Ministry of Health Guyana: Project Proposal Form Ethical Review Committee

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Ministry of Health

Project Proposal Form
Ethical Review Committee

1. Title of Project:

2. Investigators:
Primary investigator (PI): _________
Tel No.: _________________

Collaborators/Co investigators
Name_____________ Tel no. ____________________

Sponsors/Agencies/Organization: ___________________________________

3. Expected dates of:

Sample collection field work _______________________

Lab analysis _______________________

Writing final results/thesis/publication _______________________

4. Purpose and objective of project.

5. How many subjects will be used?

6. State sample frame and what are the inclusion criteria?

7. How is the data being collected? If with written materials and when and where
this will occur.

8. Describe the study methodology and procedures. Include details of all medical
devices or tests, interviews, questionnaires, or use of medical records.

9. What is known about the risks and benefits of the proposed research? Do you
have any additional opinions on this issue?

10. What discomfort or incapacity are subjects likely to endure as a result of their

11. What provisions are made to protect confidentiality? Who has access to
coded and uncoded data?

12. How much time will a subject have to dedicate to participating?

13. What are plans for future use of data or samples, beyond what is already

14. How will informed consent be obtained? If by written forms, please attach
copies. If informed consent will be verbal, state who will be involved and provide
a written statement of information that will be given to subjects, and to nurses or
other intermediaries.

15. Do you agree to provide a statement of significant findings (not more than one
page in laypersons terms) to the MOH Committee when writing your paper/thesis,
and to copy such information to participants who request it?

16. If the study is a part of your requirement for training, list the members of your
supervisory committee and their affiliated institutions:

17. I certify that this statement is true. I agree to submit any subsequent changes
in study design that bear on living subjects to the IRB for review. I will report to
the IRB any concerns brought to me by the study participants about their roles or
treatment in the project.

Signed: Date:03/09/2015
(Principle Investigator)


Please submit seven (7) completed forms along with seven (7) copies of the
Study Proposal and other relevant documents three (3) weeks prior to the
Statutory Board meeting which is the 2nd Saturday of every month to:

Tel: 592 226 1224

Fax 592 225 6271
E-mail: or

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