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Gen. Malvar St., Davao City 8000

Bachelor of Science inNursing







Background of the Study 2

Review of Related Literature 3

Theoretical Framework 14

Conceptual Framework 15

Statement of the Problem 16

Definition of Terms 17

Significance of the Study 17



Design 20

Participants 20

Setting 21

Ethical Consideration 22

Measures 23

Data Gathering Procedure 23

Statistical Tools 24

Scope and Limitation 24

References 25

Background of the Study

Community Health Nursing and Cooperative Extension: a natural

partnership which represents two influential and respected discipline in a rural and

frontier communities. A review of the extension and health science literature

revealed some evidence of collaboration between extension and health science

professionals, however some documentation specifically of nurse’s involvement with

extension professionals. A community health assessment also known as community

health needs assessment refers to a state, tribal, local or territorial health

assessment that identifies key health needs and issues through systematic,

comprehensive data collection and analysis. Community health assessments use

such principles as Multisector collaborations that support shared ownership of all

phases of community health improvement, including assessment, planning,

investment, implementation, and evaluation, Proactive, broad, and diverse

community engagement to improve results and A definition of community that

encompasses both a significant enough area to allow for population-wide

interventions and measurable results, and includes a targeted focus to address

disparities among subpopulations.(Bigbee, Hampton, 2015).

Proper waste disposal and management is one of the projects

conducted by the nursing students 4 years ago however when the researchers

visited the area they still noticed many garbage was thrown anywhere. Purok 6 also

has history of high teenage pregnancy cases and one of the intervention that

nursing students did was conducting health teaching about effective parenting for


The reason for conducting this study is to evaluate how does livelihoodprojects,

waste disposal and management, effective parenting for the mothers and community

organized affects the people in Baliok Purok 6 Davao City. Evaluation can help the

nursing students to create action plans, select strategies, identify new ideas and

interventions to use in a program. It also helps the nursing students to know what are

the things that is need to improve to make a program effective. The purpose of a

community assessment can be useful in mobilizing a community to action as it identifies

and matches the skills of community members with the resources of organization.

Review of Related Literatures

This section presents different readings from various authorities on the subject of

the research which provides the researchers the important concepts and principles.

Those were included in this chapter. It helps in familiarizing information that is relevant

to the study.

Awareness of the Community Extension Projects

1. Health Education

Increasing Nursing Students’ Knowledge of Health Promotion Through Community

Engagement, the shift in health care toward primary health care and health promotion

requires nurse educators to ensure students learn to practice the skill of health

promotion. An ideal way in which to do this is with collaborativepartnerships in

community settings. The need to practice primary health care as part of an

interprofessional team is also a growing trend.These programs provide nursing students

with unique opportunities for interprofessional collaboration while improving their health

promotion, teaching, and communication skills. This approach serves as a model to

guide nursing faculty members who need to provide students community health

experiences that include health promotion and disease and injury prevention.

(Montgomery PhD, MPH, RN, Johnson, PhD, RN 2015)

The Role of Nurses in Community Awareness and Preventive Health,with access

to multimedia through social networks at global level, one wonders why some of the

preventive healthcare services such as children and adult immunizations, annual

screening for men and women, prenatal and dental care for childbearing women and

adolescents are not provided at a 100% rate. Community awareness is a crucial aspect

of preventative healthcare and perhaps those responsible for implementing the national

health initiatives seek to realize other key factors influencing community health. In a

study of 190 community health nurses caring for blacks, Puerto Ricans and Southeast

Asians, the confidence scores for cultural self-efficacy was high when nurses cared for

blacks and they were low when they cared for Asians and Latinos.Nurses are the

foundation of any successful social healthcare program and instrumental in

implementing any private or government funded universal health plan. The role of

nurses for improving the health and wellbeing of a society is undeniable and Iranian

nurses should take their role more seriously for an everlasting effect on the public

wellbeing. (Marjaneh M. Fooladi, NP, PhD 2015)

Effects of Health Education Programs for the Elders in Community Care Centers –

Evaluated by Health Promotion Behaviors, the health education programs specifically

for elders and middle age adults in community care centers were effective in raising the

awareness of health promotion behaviors. The success could provide a reference for

future studies developing health promotion and education programs and holistic care for

community elders and middle age adults in Taiwan. Above 40% of 136 participants were

either overweight or obesity. Comparing pretest and posttest scores, the changes in

mentality, perceived health, physical exercise, and blood pressure measurement were

significant (p< 0.05). The overall satisfaction with the health education programs was

high (3.62). It was found the correlation between marital status and perceived health

was positive (p< 0.05). (Kuo-SongChang 2017)

WHO (2018) defines Health Education as “any combination of learning experiences

design to help individuals and communities improve their health, by increasing their

knowledge or influencing their attitudes”. in a sense, it aims to increase knowledge or

improve a person’s behavior towards health. Education is critical to social and economic

development and has profound impact on population health. Generally, health education

benefits individuals, the community and the population.

A 2013 report from the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine cited

these socioecological factors, along with unhealthy behaviors and deficiencies in the

health care system, as leading explanations for the "health disadvantage" of the United

States. In a comparison of 17 high-income countries, age-adjusted all-cause mortality

rates for 2008 ranged from 378.0 per 100,000 in Australia to 504.9 in the United States.

The report documented a pervasive pattern of health disadvantages across diverse

categories of illness and injury that existed across age groups, sexes, racial and ethnic

groups, and social class (Zimmerman, Woolf, Haley, 2015)

A study conducted recently in India regarding a structured assimilation of

information regarding the Human Immunodeficiency Virus among Indian women yielded

a significant increase in awareness and a drastic change in their behaviors regarding

HIV (Devarayasamudram; De Gagne; Kurudi; Kang, 2018.). With the use of a quasi-

experiment pre-post design, they were able to determine the effects of their


However, an initial study by Abe, Turale, Klunklin, and Supamanee in Thailand

was brought up in response to the increasing morbidity and mortality of HIV and AIDS-

related diseases. They seek to describe how Thai nurses deliver health education and

promotion to people living with HIV and AIDS. Through various methods and diverse

education programs, they found out that the programs were successful since the

approach was holistic.

Another study was conducted again in India by Kusuma, Burman, Kumari,

Lamkang and Babu (2017) to see the impact of health education in the awareness of

dengue and prevention, because the said disease is considered endemic in the country.

there has also been an increase in the knowledge regarding the cause, symptom

perception, and mosquito behavior in terms of breeding and biting habits. Practices and

behavior regarding prevention also improved.

Taiwan on the other hand found out that health promotion and education

amongst elders are widely praised and are deemed “satisfying” in terms of application,

methods and quality of teaching (Chang, Tsai, Tsai, Yeh, Chiu, Chang, Chen, Tsai, Lee,


Young, Haskell, and Fortman (As cited by Heredia, Lee and Reininger, 2017),s

tudied the effectiveness of community-wide health education on physical activity

knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy, and behavior. Among both men and women, there is

a great need in developing more effective interventions to change physical activities

since every members of the community has different taste and different perspective

when it comes to physical activity, their motivation to perform and abilities in performing

the said activities. Hasson, Brown, Dorn and Keith (2016) added that developing

educational resources to improve cultural competency for heath care provides and

fitness professionals as well as developing new community-based programs for lay

health workers.

Menstrual Hygiene Management has been associated with a wide range of

health and psycho-social outcomes especially in lower income settings. Educational

material was delivered using lectures, discussions, and demonstration by posters, flip

charts, printed material, over-head projectors, black board, booklets, discussion, etc. by

community and peer educators (Kotwal, Khan, Kaul, 2014). There was a considerable

increase in the awareness levels of girls with regard to knowledge of health problems,

environmental health, nutritional awareness and reproductive and child health. Thus

informative and educable interventions seem to have a positive effect on awareness

levels which would eventually encourage expansion of knowledge and positive health


In a hospital setting, the Patient Practice and Education Satisfaction Survey is

widely used to measure satisfaction in the service, environment and health education.

Patient education is a key variable to patient empowerment inside of the doctor patient

relationship because “a truly empowered patient is one who has both the information

and knowledge to take responsibility for the health care services necessary to maintain

a healthy mind and body” (Washburn, 2016). Individual responsibility is an ideology that

is difficult to convey to patients if the education for such a life style intervention is not

known or historically unobtainable by that patient.

In a family planning context, community education may include activities

conducted outside the clinical setting, often with the aim of informing potential and

current clients about the availability of services and promoting understanding and

utilization of family planning. In this sense, community education relates to the concepts

of both advertising and social marketing. Often considered a form of outreach,

community education typically uses media channels and interpersonal approaches to

achieve its aims (Carter, Tregear, Moskosky, 2015).

There was an impact on the improvement of health belief and behaviors

regarding family planning methods in a community in Myanmar which was significantly

improved after intervention. A difference was found between the knowledge, attitude

and health beliefs of the married men who received health education and those who did

not receive health education.

On a similar case, It is widely documented that Thailand's National Family

Planning Program (NFPP) has been successful in increasing contraceptive prevalence

and reducing fertility. Kalwij (2016) investigated to what extent setting up the NFPP

between the mid 1960s and the early 1990s in local communities per se has added to

this success. He used the data from the 1992/93 Survey on the Status of Women and

Fertility in Thailand (SWAFT). The presence of the NFPP in a community is associated

with less than two percentage points higher proportion of women with contraceptive

experience at ages 15–19, to about six percentage points higher proportion at ages 35–

39, and with about a 3 per cent lower completed fertility. Although these associations

are relatively small, they are significant and may suggest that setting up the NFPP in

local communities per se has been important for a small group of hard-to-reach women

with unmet contraceptive needs.

1. Livelihood programs

The University of Nueva Caceres – Institutionalized Community Extension

Services (UNC – ICES) is the central office and coordinating center of the University for

its Extension Service Program. CES programs, activities and projects are designed to

help the poor, urban/suburban and rural communities improve their quality of living.

Programs and services come in forms of organizing and community – building,

livelihood education and support, literacy – numeracy / education enhancement,

environmental education, advocacy and rehabilitation, relief and welfare, health,

nutrition and life-saving program. The various livelihood programs and trainings such as

hog dispersal, duck raising, vegetable garden productivity, food processing and

production, and flower, accessories and bag-making were introduced and demonstrated

to them. (Trinidad,2013)

Impact of extension interventions in improving livelihood of dairy farmers of Nadia

district of West Bengal,India. Livestock is a one of the major sources of livelihood for

most of the small and marginal farmers in India, particularly for rural households who

live in below poverty line. Extension interventions have long been seen as a key

element for enabling farmers to obtain information and technologies that can improve

their livelihoods. Therefore, 60 dairy farmers of experimental villages who were

considered as beneficiaries and 60 dairy farmers of control villages who were

considered as non-beneficiaries were selected as sample for the study. It was found

that beneficiaries had significantly higher score in all the five components of livelihood

improvement with its all sub components, i.e., knowledge, attitude, adoption of scientific

dairy farming practices, milk production per household per day and monthly income

from dairying except disease control, and marketing component of adoption. (Gotar, et

al. 2017)

Impact of Community Extension Program on The Residents of Barangay

Catadman-Manabay,evaluated the impact of the community extension programs on the

residents of Barangay Catadman-Manabay, and helped diagnose on what are the

programs that need further improvements. A descriptive-evaluative method was used

out of the Sixteen respondents who believed that the extension program has enhanced

their skills as recipients of LSU'S Community Extension Service. The respondents

believed that LSU's extension programs have contributed a lot to the partner community

on enhancing the skills and augmented the income of the residents.

The respondents also perceived the necessity of improving the community

extension programs of La Salle University especially the programs of SHM and College

of Education. The trainings must be planned, organized and systematically be

implemented in order to have great impact to the clienteles and to the community. Also

needs assessment survey must be done first in order to suit the interests of the

clienteles. (AnilouBayronDilao 2017)

Syngenta Foundation of Sustainable Agriculture (2014) also defined extension service

as a "practical application of useful knowledge to the farmer and his household". Koch &

Terblanché (2013) stated that agricultural co-operatives, community organisations, and

the private sector also render services. Furthermore, extension is divided into three

main sectors namely, the public sector, the private non-profit sector, and the private

profit sector. The public sector includes ministries and the Department of Agriculture and

Agricultural Research Centres. The private non-profit sector includes local and

international Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), foundations, community

associations, as well as bilateral and multilateral aid projects. The private profit sector

includes commercial production and marketing firms, commercial farmers or farmer

group operated enterprises where farmers are both users and providers of agricultural

information, trade companies, and media enterprises (Syngenta Foundation of

Sustainable Agriculture, 2014).


Health Impact Assessment: Improving Its Effectiveness in the Enhancement of

Health and Well-Being, most countries in the world have Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) processes and procedures to evaluate the potential impact of

development projects on the environment. This process, which attempts to predict the

potential adverse effects of the proposed development project on the environment, is

normally legislated and is part of the approval process for the project. Although these

processes have been effective in reducing the adverse impacts on the environment they

have been limited in their ability to provide protection for the health and well-being of

people affected by the development. To bring attention to this limitation, the World

Health Organization (WHO) set out a series of principles for the better consideration of

health and well-being impacts on human health. Subsequent to this, a meeting resulted

in the Gothenburg consensus, which identified Health Impact Assessment as a process

specifically designed to evaluate both the negative and positive impacts of development

projects on the health and well-being of the potentially affected community. Studies in

the 1980s and 1990s had provided a better understanding of the determinants of health

and the relevance of covering more than the physical environmental determinants to

include economic, availability and access, social influences, lifestyle, personal, and

biological factors. These determinants provide a basis for a full consideration of the

positive and negative impacts of not only development projects but also policies and

programs on the health and well-being of the affected community including vulnerable

sections of the community and issues of equity. (Jeffery Spickett 2015)

An Evaluation of Health Impact Assessments in the United States, a health

impact assessment (HIA) is used to communicate between public health professionals

and decision makers in other sectors (eg, public policymakers) to increase stakeholder

input and use of public health data in decisions that affect the public but are unrelated

(or seemingly unrelated) to public health. HIAs convey to decision makers the potential

health effects of proposed projects and policies such as those related to land use and

transportation, and they make recommendations that promote the beneficial and

mitigate the adverse health effects of such projects and policies. An HIA is “a systematic

process that uses an array of data sources and analytic methods and considers input

from stakeholders to determine the potential effects of a proposed policy, plan, program,

or project on the health of a population and the distribution of those effects within the

population. HIA provides recommendations on monitoring and managing those effects.

(Andrew L. Dannenberg, MD, MPH 2015)

Nurses are responsible in maintaining and managing health and development in the

community. Some nurses volunteer by using their medical knowledge to promote health

in the community. Others provide health screenings at community events, give advice

on diet or exercise, and educate the public on the importance of hand washing and

vaccinations. (Fisher, 2017) Nurses everywhere help improve community health in their

capacity as engaged community members. They check in on elderly neighbors, serve

on local boards and commissions, and organize fundraising efforts for health-related

causes. Of course, this is in addition to their regular work responsibilities and their role

as informal health care advisors to friends and family.

School feeding program as a social safety net has been popular in developing

countries as an instrument for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. These

programs are frequently targeted towards populations that are food insecure and reside

in areas with high concentrations of families from low socioeconomic status, or towards

schools that face poor attendance and enrollment of students (Chakraborty, Jayaraman,


A study published by Lawson in 2012 (As cited by Chakraborty and Jayara,

2016) in Kenya showed that school feeding programs conclusively impact the

micronutrient level of targeted children, but have modest and mixed effects on health

outcomes as evaluated by anthropometric measurements. While the impact of these

interventions on cognitive skills and abilities of students is still uncertain, there is strong

evidence that school feeding programs positively affect school enrollment and

attendance rates, especially for girls.

Aiming to reduce malnutrition and improve child survival, feeding programs habe

been established in many parts of Africa, especially in Kenya; Neervort, Rosentiel,

Bongers, Demetriades, Shacola and Wolffers (2013), aimed to evaluate the effects of

these feeding programs in terms of anemia and nutritional status of their clients, and

they found out that the program reduced anemia and malnutrition and has improved

child growth in our study group greatly.

(Eva Marie Codamon-Dugyon 2016) One of the core functions of the academic

institutions is to effect change by empowering the people in the community by way of

extension programs and services. This studyassessed the impact of the community

extension programs of the Ifugao State University (IFSU) on the residents of its six

adopted barangays in the province of Ifugao, Philippines. This evaluation type of

research intends to gain an understanding of the successes and challenges that the

extension implementers of IFSU face so as to guide future activities in a positive way. A

total of 111 recipients of IFSU’s extension programs and services were utilized as

respondents. Frequency and percentages were used as statistical tools. Results

showed that IFSU’s extension programs have contributed to the communities especially

in enhancing the knowledge and skills of the residents, as well as, in promoting health

and wellness among the residents, and in preventing the youth and the mothers not to

be indulged in vices. While respondents believed that they have gained and learned

many skills through the extension programs and projects, almost all of the respondents

perceived the necessity of further improving and enhancing the community extension

programs of IFSU. An integrated extension project package should be developed and

carried out based on the assessed community needs in order to have greater impact.

Likewise, proper monitoring and evaluation of extended programs should be undertaken

to determine their impact to the communities.


The Role of Community Centre-based Arts, Leisure and Social Activities in

Promoting Adult Well-being and Healthy LifestyleDeveloped countries are experiencing

high levels of mental and physical illness associated with long term health conditions,

unhealthy lifestyles and an ageing population. Given the limited capacity of the formal

health care sector to address these public health issues, attention is turning to the role

of agencies active in civil society.The evaluation consisted of a before-and-after study

with 687 adults. The results showed positive changes in self-reported general health,

mental health, personal and social well-being. Positive changes were associated with

diet and physical activity. Some activities were different in their outcomes—especially in

cases where group activities were combined with one-to-one support. The results

suggest that community center activities of this nature offer benefits that are generically

supportive of health behavior changes. Such initiatives can perform an important role in

supporting the health improvement objectives of formal health care services. (Mat Jones


An exploration of beliefs and attitudes regarding healthy lifestyle behavior in an

urban population in The Netherlands: Results from a focus group study in a community-

based prevention project, the positive effects of lifestyle intervention programs might be

enhanced when targeted to the health-related behavior of the users. This study explores

the beliefs and attitudes regarding a healthy lifestyle, the influences on lifestyle

behavioral change and the needs to support a healthy lifestyle in the local community,

during an integrated community-based prevention project in newly developed urban

area in the Netherlands. beliefs to healthy behavior, responsibility for health, perceived

behavioral control, external influences on behavioral change and needs in the local

community. Within these themes, personal responsibility for health and the influence of

the social and physical environment emerged to be important for health and lifestyle.

The participants expressed the need for clearly organized health and lifestyle facilities, a

personalized approach and an easily accessible health risk assessment to support

lifestyle behavioral change in the community. (Sanne M. Kloosterboer 2014)

Community Engaged Lifestyle Modification Research: Engaging Diabetic and

Prediabetic African American Women in Community-Based Interventions, The I Am

Woman (IAW) Program sought to address the disconnect between nutrition-related

knowledge, attitudes about healthy eating and exercise, and the adoption of behavior

that support improved health. The IAW Program was designed to support African

American women specifically at risk for obesity and diabetes. The program’s emphasis

on nutrition and physical activity reflects support for a highly targeted community-level

strategy and intervention to assist African American women and their families in

adopting and maintaining healthier lifestyle behavior.The findings in this study are

subject to six primary limitations. First, the project participants were self-selected,

primarily obese, socioeconomically disadvantaged African American female population

in the Southeastern United States. The generalizability of the findings may, therefore, be

limited. Second, most of IAW data are based on self-reported information and are

subject to recall errors and response biases (e.g., over- or underreporting of actual

exercise. Third, a random blood glucose test and a total cholesterol test without a profile

were performed because of participant barriers and limited resources, respectively.

Fasting blood glucose and cholesterol profile results would have been more clinically

meaningful. Fourth, the short duration of the IAW Program limits our ability to determine

the positive long-term health implications for program participants. This limitation is

noticeable with the increased number of participants with hypertensive vital measures

after intervention. (Starla Hairston Blanks 2016)

Socioeconomic Status

CES focuses on biodiversity and sustainability, urban studies and renewal, and

cultural preservation and dissemination, all in line with FEU’s Aspiration 2020. Its key

program areas include people empowerment, socio-economic upliftment, environmental

education, and cultural heritage conservation. People empowerment covers the health-

related services, consists of activities on preservation of cultural heritage sites and

promotion of Filipino customs’ programs have their origins in community-based

researches and are carried out, principally, by the faculty.

Programs inspired by research findings are administered by various university

stakeholders – staff, students, alumni, and another faculty. CES key programs also

facilitate a more holistic approach towards helping each adopted community achieve

sustainable development reflected in the improved lives of its constituents. ( FEU, 2016)

Effect of extension service(s) and socio-economic characteristics on the

livelihood of Nguni cattle development project beneficiaries in North West Province: a

tobit-ols regression approach-The place of extension and advisory service(s) in

enhancing farmer's knowledge, skills, as well as technologies cannot be

overemphasized. This study was carried out in the North West Province of South Africa,

with the aim of assessing the effect of the extension service(s) combined with socio-

economic characteristics on the livelihood of the Nguni Cattle Development Project

beneficiaries. Random sampling techniques were used to select a sample of 128

beneficiaries from the 187 beneficiaries involved in the project. A final 76 beneficiaries

participated in the study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed for the

data analysis. (Pretoria 2017)

Gough and Accordino (2013) found out that public gardens are well-positioned to

get access to a range of stakeholders through the long-term reputation of outreach

activities in communities, assisting local governments toward this end. In communities

with high unemployment and vacant land, public gardens can be used by authorities to

pioneer entrepreneurial and workforce training programs that link garden objectives with

education and skill building. A quarter of responding gardens (people concerned in the

program) are training communities to grow food or other horticultural products. Larger

gardeners are more likely to provide training to communities for economic development

endeavors than small gardens (people concerned in the program). A combination of

long term survival needs and pure philanthropic motivation and collaborative partnership

are motivated by the possibility to increase legitimacy and lower transaction costs,

increase capacity and access to resources, and ensure support for community

investment and infrastructure.

The descriptive results showed that an average age of 55 years was recorded in

the study, respondents were predominantly male and married, with an average

household size of five people, having 16 years of farming experience, and with an

average farm size of 400.5 hectares. Ordinary Least Square regression and the Tobit

regression model were tested and found to be a good fit to the data. Furthermore,

variables such as gender cattle rearing experience extension visits marketing strategies/

opportunities cattle production and milk production were found to have a significant

association with the livelihood of the beneficiaries in the study. Based on the current

findings, urgent and timely policy interventions are needed in providing relevant

information through extension and advisory services to the beneficiaries of this

programmed in order to enhance their productivity and livelihood. (S Afr. Jnl. Agric.Ext.

vol.45 n.1 Pretoria 2017)

Social Relationship

The Relationship of Social Engagement and Social Support with Sense of Community,

The Sense of Community Index (SCI) was used to measure SOC and its four

component factors: membership, influence, needs fulfilment, and emotional connection.

Social engagement was assessed with 16 questions. Social support included positive

support and negative strain. Principal component analysis was used to identify the SCI

components. Linear regression analysis was used to detect the contribution of social

engagement and social support to SOC and its components. (Fengyan Tang 2017)

Point to the increasing momentum to work in partnership and suggest that

leadership needs to move from traditional ‘person-centered” approaches in which

leaders are expected to come up with answers, to one in which the “leadership

community’ is central and where the role of the leader is to ask the intelligent question

allowing others to determine the answers collectively. Moreover, the extent to which

individual leaders were able to focus on innovative delivery was considered to be

inflexible and subject more to the pressures of performance management. Thus,

problem-oriented approaches are considered to be essential to the practice of

leadership. Moreover, conceptual leadership seminar contributes to different

organizational and individual development through the following processes: Enabling

learning (Knowledge), Facilitating meaningful personal development (Skill), Helping

people to identify and achieve their own personal potential (Attitude).In the same

manner, knowledge, skill, and attitude can also be achieved through activities like child

development and food production (Hasan, 2013).

Impact of ‘gassroots on work’ (GROW) EXTENSION PROGRAM TO THE BACHELOR


Service-Learning as an experiential learning approach is very important in delivering

quality education to students. This study will lead to the identification of issues and

formulation of intervention to properly address the education outcome of service-

learning. It also provided information in improving assessment and quality and

outcomes of service-learning. It also quantified the objectives of the GROW extension

program to promote civic development to students thus making 10 this study as a

motivation to students and instructors to engage and developed more service-learning

program that will benefit both community, school and students.( MARK LEO HUIT PAGA



In Mark Salmon White's theory "protect, promote, and restore". Well trained

health care providers must have this 3 criteria. Protect the health of individual, group,

and family by having a healthy body, good posture, and good appearance which is

unwelcome to possible diseases or in exposing to different microbes in the environment

which is vital to well being. Promote health teachings and conduct seminars that would

help them to apply or serves as a basis on their daily activities in line to their economic

and health concerns. Restoring what has been damaged by means of identifying the

major cause of the problem then later on health care providers may eventually create

more effective and successful plans that would lead to productivity and a progressing

community outcomes.

Conceptual Framework


Figure 1. Research Paradigm

The figure 1 composed of input, process, and output in assesing the impact on

the community extension projects of the nursing program in Purok 6 Baliok, Toril, Davao

City. Input is something from the external environment that is fed to the system consist

of heatlh education and livelihood projects. The process on the opposite bos is heatlh,

lifestyle, socio-economic, social relationship. And to achieve a possible output of,

proposed community enhanced program.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to assess the impact of the people in the community with regards

to the community extension projects of the nursing program in Purok 6 Baliok, Toril,

Davao City.

Specifically, the researchers would like to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of Community Extension Projects in terms of?

1.1 Health Education

1.2 Livelihood Project

2. What is the impact of Community in terms of?

2.1 Lifestyle

2.2 Socio-economic Status

2.3 Social Relationship

3. Based on the findings, what Community Development Program maybe


Definition of terms

Health. It refers on the well-being of the individual in the absence of illness.

Health Education. It refers in educating the clients about health, by teaching and

sharing our knowledge to improve their health and prevent illness.

Lifestyle. It refers on the practice of the individual regarding in their diet, sleep,

hygiene, and exercise.

Livelihood. It refers to the activities to help the client develop their skills and

capabilities. It will help show their skills by participating in each project.

Social Relationship. It refers on how the individual interact and socialize with

each other.

Socio Economic. It refers to the financial stability of the individuals and how it

affects their life.

Significance of the Study

This study is deemed beneficial to the following:

Community. The result of the study will help the community to uncover not only

needs and resources but the underlying culture and social culture that will help you

understand how to address the community’s needs and utilize them.

Community Health workers. This study will help the healthcare workers in

developing a more effective and efficient services that may help the community to

prevent future complication regarding in health.

Local Government. This study may serve as an instrument for local government

in assessing the health status of the community. This will become basis as to allocation

of budget for health-related programs.

Nursing Program. This study is of importance to the Davao Doctors College

Nursing program. The study will provide insights on the current status of the community

extension program and with this information, they may adjust or improve the program.

Nursing Students. This study will help nursing students to become more

innovative when it comes to creating programs in communities, this will also improve

their way critical thinking and application of community health nursing. Furthermore, it

will also be beneficial since it will help determine loops and other effective way to

achieve a successful program.



This chapter describes the research design, research participants, data

resources, data collection procedure, ethical consideration and the data analysis

performed by the researchers throughout the study.


The study employed as a descriptive correlation design. The study is considered

as descriptive because it describes the demographic profile, knowledge, attitude, and

the feedbacks of the respondents. The study also considered as correlational design

because it is sought to determine if there is a significant relationship between the

variables such as; demographic profile, knowledge, attitude and the feedbacks of the



The study used is purposive sampling method, the researchers will select first

available subject who meets the criteria to the study. Inclusion criteria are the following:

1. Recipient of the past projects, 2. Residence of Purok 6, 3. Head of the

family/Household. The researchers will choose all respondents who benefit from the

previous community projects, they are the one who will answer the questioner to the



4 years ago the nursing students conducted a programs in Baliok Purok 6 Toril

Davao City, examples of their programs are livelihood programs, waste disposal and

management, seminar for an effective parenting for mothers and community organized,

many were participated in these programs.

The study conducted at barangay baliok purok 6 Toril Davao City, which is

approximately 25.6km away from Davao city proper. The data were gathered at the

barangay hall of the said location. the barangay has a total of 16,140 population, Purok

6 has 180 numbers of households and 537 numbers of people living based on

Philippine Statistics Authority 2015. The road going to the purok 6 was still under

construction, they have day care center near at their basketball court. In 2008 senior

citizen of baliok was organized until now. They also have a total of 330 hectare

used(100%). 20 hectare is for their institutional use, 200 hectare for residential use,10

hectare for commercial use, 80 hectare for their agricultural use and 20 hectare for their

industrial use.

Ethical Consideration

The main ethical considerations in conducting this research study are for the

confidentiality and anonymity of the participants.

To ensure that the study was conducted following ethical considerations, the

following measures were undertaken: Before conducting the survey, the researchers

secured an approval from the Program Chair of Nursing Department and the Punong

Barangay of Purok 6 Barangay Baliok. A written consent was obtained from the

respondents who answered the survey questionnaire. Consent form will be written in

language and the consent will clearly state the purpose and procedure, and the benefits

that respondents will get.

The privacy and the identity of the respondents will be remained confidential,

only the researchers and grammarian employed by the researchers will have the access

to it, voice records and other datas will be locked to ensure confidentiality of all files.


The researcher will use a self-made survey questionnaire. The questionnaire will

comprise three (3) parts. The first part will contained question about what is the profile

of community extension projects of the nursing program in terms of Health education

and Livelihood project. Second part measures what is the impact of Community in terms

of their lifestyle, Socio economic status, and their Social relationship.

Data Gathering Procedure

* The researcher will give a letter of permission to the nursing program chair.

* The researcher will use a survey questionnaire for the data collection. The

validity and reliability of the survey questionnaire will be check by a three

research experts.

* A letter of permission will be given to the Punong Barangay of Baliok, Toril

Davao City.

* The informed consent and survey questionnaire will be given by the

researcher to the selected respondents who experienced the past community

extension projects.

* The researcher will get 10 more respondents that are not included in the total

population of the study to answer the survey questionnaire and interview

about the community extension projects.

* The researcher will provide a focus group discussion on the ten selected


* The result data of the questionnaire will be analyzed and interpreted.

Statistical Tools

This statistical tools will be employed for the study:

Mean. This used to get the average of all numbers gathered in the respondent’s level of

awareness in terms of health education, livelihood projects, health, lifestyle,

socioeconomic, social relationship and the level of adherence of impact on the

community in survey, data analysis and FGD.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study aims to thoroughly assess the awareness and the impact among

client’s who experienced the past community extension projects in purok-6, Baliok Toril,

Davao City. The participants of the study will be coming from the resident of purok-6,

Baliok Toril, Davao city. They will be given survey questionnaires prepared by the

researchers for the assessment of the programs of Davao Doctors College nursing

program. The study will be conducted from June- October 2018.


Michele Montgomery PhD, MPH, RN, Paige Johnson, PhD, RN

First Published March 23, 2015

Marjaneh M. Fooladi, NP, PhD Int J Community Based Nurs Midwifery. 2015 Oct; 3(4):

International Journal of Gerontology Volume 11, Issue 2, June 2017, Pages 109-113



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