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API 936

300+ Qs
Exam Questions Created By
By PEDD Instructor
Edward C. Langla
(Insp Specialist/API 936 # 41086)
Updated for 2012 Exams

1. Take the practice exam questions section by section.
2. After each section, score yourself using 300+ Q&A.
3. Target = well above 80% to 90% before real exams.
4. Critical Chapters are explained on the following page.

December 2011 Exam Summary from Rogelio Cerdena’s Report … Note the passing score in all 5 categories
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Quality Control Elements
5 Responsibilities  5.1 Owner 5.2 Contractor 5.3 Inspector 5.4 Manufacturer
6 Inspector Qualifications
7 Materials-----------------------LAB TESTING/ MATERIALS------------------- 15 questions  20%  Priority # 2
7.1 Physical Property Reqmts … 7.2 Storage … 7.3 Packaging/Marking … 7.4 Anchors
8 Qualifications & Testing---- QUALIFICATIONS (Incl. applicator)------- 11 questions  15%  Priority # 3
8.1 Testing and Test Procedures … 8.2 Pre-shipment Refractory Qualification
8.3 Qualification of Installation Procedure and Crew/Installers
8.4 Production (As-installed) Refractory Sampling and Testing
8.5 Test Specimen Preparation
9 Installation/Execution-------INSTALLATION -------------------------------- 24 questions  32%  Priority # 1
9.1 Surface Preparation … 9.2 Water Quality … 9.3 Water-contaminated Refractory
9.4 Preparation for Lining Installation … 9.5 Application Temperature
9.6 Gunning … 9.7 Casting … 9.8 Thin Layer Abrasion (Erosion) Resistant
9.9 Thick Layer Plastic Linings … 9.10 Metal Fiber Reinforcement
9.11 Organic Fibers … 9.12 Interruption of Application
9.13 Curing … 9.14 Repairs
10 Dryout-------------------------POST INSTALLATION = CURING/DRYOUT 10 questions  13%  Priority # 3
10.1 Dryout Procedure … 10.2 Dryout Schedule
Inspection------------------------ALL CHAPTERS COVER INSPECTION & QC 15 questions  20%  Priority # 2

API 936 Sect 2 – References (10 Practice Exam Questions)
1. What standard is used to determine the Reheat Change (PLC) of Refractory Brick?
A) ASTM C113 B) ASTM C133
C) ASTM C181 D) ASTM C704
2. What standard is used to determine the Cold Crushing Strength (CCS) of a given refractory?
A) ASTM C113 B) ASTM C133
C) ASTM C181 D) ASTM C704
3. What standard is used for Workability Index of Fireclay & Hi-Alumina Plastic refractories?
A) ASTM C113 B) ASTM C133
C) ASTM C181 D) ASTM C704
4. What standard is used for the Abrasion Resistance of Refractory Materials at Room Temp?
A) ASTM C113 B) ASTM C133
C) ASTM C181 D) ASTM C704
5. What standard is used for Pressing & Drying Refractory Plastic & Ramming Mix Specimens?
A) ASTM C113 B) ASTM C133
C) ASTM C181 D) ASTM C1054
6. What standard is used for Power Tool Cleaning associated with surface preparation?
7. What standard is used for Brush-off blast cleaning associated with surface prep?
8. What ACI standard covers Refractory Concrete?
A) ACI 518 B) ACI 547
C) ACI 547.1 D) None of these
9. What ACI standard covers Refractory Plastics & Ramming Mixes?
A) ACI 518 B) ACI 547
C) ACI 547.1 D) None of these
10. What API 936 referenced Handbook covers Refractory Practices?
A) ANH Handbook (Refractory Practices)
B) Harbison-Walker Handbook (Refract Practices)
C) Refractory Manufacturer’s Handbook
D) A.P. Green Handbook for Refractory Practices

API 936 Sect 3 & Annex A – (Practice Exam Qs)80+ Refractory Qs
1. Castable refractories containing more than 2.5% CaO (Calcium oxide) are known as:
A) Alumina-Silica B) Basic
C) Conventional D) Neutral

2. Refractories whose major constituent is lime, magnesia, or both, and which may react
chemically with acid refractories, acid slags, or acid fluxes at a high temperature are called:
A) Alumina-Silica B) Basic
C) Conventional D) Neutral

3. Refractories that are resistant to chemical attack by both acidic & basic slags, refractories
or fluxes at high temperatures are called:
A) Alumina-Silica B) Basic
C) Conventional D) Neutral

4. Refractories such as kaolin, fireclay, and high-alumina are called:

A) Alumina-Silica B) Basic
C) Conventional D) Neutral

5. Refractories having a substantial amount of silica, which is reactive with basic refractories,
basic slags, or basic fluxes at high temperatures, are called:
A) Alumina-Silica B) High-Alumina
C) Acid D) Neutral

6. High-Alumina refractories (production materials include diaspore, bauxite, gibbsite,

kyanite, sillimanite, alusite, artificial corundum) are alumina-silicate refractories containing:
A) ≥ 25% Alumina B) ≥ 45% Alumina
C) ≥ 75% Alumina D) ≥ 90% Alumina

7. Compositions of ground refractory materials which require relatively high temperatures for
the development of an adequate bond, commonly called the ceramic bond, are called (what
type of refractories)?
A) Heat-setting B) Hydraulic-setting
C) Air-setting D) None of these terms are correct

API 936 Sect 3/Annex A – Practice Exam Qs (100+)80+ Refractory Qs
8. Compositions of ground refractory materials in which some of the components react
chemically with water to form a strong bond are known as (what type of refractories)?
A) Heat-setting B) Hydraulic-setting
C) Air-setting D) None of these terms are correct

9. Compositions of ground refractory materials which develop a strong bond at ambient

temperatures by virtue of chemical reactions within the binder phase that is usually activated
by water addition (refractories include cement and phosphate-bonded castables) is called:
A) Heat-setting B) Hydraulic-setting
C) Air-setting D) None of these terms are correct

10. Hydraulic-setting refractory is commonly known as:

A) Castable (refractory) B) Plastic (refractory)
C) Erosion-resistant (refractory) D) Monolithic (refractory)

11. A moldable refractory material that can be extruded and has a level of workability that
permits it to be pounded into place to form a monolithic structure is called:
A) Castable (refractory) B) Plastic (refractory)
C) Erosion-resistant (refractory) D) Monolithic (refractory)

12. CASTABLE OR PLASTIC REFRACTORIES applied by casting, gunning, or hand/ram packing to

form monolithic lining structures of any shape … are called:
A) Castable (refractory) B) Plastic (refractory)
C) Erosion-resistant (refractory) D) Monolithic (refractory)

13. CASTABLE LINING WITHOUT JOINTS, formed of material which is rammed, cast, or gunned
and sintered* into place (*heat treatment that causes adjacent particles of material to cohere
at a temperature below that of complete melting) is called:
A) Plastic lining
B) Castable lining
C) Monolithic lining
D) Erosion-resistant lining

API 936 Sect 3/Annex A – Practice Exam Qs (100+)80+ Refractory Qs
14. A newly installed refractory before it is exposed to Dryout or initial heating … is called:
A) Cast refractory B) Fresh refractory
C) Green refractory D) Punky refractory

15. A refractory lining that is abnormally soft and friable … is called:

A) Cast refractory B) Fresh refractory
C) Green refractory D) Punky refractory

16. Nonmetallic materials having those chemical and physical properties that make them
applicable for structures, or as components of systems, that are exposed to environments
above 1000°F (538°C). While their primary function is resistance to high temperature, they
are usually called upon to resist other destructive influences also, such as abrasion, pressure,
chemical attack, and rapid changes in temperature. … These materials are called:
A) Refractory B) Fresh refractory
C) Green refractory D) Punky refractory

17. In ceramics, the property of resistance to melting, softening, or deformation at high

temperatures (For fireclay and some high-alumina materials, the most commonly used index
of this is that known as the pyrometric cone equivalent) … is called:
A) Refractory B) Refractoriness
C) Refractorical D) None of these are correct

18. Materials having refractory properties which form a refractory body when bonded into a
conglomerate mass by a matrix … are called:
A) Refractory B) Refractory aggregate
C) Refractory concrete D) None of these are correct

19. Concrete which is suitable for use at high temperatures and contains hydraulic cement as
the binding agent … is called:
A) Refractory B) Refractory aggregate
C) Refractory concrete D) Field Mix (Refractory)

API 936 Sect 3/Annex A – Practice Exam Qs (100+)80+ Refractory Qs
20. Refractory concrete mix that is designed/formulated at or near a particular job site is a:
A) Refractory mix B) Refractory aggregate mix
C) Refractory concrete mix D) Field Mix

21. Destructive chemical reaction between refractories and external agencies at high
temperatures, resulting in the formation of a liquid … is called:
A) Slagging of refractories B) Spalling of refractories
C) Porosity of refractories D) None of these terms is correct

22. The loss of fragments (spalls) from the face of a refractory structure, through cracking and
rupture, with exposure of inner portions of the original refractory mass … is called:
A) Slagging of refractories B) Spalling of refractories
C) Porosity of refractories D) None of these terms is correct

23. The ratio of the volume of the pores or voids in a body to the total volume usually
expressed as a percentage … is called:
A) Slagging of refractories B) Spalling of refractories
C) Porosity of refractories D) Permeability of refractories

24. PERMEABILITY of a body is largely dependent upon the number, size, and shape of the
open connecting pores, and is measured by:
A) The ratio of the volume of the pores or voids in a body to the total volume
B) The rate of flow of a standard fluid under definite pressure
C) The open pore volume only
D) The total pore volume

25. As compared to a one-shot lining*, a refractory lining consisting of two different types of
monoliths, typically consisting of a low-density insulating refractory located behind a stronger
medium-density or high-density refractory … is called:
A) Two-shot lining B) Two-layer refractory
C) Dual-layer lining D) None of these terms is correct

API 936 Sect 3/Annex A – Practice Exam Qs (100+)80+ Refractory Qs
26. Refractories formed by electrical fusion followed by casting and annealing … are:
A) Annealed B) Plastic C) Erosion-resistant D) Fused-cast

27. Castable refractories with densities roughly greater than 150 lb/ft3 (2400 kg/m3) are:
A) Light weight castables B) Medium weight castables
C) Heavy weight castables D) Insulating castables

28. Castable refractories with densities between 100 to 150 lb/ft3 (1600 to 2400 kg/m3) are:
A) Lightweight B) Medium-weight C) Heavyweight D) Insulating (castables)

29. A castable refractory with a relatively low thermal conductivity that usually has a low in-
place density of less than 100 lb/ft3 (1602 kg/m3) … is called:
A) Ultra-lightweight castables B) Lightweight castables
C) Medium-weight castables D) Insulating castables

30. Refractory concrete having a unit weight less than 100 lb/ft3 (1602 kg/m3) … is called:
A) Ultra-lightweight refractory concrete B) Lightweight refractory concrete
C) Medium weight refractory concrete D) Normal-weight refractory concrete

31. Refractory concrete having a unit weight greater than 100 lb/ft3 (1602 kg/m3) … is called:
A) Ultra-lightweight refractory concrete B) Lightweight refractory concrete
C) Medium weight refractory concrete D) Normal-weight refractory concrete

32. A finely ground preparation which becomes plastic and trowelable when mixed with
water and is suitable for use in laying and bonding refractory bricks together … is called:
A) Lightweight refractory concrete B) Point-up (refractory)
C) Mortar (refractory) D) Overlay (refractory)

33. A layer coat of refractory, usually troweled on, which is applied to an existing lining in an
attempt to extend the lining life … is called:
A) Lightweight refractory concrete B) Point-up (refractory)
C) Mortar (refractory) D) Overlay (refractory)

API 936 Sect 3/Annex A – Practice Exam Qs (100+)80+ Refractory Qs
34. Mechanical wearing away of the surfaces of refractory bodies in service by the washing
action of moving liquids or gasses, such as molten slags or high-velocity particles is called:
A) Slagging of refractories B) Spalling of refractories
C) Erosion of refractories D) Abrasion of refractories

35. Volume of refractory loss, as measured in cubic centimeters, after abrading the surface of
a test specimen with 1000 g of silicon carbide (Si C) grit in accordance with ASTM C704 … is:
A) Slagging resistance B) Spalling resistance
C) Erosion resistance D) Abrasion resistance

36. Which of these statements is correct regarding erosion resistance tests per ASTM C704?
A) The higher the amount of cubic centimeters lost, the higher the refractory erosion resistance
B) The higher the amount of cubic centimeters lost, the lower the refractory abrasion resistance
C) The lower the amount of cubic centimeters lost, the lower the refractory abrasion resistance
D) The lower the amount of cubic centimeters lost, the higher the refractory erosion resistance

37. Refractory lining system whose purpose is to withstand effects of an eroding mat’l for an
extended period without significant loss of material or other damage … is called:
A) Plastic or Castable lining B) Monolithic lining
C) Erosion-resistant lining D) Extreme erosion-resistant lining

38. Refractory application in which erosion resistance is a determining feature of lining

service life … is called:
A) Erosion service B) Abrasion Service
C) Extreme erosion service D) None of these terms is correct

39. An example of erosion service includes which of the following:

A) Transfer lines, overhead lines, cyclone linings and deflector shields of fluid solids units
B) Cyclone linings and deflector shields of fluid solids units only
C) Cyclone linings only
D) None of these

API 936 Sect 3/Annex A – Practice Exam Qs (100+)80+ Refractory Qs

40. Measurable refractory properties (density, strength, erosion resistance, linear change etc)
are called:
A) Test Properties B) Physical Properties
C) Material Properties D) None of these terms is correct

41. Mass of a unit volume of a substance, usually expressed either in kilogram per cubic
meter (kg/m3), grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3), or in pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft3) is:
A) Compactability B) Density
C) Refractoriness D) Specific Gravity

42. Density may be expressed in any of the following terms EXCEPT:

A) kg/mᵌ B) g/cmᵌ
C) lb/ft² D) lb/ftᵌ

43. A measure of a refractory's physical property that defines permanent linear dimensional
change as a result of initial heating to a specific temperature is called:
A) Linear Change (LC)
B) Permanent change (PC)
C) Permanent Linear Change (PLC)
D) Permanent Linear Dimensional Change (PLDC)

44. A specific Permanent Linear Change (PLC) specimen dimension is measured at:
A) Room temperature before heating
B) Ambient temperature before heating
C) Room temperature before and after heating
D) Ambient temperature before and after heating

45. Permanent Linear Change (PLC) is calculated as the:

A) Percentage change in the dimension
B) Ratio of change in at least two dimensions
C) Total linear change in the dimension
D) Total linear change in at least two dimensions

API 936 Sect 3/Annex A – Practice Exam Qs (100+)80+ Refractory Qs
46. The ability to withstand the effects of eroding particles for an extended period without
significant loss of material or other damage is known as:
A) Abrasion resistance B) Erosion resistance
C) Density D) None of these

47. For refractory materials, abrasion resistance is measured as the “eroded volume loss” per:
A) ASTM C113 B) ASTM C133
C) ASTM C181 D) ASTM C704

48. Per API 936 definition, an example of “abrasion resistance” applies to which of these:
A) Transfer lines, overhead lines, cyclone linings, and deflector shields of fluid solid units
B) S-Bar, Hexcel, Curl, Tacko Anchor applications
C) A vapor stream containing solid particles
D) A hex metal or flexmesh cell application

49. Pre-installation simulation of production work that is visually inspected, sampled, and
tested to verify that application equipment and personnel are capable of meeting specified
quality standards is:
A) As-Installed Testing B) Applicator Qualification Testing
C) Material Qualification Testing D) Production Qualification Testing

50. The testing of refractory materials SAMPLED FROM THE INSTALLATION to confirm that
they meet specified physical property standards is:
A) As-Installed Testing B) Applicator Qualification Testing
C) Material Qualification Testing D) Production Qualification Testing

51. Pre-installation testing of refractory materials in which the production lots of refractories
manufactured for a specific installation are sampled and tested to confirm that they meet
specified physical property requirements is called:
A) Applicator Qualification Testing B) As-Installed Testing
C) Material Qualification Testing D) Production Qualification Testing

API 936 Sect 3/Annex A – Practice Exam Qs (100+)80+ Refractory Qs
52. The application of wet mixed castable refractory by placing (possibly with the aid of
vibration), pouring, or rodding is called:
A) Casting B) Hand Packing
C) Pump Casting D) Vibration Casting

53. Castable installation technique whereby refractory is placed by packing successive

handfuls of material to the desired shape, and refractory is mixed at a consistency that is stiff
enough for the placed refractory to hold its shape, and wet and sticky enough so that the
lining formed is structurally homogenous is called:
A) Casting B) Hand Packing
C) Pump Casting D) Vibration Casting

54. Castable installation technique in which refractory is mixed with water and pumped
through piping and/or hoses to the installation site, where it is poured from the outlet nozzle
directly into a formed enclosure is called:
A) Casting B) Hand Packing
C) Pump Casting D) Vibration Casting

55. Castable installation technique whereby refractory is mixed with water and placed in a
formed enclosure with the aid of vibration which causes the refractory to become “fluid like”
and thereby flow and consolidate to the shape of the formed enclosure is called:
A) Casting B) Hand Packing
C) Pump Casting D) Vibration Casting

56. Castable installation technique that uses the ASTM A860 “Ball-in-Hand” Consistency Test:
A) Casting B) Hand Packing
C) Pump Casting D) Vibration Casting

57. Which of these statements is NOT true regarding Hammer testing (of refractory linings):
A) Hammer testing is performed on either green or fired refractories
B) Hammer testing is considered an objective test, not a subjective test
C) Hammer testing uses hammer impact to gauge the soundness and uniformity
D) Hammer testing uses hammer impact that gauges the resulting audible resonance

API 936 Sect 3/Annex A – Practice Exam Qs (100+)80+ Refractory Qs
58. In material qualification testing, how are manufactured refractories sampled and tested
to confirm that they meet specified physical property requirements?
A) By random individual batches manufactured
B) By random batch selection per API 936 rules
C) By each individual batch manufactured
D) By production lots

59. Refractory piece formed within an area completely enclosed by the anchoring system is a:
A) Hexmetal cell B) Flex mesh cell
C) Biscuit D) Monolithic lining

60. An example of a biscuit (by API 936 definition) applies to which of the following items?
A) S-Bar, Hexcel, Curl, or Tacko Anchor B) Hexmetal cell or flex mesh cell
C) Monolithic lining D) None of these

61. The biscuit has the shape of the enclosed area and the thickness of the lining. Biscuits are
normally independent of each other except for:
A) General connections from the amount of connected refractory protruding above the lining
B) General connections from the amount of connected refractory protruding below the lining
C) Limited connections through perforations in the anchoring system
D) Limited connections through additional anchors installed/tacked

62. A combination of refractory grain and suitable bonding agent that, after the addition of a
proper liquid, is installed into place to form a refractory shape or structure that becomes rigid
because of a chemical action is called:
A) Casting B) Castable
C) Monolithic lining D) Chemical setting

63. Casting is defined as the application of wet mixed castable refractory by:
A) Placement always using vibration
B) Placement always using vibration or rodding
C) Placing (always using vibration), pouring, or rodding
D) Placing (possibly using vibration), pouring, or rodding

API 936 Sect 3/Annex A – Practice Exam Qs (100+)80+ Refractory Qs

64. Developing a strong bond by chemical reaction, these refractories include phosphate-
bonded plastics and ramming mixes and are known as: … The question could appear as …
13A. Refractories including phosphate-bonded plastics and ramming mixes are called:
A) Conventional B) Castable
C) Monolithic D) Chemical setting

65. A measure of a refractory's ability to resist failure under a compressive load as

determined at room temperature after drying and/or firing is called:
A) Cold Crushing Strength B) Crushing resistance
C) Modulus of elasticity D) Compactability

66. Cold crushing strength (CCS) is calculated by:

A) Multiplying total compressive load at failure by specimen cross-sectional area
B) Dividing total compressive load at failure by specimen cross-sectional area
C) Multiplying total compressive load at failure by specimen volume area
D) Dividing total compressive load at failure by specimen volume area

67. Insulating refractory lining systems with metal shell temps below 500°F (260°C) is called:
A) Castable B) Cold wall
C) Hot wall D) Monolithic

68. Thin refractory lining systems with metal shell temps above 500°F (260°C) is called:
A) Castable B) Cold wall
C) Hot wall D) Monolithic

69. A list of mechanical and chemical properties for a specified refractory material that are
warranted by the manufacturer to be met if and when the product is tested by the listed
procedure is called:
A) Compliance Data Sheet
B) Product Data Sheet
C) Product Specification Sheet
D) Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

API 936 Sect 3/Annex A – Practice Exam Qs (100+)80+ Refractory Qs

70. The process of bond formation in a newly installed monolithic refractory is called:
A) Dryout B) Curing
C) Setting D) Firing

71. The initial heating of a newly installed castable lining in which heating rates and hold
times are controlled to safely remove retained water without explosive spalling and to form a
well distributed network of shrinkage cracks in the lining is called:
A) Dryout B) Curing
C) Setting D) Firing

72. The hardening of a refractory that occurs with time and/or temperature … is called:
A) Dryout B) Curing
C) Setting D) Firing

73. The process of heating refractories to develop desired properties … is called:

A) Dryout B) Curing
C) Setting D) Firing

74. Hydraulic bonded castables cure at what temperature (& describe the reaction)?
A) Room temperature, facilitated by an excess of H²O present to react with cement component
B) Room temperature, facilitated by adequate H²O present to react with a cement component
C) > Room temperature, facilitated by adequate H²O present to react with cement component
D) < Room temperature, facilitated by adequate H²O present to react with cement component

75. Phosphate bonded plastic refractories form the bond (cure) when:
A) Heating at 230° - 300°F (110° - 170°C) B) Heating at 300° - 500°F (170° - 260°C)
C) Heating at 500° - 700°F (260° - 370°C) D) Heating at 700° - 900°F (370° - 480°C)

76. Pre-set refractory trimmed from the lining surface via a cutting action to give the final
lining thickness dimension, usually in a gunning installation is called:
A) Point-up B) Trim-up
C) Trim-back D) Cut-back

API 936 Sect 3/Annex A – Practice Exam Qs (100+)80+ Refractory Qs
77. Pneumatic placement of gunning mixes where water is added at the nozzle is called:
A) Gunning B) Dry Gunning
C) Pre-wetting (Gunning) D) Wet Gunning

78. The application of monolithic refractories by means of air placement guns is called:
A) Gunning B) Dry Gunning
C) Pre-wetting (Gunning) D) Wet Gunning

79. A technique used with dry gunning machines where a small quantity of water is mixed
into the dry refractory before charging into the gun to reduce rebound and dust, and to
improve wetting of the cement in the gunning operation is called:
A) Gunning B) Dry Gunning
C) Pre-wetting (Gunning) D) Wet Gunning

80. Pneumatic placement of premixed castables (including water) where flocculating agents
and placement air are added at the nozzle is called:
A) Gunning B) Dry Gunning
C) Pre-wetting (Gunning) D) Wet Gunning

81. Individual in a dry gun operation who controls material charging, flow rate and air flow of
the gunning machine is called:
A) Gun Operator B) Nozzleman
C) Gunner D) None of these terms

82. Individual at the point of application in a gunning operation who controls material build
up via maneuvering and positioning of the outlet nozzle is called:
A) Gun Operator B) Nozzleman C) Gunner D) None of these terms

83. Which statement is NOT true regarding a Nozzleman’s function in refractory application?
A) In dry gunning operations, he controls the very important function of water addition
B) In wet gunning operations, he controls the flocculent and possibly air (if used)
C) In dry gunning operations, he controls water addition through a water valve
D) In wet gunning op, he controls flocculent and air by his own maneuvering

API 936 Section 3 & Annex A – Practice Exam Questions (100+)
84. The use of compressive force or impact to deform a stiff refractory mix, causing it to
completely fill the intended volume (e.g. a Hexmetal cell) and/or fully bond or join to
previously placed refractory (e.g. thick plastic linings) … is called:
A) Packing B) Casting C) Ramming D) Gunning

85. A refractory material, usually tempered with water, which cannot be extruded but has
suitable properties to permit ramming into place to form a monolithic structure … is called:
A) Packing Mix B) Castable C) Ramming Mix D) Gunnite

86. A measure of the moldability of plastic refractories per ASTM C181 … is called:
A) Plasticity B) Compactability C) Extrusion D) Workability Index

87. This is commonly used to control consistency of plastic refractories during manufacturing
and serves as a measure of the facility (ease) with which it is rammed or vibrated into place:
A) Plasticity B) Compactability C) Extrusion D) Workability Index

88. That property of a material that enables it to be molded into desired forms, which are
retained after the pressure of molding has been released … is called:
A) Plasticity B) Compactibility C) Extrusion D) Workability Index

89. A process in which plastic material is forced through a die by the application of pressure:
A) Plasticity B) Modulus of Elasticity
C) Extrusion D) Workability Index

90. A measure of the elasticity of a solid body and the ratio of stress (force) to strain
(deformation) within the elastic limit is called:
A) Plasticity B) Modulus of Elasticity
C) Extrusion D) Workability Index

API 936 Section 3 & Annex A – Practice Exam Questions (100+)

91. A written document prepared by contractor and submitted to and approved by the owner
before work starts detailing how contractor intends to perform the job and meet objectives
and quality standards set for the job in owner’s specifications and drawings … is called:
A) Quality Plan B) Quality Control Plan
C) Detailed Specification D) Execution Plan

92. Chemical additive causing rapid stiffening of a fluid refractory castable … is called:
A) Membrane Curing Compound B) Flocculating Agent
C) Thixotropic Mixture D) Flash Coat

93. A non-reactive coating applied to freshly installed cementitous materials that aids the
hydration process by retarding (slowing) moisture loss … is called:
A) Membrane Curing Compound B) Flocculating Agent
C) Thixotropic Mixture D) Flash Coat

94. A mixture that flows when vibrated but is stiff and unmoving otherwise, such as vibration
cast refractories (as an example) … is called:
A) Membrane Curing Compound B) Flocculating Agent
C) Thixotropic Mixture D) Flash Coat

95. A layer coat of refractory, usually gunned, which is applied over refractory that has
already been applied and allowed to set up … is called:
A) Overspray B) Cut-back C) Rebound D) Flash Coat

96. A cement-rich layer of refractory that deposits on exposed surfaces around a gunning
installation site from airborne, wetted, refractory dust generated by the gunning operation:
A) Overspray B) Cut-back C) Rebound D) Flash Coat

97. Aggregate and/or cement which bounces away from a surface against which refractory is
being projected by gunning … is called:
A) Overspray B) Cut-back C) Rebound D) Flash Coat

API 936 Section 3 & Annex A – Practice Exam Questions (100+)

98. Individual metallic anchors used as an alternative to Hexmetal in thin layer, erosion
resistant linings … is called:
A) Flexmesh B) Footed anchors
C) Hexmetal anchors D) Hexalt anchors

99. S-Bar, Hexcel, Curl & Tacko anchors are an EXAMPLE of:
A) Flexmesh B) Footed anchors
C) Hexmetal anchors D) Hexalt anchors

100. Metallic anchoring system made of metal strips joined together to form hexagonal
shaped enclosures where erosion resistant refractory is packed after welding to base plate
steel … is called:
A) Flexmesh B) Footed Anchors
C) Hexmetal D) Hexalt anchors

101. A longitudinally hinged version of mesh supplied in flexible rolls for easy access through
vessel openings to the installation area and ready fit to curved surfaces with enclosed cells
normally trapezoidal … is called:
A) Flexmesh B) Footed anchors
C) Hexmetal D) Hexalt anchors

102. Metallic anchor, usually a V-stud, which has a “special-shaped” configuration at the base
to aid proper orientation and weld attachment to the shell … is called:
A) V-anchor B) Footed anchors
C) Y-anchor D) Hexalt anchors

103. Metallic anchor made from rod or bar stock usually used for dual layer linings … is called:
A) V-anchor B) Footed anchors C) Y-anchor D) Hexalt anchors

104. Metallic projections into the refractory biscuits in a hexmetal lining … are called:
A) Off-set lances B) Lance tabs C) Hexmetal tabs D) Holding Tabs

105. Which of these statements are NOT TRUE regarding hexmetal lining lance tabs?
A) Lance tabs are steel bars or rings attached to the edge of hexmetal at terminations/bends
B) The purpose of lance tabs is to prevent the biscuit from falling out of the hex cell
C) The purpose of lance tabs is to provide mechanical anchorage to the refractory
D) The lance tabs are punched from the metal strips making up the hexmetal

API 936 Section 3 & Annex A – Practice Exam Questions (100+)
106. Which statement is NOT TRUE regarding Metal fiber reinforcement (METAL FIBERS)?
A) They (metal fibers) are dispersed in refractory to improve applied lining toughness
B) They (metal fibers) are dispersed in refractory to improve shrinkage crack distribution
C) They are usually CS, ¾ – 1 inch (19-25mm) long & .010 – .022 inch (0.3 – 0.6mm) diameter
D) They blend in castable refractory during mixing at 1 volume % (1 wt % - 4 wt %) of refractory

107. Which statement is NOT TRUE regarding ORGANIC FIBERS used in refractories?
A) They are composed of low-temp melting organic materials (polypropylene or polyethylene)
B) They are added to refractory to enhance moisture release by burning out on initial Dryout
C) They are added to refractory to increase permeability by leaving tiny interconnected voids
D) They blend into plastic refractory during mixing at 1 volume percent (1 wt % - 4 wt %)

108. High energy mixer with rotating paddle on vertical orbiting mixer shaft … is called:
A) Planetary mixer B) Orbiting mixer
C) Batch Mixer D) None of these

109. Refractory installed in locations where erosion resistance is not a required feature of the
lining service is called:
A) Light service B) Other service
C) Basic refractory D) None of these terms are correct

110. Water quality safe for human consumption … is called:

A) Sweet water B) Raw water C) Drinking water D) Potable water

111. The maximum time interval when a material may be stored and remain in a usable
condition … is called:
A) Service life B) Useful life C) Shelf life D) Storage life

API 936 Section 3 & Annex A – Practice Exam Questions (100+)
112. The quantity of refractory having the same formulation that is prepared in an
uninterrupted manufacturing operation … is called:
A) Production run B) Sample C) Specimen D) Batch

113. The quantity of refractory taken from a single container or installation sequence that is
used to make a complete set of test specimens to determine compressive strength, erosion
resistance, density, linear change, and/or any other physical properties … is called:
A) Production run B) Sample C) Specimen D) Batch

114. Physical property test results for a sample are usually expressed as:
A) The average of two or more specimens made from the same sample
B) The average of two or more specimens made from the same batch
C) At least one specimen made from the same sample
D) At least one specimen made from the same batch

115. Individual cube, bar, plate, or other test piece used in physical property tests … is called:
A) Production run B) Sample C) Specimen D) Batch

116. Quantity of castable refractory produced by a single blending or mixing operation either
during production or field mixing … is called a:
A) Production run B) Sample C) Specimen D) Batch

117. Temporary containments used in gunning that are set up/secured to provide a firm surface
on which to make perpendicular cold joints at the termination of work areas … are called:
A) Termination tabs B) Termination strips C) Shotboard D) None of these are correct

118. A cylindrical mechanical shaft driven device immersed into cast refractory to assist in
consolidation, deairing, and promotion of flow by vibration … is called:
A) Rotary vibrator B) Submersion Vibrator C) Vibrator D) Planetary Mixer

119. Time-dependent deformation due to sustained load … is called:

A) Slumping B) Plastic deformationC) Creep D) Warpage

API 936 Section 3 & Annex A – Practice Exam Questions (100+)
120. The deviation of the surface of a refractory shape from that intended, caused by bending
or bowing during manufacture … is called:
A) Slumping B) Plastic deformationC) Creep D) Warpage

121. Condition of pre-set refractory in which gravitational forces cause it to lose its desired
shape … is called:
A) Slumping B) Plastic deformationC) Creep D) Warpage

122. Exposure of a material or body to a rapid change in temperature which may have
deleterious effect … is called:
A) Thermal shock B) Thermal spalling C) Creep D) Fluxing

123. Spalling which occurs as the result of stresses caused by non-uniform heating and/or
cooling … is called:
A) Thermal shock B) Thermal spalling C) Creep D) Fluxing

124. Fusion or melting of substance as a result of chemical action … is called:

A) Thermal shock B) Thermal spalling C) Creep D) Fluxing

125. High strength bond that is developed between materials, such as clay & aggregates, as a
result of thermochemical reactions that occur when mat’ls are subjected to elevated temps:
A) Ceramic Bond B) Ceramic Fiber C) Ceramics D) None of these

126. Fibrous refractory insulation composed primarily of alumina and silica. Applicable forms
include bulk, blanket, paper, module, vacuum-formed shape and rope.
A) Ceramic Bond B) Ceramic Fiber C) Ceramics D) None of these

127. Products made of inorganic materials by first shaping them and later hardening them by
fire that include all refractory materials, cement, lime, plaster, pottery, glass, enamels, glazes,
abrasives, electrical insulating products, and thermal insulating products made from clay or
from other inorganic nonmetallic mineral substances … is called:
A) Ceramic Bond B) Ceramic Fiber C) Ceramics D) None of these

15 Temperature-related Questions from API 936 (Pg 1 of 3)
1. Cold wall is an insulating refractory lining system having a metal shell temp less than:
A) 500°F (260°C)
B) 700°F (370°C)
C) 1300°F (710°C)
D) 1500°F (815°C)
1A. An insulating refractory lining system with a metal shell temp less than 500°F (260°C) is a:
A) Cold wall B) Firebrick wall
C) Radiant wall D) Hot wall

2. Hot wall is a thin refractory lining system having a metal shell temperature greater than:
A) 500°F (260°C) B) 700°F (370°C)
C) 1300°F (710°C) D) 1500°F (815°C)
2A. A thin refractory lining system with a metal shell temp greater than 500°F (260°C) is a:
A) Cold wall B) Firebrick wall
C) Radiant wall D) Hot wall

3. Hydraulic bonded castables cure in what manner and at what temperature?

A) Curing occurs when excess water reacts with a cement component at room temperature
B) Curing occurs when excess water reacts with a cement component at below 100°F (38°C)
C) Curing occurs when plasticizers react with the cement component at room temperature
D) Curing occurs when plasticizers react with the cement component at below 100°F (38°C)

4. Phosphate bonded plastic refractories cure in what manner and at what temperature?
A) Curing occurs (the bond forms) after heating to a minimum temperature of 100°F (38°C)
B) Curing occurs (the bond forms) after heating to 150°F to 200°F (65°C to 95°C).
C) Curing occurs (the bond forms) after heating to 220°F to 230°F (104°C to 110°C)
D) Curing occurs (the bond forms) after heating to 500°F to 700°F (260°C to 370°C).

5. Refractory materials shall be stored at:

A) Room temp
B) 40-100°F (5-38°C)
C) 50-90°F (10-32°C)
D) 60-80°F (15-27°C)

15 Temperature-related Questions from API 936 (Pg 2 of 3)
6. For CCS testing, the CCS value shall be determined on samples that have been fired to:

A) 500°F (260°C) B) 700°F (370°C)

C) 1300°F (710°C) D) 1500°F (815°C)

7. In Abrasion resistance tests, specimens are weighed to the nearest 0.1 gram & fired to:

A) 500°F (260°C) B) 700°F (370°C)

C) 1300°F (710°C) D) 1500°F (815°C)

8. Regarding specimen preparation for tests, Specimens shall be dried and fired as required
by the testing procedure and Oven drying* requires what hold time at what temperature?

A) Hold for 12 hrs minimum at 220°F to 230°F (104°C to 110°C) in forced air, convection dryer.
B) Hold for 24 hrs minimum at 300°F to 320°F (160°C to 170°C) in forced air, convection dryer.
C) Hold for 12 hrs minimum at 220°F to 230°F (104°C to 110°C) in forced air, convection dryer.
D) Hold for 24 hrs minimum at 300°F to 320°F (160°C to 170°C) in forced air, convection dryer.

9. Regarding specimen preparation for tests, Specimens shall be dried and fired as required
by the testing procedure and Oven firing* requires what hold times at what temperature?

A) Heat 220°F/hr (104°C/hr) to 700°F max (370°C), 5 hr hold, Cool at 220°F/hr (104°C/hr) max
B) Heat 300°F/hr (170°C/hr) to 1500°F max (815°C), 5 hr hold, Cool at 300°F/hr (170°C/hr) max
C) Heat 300°F/hr (170°C/hr) to 1500°F max (815°C), 5 hr hold, Cool at 500°F/hr (280°C/hr) max
D) Heat 220°F/hr (104°C/hr) to 700°F max (370°C), 5 hr hold, Cool at 300°F/hr (170°C/hr) max

10. The temperature of the air and shell at the refractory installation site shall be:

A) Between 32°F and 90°F (0°C and 32°C) during refractory installation & for 24 hrs thereafter
B) Between 50°F and 90°F (10°C and 32°C) during refractory installation & for 24 hrs thereafter
C) Between 70°F and 90°F (21°C and 32°C) during refractory installation & for 24 hrs thereafter
D) Between 75°F and 90°F (24°C and 32°C) during refractory installation & for 24 hrs thereafter

15 Temperature-related Questions from API 936 (Pg 3 of 3)

11. During cold weather, what can be done to maintain refractory application temperatures
above the minimum required for the air and shell?
A) Heating metal only is permitted B) Heating and / or use of external insulation is allowed
C) Heating in an enclosure only D) None of these meet the requirements of API 936

12. During hot weather, what can be done to maintain refractory application temperatures
below the maximum required for the air and shell?
A) Air conditioning only is allowed B) Shading the area (enclosure) only is allowed
C) Water spraying only is allowed D) Shading, water spray & A/C use is permitted

13. Temperature limits for refractory & mix water shall be per manufacturer's requirements.
In the absence of manufacturer's mix temperature limits, mix temperatures shall be between:
A) Between 32°F and 90°F (0°C and 32°C)
B) Between 50°F and 90°F (10°C and 32°C)
C) Between 60°F and 80°F (15°C and 27°C)
D) Between 70°F and 90°F (21°C and 32°C)

14. Curing shall be as per the manufacturer's recommendation, for a minimum of:
A) 24 hours at 32°F to 90°F (0°C to 32°C), before any movement, stripping forms, or heating
B) 24 hours at 50°F to 90°F (10°C to 32°C), before any movement, stripping forms, or heating
C) 24 hours at 60°F to 90°F (15°C to 32°C), before any movement, stripping forms, or heating
D) 24 hours at 70°F to 90°F (21°C to 32°C), before any movement, stripping forms, or heating

15. For curing of hydraulic bonded castables, sealing may be assisted by non-reactive type
curing compounds that are nonflammable, non-toxic, and can burn off at a temperature of:
A) 150°F to 200°F (65°C to 95°C)
B) 220°F to 700°F (104°C to 370°C)
C) 300°F to 320°F (160°C to 170°C)
D) 300°F to 1500°F (170°C to 815°C)

25 Water-related Questions from API 936 (Pg 1 of 4)
1. In Hydraulic bonded castables, curing occurs at room temperature and is facilitated by an
excess of (what material) being present to react with the refractory cement component?
A) Curing agent B) Plasticizer
C) Water D) None of these

2. Pneumatic placement of gunning mixes where water is added at the nozzle is called:
A) Dry gunning B) Wet Gunning
C) Pre-wetting (Gunning) D) None of these

3. Pneumatic placement of premixed castables (including water) where flocculating agents

and placement air are added at the nozzle is called:
A) Dry gunning B) Wet Gunning
C) Pre-wetting (Gunning) D) None of these

4. A technique used with dry gunning machines where a small quantity of water is mixed into
the dry refractory before charging into the gun to reduce rebound and dust, and to improve
wetting of the cement in the gunning operation is called:
A) Dry gunning B) Wet Gunning
C) Pre-wetting (Gunning) D) None of these

5. Castable installation technique in which refractory is mixed with water and (mechanically
moved by equipment) through piping and/or hoses to the installation site, where it is poured
from the outlet nozzle directly into a formed enclosure is called:
A) Pump casting B) Vibration casting
C) Hydraulic-setting refractory D) None of these

6. Castable installation technique whereby refractory is mixed with water and placed in a
formed enclosure with the aid of (mechanical equipment) that causes refractory to become
“fluid like” and thereby flow and consolidate to the shape of the formed enclosure is called:
A) Pump casting B) Vibration casting
C) Hydraulic-setting refractory D) None of these

7. Compositions of ground refractory materials in which some of the components react

chemically with water to form a strong hydraulic bond are called:
A) Pump casting B) Vibration casting
C) Hydraulic-setting refractory D) None of these

25 Water-related Questions from API 936 (Pg 2 of 4)
8. Individual at the point of application in a gunning operation who controls material build up
via maneuvering and positioning of the outlet nozzle.
A) Gunner (Wet or Dry) B) Nozzleman
C) Operator D) None of these

9. This person (same as # 8 above) in a dry gunning operation must control water addition by:
A) Even application B) Valve setting
C) Remote control D) None of these

10. As defined by API 936, Water quality safe for human consumption is called:
A) Drinking water B) Tap water
C) Potable water D) Raw water

11. During the execution of the installation work, who must provide the inspector with
verified documentation of installation records, including fiber and water percentages?
A) Owner B) Test Lab
C) Contractor D) Manufacturer

12. Prior to surface cleaning by grit blasting, water shall not be used in water washing unless:
A) The water has low chloride content, 100 ppm for SS surfaces & 300 ppm maximum for others
B) The water has a suitable wetting agent and low chloride content below 300 ppm
C) The water has a suitable corrosion inhibitor
D) None of these, because water washing is always prohibited when grit blasting per SSPC rules

13. Water used for mixing in the refractory shall be:

A) Drinking water B) Tap water
C) Potable water D) Raw water

14. Water used for mixing in refractory applied against a carbon steel shell/base shall be:
A) Potable water with ≤ 300 ppm chlorides B) Potable water with ≤ 200 ppm chlorides
C) Potable water with ≤ 100 ppm chlorides D) Potable water with ≤ 50 ppm chlorides

15. Water used for mixing in refractory applied against a stainless steel shell/base shall be:
A) Potable water with ≤ 300 ppm chlorides B) Potable water with ≤ 200 ppm chlorides
C) Potable water with ≤ 100 ppm chlorides D) Potable water with ≤ 50 ppm chlorides

25 Water-related Questions from API 936 (Pg 3 of 4)

16. Water used for mixing in refractory applied against a carbon steel shell/base that has SS
anchors (type 316L) and SS fibers (also type 316L) within the refractory mix shall be:
A) Potable water with ≤ 300 ppm chlorides
B) Potable water with ≤ 200 ppm chlorides
C) Potable water with ≤ 100 ppm chlorides
D) Potable water with ≤ 50 ppm chlorides

17. Water-contaminated refractory includes any individual refractory container that exhibits
any evidence of water contamination including hard lumps that cannot easily be broken and:
A) All water-contaminated refractory (100% of bag, etc) incl. the container must be discarded
B) All water-contaminated refractory containers & all of hardened contents must be discarded
C) Only the portions that are water-contaminated must be discarded in any situation
D) None of these are correct, because testing results may allow use of a wetted refractory

18. For non-phosphate bonded refractories, cleaning intervals shall prevent buildup of
refractory materials on mixer internals (including drums). For low-moisture (low-cement)
mixes & other refractories that are sensitive to water content, how must cleaning be done?
A) Excess water shall be removed after each batch
B) Cleaning must be without any water use
C) Approved wetting agents must be used
D) None of these is correct

19. During hot weather, what can be done to maintain refractory application temperatures
below the maximum required for the air and shell?
A) Air conditioning only is allowed
B) Shading the area (enclosure) only is allowed
C) Water spraying only is allowed
D) Shading, water spray & A/C use is permitted

20. Temperature limits for refractory & mix water shall be per manufacturer's requirements.
In the absence of manufacturer's mix temperature limits, mix temperatures shall be between:
A) Between 32°F and 90°F (0°C and 32°C)
B) Between 50°F and 90°F (10°C and 32°C)
C) Between 60°F and 80°F (15°C and 27°C)
D) Between 70°F and 90°F (21°C and 32°C)

25 Water-related Questions from API 936 (Pg 1 of 4)

21. When Casting refractory, forms must be strong enough to support hydraulic loads (head)
and resist loads from vibration. The forms shall have a release agent applied and must also be:
A) Waterproof and leak free
B) Waterproof only (small leaks are acceptable)
C) Self-draining at the lowest point
D) None of these are correct

22. During application of refractory, field water addition or reconditioning is prohibited for:
A) Plastic Refractories
B) Conventional Refractories
C) Hydraulic-setting Refractories
D) Castable refractories

23. During curing of hydraulic bonded castables, excess moisture (maintains all surfaces wet
to the touch during the 24-hour curing period) is allowed by all of these means EXCEPT:
A) Wet exposed surfaces with a fine mist of water spray within 1 hr of installation
B) Wet exposed surfaces with a fine mist of water spray at about 2-hour intervals thereafter
C) Maintaining a damp cloth in contact with (but not sticking to) the wet surface
D) Covering the exposed surfaces (but not sticking to them) with polypropylene sheets

24. On thick-layer plastic linings after refractory consolidation, the lining shall be trimmed to
the desired lining thickness using a trowel or currycomb. Identify the unacceptable practice?
A) Cutback material can be reused if the material is not been contaminated
B) Cutback material can be reused if workability characteristics are not diminished
C) Trimmed surfaces shall be tamped as needed to remove imperfections
D) Water slicking of the outer lining surface shall be done to cover imperfections

25. Regarding repairs, immediately before placement of the new refractory, the sound
refractory material adjacent to the repair area shall be prepared in what manner?
A) Cleaned of debris, roughened and completely pre-wetted with potable water
B) Cleaned of debris, roughened and completely pre-wetted with any curing compound
C) Cleaned of debris, roughened and completely pre-wetted with a strong phosphoric acid
D) None of these are correct

Physical Property Calculation Questions
1. Determine the Abrasion resistance of an Impervium sample given the following!
Given Information on 1 test specimen:
Initial volume = 5.04 cm length, 5.02 cm height, 5.09 cm width
Initial Weight = 823.5 grams
After abrasion test weight = 454.2 grams

A) 25.1 cm³

A) 35.3 cm³

A) 45.5 cm³

A) 57.7 cm³

2. Determine the CCS of an Impervium refractory sample given the following information!
Given Specimen Dimension = 5.1 cm length, 5.1 cm height, 5.1 cm width (2 inch cube)
Given: The compressive load at failure was 7,500 ft/lb per square inch

A) 938 ft/lb in²

B) 1875 ft/lb in²

C) 3750 ft/lb in²

D) None of these values

3. Determine the CCS of an Impervium firebrick sample given the following information!
9 inch x 4.5 inch x 3 inch firebrick (Compressed side = 4.5 length x 3 height)
Given: The compressive load at failure was 10,500 ft/lb per square inch

A) 778 ft/lb in²

B) 1875 ft/lb in²

C) 2333 ft/lb in²

D) 3500 ft/lb in²

API 936 Section 4 (QC ELEMENTS) – 15 Practice Exam Questions
1. Important (key) Quality Control elements regarding documentation include the:
A) Manufacturer’s Refractory specification and Contractor’s Installation Quality plan
B) Owner’s Refractory specification and Contractor’s Installation Quality plan
C) Manufacturer’s Refractory specification and Contractor’s Execution plan
B) Owner’s Refractory specification and Contractor’s Execution plan

2. During material qualifications, the inspector is responsible for all of these key QC elements
(actions) except:
A) Witnessing performance
B) Directing sampling
C) Monitoring specimen preparation
C) Witnessing tests

3. During applicator qualifications, Contractor demonstration of capabilities in simulated

installations are:
A) Monitored & evaluated by Inspector
B) Monitored & inspected by Inspector
C) Witnessed & inspected by Inspector
D) Witnessed & evaluated by Inspector

4. During refractory installation, the inspector is responsible for all of these key QC elements
(actions) except:
A) Monitors contractor’s specimen preparation & testing
B) Monitors contractor’s work & test sample preparation
C) Monitors contractor’s execution of quality controls
D) Monitors contractor’s work

5. During as-installed testing, inspector is responsible for which of these key QC elements
A) Inspector coordinates sampling and testing of as-installed materials
B) Inspector witnesses sampling and testing of as-installed materials
C) Inspector monitors sampling and testing of as-installed materials
D) Inspector controls sampling and testing of as-installed materials

API 936 Section 4 (QC ELEMENTS) – 15 Practice Exam Questions

6. During pre-Dryout and post Dryout inspections, inspector is responsible for which of these
key QC elements (actions) for applied refractory linings?
A) Inspector performs a visual inspection
B) Inspector documents production test results
C) Inspector performs a visual inspection and a hammer test
D) Inspector documents production test results, performs a visual inspection & hammer test

7. During Dryout monitoring for Dryout prior to normal start-up of equipment, inspector is
responsible for which of these key QC elements (actions)?
A) Inspector controls the Dryout quality by closely watching all steps of the Dryout process
B) Inspector monitors heating rates and hold times associated with the Dryout process
C) Inspector monitors the Dryout process and ensures quality by close surveillance
D) Inspector controls the heating and firing associated with the Dryout process

8. The Inspector directs sampling, monitors specimen preparation and witnesses testing
during Material qualifications in order to achieve which of these QC objectives?
A) Confirm that materials manufactured for the job meet specified physical property standards
B) Confirm that specifications, good practice and installation procedures are followed
C) Confirm that installed materials meet specified physical property standards
D) Confirm that materials manufactured for the job meet specifications

9. The Inspector monitors Contractor work and test sample preparation during installation in
order to achieve which of these QC objectives?
A) Confirm that materials manufactured for the job meet specified physical property standards
B) Confirm that specifications, good practice and installation procedures are followed
C) Confirm that installed materials meet specified physical property standards
D) Confirm that materials manufactured for the job meet specifications

10. The Inspector coordinates sampling and testing of the as-installed materials in order to
achieve which of these QC objectives?
A) Confirm that materials manufactured for the job meet specified physical property standards
B) Confirm that specifications, good practice and installation procedures are followed
C) Confirm that installed materials meet specified physical property standards
D) Confirm that materials manufactured for the job meet specifications

API 936 Section 4 (QC ELEMENTS) – 15 Practice Exam Questions
11. Inspector witnesses and inspects Contractor’s demonstration of capabilities in simulated
installations during applicator qualification in order to achieve which of these QC objectives?
A) Confirm that equip & personnel are capable of installing qualified materials to specified STDs
B) Confirm that materials manufactured for the job meet specified physical property standards
C) Confirm that specifications, good practice and installation procedures are followed
D) Confirm that installed materials meet specified physical property standards

12. Inspector performs the pre-Dryout and post Dryout visual/hammer test inspection of the
production applied linings in order to achieve which of these QC objectives?
A) Confirm that equip & personnel are capable of installing qualified materials to specified STDs
B) Confirm that materials manufactured for the job meet specified physical property standards
C) Confirm that installed linings meet the specification standards
D) Confirm that the agreed upon procedure is followed

13. Inspector monitors heating rates and hold times during Dryout monitoring in order to
achieve which of these QC objectives?
A) Confirm that equip & personnel are capable of installing qualified materials to specified STDs
B) Confirm that materials manufactured for the job meet specified physical property standards
C) Confirm that installed linings meet the specification standards
D) Confirm that the agreed upon procedure is followed

14. Per API 936, inspector participation may be waived or reduced by the owner when:
A) A testing lab is used or Contractor assumes complete accountability for as-installed test results
B) Independent lab is used or Mfg. assumes complete accountability for as-installed testing results
C) A testing lab is used or Manufacturer assumes complete accountability for as-installed test results
D) Independent lab is used or Contractor assumes complete accountability for as-installed testing results

15. When an independent laboratory is utilized or the contractor assumes complete

accountability for as-installed testing results, inspector participation may be:
A) Reduced by the owner
B) Waived or reduced by the owner
C) Reduced in accordance with API 936 rules
D) Waived or reduced in accordance with API 936 rules

API 936 Section 5 (RESPONSIBILITIES) – 18 Practice Exam Questions

1. OWNER’S DETAILED SPECIFICATION shall include all of these design details EXCEPT:
A) Lining products, thickness, method of application, and extent of coverage
B) Physical property requirements to be used for qualification and installation quality control
C) As used, metal fiber reinforcement details incl. dimensions/concentration/type/metallurgy
D) Curing/Dryout Procedure (Dryout heating constraints = design temp limits, equip safeguards)


A) Physical property requirements to be used for qualification and installation quality control
B) Sampling frequency as applicable for the product’s intended use according to the service
C) Criteria for lining quality and the extent of cracking and subsurface voids permitted
D) Required lining thickness tolerances

3. OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITIES include resolving all of the following issues EXCEPT:

A) Providing details to complete compliance Data Sheets as per API 936 Annex C
B) Actual or potential work deficiencies discovered and submitted by the inspector
C) Conflicts between the execution plan, API 936, and other referenced documents
D) Exceptions/substitutions to requirements of execution plan, API 936 & other referenced docs

4. CONTRACTOR’S DETAILED EXECUTION PLAN shall meet which of these requirements?

A) API 936 Standard
B) API 936 Standard & owner's detailed specification
C) API 936 Standard & owner's detailed specification/quality standards
D) API 936 Standard & owner's detailed specification/quality standards/equipment safeguards


A) Prepared and submitted for owner’s approval
B) Prepared and submitted for owner’s approval and approved in production phases
C) Prepared and submitted for owner’s approval and approved to allow work to begin
D) Prepared and submitted for owner’s approval and agreed to in full before work starts

API 936 Section 5 (RESPONSIBILITIES) – 18 Practice Exam Questions

6. CONTRACTOR’S EXECUTION PLAN DETAILS to be submitted to the owner for his approval
before the start of work shall include all of the following items except:
A) Designation of responsible parties, Insp hold points (req’d advance notifications to inspector)
B) Curing (incl. any curing compounds used) & Dryout procedures for completed lining systems
C) Procedures for material qualifications/storage, applicator qualifications, installation and QC
D) Proposed drawings and details related to the execution of the work

7. Which of the following items is NOT a Contractor responsibility per API 936 Standard?
A) Submit exceptions/substitutions/deviations from requirements of execution plans to owner
B) Submit exceptions/substitutions/deviations from requirements of API 936 standard to owner
C) Submit exceptions/substitutions/deviations from requirements of other documents to owner
D) Assure that owner's approval shall be secured after implementation of the changes

8. Which of the following items is NOT a Contractor responsibility per API 936 Standard?
A) Scheduling of material qual tests and delivery of those materials and test results to the site
B) Scheduling/work execution to qualify all equip/personnel required to complete installation
C) Preparation/identification of all testing samples & timely delivery to the testing laboratory
D) Advance notification to the inspector of time/location where work will take place

9. Contractor shall provide the Inspector verified documentation of installation records

including all of the following items except:
A) Product being applied, pallet code numbers/location where applied, Install. crew members
B) Mixing and/or gunning equipment utilized, fiber/water %, mixing details (time/temp/aging)
C) Location/identity of samples taken for installation QC, shell temps, Weather conditions
D) Dryout records and Compliance Data sheet in accordance with Annex C requirements

10. Contractor responsibilities include accountability for installed refractories meeting

specified standards, including as-installed testing results and:
A) Lining thickness tolerance limits set by the owner
B) Lining thickness tolerance limits set by the inspector
C) Lining thickness tolerance limits set by the manufacturer
D) Lining thickness tolerance limits as per detailed execution plan

API 936 Section 5 (RESPONSIBILITIES) – 18 Practice Exam Questions

11. Inspector shall be responsible to ensure material/applicator qualification test results are:
A) Fully documented
B) Completed/accepted
C) Witnessed 100%
D) None of these

12. The inspector shall be responsible to monitor qualification, production work and dryout
(when applicable) conducted by the manufacturer(s) and contractor to ensure compliance:
A) With job specifications and agreed-to quality practices
B) With detailed execution plan and agreed-to quality practices
C) With Contractor’s quality plan and agreed-to quality practices
D) None of these are correct

13. The inspector shall be responsible to notify the owner and the contractor of any work
deficiencies or potential deficiencies. Which of these statements is NOT true?
A) Notification shall be made according to job specific requirements outlined in the procedures
B) Notification shall take place as soon as possible after discovery of the deficiency
C) Notification shall occur within one working day after discovery of the deficiency
D) Notification regarding potential deficiencies shall be done immediately on site

14. Which of these statements is NOT an Inspector responsibility per API 936 standard?
A) The inspector shall make no engineering decisions unless approved by the owner
B) Check/verify accurate installation/dryout records are being documented by the contractor
C) Record all non-conformance/potential problems if inspector has alerted contractor/owner
D) Resolve any non-conformance/potential problems using his authority per API 936 standard

15. When Inspector finds conflicts between specified execution plan & actual installation
procedures or installed refractory quality results, he shall:
A) Record all non-conformance/potential problems to the contractor and the owner
B) Resolve any non-conformance/potential problems using his authority per API 936 standard
C) Submit these conflicts to the owner for resolution
D) None of these are correct per API 936

API 936 Section 5 (RESPONSIBILITIES) – 18 Practice Exam Questions

16. Which of these statements is NOT true regarding Inspector responsibility for inspection
and hammer testing?
A) Inspect/hammer test installed linings both before and after dryout
B) Inspect/hammer test installed linings after dryout (when possible)
C) Inspect/hammer test installed linings before dryout (always)
D) Report any anomalies to the owner

17. Of the following items required from the Manufacturer per API 936, which of these is NOT
one of those manufacturing items that shall be provided (as part of responsibilities)?
A) Latest issue (Mfg. compliance datasheets/application instructions/MSDS) to the work site
B) For all refractories, provide minimum acceptable workability index (per ASTM C181)
C) Provide a compliance datasheet in accordance with Annex C for each product
D) Provide refractory materials that meet the approved compliance datasheet

18. Of the following items required from the Manufacturer per API 936, which of these is NOT
one of those manufacturing items that shall be provided (as part of responsibilities)?
A) Latest issue (Mfg. compliance datasheets/application instructions/MSDS) to the work site
B) For plastic refractories, the minimum acceptable workability index (per ASTM C181)
C) Compliance datasheet in accordance with Annex C for each product
D) Refractory materials that meet an ANNEX C compliance datasheet

API 936 Section 6 (INSPECTOR QUALIFICATIONS) – 5 Practice Exam Qs

1. Which of these statements are true regarding Inspector qualifications per API 936?
A) Inspector shall have no commercial affiliations with the contractor or manufacturer(s)
B) Inspector shall have no commercial affiliations with the manufacturer(s)
C) Inspector shall have no commercial affiliations with the contractor
D) Inspector shall have no commercial affiliations with the owner

2. Regarding API 936 Inspector qualifications, Inspectors shall be certified in accordance with:
A) API 936 Annex A
B) API 936 Annex B
C) API 936 Annex C
D) API 936 Annex D

3. Which statement regarding API 936 Inspector qualification is NOT true?

A) Inspectors shall have successfully passed the API 936 exam and maintain current certification
B) Inspectors shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements in API 936 Annex D
C) Inspectors shall have taken a written examination to achieve API 936 certification
D) Written exams shall be based on API 936 Body of Knowledge published by API

4. Per API 936, qualified Inspectors shall possess and have working knowledge of all of the
following documents EXCEPT:
A) API 936 Standard
B) Project execution plan
C) Contractor specifications
D) Other job specific requirements outlined by owner, contractor, and/or manufacturer

5. Per API 936, qualified Inspectors shall submit what documents/evidence to the owner for
owner’s approval?
A) Resume (a.k.a. Curriculum Vitae)
B) Evidence that they have passed an API 936 exam
C) Resume (a.k.a. Curriculum Vitae and evidence that they have passed an API 936 exam
D) Resume documenting experience including similar refractory materials and applications

API 936 Section 7 (MATERIALS) – 16 Practice Exam Qs
1. Refractory materials are affected by all of the following except:

A) Moisture
B) Humidity
C) Elevated ambient temperatures
D) Cool temperatures

2. Proper storage of refractory materials is critical to the development of optimal:

A) Physical properties
B) Chemical properties
C) Shelf Life
D) Strength

3. Storing refractory in the proper conditions will enhance:

A) Physical properties
B) Chemical properties
C) Shelf Life
D) Strength

4. Which statement is not true regarding API 936 mandatory refractory material storage?

A) Moisture shall be directed away from refractory

B) Storage shall be on level, clean, dry flooring or on pallets
C) Refractory materials shall be stored in a weather protected area
D) Storage facility shall prevent moisture contact with the refractory

5. Refractory materials shall be stored at:

A) Room temperature
B) 40-100°F (5-38°C)
C) 50-90°F (10-32°C)
D) 60-80°F (15-27°C)

API 936 Section 7 (MATERIALS) – 16 Practice Exam Qs

6. What factor shall set the refractory shelf life requirements per API 936?
A) Temperature exposure
B) Moisture exposure
C) Time limits for material tests
D) Manufacturer’s experience

7. If manufacturer’s shelf life recommendations (e.g. as noted on the compliance datasheet)

are more stringent, which of the statements below are true?
A) Manufacturer’s restriction shall apply
B) API 936 four month rule always applies
C) API 936 three month rule applies
D) None of these are correct

8. Which statement is NOT true regarding API 936 refractory discarding criteria?
A) Packages that have become wet (water-contaminated refractory) shall be discarded
B) Packages with broken seals shall be subject to re-qualification or discarded
C) Materials that exceed the shelf life shall be discarded
D) Packages that have become damp shall be discarded

9. Which statement is true regarding API 936 plastic refractory with a workability index found
to be below the manufacturer’s minimum required value?
A) Plastic refractories shall be subject to re-qualification or discarding
B) Plastic refractories shall be subject to re-qualification
C) Plastic refractories shall be subject to discarding
D) None of these are correct

10. Hydraulic bonded castable refractories shall be packaged in:

A) Heat-sealed plastic to assure vapor tight enclosure
B) Super sacks with vapor tight enclosures
C) Cardboard outside containers
D) Sealed, moisture-proof bags

API 936 Section 7 (MATERIALS) – 16 Practice Exam Qs

11. Chemical setting refractories shall be packaged in:

A) Heat-sealed plastic to assure vapor tight enclosure
B) Super sacks with vapor tight enclosures
C) Cardboard outside containers
D) Sealed, moisture-proof bags

12. Refractory bags or containers shall be marked with all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Product name B) Batch number
C) Date of expiry D) Contained refractory weight

13. Actual Refractory bag or container weight shall not deviate from marked weight by:
A) More than +/- 1% B) More than +/- 2%
C) More than +/- 3% D) More than +/- 4%

14. Bags or containers for cast, hand-packed or rammed mixes shall be marked with:
A) Product name/batch number B) Date of manufacture and expiry
C) Contained refractory weight D) Mixing instructions

15. Each pallet shall be uniquely identified by:

A) Product name/batch number B) Date of manufacture and expiry
C) Contained refractory weight D) Pallet code number & code date

16. Selection, installation, inspection and testing of anchors shall be in accordance with the:
A) Annex B B) PFI-ES-22
C) Design drawings & specifications D) None of these

API 936 Sect. 8.1 (QUALIFICATION & TESTING) – 10 Practice Exam Qs

1. The laboratory conducting the test procedures shall be subject to:

A) Audit and approval by the owner
B) Audit and approval by the manufacturer
C) Approval by the visiting Inspector
D) None of these are correct

2. Quality Control testing shall follow ASTM procedures as modified by API 936 and shall
consist of all of the following except:
A) Density and cold crushing strength (CCS)
B) Workability index (This is applicable to plastics only)
C) Permanent linear change (PLC) and Abrasion loss (when applicable)
D) Other tests required by the owner as defined in the execution plan

3. Regarding Cold Crushing Strength (CCS) testing, which of these statements is NOT true?
A) Cube loading surfaces shall be parallel to within a tolerance of ± 1/32 in. (± 0.8 mm) and
perpendicular to within a tolerance of ± 1 degree, whether cast or gunned
B) CCS shall be determined on samples that have been fired to 1500°F (815°C)
C) Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C133 and API 936 modifications
D) Green density shall be determined after drying or firing

4. Regarding Cold Crushing Strength (CCS) testing, which of these statements is NOT true?
A) The loading head of the test machine shall have a spherical bearing block
B) For gunned specimens, load shall be applied parallel to the gunning direction
C) For cast specimens, load shall be applied to either pair of faces cast against the side of mold
D) For specimens cut from a larger cast panel, an open face shall not be used for top or bottom

5. Regarding Cold Crushing Strength (CCS) testing, which of these statements is NOT true?
A) Bedding material shall be non-corrugated cardboard shims
B) Bedding material shall be placed between the test specimen and the loading surfaces
C) New shims shall be used for each test cube (dimensions = 75 mm × 75 mm × 1.5 mm thick)
D) Testing machine initial loading may be 30% of the expected load applied at convenient rate

API 936 Sect. 8.1 (QUALIFICATION & TESTING) – 10 Practice Exam Qs

6. Which of these statements is NOT true regarding Abrasion (Erosion) Resistance Testing?
A) It shall be in accordance with ASTM C704 and additional modifications by API 936
B) Abrasion shall be to an original free (not troweled, molded, or cut) surface.
C) Fire to 1500°F (815°C) & weigh the specimens to the nearest 0.1 g.
D) Use the silicon carbide material for all specimens tested

7. Which of these statements is NOT true regarding Abrasion (Erosion) Resistance Testing?
A) Initial bulk density is calculated to the nearest 0.1 g/cm3
B) Amount of refractory lost by abrasion must be calculated
C) From the initial volume, initial bulk density must be calculated
D) Amount of refractory lost by abrasion must be reported in cm3 to the nearest 0.1 cc.

8. Which of these statements is NOT true regarding Density testing and determination?
A) Reporting is done in units of pounds per cubic foot or kilograms per cubic meter
B) Density shall be determined at room temperature on specimens oven dried or fired
C) Measure specimen dimensions to nearest 0.02 in. (0.5 mm) & determine specimen volume
D) Weigh specimen to nearest 0.001 lb (0.5 g) & calculate density by dividing weight by volume

9. Which of these statements is NOT true regarding PLC testing?

A) The length of each test specimen shall be measured to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm)
along the 9 in. (230 mm) dimension at each of the four edges of the specimen
B) At room temperature, determine green refractory dimension by measuring specimen length,
then oven dry specimens for 12 hrs minimum at 104°C to 110°C in a forced air, convection dryer
C) After cooling to room temperature, measure the dried length of the specimen and then fire
by heating at 300°F/h (170°C/h) maximum to 1500°F (815°C), hold for 12 hrs at 1500°F (815°C)
D) After cooling to room temperature, measure the fired length of specimen.

10. Determine the green-to-dried and dried-to-fired and then report the PLC as:
A) An average percent shrinkage in length for each specimen to ± 0.05%
B) An average percent shrinkage in length for each specimen to ± 0.1%
C) Overall percent shrinkage in length for each specimen to ± 0.05%
D) Overall percent shrinkage in length for each specimen to ± 0.1%


1. For Material Qualification Testing, subject to owner’s approval, the contractor shall:
A) Direct the manufacturer to perform testing at the manufacturer’s plant
B) Direct the manufacturer to perform testing at an independent laboratory
C) Arrange for testing at an independent laboratory or at the manufacturer’s plant
D) None of these are correct

2. For Material Qualification Testing, which of these statements is NOT true?

A) Contractor shall inform owner of testing arrangements and timing
B) Contractor may notify the inspector to witness or spot check the testing
C) When engaged as a witness, inspector shall select containers to be tested and observe all
sampling, specimen preparation, and testing
D) In cases where an independent laboratory is utilized or the contractor assumes complete
accountability for testing results, inspector participation may be waived or reduced by owner

3. For Material Qualification Testing using pump cast installations, refractory shall be:
A) Poured into forms
B) Pumped into forms
C) Either poured or pumped into forms
D) None of these are correct per API 936

4. Refractory shall be applied within what time limit from the initial qualification tests?
A) Within 2 months
B) Within 3 months
C) Within 4 months
D) None of these are correct

5. During material qualification, when a sample fails to meet specified requirements, it may:
A) Never be accepted
B) Retested once
C) Retested twice
D) None of these are correct


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