Cyberwar: The What, When, Why, and How

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Cyberwar: The What,

When, Why, and How

yberwar is insidious, invisible to most, two threshold requirements have been identified when
and is fought out of sight. It takes place nation-states assess the consequences and their poten-
in cyberspace, a location that cannot be tial response. First, what is the threshold for consider-
seen, touched, nor felt. Cyberspace has ing a cyber-event an act of war or comparable to the
been defined as the fifth domain of war [1]. We can use of force? Second (which will not be addressed in
see the physical instruments, such as computers, rout- this article), what is the threshold between tactical and
ers, cables, however these instruments interact in a vir- strategic applications of cyberattacks [2]?
tual and unseen realm. This facilitates a reach that can This evolution of war is particularly important when
extend from one part of the world to attacks on public or addressing cyberwar, which can include both kinetic and
private sector entities in another part of the world, while non-kinetic activities. Kinetic activities are associated
perpetrator remains unknown in a legally with motion. In the military arena, this
provable sense. The defining questions for typically includes armed attacks, bombs
life in the 21st century may be: what is Cyberwar is dropping, etc. Non-kinetic cyberwar
cyberwar? Will we know it when we see actions are typically directed towards tar-
it? If so, what do we do in response?
insidious and geting any aspect of an opponent’s cyber
The lack of precision in the terminol- is fought out systems such as communications, logis-
ogy helps to cloud the issue. Terms such of sight, invisible tics, or intelligence. When used in con-
as cybercrime, cyberespionage and cyber- to most. junction with a kinetic battle, non-kinetic
attack are often used interchangeably. We cyber activities can include disruption of
speak of hackers, cybercriminals, and an opponent’s logistical supply chain or
cyberterrorists as if they were identical. In many cases, diversion of essential military supplies. Other types of
they may be, or at least they may be closely related. non-kinetic cyber activity can include the destabilization
The term cyberwar has been used in a variety of differ- of a government’s financial system, interference with a
ent contexts. Since war itself is generally considered as government’s computer systems, or infiltrating a com-
a military enterprise, cyberwar has often been linked puter system for the purposes of espionage. The ongoing
to a conceptual framework associated with traditional debate discusses the extent to which these non-kinetic
notions of warfare. These notions generally involve activities should be considered as cyberwarfare when
force, physical harm, and violence. In this work, we they are not associated with an actual physical battle.
examine the challenges this definition presents in a 21st
century cyber-connected and cyber-dependent world, How Can Cyberwar Be Defined?
and we propose an expanded conceptual framework for Efforts have been made to address the definition of
cyberwar. cyberwar. The recently completed Tallinn Manual on
Underlying factors, such as the level of activity or International Law Applicable in Cyberwarfare [3] was
behavior involved in cyberwar, and how many or what developed at the request of the North Atlantic Treaty
type of cyberattacks it takes for it to be defined as a Organization (NATO) and the Cooperative Cyber
cyberwar, become important. In recognizing the role Defense Center of Excellence (CCD-COE). The dif-
that cyberattacks will play in future military conflicts, ficulty is that nation-states and non-state actors do not
always follow laws when it comes to war. More impor-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MTS.2014.2345196
tantly, increases in asymmetrical warfare, and the expo-
Date of publication: 17 September 2014 nentially evolving nature of the Internet, tend to make


Non-Govermental Nation-State vs
Organizations vs Nation-State

As Part of
Non-Kinetic Battle As Part of Traditional
Kinetic Battle

Attacks On
Electrical Grids
Opponent’s “War Fighting”

Attacks On
Financial Institutions

Government Websites
Logistical Systems

Attacks On
Other Critical Infrastructure/ Military
Including Private Sector Intelligence Systems

Fig. 1. Cyberattacks and organizational typology.

attacks in cyberspace more prevalent. In this type of [2]. This approach to cyberwar has been adapted by
environment, the impact of a Law of Cyberwarfare, as those who view cyberattacks in military campaigns
a regulatory mechanism, may therefore be limited. The as a motive to target an opponent’s communications,
Tallinn Manual defines cyberwar as a cyberattack, in intelligence, as well as other Internet or network-
either an offensive or defensive cyber operation, that based logistic operations [4]. The linkage of cyberwar
is reasonably expected to cause death to persons, dam- with the use of force and armed conflict may be the
age, or cause destruction to objects. Excluded from current prevailing position in some international sec-
this definition, are psychological cyber-operations tors. However, it fails to take into account the extent
or cyberespionage [3]. A major drawback with this of non-physical damage that can be inflicted through
definition is its use of the term cyberattack, which is cyberspace in a world that is becoming increasingly
often synonymous with cyberwar and with the accom- networked, up to and including nuclear facilities.
panying narrow definition of cyberwar. For example, The Geneva Center for the Democratic Control
it excludes cyber-operations designed to destabilize a of Armed Forces (DCAF) adopted a more inclusive
nation-state’s financial system, since the attack did not definition of cyberattacks in its DCAF Horizons
directly result in death or physical destruction. 2015 Working Paper. This definition distinguishes
Traditionally, violence has been viewed as a nec- between state-sponsored and non-state-sponsored
essary correlate of a cyberattack, placing cyberwar cyberattacks, and also includes cybervandalism,
within the context of an armed conflict. The focus cybercrime, and cyberespionage within its defini-
was the equivalence of the effects of a cyberattack to tion of cyberattacks [1]. The DCAF defines cyber-
the effects of an armed attack using physical means war as warlike conduct conducted in virtual space


using information, communications technology, and When Does Cyberwar Occur?
networks, with the intention of disruption or destruc- It is virtually impossible to identify every cyberat-
tion of the enemy’s information and communications tack that occurs. Some can operate undetected for
systems. It is targeted at influencing the years. Others are brief, but still leave no
decision-making capacity of an oppo- detectable trace. This section describes
nent’s political leadership and armed
It is virtually a European-based effort aimed at
forces [1]. It is, therefore, distinguished impossible to measuring the frequency and source
in two key areas. First, it recognizes that identify every of attempted infiltrations over a one-
there is a non-physical impact to cyber- cyberattack month period. It also describes a few
war, and second, it recognizes the sig- selected global examples of cyberat-
nificance of political leaders in making
that occurs. tacks. Growing concerns with the secu-
this determination. rity of Supervisory Control and Data
A pure military-target definition of cyberwar is no Acquisition (SCADA) systems are discussed later in
longer realistic in the context of modern geo-political this article.
instabilities and a global environment of asymmetri-
cal warfare. When a smaller force is in conflict with a Frequency of Cyberattacks
larger entity, an armed conflict will most likely not be Deutsche Telekom AG (DTAG), a German Telecom-
successful for the smaller force. In addition, the reality munications company, established a network of 97
of the conflict proves that the determinations of when a sensors to serve as an early warning system to provide
nation-state declares war, and the precursor interpreta- a real-time picture of ongoing cyberattacks. Although
tion of events leading up to that determination, are deci- the majority of the sensors are located in Germany,
sions made by its political leadership. As a result, the DTAG also locates honeypots and sensors in other
terms cyberattack and cyberwar must be decoupled so non-European countries. The top fifteen countries
that cyberattacks are not defined exclusively in terms of recorded as the source of cyberattacks by the DTAG
the use or effect of physical force causing death, dam- sensors are listed in Table I. Approximately, 20% of
age, or destruction. Or, if the terms cyberattack and the cyberattacks listed originated in the Russian Fed-
cyberwar are going to continue to be synonymous, then eration. The first four countries listed, including the
it’s important to acknowledge that cyberattacks, and U.S., Germany, and Taiwan, accounted for 62% of the
hence cyberwar, can include non-kinetic cyber activity cyberattacks represented. These instances provide a
without a co-requirement of kinetic military action. snapshot in time of attacks primarily targeted towards
a particular geographic area, in this instance, Europe.
On a broader international and historical scale, the
Table I
DCAF Horizons 2015 Working Paper describes histori-
Top 15 Source Countries for Cyberattacks in cal instances of what they identify as cyber conflict and
May 2013 [5] which clearly should be considered as cyberattacks.
The attacks have been summarized in Table II. It should
Source of Attack Number of Attacks
be noted that, for many of the cyberattacks described,
Russian Federation 1 153 032
the perpetrator is indicated as “alleged.” This reflects
United States 867 933 the difficulty in ascertaining responsibility.
Germany 831 218 Of the fourteen cyberattacks described in Table II,
Taiwan 764 141 five occurred within the context of an actual kinetic or
Bulgaria 358 505 “hot” war, one occurred within the context of a “cold”
war, and the remainder occurred within the context of
Hungary 271 949
ongoing tensions between nation-states, or between a
Poland 269 626
nation-state and non-state actors that may or may not
China, The Peoples’ 254 221 have been supported by another nation-state. The tem-
Republic of
poral trend in these identified conflicts is the utilization
Italy 205 196
of cyberattacks in the absence of a kinetic battle. When
Argentina 167 379 considered with the subsequent cyber occurrences
Romania 153 894 described in Table III, the trend is towards attacks
Venezuela, Bolivarian 140 559 against a nation-state’s critical infrastructure [24].
Republic of
Brazil 140 281 Why Does Cyberwar Occur?
Colombia 124 851 For smaller nations, or terrorist organizations, the use
Australia 120 157 of DDoS attacks are much cheaper to launch than con-
ventional warfare tools against an enemy possessing


Table II
History of Cyberattacks as Reported by the Center For the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) [1]

Year Perpetrator Target Incident

1982 United States (then) Soviet Embedded logic bombs caused malfunctions in
Union pump speeds and valve settings in oil pipelines
[note: The CIA “permitted” the software to be
stolen by the Soviets in Canada].
1991 United States Iraq (first Iraq Airstrikes against Iraq’s command and control
War) systems, telecommunications systems, and
portions of its national infrastructure; supported
by communication and satellite systems.
1994 Pro-Chechen separatist movement and pro- Both sides engaged in a virtual Internet war
Russian forces simultaneously with a kinetic ground war.
1997 – 2001 (breakaway region of) Chechnya and the Simultaneous with a kinetic war – use of
Russian Federation Internet for propaganda by both sides.
Russia also accused of hacking into Chechen
2002 Russian Federation Chechnya The Russian Federal Security System allegedly
(alleged) knocked out two Chechen websites hosted in the
U.S. immediately prior to the Russian Spetsnaz
Special Forces storming a Moscow theater that
was under siege by Chechen terrorists.
1999 – 2002 Israeli and Palestinian cyberconflict Israeli teen hackers launching a sustained
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack
that successfully jammed six websites operated
by the Hezbollah and Hamas organizations in
Lebanon and the Palestinian National Authority.
In response, hackers attacked sites belonging to the
Israeli Parliament, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
and the Israeli Defense Force information site; later
striking the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, the Bank
of Israel, and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.
April – May, Russian Federation Estonia Series of DDoS attacks first against Estonian
2007 (alleged) government agencies, and then private sites and
servers. Some attacks lasted weeks. The botnet
utilized in the DDoS attacks employed up to
100 000 zombie PCs.
August 2007 The People’s Republic of England Intrusions into government networks.
China (alleged) France
September 6, Israel Syria Israeli airstrike destroyed a nuclear reactor
2007 under construction to process plutonium. It
is alleged that prior to the airstrike Syria’s air
defense network was deactivated by Israel
activating a secret built-in switch.
June – July, Russian nationalist Lithuania Hacking of hundreds of Lithuanian government
2008 hackers and corporate websites some of which were
covered in digital Soviet-era graffiti.
August 2008 Russian Federation Georgia Cyberattack directly coordinated with a kinetic
(attacks also launched land, sea and air attack.
from Lithuania) Main attack vectors: Botnets attacked Georgian
media, DDoS attacks targeted command and
control systems. DDoS, Structured Query
Language (SQL) injection, and cross-site
scripting (XSS).
Main targets: Government websites, financial
and educational institutions, business
associations, news media websites (including
the BBC and CNN).
January 2009 Russian Federation Kyrgyzstan DDoS attacks focused on three of the four
(alleged) Internet Service Providers (ISP) in Kyrgyzstan
disrupting all internet traffic. Russia was the
source of most of the DDoS attacks.



Table II
Year Perpetrator Target Incident
July 4 – 8, Unknown – North Korea South Korea & Coordinated attacks against South Korean
2009 has been suggested United States and U.S. government and business websites,
since the attacks begin including the public websites for the U.S. stock
on the date of a North exchanges: New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Korean missile test and NASDAQ.
launch and concluded A botnet built using the early 2004 MyDoom
on the 15th anniversary worm, and rudimentary DDoS attacks were
of the death of North used. The attacks originated from 86 IP
Korea’s Kim II Sung. addresses in 16 countries.
2009 – 2010 Unknown Iran Stuxnet, a cyber worm, caused damage to
centrifuges of Iran’s nuclear reactors. Stuxnet
attacked and disabled Siemens type Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems
in a manner that disguises the damage from the
operators until it is too late to correct.

greater resources in terms of weapons, money, and been previously overlooked as merely cybercrimi-
troops. Imagine a drone, not only intercepted, but nals. As noted by many, including Richard Clarke,
also then re-routed back towards its originator. Fewer former National Coordinator for Security, Infrastruc-
resources are required, but yet, on the other hand, ture Protection, and Counterterrorism for the United
increased specialized training is required. Cyberat- States, cybercriminals can become rental cyberwar-
tack for hire is a lucrative business for those who have riors [8]. This easy transition from cybercriminality

Table III
Recent Cyberattacks on Critical Infrastructure

Year Perpetrator Target Cyberattack

2010 Unknown Iran and other parts Flame has been described as a backdoor
[first of the Middle East with Trojan and worm-like characteristics.
discovered] Its purpose was to gather information
from infected PCs. After gathering the
information it uploads it to command
and control computers. It is more
complex and is believed to be much
more dangerous than the Stuxnet virus.
Flame can attack critical infrastructure
and the United Nations International
Telecommunications Union has warned
other nations to be on/ the alert for its
appearance [19].
2012 Originated in the United States For a one week period in September 2012
Middle East five major U.S. banks were subjected
to ongoing Distributed Denials of
Service (DDoS) attacks which prohibited
customers from accessing their bank’s
website. These attacks were believed to be
part of an ongoing and continuing attack
on the financial sector of the US [20].
2012 “The Cutting Saudi Arabia’s state oil The Sharmoon virus infected 30 000
Sword of company ARAMCO ARAMCO computers is a form of malware
Justice” (claimed that overwrites the Master Boot Record
responsibility) (MBO) placing the data with a jpg file,
in this instance, a picture of a burning
American flag [21]–[22].
2012 Unknown Qatar state owned oil Sharmoon virus [22].
company RasGas


to cyberwarriors for hire suggests that reliance on a in any of the entities that comprise cyberspace. Moura
strict delineation between the two activities. Cyber- found that certain types of attacks were more likely to
crime and cyberattacks may, in the long run, lead to originate from certain nations or regions. For instance,
increased cyberattacks. 75% of the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) contain-
Cyberattacks have the ability to disrupt the way in ing the most phishing scams are located in the United
which ordinary individuals live their lives (e.g., the States. Ordinary spam primarily originates in India
chaos that would arise if none of the automatic teller and Vietnam, while the largest concentration of spam-
machines (ATMs) in a country were operational). mers per Internet address is in Nigeria [15]. Moura
The interconnectedness of global financial institu- argues that analyzing where malicious hosts are con-
tions, enabled by modern communications technol- centrated could enhance prediction of future attacks.
ogy, increases this risk [23]. A few Several technological methods are
years ago, we witnessed the impact of used to launch attacks in cyberspace.
the 2003 northeastern blackout in the Cyberattacks In this section, we briefly present some
U.S. that affected electrical grids span- use a variety of methods used for attacks in cyber-
ning from Ohio to New York, and even vectors, both space. We also present a sample heu-
stretching to the Canadian province of technological and ristic diagram for the classification of
Ontario. While it lasted for only a few cyberattack types.
days, it’s important to ask what would organizational.
be the impact of something similar, Methodological Approaches
or on a larger scale, that was deliberately caused for The DTAG honeypot system also identified the five
a prolonged period of time. When Estonia was sub- most popular types of attacks detected in May 2013.
jected to a barrage of cyberattacks, it was forced to cut These tended to be targeted towards cyber or Internet
its external Internet connections so that people within technologies. As illustrated in Table IV, 78% of these
the country could continue to use their conventional attacks were on Server Message Block (SMB) pro-
services [9]. With external Internet service access dis- tocols. SCADA systems are particularly vulnerable
abled, an Estonian traveler in another country could to attacks, and hence attractive to potential cyberat-
not retrieve money from an ATM machine or use a tackers. Known as the “workhorses of the information
bank issued credit card. Despite taking 30 000 com- age,” computer control systems are also the weak link
puters off-line, the Sharmoon virus was ultimately not in critical infrastructure systems [10], [24]. These sys-
successful in that it did not significantly disrupt oil tems regulate the operation of the infrastructure. For
production in either Saudi Arabia or Qatar. But, what instance, they manage the flow of natural gas through
if it had? What would the impacts have been? a pipeline, or they manage the production of chemi-
The United States has identified cyberattacks on its cals, etc. SCADA systems are increasingly being
critical infrastructure as a matter of national security, and connected to other networks, including the Internet,
has declared cyberspace a domain of war [10]. Critical making them vulnerable to external cyberattacks.
infrastructures are physical or virtual systems and assets Given the extent of damages, such as serious injuries,
that are so crucial to a nation that any harm done to them deaths, unavailability of crucial daily services that can
will have a drastic effect on security, national economic result if the operations of a SCADA system are dis-
security, national public health, or safety [11]. Spe- rupted, it is not surprising that these attacks are con-
cifically, these attacks are referring to agriculture, food, sidered cyberterrorism or cyberwar. SCADA systems
water, public health, emergency services, government,
defense, industrial base, information and telecommu-
nications, energy, transportation, banking and finance,
chemical industries, and postal and shipping systems Table IV
[12]. It is the potential destabilizing effects of disrup- Top 5 Attack Types in May 2013 [5]
tions to these infrastructures that concern the political Description Number of Attacks
decision-makers who ultimately label such disruptions
Attack on Server Message 5 970 973
as a cyberattack or a cyberwar. This is why cyberattacks, Block (SMB) protocol
or cyberwar, often extend beyond a physical battlefield.
Although the above-mentioned disruptions cause no Attack on Secure Shell (SSH) 660 350
physical injury or damage, they can nevertheless be con-
sidered acts of war (i.e., by political leaders). Honeytrap Attacker on 439 981
Port 161

How Cyberwar Occurs Attack on Port 5353 288 136

Cyberattacks use a variety of vectors, both technolog- Attack on Netbios protocol 269 211
ical and organizational. They seek out vulnerabilities


operate electrical grids, open and close dams, as well ■■ Government versus Government (within the con-
as regulate a host of other unseen yet vital, critical text of a kinetic battle)
infrastructure operations. It was the SCADA system ■■ Asymmetrical warfare: Non-state actor versus

in Iran’s nuclear centrifuge facility that was suc- the agencies or contractors of its own, or another
cessfully targeted by Stuxnet. The danger for highly government
industrialized countries is that their computerized crit- ■■ Government against another Government’s criti-

ical infrastructure makes them vulnerable to similar cal infrastructure (non-kinetic battle)
attacks. The United States has one of the most devel- ■■ Criminally inspired hackers versus individual

oped, computerized critical infrastructure systems in users

the world, making it highly vulnerable [8]. Cyberat- As previously stated, cyberattacks between nation-
tacks are not the only danger to these systems. Among states can occur within the context of kinetic and non-
the SCADA attacks worldwide that have made it to kinetic battles. This overlap is illustrated in Fig. 1. In
court, many have been found to be the work of a dis- the case of the nation-state of Georgia, described in
gruntled employee with no political motivation [24]. Table II, while the cyberattacks occurred as adjunct
A recurring question is whether there may be to a kinetic war with the Russian Federation, it was
instances where DDoS attacks could be considered believed that Russia had hired virtually every crimi-
acts of war. For those requiring a military context, nal hacker in Europe, both to assist in perpetrating
it has been argued that cyberwar can be understood the cyberattacks, as well as to deprive Georgia of an
through the context of maritime commerce warfare opportunity to retaliate in kind [18].
[16]. Waterways are the most efficient mechanism for
transporting tangible goods. The Internet is the most Non-Kinetic Cyberattacks Increasing
efficient mechanism for transporting intangible goods. Non-kinetic cyberattacks appear to be increasing both
Therefore, just as naval blockades and attacks on ship- in frequency and in severity in terms of the potential
ping lanes were considered acts of war in both World damage they cause. It is particularly feared that ter-
Wars because they prevented the transport of tangible rorists fighting an asymmetrical war against a larger,
goods, DDoS attacks block the transport of intangible more powerful opponent, will utilize this attack
goods [16]. This definition, while still analogous to mechanism. They may or may not occur within the
traditional warfare, provides a definition for cyberwar, context of a traditional kinetic war. Nation-states have
which circumvents the co-requisite of a kinetic battle. also been accused of utilizing cyberattacks, both dur-
Manipulation of increasingly automated informa- ing, and in the absence of a kinetic battle. An impor-
tion systems, insecurity of the supply chain, and cross- tant emerging distinction is that political leaders and
platform malware are among the emerging cyberthreats military leaders do not necessarily utilize the same
identified for 2013 [17]. The ability to manipulate definitions. Political leaders are more apt to consider
automated information systems is a direct threat to the non-kinetic cyber-operations, targeting government,
security of any nation’s supply chain. Few people are financial, or other critical national infrastructure as
aware of the extent to which agribusiness, the process cyberattacks, and hence cyberwar, even in the absence
by which food is harvested, transported, and sold in of the use of force, injury, death, or physical damage.
stores, is automated. When combined with a “just in At present, the greatest difficulty nation-states and
time” marketing system designed to deliver produce organizations face is identifying perpetrators with con-
and supplies to the stores with little or no surplus, fidence. In the absence of an admission, all that is ini-
manipulation of a distributor’s information system can tially available is speculation. To date, despite frequent
result in deliveries not being made. This can potentially allegations by nation-states as to who did what, or rhet-
lead to food shortages in some locales. Cross-platform oric from the political leaders of those nation-states, no
malware has also become more common. This can be nation-state has yet responded to a non-kinetic cyber-
partially attributed to the rapid increase in the number attack with a kinetic operation. While the future of
of smart phones and other hand-held, mobile devices, cyberwarfare in the 21st century will likely show cyber-
along with the emergence of applications. Many of the attacks that occur, not in conjunction with traditional
applications are designed to infect the device and trans- armed conflict, but rather stand alone in a non-kinetic
fer the malware wirelessly to other devices. Unrelated battle, it is equally as likely that these increased non-
to cyberattacks, but also present, are internal end-user kinetic battles will have kinetic repercussions.
vulnerabilities confronting critical infrastructure.
Author Information
Heuristic Classification of Cyberattacks Angelyn Flowers is a Professor and the Graduate Pro-
Cyberattacks are launched at multiple levels. This gram Director of the Homeland Security Program at
list is not intended to be hierarchical, or all-inclusive. the University of the District of Columbia, Washing-
Among the levels where cyberattacks can occur are: ton, DC. Email:


Sherali Zeadally is an Associate Professor in [11] B. Obama, “Executive order 13636: Improving critical infrastruc-
the College of Communication and Information at ture cybersecurity,” Federal Register, vol. 78, no. 33, part III, Feb.19,
the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. Email: [12] D. Warfield, “Critical infrastructures: IT security and threats from private sector ownership,” Information Security J.: A Global Perspec-
tive, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 127–136, 2012.
[15] G. Moreira Moura, Internet Bad Neighborhoods. The Nether-
Acknowledgment lands, University of Twente, dissertation, 2013.
The authors express gratitude to Katina Michael and [16] J. Laprise, “Cyberwarfare seen through a mariner’s spyglass,”
to the anonymous reviewers for their useful com- IEEE Technology and Society Mag., vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 26–33, 2006.
ments and suggestions, which helped us to improve [17] Georgia Tech Information Security Center and the Georgia Tech
Research Institute, ­Emerging Cyber Threats Report 2013, presented at
the quality and presentation of this paper. the Georgia Tech Cyber Security Summit, 2012.
[18] R. Haddick, “This week at war: Lessons from cyberwar I,” Foreign
References Policy, Jan. 28, 2011;
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