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Mark scheme Pure Mathematics Year 1 (AS) Unit Test 5: Vectors

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

1 Makes an attempt to use Pythagoras’ theorem to find a . M1 1.1b 4th

Find the unit
For example,  42   7 2 seen. vector in the
direction of a
given vector
65 A1 1.1b

Displays the correct final answer. A1 1.1b

 4i  7 j


(3 marks)


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Mark scheme Pure Mathematics Year 1 (AS) Unit Test 5: Vectors

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

2a States that AB  a  b M1 2.2a 3rd

Understand the
3 3 M1 3.1a condition for two
States PQ  PO  OQ or PQ   a  b
5 5 vectors to be
3 3 A1 2.2a
States PQ   a  b  or PQ  AB
5 5

Draws the conclusion that as PQ is a multiple of AB the two A1 2.1

lines PQ and AB must be parallel.


2b 3 B1 3.1a 3rd
PQ   10 cm = 6 cm cao
5 Understand and
use position


(5 marks)


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Mark scheme Pure Mathematics Year 1 (AS) Unit Test 5: Vectors

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

3a Equates the i components for the equation a + b = mc o.e. B1 2.2a 3rd

2p + 6 = 4m Understand the
condition for two
Equates the j components for the their equation a + b = mc B1 2.2a vectors to be
−5 − 3p = −5m

Makes an attempt to find p by eliminating m in some way. M1 1.1b

10 p  30  20m 2p  6 4
For example, o.e. or   o.e.
20  12 p  20m 5  3 p 5

p=5 A1 1.1b


3b Using their value for p from above, makes a substitution into M1ft 1.1b 2nd
the vectors to form a + b
Add, subtract and
10i – 5j + 6i – 15j find scalar
multiples of
Correctly simplifies. A1ft 1.1b vectors by
16i – 20j


(6 marks)

Alternatively, M1: attempt to eliminate p first. A1: m = 4 and p = 5
Alternatively, M1ft: substitute their m = 4 into their a + b = mc. A1ft correct simplification.

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Mark scheme Pure Mathematics Year 1 (AS) Unit Test 5: Vectors

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

4a Makes an attempt to find the vector AB .For example, writing M1 2.2a 3rd
AB  OB  OA or AB  10i  qj  (4i  7 j) Understand and
use position
Shows a fully simplified answer: AB  6i  (q  7) j A1 1.1b vectors


4b Correctly interprets the meaning of AB  2 13 , by writing M1 2.2a 4th

Use vectors to
 6  
  q  7   2 13 o.e.
2 2 solve simple
Correct method to solve quadratic equation in q (full working M1 1.1b
must be shown).

For example,  q  7   16 or q 2  14q  33  0


14  142  4  1 33 M1 1.1b
q – 7 = ±4 or (q  11)(q  3)  0 or q 
2 1

q = 11 A1 1.1b

q=3 A1 1.1b


(7 marks)


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Mark scheme Pure Mathematics Year 1 (AS) Unit Test 5: Vectors

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

5a States or implies that BC  13i  8 j o.e. M1 2.2a 4th

Use vectors to
Recognises that the cosine rule is needed to solve for BAC M1 3.1a solve simple
by stating a2  b2  c2  2bc  cos A geometric
Makes correct substitutions into the cosine rule. M1 1.1b

        
2 2 2
233 45 104 2 45 104  cos A o.e.

7 M1 1.1b
cos A   or awrt −0.614 (seen or implied by correct

A = 127.9° cao A1 1.1b


5b States formula for the area of a triangle. M1 3.1a 4th

1 Use vectors to
Area = ab sin C solve simple
Makes correct substitutions using their values from above. M1ft 1.1b

Area =
 45  
104 sin127.9...

Area = 27 (units2) A1ft 1.1b


(8 marks)


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Mark scheme Pure Mathematics Year 1 (AS) Unit Test 5: Vectors

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

6a 2 2 M1 1.1b 2nd
States that tan θ   or θ  tan 1  (if θ shown on diagram
3 3 Find the direction
sign must be consistent with this). of a vector using
Finds −33.7° (must be negative). A1 1.1b


6b Makes an attempt to use the formula F = ma M1 3.1a 4th

Understand the
Finds p = 10 Note: 8  p  6  3  p  10 A1 2.2a
link that vectors
have with
Finds q = −2 Note: 10  q  6  2  q  2 A1 2.2a mechanics


6c Attempt to find R (either 6(3i  2 j) or M1 3.1a 2nd

8i  10 j  '10' i  ' 2' j ). Use the
magnitude and
Makes an attempt to find the magnitude of their resultant M1 1.1b direction of a
force. For example, vector to find its

 
R  '18'2  '12'2  468

Presents a fully simplified exact final answer. A1 1.1b

R  6 13


(8 marks)


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Mark scheme Pure Mathematics Year 1 (AS) Unit Test 5: Vectors

Progression Step
Q Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

7a Shows how to move from M to N using vectors. M1 1.1b 3rd

4 1 Understand and
MN  MB  BC  CN  b  a  b use position
5 5
1 4
MN  MO  OA  AN   b  a  b
5 5

3 A1 1.1b
MN  a  b


7b Shows how to move from S to T using vectors. M1 1.1b 3rd

1 4 Understand and
ST  SB  BO  OT   a  b  a use position
5 5
4 1
ST  SC  CA  AT  a  b  a
5 5

3 A1 1.1b
ST  a  b


7c Finds OD travelling via M. M1* 3.1a 4th

Use vectors to
1  3 
OD  OM  MD  b    a  b  solve simple
5  5  geometric
Finds OD travelling via T. M1* 3.1a

4  3 
OD  OT  TD  a     a  b 
5  5 

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Mark scheme Pure Mathematics Year 1 (AS) Unit Test 5: Vectors

Recognises that any two ways of travelling from O to D must M1* 2.2a
be equal and equates OD via M with OD via T.
1  3  4  3 
b   a  b  a     a  b
5  5  5  5 
1 3  4 3 
a      b      a  b

5 5  5 5  

Equates the a parts: M1* 2.2a

4 3
   or 5  4  3 or 3  5  4
5 5

Equates the b parts: M1* 2.2a

1 3
    or 1  3  5 or 5  3  1
5 5

Makes an attempt to solve the pair of simultaneous equations M1 1.1b

by multiplying.
For example, 15  25  20 and 15  9  3
9  15  12 and 25  15  5

1 1 A1 1.1b
Solves to find   and  
2 2

Either: explains, making reference to an expression for OD or, B1 3.2

for example, MD that   implies that D is the midpoint of
finds MD  DN or MD  MN o.e.
and therefore MN is bisected by ST.

1 B1 3.2
Uses argument (as above) for bisection of ST using  


(13 marks)

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Mark scheme Pure Mathematics Year 1 (AS) Unit Test 5: Vectors

Equating, for example, OD via M with OD via N, will lead to a pair of simultaneous equations that has infinitely
many solutions. In this case, providing all work is correct, award one of the first two method marks, together
with the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th method marks, for a maximum of 5 out of 9.

Alternative Method

(M1) Finds OD travelling via N.

4  3 
OD  OA  AN  ND  a  b    a  b 
5  5 

(M1) Finds OD travelling via S.

1 3 
OD  OB  BS  SD  b  a    a  b 
5 5 

(M1) Equates OD via N with OD via S.

4  3  1 3 
a  b    a  b   b  a    a  b 
5  5  5 5 
(M1) Equates the a parts:
1 3
1     or 5  5  1  3 or 3  5  4
5 5
(M1) Equates the b parts:
4 3
   1   or 4  3  5  5 or 5  3  1
5 5
Proceeds as above.

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