Philippine Military History Module

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Pre-Spanish Occupation

The first recorded organized resistance against foreign aggressor took place in the Visayas during the
Battle of Mactan on 27 Apr 1521 when the native chieftain named Lapu-Lapu, the acknowledge father of
the AFP fought against the Spaniards led by Magellan in the latter’s effort to subdue the former. Lapu-
Lapu refuse to pay homage to the king of Spain. Under estimating the capability of the natives, the
foreigners lost the battle and Magellan was killed.

Spanish Occupation

Some islands of the archipelago were successfully occupied by the Spaniards. In 1570, they tried to land
in Manila, however, the Muslim leader, Rajah Soliman resisted their effort. In 1571, Legaspi conquered
Manila and made it as the capital of the Philippines.

The Filipino soldiers were also organized to fight for Spain and to support some expeditions, Filipino
forces were also sent to reinforce Spanish troops during the Chinese revolt in 1603.

General Jose Prim dethroned Queen Isabela II of Spain in 1868. The latter espoused liberal principles of
democracy. The paved the way of the exposure of the Filipinos in foreign culture leading to the
development of strong sense of nationalism among Filipino. The works of Filipino propagandist Marcelo
H. Del Pilar, Graciano Lopez Jeana and Jose Rizal further nurtured national spirit Andres Bonifacio, who is
considered as the father of the Philippine Army, founded more radical group of the “Katipunan “on 7
July 1892. In August 23, 1896, the Cry of Pugad Lawin signaled the start of the Philippines revolution
against Spain this was filled by packets of rebellion which inflicted so much loss to the Spaniards. While
Katipunan was gaining strength, two factors emerged. The Magdalo led By Aguinaldo and the
Magdiwang led by Bonifacio. On 22 Mar 1897, the Tejeros Convention was called to resolve the conflict
between the two Factions. As a result, Aguinaldo won the Presidency. The occasion also gave birth to
the Philippine Army.

American Influence

As the war broke out between the United States and Spain on April 23,1898, the Americans convinced
the Filipinos to Cooperate with the Americans against pain with the promise that the United States will
grant independence to the Philippines. Aguinaldo declared war against Spain. In June 12, 1898, the
Philippines Independence from Spain was declared in Kawit, Cavite. Later on, the Philippines Navy was
created on 22 June 1898, by the Revolutionary Army.

The occupation of the American forces did not gain much acceptance from the Filipino because
of many restrictions imposed to the Filipino forces as to access. The harse treatment by th Americans
ignited the conflict between them and the Filipinos. the latter were defeated which led to the fall of the
Malolos Republic.

With the Treaty of Paris, Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States. Finding the archipelago as a
lucrative place for some economic activities, the United States strengthened their presence in the
Philippines. They accepted the Filipino to again unite and fight for the freedom they have just won. The
capture of General Aguinaldo by the Americans in Palatan, Isabela in March 23, 1901 and the laying
down of arms of General Malvar in April 16, 1902 ended the Organized resistance against the American

To hasten the Philippine campaign and to establish peace and order, an insular police force known as
the Philippine Constabulary was organized on August 8, 1901 followed by the establishment of the
Philippine Military on February 7, 1905.

On December 21, 1935, The National Defense Act was enacted which Officially created the Armed
Forces of the Philippines. The Philipine Air Force was later established on July 1, 1947.

The Japanese Occupation

Consequent to the declaration of war by Japan with the United States, the invading Japanese Forces
Landed in Vigan ad Aparri in Luzon on December 10, 1945. Un-abated Japanese strikes caused the fall of
Bataan on April 9,1942 and Corregidor on May 6, 1942. These events ended the organized resistance
against the Japanese invasion.

The defeated of the Fil-Am forces did not ended the armed struggle in the Philippines. Those who
refused to surrender wend underground and waged guerilla fighting against the Japanese. The activities
of the guerrilla forces were very instrumental in the successful come back of the liberating US Forces
under Gen. Douglas Mc Arthur who landed in Leyte on October 20, 1944.

International Peace Keeping Operations

It is also noteworthy that the AFP had participated in International peace keeping efforts as its
commitment to the United Nations as the Philippine Expeditionary Forces to Korea (PEFTOK) in the early
50’s, the Philippine Air Force Contingent in Congo, Africa in the early 60’s and the Philippine Civic Action
Group (PHILCAG) in South Vietnam in the 60’s. Philippine contingent were also sent to East Timor, Iraq
and Liberia to participate in UN peace keeping operation.


The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program has gone a long way in the Philippine History. The
Commonwealth Act Number 1 otherwise known as the National Defense Act provided the legal basis for
the conduct of ROTC instruction, the need for a citizen reserve force had been realized bas early as
before the American occupation of the Philippines. In fact, it was utilized even during the long and
arduous Spanish colonial rule in the archipelago. A military training course, that time, became inevitable
in the light of the constant.
As the result of the so called Seven Year’s War in the Europe between France and Great Britain. a British
flotilla of thirteen ships, headed by Admiral Samuel Cornish and General William Draper, arrived in the
colony on September 22, 1762. The Philippines got entangled in this European power struggle because
the monarchs of Spain and France both belonged to the Bourbon Dynasty. On the one side where the
combined French and Spanish forces together with their colonies; on the other, the rising tide of British
colonialism in Asia. In retaliation for this entanglement, a military expedition from Madras was sent to
India, then a British colony.

Spanish authorities in the colony were ill prepared for such kind of international assault. During this
tumultuous period, the Philippines was headed by Archbishop Manuel Rojo, a situation clearly indicative
of the unstable political situation in the archipelago. Father Domingo Collantes, OP, Rector and
chancellor of the University of Sto Tomas, organized a group of around two hundred (200) students from
UST and Colegio de San Juan de Letran who underwent military training of Sto Tomas Plaza in
Intramuros, Manila. Father Collantes was assisted by a sergeant in the Royal Spanish Army in setting up
a battalion of youth students for military instruction.

These students were immediately sent to action together with 500 Hispano-Filipino regulars (in the
King’s Regiment) and 80 Filipinos to counter the 7000 strong British Regiment. Though obviously
mismatched against the British Force, the ragtag force assembled by Spanish authorities was able to
somehow temporarily ward-off the advancing enemies. their skirmish lasted for five days, and the
defenders suffered much in terms of the number of casualties and Injuries. Realizing the Futility of
continuous fighting, Governor- Archbishop Rojo surrendered Manila and Cavite to Lieutenant General
Dawsonne Drake on October 6, 1762. Though not so well known in the Philippine history, our country
did become a British colony for a while until June 1764. With the signing of the Treaty of Paris on
February 10, 1763 the Seven Year's War ended and the British consequently left the archipelago for

Despite the decable the Spanish king duty recognised the courage and bravery this student exhibited in
the battlefield. Henceforth, he granted the prestigious titles "muy leal" (very loyal) to those young
defender and "regalia" (royal) to the institution to which most of them belonged. Up until this day, the
"muy leal" emblem remains part of the UST ROTC seal. A testament to the unwavering valor and
commendable spirit once shown in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity.

Exactly one hundred fifty years later after 1762, various colleges and universities in the Philippines
would offer military training for thier students. According to Brigadier General Josr Syjuco author of the
Military education in the Philippines most military historian marked the year 1912 as the beginning of
the genuine ROTC instruct in the country. In that year, the Philippines Constabulary (PC) started
conducting military instruction at the University of the Philippines (UP) on the old Padre Faura Campus.
All available bodied male students in all colleges, institutions, and schools of the universities were
required to undergo military training that focused initially on infantry and use of riffle. Appointed at the
first military instructor was Capitan Silvino Gallardo, who assumed office in the first semester in 1912.
The need od reserve officer was further realised with the advent on the First World War in the Europe,
even though the Philippines had no direct military participation in in that international squabble.

In 1912, during American regime, UP and Ateneo de Manila started to offer military training. Bute their
graduates could not find a career in military unless they joined the PC or the Philippines Scout (PS).
Governor General Leonardo Wood encourage the development of ROTC unit, which were quite similar
to those he had organised in the United States, in the Philippines. With the representation from the UP
Board of Regent to the US War Department, the service of an American Army officer was obtained. This
officer was later appointed as Professor of Military Science.

On March 17, 1922, the Department of Military Science and Tactics (DMST) was formally organised in
UP. Among the department's objective were to: 1) Develop patriotic, physically sound, upright and
disciplined citizen; 2) Create a corp and trained officer for the reserve force; and 3) Take fhe lead in
fostering the university spirit. On July 3, 1922, with the first ROTC unit in the country having been
organised, formal military instruction begun in UP. Since the basic course in infantry became compulsory
and a prerequisite for graduation from the university. On October 26, 1929, the field of artillery unit of
UP was organised with the issuance of 75mm field guns. In 2935, a mounted battery unit, equipped with
2.95 inch gun was also put in place.

As a result of this encouraging events, others colleges and universities in Manila followed suit. These
unit remained independent from another until 1936, when the office of superintendent (of ROTC units)
of the Philippines Army was actived to supervise all ROTC unit in the country.

Under the American tutelage, Commonwealth act number 1 provided the legal basis for the mandatory
citizen military training in the Philippines. The country's national defense plan was to put into motion by
the combined efforts or General Douglas McArthur and Manuel Quezon. The defense plan envisioned an
organization on citizen army consisting two major components: 1) A regular force of about about 10,000
men (including PC) and 2) A reserve for to number 400,00 by the end of ten-year period. The second
component was to be accomplished by continuing program to train 21-years old all bodied men for a
period of more than five months. Quezon personally hand-picked General McArthur to become the
military adviser of the Commonwealth, with the responsibility of formulating the Philippines Defense
System. (Quezon later conferred the status of "Field Marshall", the highest military know in international
usage, on McArthur.) At the opening of National assembly on November 26, 1935,Quezon reiterated the
need for a defense plan. According to him, "Self defense is the supreme right of mankind no more
sacred to the individual than to the nation, the interests of which are immeasurably the greater
significance and extent... In my opinion the plan reflects the lessons of history, the conclusion of the
acknowledged master of welfare and of statesmanship and the sentiment and aspirations of the Filipino
people. It is founded upon enduring principles that are fundamental to any plan applicable to our needs

On December 21, 1935, the National Assembly aproved the plan amit it received and the strict
opposistion mounted be several law makers namely Juan Sumulong and Camilio Osias, and former
President Emilio Aguinaldo. One important provision of the plan stated the " at such universities and
college as the president may designate, there shall be stablished and maintain ROTC units of such arm
and service as he shall specify where every physical fit student shall be required to pursue a course of
military instructions,.. ROTC units in various universities and colleges, therefore became source of
reserve officers. However a major concern was that these units had yet to be standardized ( although
most were yet to be formally recognized) UP's ROTC was the first to be officially recognized; the ROTC
units of letran, UST, de la salle, Adamson Philippine Normal school, the Philippine school of Arts and
Trades, San Beda and Siliman where likewise giving recognition. By 1937, the Philippine government
had established and recognized seventeen ROTC. most of them infantry units. UP had field military unit
aside from an infantry unit; Adamson and Quisombing schools had chemical warfare units. Furthermore,
UP also serve as the training ground for ROTC instructions and as source of basic ROTC training policies.

Under the system make students had to take basic two year course and attend training on weekends.
Those studen desiring reserve commission could attend two more years of advance weekend training .
Completions of advanced course made one eligible for a reserve officer commission. However,
mandatory training was not instituted in all colleges. As result, student who did not want to undergo
military training simply opted to transfer to schools who did not have ROTC units. Tonresolve the issue
President Quezon issued executive order no. 207. By virtue of this directive ROTC become compulsory
in all colleges and universities with enrollment of a hundreds student or more. This action taken by
Quezon was parly in response to the protest lunch by sime schools that their enrollment had drop due
the institution of ROTC units. By 1941, there were around 33 colleges and universities throughout the
count maintained ROTC units. However, all of this schools dose down during the Jap incursion in the

Japan’s misadventure in the Philippines had ended, but the service rendered to the nation to the heroic
men of ROTC has turned into a lifelong commitment. Even during the postwar era, UP ROTC graduates
exhibited here and abroad meritorious deeds in the service deeds in the service of the Filipino people.
On the one hand, they had become part of the Government's effort to solve the problem of insurgency
in the country; on the other, they manned the contingency forces that were sent at the height of the
Korean (1950) and Vietnam (1964) wars.
Less than seventy years have passed since the inception of student military training in various
colleges and universities throughout the country. Times have changed in the ROTC program has been
placed in constant scrutiny, especially in terms of significance to the importance in today’s reality. It
drew a number of problems and subsequent protests not only from the student sector but also from the
school administration and the parents of the students who view the program as militarization. The
strongest clamor for its abolition occurred in March 2001 as a consequence of the death of the
University of Santo Tomas ROTC cadet Marck Chua who was allegedly hazed by a senior ROTC cadets for
his exposed of several malpractice in ROTC program. This incident was exploited by some leftist
organization who staged rallies demanding the abolition of the ROTC. This clamor prompted both
houses to file separate bills on the ROTC program. The House of Representatives filed House Bill Number
3593 and The Senate filed Senate Bill Number 1824 which led to the enactment of Republic act 9163
otherwise known as the National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act 2001, making the ROTC as just
one of the three components of the NSTP were the students can choice from. The ROTC training period
was also reduced from two years to one year. Students can also select any component of the NSTP, thus
making ROTC optional. Female students are also undergo NSTP as a prerequisite for graduation for a
baccalaureate degree or two-year vocational courses.

The NSTP has three (3) components namely: the ROTC, which is designed to provide military
training to the students to prepare for National Defense, The Department of National Defense (DND) is
the lead agency in the implementation of the ROTC component, the Literacy Training Service (LTS),
which is designed to train students to become teachers to school children, out of school youth and the
other segments of the society who are in dire need of their services, the Commision on Higher Education
(CHED) is the lead.

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