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Geomorphology 267 (2016) 48–58

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Layered internal structure and breaching risk assessment of the

Higashi-Takezawa landslide dam in Niigata, Japan
Gonghui Wang a,⁎, Gen Furuya b, Fanyu Zhang c, Issei Doi a, Naoki Watanabe d, Akihiko Wakai e, Hideaki Marui d
Research Center on Landslides, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji 611-0011, Japan
Toyama Prefecture University, 5180 Kurokawa, Imizu, 939-0398, Toyama, Japan
Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China, Ministry of Education, Department of Geological Engineering, Lanzhou University, Gansu 730000, Lanzhou, PR China
Research Institute for Natural Hazards & Disaster Recovery, Niigata University, Ikarashi 2, Nishi Ku, Niigata 950-2181, Japan
Department of Environmental Engineering Science, Gunma University, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The internal structure and geotechnical properties of landslide dams have rarely been examined in detail,
Received 10 June 2015 although they largely control the longevity and potential failure mechanisms of the dams. During the 2004
Received in revised form 22 May 2016 Mid-Niigata Prefecture earthquake, thousands of landslides were triggered and many landslide dams were
Accepted 24 May 2016
formed in the Imo River basin. Among these landslides dams, the biggest one that occurred in the Higashi-
Available online 26 May 2016
Takezawa district threatened both the upstream and downstream areas. Emergency and eventual permanent
countermeasures were successfully performed to mitigate the hazards presented by the dam. The preserved
2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture earthquake landslide dam provides a good field study area for improving understanding of the formation and stability of sim-
Landslide dam ilar features. To characterize its internal structure and to provide more reliable information for stability analysis,
Stability we used a multiple-channel surface-wave technique and microtremor array measurements to survey the dam's
Internal structure S-wave velocity (Vs) profile. Our results show that the integrated use of these methods is an effective approach
for determining the S-wave velocity structure of landslide dams, irrespective of the mountainous environment in
which they typically occur. The Vs profile suggests that the displaced landslide materials had been little disturbed
during movement, although movement was rapid and over a long distance. We also discuss herein the landslid-
ing mechanism and assess the breaching risk of the landslide dam due to overtopping.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction kilometers, depending upon parameters such as the volume of water

released, peak discharge, sediment availability along the flow path,
Landslide dams form when hillslope-derived mass-wasting debris and downstream wave attenuation by valley-floor topography (Korup,
blocks stream channels. Landslide dams are often weak in structure 2012; Korup and Wang, 2014).
and can suffer from failure by piping, internal erosion, or surface- In recent years, many dams formed from landslides triggered by
water overtopping. Landslide dam failures often cause fatalities and earthquakes and rainfall have been reported (Costa and Schuster,
substantial damage to properties downstream as they often occur sud- 1988; Casagli and Ermini, 1999; Korup, 2002, 2005; Tabata et al.,
denly, and subsequent outburst of water from impounded lakes may 2002; Dai et al., 2005; Korup and Tweed, 2007; Cui et al., 2011, 2013;
be catastrophic. Common modes of failure include overtopping of the Fan et al., 2012; Konagai and Sattar, 2012; Peng and Zhang, 2012).
dam with subsequent breaching, internal erosion by piping, and wave These dams often greatly hinder recovery operations in hazard areas
overtopping induced by rapid mass movements entering the lake and also threaten the safety of people living downstream. To prevent
(Costa and Schuster, 1988; Peng and Zhang, 2012). Resultant outburst the occurrence of landslide dam failure or to minimize the damage
events may entrain substantial amounts of debris from the failing from such failure, assessment of dam stability is often performed within
dam, backwater sediments, and the downstream valley floor, thus a short time after the formation of a dam (Tabata et al., 2002). Topo-
giving rise to fast-flowing mixtures with high sediment-water ratios graphical approaches (Costa and Schuster, 1988, 1991; Casagli and
such as hyperconcentrated flows, and sometimes even debris flows. Ermini, 1999; Korup, 2002, 2004; Ermini and Casagli, 2003; Dong
The subsequent catastrophic flooding of valley floors may cause et al., 2009) and hydraulic approaches (Fread, 1977, 1988; Mizuyama
substantial channel changes for up to several tens to hundreds of et al., 1987, 1989; Takahashi and Kuang, 1988; Takahashi and
Nakawaga, 1993; Singh, 1996; Cencetti et al., 2006; Davies et al., 2007;
⁎ Corresponding author. Fujisawa et al., 2009) have been developed to analyze dam stability
E-mail address: (G. Wang). and flood profiles after dam breaching. Some models of breaching
0169-555X/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G. Wang et al. / Geomorphology 267 (2016) 48–58 49

processes for embankment dams and landslide dams have been devel- triggered, and 45 landslide dams were formed (Sassa et al., 2007).
oped and applied (Fread, 1977, 1988; Takahashi and Kuang, 1988; Among them, a landslide dam in the Higashi-Takezawa district was
Takahashi and Nakawaga, 1993; Singh, 1996; Cencetti et al., 2006; the most catastrophic (hereinafter term the Higashi-Takezawa landslide
Davies et al., 2007; Satofuka et al., 2010). However, although the effec- dam) (Fig. 1). It blocked the Imo River, caused flooding of many houses
tiveness of these approaches in the after-event simulation of dam due to backwater inundation, and threatened the safety of downstream
breaching has been confirmed, successful predictions have rarely been residential areas. To prevent the possible breaching failure of the dam,
reported. This may be because most of the approaches are proposed emergency and then permanent countermeasures were performed
based on the studies of homogenous earth-fill dams, and potentially (Marui, 2005; Marui and Yoshimatsu, 2005; Nagai et al., 2008;
crucial differences may exist between the internal sedimentology of Yamabe et al., 2010). This is a rare case where the risk of breaching fail-
landslide dams and artificial earth-fill dams. ure of a landslide dam was successfully mitigated by engineering solu-
Conducting engineering countermeasures is another approach tions. It also provides us an opportunity to understand the formation
adopted to lower the potential hazards following the catastrophic and engineering properties of landslide dams in detail, and to examine
failure of a landslide dam. While some countermeasures functioned tools that have been proposed for reliably predicting the stability and
properly, some failed to work efficiently. For example, in July 2012, a failure timing of dams. With these aims, we surveyed the internal struc-
giant landslide dam (about 100 m high, 750 m long and 250 m wide) ture of the dam site by means of a multiple-channel surface-wave tech-
was formed in Ambon Island of the Republic of Indonesia, and a con- nique combined with microtremor survey. Based on the survey results,
crete sluiceway was built as the emergency countermeasure to prevent we discuss the formation and stability of the dam.
uncontrolled overtopping. Nevertheless, the dam collapsed in 2013 and
caused severe downstream flooding, killing three people and resulting 2. Outline of the earthquake hazard and geological setting
in 60% of the downstream population losing their homes (Japan Interna-
tional Cooperation Agency, 2013). In September 2011, many large land- The 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake (M6.8 according to the
slide dams formed in the Kii Peninsula, Japan, due to heavy rainfall Japan Meteorological Agency; JMA), occurred on October 23, 2004 in
during Typhoon Talas. According to the Sediment-related Disaster Pre- Niigata Prefecture, Japan, causing severe damage and isolating villages
vention Act of Japan, emergency countermeasures such as construction in the epicentral region. The earthquake triggered more than 1600 land-
of temporary drainage and other urgent measures were performed on slides of various types and dimensions (Sassa et al., 2007). In many loca-
five of the larger dams. These countermeasures were repeatedly dam- tions, the displaced landslide debris entered into and blocked rivers
aged or destroyed by overtopping or localized landsliding during subse- forming barrier lakes. In total, 45 landslide dams were formed by this
quent typhoons and heavy rainfall events (Sakurai, 2013). From these earthquake, and among them, two that formed in the Higashi-
examples, we can conclude that our understanding of the formation of Takezawa and Terano areas along the Imo River posed the greatest threat.
landslide dams is still poor such that many countermeasures for miti- The geological setting of the epicentral area was outlined by Chigira
gating hazards from landslide dams are empirically based. and Yagi (2006) (Fig. 2). This area is within the Higashiyama Hills,
Recently, detailed case studies on landslide dams dealt with a variety which trend NNE–SSW, subparallel to the axes of several anticlines
of dam types, their formation and failure histories, as well as geomor- and synclines that define the region's geologic structure (Fig. 2). Plio-
phological consequences (Tabata et al., 2002; Dai et al., 2005; Cui cene and Pleistocene formations underlie the area and consist mainly
et al., 2011; Dong et al., 2011; Peng et al., 2014; Delaney and Evans, of volcanic rocks, mudstones (the Araya and the Ushigakubi Forma-
2015). However, the internal structure of landslide dams has rarely tions), sandstone (the Wanatsu Formation), and alternating beds of
been addressed, although it likely plays a key role in landslide-dam sta- sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone. There are active faults and folds in
bility. The internal sedimentology of earth-fill dams is a critical factor in the Higashiyama Hills and the surrounding area, and one of them (the
engineering design related to dam stability. Depending on landslide Yukyuzan fault) is very close to the epicenter (Research Group for
type, the stratigraphy of a dam may feature crudely stratified layers, sur- Active Faults of Japan, 1991). Landslides occurred especially densely in
face armoring, or largely unstratified deposits of poorly sorted clasts the watershed of the Imo River along the Kajigane Syncline and slipped
(Casagli et al., 2003; Abdrakhmatov and Strom, 2006; Crosta et al., along the dip direction of the geologic formations.
2011; Davies and McSaveney, 2011; Dunning and Armitage, 2011;
Wang et al., 2013). 3. Methods
During the 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake (M6.8), more
than 360 landslides with widths greater than 50 m and 12 large-scale To understand the hazards caused by the earthquake, we surveyed
landslides with individual volumes of more than 1 × 106 m3 were the epicentral area by helicopter immediately after the earthquake,

Fig. 1. Higashi-Takezawa landslide triggered by the 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake. (a) Location map; (b) oblique photo (taken by K. Sassa on 6 November 2004), where the scarp
of an old landside is visible.
50 G. Wang et al. / Geomorphology 267 (2016) 48–58

Fig. 2. Geologic outline (after Chigira and Yagi, 2006) and location of the Higashi-Takezawa landslide.

and then performed detailed field surveys of larger landslides. We ana- 4. Results
lyzed the topography of the Higashi-Takezawa landslide area using a
1:25,000 topographical map created before the earthquake, DEMs ob- 4.1. Higashi-Takezawa landslide dam
tained on 26 October 2004 (three days after the earthquake) by air-
borne laser scanning survey with a 1-m resolution, aerial and ground The Higashi-Takezawa landslide was triggered on the left slope of
photos. the Imo River, where the scarp of an old landslide can be identified
To investigate the internal structure of the landslide dam, we used a (Fig. 1b). Fig. 5 shows the plan of the landslide area, and Fig. 6 presents
surface-wave method known as multichannel analysis of surface waves the cross section along line I–I’ shown in Fig. 5. The landslide originated
(MASW) (Park et al., 1999; Hayashi and Suzuki, 2004; Hayashi et al., at an elevation of about 200 m, had a length of about 365 m, width of
2008) to measure the shear-wave velocity profile of the landslide-dam about 250 m, and had horizontal and vertical travel distances of about
site. The survey principle of MASW and the layout of equipment 100 and 60 m, respectively. The sliding surface averaged about 30 m
(Seismograph: Model McSEIS-SXW, OYO Corporation, Tokyo, Japan; deep and the volume of displaced materials was about 1.3 × 106 m3.
Geophones: Model GS-11D, OYO Geospace Corporation, Houston,
Texas, USA) are outlined in Fig. 3. In the survey, 24 geophones were
spaced at 2 m intervals along a line, and a wooden hammer (about
8 kg) was used as the seismic motion exciter. The hammer points
were outside of both ends of the survey line and also intermediate be-
tween the geophones. This kind of survey method normally enables us
to obtain the S-wave velocities of the ground 15–20 m deep. To survey
the S-wave velocities of deeper ground, we used microtremor array
measurement, in which the employed geophones have a natural fre-
quency of 2 Hz. With a layout of geophones in an equilateral triangle
as shown in Fig. 4, this measurement theoretically enables us to obtain
the S-wave velocity profile to a depth of 50 m beneath the central
point of the triangle. We carried out our first survey in December
2011 and second survey in August 2013, following the progress of per-
manent countermeasures on the dam site. Fig. 3. Measurement principle of multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW).
G. Wang et al. / Geomorphology 267 (2016) 48–58 51

state), and siltstone/sandy mudstone (Yamabe et al., 2010). The basal

layer of the landslide materials was remarkably softer and weaker
than the same rocks within the intact slope. The sliding surface in the
source area was about 8.5 m deep, above which were soft/extremely
loose sandy silt and silty sand, and below which were siltstone or
sandy mudstone. The sliding surface in the middle part of the landslide
deposits was 28.0 m deep and located in a loose, water-laden sandy
layer at the base of silty sandstone. The sliding surface in the toe part
was 31.6 m deep, which is located at the base of a 25-m thick rock stra-
tum of weak siltstone/sandy mudstone. Therefore, the thickness of the
displaced materials forming the landslide dam was about 25–26 m on
average and 30–32 m at maximum. The landslide dam was about
350 m wide (along-river direction) and approximately 300 m long
(across-river direction). The capacity of the barrier lake formed by this
landslide dam is estimated to be 3.3 × 106 m3 (Yamabe et al., 2010).
For the mitigation of a potential secondary disaster, emergency coun-
termeasures were implemented against overtopping and failure of the
Fig. 4. Geophone placement of microtremor array measurement (50-m aperture array). landslide dams as a matter of great urgency. For the Higashi-Takezawa
landslide dam, as emergency countermeasures, sandbags were
transported by helicopters of the Japanese Self-Defense Force and piled
The Higashi-Takezawa landslide was a dip-slope failure with a main up on the lower part of the dam crest. Water was also pumped out
scarp about 50 m high and sloped 30–35°. Siltstone in blue-gray colour from the barrier lake to lower the water level and prevent the occurrence
outcrops on the main scarp (Fig. 7). The sliding surface had a strike of of overtopping, while a sluiceway was rapidly constructed. Later, as per-
N5°W–N10°E, and dip angle of 18–22°W. The distal toe part of the land- manent countermeasures, the dam crest was graded to be flat, a concrete
slide traveled across the river and collided against the right bank, where sluiceway was constructed on the former right bank of the Imo River, and
it was strongly compressed, resulting in formation of a 20 m high two check dams were constructed downstream of the landslide dam. The
uplifted hill. slope of the landslide source area was further stabilized by means of
Totally six boreholes (see Fig. 5) were drilled immediately after the earth removal work, counterweight fill construction, and constructing
earthquake. These boreholes revealed that the displaced landslide ma- slope frame with greening construction. Fig. 8 presents the plan of the
terials consist of sandy silt-silty sand, silty sandstone (in semisolid landslide dam after all these countermeasures had been performed.

Fig. 5. Plan of the Higashi-Takezawa landslide area (after Yamabe et al., 2010). : Borehole number i (i = 1–6). The depths of B-1 to B-6 are 45, 50, 40, 40, 35, and 40 m, respectively. Solid
squares and solid triangle: Locations of samples taken by Yamabe et al. (2010); S1 and S2: Locations of samples taken by Sassa et al. (2007). I–I' is the cross-section shown in Fig. 6.
52 G. Wang et al. / Geomorphology 267 (2016) 48–58

Fig. 6. Central longitudinal section of the Higashi-Takezawa landslide along line I–I’ shown in Fig. 5 (after Yamabe et al., 2010). SILT.S: Silty sandstone; P·S: Pebble sandstone.

4.2. Shear-wave velocity profile the landslide, the dip of the displaced materials within the landslide
toe became gentler, probably due to: 1) the stress state of the landslide
Using the MASW, we surveyed three lines along the sliding direction materials was affected by the river bed; 2) the displaced landslide mate-
(perpendicular to the river) and two lines along the river flow direction rials initially slid along a surface parallel to bedding before overriding
(L1–L5 in Fig. 8). The microtremor measurement was performed at four the more gently sloped lower part of the failure surface; and 3) the dis-
locations (A–D in Fig. 8). Two points (A and B) were measured to obtain tal toe part climbed the opposite bank of the river.
the shear-wave velocity of the sediments where the landslide deposit is From Fig. 9a it can be seen that the surficial layer of sediments in the
greater than 20 m. The other two points (C and D) were measured to upper-left part of the profile had S-wave velocity of 220–240 m s−1 and
survey both the landslide deposits and original ground. It is noted that was almost horizontally distributed; the sediments below this surficial
L1 crossed a road and many trucks were running during our survey pe- layer had a lower velocity (b200 m s−1), and Vs then increased with
riod, and we did not make the measurement crossing the road. depth. This surficial layer with greater shear-wave velocity might result
Fig. 9 shows the shear-wave velocity profile along survey lines L1, L3 from the countermeasure construction after the earthquake. It is also
and L4, and Fig. 10 along survey lines L2 and L5. As shown in Figs. 9 and seen that the sediments on the upper-right region (80–140 m from
10, the S-wave velocities of the sediments are low in general, probably the start point) with Vs b 180 m s−1 have a wedge shape. This might re-
because the landslide dam was formed from strongly weathered sult from the construction of earth fill in low areas performed as part of
sandstone/siltstone. From the S-wave profiles of L2, L5 and L1, three the countermeasures. From Fig. 5, it can be seen that this area had valley
layers may be distinguished from the surface to the bottom; the first topography.
layer had a shear-wave velocity smaller than 160 m s−1, the second The Vs profiles obtained along the longitudinal direction of the land-
layer had S-wave velocity ranging from 160 to 220 m s−1, while the slide dam (L2 and L5) (Fig. 10) show that the velocity increased with in-
third layer had S-wave velocity greater than 220 m s−1. The boundary creasing depth. L5 was close to the present sluiceway and on the toe
between the 2nd and 3rd layers shown in Fig. 9c (along L1) dipped left- part of the displaced landslide materials. The soil on the upstream end
ward (toward the river) with an inclination of 8°. This may result from of the dam, close to the barrier lake, between the start point and 30 m
remnant bedding that was not destroyed during sliding. This structure in horizontal distance, had relatively greater velocity than downstream.
may also be identified in the S-wave velocity profiles along L3 and L4. This might also result from the construction of countermeasures. Here
Although the inclination of the sliding surface on the source slope was
about 18–22°, which was consistent with the dip of the strata prior to

Fig. 8. Higashi-Takezawa landslide dam after permanent countermeasures had been

performed. L1–L5: MASW survey lines, where the arrow in the line shows the heading
of survey. Open triangles: Microtremor array measurement points A, B, C, and D. :
Fig. 7. Outcropped siltstone on the main scarp (taken on November 15, 2004). strike angle (10°); : Dip angle (15°).
G. Wang et al. / Geomorphology 267 (2016) 48–58 53

Fig. 9. S-wave profile of the dam body. (a), (b), (c): results for traverse lines L3, L4 and L1 shown in Fig. 8, respectively. L1 was crossing a road and many trucks were running during our
survey period, which disenabled us to make the measurements crossing the road.

the landslide body and the placed sediments had been densely construction management office, and several bulldozers were located
compacted. nearby. The ground surface was very hard due to the construction
The Vs profile of survey line L2, nearer to the landslide source area equipment passage such that we had difficulty making holes to insert
than L5, shows that the sediments from the left end of the profile to the geophones. Therefore, we infer that the high Vs value of the sedi-
70 m in horizontal distance to the right were inclined in the down- ments at about 5-m depth might have resulted from the construction
stream direction. This may reflect the fact that L2 aligned S25°W was of earth fill. Point B was located on line L1 but was 30 m from point A.
oblique to the sliding surface striking N5°E–N10°E. It is also apparent At point B, the sediments shallower than 12 m had Vs values
that the area ranging from 45 to 55 m in horizontal distance and 0 to b170 m s− 1. However, the sediments deeper than 12 m had
3 m in depth had a low Vs value (b180 m s−1). Vs N 250 m s−1. The depths below which the sediments had Vs greater
The Vs profiles at points A, B, C and D obtained by microtremor mea- than 250 m s− 1 differed by 5 m between points A and B. Assuming
surement are shown in Fig. 11. Fig. 11a shows that the sediments these sediments at points A and B with Vs N 250 m s−1 were the same
shallower than 17 m had relatively low Vs values, except some local layer, we find that the line connecting the layers at A and B is inclined
areas around 5 m depth (300 m s−1). The sediments deeper than about 9°. According to the cross-section of the landslide dam obtained
17 m had Vs greater than 300 m s− 1. It is noted that when we were immediately after the earthquake from boreholes, the sliding surface
performing the survey, a hut existed near point A that served as the along survey line L1 (parallel to the line between points A and B) was

Fig. 10. S-wave profile of the dam body. (a), (b): results for traverse lines L2 and L5 shown in Fig. 8, respectively.
54 G. Wang et al. / Geomorphology 267 (2016) 48–58

Fig. 11. S-wave profile obtained by microtremor array measurement. (a)–(d): results obtained at locations A, B, C and D shown in Fig. 8, respectively. Note: the boundary between the dark
and light shaded areas is the depth below which the Vs velocities of the sediments had not been effectively obtained from the measured data, although the microtremor array
measurement adopted in this study can reach a depth of 50 m theoretically. These Vs values in the light shaded areas were inferred from the variation tendency of Vs in the overlaid
layers. The dotted lines indicate the sediment layers with approximately same Vs.

inclined about 8° between points A and B. Hence, the inclination of sed- had been less disturbed and most of the trees still stood on the dam
iments shown in Fig. 11a, b is consistent with the sliding surface re- crest (Fig. 1b). These kinds of movement characteristics could be in-
vealed by the detailed boring survey. ferred from Fig. 9. Wang et al. (2014) surveyed the Vs profile of a land-
Fig. 11c and d present the Vs profiles of points C and D. At point C, the slide dam triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China, and
sediments shallower than 5 m had Vs of about 150 m s−1, and those found that a weak layer with a thickness of 2–3 m existed on the bottom
deeper than 12 m had Vs of 300–350 m s−1. Further, the sediments of the dam at the location of the former river bed. Nevertheless, the liq-
deeper than 21 m had Vs of 400–450 m s−1. At Point D, sediments uefied layer (or zone), which should have a relatively low Vs value, can-
with Vs of 300–350 m s−1 were located 21–30 m deep, and the sedi- not be identified in Fig. 9. It may be due to the liquefied layer thinner
ments deeper than 30 m had Vs of 400–450 m s− 1. Because points C than 2–3 m, which could not be delineated by the MASW technique
and D were at the same elevation and were approximately 50 m and microtremor measurement.
apart, assuming Vs was consistent for the sediments in a given depth,
we infer that the layer of sediments was inclined 10° from at point C 6. Stability of the landslide dam
to point D. The Vs profile of Fig. 10a shows that the sediments at the
left side of the figure had an inclination of about 10°. Hence, Figs. 10 An approach utilizing the Dimensionless Blockage Index (DBI) has
and 11c, d demonstrate good consistency between the results obtained been proposed by Ermini and Casagli (2003) for the stability analysis
by the MASW survey technique and microtremor measurements. These of landslide dams:
results also validate the effectiveness of these two methods for survey-
ing the shear-wave velocities of sediments even in mountainous areas.
DBI ¼ logðAb  H d =V d Þ ð1Þ

5. S-wave profile and landsliding mechanism

where Ab is area of the catchment (km2); Hd is height of the landslide
Several studies have been performed on the Higashi-Takezawa land- dam (m); and Vd is volume of the landslide dam (×106 m3). Based on
slide (Sassa et al., 2007; Kinoshita et al., 2009; Yamabe et al., 2010). For the analysis of many recorded landslide dams located all over the
example, Sassa et al. (2007) concluded that the Higashi-Takezawa land- world, Ermini and Casagli (2003) recognized three “stability domains”
slide was triggered within the debris of an old landslide, and the sliding for the dimensionless blockage index as shown in Fig. 12: (1) when
surface was developed within the sandy layers. Sassa et al. (2007) in- DBI b 2.75, the landslide dam lies in the stability domain; (2) when
ferred that high pore-water pressure was built up within the sliding sur- 2.75 b DBI b 3.08, the landslide dam is in the uncertain domain; and
face (zone), i.e., sliding surface liquefaction (Sassa, 1996), resulting in (3) when DBI N 3.08, the landslide dam is in the instability domain.
rapid movement of the displaced landslide materials. This might be Although there are some exceptions as shown in Fig. 12, DBI has proven
the reason why the upper parts of the displaced landslide materials to be an effective index and has recently been used many times in
G. Wang et al. / Geomorphology 267 (2016) 48–58 55

overtopping erosion. It has also been noted that overtopping breaching

is dominant in breached landslide dams, and progressive dam failure
due to seepage (piping flow) is rare (Mizuyama et al., 1987, 1989;
Peng and Zhang, 2012). In the following, analyses were performed to
assess these possible failure mechanisms for the Higashi-Takezawa
landslide dam.
First, to evaluate whether the landslide dam could fail due to sliding
on the dam body, 2D slope stability analysis of the displaced landslide
materials blocking the river by the limit equilibrium method was con-
ducted immediately after its formation as an emergency response
(Exploratory Committee of Countermeasures against Landslide Dams
in the Imo River basin, 2005). As well known, in this kind of slope stabil-
ity analysis the properties of the landslide sediments, such as the unit
weight (γ), effective cohesion (c), and friction angle (θ), will be neces-
sary. For the Higashi-Takezawa landslide dam, γ was assumed to be
18 kN m− 3, while c and θ were selected by two differing methods,
Fig. 12. Stability analysis using Dimensionless Blockage Index (after Ermini and Casagli
i.e., (1) using the results of shear tests on the samples taken from the
(2003)). Solid triangle: Stable natural dam (SD); solid diamond: Unstable natural dam sliding surface on the source area, (c = 25.5 kN m− 2; θ = 18.0°)
(UD). which resulted in a safety factor of 1.19 for the displaced slope before
the earthquake; (2) using the values obtained from back calculation
practice for risk assessments of landslide dam breaching (Strom, 2010; with an assumption that the safety factor for the displaced slope before
Kiyota et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2011; Weidinger, 2011; among others). the earthquake was 1.0 (c = 25 kN m−2; θ = 14.6°). For a safer estima-
For the Higashi-Takezawa landslide dam, the length, width and tion, the latter values of c and θ were used to analyze the stability of the
depth are about 300, 350 and 28 m, respectively; the volume is about landslide sediments against the potential sliding along the original river
1.30 × 106 m3; and the upstream catchment area is 38.4 km2. Using bed (parallel to L5 in Fig. 8). The safety factor was estimated to be 36.63,
these data and Eq. (1), the DBI of the Higashi-Takezawa landslide dam showing that the Higashi-Takezawa landslide dam was at very low risk
was calculated as 2.92. From Fig. 12, it can be seen that Higashi- of failure due to the occurrence of slides.
Takezawa landslide dam is located in the uncertain stability domain. Nevertheless, with the continued increase in the water level of the
This suggests that, as a preliminary forecast of landslide dam evolution, barrier lake, it was believed that overtopping flow would occur on the
we cannot estimate whether this landslide dam will remain stable. Higashi-Takezawa landslide dam and then bursting erosion would com-
The uncertainty in the evaluation of dam longevity by means of DBI mence if the flow-induced shear stress on the outflow bed exceeded the
may reflect that DBI is based on topographic features of the landslide critical erosive shear stress (τc) of the sediments. At present, several em-
dam and the upstream catchment area, without considering dam's geo- pirical equations have been proposed to determine τc based on different
technical properties. Strom (2010) similarly questioned these limita- approaches (Table 1), but none of them is widely accepted. As listed in
tions of the DBI and suggested that additional quantitative parameters Table 1, different equations are restricted to different types of sedi-
characterizing landslide dams and dammed lakes should be used in ments. Yamabe et al. (2010) took samples from different locations of
the stability analysis of landslide dams. However, although the geotech- the landslide dam and performed detailed geotechnical tests on them
nical properties of landslide dams play a key role in dam stability and following the Japanese Industrial Standards of JIS A1202, JIS A1204
also in the resistance to overtopping erosion, they have been rarely in- and JIS A1225 (The Japanese Geotechnical Society, 2009) (Table 2). De-
corporated in stability analyses, probably due to the difficulties in tails on these standards could be referred to. Sassa et al. (2007) also took
obtaining them. We expect that risk assessments of dam breaching samples (S1 and S2 in Fig. 5) from the main scarp of the landslide and
may be improved by using DBI together with information on geotechni- the central part of the dam crest to measure their basic soil parameters
cal properties of materials forming the dam. in laboratory, and found that the materials consisted of 93% fine sand,
It has been reported that breaching of landslide dams normally re- ~3% silt and 4% clay with a mean particle size (d50) of 0.18 mm. Consid-
sults from three types of failure processes (Takahashi and Kuang, ering that the materials composing the dam body are sandy sediments,
1988; O'Connor and Beebee, 2009; O'Connor et al., 2013), a critical erosive shear stress of the Higashi-Takezawa landslide dam
i.e., occurrence of slides on the dam body, progressive failure, and was estimated to be 0.32 Pa by using the equation of Annandale

Table 1
Empirical equations for calculating the critical erosive shear stress of sediments (τc in Pa) (after Chang et al., 2011).

References Empirical expression and main parameters Type of sediments Testing method

Smerdon and Beasley (1961) τc = 0.16PI0.84; PI: plasticity index (%) Cohesive Flume test
τc = 10.2D-0.63
r ; Dr: dispersion ratio
τc = 3.54 × 10−28.1d50; d50: mean particle size (m)
τc = 0.493 × 100.0182PC; PC: percent of clay by weight (%)
Neill (1973) τc = 0.7609γw(Gs − 1)d2/3 50 h
Gravel, glass balls Flume test
γw: unit weight of water (kN m−3); Gs: specific gravity (kN m−3); h: depth of flow (m)
Mitchener and Torfs (1996) τc = 0.015(ρb − 1000)0.73; ρb: bulk density of soil (kg/m3) Mixture of mud and sand Flume test
Julian and Torres (2006) τc = 0.1 + 0.1779P + 0.0028P2 − 2.34 × 10−5P3 Cohesive Field monitoring
P: fines content (%) (b0.063 mm)
Annandale (2006) τc = 2/3 × gd(ρs − ρw) tan φ; Homogeneous cohesionless No record
ρs: mass density of soil (kg m−3); ρw: mass density of water (kg m−3); φ: friction
angle; d: particle diameter (m)
Thoman and Niezgoda (2008) τc = 77.28 + 2.20(Act) + 0.26Dr − 13.49Gs − 6.4pH + 0.12w Cohesive Submerged jet
Act: Activity; w: water content (%)
Chang et al. (2011) τc = 6.8(PI)1.68P−1.73e−0.97 Gravelly sandy sediments Submerged jet
PI: plasticity index; e: void ratio; P: fines content

Dispersion ratio: ratio of the total weight of silt and clay sized aggregates to the total weight of silt and clay sized particles; Activity: plasticity index divided by the percentage of clay.
56 G. Wang et al. / Geomorphology 267 (2016) 48–58

Table 2
Geotechnical properties of the landslide materials (after Yamabe et al., 2010).

Location ρwet (g cm−3) ρdry (g cm−3) ρs (g cm−3) W (%) e τr κ (cm s−1) Number of samples

c′ (kN cm−2) θ′ (°)

Head 1.58 1.20 2.69 32.0 1.25 – – 9.99 × 10−5 1

Central 1.67 1.38 2.63 21.4 0.92 19.8 35.6 1.41 × 10−2 5
toe 1.88 1.47 2.64 28.1 0.80 27.8 36.5 3.02 × 10−6 10

ρwet: Wet density; ρdry: Dry density; ρs: Particle density of sediments; W: Natural water content (g cm−3); e: Void ratio; τr = c + σtan(θ), σ is the effective normal stress in kPa, c′ is ef-
fective cohesion, and θ is friction angle; κ: Permeability.

(2006) that is suitable for the sediments with fines less than 10% the stability analysis of the dam, we used a multiple-channel surface-
(Table 1). For the estimation, d50 (1.8 × 10−4 m) was used for d, dry wave technique and microtremor array measurements to survey the
density (ρdry) was 1380 kg m− 3, and a friction angle of 35.6° was S-wave velocity profile, Based on the survey results, the formation pro-
used, considering that overtopping would occur on the center part of cess and the breaching risk of the dam were analyzed. Some conclusions
the landslide dam (see Fig. 6). We used the Annandale equation, be- can be drawn as follows:
cause (1) the materials of the landslide dam is sandy, and (2) Chang
and Zhang (2010) had successfully used this equation to estimate the 1) The shear-wave velocities of the sediments of the dam were
soil erodibility for some landslide dams triggered by the 2008 generally low, because the dam consisted of strongly weathered
Wenchuan earthquake in China. Although the resulting τc of 0.32 Pa is sandstone and siltstone.
a very rough estimation, it can provide a reference for the possible 2) Three layers with differing shear-wave velocities were identified.
range of the critical erosive shear stress. Comparing this value to results The boundary between shallower and deeper layers of sediments
obtained by other researchers (e.g., Leonard and Richard, 2004; Shugar had an inclination of about 8° in the downslope direction, indicating
et al., 2007; Chang et al., 2011), it could be inferred that the soil compris- that the displaced landslide materials moved along a sliding surface
ing the Higashi-Takezawa landslide dam has low resistance against in the deposition area consistent with that developed in the source
overtopping flow and consequent outbursting failure. In fact, during area.
construction of a sluiceway as an emergency countermeasure, signifi- 3) The Vs profile of the dam suggested that the displaced landslide
cant erosion and collapse was triggered on the downstream slope at materials were little disturbed, although they experienced rapid
the outlet of the pump pipes (Mori et al., 2012). Therefore, we conclud- movement with long-travel distance.
ed that if countermeasures were not performed, the Higashi-Takezawa 4) The sediments forming the dam had low resistance to overtopping
landslide dam would have suffered outburst breaching after the occur- erosion due to low degrees of consolidation implied by the low
rence of overtopping flow. shear-wave velocities. Therefore, although the DBI value of
We surveyed the shear-wave velocity profiles of several large land- Higashi-Takezawa dam showed that it was located in the uncertain
slide dams formed during the 2008 Wenchuan, China earthquake and stability domain, the dam likely would have suffered from abrupt
found that dams that abruptly breached during sluiceway construction breaching following the occurrence of overtopping flow.
had shear-wave velocity values lower than 250 m s−1 (Wang, 2011). It
is known that the standard penetration test N value of soil has a positive Some boreholes were drilled on the Higashi-Takezawa landslide
correlation with its shear-wave velocity (Imai and Tonouchi, 1982) and dam after its formation, and geotechnical properties of soil samples
the degree of soil consolidation. Cha and Cho (2007) also tried to esti- taken from different parts of the landslide and dam were examined to
mate the shear strength of sandy soils based on in situ shear wave veloc- obtain the density, void ratio and shear strength of the sediments
ity. We assume that the sediments having high shear wave velocity (Yamabe et al., 2010). However, these data were limited to discrete
would have greater critical shear stress. From Figs. 9 to 11 we can see sample points. In contrast, geophysical surveys can provide such data
that almost all the domains of the Higashi-Takezawa landslide dam for a wider area and consequently enable the three-dimensional analy-
have low shear-wave velocity values (b 250 m s−1). Therefore, we con- sis of dam stability with higher reliability. Therefore, new methods for
clude that the landslide dam is in a loose state, so abrupt breaching assessing the possibility of failures on a landslide dam and estimating
could occur after the occurrence of overtopping. the critical erosive shear stress and erodibility of the sediments of the
Hydraulic prediction of downstream flooding due to failure of a dam need to be developed based on results from shear-wave velocity
landslide dam is of great importance for assessing potential damage surveys.
downstream and for conducting effective evacuation. Several ap-
proaches for such hydraulic prediction have been proposed based on Acknowledgments
experimental work on landslide dams that consist of homogenous sed-
iments (Takahashi and Kuang, 1988; Takahashi and Nakawaga, 1993; We appreciate the support to this study provided by the Yuzawa
Ishikawa et al., 1992; Satofuka et al., 2010). However, as revealed by Sabo Office, Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land,
the Vs profile of the sediments forming the Higashi-Takezawa landslide Infrastructure and Transport, Japan. This research was supported by
dam, a dam likely consists of heterogeneous debris. Therefore, material JSPS KAKENHI (grant numbers: 21403002 and 15H01797) and the
heterogeneity should be considered in the analysis of a landslide dam. Opening Fund of Research Institute for Natural Hazards & Disaster Re-
Especially in the analysis of breaching risk due to overtopping, different covery, Niigata University (2013-#03). Dr. Chunxiang Wang in Niigata
critical shear stresses should be used for sediments at locations with dif- University is thanked for his help with the field survey. Valuable review
fering shear wave velocities. and English editing by Mr. William Schulz (USGS) are greatly appreciat-
ed. Finally, our special thanks go to Dr. Elizabeth Safran, two anonymous
7. Summary and conclusions reviewers, and Prof. Takashi Oguchi, for their valuable comments that
substantially improved this paper.
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