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Conduct limited face - to face classes in the time of the pandemic

(pls bear in mind the changes below are my personal choices/preferences which may be biased,
and you should respect your own opinions. only make adjustments if you think it is necessary)
Yellow highlights mean modification
Blue highlights mean repetition
Green highlights mean the word/phrase needs removing
The start of the COVID- 19 academic calendar has met many changes, positively impressed (i.e.
“which is/are positively impressed”)  impressive while others have been negatively 
grudgingly welcomed. People have been forced to adapt to new ways of learning, which has
created a shift in operations. Education has completely changed as compared to the (I would
remove “the” because the “previous methods” have not been mentioned/defined yet) previous
methods in which the process was undertaken. [Purpose of the essay - Optional]
With the changes in face-to-face learning, there has been a negative impact (only ONE?). Most
of the (omitted if the “students” don’t come from a particular organization/group that has been
mentioned) students involved in academic education do not have the necessary time to sit behind
(in front of) the computer and follow through with (or “keep up with” as a more popular
structure) class progress. This has led to some of them creating methods in (with) which they can
perform other tasks without theIR teachers' consent. In this way, the teachers cannot monitor the
participation of the students fully. Resources (Do you mean research indicates that?), however,
indicate that teachers have improved on (omitted – “to improve something”) the effect (of what?)
and are always willing to actively involve their students in the online learning process. Lately,
the teachers have ensured that theIR students participate actively in the classwork, maybe
thRough calling their (slight ambiguity - the “names” of the teachers or students) names.
Also, there have been many incidences of introducers (intruders) who get access to the Zoom
meeting details (get/gain access to Zoom meetings of others OR acquire details/information of
random Zoom meetings), and once they join, they interrupt the class (by…? there can be
examples here). The  This act makes the communications (singular – communication) by the
teacher so hard in that (so hard that/hard in that) the teachers have to regulate (prevent/ban) such
people from entering into (would you say “enter my classroom” or “enter into my classroom”
?)the class meeting. There is some incident (are/can be other cases) in which people have been
blackmailed through (for) the submissions (submission) of student  their details, thus
jeopardizing the whole online classes platforms. However, the schools have (solved/addressed
this problem by?) put  implemented/applied/employed mechanisms ( methods/techniques)
to regulate the number of individuals participating in a given class. (Another suggestion concerns
+ Noun) The students can be given a specific verification code before they are permitted to join a
class meeting.
In some other incidents, the school studying  online learning has promoted a lot of cheating
associated with writing  doing the work given by the teachers for assessment. Moreover (to
be more specific), the school does not well monitor some exams since nobody is available behind
the computers to check what the students are doing. The unmonitored servers (online testing
without a tracking system) have led to too much (increased) cheating, leading to the production
of unqualified students (giving the students an opportunity to deceive others with their
irregularly high marks). On the other hand (In response), the schools have implemented the use
of protracted methods (such as…?) to ensure the security ( validity) of the work done. These
can significantly reduce how exam irregularities have been made possible. (There is some issue
with this part. I cannot understand)
As per (I cannot understand this either) the increased use of online services to ensure that
learning continues in most institutions, a lot (of what?) has (have) also been considered to
include new methods to solve the barriers that face the learning process (online learning is faced
with/has to face). An indication that has seen invention on the use of the available resources to
ensure that learning continues (Fragmented sentence). More innovations and solution-based
plans are on the unmaking sure institutions get maximum work delivery.
Ideas: Fabulous! They give me new perspectives on online learning and the opinions is well-
conveyed. However including examples shall better your essay.
Organisation: It is advisable that you include connectors:
(To commence with/To begin with/First and foremost…
In addition/Moreover/Furthermore/However/Therefore/To add…
In conclusion/On balance/To recapitulate/The above discussion summarizes…)
Room for improvements/Comments:
1. avoid repetition
2. Capitalisation (maybe I’m too meticulous XD): Zoom
3. You can consider my suggestions, but having alternative choices that are reasonable is
totally okay.
4. Try using more formal language in an essay like this

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