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Rozzano Locsin- Technological

Competency as Caring in

Rozzano Locsin- Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing 1

Recall Notes
By Rozzano Locsin

Born in 1954

A native of Dumaguete City, Philippines who resides and

practices his nursing profession at Tokushima University,
Tokushima, Japan as Professor Nursing

He is a Professor emeritus of Florida Atlantic University in

Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Degree from

the University of the Philippines in 1988 and his Master of
Arts in Nursing and Bachelor of Science in Nursing from
Silliman University in 1978 and 1976 respectively.

A middle range theory grounded in nursing as caring

Illustrated in the practice of nursing grounded in the

harmonious coexistence between technology and caring in

Persons are caring by virtue of their humannes

Persons are whole or compete in the moment

Knowing persons is a whole process of nursing that allows

for continuous appreciation of persons moment to moment

Technology is used to know the wholeness of persons

moment to moment

Nursing is a discipline and a professional practice

Dimensions of Technological
Value in the Theory

Rozzano Locsin- Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing 2

The use of technology as completing human beings for
replacement parts, ex Mechanical (prostheses) or Organic
(transplantation of organs)

Technology as machine technologies( computers and

gadgets) , where it enhances nursing activities to provide
quality patient care

Technologies where it mimic human beings and human

activities to meet the demands of nursing care practices. Ex
: Cyborgs or Anthropomorphic machines and robots such
as nursebots

Technological Competency as
Caring in Nursing
A. Technological competency as caring in nursing which is the
harmonious coexistence between technologies and caring.

B. The harmonization of these concepts places the practice of

nursing within the context of modern healthcare and
acknowledges that these concepts can co-exist.

C. Technology brings the patient closer to the nurse. With

technology, it increases the gap between the nurse and nursed.
D. When technology is used to know persons continuously in
the moment, the process of nursing is lived.

Rozzano Locsin- Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing 3

Process of Nursing
A. Knowing - the process of knowing person is guided by
technological knowing. Persons are appreciated as
participants in their care rather than as objects of care.

Nurse enters the world of the other. Technology is used

magnify this aspect of the person

The person’s state change moment to moment person is

dynamic, living, and can not be predict.

B. Designing - Both the nurse and the one nursed ( patient)

plan a mutual care process from which the nurse can organize
a rewarding nursing practice that is responsive to the patient’s
desire for care

C. Participation in appreciation- The simultaneous practice of

conjoined activities which are crucial to knowing persons.

In this of the process is the altering rhythm of implementation

and evaluation

The evidence of continuous knowing, implementation and

participation is reflective of the cyclical process of knowing

Rozzano Locsin- Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing 4


D. Verifying knowledge-
a continuous circular process that demonstrated the ever-
changing, dynamic nature of knowing in nursing. Knowing
about the person that derived from knowing, designing and
implementing further, informs the nurse and the one nursed.

📌 SUMMARY: It is illustrated in the practice of nursing where it is

grounded by the harmonious coexistence of technologies and caring in

Rozzano Locsin- Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing 5

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