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Chapter 4: Result and Conclusion

4.1 Result

The data shown below is collected from the questionnaire filled by 90 participants to get a

clear understanding on the research conducted on “Development of Science in Fashion


The response of the participants clearly shows that the majority of people find this fusion

interesting then comes people who are not sure about their feelings on this topic and then

comes a minor percentage of people who does not like the idea.
50 percent of the people were ready to wear scientific fashion if given an opportunity, then

comes the people who were not sure about it and less than 13 percent of people were not

ready to try it.

50 percent of the people were ready to spend money on scientific fashion, then comes people

who were not sure and then a little over 15 percent of people were not ready to spend money

on scientific fashion.
More than 50 percent of people were ready to buy it every 6 months, then comes people who

would like to buy it once a year. 20 percent of the people were ready to buy it every month

and there were some people who would buy it every week.

Majority of the people thought that scientific raw material can replace common raw material

used in making of a dress while some people were not sure about it. Less than 25 percent

thinks that scientific raw material can not replace common raw material.
Majority of people were ready to use scientific raw material in their designs. Less than 25

percent were not sure about it and a very minor percentage of people were not ready to use it

in their designs.

More than 70 percent of people think that science can reduce fashion industries waste, while

some people were not sure about it. 10 percent of the people does not think that science can

help in reducing fashion industries waste.

Nearly 75 percent of participants think that people will prefer scientific fashion over common

fashion while a little above 15 percent were not sure about it. Also, 10 percent does not think

that people will prefer it over common fashion.

4.2 Discussion

A series of questions were asked from the people having different mindset and backgrounds.

Almost all of the participants were fashion students from “Asian Institute of Fashion Design”.

These questions were asked to better understand their thought on the fusion of science and

fashion, two vastly different fields. As the majority of the participants were fashion students

and upcoming designers they were also asked about their thoughts on using scientific raw

material in their designs.

It was also observed that majority of the participant were ready to spend their money in

buying scientific fashion. They were also in agreement that scientific fashion can replace

common fashion as well as it can reduce the industrial waste of fashion industry.
4.3 Conclusion

This research was conducted to better understand the development of science in fashion

industry. The data collected through this research conclude that majority of people liked the

idea of fusion between science and fashion. There were some people who were not sure about

the idea and a very little percentage of the people does not like the idea.

It is also concluded that a higher percentage of the people were ready to try scientific fashion

and they were also ready to spend money in buying it. Most of the people were ready to buy

it every 6 months but there were some people who were also ready to buy it every month.

Majority of the people were in agreement that scientific fashion can replace common fashion

and can also reduce fashion industries waste. As upcoming fashion designers they were also

in agreement that there client or other people would likely buy scientific fashion if it is more

beneficial than a common fashion.

4.4 Future Research

This research was conducted in a selected group of participants. Almost all the participants

were somehow related to fashion industry. Further studies can be conducted on this subject

by targeting a different set of people, specifically people who does not have a fashion related


Also, further research can be conducted on the affordability and comfort level of scientific

fashion and how it can further simplify the life of a common person.

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