Policy which
the Government has been planning to introduce now.


Currently, the supervision of financial sector entities is undertaken through three separate departments. Similarly, the
regulatory functions related to financial sector entities are carried out through three separate departments. Now RBI,
under attack for not being able to prevent scams in the banking sector, has reorganised its supervisory and regulatory
functions into two departments to deal more effectively with potential systemic risks. Accordingly, RBI decided to
integrate the supervision functions into a unified department of Supervision and Regulatory functions into a unified
Department of Regulation with effect from November 1, 2019.


SEBI has issued the norms for Rating Panels. The MD and CEO of credit rating agencies shall not be members of their
rating committee. Rating committees of credit rating agencies (CRAs) shall report to a credit rating officer. As regards
for composition of Board of Directors of CRA, one-third of the board shall comprise independent directors if it is chaired
by a non-executive director. In case the board is chaired by an executive director, half of the board shall comprise
independent directors. The Chief Rating Officer is to directly report to the ratings sub-committee of the board of CRA.


RBI has announced the opening of the first cohort under the regulatory sandbox with retail payments as the theme. The
adoption of “retail payments” as the theme is expected to spur innovation in digital payments space and help in offering
payment services to the unserved and underserved segment of the population. Digital modes of payments can cut down
some of the cost associated with a cash economy while giving customers a “friction-free” experience. Eligible entities
can apply between November 15 and December 15 this year.


The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation will decide on a new Base Year for the GDP series. When new
series with 2011-12 base year was being worked out the Ministry thought of revising it to 2009-
10. But then the economists decided that 2009-10 was not a good year globally and domestically and finalised for 2011-
12 as the Base Year for new series of GDP. The Ministry is working to bring in a new series of national accounts which
would result in change in the existing Base Year of 2011-12. The Government is also considering 2017-18 as the new
Base Year but no decision has been taken because some more data is required for taking the decision.


Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) will start all communications from November 8 to Taxpayers which
will have a computer generated “Document Identification Number” (DIN). CBIC is the Apex Policy Making Body for
indirect taxes in the Central Government. It has implemented this mechanism after its counterpart CBDT implemented it

from October this year. Though DIN is mandatory requirement, still in exceptional circumstances communications may
be issued without an auto generated DIN. However this exception is to be made only after recording the reasons in


In a bid to bring in better regulation of Core Investment Companies (CIC), the Working Group set up by RBI has
submitted its report. The Group has identified six main issues, including excessive leverage and corporate governance
and has suggested restricting the number of layers in such firms in a group to two. As such any CIC within a group shall
not make investment through more than a total of two layers of CICs including itself. For complying with this
recommendation, RBI may give about two year’s time to the existing groups having CICs at multiple levels.


Four years after the foreign exchange management act was amended to switch control on equity flows to the
Government from RBI, the Finance Ministry has notified a new framework for investments via non-debt instruments.
This switch over implies that the finance ministry will now be the notifying authority for any change for FDI Policy
instead of RBI. The latest set of rules, notified on October 17 have provided in detail permitted sectors for foreign
investment, countries allowed and also various entities and instruments covered. The Finance Ministry will consult the
RBI on any changes to the rules in future.


IRDAI’s proposed hike in the limits for self-assessment of damages will benefit customers who may now be able to
report higher value damages on their own without having to wait for days for a surveyor. For filing of motor insurance
claims, it has proposed that policyholders can report claims up to Rs.75, 000 against the current ceiling of Rs.50, 000.
For claims other than motor insurance, IRDAI has proposed a threshold of Rs.1, 50, 000 against the current ceiling of
Rs.1 Lakh. Surveyors are required for managing complex claims and simpler or low-ticket size claims should be left to
the insurance companies to handle directly with their customers.


At present, RBI uses Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) framework as an early warning tool to maintain the financial health
of commercial banks. RBI plans PCA Framework and a different supervisory system for NBFCs by 2022.


(Case-Uttam Ram VS. Devinder Singh) In this case the Supreme Court has said that once a cheque is issued, it is
presumed that it was for consideration and the holder of the cheque received it in the discharge of existing debt. It is
a statutory presumption under the Negotiable Instruments Act.


Jewellery Industry in the country is planning to introduce a model code of conduct to bring back trust and confidence
of consumers, lenders and policy makers. The model code of conduct is set to bring in uniformity in gold and jewellery
sales in India and also control default by individual jewellers.


The Finance Ministry has now amended the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) rules, allowing the flexibility for
people who use Aadhar for KYC and want to give their current address which is different from the address mentioned in
Aadhar records. This will be allowed if the individual concerned provides a self- declaration for the current address.
There had been lot of demand from various sectors of the economy for this flexibility. It will particularly help migrant
workers who have the address of their native place in Aadhar but may want a bank account with their current address
where they are living for work.


SEBI has put in place a mechanism for stock exchanges and depositories to map the Unique Client Code (UCC) with the
Demat account of a client. Stock Exchanges and depositories shall map the existing UCCs with the Demat account of the
clients latest by December 31, 2019. UCC allotted by the Trading member (TM) to the client shall be mapped with the

Demat account of the client. A client may through multiple TMs in which case each such UCC shall be mapped with one
or more Demat accounts. SEBI has asked the bourses to share the UCC data having PAN, Segment, TM/CM (Clearing
Member) code and the allotted UCC with the depositories.


The Centre has taken the next step in insolvency reforms by bringing personal guarantors to corporate debtors within
the fold of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) from December1, 2019. The ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
has come up with a set of rules extending the scope of the IBC to personal guarantors of corporate debtors. The new
regime will be prospective and invoked when there is a default. Further the Law of Limitation will apply. So far, the
resolution of corporate guarantors was available under the IBC. Now even resolution of personal guarantors will be


SEBI has made it mandatory for all listed companies to make public disclosures on loan defaults. The move will help
stakeholders stay better informed on the financial health of a company. The move comes two years after SEBI had
abruptly withdrawn circular directing companies to disclose all defaults within 24 hours of missing the due date, after
concerns were raised by banks, companies and stakeholders. SEBI has said any default of payments of interest or
principal on loans taken from financial institutions including banks, will have to be disclosed if it continues beyond 30


As governance and default concerns mounted, RBI superseded the board of directors of financially-stressed Dewan
Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. (DHFL) and appointed an administrator. DHFL is now headed to the NCLT. This is the
first time that the RBI is using power granted to it in the Union Budget for FY 19 to dismiss the management of a
finance company. This will also be the first time that the recent amendment to the insolvency law allowing a finance
company to face insolvency proceedings will be used.


Four years after the Supreme Court directed the RBI to disclose a list of India’s wilful defaulters, RBI has now released
a list of 30 major wilful defaulters. While the RBI has been reluctant to release this data, individual banks and lenders
have always generated information on wilful defaulters in the form of suits filed for recovery of their dues.


(Case- Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai VS Abhilash Lal) Supreme Court has ruled in this case that though
section 238 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code states that the code will override other laws, when properties of
public authorities are involved, the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) cannot ignore their objections and create
fresh interest on them.


(Case- Lilavati Kirtilal Mehta Medical Trust VS. Unique Shanti Developers) The Trust bought flates from the Developers
to accommodate it’s nurses but these flates were found to be so dilapidated that they could not be repaired. The Trust
complained to the National Consumer Commission which dismissed it holding that the Act excluded persons who
obtained services for a commercial purpose. The Trust appealed to the Supreme Court which ruled that a Hospital
Trust buying flates to accommodate it’s nurses could be called a “Consumer” under the Consumer protection Act.


SEBI has issued new norms for Portfolio Management which are expected to further safeguard investor’s interest and
also help the industry become more competitive by weeding out non-serious players due to higher net worth
requirements. Now SEBI has decided to raise the minimum investment amount of clients for portfolio management
schemes to Rs.50 Lakhs from the earlier Rs.25 lakh. Besides it has decided to increase the net worth requirement of
portfolio managers to Rs.5 Crore from Rs.2 Crore.


SEBI will make it easier for unlisted companies looking to raise funds by selecting debt securities on the stock
exchange platform. The focus is on companies that have not listed their shares but want to list only their debt
instruments. Many firms have shied away from listing their debt securities as they had to comply with rules similar to
equality listings on the exchanges. SEBI may consider lower disclosure requirements, exemptions from insider trading
rules and statutory auditor norms along with increase in frequency of filing of results to one year from six months.


The Finance Ministry has said that “E- Invoicing” will be mandatory for businesses having turnover of Rs.100 Crore or
more from April 1. E- invoicing is a system in which B2B (Business-to- Business) invoices are authenticated
electronically by GSTN (GST Network, IT Backbone for new indirect system) for further use on the common GST
Portal. An identification number will be issued against every invoice by the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) to be
managed by GSTN. All invoice information will be transferred from this portal to both the GST Portal and E-Way Bill
Portal in real-time.


In a Landmark Decision, Supreme Court has ruled that electronic evidence in criminal cases should be classified as
“Document” and the accused would be entitled to a copy of the same to prepare the defence. The contents of Memory
card/Pen drive being electronic record must be regarded as a document.


The GST Network (GSTN) will create a special facility to allow buyers and sellers to converse with each other after the
new simplified GST return system is rolled out on April 1. With the new return system in place, about 22.73% of GST
Assessees with NIL turn-over will only need to send an SMS to GSTN to complete their compliance and then confirm it
with an OTP. Prakash Kumar, CEO of GSTN also said that it could also be developed into an SMS facility that will allow
businesses to settle invoice issues expeditiously.

Bank of Baroda has signed a MOU with Indian Army under which the bank will offer customised services along with a
host of facilities to account holders. The MOU includes free personal accident insurance cover, free air accident
insurance cover of Rs.15 Lakh to Rs.50 Lakh and an overdraft facility up to three times of the monthly net salary. The
features are also applicable for pensioners of Indian Army up to the age of 70 years.


CBDT has launched a computer- generated Documentation Identification Number (DIN) system which provides for a
transparent and recorded communication between the income tax department and the taxpayers. A DIN will be
mandatory from October 1 onwards for every type of communication with the income tax department. Without it, the
document and communication will be deemed invalid.


Presently, no Indian company, partnership firm or LLP can acquire a stake in an offshore company that has
investments in an Indian entity. Also, Indian companies cannot set up their subsidiaries through their foreign wholly-
owned subsidiaries or joint ventures. RBI has clarified that there would be no “Blanket ban” on Indian companies
wanting to buy stakes in overseas firms which already have investments in India under the automatic route. However,
approval from RBI will be required.


State-run banks are set to implement doorstep banking for millions of consumers- including the facility to deposit and
withdraw cash, making life easier for senior citizens and disabled. UCO Bank has floated a “Request for Proposal” on
behalf of all public sector banks seeking private players to run the facility that will come with a call centre, website and
a mobile app through which service requests can be lodged. Initially, the doorstep banking facility will be available to
senior citizens and the disabled who often find it tough to visit branches.


The Union Government has directed public sector banks to look for an alternative resolution mechanism outside the

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC). The Government has further told them to build “resilient credit risk control
systems” for high value loans, and has set a deadline for 45 days to decide upon consortium lending. These measures
are part of second round of reforms under the Enhanced Access and Service Excellence Programme, known as
EASE2.0 sent by the Finance Ministry to all public sector banks. The banks will be bound to follow EASE 2.0 because
the 64-point measures will be part of the annual performance appraisal of bank executives of the DGM and above


IRDAI has said in a Master Circular that all insurers should ensure that communications are clear, fair and not
misleading whatever is the mode of communication. All advertisements must clearly state the availability of the
underlying element of life insurance coverage to clearly identify the product as an insurance product. In respect of
ULIPS, the actual asset mix of various underlying funds vis-a-vis the asset composition of approved asset pattern shall
be placed on the web portal of the respective life insurance companies at least on half yearly basis. The insurers
should not highlight the positive financial condition of the parent (Promoting partner) without mentioning the financial
condition of the insurer and/or indicate the assets of the parent company and can be banked upon when desired.


Compiled by: Sh. Bikas Kumar Sah

Chief Manager (Faculty), Staff College

Circular Title: Amendment to Loan Policy Document 2019, Classification of Exports

under Priority Sector.
(Ref. Adv/417/2019-20 dated 22.10.2019)
Issued by: CSSD

Gist of Circular: RBI has issued revised guidelines for classification of export under
priority sector lending. In order to boost credit to export sector, RBI has brought
the following changes in guidelines pertaining to export credit:

 Enhanced the sanctioned limit, for classification of export credit under

Priority Sector lending, from Rs.25.00 Crore to Rs.40.00 Crore per borrower.

 Removed the existing criteria of “Units having turnover of up to Rs.100.00

In other words, as per revised guidelines, the export credit extended as per details
given will be classified as priority sector “Incremental export credit over
corresponding date of the preceding year, upto 2 percent of ANBC or Credit
Equivalent Amount of Off-Balance Sheet Exposure, whichever is higher, effective
from April 1, 2015 subject to a sanctioned limit of Rs.40.00 crore per borrower with
no ceiling on turnover.

Circular Title: Interest Rates on Advances-Revision in MCLR w.e.f. 10.11.2019

(Ref. Adv/423/2019-20 dated 07.11.2019)
Issued by: CSSD

Gist of Circular: ALCO in its meeting held on 06.11.2019 has decided to keep the
present level of MCLR as unchanged for all tenors (1 Year MCLR-8.50%) at existing
level. Strategic premium and risk premium will also continue to be at the present
level until further review.

Circular Title: Amendment to Loan Policy Guidelines, Compulsory External Rating

of the Borrowal accounts with aggregate credit limit of Rs.25.00 Crore and above
excluding MSME borrowal accounts
Ref. Adv/429/2019-20 dated 25.11.2019)
Issued by: CSSD

Gist of Circular: To improve the credit portfolio of the Bank and to reduce
the level of Non­ performing assets, there is a need to enhance the
scope of externally rated accounts. Accordingly, it is now decided with
the approval of Board that all the borrowal accounts having aggregate
credit limits of Rs. 25.00 crores and above are to be compulsorily rated
externally from the approved credit rating agencies. However, Borrowal
accounts classified under MSME are exempted from this compulsory
external rating. 6
Operational Guidelines:

 External Rating is now compulsory for all the accounts having

aggregate exposure (other than MSME) of Rs. 25.00 crores and above.
 All the new connection with aggregate exposure of Rs. 25.00 crores
and above (other than MSME) are to be compulsorily rated externally
w.e.f. 01.04.2020.
 However, all Existing accounts (other than MSME and Special schemes)
with exposure of Rs.25.00 crores and above have to be rated
externally on or before 01.12.2020. If the borrower fails to obtain
external rating within the stipulated time, the sanctioning authority
must stipulate a sanction condition to charge an additional interest of l
 Credit sanctioning authorities should immediately take up with the
existing borrowers by giving an advance notice and ensure to
complete the external rating before the next annual
renewal/review or 01.12.2020 whichever is earlier.

MSME accounts and all special schemes having an exposure of Rs.25 crores
and up to Rs. l 00.00 crores are exempted from compulsory External Rating.
Circular Title: Repo Linked Lending Rate(RLLR) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
on implementation of RLLR.
(Ref. Adv/430/2019-20 dated 29.11.2019)
Issued by: CSSD

Gist of Circular: In reference to the circular no. ADV/407/2019-20 dated

30.09.2019 and to have further clarification on the subject, Deptt has prepared
FAQs for easy reference of the branches/other offices.

Circular Title: Amendment to Loan Policy Document-Large Exposures Framework.

(Ref. Adv/434/2019-20 dated 11.12.2019)

Issued by: CSSD
Gist of Circular: Our Board on 04.11.2019 has approved amendment to Loan
Policy Document-Large Exposure Framework and the revised guidelines as
discussed in the Operational Instruction of the circular supersedes the earlier
guidelines issued by Department vide Circular dated 02.04.2019 and including
guidelines incorporated in LPD-2019 dated 10.04.2019 on LEF.

Circular Title: Sale of Assets to ARCs/SCs/Banks/NBFCs/FIs-Policy & Standard
Operational Procedure (SOP).
(Ref.-Master/46/2019-20 Dated 09.10.2019.
Issued by: SAMD

Gist of Circular: Consequent to the suggestions made by CVC through DFS,

certain changes have been made to the existing policy in selling the assets to
ARCs. The revised policy along with SOP duly approved by the board are made
available with an objective to bring more accounts for sale to ARCs.

Circular Title: Financial Inclusion-Access to Banking Services-Basic Saving Bank

Deposits Account (BSBDA)

(Ref. Misc/649/2019-20 dated 23.10.2019)

Issued by: BOD
Gist of Circular: In the interest of better customer service, it has been decided to
make certain changes in the facilities associated with the BSBD Account. Banks
are now advised to offer the following basic minimum facilities in the BSBD
Account, free of charge, without any requirement of minimum balance.

i. The deposit of cash at bank branch as well as ATMs/CDMs

ii. Receipt/ credit of money through any electronic channel or by means of
deposit /collection of cheques drawn by Central/State Government
agencies and departments
iii. No limit on number and value of deposits that can be made in a month
iv. Minimum of four withdrawals in a month, including ATM withdrawals
v. ATM Card or ATM-cum-Debit Card

The BSBD Account shall be considered a normal banking service available to all.

Banks are free to provide additional value-added services, including issue of

cheque book, beyond the above minimum facilities, which may/may not be
priced (in non-discriminatory manner) subject to disclosure.

The availment of such additional services shall be at the option of the customers.
However, while offering such additional services, banks shall not require the
customer to maintain a minimum balance.

Offering such additional services will not make it a non-BSBD Account, so long as
the prescribed minimum services are provided free of charge.

Circular Title: Builders’ Payout/Project Approval: Modifications in Scheme.

(Ref. Adv/410/2019-20 dated 01.10.2019)
Issued by: Retail Banking Division


APPROVALS TO BUILDERS (Amendments Cir No.- ADV/423/2013-14 dated
Under modified guidelines, Regional offices can extend payout to Sales
Executive of Builder who have sourced Housing Loan for our Bank or to builder
directly. Maximum payment is restricted to 0.25% or Rs. 50,000/- per loan, either
severally or Jointly to sales executives of Builders/Builders.

Proportionate % also can be decided by Regional offices while entering into tie
up with Builders for sourcing of Housing Loans for their RERA approved projects.

While paying commission to Sales Executive of Builders, Regional office to

exercise cautionary measures to avoid any future claim from any other Sales
Executive or Builder.
Regional office to also ensure that commission paid is final and no double
payment or false claims are entertained. All other guidelines on Builder's
Payout remains same expect change in payment of service charge/
commission to Builder.
CREDAI membership w i l l be an added advantage while considering tie
up. However same need not be insisted.
Circular empowers Zonal Office to amend existing format, case to case
basis after vetting revised/amended Tripartite Agreement by Panel
Advocate. Zonal office to ensure that Bank's rights are safeguarded in
revised/amended agreement.
Circular Title: Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
(Ref. ITEC/172/2019-20 dated 23.10.2019)
Issued by: DBD
Gist of Circular:
Our bank has implemented BBPS payment in the following modes.

• Pre-Login Internet - - Online payments -

Bill payments
• Post Login- After logging into 1OB Internet
banking – BBPS.
• Mobile Banking - IOB Mobile app
• Unified Payment Interface
BBPS currently is covering bill payments of five segments viz. Electricity, Gas,
Telecom, water and Direct to Home (0TH). Customers can make payment to
BBPS billers in existing bill payment option in the above applications. Currently
there are 116 billers as per the list annexed with circular, which are displayed
during initiation of payment through BBPS.
Now RBI has decided to permit all categories of billers (except prepaid
recharges) who provide for recurring bill payments to participate in BBPS on
a voluntary basis. Onboarding new billers will help bank in increasing income
through commission and can help in improving CASA.

Circular Title: Revised Schedule of Service Charges for Foreign Bank
Guarantee/SBLC issuing for availing Buyers’ Credit.
(Ref. FX/Permanent/63/2019-20 dated 23.10.2019)
Issued by: Branch Support Services Section
Gist of Circular:
RBI vide AP DIR Series Circular No. 23 dated March 13, 2019 has issued detailed
guidelines on Revised Trade Credit framework wherein the regulation governing
Trade Credit has been revamped. In terms of the above circular, RBI has
permitted AD Banks to issue Bank Guarantees (in lieu of Letters of Undertaking/
Letters of Comfort) on behalf of the importer, in favour of overseas lender for
raising Trade Credits {Suppliers' Credit and Buyers' Credit) subject to certain

Presently revision in service charges is made in respect of Guarantees/SBLCs issued

in favour of our Overseas Branches/other Banks for availing Buyers' Credit
applicable to 'BBB', Below BBB and Unrated borrowers. The details of charges are
furnished in Annexure of the Circular.
These revised service charges are applicable w.e.f. 05th November 2019 for
availing Buyers' Credit only. For SBLCs/Bank Guarantees issued for availing Buyers
Credit against 110% cash/deposit margin, the charges are 50% of the
Circular Title: CERSAI- Notification of Chapter IVA of SARFAESI Act, 2002.
(Ref. Adv/425/2019-20 dated 13.11.2019)
Issued by: Retail Banking Division
Gist of Circular: RBI has issued letter 2781 /09.08.020/2019-20 dated 04. l 0.2019 on
"Notification of Chapter IVA of SARFAESI Act, 2002" in which RBI has sought
clarification from Government of India on issues related to registration of
vehicle charges, hypothecation of crops, etc. The circular discusses the
clarifications given by Government of India on the following these issues:

1) Registration of Vehicles on CERSAI.

2) Agricultural lands and securities of loans below Rs.1.00 lac need to be
3) Whether standing crops and livestock etc. hypothecated to Banks are
covered under SARFAESI Act, 2002 subject to the minimum of Rs.1.00
Branches/Regional Offices are advised to take note of the clarifications
and comply with same.
Circular Title: CGTMSE modifications in the ceiling of Guarantee Cover on
Outstanding basis.
(Ref. Adv/433/2019-20 dated 10.12.2019)
Issued by: MSME
Gist of Circular: Circular discusses for the purpose of calculating the exposure limit
on outstanding basis, the following to be considered.
1. In respect of fully disbursed Term Loans, the outstanding as on
the date of consideration of fresh coverage is to be considered.

2. In respect of partially disbursed Term loans, the entire sanction
amount should be considered. In case, if the M LI proposes to
cancel the undrawn portion of the sanctioned facility, MLI to
update the same in CGTMSE portal.
3. In respect of working Capital Limits, the total sanctioned amount of
working capital limit (irrespective of utilization n) should be considered. •

The borrowers can avail incremental credit facilities (i.e. to the extent of
reduction in the outstanding exposure limit) under Credit Guarantee Scheme of
CGTMSE, subject to maximum cap of Rs. 200.00 lakh.

Circular Title: Lodging of CBI Complaints and Registration of FIRs.

(Ref. Misc/663/2019-20 dated 10.12.2019)
Issued by: RMD (Fraud Risk Management Cell)
Gist of Circular: The circular reiterating the need and importance of lodging
CBI complaint immediately on detection of fraud in order to nab the culprit
without loss of time. As per extant guidelines, CBI complaints are lodged with
Anti-Corruption Branches (ACBs)/Economic Offenses Branches (EOBs) and
Banking Security & Fraud Branches (BS&FBs) based on the involvement of
public servants and the amount of fraud involved.
Accordingly, it has been decided that henceforth for all bank fraud
cases, including complaints of large value frauds (Fraud exceeding Rs.
50.00 Crores), there will be a single point of contact for banks for
lodgment of CBI complaints about bank frauds. Under this arrangement
Head of Zone, BS&F Zone, CBI, New Delhi has been designated as the
nodal office on behalf of CBI instead of Joint Director (Policy), CBI and all
the CBI complaints regarding bank complaints including large value frauds
must be addressed to: Shri Anurag (Presently), IPS, Head of Zone, CBI, BS&F
Zone, 5-B, 10th Floor, "A" Wing, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

Regional Offices are advised to send the vetted complaint (Vetted by

Vigilance Deptt.) to Nodal Officer (to be designated by Zonal Office-Delhi)
Zonal Office Delhi for handing over to CBI.
Circular Title: KVIC-Action against online fraud under PMEGP scheme.
(Ref. ADV/418/2019-20 dated 30.10.2019)
Issued by: MSME
Gist of Circular:
Directorate of PM EG P, Khadi and Villag e Ind ustries Commission (KVIC), Ministry of
MSM E, Government of India, Mumbai vide communication PM EG P/ policy/ 2019-

Quote: " PMEGP e –portal also contains cautioning against middlemen,

which state that K\/IC has not engaged any Private Party / Ag e n c y /
Middlemen / Franchise etc. for promoting or sanctioning of PM EG P
projects or any financial assistance e under PM EG P programme

and any potential entrepreneurs /beneficiaries dealing with such
agency shall be doing it at their risk and consequences.”
Branches / Regional Offices are advised to take note of the above
instructions issue d by the KVIC and take necessary steps to sensitize
the PMEGP applicants/ beneficiaries in this regard. Branches to
exercise caution and refrain from middlemen etc., while handling
PMEGP lo a n s.
Circular Title: Proper maintenance of mails Inward/Outward Register by the
Branches/ROs & Controlling Offices.
(Ref. MISC/668/2019-20 dated 18.11.2019)
Issued by: BOD
Gist of Circular:
Vigilance Department, during their investigations has observed that the branches,
Regional Offices and Controlling Offices are not maintaining inward/Dispatch
Registers properly. The guidelines regarding the maintenance of register for
recording the letters received and dispatched is detailed in the Book of Instructions,
Volume 4, Chapter A.4 and the same is reiterated in the circular.

Circular Title: Inclusion of Deendayal Antyodaya Yojna-NULM in Repo Linked Repo

Rate (RLLR)
(Ref. ADV/424/2019-20 dated 07.11.2019)
Issued by: ARID (Small Section)
Gist of Circular: As per RBI guidelines, NULM loans are non-farm sector loans under
Micro and Small Enterprises. Now w.e.f.10.11.2019 interest rates for newly opened
loans under NULM schemes will be linked to Repo Linked Lending Rate (RLLR).


Compiled by: N Rajasekar, Chief Manager (Faculty), Staff College.

Circular Title : Gaps/preventive measures on frauds reported during the quarter

ended September 2019

(Ref.: Misc/639/2019-20 dated 09.10.2019) Issued by:Risk Management Department.

Gist of Circular:
To spread awareness among the staff members about the fraud incidence and to
prevent such incidents from happening in future, the modus operandi of the frauds
during the quarter ended September 2019 with measures to be adopted by the
branches are explained.

Case 1: Area of fraud - Cash.

Gap: Cash checking officer had closed the cash without tallying.

Preventive Measures/Suggestions. Cash vouchers should be tallied with daily

transaction supplementary report. Cash checking officer should tally the physical
cash with system generated file.

Case 2: Area of fraud - Pension Accounts.

Gap: Staff member had unauthorisedly activated the account from inoperative to
operative without obtaining the documents and customer's authorisation. Other
staff members in the branch were negligent by removing the debit freeze on
account without having proper documentary evidence, disabling the mobile alerts,
issuing insta debit card etc.

Preventive Measures/ Suggestions. Staff members should not activate the account
from in operative to operative without obtaining the KYC documents and customer
authorisation. All staff members in the branch should be vigilant while posting are
passing the transactions. Security items namely ATM cards, cheque book etc to be
kept under real custody only. Password secrecy should be maintained.

Case 3: Area of fraud - Misappropriation of Customer Funds.

Gaps: Staff members were negligent in verifying the genuineness of the transactions

Preventive Measures/Suggestions. Staff accounts should be monitored by branch

manager or RO officials. Other staff members in the branch should be vigilant while
posting and passing the transaction. Password secrecy should be maintained.

Case 4: Area of fraud - Advance

Gaps: Staff member had deviated from using the discretionary powers a section
the loans to his own relatives without approval of the branch manager. Negligence

of others staff of branch in verifying the genuineness of the transaction before
posting and passing.

Preventive Measures/ Suggestions. Staff members should adhere to the

discretionary powers issued by cssd department. Other staff members in the branch
should be cautious while posting and passing of transactions. Supplementary
checking should be mandatorily done.

Circular Title : Fixing of limits for entering high value transactions in system- HBLEM

(Ref.: Misc/649/2019-20 dated 24.10.2019) Issued by: Banking Operations Dept.

Gist of Circular: Our ITD has developed a Menu HBLEM to handle the high value
transactions. Branches can make entry in this menu when limit exceeds. An error
message pops up in HTM/ HCASHWD/ HXFER menus while entering high value
transactions. Branch initiating the transaction is the maker and the concerned
regional office is a checker. Regional offices have to verify the entries made by the
branches under their control in the menu and can accept or reject the same. The
user manual is given as annexure in the circular

Circular Title: Registration Portal for HLCs & DSAs for Housing Loan (URN &
Performance Entry) Office Accounts for payment of Commission to HLCs & DSAs

(Ref.: Adv/426/2019-20 dated 16.11.2019) Issued by: Retail Banking Division.

Gist of Circular: A separate portal has been designed under RO Products at IOB
Online for Registration and Performance Entry of the DSAs/ HLC s. Also separate GL
code and Office Account for payment of Commission to the DSAs/HLCs has been
created for all Regional offices for enabling them to pay commission.

A separate GL code (54076) has been opened for payment of Commission to these
DSAs and HLCs for sourcing of Housing Loans to our Branches. Two Separate
accounts; each for DSA and HLC commission payment has been opened at all
the Regional Offic e s and rights has been given for both Debit and Credit of
entries. The details of these accounts are:

XXXX 01 54076001: Account for HLC's commission payment XXXX 01 54076002:

Account for HLC's commission payment (XXXX is RO code)

Please note that Regional Offices will be responsible for consolidation of these
accounts. At any given point of time, commission reported under portal and GL
balance should be tallied.

Circular Title: Housing Loan Campaign- Commemoration of Foundation Day -
"Milestone 6000"

(Ref.: Adv/432/2019-20 dated 09.12.2019) Issued by: Retail Banking Division.

Gist of Circular: To commemorate our bank's foundation day, it is proposed to

launch a Housing Loan campaign to involve all business units of the bank from
05.12.2019 to 05.02.2020, which is titled as "Milestone 6000". Loan products eligible
are Subhagruha, IOB Gharaonda, CC Subhagruha, Subhagruha Top up loans
above Rs .5 lakhs, Home Improvement scheme above Rs.10 lakhs, Home decor
scheme above Rs.5 lakhs, NRI Home loans.

Circular Title: IDPM S- Follow up and submission of Bill of Entry

(Ref.: Circular Letter to all Branches / Regional Offices/ Zonal Offices/ other Offices
dated 04.12.2019) Issued by: Treasury Department.

Gist of Circular: In order to enhance ease of doing business and facilitate efficient
data processing for payment of import transactions and effective monitoring
thereof, Import Data Processing and Monitoring System (IDPMS) has been
introduced by RBI in the year 2016. In terms of RBI Circular No. A.P. (DIR Series)
Circular No. 27, dated January 12, 2017, submission of hardcopy of Evidence of
Import documents i.e. BoE has been discontinued, with effect from December 01,
2016, as it is available in IDPMS. Accordingly, the BoE message master data
received from RBl's 1-EDPMS portal is made available in FINACLE. Based on the BoE
details (BoE number, port code and date) as received from the Importer, AD
branches have to take printout of BoE message data from FINACLE. The same BoE
printout could be utilized for settlement of rela ted outstanding Outward
Remittance Entries in FINACLE. This procedure is applicable only for BoEs dated on
or after 1st December, 2016.

Circular Title: Revamping of Short Inspection conducted by Regional Office

(Ref.: Misc/649/2019-20 dated 29.10.2019) Issued by: Inspection Dept.

Gist of Circular: Earlier Short Inspection was conducted to ensure compliance level.
However, on perusal of performance / results by Joint Share committee of
Inspection. Risk Management and Compliance, it is decided that the format is
changed in order to ensure compliance very near to the transactions/events.
Hence we have reviewed the existing format and revised in order ensure above
objective. The revised format is enclosed. The word copy is available in download
under Inspection department in IOBONLINE. The revised format comes to effect
from Apr-Sept 2019 half year. The nodal officer for Short Inspection is Ms.Thenmozhi,
Manager, Inspection Department, Central Office and contact no. is 044 28519563.


(Ref.: Misc/645/2019-20 dated 19.10.2019) Issued by: Inspection Dept.

Gist of Circular: In Case of High Risk awarded, Regional Manager shall visit the
branch within 3 working days of inspection report date and take necessary steps for
improvement. Communication with the initiatives taken for improvement with
timelines shall be sent to respective inspectorates (Now ZAO). Change in Branch
Management, strengthening branch team etc., Introduction of Concurrent Audit
System in the Branch.

In terms with above guidelines, now revised Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) on High
Risk Branches is to be submitted within one month from the end of each Quarter
until the branch is upgraded to Medium or Low Risk. The Report is to be submitted
to the respective Zonal Audit Office with copy marked to Inspection Department,
Central Office. The word copy of the QPR is available under our Department in

Circular Title: Preventive measure to guard against Internal Frauds by misuse of

Password /Office Accounts

(Ref.: Misc/655/2019-20 dated 02.11.2019) Issued by: Inspection Dept.

Gist of Circular: Recently one incident came to the notice of bank that a series of
unauthorised transactions was put through CBS in Office account. Also the
Password authorisation was misused in these transactions. These kind of incidences
reveal that the existing systems and procedures are not followed. Misuse of
password or sharing of password to a colleague is a gross negligence. Apart from
monetary loss to the bank, these result reputational loss to the bank. Hence
precautions to be taken to avoid such incidents.

Circular Title: Internal control - Audit Responsibilities - Short Inspection

(Ref.: Misc/662/2019-20 dated 07.11.2019) Issued by: Inspection Dept.

Gist of Circular: The internal controls, as advised by Central Office from time to
time, are to be adhered on a timely basis without deviation and laxity. Any major
incident is occurred or serious irregularities are reported by respective authority, our
focus first will be on control areas deficiencies on Short Inspection conducted at
branches. If any deviations are surfaced with regard to non-adherence of Systems
and Procedures by branches even after conducting short inspection or not
conducting short inspection timely, the following members will be held responsible,
1) The auditor conducting Short Inspection, 2)2nd Line at Regional Office, 3)
Inspection Department at Regional Office.


(Ref.: Misc/667/2019-20 dated 08.11.2019) Issued by: Inspection Dept.

Gist of Circular: it has been decided to provide additional role functions to Zonal
Audit Offices hitherto handled by Inspection Department, Central Office. Zonal
Audit Head is responsible for its implementation of their role functions as advised by
Central office from time to time and ensure that audit matters are closed at the
earliest. Zonal Audit Heads are now been provided discretion to call for explanation
from the Officers/Branch Heads at Branches, Regional Offices or any other Units
within the jurisdiction of Zonal Audit Office for the following audit matters. A. OCAS
B. RBIA- FRC C. Short Inspection D. Jewel Loan Inspection E. Concurrent Audit F. RBI
Inspection at Currency Chest and other branches G. Leakage of income H.
Currency Chest & AD Branches by RO I.Special Report J. LFAR K. High Risk Branches.

Circular Title: Concurrent Audit - Role of Controllers

(Ref.: Misc/674/2019-20 dated 04.12.2019) Issued by: Inspection Dept.

Gist of Circular: Concurrent Audit System is one of the most effective tools used in
the Internal Control Mechanism. The following operational instructions are issued in
order to strengthen the internal control mechanism: 1) RO Inspection should ensure
that concurrent audit report is released in eTHIC software on or before 7th of
succeeding month 2) The concurrentaudit review meeting should be conducted
by Regional Offices within 20 days after the end of the quarter 3)The Regional
Offices to peruse all the concurrent audit rep orts and ensure that the auditors
cover all the areas of operations and record their observations including zero
tolerance, income leakage, etc. 4) It is should be ensured that the concurrent
auditors peruse other audit rep orts like RBIA, LFAR, Stock Audit, Revenue Audit, RBI
Inspection Report, etc. and comment on the status of compliance by branches
under Compliance Product available in eTHIC software.

Circular Title: Compendium of Circulars-Internal audit/Inspection function in bank

(Ref.: Misc/676/2019-20 dated 07.12.2019) Issued by: Inspection Dept.

Gist of Circular: The guidelines and circulars issued upto 30.11.2019 by inspection
department have been incorporated in this compendium which will be handy and
ready reference document for guidance to all the concerned. The policy of RBI
issued from time to time or changes approved by top management / board by
issue of circular shall prevail in the event of any deviation from the contents of this
compendium. Branches are advised to be guided accordingly.

Circular Title: "IOB SME EASY" Scheme - Modified

(Ref.: Adv/415/2019-20 dated 18.10.2019) Issued by: MSME Dept.

Gist of Circular: Reference is invited to earlier circulars with no. ADV /562/ 2014-15
dated 25.03.2015 and ADV/592/2015-16 dated 04.07.2015 advising salient features
of the IOB SME Easy Scheme. Consequent to further inputs received from RO/
Branches, the modified scheme is released.

Out of all the MSME schemes introduced by our Bank, the present scheme has
gained much momentum due to its unique feature of security backing by way of
liquid/immovable properties as against the traditional stocks and book debts and
non-insistence of periodic submission of stock statements. The scheme is a tailor
made scheme to suit the various financial requirement of MSE sector.

Branches are advised to extend credit under the scheme & utilize this opportunity
to increase their exposure to MSME sector, without compromising on the quality of

Circular Title: Interest Subvention Scheme for Kisan Credit Card (KCC) to fisheries
and Animal Husbandry farmers during the years 2018-19 and 2019-20

(Ref.: Adv/421/2019-20 dated 28.10.2019) Issued by: ARID.

Gist of Circular: Government of India has approved to extend the benefits of

Interest Subvention at 2% and Prompt Repayment Incentive (PRI} at 3% to fisheries
and animal husbandry farmers to meet their working capital needs under the KCC
scheme. For computing working capital loan quantum for fisheries and Animal
Husbandry, Regional Offices are advised to contact their respective State Level
Bankers Committee to get approved scale of finance and advise the same to the
branches under their control.

Circular Title: KVIC Is Charging Nominal fee (Rs.500) from Beneficiaries under PMEGP

(Ref.: Adv/416/2019-20 dated 22.10.2019) Issued by: MSME Dept.

Gist of Circular: The Competent Authority has decided to allow KVIC to charge a
nominal fee of Rs.500/ - only from those PMEGP applicants whose loan has been
sanctioned. The amount of Rs.500/- will be deducted while releasing the Margin
Money subsidy in respect of the beneficiary to the Financing Bank. KVIC has
advised the Implementing Agencies and Financing Banks to take note of the

Circular Title: Revised Policy 2019 on KYC Norms/AML Standards/CFT

(Ref.: Master/52/2019-20 dated 12.11.2019) Issued by: KYC Cell.

Gist of Circular: The revised policy on KYC norms / AML standards / CFT and
obligations of the bank under Prevention of Money Laundering act on the basis of
aforesaid directives was approved by the Risk Management Committee of the
board on 10.09.2019. The policy is revised based on master direction which is

updated upto 09.08.2019 for the benefit of branches, Regional office, Zonal office
and other offices.

Circular Title: Introduction of IOB Loan Secure Insurance Policy

(Ref.: Misc/656/2019-20 dated 04.11.2019) Issued by: Law Dept.

Gist of Circular: Under IOB Loan Secure Insurance Policy - New Insurance Plan,
coverage can be provided to any individual borrower/s who have availed loans in
IOB like Educational Loans, Housing Loans, Vehicle loans, Clean loans, personal
loans, MSME/SME Loans including Mudra Loans, Gold Loans etc., and also other
loans supported by collateral security. Existing NPA accounts can also be covered
under this policy. Principal loan borrowers and CoApplicants from age 20yrs to 65
yrs & staff members can also avail this policy for the loans availed by them in our
Bank. Sum insured option available ranging from Rs.50000/- to max Rs.3 Crores.

Circular Title: Master Circular on Documentation pursuant to switching over to RLLR

linked interest.

(Ref.: Master/50/2019-20 dated 25.10.2019) Issued by: Marketing & Devpt Dept.

Gist of Circular: The documents provided in Circular No.4 of 2019-20, dated

04.10.2019 were modified and annexed to this Circular. The branches and other
offices are advised to obtain documents prescribed in this circular. The present
Circular overrules the Circular No.4 of 2019-20, dated 04.10.2019. However ,it is not
necessary to disturb the documents taken already as per Circular No.4 of 2019-20,
dated 04.10.2019.

Sanction letters for the loans covered nunder the scheme with applicable rate of
interest as RLLR, should be issued mentioning RLLR in the place of 'Base
Rate/MCLR in F-568.


(Ref.: Adv/631/2019-20 dated 06.12.2019) Issued by: CSSD.

Gist of Circular: ALCO in its meeting on 06.12.2019 has decided to keep the
present MCLR as unchanged for all tenors at existing level. It may be mentioned
here that the Strategic Premium and Risk Premium will also continue to be at
the current levels until further review. One Year MCLR is 8.50%.

Circular Title: Bancassurance-Non-Life Insurance-Tie up with Universal Sompo

General Insurance Co. Ltd. - Launch of 108 Health Care Plus {Revision) Product

(Ref.: Misc/669/2019-20 dated 22.11.2019) Issued by: Marketing & Development


Gist of Circular: IOB Health Care Plus (Revision) Product is a revamped health
insurance solution offered by USGICL for all our customers (including NRls where
treatment in India only is covered under the scheme) with more features and value
additions are included at a revised premium.


(Ref.: Master/51/2019-20 dated 30.10.2019) Issued by: Lead Bank Dept.

Gist of Circular: The Reserve Bank of India has issued a number of guidelines/
instructions on Lead Bank Scheme from time to time. This Master Circular
consolidates the relevant guidelines/instructions issued by Reserve Bank of India on
Lead Bank Scheme up to June 30, 2019. Branches and Lead bank office may be
guided by the circular.

Compiled by: (RANJAY KUMAR JHA)
Chief Manager (Faculty), Staff College

Circular Title : Revision/Change in RLASC(Regional Level Audit Sub-Committee)

(Ref.: Misc/638/2019-20 dated 09.10.2019)
Issued by: Inspection Department
Gist of Circular: The minutes format of the Regional Level Audit Sub-Committee has
been changed to bring more focus on resolution of all audit findings covering
various aspects/domains. There will be seven agenda which covers twelve domain
areas. The RLASC meeting will be held every month and the minutes to be
submitted to Audit Committee of Executives (ACE). The ZAO-Head will attend the
meeting as observer and share the audit experience during the meeting. These
revised guidelines are to be implemented for meeting held from Oct’2019.

Circular Title: Scheme for extending financial assistance to Sugar Mills for
Enhancement and Augmentation of Ethanol Production capacity
(Ref.: ARI/203/32/2019-20 dated 21.10.2019)
Issued by: ARID
Gist of Circular: NABARD has issued operational guidelines on the above scheme
vide their circular no. 263/DoR-67/2018 dated 12.10.2018. Interest subvention on
Loan Amount will be limited to 5 years, including one year moratorium period. The
period of 5 years is to be reckoned from the date of Disbursement of 1st Installment
of loan for a period of 5 years only, reckoned from the day of disbursement of First
Installment of Loan.
Circular Title: Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2019-20 Series V to X
(Ref.: Transient Series File 7-D Circular No. 20/2019-20 dated 10.10.2019)
Issued by: Government Account Department
Gist of Circular: Government of India in consultation with RBI has announced the
Sovereign Gold Bond Series 2019-20 Series V to X. Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme is a
golden opportunity for increasing our fee based income as Bank is getting a
commission of 1% on total subscription amount. The SGB will be issued in six tranches
from October 2019 to March 2020 as per the calendar specified below:
S.N. Tranche Date of Subscription Date of Issuance
01 2019-20 Series V October 07-11,2019 October 15,2019
02 2019-20 Series VI October 21-25,2019 October 30,2019
03 2019-20 Series VII December 02-06,2019 December 10,2019
04 2019-20 Series VIII January 13-17,2020 January 21,2020
05 2019-20 Series IX February 03-07,2020 February 11,2020
06 2019-20 Series X March 02-06,2020 March 11,2020
Features and other details are enumerated in RBI circular on the above dated
September 30,2019.
Circular Title : Information Security –Education Series “Skimming”
(Ref.: ITEC/176/2019-20 dated 14.11.2019)
Issued by: Information Security Department
Gist of Circular: The department has issued an Education series circular on
Skimming. The readers are advised to go through the above circular to make
themselves aware to make the customer aware about Skimming.

Circular Title: Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR), Revision of KRAs &
Dispensing of QPR Implementation.
(Ref.: Transient Series File 7(F) Circular no. 88/2019-20 dated 10.10.2019)
Issued by: HRDD
Gist of Circular: The allocation of marks for APAR on different KRAs have been
revised/modified vide above circulars. Readers are advised to go through the
above mentioned circular for better understanding of KRAs and Marks Allocation.

Circular Title: Special OTS Scheme-Clarification

(Ref.: Transient Circular no. 12/2019-20 dated 11.10.2019)
Issued by: SAMD
Gist of Circular: The department has given following two clarifications vide above
circular on Special OTS schemes:
Mortgage Loans : It is clarified that the loans under following schemes alone having
mortgage of immovable property as Prime Security are not eligible to be
considered for OTS Scheme under the classification of Mortgage Loans apart from
Housing Loans and other ineligible accounts advised in the circular dated
15.05.2019 :
a. Loan against Property(LAP)
b. Miscellaneous Cash Credit(MCC)
c. Liquirent Loan
Group Accounts: In respect of Group Accounts, OTS can be considered by the
respective layer of authority based on the Book Outstanding in Individual account
of the Group. For e.g. if there are two accounts in a group , one with Book
Outstanding of Rs. 3 Cr. and other one is with Book Outstanding of Rs. 4 Cr; the first
account can be considered for OTS by RO and the second one can be considered
by ZO under Special OTS Scheme.

Circular Title: Discipline in Maintenance of Internal / Office Accounts Suspense and

Sundry Creditors
(Ref.: Misc/657/2019-20 dated 05.11.2019)
Issued by: Banking Operations
Gist of Circular: Internal Office Accounts, namely, Suspense and Sundry Creditors,
are utilized for routing the transactions for a short period in as much as
approval/permission from appropriate authorities is necessary / to be obtained for
disposal of those entries. Time and again, it has been reiterated through series of
reminders and other guidelines as handholding initiatives from corporate level.
Branches and Regional offices are advised to submit the confirmation certificate of
having complied with above instruction in the format provided in the above said

Circular Title: Tips for Improving Success in E-Auction for Sale of Securities
(Ref.: Transient Series File(E) Circular no. 11/2019-20 dated 10.10.2019)
Issued by: SAMD
Gist of Circular: The department has issued various tips to improve the success rate
of E-auction. Readers are advised to go through the above mentioned circular and
make maximum use of it make maximum recovery in NPA accounts.

Circular Title: Unauthorised disclosure of Internal Guidelines/Communications in
Social Media
(Ref.: Transient Series File 7(f) Circular no. 101/2019-20 dated 24.10.2019)
Issued by: Industrial Relation Department
Gist of Circular: The above circular reiterates the various guidelines on prohibition of
staff members to put Bank’s internal guidelines on Public Domain.

Circular Title: Policy on Unclaimed Balances: Transfer of Sundry Creditors Entries by

branches to Unclaimed Balances
(Ref.: Misc/680/2019-20 dated 10.12.2019)
Issued by: Banking Operation
Gist of Circular: Accounts/entries eligible for transfer for unclaimed balances and
S.N. Nature of Account Head Periodicity
01 Saving Bank and Current 08 years since the last transaction by the
Account customer(05 years account remained in
02 Term Deposit Accounts The deposit is not claimed within 05 years
from the due date
03 Demand Drafts DDs which are outstanding(i.e. remaining
unclaimed) for Three years or more
04 Sundry Creditors All items (except those relating to clearing
adjustments) lying in SCRS for Three Years
or more.
05 Excess Cash Amounts which have been lying
unclaimed for more than Six Months

Transfer to Unclaimed Balances Account: Annually, on or before 10th day of March,

the CBS system will transfer all accounts and balances classified as unclaimed to
UNCLAIMED BALANCES ACCOUNT maintained at CO-BSME for aggregate amount.
Similarly, Excess cash unclaimed for more than six months shall be transferred to
unclaimed balance accounts maintained at Central Office every half year during
March and September. To facilitate the process, branches should ensure proper
classification in their books/records.

Circular Title: User Level Action to Contain Cyber Attacks Prevent, Protect and Don’t
(Ref.: ITEC/171/2019-20 dated 22.10.2019)
Issued by: Information Security Department
Gist of Circular: This is an education series circulars issued by departments on used
level action. Readers are advised to go through the circular for better compliance
and preventive measure.

Circular Title: Revised Policy 2019- Policy Document on Valuation of Properties

(Ref.: Misc/643/2019-20 dated 14.10.2019)
Issued by: Banking Operation Department
Gist of Circular: Department has issued Policy guidelines on Valuation of Properties
which inter-alia includes IBA guidelines, government guidelines and SOP.

Circular Title: Withdrawal /Stoppage of Additional Monthly Benefits Extended to Staff
Members for Non-Performance/ Under Performance in the Growth of Branch
(Ref.: 7(f)/97/2019-20 dated 22.10.2019)
Issued by: HRMD-IR Section
Gist of Circular: The following additional benefits to staff members in the branches
are linked to achievement/performance in certain parameters:
1. Monthly Reimbursement of Conveyance Allowance
2. Monthly Reimbursement of Telephone / Mobile Rental Charges
3. Monthly Reimbursement of Cost of News Papers
4. Reimbursement of Entertainment Expenses

Compiled by: (Padamjeet Dahiya)
Senior Manager (Faculty), Staff College

Circular Title: Missed Call for Housing Loan

(Ref.: ADV/414/2019-20dated 16.10.2019)
Issued by: Retail Banking Division
Gist of Circular: Missed Call for Housing Loan
To increase housing loan portfolio in ‘Year of Resurgence’ its designed that
customers/non-customers can now give missed call to “7039166269”. A team from
housing loan cell will download the data of missed calls from the portal and call
customers/non-customers to understand their requirements and details will be
shared with Regional office/Zonal Office. Branches to display the missed call
number in prominent place on branch/ATM. Promotional material is also available
at IOB Online>Housing loan cell>publicity material.

Circular Title: Availability of NEFT System 24*7

(Ref.: MISC/677/2019-20dated 10.12.2019)
Issued by: Banking Operations Department
Gist of Circular: RBI has advised availability of NEFT on 24*7 basis from 16th Dec,2019.
Few important point:
a) There will be 48 half-hourly batches every day. Settlement of first batch will
commence after 00:30 am and last batch will end 00:00 midnight.
b) It will be available on all days including holidays.
c) NEFT transaction after usual banking hours of banks are expected to be
automated transactions initiated using STP modes by the banks.
d) Members bank will ensure sending of positive confirmation message for all
NEFT credits.
e) All provisional guidelines will be applicable for 24*7 NEFT transactions as well.
f) Branches are advised to display the information on notice board about
enhanced timing of 24*7 NEFT transactions

Circular Title: Special Non-Resident Rupee Account (SNRR Account)

(Ref.: RBI/2019-20/102 A.P. DIR Series, circular no.09dated 22.11.2019)
Issued by: RBI
Gist of Circular: Any person residing outside India, having a business interest in India
may open Special Non-Resident Rupee Account (SNRR Account) with an
Authorised Dealer for purpose of putting through bona fide transactions in Rupees.
Recently scope of SNRR Account has been increased by permitting residents
outside India to open such account for:

a) External commercial borrowings in INR

b) Trade Credits in INR

c) TRADE(Export/Import) invoicing in INR

d) Business related transaction like administrative expenses in INR outside IFSC,
INR amount by sale of scrap, Govt. Incentive in INR etc

Restrictions of tenure of such account has been removed for above

mentioned purposes

Circular Title: Harmonisation of Turn Around Time(TAT) and customer compensation

for failed transactions.
(Ref.: ITEC /174/2019-20 dated 06.11.2019)
Issued by: Digital Banking Division
Gist of Circular: RBI has issued circular regarding TAT and customer compensation
for failed transactions. It may be noted that prescribed TAT is the outer limit for failed
transactions and banks shall endeavour towards quicker solution to failed
transactions. Detailed information given in circular separately for ATMs/POS/credit
cards/debit cards/IMPS/UPI/Aadhar Pay etc

Circular Title: Recovery Policy 2019

(Ref.: MASTER /49/2019-20 dated 11.10.2019)
Issued by: Stressed Asset Management Dept
Gist of Circular: Recovery Policy has been reviewed by the Board with few
modifications and modified Recovery Policy-2019 has been made available in
master circular itself.

Circulars giving information on Frauds, issued this quarter by Risk Management.

Circulars talk in detail about:

a) Modus operandi observed in the frauds

b) Major gaps identified at appraisal and monitoring level

c) Mitigation measures suggested

Everyone needs to understand the importance of following our system and

procedures to prevent such frauds in future and take a note from these to avoid
future frauds. Details of circular along with dates are as below:

Circular Title: Frauds in aviation sector-Analysis by CVC

(Ref.: MISC /650/2019-20 dated 30.10.2019)
Issued by: Risk Management

Circular Title: Frauds in service/project sector-Analysis by CVC

(Ref.: MISC /651/2019-20 dated 30.10.2019)
Issued by: Risk Management

Circular Title: Preventive measures while sanctioning of vehicle loans

(Ref.: MISC /652/2019-20 dated 31.10.2019)
Issued by: Risk Management

Circular Title: Frauds in media sector- Analysis by CVC
(Ref.: MISC /653/2019-20 dated 01.11.2019)
Issued by: Risk Management

Circular Title: Operational Risk-Transfer of funds based on E-mail request

(Ref.: MISC /654/2019-20 dated 01.11.2019)
Issued by: Risk Management

Circular Title: Frauds in Export business sector- Analysis by CVC

(Ref.: MISC /659/2019-20 dated 05.11.2019)
Issued by: Risk Management

Circular Title: Preventive measures on frauds reported in Jewel Loans

(Ref.: MISC /672/2019-20 dated 25.11.2019)
Issued by: Risk Management

Compiled by: Jeetendra Kumar Panda
Senior Manager (Faculty), Staff College

Circular Title : KVIC Started Online EDP training programme under PMEGP
Ref.:ADV/428/2019-20 dated 16.11.2019
Issued by:MSME Dept

Gist of Circular: KVIC has introduced an online training portal and also a mobile
app which is made live w.e.f. 22.10. 2019.The e-portal can be accessible from the
e-portal ( or through KVIC website
( The portal can also be accessed through url The play store app name is “Udyomi” which has 11
modules of various of subjects and topics in line with EDP syllabus. The PMEGP
beneficiaries have to register on the online portal/mobile app through their
registered mobile no. or applicant ID of PMEGP Portal. A helpdesk also made
available to address the issues on 07526000333/07526000555 or through email:

Circular Title: Remittance of Government Receipts (physical receipts) to

Government Account
Ref.: Transient series (File 7D) circular no 21 of 2019-20 dated 24.10.2019
Issued by: Government Accounts Department.

Gist of Circular: Since all the branches of the agency banks are on CBS platform, all
the agency banks (Public/Private Sector Banks), shall remit the physical
government receipts collected by the branches of the banks to Government
Account in RBI on the next working day i.e. T + 1 (including put through) where T
stands for the day when amount is received by the dealing branch. For the
branches falling under North Eastern States, the specified time for remittance would
be T+2 days (including put through).


Ref.: ITEC/ /2019-20 dated 31.10.2019
Issued by: Digital Banking Dept.

Gist of Circular: Transactions which fail on account of technical reasons like

hardware, software, communication issues; non-availability of currency notes in the
ATM; and other declines ascribable directly / wholly to the bank/ service provider;
invalid PIN / validations; etc., shall not be counted as valid ATM transactions for the
customer. Consequently, no charges therefor shall be levied. Non-cash withdrawal
transactions (such as balance enquiry, cheque book request, payment of taxes,
funds transfer, etc.), which constitute 'on-us' transactions (i.e. when a card is used at
an ATM of the bank which has issued the card) shall also not be part of the number
of free ATM transactions.

Circular Title: Revision of threshold limit for simplified procedure for settlement of
claims in respect of deceased constituents.
Ref.: Master/53/2019-20 dated 25.11.2019
Issued by: Law Department

Gist of Circular: Board in its meeting dated 04.11.2019 has approved the revised
threshold limits for simplified claim settlement procedures. The revised threshold
limits are as below:

Existing Limits Revised limits

Claims up to threshold limit Rs. The revision of threshold limit approved by
25000/- fixed our bank will be board:
settled against indemnity of the For branches headed by Threshold limit
legal heirs (without 3rd party sureties) Branch heads
Scale I Rs. 50000/-
Scale II & III Rs. 75000/-
Scale IV & above Rs. 100000/-

In case threshold exceeds the power granted to branch heads, the papers have to
be submitted to regional offices which is empowered to sanction upto Rs. 100000/-
under simplified procedure.

The Discretionary powers for normal settlement of claims without legal

representation and without nomination (with sureties) are as follows:

S.No. Scale of Branch Manager/Regional Head Amount (Rs.)

l JM-I (Branch level) 50,000
2 MM-II (Branch level) 1,00,000
3 MM-Ill (Branch level) 2,00,000
4 SM-IV (Branch level) 3,00,000
5 Scale-V (Branch level) / AGM-CO / SRM (Scale-VJ 10,00,000
6 DGM-CO I CRM (Scale-VI) 20,00,000
7 Zonal Manager (NBGM) FULL

However, as the claims up to Rs.1,00,000/- is to be settled under simplified

procedure, the above discretionary powers for JM-I and MM-II are observed

For Settlement of all claims up to the threshold limit of Rs. 1,00,000/-:

1. Branches need not insist for sureties,

2. Branches need not insist for court order in lieu of death certificate for settlement
claim in respect of missing person

Circular Title: Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Marking of lien

Ref.: Transient series (File 7D) circular no 26 of 2019-20 dated 18.11.2019
Issued by: Government Accounts Department.

Gist of Circular: SGBs are issued in the form of Government of India Stock and are
held either as Bond Ledger Account (BLA) in RBl's E-Kuber system or as
dematerialised bond with the Depository. The investors are issued GOH as a proof of
investment if the bonds are held in BLA account with RBI. In case. the bonds are
held in dematerialized forms; the title of a holder could be verified from the demat
statements provided by Depositories.
As regards the lien marking rights in case of bonds held in BLA form, the same is
provided to the banks. It may be mentioned that in order to create a valid lien, the
lien marking should be recorded by the banks extending the loan by using the
facility provided on the E-Kuber portal. In case of dematerialized bonds, the lien is
marked by the depositories in line with the practice followed for stocks and shares
which are accepted as collateral by the banks. The detailed procedure for marking
of lien is provided in the user manual on RBI website under the link for guidance.

Circular Title: Clarification on Repo linked Lending Rate (RLLR) for Retail Loan
Ref.: ADV/412/2019-20 dated 04.10.19
Issued by: Retail Banking Division.

Gist of Circular:

 Repo linked Lending Rate (RLLR) has been introduced to select Retail
schemes - Housing, Vehicle, Education, Clean loans w.e.f. 01.10.2019.

 All other Retail Loans will continue to be sanctioned/ disbursed at MCLR

based interest rate as published by the Bank from time to time and all
guidelines All fresh loans for Housing, Vehicle, Education, Clean loans will be

 sanctioned/disbursed only under Repo linked Lending Rate system with MCLR
remains unchanged for these loans.

 The effective interest rate for these schemes - Housing, Vehicle, Education,
Clean loans will be RLLR + Applicable spread as published by Bank from time
to time.

 Existing guidelines relating to concessions will remain the same as applicable

to MCLR. However, the net effective rate should not come below the RLLR.

 Reset of RLLR will be done by the Bank minimum once in three months.

 The existing loans/ credit limits linked to MCLR/Base Rate/BPLR shall continue
till repayment/renewal as the case may be.

 However, the existing borrowers have an option to migrate to RLLR as detailed

in the CSSD circular Adv/ 407/2019-20 dated 30.09.2019.

 Branches must update the mobile number/email id for all new/migrating RLLR
based loans.

 Amended documents shall be published by Law Department.

Circular Title: Enabling Cash Deposit Failure Transaction (through Cash Recycler)
complaints under SPGRS
Ref.: ITEC/177/2019-20 dated 19.11.19
Issued by: Digital Banking Department.

Gist of Circular: New option has been created to lodge complaint for failed cash
deposit transactions initiated through Cash Recycler in SPGRS module. Steps to be
followed by branches to lodge deposit failure complaints in SPGRS module also
given in the above circular.

Circular Title: Cash Transaction Report

Ref.: MISC/644/2019-20 dated 18.10.19
Issued by: AML Cell.

Gist of Circular: The Prevention of Money-laundering Act, 2002, and rule thereunder
require every reporting entity to furnish to FIU-IND information relating to following
transactions of their customers every month-
 All cash transactions of the value of more than rupees ten lakhs or its
equivalent in foreign currency;
 All series of cash transactions integrally connected to each other which have
been individually valued below rupees ten lakh or its equivalent in foreign
currency where such series of transactions have taken place within a month
and the monthly aggregate exceeds an amount of ten lakh rupees or its
equivalent in foreign currency.
Audit by Inspection department observed some instances of large value cash
deposits of customers in office accounts (like Sundry creditors miscellaneous
account, NEFT Sundry creditors account, CCO account etc.) and simultaneous
transfer/withdrawal from the same account which will bypass CTR/STR rules. Such
types of practices may result in wrong reporting of CTR as cash 1s deposited in
internal accounts and transferred to Customer's account, hence branches to desist
from such practice in future and not to accept any cash transaction on behalf of
customers through any office /internal accounts.

Circular Title: Recovery of Interest on delayed remittance of Government Receipts

into Government Account.
Ref.: Transient series (File 7D) circular no 22 of 2019-20 dated 24.10.2019.
Issued by: Government Accounts Department.

Gist of Circular: In order to bring uniformity in the procedure of reporting both

central and State government transactions to Reserve Bank, it was advised that the
petty claims of delayed period of penal interest involving amount of Rs. 500/-or
below will be ignored and excluded from the purview of penal interest. With a view
to bring further uniformity in the procedure for reporting both central and state

government transactions to Reserve Bank, it has been decided with the approval of
Comptroller and Auditor General of India that will be made applicable to State
government transactions also i.e. ignoring petty claims of penal interest involving
an amount of Rs. 500/-or below and excluding them from the purview of penal
interest, and applying the limit of penal interest of Rs. 500/- on per transaction basis.

Circular Title: Agency Commission - Furnishing reconciliation certificate.

Ref.: Transient series (File 7D) circular no 23 of 2019-20 dated 24.10.2019.
Issued by: Government Accounts Department.
Gist of Circular: For claiming agency commission banks have to submit Annex A
and Annex B to RBI. It is now being decided that agency banks while claiming
agency commission may submit the certificate (Annex B quoted in the Circular)
duly certified by Chartered Accountants or by Cost Accountants. There is no
change in Annex A and other usual Certificate from ED/CGM (in charge of
government business) to the effect that there are no pension arrears to be credited
/ delays in crediting regular pension / arrears thereof.

Circular Title: Dress Code for Employees.

Ref.: Transient series File 7 (f) circular no 60 of 2019-20 dated 23.10.2019.
Issued by: Staff Industrial Relations.
Gist of Circular: All staff members are therefore advised to strictly adhere to the
Dress code already specified in our above circular including wearing of identity
card at all times while on duty, without any exception. There will be incognito visits
to Branches/other Offices and if any staff member is found to be lacking in adhering
to the stipulated dress code or not wearing identity card, strict disciplinary action
will be taken against such persons.

Circular Title: New Jewel Loan Scheme exclusively for Women “IOB
Ref.: ADV /422/2019-2020 dated 06.11.2019.
Issued by: Jewel Loan Cell, Agriculture and Rural Initiatives Dept.
Gist of Circular: In order to make our Jewel Loan portfolio more competitive, a new
Jewel Loan scheme namely 'IO8-SWARNALAKSHMI' is launched with some
attractive features exclusively for women.
a. Exclusively for individual women.
b. Only for domestic/non-productive purposes, for which no rigorous
assessment /end use verification required.
c. Lower interest rate.
d. Lower processing charge.
e. No Security delivery charge at the time of closure.
f. Free Insurance cover of Rs.2 Lacs under PMSBY.
g. Quick sanction at reduced TAT.
h. Preference to the scheme and beneficiaries over others at the time of
For details of the scheme please refer to the Circular quoted above.

Circular Title: Fraudulent availment of Duty drawback on the basis of
forged/fabricated CDFs -Modus Operandi.
Ref.: Circular Letter to all Branches / Regional Offices / Zonal Offices/ other Offices,
dated 21.10.2019
Issued by: Treasury Department.
Gist of Circular: RBI has advised that fraudsters, in the pretext of claiming payments
to be received for the exports made, have been exploiting the Duty drawback
facility available for exporters by submitting fake/forged Currency Declaration
Forms along with foreign currency procured from the local market/FFMCs and by
furnishing incorrect travel documents. To prevent the same, RBI has advised the
Bank to exercise caution while processing such claims.
In this connection, our bank has advised that all branches to exercise caution while
processing Export Documents/Duty drawback claims of the export customers and
ensure that the documents submitted are genuine and the payment received is
through approved channel for genuine export transactions

Circular Title: Diversion of Funds by borrowers operating Current Account with other
Ref.: MISC/640/2019-20 dated 10.10.2019
Issued by: Banking Operation Department.
Gist of Circular: IBA vide it circular dated June 07, 2017, has suggested a self-
disciplined mechanism for Banks with regard to accounts having an exposure of Rs.
5 Crore and above from the Banking industry as given below:

1. Branches are advised to ascertain through CRILC (Central Repository of

Information on Large Credits) whether the customer is availing credit facility
from any bank, before opening a current account and to follow the following
 In case the account is reported better than SMA-1 category, the current
account opening bank to request the lead bank (as per CRILC) on the
designated email id for NOC/Permission. If such NOC/ Permission is not
received from the lead bank (lender bank) within 15 days from the date of
request, the bank may open the current account without waiting further for
the NOC/permission and thereafter advise the lead bank.
 In case the account is reported under SMA-1 category & above, the
current account opening bank should mandatorily obtain prior
NOC/Permission from the lead bank.
2. If the lender bank at any point of time after opening of the current account
objects to the same, especially indicating irregularity in accounts, the current
account holding bank (non-lender) needs to close such accounts by
providing due notice (30 days) to the account holder/ borrower and remit the
closure proceeds to the lead bank. Necessary steps to be taken without
delay to close the account.

Circular Title: Export Credit Insurance for Banks (ECIB)/ WT-PC and WT-PS for the year
2018-19. Payment of Premium for year from 01.07.2019 to 30.06.2020
Ref.: MISC/665/2019-20 dated 12.11.2019
Issued by: Banking Operation Department.
Gist of Circular: Our ITD has confirmed that necessary changes in premium master
has been done in Finacle Master and instructed to adhere the following procedure
for remittance of ECGC Premiums for WTPC and WTPS.

For Pre Shipment - WTPC:

1. System will calculate ECGC Premium Amount with the revised premium rates
from the month of October, 2019.

2. Branches to calculate the rate difference premium manually (as it has been
done hitherto) for the period from 01.07.2019 to 30.09.2019 and remit to ECGC

For Post Shipment - WTPS:

1. ECGC premium calculation menu for post shipment is not given to any
branch as some issues are identified and rectification is under development.

2. Branches to calculate the premium payable at revised rate w.e.f. 01.07.2019

manually (as it has been done hitherto) and remit to ECGC accordingly till
the above issue is resolved.

WT-PS FOR THE YEAR FROM 01.07.2019 TO 30.06.2020.

Ref.: Transient Series (File C) circular No. 12 of 2019-20 dated 15.10.2019

Issued by: Banking Operation Department.

Gist of Circular:

Circular Title: EXPENDITURE CONTROL, Monthly Provisioning of all heads on 15th of

Every Month.

Ref.: Misc/679/2019-20 dated 10.12.2019
Issued by: Banking Operation Department.

Gist of Circular: The BOARD, in recent meeting, has observed lot of variation to the
budget figures and actuals so also found major fluctuations which should be
avoided especially due to errors in vouching. On analysis, it is found that major
variation is occurring mainly due to following reasons:

1. Improper Provisioning at ROs/ Department Level

2. Actual Payment and Provision being made in the same month by 15th
3. Debit / Credit made in wrong GL Heads
In order to obviate the above and facilitate the smooth consolidation by the
controlling department, our Top Management has instructed to take necessary
steps to contain the expenses within the budget allocations and advised the
Departments / RO's to make proper provisioning by 15th of every month to have
better control and monitoring system on the various overheads expenditures.

Circular Title: RBI - Inspection Supervision and Evaluation -2019

Observations on Conduct of FCRA Accounts.
Ref.: Misc/641/2019-20 dated 09.10.2019
Issued by: Banking Operation Department.

Gist of Circular: Branches having FCRA accounts are advised to comply with the
below requirements immediately:
 FCRA Registration Particulars like, Registration Number, Date of Opening/
Permission, Validity/Expiry Date. Copy of Latest Valid Certificate should be
held at branch with account opening form and other records.
 Account Masters should contain the OVDs stipulated for KYC Compliance.
 Risk Profile/ Categorization and threshold limit is to be done/updated.
 Few Accounts are either dormant or inoperative for which branches to take
up with the constituents and update the current status of account.
 In case of any account do not fulfill the compliance requirements, such
account should be closed immediately by sending notices to the mandate
 In case credit is received through NEFT /RTGS, branch to obtain/hold the
remittance details, viz. name of sender/remitter, bank, country, etc. with a
copy of related SWIFT Message from the local money transmitting bank.
 Bonafide of credits should be ensured before allowing withdrawals against
the credit.
 Caution/POP UP Messages of our System should be followed in true spirit.
 Remittances/Credits from Negative List Organizations/Countries, if any
noticed, should be reported with complete details to RO/ZO/CO immediately

besides freezing the operations in that specific account until receipt of
regulatory directives.
Ref.: Circular Letter to all Branches / Regional Offices / Zonal Offices/ other Offices,
dated 22.10.2019
Issued by: Treasury Department.
Gist of Circular: RBI has introduced Single Master Form (SMF) for reporting the total
foreign investment in an Indian entity as also investment by persons resident outside
India in an Investment Vehicle. In terms of the above circular, the Indian entities
·were instructed to input the data on total foreign investment in the entity master.
Further entities not complying with the above instruction will not be able to receive
foreign investment and will be non-compliant with FEMA, 1999 and regulations
made thereunder. Our bank has received one more advisory from RBI that certain

1. Despite having received foreign investment have not registered for the entity
master and provided the requisite data regarding foreign investment.

2. Have registered for the entity Master but the data provided is incorrect
leading to rejection of forms being filed in SMF-FIRMS.

In view of the above All branches are advised to follow :

1. To check with their clients who have received foreign investment as to

whether they have registered in the entity master and if not the same may be
completed immediately. Branches may follow up with their customers
ensuring that all their clients have registered in the entity master.

2. Further, the clients may also be instructed to ensure the correctness of the
data provided in the entity master.

3. In cases where the Foreign investment is received for the constituent through
the account maintained with our bank branches directly, then AD branches
should ensure proper scrutiny of forms/documents as per extant instructions
laid down by RBI with regard to Foreign investment for the correctness of the
data and the requisite documentation.

4. As per the extant instructions of RBI, only exceptional cases are to be referred
to them for advice. In view of it, branches are advised to take up for any
clarification in this regard with RBI through Centralized Foreign Exchange
Processing Cell (CFEPC). In this connection, we invite reference to our
Permanent Circular No. FX/48/2018-19 dated 07.02.2019 nominating CFEPC as
nodal office for handling Trade/FEMA related reference to RBI.

Circular Title: Founder's Day Special SUPER LEAGUE RECOVERY CAMPAIGN, Iob
Resurgence League (IRL)

Ref.: Transient Series Circular No: SAMD/ 13 /2019-20/ dated 22.10.2019
Issued by: Stressed Assets Manageement Department.
Gist of Circular:

League I

(Campaign period 9th Dec 2019 lo 24th December 2019)

T 20:40 (TARGET 20 : 40) Championship up to Rs.3 Crore bucket of Outstanding NPAs

NPA accounts The branches have to resolve 20% of eligible accounts as on

with an 30.11.2019 under special OTS scheme.
outstanding up
a. Recovery of 40% of pending amount in already sanctioned
to Rs.3 Crores.
OTS accounts during FY 2019/20.

Recognition 1. Top 5 Regions will be recognized and will be awarded in a

befitting function in Chennai.

2. Top 3 Branches in the above 5 Regions will be selected by the

concerned Regional Managers based on their highest
performance and contribution who will also join the felicitation

NPA accounts All the Zones under this segment will be identified for
with an championship based on the performance under the following
outstanding of Two Parameters:
above Rs.3
1. The zones have to resolve 20% of the eligible NPAs with
Crores and up
outstanding of Rs. 3.00 crore to Rs. 25.00 crore as on 30.11.2019
to Rs.25 Crores
2. Recovery of 40% of pending amount is sanctioned OTS
account during FY 2019-20.

Recognition Top Three Zones will be recognized based on their Performance

during the campaign period on the parameters framed in
segment/campaign scheme TOP Three Zonal Managers will be
selected and rewarded in a befitting function in Chennai.

League II

(Campaign period: 9th December to 31st December 2019)

T 10 (TARGET 10) Championship (for Sale of securities under SARFEASI Act)

Target Minimum of 10 secured properties which are taken

Symbolic/Physical possession under SARFAESI proceedings [or)
50% of the secured properties, for Regions having below 10
numbers, should be sold in e0auctions being conducted during
December 2019.

Recognition Top 5 Regions by Number and Sale and Top 5 Branches by

Number and Sale will be recognized on all India basis.

League III

(Campaign Period: 16th December 2019 to 25th January 2020)

Triple Triumph Contest {NPA accounts with outstanding above Rs.25 Crores and up
to Rs.100 Crores

Target All the branches under this segment will be identified for
championship based on the performance under the following

Branches have to submit and get sanctioned before 25/01/2020,

a minimum of 3 OTS proposals in respect of NPAs with outstanding
of above Rs.25 Crores as on 30/11/2019

Circular Title: Policy on Co-origination of loans between Our Bank and NBFC-ND-Sis
for lending to Priority Sector.
Ref.: ADV/ 420 /2019-20 dated 15.10.2019
Issued by: Agriculture and Rural Initiative Department.

Gist of Circular:

 General frame work of policy on Co-Origination of Loans between Our Bank

and NBFC-NS-Sis for lending to Priority Sector is provided in the circular.

 It is to be noted that this is a model scheme guideline for Co-Origination

arrangement between Our Bank and NBFC-ND-Sis and a few mutually
agreed terms and conditions may vary on case to case basis but without
deviating the essential features of Co-Origination of Loans between Banks
and NBFC­ND-Sis for lending to Priority Sector as stipulated in RBI guidelines
vide circular dated 21.09.2018. For details please refer the circular quoted

Part C: Article Corner


Chief Manager Banking Operations Dept.Central Office

Banks are extending financial assistance to various economic activities and

obtain securities of different nature, viz. LIC Policies/NSC Bonds/Immovable
properties, etc. to secure their financial interest in order to mitigate the risk of
non-payment by borrowers. It isthe bounden duty of the branch officials to
ensure complete liquidation of borrowers’ direct and/or indirect liabilities
before releasing the securities either by themselves or advising the permitting
notified center branch to release the securities. Non-Compliance OR
Negligence in adhering to the stipulated procedures paved way to lack of
prudence in delivering the responsibilities leading way to punitive actionsby
organization depends on the veracity. Taking advantage of above,
borrowers are alsoindulging in unethical way of claiming documents either
hiding the facts or knowingly suppressing them to win their task. As such, it is
always reiterated to follow the prescribed guidelines in true spirit without
diluting its standards for flimsy reasons. Following realincidencesare shared for
the benefit of readers to throw some light on the consequences of



AFarmer has availed multiple loans for his agricultural activities and
mortgaged land properties as collateral security. Original Loan granted
branch was merged with a nearby branch as per bank’s reorganization
policy. In the meantime, the borrower deceased and had not paid the loans.
Nevertheless, the surviving legal heirs prevailed upon the present branch
officials to release the title deeds stating that loans availed by their principal
were waived under Agri. Debt Relief Scheme and demanded release of title
deeds as there were no dues to bank.


The loans availed by the subjects were not waived under Debt Relief Scheme
as borrower was not eligible in view of higher land holdings. Unable to
withstand the pressure, present branch issued letter for release of title
deedsto notifiedcenter branch without properly verifying the old records, viz.
Loan ledger, documents, etc. to ensure liquidation of bank dues and relied
upon the mala fide statements of legal heirs. While the notified branch had
an interaction with the legal heirs on antecedents of the loans, the truth of

loan outstanding came to light and disputes exist among family members in
sharing the property.


Shirking of responsibility by parent branch is escalated to the administrative

office and the bank was rescued from the false claim of legal heirs.
Procedure for release of securities standing in the name of deceased
borrower is also not followed.



Similarto above, another Agriculturist availed Crop Loan and Tractor Loan by
offering his land properties as collateral security. Valid Equitable Mortgage
subsists. After some time, the borrower filed a suit against bankfor return of
documents claiming that the benefits of Agri. Debt Relief Scheme
announced by Government had not been passed on/extended to him and
the case was conducted by the legal heirs after his demise. The case
prolonged for nearly a decade andeven cost and damages sought along
with return of the documents.


The borrower was not eligible for any relief under Agri. Debt Relief Scheme as
loansavailed prior to the cut-off date announced under the scheme. A
memo to the effect was filed through panel lawyer alongwith the RBI Master
Circular and case was summarily rejected by the court. Subsequently, the
bank was able to recover the amount under Special OTS Scheme in vogue.


Regulatory Guidelines were not studied and placed before the competent
court at appropriate times which lead to recurring legal expenses. Recovery
action was not initiated against the secured asset. Had it been happened on
time, bank could have recovered the entire amount as valid mortgage

It is always advisable to have a careful study of the borrowal accountand its

documentation foreffective recovery.The instances were real experience of
the author and the bank was benefitted out of the concerted efforts put in
place with clear understanding. Instead of cursing the constraints of the
system, let us focus with right perspective for not only to protect the security
interest but also to prevent the bank from unwarranted losses. “Compliance is
always lifeline of the bank just like prevention is better than cure”.

Part D: Jokes Corner

Wife: Honey where are you?

Husband: I am at the Bank.
Wife: Dear, please I need Rs. 3000 to
activate my blackberry, Rs. 5000 to do my
hair and, Rs. 10,000 to buy a dress,
Husband: Sorry, I meant I was at the “bank”
of a river, Do you want fish to cook. 

Boy: Where are you going now?

Girl : For Suicide,,
Boy: Then, Why so much Make-up?
Girl: You Idiot…..Tomorrow My Photo
will come in Newspaper….!. 
Murder of English
1. Pick up the paper and fall in the dustbin.
2. Both of you stand together separately.
3. Why are you looking at the monkeys
outside when I am inside?
4. Will you hang the calendar or else I will
hang myself
5. The Principal is revolving in the
6. All of you stand in a straight circle
7. Open the window-Let the AIRFORCE
comes in.
Banker’s Wish to Santa
Dear Santa, Please Arrange Some
customers to subscribe APY and
Insurance Policy for Quarter End
Target 


Cross word puzzle No. 2

Senior Manager (Faculty), Staff College

1. CTR report is related to _____


2. Under which scheme, If the value of prime security (FSV for immovable property)
is 200% and above of the exposure, 0.50% interest concession can be extended.

3. KVIC has introduced online EDP training app which is available play store app
for online EDP training?

4. At Present our bank has switched over to a new lending rate called _____ for all
new floating rate loan sanctioned/ Disbursed to retail schemes (i.e. housing,
Vehicle, Education, clean loans etc)

5. The revised discretion of Branch headed by Scale I officer for settlement of claim
against indemnity of the legal heirs (without 3rd party sureties) is Rs. ___

6. What is the new menu introduced in Finacle for entering high value cash
Star word:

Now unscramble the * letters and fill up the below box

* * E * *

State Government has to set up these units in each state for solving the delayed
payment issue of Micro & Small Enterprises.

Send your answers to mail id with the subject PUZZLE CORNER.
The names of the First Ten staff members with correct answers will be published in
our next edition.

Answer of Cross word puzzle No. 1

Vidya Deepam September 2019

1. ___________ will impose penalty if mortgage particulars are not uploaded on time
into their portal.

2. KVIC to charge a nominal fee of ____ hundred rupees only from those PMEGP
applicants whose loan has been sanctioned.

3. Miss call to 7039166269 enables an applicant to apply for ____ loan.


4. Recently RBI has amended priority sector classification in this sector, and
enhanced the sanctioned limit from 25 crores per borrower to 40 crores per

5. If a branch is awarded HIGH RISK, during the Risk Based Internal Audit(RBIA),
Regional Manager of the region shall visit the branch within _____ days of
inspection report date and take necessary steps for improvement.

6. The “D” in DSCR


Star word:

To increase profit of your branch, increase your non-Interest income and reduce
your Overhead expenses

Winners list of September edition Puzzle no 1:

1. Shri Deepak Juneja, Security Officer, Regional
Office, Bhopal
2. Shri Santosh Kumar Panda, Manager II line,
Tirutani Branch
3. Shri Chandra Mohan Achary, Asst General
Manager, Surat Branch
4. Smt Deepika KM, Clerk, Chithalanthur Branch
5. Shri Surya Kanta Hota, Senior Manager, BOD, CO


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