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Look at the page of University of Eztantfork below.

What is the meaning of school

and faculty?



students think they mean. What is the actual meaning of these words? What is the
correct way of saying that? Look at the information of the course below and find out.
1. Partial exam 5. How do you say línea terminal?
2. Career 6. How do you say justificante?
3. I have a doubt 7. What is president, dean, and chair? (The answer is
4. Coordinator not in the picture)

Dean-director de facultad
2 Chair-coordinador de carrera

4 6

3 7
Unit 00. Civil Engineering Technical vocabulary

Civil Engineering

1. beam 2. column 3. crane 4. (soil) foundation

5. dam 6. pipelines 7. framed structure 8. rebars
9. total station prisempole
10. (prism) 11. permits 12. formworks

7 1 9 8

5 3 6 11 2

10 4 12

Use the orange words from the previous exercise to complete the text.

Building Construction Process

The first step is to procure the necessary [1]__________________

permits to start the construction so as
to avoid paying huge fines. a
total station and a [3]__________________
prism pole to take all the necessary measures, a
measured the land, the next step
is to start the excavation. You want to make sure that the soil is leveled and prepared to start
constructing the building [4]__________________.
foundation This is also the time to place the power, water,
and sanitation [5]__________________.
pipelines Once the foundation is ready. The next step is to develop
the [6]__________________
framed structure which includes using [7]__________________
formworks to build the columns by
pouring concrete into them. The final step is installing the windows and adding the finishing
the verbs with your teacher and make sure that you know what all the verbs mean.
hacer una ___topográfica
layout desing pouring vertir surveying miscalculated calcular mal
model simular level nivelado stand up assess evaluar
estar parado
1. The workers are __________________
pouring the concrete mix into the formworks to make the
2. The contractor came to __________________
asses the quality of our work.
3. I use my computer to __________________
model how the building will respond to an
4. One of the first steps in construction is __________________
surveying the land.
5. After the workers finish doing the excavation, they will proceed to __________________
the land and start forming the foundation.
6. A building may even collapse if its civil engineers __________________
misscalculatedits structural
7. Civil engineers and architects usually work together to __________________
layout buildings.
8. In my area, buildings should be able to __________________
stand up against earthquakes.

EASILY CONFUSED WORDS. Write roof or ceiling next to their definition.

Celing It is what you seen when you are inside a building and you look up.

Roof It is the upper part of the building and usually the place where the gas
tank is located.
Write roof or ceiling under the pictures depending on what you can see there.

celing roof celing

roof celing roof

Unscramble the sentences.

1. on the layout / working / We / of the building. / are still

We are still working on the layout of the building. _________________
2. to survey the land. / know / I / a total station / to operate / how
3. will get / My coworker / signed. / the permits
4. stopped / was completed. / after the framed structure / Unfortunately, the project
5. to reinforce / Rebars / the structure. / are used
6. are trying / Engineers / the geotechnical risks. / to assess
7. give / to the ceiling. / and columns / support / Beams

Unit 00. Architecture Technical vocabulary

Materials: Vocabulary
All the following are called tiles, but the name changes depending where they are
placed on (wall tiles, floor tiles, roof tiles). Indicate which type of tiles each picture
most likely refers to.

ON THE ROOF. We have roof tiles and shingles. Shingles are way cheaper than tiles.
Which ones do you think are shingles?

TYPES OF ROOF. Indicate whether the image depicts a house with a flat roof or a
pitched roof.

Construction materials. Which one is a brick (br) and which one is a block (bl)?

SIDING. We have three basic types of siding: brick siding, rock veneer siding, and
wood siding. Which one is which?

MATERIAL PALETTE. Look at the construction materials below and answer the

1. Which materials do you THINK have a smooth texture?

2. Which materials do you THINK have a rough texture?
3. Which materials are usually used to make architectural models or miniatures?
COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS . Write elevation or floor plan next to their
floor plan
_______________ an architectural drawing that shows the building from above
elevation an architectural drawing that shows the building from the front or the side
COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS. Write elevation or floor plan depending on what you
see in the pictures.

floor plan elevation elevation

elevation floor plan elevation

Go over the words in the box with your teacher. Once you know the meanings of
all the words, use them to complete the text.
se encuentra aislar
sit play install designing insulating
waterproofing handed entregar plaster enjrre feel (noun) toque sketch dibujar/bocetar
proteger a prueba
My first client
de agua
building. Just five months ago, I [1] ______________
handed the plans and
specifications to the contractor. The first thing I did was [2] ______________
designing the floor plans. The
client wanted the master bedroom and the two spare rooms to [3] ______________ sit on the
second floor and the guest room to sit on the ground floor, so that made things easier for
me. After I had the SketchUp models, I printed them to [4] ______________
sketch over them while
working on the finishes. We want to go with a really dark palette for the exterior and a more
neutral palette for the interior. We think that it will give the house a contemporary [5]
feel For the floor, we chose marble tiles to give the house a luxurious touch and
elevate the design. For the front, we decided to [6] ______________
play with some shapes and
textures: a pitched roof with roof shingles and wood siding. Right now, the workers are
insuating the walls and [8] waterproofing
______________ [9] plaster
the walls smooth install
[10] ______________ the floor.

Unscramble the sentences.

1. Sits / The studio / the master / next to / bedroom.

The studio sits next to the master bedroom_____________________________
2. re / the roof. / We
We're waterprofing the roof.
3. with a neutral / went / palette. / We / color
We went with a neutral color palette.
4. I / the plans / to the dining room. / the client: the kitchen / next / handed / to / sits
handed the plans to the client: the kitchen sits next to the dining room.
5. The / the / walls. / workers / plastering / are
The workers are plastering the walls.
6. shingles / We / the pitched roof. /selected / for
We selected shingles fot the pitched roof.
7. and textures. / playing / the colors
I'm playing with the colors and textures.
8. the house / gives / a rustic / Concrete / feel.
Concrete gives the house a rustic feel.
9. the / designing /
I'm desingning the elevations
10. construction costs. / decided to / to reduce / We / use blocks
We decided to use blocks to reduce construction costs.

Unit 00. Biomedical eng. Technical vocabulary

Biomedical engineering
Locate the body parts in the picture below by drawing a line.

eyes forehead arm joints

hip limbs knee thigh
ankle elbow chest calf

Add any other body parts you know the name of.

Match the verbs with their Spanish translations.

1. install a. implantar
2. implant b. realizar el
mantenimiento de
3. adjust c. instalar
4. maintain d. manufacturar
5. repair e. ajustar
6. manufacture f. entrenar
7. assess g. reparar
8. train h. evaluar
9. design i. construir
10. build j. diseñar
Use the words in green from the previous
exercise in the correct form to complete the text.

My day as a biomedical engineer

After I have taken a bath, I put on my scrubs. Then I go to my clinic to see my patients. I see
patients every day. Sometimes they come to get a device [1] ___________________, sometimes
their device broke down and it needs to be [2] ___________________, and sometimes they just
have some questions. Probably the device we most often install is the pacemaker i.e. a small
device that is [3]___________________
my morning rounds, I work with my research team. We are researching ways to improve
biomedical equipment either by [4]___________________and building new medical devices or
by [5]___________________the safety of a prototype. My lab specializes in the
[6]___________________of artificial body parts. We are currently working on the creation of
artificial joints. On Fridays, I visit clinics to [7]___________________the staff. I teach the staff how
the equipment works and how to use it properly.

Unscramble the words to form expressions that describe activities that biomedical
engineers regularly do. NOTE: they all start with a verb.

1. the / see / patients

See the patients__________________________________________________________________
2. our patients / devices / implant / in
3. morning / do / rounds / the
4. device / how / teach / patient / the / the / works
5. technical / biomedical / provide / equipment / support / for

6. of biomedical / evaluate / equipment / the effectiveness
7. on the / train / use / equipment / of the / proper / clinicians
8. body / build / parts / artificial
9. biomedical / design / equipment

Unit 00. Industrial Engr., Technical vocabulary

Mechanics, & Automation

Match the words with the pictures.

1. nail and hammer 2. toolbox 3. wheelbarrow

4. pliers 5. drill 6. measuring tape
7. duct tape 8. jackhammer 9. wrench
10. shovel 11. screws and screwdriver 12. pipe wrench
13. Allen keys 14. a screw and a nut

Complete the missing letters.

1. _r_ _l 5. _c_ewdr_ _ e_ 9. _ai_

2. J_c_ _a _m _r 6. _ _ct t_p_ 10. Ha_ _ _r
3. W_e_ _ h 7. S_o_e_ 11. T_ _ _ _ _x
4. P_ _er_ 8. Sc_ _w _ 12. Al_ _ _ _ _ys

How many tools can you find in the word soup?

tools can
be use as verbs but not all. Look at the sentences below and complete the gap with
the correct tool. Pay special attention to the verbs used. The same tool may be used
more than once and some tools may not appear at all.

1. I hammer a nail with a hammer

2. I screw a screw with a _________________
3. I drill a hole in the wall with a _________________
4. I drill break up the
5. I unscrew a screw with a _________________
6. I dig a hole with a _________________
7. I screw a shelf with _________________ and some _________________
8. I measure the wall with a _________________
9. If I use the wrong type of _________________, I might strip the screw and end up with a
stripped screw.
10. I loosen and tighten the big nuts and bolts in my plumbing projects with a
_________________ or a _________________. I usually use more than one to get more grip
or leverage while cranking on the pipes.
11. I drive screws with hexagonal sockets using _________________
12. I bend, grip, twist, and cut wires or cables with _________________

Unit 00. Animation Technical vocabulary

Background painters

Match the words with their meanings.

1. Cube a. illustrations showing the sequence of an animated clip.

It is used to pre-visualize the sequence and the story
2. BGs b. a partially enclosed workspace in an office
3. Color scripts c. backgrounds in a film
4. Story board d. the sequence of actions that happen in the same time
and place in a movie
5. Scene e. the person who oversee the artists
6. Sketches f. an illustration of the whole movie containing a painted
frame of each and all scenes so that everyone can get
an idea of how each and all scenes will look like in
terms of color
7. Art director g. hand drawn drawings done quickly
8. Voice actor h. the final storyboards in black and white edited
together into a video with the voice actors recordings
9. Animatics i. the person who gives voice to the characters

Use the words in orange from the previous exercise to complete the text.

I work as a background painter in a dark [1]_____________ painting BGs for animated films. The
art director assigns BGs to us and we add color to them. We use the [2]_____________ to get
an idea of what colors to use in each of the [3]_____________. Most of the times, the color
script is enough but sometimes I like to use the [4]_____________ to get a feel of the scene. I
d of the
scene and gives me a better idea of how to color the BGs. For larger projects, we usually
meet up with the whole team to go over the story board and the color scripts. R
working in a BG for a new Peak Tsar movie. The BGs are due in two days. The [6]_____________
is in charge of making sure all the BGs hook up so we sent them to him for approval and
just the way it works in Peak Tsar.

Unscramble the following sentences.

1. whole / meet / the / we / team / with

2. board / go / the / we / story / over
3. up / BGs / hook
4. sent / I / the / the / director / for / to / art / approval / BGs
5. sent / the / edits / director / the / back / for / BGs / art
6. a / due / in / the / BGs / week / are

Unit 00. Industrial design Technical vocabulary

At the craft store

Match the words with the pictures. The /pronunciation/ is an approximation
written with Spanish orthography.

1. Acrylic 2. Glue 3. Pom poms 4. Cardboard

5. Wooden craft 6. Ribbon 7. Rubber band 8. Glue gun with glue
sticks stick
9. Styrofoam 10. Vinyl /vai-nl/ 11. Glitter 12. Playdough /plei-do/
13. Pipe cleaners 14. Foam 15. Sequins /si-cuens/

Complete the missing letters.

1. R_b_ _ _ 5. V_n_ l 9. Ac_ _l_ _

2. C_rd_ _ _ _d 6. Pl_ _d_u_ _ 10. St_ _ _ _ _ am
3. _ _ ue 7. Gl_ _ _ _ r
4. F_ _ m 8. S_q_ _ ns
How many materials can you find in the word soup?

Complete with the right material from the ones in exercise A. No material
appears more than once.

1. People use this to hold objects together. This material is easily removed
2. Kindergarten teachers use this material to make decorations for their classroom
windows ____________________
3. People use this material to make wall decorations because it comes with its own
adhesive. It comes in different colors and it has different finishes: matte finish, gloss
finish, among others ____________________
4. People use this material to decorate crafts and school projects. However, if it falls to
the floor, it is really difficult to sweep it all ____________________
5. You can buy many different things made from this material such as apples, spheres,

mess of little bits everywhere ____________________

6. Many boxes are made using this material ____________________
7. You can use this material to make strong and pretty small houses for a school
project without spending a fortune. Stores usually sell them in bags but you can
probably buy a few pieces if you go to your local stationary store.
9. This material is a bit pricey and not everyone has the equipment to cut it at home.
em made out of
glass. ____________________
10. This material is the one you probably used in elementary school to make small
animals because it was malleable ____________________

Match the words with their definitions.

1. Ship a. To use a printer to produce something

2. Set up b. To send
3. Print c. To make a quick drawing of (it can also refer to the
drawing itself)
4. Seal d. To install and adjust the settings of a machine so that
it works the way you want it to
5. Mount e. To emerge as a result
6. Identify f. To determine what something is
7. Sketch g. To make an image appear like a real object on a
computer screen
8. Render h. To use glue to join objects
9. Come out i. To place an object in the correct position
10. Glue j. To close tightly so that nothing can enter nor escape
Use the words below to complete the text.

glue mount wooden craft sticks ship set up

sketch craft store manufacturer come out come up
My team and I are working on two projects. We are supposed to build a bridge for a bridge
contest and a toy for a class. Right now, we are at my place. We are about to go to the

we want to build the bridge so long as we use regular [2]____________________. He says that using
super glue would give us an unfair advantage. He also told us that the bridge must weigh 300
grs and be 0.5 meters long. The most important part is that our bridge must hold 20 kilograms.
One of my teammates suggested we build the bridge using [3]____________________ but I believe
that it will be

We decided that each of us would [4]____________________with their own idea and would bring a
[5]____________________of it so that we would vote the best idea. However, all the ideas are great
I feel a bit more inclined to make the remote-
sure if the [6]____________________will be able to [7]____________________the parts we need in time
[8]____________________the pieces and
[9]____________________right. If we vote in
favor of the remote-control car, w [10]____________________the printer as soon as we
come back from the store.

Unscramble the sentences.

3. sketching / some / I /
4. boxes / parts / the / shipped / manufacturer / with / the / the

Unit 00. Applied Maths Technical vocabulary. Disclaimer: the
contents of this unit may not be
mathematically accurate because they
were made to teach English, not math.

Types of numbers
There are two types of numbers integers /INteyers/ and fractions. Integers are
numbers without a fractional part. Write the word integer next to all the numbers that
have not a decimal mark.

a. 56 integer b. 4.5 c. 38 d. 90
e. 12.2 f. 67 g. 101.1 h. 67
i. 80 j. 905.64 k. 29012 l. 182.12
m. 5232 n. 197 o. 2345.23 p. 123.123

Within the set of integers, we have two other types of numbers: even numbers
/iven numbers/ and odd numbers. Even numbers are those that can be evenly divided
by 2 (e.g. 4). Odd numbers are those that cannot be divided evenly by 2 (e.g. 3). Classify
the following numbers as even or odd.

a. 80 even b. 32 c. 5 d. 9
e. 11 f. 10 g. 13 h. -6
i. 15 j. 16 k. 18 l. 17
m. 20 n. 40 o. -8 p. 21

squares /squers/. The square of

a number is the result of multiplying the number by itself once. For example, the
square of 4 is 16 because 4x4 is 16. Write the square of all the following numbers.

a. 1 the square of 1 is 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
f. 6

There are some basic operations in math. Complete the missing words/symbols in
the table below.

Pronunciation Symbol Verb Operation*

+ Addition
Minus Subtract
Times Multiply
Be less than < or ___ 7 is less than 10 Inequality
Be greater than or
10 is greater than 7
Note: The pronunciation refers to the symbol, the verb refers to the action.
pronunciation of the symbol rather than the verb

In math books, it is really common that the author proves the properties of a set of
numbers by following logical steps. When explaining the steps, authors tend to use
expressions that indicate that one step is the result of the other. Such expressions are:

1. Consequently 5. Thus
2. Therefore 6. then hence
3. Then 7. Then it follows that
4. Hence

because they

before the proposed consequence.

1. Suppose a = 3 and a = b. Then it follows that_ b = 3.

2. Suppose a = 3 and b = 4. _____________________________________ a > b.
3. If the assumption that x > 0 is true _____________________________________ x must be a
positive number.
4. If the assumption that x < 0 is true _____________________________________ x must be a
positive number.
5. Assume that x = 5 and y = 6. _____________________________________ x < y.
6. Assume that x = 8 and y = -1. _____________________________________ x > y.
7. Provided that a is a negative number. _____________________________________ a > 0.
8. Provided that a is a positive number. _____________________________________ a > 0.

T he negative expression
(although this may be due to the lack of necessity). However, we included it in the exercise to make it more

Now rewrite the positive statements from the previous exercise using a different

1. Suppose a = 3 and a = b. Hence b = 3._________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________

Authors may write their explanations in a different way. They may give the conclusion
first and the argument from which it follows next:

e.g. 1. Suppose a = 3 and a = b. Then it follows that b = 3

b = 3 because a = 3 and a = b.

However, math authors tend to use a word other than because. They use the word
since /sins/ instead.

b = 3 since a = 3 and a = b

Rewrite the statements from the previous exercise inverting the order and using
the word since.

1. b = 3 since a = 3 and a = b
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________________

In math books, authors use the expression to define the

letter that represents a variable or a set of numbers:

e.g. The set of rational numbers is denoted by Q

Look at the pictures and use the words in the box to state the variables by using the

diameter height radius width

side area volume

1. The __area__ of the triangle is denoted by A_____________________________________

2. The _____________of the circle _________________________________________________________
3. The _____________of the circle _________________________________________________________
4. The _____________of the rectangular solid _____________________________________________
5. The _____________of the parallelogram ________________________________________________
6. The _____________of the parallelogram ________________________________________________
7. The _____________of the square ________________________________________________________

In math books, it is common that authors discuss whether a property applies to a set
of numbers, whether an assertion is true for a set of numbers, or whether an equation
is true for a set of numbers. The verb authors use for this purpose is hold:

e.g. This equation holds for all numbers x

1. Property 1 holds for all negative numbers; x is a negative number, so property 1 also
holds for x.
2. Property 2 holds for all real numbers; x is a real number, so property 2 ______________
for x
3. Property 3 only holds for integers; so, property 3 ______________ for the number 563.6.
4. Property 4 only holds for integers; so, property 4 ______________ for the number 23.
5. The equality 1 only holds for all positive numbers; so, this equality ______________ for
the number -32.

In math books, it is common that authors introduce an equation by using the


e.g. For every number a, there is a number -a such that:

a+ (-a) = (-a) +a = 0.

for every number ____, there is a number __ to

introduce the equations proposed in the table. For now, ignore the first two columns.

Type Number Number Equation

P1 Real numbers (R) a -a a+ (-a) = (-a) +a = 0
P2 Natural numbers (N) a b a+b=b+a
P3 Integers (Z) a b axb=a
P4 Rational numbers (Q) a b a+b
P5 Irrational numbers (P) a b a+b

e.g. For every number a, there is a number -a such that: a+ (-a) = (-a) +a = 0.

Use the information from the previous exercise to rewrite your sentences using this
Consider the set ____ of _________ which satisfy

e.g. Consider the set N of real numbers and which satisfy a+ (-a) = (-a) +a = 0

In math books, it is pretty common that the author defines a property or a function

e.g. If a is a real number, P1 can be defined as follows: a+ (-a) = (-a) +a = 0

Rewrite the same information from the table, using now the following template: if
_____ is a ______, ______ can be defined as follows

e.g. If is a real number, can be defined as follows: a+ (-a) = (-a) +a = 0

Finally, when authors are explaining a problem, it is common for them to describe the
difficulty or the importance of doing s
+ be +

e.g. It may be reasonable to propose that property 1 holds for all numbers x

Use the words from the table to write 5 sentences. Follow the proposed template

Modal Adjective Action

Reasonable Propose that property 1 holds for all
numbers x
Will Reasonable Assume that x equals 10
May Fruitful Find a power series that solves the
Might inequality
Inadequate Regard this problem as a series of
Involved (i.e. Prove this property
Feasible Prove this formula
Straightforward Prove this property
Convenient Note that Theorem 1 holds for this set
of numbers

e.g. It may be reasonable to propose that property 1 holds for all numbers x


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