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Questions 818


Question How many feet you have to climb to reach FL 75? Given:

Departure aerodrome elevation = 1500 ft

QNH = 1023 hPa
Temperature = ISA
1 hPa = 30 ft
Answers Correct
A 6300 ft A
B 6000 ft
C 6600 ft
D 7800 ft
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Question VFR flights shall not be flown over the congested areas of cities at a height less than:

Choices Answers Correct

A the highest obstacle
B 2000 ft above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600 ft from the aircraft
C 500 ft above the highest obstacle
D 1000 ft above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600m from the aircraft D
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Question (Refer to figure 10-28)The measured course 042o T The variation in the area is 6oW and the wind is calm The
deviation is 4oW In order to follow this course, the pilot must fly a compass heading of:
Choices Answers Correct
A 040o
B 044o
C 052o C
D 058o
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Question (Refer to Jeppesen Manual chart ED-6)What is the lowest ICAO VFR level for a flight from TRA (N47o42
E008o26) to KPT (N47o45 E010o21) ensuring that you are at least at minimum grid area altitude with QNH 1013?
Choices Answers Correct
A FL 070
B FL 095 B
C FL 075
D FL 090
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Question On a flight from (N47o10 E010o00) to (N49o10 E010o00) at a TAS of 140 kt with a 20 kt headwind component,
how many nautical air miles do you fly?
Choices Answers Correct
A 100
B 120
C 140 C
D 70
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Question Given CAS/RAS of 130 kt, OAT 0oC at 10000 ft, trip distance of 240 NGM, track 275 (T) and W/V 030/30 kt.
What is your true heading and time en-route?
Choices Answers Correct
A 287o and 103 minutes A
B 287o and 95 minutes
C 285o and 95 minutes
D 285o and 88 minutes
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Question (Refer to CAP 697 figure 3.1)What is the fuel, time and distance to climb from an aerodrome at sea level up
to FL100 where the outside air temperature is 0oC?
Choices Answers Correct
A 13 USG, 24 min, 45 NM
B 9 USG, 16 min, 28 NM B
C 9 USG, 14 min, 27 NM
D 5 USG, 10 min, 16 NM
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Question Given:

True course: 017o

W/V: 340/30
TAS: 420 kts

i) the wind correction angle (WCA)
ii) the Groundspeed (G/S)
Answers Correct
A (i) +2o (ii) 416 kts
B (i) +2o (ii) 396 kts
C (i) -2o (ii) 426 kts


Question Given:

True course: 017o

W/V: 340/30
TAS: 420 kts

i) the wind correction angle (WCA)
ii) the Groundspeed (G/S)
D (i) -2o (ii) 396 kts D
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Question (Refer to CAP 697 ' figure 2.5)For a flight departing from MSL at 3663 lbs, cruising at FL 80 at 2300 RPM,
20oC lean of peak EGT, in 40 kt headwind, calculate endurance:
Choices Answers Correct
A 4.75 hrs
B 5.3 hrs B
C 6.1 hrs
D 6.55 hrs
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Question Given:
Dry operating mass (DOM) = 33510 kg
Load = 7600 kg
Final reserve fuel = 983 kg
Alternate fuel = 1100 kg
Contingency fuel = 102 kg

The estimated landing mass at alternate should be:

Answers Correct
A 42312 kg
B 42093 kg
C 42210 kg
D 42195 kg D
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Question A multi-engine piston aeroplane is on an IFR flight. The fuel plan gives a trip fuel of 65 US gallons. The
alternate fuel, final reserve included, is 17 US gallons. Contingency fuel is 5% of the trip fuel. The
usable fuel at departure is 93 US gallons. At a certain moment the fuel consumed according to the fuel

Question A multi-engine piston aeroplane is on an IFR flight. The fuel plan gives a trip fuel of 65 US gallons. The
alternate fuel, final reserve included, is 17 US gallons. Contingency fuel is 5% of the trip fuel. The
usable fuel at departure is 93 US gallons. At a certain moment the fuel consumed according to the fuel
gauges is 40 US gallons and the distance flown is half of the total distance. Assume that fuel consumption
does not change. Which statement is right?
Answers Correct
A At the destination there will still be 30 US gallons in the tanks
B The remaining fuel is not sufficient to reach the destination with reserves intact B
C At departure the reserve fuel was 28 US gallons
D At destination the required reserves remain intact
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Question Given:
Dry operating mass (DOM) = 33000 kg
Load = 8110 kg
Final reserve fuel = 983 kg
Alternate fuel = 1100 kg
Contingency fuel = 102 kg

The estimated landing mass at alternate should be:

Answers Correct
A 42312 kg
B 41110 kg
C 42210 kg
D 42195 kg D
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Question (Refer to CAP 697 figure 2-5) Given:FL 75 Lean mixture Full throttle at 2300 RPM Take-off fuel = 444 lbs
Take-off from MSL Find endurance in hours:
Choices Answers Correct
A 5 hrs 12 mins A
B 5 hrs 20 mins
C 4 hrs 42 mins
D 5 hrs 23 mins
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Question (Refer to CAP 697 figure 2-2-2)A flight has to be made with the SEP1. For the fuel calculation allow:10 lbs
fuel for start up and taxi 3 mins and 1 gallon of additional fuel to allow for the climb 10 mins and no fuel
correction for the descent Planned flight time (overhead to overhead) is 3 hrs 12 mins Reserve fuel 30% of
the trip fuel Power setting is 25 HG (or full throttle) 2100 RPM, 20oC lean FL 70 and OAT is 11oC The
minimum block fuel is:
Answers Correct

Question (Refer to CAP 697 figure 2-2-2)A flight has to be made with the SEP1. For the fuel calculation allow:10 lbs
fuel for start up and taxi 3 mins and 1 gallon of additional fuel to allow for the climb 10 mins and no fuel
correction for the descent Planned flight time (overhead to overhead) is 3 hrs 12 mins Reserve fuel 30% of
the trip fuel Power setting is 25 HG (or full throttle) 2100 RPM, 20oC lean FL 70 and OAT is 11oC The
minimum block fuel is:
A 283 lb A
B 268 lb
C 215 kg
D 252 kg
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Question During an IFR flight in a Beech Bonanza the fuel indicators show that the remaining amount of fuel is 100
lbs after 38 minutes. The total amount of fuel at departure was 160 lbs. For the alternate fuel, 30 lbs is
necessary. The planned fuel for taxi was 13 lbs. Final reserve fuel is estimated at 50 lbs. If the fuel
flow remains the same, how many minutes can be flown to the destination with the remaining fuel?
Answers Correct
A 12 minutes A
B 63 minutes
C 44 minutes
D 4 minutes
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Question For a planned flight the calculated fuel is as follows:

Flight time: 3h06min

Taxi fuel: 8 kg
Block fuel: 118 kg
The reserve fuel, at any time, should not be less than 30% of the remaining trip

How much fuel should remain after 2 hours flight time?

Answers Correct
A 27 kg trip fuel and 12 kg reserve fuel
B 39 kg trip fuel and 12 kg reserve fuel
C 30 kg trip fuel and 9 kg reserve fuel C
D 39 kg trip fuel and no reserve fuel
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Question (Refer to CAP 697 figure 2-4) Using the following information, calculate the range.Given:Aeroplane mass at
start up: 3663 lbs Fuel load (density 6 lbs/gal): 74 gal Take off altitude: sea level Headwind: 40 kt Cruise
altitude: 8000 ft Power setting: full throttle 2300 RPM 20oC lean of peak
Answers Correct

Question (Refer to CAP 697 figure 2-4) Using the following information, calculate the range.Given:Aeroplane mass at
start up: 3663 lbs Fuel load (density 6 lbs/gal): 74 gal Take off altitude: sea level Headwind: 40 kt Cruise
altitude: 8000 ft Power setting: full throttle 2300 RPM 20oC lean of peak
A 633 nm A
B 844 nm
C 730 nm
D 547.5 nm
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Question (Refer to figure 3-5)Given the following data:FL 75 Lean mixture Economy power setting Find the Endurance
with no reserve:
Choices Answers Correct
A 06:12
B 05:01 B
C 06:06
D 05:11
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Question (Refer to CAP 697 figure 2.2 table 2.2.2)A flight has to be made with the single engine sample aeroplane.
For the fuel calculation allow:10 lbs fuel for start up and taxi 3 minutes and 1 gallon of additional fuel
to allow for the climb 10 minutes and no fuel correction for the descent Planned flight time (overhead to
overhead) is 03 hours and 12 minutes Reserve fuel 30% of the trip fuel Power setting is 25 in.HG (or full
throttle), 2100 RPM, 20oC lean Flight level is 70 and the OAT 11oC The minimum block fuel is:
Answers Correct
A 283 lbs A
B 268 lbs
C 252 lbs
D 215 lbs
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Question (Refer to CAP 697 figure 2.2 table 2.2.3)A flight has to be made with the single engine sample aeroplane.
For the fuel calculation allow:10 lbs fuel for start up and taxi 3 minutes and 1 gallon of additional fuel
to allow for the climb 10 minutes and no fuel correction for the descent Planned flight time (overhead to
overhead) is 02 hours and 37 minutes Reserve fuel 30% of the trip fuel Power setting is 23 in.HG (or full
throttle), 2300 RPM, 20oC lean Flight level is 50 and the OAT -5oC The minimum block fuel is:
Answers Correct
A 250 lbs
B 208 lbs
C 270 lbs
D 265 lbs D
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Question Using the following data, determine the maximum fuel load:

DOM: 2800 kg
Trip: 300 kg
Payload: 400 kg
MTOM: 4200 kg
MLM: 3700 kg

Answers Correct
A 700 kg
B 1000 kg
C 800 kg C
D 500 kg
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Question Given:

DOM: 33510 kg
Traffic load: 7600 kg
Trip fuel: 2040 kg
Final reserve: 983 kg
Alternate fuel: 1100 kg
Contingency: 5% of trip fuel

Which of the following is correct?

Answers Correct
A landing mass at destination = 43,193 kg
B landing mass at destination = 43,295 kg B
C take-off mass = 43,295 kg
D take-off mass = 45,233 kg
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Question Given:

MTOM: 64400 kg
MLM: 56200 kg
MZFM: 53300 kg
DOM: 35500 kg
Traffic load: 14500 kg
Trip fuel: 4900 kg
Minimum takeoff fuel: 7400 kg

What is the maximum allowable take off fuel?


Question Given:

MTOM: 64400 kg
MLM: 56200 kg
MZFM: 53300 kg
DOM: 35500 kg
Traffic load: 14500 kg
Trip fuel: 4900 kg
Minimum takeoff fuel: 7400 kg

What is the maximum allowable take off fuel?

Answers Correct
A 11400 kg
B 14400 kg
C 8600 kg
D 11100 kg D
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Question (Refer to CAP 697 figure 2.4)At 6000 ft what is the range of the aircraft at full throttle with 2500 rpm
Choices Answers Correct
A 840 NAM
B 872 NAM
C 914 NAM
D 756 NAM D
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Question A jet aircraft is due to fly to an isolated aerodrome. The aircraft fuel burn in the cruise is 7500 kg/hr
and 5000 kg/hr in the hold. What is the absolute minimum additional fuel it should carry?
Choices Answers Correct
A 15000 kg A
B 10000 kg
C 3750 kg
D 5625 kg
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Question You are required to uplift 40 US gallons of AVGAS with Sp. Gravity of 0.72. How many litres and kilograms
is this?
Choices Answers Correct
A 109 litres, 151 kg
B 182 litres, 131 kg

Question You are required to uplift 40 US gallons of AVGAS with Sp. Gravity of 0.72. How many litres and kilograms
is this?
C 182 litres, 289 kg
D 151 litres, 109 kg D
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Question (Refer to CAP 697 figure 2.2.3)On a standard day what is the TAS and fuel flow in USG at 10000 ft?

Choices Answers Correct

A 157 kt, 11.0 GPH A
B 137 kt, 66.2 GPH
C 157 kt, 20.7 GPH
D 157 kt, 11.4 GPH
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Question Given:
Dry Operating Mass: 33000 kg
Load: 8110 kg
Final reserve fuel: 983 kg
Alternate fuel: 1100 kg
Contingency: 102 kg

The estimated landing mass at the alternate aerodrome is:

Answers Correct
A 42210 kg
B 42312 kg
C 42195 kg C
D 41110 kg
Ref All
Question Given:

Maximum allowable take off mass: 64000 kg

Maximum Landing Mass: 56200 kg
Maximum Zero Fuel Mass: 53000 kg
Dry Operating Mass: 35500 kg
Traffic Load: 14500 kg
Trip fuel: 4900 kg
Take off fuel: 7400 kg

Find the maximum additional load:


Question Given:

Maximum allowable take off mass: 64000 kg

Maximum Landing Mass: 56200 kg
Maximum Zero Fuel Mass: 53000 kg
Dry Operating Mass: 35500 kg
Traffic Load: 14500 kg
Trip fuel: 4900 kg
Take off fuel: 7400 kg

Find the maximum additional load:

Answers Correct
A 3000 kg A
B 4000 kg
C 7000 kg
D 5600 kg
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Question (Refer to CAP 697 figure 2-4) Given:Aeroplane mass at start-up: 3663 lbs Fuel load (density 6 lbs/gal): 74
gals Take off altitude: sea level Headwind: 40 kts Cruise altitude: 8000 ft Power setting: Full
throttle/2300 rpm 20oC lean of peak EGT Calculate the range:
Answers Correct
A 844 nm
B 633 nm B
C 730 nm
D 547 nm
Ref All
Question For a planned flight the calculated fuel is as follows:

Flight time 2 hr 42 min

Block fuel 136 kg
Taxi fuel 9 kg
The reserve fuel, at any time, should be not less than 30% of trip fuel remaining

How many kg of fuel should remain after 2 hours of flight?

Answers Correct
A 33 kg trip and 10 kg reserve
B 25 kg trip and 8 kg reserve B
C 23 kg trip and 10 kg reserve

Question For a planned flight the calculated fuel is as follows:

Flight time 2 hr 42 min

Block fuel 136 kg
Taxi fuel 9 kg
The reserve fuel, at any time, should be not less than 30% of trip fuel remaining

How many kg of fuel should remain after 2 hours of flight?

D 33 kg trip and no reserve

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Question After flying for 16 min at 100 kt TAS with a 20 kt tail wind component, you have to return to the airfield
of departure. You will arrive after:
Choices Answers Correct
A 20 min
B 24 min B
C 10 min 40 sec
D 16 min
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Question ATC require a descent from FL270 to FL160 to be level 6 NM before a VOR. If rate of descent is 800 feet per
minute, mean groundspeed is 256 kts, how far out from the VOR must descent be started?
Choices Answers Correct
A 59 nm
B 65 nm B
C 144 nm
D 150 nm
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Question In the cruise at FL155 at 260 kt TAS, the pilot plans for a 500 feet/min descent in order to fly overhead
MAN VOR at 2000 feet (QNH 1030). TAS will remain constant during descent, wind is negligible, temperature
is standard. The pilot must start the descent at a distance from MAN of:
Answers Correct
A 140 NM
B 120 NM B
C 110 NM
D 130 NM
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Question At a fuel check you have 60 US gallons (USG) of useable fuel remaining. Alternate fuel required is 12 USG.
The flight time remaining is 1 hour 35 mins. What is the highest consumption rate acceptable?

Question At a fuel check you have 60 US gallons (USG) of useable fuel remaining. Alternate fuel required is 12 USG.
The flight time remaining is 1 hour 35 mins. What is the highest consumption rate acceptable?
Choices Answers Correct
A 33.0 USG/Hr
B 37.9 USG/Hr
C 30.3 USG/Hr C
D 21.3 USG/Hr
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Question An aircraft flying at 7500 ft is cleared to descend to be level at 1000 ft, 6 NM before reaching a beacon.
If ground speed is 156 kt and Rate of Descent is 800 fpm, how many miles before the beacon should descent
Answers Correct
A 15.0
B 30.2
C 27.1 C
D 11.1
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Question A descent is planned from 7500 ft MSL so as to arrive at 1000 ft MSL 6 NM from a VORTAC. With a GS of 156
kts and a rate of descent of 800 ft/min. The distance from the VORTAC when descent is started is:
Choices Answers Correct
A 15.0 NM
B 27.1 NM B
C 11.7 NM
D 30.2 NM
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Question Minimum planned take-off fuel is 160 kg (30% total reserve fuel is included). Assume the groundspeed on
this trip is constant. When the aeroplane has done half the distance the remaining fuel is 70 kg. Is
diversion to a nearby alternate necessary?
Answers Correct
A Diversion to a nearby alternate is not necessary, because it is allowed to calculate without
reserve fuel
B Diversion to a nearby alternate is not necessary, because the reserve fuel has not been used
C Diversion to a nearby alternate is necessary, because the remaining fuel is not sufficient C
D Diversion to a nearby alternate is necessary, unless the captain decides to continue on his own
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Question An aircraft is in cruising flight at FL095, IAS 155 kt. The pilot intends to descend at 500 ft/min to
arrive overhead the MAN VOR at 2000 ft (QNH 1030 hPa). The TAS remains constant in the descent, wind is
negligible, temperature standard. At which distance from MAN should the pilot commence the descent?
Answers Correct
A 42 nm
B 40 nm
C 45 nm
D 48 nm D
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Question The still air distance in the climb is 189 NAM and time 30 minutes. What ground distance would be covered
in a 30 kt headwind?
Choices Answers Correct
A 193 nm
B 203 nm
C 188 nm
D 174 nm D
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Question An aircraft climbs from an airfield, elevation 1500 ft, QNH 1023 mb, to FL75. What height does the aircraft
have to climb? Assume 1mb = 30 ft
Choices Answers Correct
A 6600 ft
B 7800 ft
C 6300 ft C
D 6000 ft
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Question An aircraft is flying at an indicated pressure altitude of 5000 ft where the OAT is -10oC. What is the
aircraft's true altitude?
Choices Answers Correct
A 4750 ft A
B 5260 ft
C 5120 ft
D 4600 ft
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Question A mountain 6011 ft AMSL lies along an aircraft's track of 356o(T), variation 10oW, HDG 355o(M). What is the
lowest VFR ICAO level the aircraft may fly to miss the mountain by at least 2000 ft, QNH 990 hPa (assume 1
hPa = 30 ft)?
Answers Correct
FLIGHT PLANS FOR CROSS-CONTRY FLIGHTS - Radio communication and navigation aids

Question A mountain 6011 ft AMSL lies along an aircraft's track of 356o(T), variation 10oW, HDG 355o(M). What is the
lowest VFR ICAO level the aircraft may fly to miss the mountain by at least 2000 ft, QNH 990 hPa (assume 1
hPa = 30 ft)?
A FL075
B FL090
C FL095 C
D FL085
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Question An aircraft takes 14 minutes to climb to FL290 covering 71 NAM, what is the ground distance covered in a 30
kt headwind?
Choices Answers Correct
A 71 NGM
B 57 NGM
C 78 NGM
D 64 NGM D
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Question Given variation 15E, deviation 6W and heading 080(T) an aircraft's compass and magnetic headings are
Choices Answers Correct
A 071, 065 A
B 065, 071
C 086, 095
D 095, 086
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Question Given variation 12W, deviation 3E and heading 180 (T) an aircraft's compass and magnetic headings are
Choices Answers Correct
A 168, 171
B 168, 165
C 192, 189
D 189, 192 D
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ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question (Refer to Jeppesen Manual ED-6 or figure ED6-01)What navigation or communications facilities are at 48o55N
Choices Answers Correct
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Question During a flight at night a position has to be reported to ATC. The aeroplane is at a distance of 750 NM
from the groundstation and at flight level 350. The frequency to be used is:
Choices Answers Correct
A 17286 KHz
B 123.9 MHz
C 5649 KHz C
D 1136 KHz
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Question From the options given below select those flights which require flight plan
1 – Any Public Transport flight
2 – Any IFR flight
3 – Any flight which is to be carried out in regions which are designated to ease
the provision of the Alerting Service or the operations of Search and Rescue
4 – Any cross-border flights
5 – Any flight which involves over-flying water
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question From the options given below select those flights which require flight plan

1 – Any Public Transport flight

2 – Any IFR flight
3 – Any flight which is to be carried out in regions which are designated to ease
the provision of the Alerting Service or the operations of Search and Rescue
4 – Any cross-border flights
5 – Any flight which involves over-flying water
Answers Correct
A 1+5
B 2+4 B
C 1+2+3
D 3+4+5
Ref All
Question A CURRENT flight plan is a:

Choices Answers Correct

A flight plan in the course of which radio communication should be practised between aeroplane and
B filed flight plan
C flight plan with the correct time of departure
D filed flight plan with amendments and clearance included D
Ref All
consecutive weeks on at least ___ occasions.
Choices Answers Correct
A IFR, 7
B VFR, 10
C IFR, 10 C
D VFR, 7
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Question When completing an ATS flight plan for an European destination, clock times are to be expressed in:

Choices Answers Correct

A Central European Time
B Local mean time
C Local standard time

Repetitive flight plans may be used for ___ flights with a high degree of stability over the same days of
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question When completing an ATS flight plan for an European destination, clock times are to be expressed in:

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Question In an ATS flight plan an aircraft will be classified as (L) if its MTOM is:

Choices Answers Correct

A 27000 kg
B 10000 kg
C 57000 kg
D 7000 kg D
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Question (Refer to figure 10-26)In the ATS flight plan item 15, a cruising speed of 470 knots will be entered as:

Choices Answers Correct

A N470
B KN470
C 0470K
D N0470 D
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Question In the ATS flight plan item 15, when entering a route for which standard departure (SID) and standard
arrival (STAR) procedures exist:
Choices Answers Correct
A both should be entered in the ATS plan where appropriate A
B SIDs should be entered but not STARs
C STARS should be entered but not SIDs
D neither SID nor STAR should be entered
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Question When submitting a flight plan before flight, departure time is?

Choices Answers Correct

A Overhead the first reporting point
B At which the aircraft leaves the parking area B
C Of take-off
D At which flight plan is filed
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ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question An aircraft has a maximum certificated take-off mass of 137000 kg but is operating at take off mass 135000
kg. In item 9 of the ATS flight plan its wake turbulence category is:
Choices Answers Correct
A medium plus (M+)
B heavy/medium (H?M)
C medium (M)
D heavy (H) D
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Question The navigation plan reads:

Trip fuel: 136 kg

Flight time: 2h45min
Calculated reserve fuel: 30% of trip fuel
Fuel in tank is minimum (no extra fuel on board)
Taxi fuel: 3 kg

The endurance on the ICAO flight plan should read:

Answers Correct
A 2h49min
B 2h45min
C 3h34min C
D 3h38min
Ref All
Question In the appropriate box of a flight plan form, corresponding to the estimated time of departure, the time
indicated is that at which the aircraft intends to:
Choices Answers Correct
A start-up
B take-off
C go off blocks C
D pass the departure beacon
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Question (Refer to figure 10-26)In an ATS flight plan, item 15 (route), a cruising pressure altitude of 32000 feet
would be entered as:
Choices Answers Correct
A FL320
B F320 B
C S3200
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question (Refer to figure 10-26)In an ATS flight plan, item 15 (route), a cruising pressure altitude of 32000 feet
would be entered as:
D 32000
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Question An aeroplane is flying from an airport to another. In cruise, the calibrated airspeed is 150 kt, true
airspeed 180 kt, average groundspeed 210 kt, the speed box on the filed flight plan shall be filled as
Answers Correct
A K0150
B K0210
C K0180
D N0180 D
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Question When completing an ATS flight plan, an elapsed time (item 16) of 1 hour 55 minutes should be entered as:

Choices Answers Correct

A 0115
B 0155 B
C 115M
D 1H55
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Question In the ATS flight plan item 13, in a flight plan submitted before departure, the departure time entered is
Choices Answers Correct
A estimated off-block time A
B estimated time over the first point en route
C estimated take-off time
D allocated slot time
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Question For the purposes of item 9 (Wake turbulence category) of the ATS flight plan, an aircraft with a maximum
certificated take-off mass of 62000 kg is:
Choices Answers Correct
A light (L)
B medium (M) B
C heavy (H)
D unclassified (U)
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question For the purposes of item 9 (Wake turbulence category) of the ATS flight plan, an aircraft with a maximum
certificated take-off mass of 62000 kg is:
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Question An aircraft plans to depart London at 1000 UTC and arrive at Munich (EDDM) at 1215 UTC. In the ATS flight
plan item 16 (destination/EET) should be entered with:
Choices Answers Correct
A EDDM 1215
B EDDM 1415
C EDDM 0215 C
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Question In the ATS flight plan item 19, if the number of passengers to be carried is not known when the plan is
ready for filing:
Choices Answers Correct
A the plan should be filed with the relevant box blank
B TBN (to be notified) may be entered in the relevant box B
C an estimate may be entered but that number may not subsequently be exceeded
D the plan may not be filed until the information is available
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Question In the ATS flight plan, for a non-scheduled flight which of the following letters should be entered in item
8 (Type of Flight):
Choices Answers Correct
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Question In the appropriate box of a flight plan, for endurance, one must indicate the time corresponding to:

Choices Answers Correct

A the total usable fuel on board A
B the required fuel for the flight
C the required fuel for the flight plus the alternate and 45 minutes
D the total usable fuel on board minus reserve fuel
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ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question When completing an ATS flight plan for a flight commencing under IFR but possibly changing to VFR, the
letters entered in item 8 (FLIGHT RULES) would be:
Choices Answers Correct
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Question The cruising speed to write in the appropriate box of a flight plan is:

Choices Answers Correct

A ground speed
B indicated air speed
C true air speed C
D calibrated air speed
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Question On a flight plan you are required to indicate in the box marked SPEED the planned speed for the first part
of the cruise or for the entire cruise. This speed is:
Choices Answers Correct
A The estimated ground speed
B The equivalent airspeed
C The indicated airspeed
D The true airspeed D
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Question In the ATS flight plan item 15 (Cruising speed), when not expressed as a Mach number, cruising speed is
expressed as:
Choices Answers Correct
D Groundspeed
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Question The navigation plan reads:

Trip fuel: 100 kg

Flight time: 1h35min
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question The navigation plan reads:

Trip fuel: 100 kg

Flight time: 1h35min
Taxi fuel: 3 kg
Block fuel: 181 kg

The endurance on the ICAO flight plan should read:

Answers Correct
A 1h 35min
B 2h 49min B
C 2h 04min
D 2h 52min
Ref All
Question The maximum permissible take-off mass of an aircraft for the L wake turbulence category on a flight plan is:

Choices Answers Correct

A 7000 kg A
B 2700 kg
C 5700 kg
D 10000 kg
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Question In the ATS flight plan item 10 (equipment), the letter to indicate the carriage of a serviceable transponder
mode A (4 digits 4096 codes) and mode C, is:
Choices Answers Correct
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Question In an ATS flight plan item 15, in order to define a position as a bearing and distance from a VOR, the group
of figures should consist of:
Choices Answers Correct
A VOR ident, magnetic bearing and distance in kilometres
B VOR ident, true bearing and distance in kilometres
C VOR ident, magnetic bearing and distance in nautical miles C
D full name of VOR, true bearing and distance in kilometres
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question In an ATS flight plan item 15, in order to define a position as a bearing and distance from a VOR, the group
of figures should consist of:
Ref All
Question When filling in a flight plan, wake turbulence category is a function of?

Choices Answers Correct

A Maximum certified landing mass
B Maximum certified take-off mass B
C Estimated landing mass
D Estimated take-off mass
Ref All
Question When at ATS flight plan is submitted for a flight outside designated ATS routes, points included in item 15
(route) should not normally be at intervals of more than:
Choices Answers Correct
A 20 minutes flying time or 150 km
B 30 minutes flying time or 370 km B
C 15 minutes flying time or 100 km
D 1 hour flying time or 500 km
Ref All
Question When a pilot fills in a flight plan, he must indicate the wake turbulence category. This category is a
function of which mass?
Choices Answers Correct
A actual take-off mass
B estimated take-off mass
C maximum certified landing mass
D maximum certified take-off mass D
Ref All
Question In the appropriate box of a flight plan form, concerning equipment, the letter to be used to indicate that
the aircraft is equipped with a mode A 4096 codes transponder with altitude reporting capability is:
Choices Answers Correct
Ref All
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question (Refer to figure 10-26)In an ATS flight plan item 15 (route), in terms of latitude and longitude, a
significant point at 41o35N 4o15E should be entered as:
Choices Answers Correct
A N04134E0415
B 41o35¿N 04o15¿E
C 4135N00415E C
D N4135 E00415
Ref All
Question An aircraft in the cruise has a calibrated airspeed of 150 kt, a true airspeed of 1180 kt and an average
ground speed of 210 kt.The speed box of the flight plan must be filled as follows:
Choices Answers Correct
A K0210
B N0150
C N0180 C
D K0180
Ref All
Question On an ATC flight plan, an aircraft indicated as H for HEAVY:

Choices Answers Correct

A is of the highest wake turbulence category A
B has a certified landing mass greater than or equal to 136000 kg
C has a certified take-off mass greater than or equal to 140000 kg
D requires a runway length of at least 2000m at maximum certified take-off mass
Ref All
Question On a VFR flight plan, the total estimated time is:

Choices Answers Correct

A the estimated time from take-off to overhead the destination airport A
B the estimated time from take-off to overhead the destination airport, plus 15 minutes
C the estimated time from take-off to landing at the alternate airport
D the estimated time from engine start to landing at the destination airport
Ref All
Question TOTAL ELAPSED TIME for an IFR flight, when filling in the ICAO flight plan at box 16, is the time elapsed
Choices Answers Correct
A take-off until landing
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question TOTAL ELAPSED TIME for an IFR flight, when filling in the ICAO flight plan at box 16, is the time elapsed
B take-off until reaching the IAF (Initial Approach Fix) of the destination aerodrome B
C taxi-out prior to take-off until taxiing after landing
D taxiing until the IAF (Initial Approach Fix) of the destination aerodrome
Ref All
Question Given the following flight plan information:

Trip fuel: 136 kg

Flight time: 2.75 hrs
Reserve fuel: 30% of trip
Fuel in tanks: minimum
Taxi fuel: 3 kg

State how ENDURANCE should be completed on the ICAO flight plan:

Answers Correct
A 0338
B 0334 B
C 0245
D 0240
Ref All
Question The navigation plan reads:

Trip fuel: 100 kg

Flight time: 1 hr 35 min
Taxi fuel: 3 kg
Block fuel: 181 kg

How should ENDURANCE be shown on the flight plan?

Answers Correct
A 0204
B 0240
C 0249 C
D 0252
Ref All
Question On an ATC flight plan, the letter Y is used to indicate that the flight is carried out under the following
flight rules:
Choices Answers Correct
A IFR followed by VFR A
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question On an ATC flight plan, the letter Y is used to indicate that the flight is carried out under the following
flight rules:
B VFR followed by IFR
Ref All
Question On an ATC flight plan, to indicate that you will over-fly the way point ROMEO at 120 kt at flight level 085,
you will write:
Choices Answers Correct
A ROMEO/K0120 FL085
B ROMEO/N0120 F085 B
C ROMEO/FL085 N0120
D ROMEO/F085 N0120
Ref All
Question Reference item 19 of the ICAO flight plan, endurance is?

Choices Answers Correct

A maximum flight time plus 45 minutes holding fuel
B maximum flight time plus 30 minutes holding fuel
C fuel endurance of the aircraft C
D total usable fuel required for the flight
Ref All
Question In the event that SELCAL is prescribed by an appropriate authority, in which section of the ATS flight plan
will the SELCAL code be entered?
Choices Answers Correct
A Equipment
B Route
C Aircraft identification
D Other information D
Ref All
Question For a radio equipped aircraft, the identifier in the ATS flight plan item 7 must always:

Choices Answers Correct

A be the RTF call sign to be used A
B include the aircraft registration
C include the operating agency designator
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question For a radio equipped aircraft, the identifier in the ATS flight plan item 7 must always:

D include an indication of the aircraft type

Ref All
Question You have a mode A transponder (4 digits, 4096 codes) and mode C. Item 10 of the flight plan should show:

Choices Answers Correct

Ref All
Question Prior to an IFR flight, when filling in the ICAO flight plan, the time information which should be entered
in box 16 (total elapsed time) is the time elapsed from:
Choices Answers Correct
A take off until reaching the IAF (initial approach fix) of the destination aerodrome A
B taxi out prior to take-off until the IAF
C take-off until landing
D taxi-out prior to take-off until completion off taxiing after landing
Ref All
Question On an ATC flight plan, to indicate you will over-fly the way point TANGO at 350 kts at flight level 280, you
Choices Answers Correct
A TANGO/K0350 FL280
B TANGO/N0350 F280 B
C TANGO/FL280 N0350
D TANGO/KT350 F280
Ref All
Question If the destination airport has no ICAO indicator, in box 16 of your ATS flight plan, you write:

Choices Answers Correct

A ////
Ref All
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question (Refer to sample ICAO flight plan form)Item 7 of the flight plan in accordance with PANS-RAC (DOC 4444)
should always include, for an aircraft equipped with a radio:
Choices Answers Correct
A Aircraft initialisation
B Aircraft type
C Aircraft call sign C
D Aircraft operator
Ref All
Question Reference the ICAO flight plan, in item 15 (speed) this speed refers to:

Choices Answers Correct

A indicated airspeed
B equivalent airspeed
C initial cruising true airspeed C
D calculated groundspeed
Ref All
Question (Refer to figure 10-26)When filling in item 9 of the flight plan and there is no aircraft designator listed,
what should the entry be?
Choices Answers Correct
A none
B ZZZZ followed by an entry at item 18 B
C XXXX followed by an entry at item 18
D a descriptive abbreviation of the aircraft type
Ref All
Question (Refer to figure 10-26)Prior to an IFR flight, when filling in the ICAO flight plan, the time information
which should be entered in box 13 (TIME) is:
Choices Answers Correct
A the time of flight plan filing
B estimated off-block time B
C planned take-off time
D planned engine start time
Ref All
Question (Refer to figure 10-26)In the ATS flight plan item 10 (standard equipment) is considered to be:

Choices Answers Correct

ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question (Refer to figure 10-26)In the ATS flight plan item 10 (standard equipment) is considered to be:

B VHF RTF, ADF, VOR and transponder

C VHF RTF, VOR, ILS and transponder
D VHF RTF, radio altimeter, ILS and transponder
Ref All
Question (Refer to figure 10-26)In the ATS flight plan item 15, for a flight along a designated route, where the
departure aerodrome is not on or connected, to that route:
Choices Answers Correct
A the letters DCT should be entered, followed by the point of joining the ATS route A
B it is necessary only to give the first reporting point on that route
C the words AS CLEARED should be entered
D it is not necessary to indicate the point of joining that route as it will be obvious to the ATS
Ref All
Question (Refer to figure 10-26)In the ATS flight plan item 19, emergency and survival equipment carried on the
flight should be indicated by:
Choices Answers Correct
A placing a tick in the relevant box
B listing the items carried on the REMARKS line
C crossing out the box relevant to any equipment not carried C
D circling the relevant box
Ref All
Question (Refer to figure 10-26)Item 9 of the ATS flight plan includes NUMBER AND TYPE OF AIRCRAFT. In this case,
the NUMBER means:
Choices Answers Correct
A the ICAO type designator number as set out in ICAO Doc 8643
B the number of aircraft flying in a group B
C the registration number of the aircraft
D the number of aircraft which will separately be using a repetitive flight plan (RPL)
Ref All
Question An aircraft has:

Maximum Certificated Take-off Mass: 137000 kg

Actual Take-off Mass: 135000 kg

Which wake turbulence category should be entered in item 9?

ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question An aircraft has:

Maximum Certificated Take-off Mass: 137000 kg

Actual Take-off Mass: 135000 kg

Which wake turbulence category should be entered in item 9?

Answers Correct
A Heavy (H) A
B Medium (M)
C Medium/Heavy (M/H)
D Heavy/Medium (H/M)
Ref All
Question For a flight plan filed before the flight, the indicated time of departure is:

Choices Answers Correct

A the estimated off-block time A
B the time at which the flight plan is filed
C the time of take-off
D the time overhead the first reporting point after take off
Ref All
Question What is the maximum estimated elapsed time or distance between points on track mentioned in item 15 of the
flight plan, for flights outside designated ATS routes?
Choices Answers Correct
A 30 min / 200 nm A
B 60 min / 370 nm
C 90 min / 370 km
D 120 min / 370 nm
Ref All
Question Given:

Trip fuel: 100 kg

Planned flight time: 1 hr 30mins
Taxi fuel: 3 kg
Block fuel: 181 kg

How should “endurance” be shown on the flight plan?

Answers Correct
A 0204
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question Given:

Trip fuel: 100 kg

Planned flight time: 1 hr 30mins
Taxi fuel: 3 kg
Block fuel: 181 kg

How should “endurance” be shown on the flight plan?

B 0240 B
C 0249
D 0252
Ref All
Question Your aircraft has a maximum certified take-off mass of 140000 kg. Today your calculated take-off mass is
130000 kg. What letter should appear in the Wake Turbulence Category on the flight plan form?
Choices Answers Correct
A Leave blank
Ref All
Question Your initial cruising speed and level are 300 kt and flight level 250 at position STP on airway B3 you plan
to climb to flight level 330 and increase speed to 350 kt. How should this change be shown in box 15 on the
flight plan form?
Answers Correct
A N0300 F250 from STP N0350 F330 B3
B STP/N0350F2330 B3 B
C STP/N0330F350 B3
D STP/N0350F330
Ref All
Question The cruising speed in item 15 of an ATS flight plan is:

Choices Answers Correct

A Indicated Air Speed
B True Air Speed B
C Ground Speed
D Calibrated Air Speed
Ref All
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question It is possible, in flight, to:

1 – file an IFR flight plan

2 – modify an active IFR or VFR flight plan
3 – cancel an active VFR flight plan
4 – close an active VFR flight plan

Which of the following combinations contains all of the correct statements?

Answers Correct
A 1-2-4
B 1-2-3
C 1-2-3-4 C
D 2-3-4
Ref All
Question Which of the following statements regarding filing a flight plan is correct?

Choices Answers Correct

A A flying college can file repetitive flight plan for VFR flights
B Any flight plan should be filed at least 10 minutes before departure
C A flight plan should be filed when a national FIR boundary will be crossed
D In case of ATFM (Air Traffic Flow Management) the flight plan should be filed at least three D
hours in advance of the EQBT
Ref All
Question How many hours in advance of departure time should a flight plan be filed in the case of flights into areas
subject to air traffic flow management (ATFM)?
Choices Answers Correct
A 1:00 hour
B 3:00 hours B
C 0.30 hours
D 0:10 hours
Ref All
Question The planned departure time from the parking area is 1815 UTC. The estimated take off time is 1825 UTC. The
IFR flight plan must be filed with ATC at the latest at:
Choices Answers Correct
A 1755 UTC
B 1725 UTC
C 1745 UTC
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question The planned departure time from the parking area is 1815 UTC. The estimated take off time is 1825 UTC. The
IFR flight plan must be filed with ATC at the latest at:
D 1715 UTC D
Ref All
Question A repetitive flight plan (RPL) is filed for a scheduled flight: Paris-Orly to Angouleme, Paris-Orly as
alternate. Following heavy snow falls, Angouleme airport will be closed at the expected time of arrival.
The airline decides before departure to plan a re-routing of that flight to Limoges.
Answers Correct
A The pilot-in-command must advise ATC of his intention to divert to Limoges at least 15 minutes
before the planned time of arrival
B The airline's Operations Department has to transmit a change in the RPL at the ATC office, at
least half an hour before the planned time of departure
C It is not possible to plan another destination and the fight has to be simply cancelled that day
(scheduled flight and not chartered)
D The RPM must be cancelled for that day and a specific flight plan has to be filed D
Ref All
Question You have filed a flight plan for an uncontrolled flight and suffer a delay prior to departure. After how
long a delay must you restate your OBT?
Choices Answers Correct
A 30 mins
B 40 mins
C 60 mins C
D 90 mins
Ref All
Question An aircraft has a flight time of 2 hrs 30 mins, a contingency fuel of 30% is carried. What is the total
Choices Answers Correct
A 1 hr 55 mins
B 3 hrs 15 mins B
C 3 hrs
D 2 hrs 30 mins
Ref All
Question For an intercontinental flight routed via the North Atlantic system, how long before start up is requested
should your flight plan have been filed?
Choices Answers Correct
A 30 mins
B 6 hrs
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question For an intercontinental flight routed via the North Atlantic system, how long before start up is requested
should your flight plan have been filed?
C 60 mins
D 3 hrs D
Question You make a diversion from the route given in the flight plan and land at an uncontrolled airfield. Within
what time after landing should you inform ATC?
Choices Answers Correct
A 10 mins
B 20 mins
C 30 mins C
D 45 mins
Ref All
Question If a pilot lands at an aerodrome other than the destination aerodrome specified in the flight plan, he must
ensure that the ATS unit at the destination aerodrome is informed within a certain number of minutes of his
planned ETA at destination. This number of minutes is:
Answers Correct
A 10
B 30 B
C 15
D 45
Ref All
Question An aeroplane is on an IFR flight. The flight is to be changed from IFR to VFR. Is it possible?

Choices Answers Correct

A Yes, the pilot in command must inform ATC using the phrase cancelling my IFR flight A
B No, you have to remain IFR in accordance to the filed flight plan
C No, only ATC can order you to do this
D Yes, but only with permission from ATC
Ref All
Question During an IFR flight TAS and time appear to deviate from the data in the flight plan. The minimum
deviations, that should be reported to ATC in order to conform to PANS-RAC, are:
Choices Answers Correct
A TAS 5 kt and time 5 minutes
B TAS 3% and time 3 minutes
C TAS 5% and time 3 minutes C
ICAO ATC FLIGHT PLAN - Types of flight plan

Question During an IFR flight TAS and time appear to deviate from the data in the flight plan. The minimum
deviations, that should be reported to ATC in order to conform to PANS-RAC, are:
D TAS 10 kt and time 2 minutes
Ref All
Question When at ATS flight plan has been submitted for a controlled flight, the flight plan should be amended or
cancelled in the event of the off-block time being delayed by:
Choices Answers Correct
A 90 minutes or more
B 45 minutes or more
C 60 minutes or more
D 30 minutes or more D
Ref All
Question If a pilot lands at an aerodrome other than the destination aerodrome specified in the ICAO flight plan, he
must ensure that the ATS unit at the destination is informed within a specified time of her planned ETA at
destination. The time is:
Answers Correct
A 45 mins
B 30 mins B
C 15 mins
D 10 mins
Ref All
Question In the ATS flight plan item 15, it is necessary to enter any point at which a change of cruising speed takes
place. For this purpose a CHANGE OF SPEED is defined as:
Choices Answers Correct
A 20 km per hour or 0.1 Mach or more
B 10% TAS or 0.05 Mach or more
C 5% TAS or 0.01 Mach or more C
D 20 knots or 0.05 Mach or more
Ref All
Question You have filed a flight plan for an uncontrolled flight and suffer a delay prior to departure.After how long
a delay must you restate your OBT?
Choices Answers Correct
A 30 mins
B 40 mins
C 60 mins C
D 90 mins

Question You have filed a flight plan for an uncontrolled flight and suffer a delay prior to departure.After how long
a delay must you restate your OBT?
Ref All
Question In flight, it is possible to:

i) File an IFR flight plan

ii) Modify an active flight plan
iii) Cancel a VFR flight plan
iv) Close a VFR flight plan
Answers Correct
A i, iii
B i, ii, iii, iv B
C ii, iii, iv
D i, iv
Ref All
Question You have a flight plan IFR from Amsterdam to London. In the flight plan it is noted that you will deviate
from the ATS route passing the FIR boundary Amsterdam/London. The airway clearance reads: Cleared to London
via flight planned route. Which of the following statements is correct?
Answers Correct
A The route according to the flight plan is accepted A
B The filed deviation is not accepted
C You will get a separate clearance for the deviation
D It is not allowed to file such a flight plan
Ref All
Question If your speed, in flight, changes from that given in the flight plan, you should notify ATC for changes of
more than:
Choices Answers Correct
A 5% TAS / ETA 5 mins
B 3% TAS / ETA 3 mins
C 5% TAS / ETA 3 mins C
D 3% TAS / ETA 5 mins
Ref All
Question What is Total Elapsed Time on a VFR flight plan?

Choices Answers Correct

A From take-off to overhead destination A
B From take-off to overhead destination + 15 minutes
C From take-off to landing
D From taxi to arrival on the gate
Ref All
Question An aircraft flight planning chart states that the time to reach FL190 at a given gross mass is 22 minutes

kt will be:
Answers Correct

with a still air distance of 66 NM. The ground distance travelled when the average headwind component is 35

Question An aircraft flight planning chart states that the time to reach FL190 at a given gross mass is 22 minutes
with a still air distance of 66 NM. The ground distance travelled when the average headwind component is 35
kt will be:
A 53 NM A
B 61 NM
C 79 NM
D 85 NM
Ref All
Question In a flight plan when the destination aerodrome is A and the alternate aerodrome is B, the final reserve
fuel for a turbojet engine aeroplane corresponds to:
Choices Answers Correct
A 15 minutes holding 2000 feet above aerodrome A
B 30 minutes holding 2000 feet above aerodrome B
C 30 minutes holding 1500 feet above aerodrome B C
D 30 minutes holding 1500 feet above aerodrome A
Ref All
Question You are to determine the maximum fuel load which can be carried in the
following conditions:
Dry operating mass: 2800 kg
Trip fuel: 300 kg
Payload: 400 kg
Maximum take-off mass: 4200 kg
Maximum landing mass: 3700 kg
Answers Correct
A 500 kg
B 800 kg B
C 1000 kg
D 700 kg
Ref All
Question (Refer to CAP 697 figure 3-3)
Trip time 2 hr 37 min from departure to destination at 2500 RPM, 65% power. For the climb and descent add
13 mins of cruise fuel. Reserve = 30% of trip fuel. Taxi fuel is 5 US gal. What is the min Ramp Fuel?
Answers Correct
A 88 gal
B 93 gal B
C 120 gal

(Refer to CAP 697RANGE
figure curves
3-3) or tables are presented in the Aeroplane Operations Manuals. Their purpose is:
Trip time 2 hr 37 min from departure to destination at 2500 RPM, 65% power. For the climb and descent add
Choices Answers Correct
13 mins of cruise fuel. Reserve = 30% of trip fuel. Taxi fuel is 5 US gal. What is the min Ramp Fuel?
D to
gal the optimum speed considering the fuel cost as well as the time related cost of
the aeroplane
Ref AllB to determine the flight time for a certain leg under consideration of temperature deviations
C to determine the still air distance for a wind components varying with altitude
D to determine the fuel consumption for a certain still air distance considering the decreasing D
fuel flow with decreasing mass
Ref All
Question An operator shall ensure that calculation of usable fuel for an IFR flight with a turbojet aeroplane for
which no destination alternate is required includes, taxi fuel, trip fuel, contingency fuel and fuel to fly
Answers Correct
A 45 minutes plus 10% of the flight time planned to be spent at cruising level or two hours
whichever is less
B 2 hours at normal cruise consumption
C 45 minutes at holding speed at 450 m above aerodrome elevation in standard conditions C
D 45 minutes at holding speed at 450m above MSL in standard conditions
Ref All
Question Given:

Choices ¿ Fuel density = 0.78 kg/l

¿ Dry Operating Mass = 33500 kg
¿ Traffic load = 10600 kg
¿ Maximum allowable take-off mass = 66200 kg
¿ Taxi fuel = 200 kg
¿ Tank capacity = 22500 litres

The maximum possible take-off fuel is:

Answers Correct
A 17350 kg A
B 22100 kg
C 17550 kg
D 21900 kg
Ref All

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