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Part A – 2 Mark Questions and Answers

1. Frame questions using question word in parenthesis for the sentences: (N/D ‘14)
a) My friend told me that he would come to my house at 8 o’ clock. But he came only at
10 o’ clock. (when)
When did your friend come to your house?
b) I would like to stay in the hotel for five days. (How long)
How long would you like to stay in the hotel?
c) I didn’t attend the class on Friday since I was ill for two days. (why)
Why didn’t you attend the class on Friday?
d) Yesterday I went to the post office. I had to send letter to the manager of the company.
Where did you go yesterday?
2. Frame suitable ‘WH’ questions (M/J’00)
a) I reached home at 9’o clock.
When did you reach home?
b) The Principal gave away the prizes.
Who gave away the prizes?
c) She passed the examination last year.
When did you pass the examination?
d) My son studies well.
How does your son study?
3. Frame suitable ‘WH’ questions.
a) The Greeks developed the art of coin making.
Who developed the art of coin making?
b) Nancy is going to London by train.
How is Nancy going?
c) Gold ornaments are made by skilled crafts people.
Who makes the gold ornaments?
d) The software was already tested by Engineers. (N/D’04)
Was the software already tested?
e) He is returning on Monday.
When is he returning?
f) I reached home at 9’o clock.
When did you reach home?
g) The Principal gave away the prizes.
Who gave the prizes?
h) She passed the examination last year. (N/D’07)
When did you pass the examination?
i) My son studies well.
How does your son study?
j) Sugar makes tea sweet.
What makes tea sweet?
k) Here is my smart card.
Where is your smart card?
l) John Milton wrote paradise Lost.
Who wrote Paradise Lost?
m) He comes from Avadi. (M/J’03)
Where does he come from?
n) He is my friend, Dinakar.
Who is he?
o) I want to go to the library
Where do you want to go?
4. Frame Yes /No Questions (N/D’02)
a) They are American.
Are they American?
b) They are visiting Paris (N/D’05)
Are they visiting Paris?
c) She has done the housework.
Has she done the housework
d) Nancy has been working all night long.
Has Nancy been working all night long?
5. Frame suitable Yes /No Questions for the given sentences (N/D’02)
a) He will be reading the book.
Will he be reading the book?
b) I forgot something
Did I forget something?
c) The grapes are grown in California (M/J’06)
Are the grapes grown in California?
d) You were living in Thailand.
Were you living in Thailand last year
1. Choose the best synonym for the following words (N/D’10)
a) The corpulent man took up two seats on the airplane.
a. Lean ii) Gaunt iii) Emaciated iv) Obese
b) The conman planned to embezzle the funds he helped the charity raise.
i) Misappropriate ii) Balance iii) Remunerate iv) Clear
c) The robust athlete quickly recovered after his knee surgery.
i) Eager ii) .rough iii) old-fashioned iv) vigorous
d) Some clue to this enigma might be found by asking a lot of questions.
i) laughter ii) mystery iii) enclosure iv) shadow
2. Choose the best synonym for the following words
a) It was the most mundane of tasks.
i) . Proper ii) Ordinary iii) greedy iv) murky
a) Canny investors will switch banks if they think they are getting a raw deal (N/D’05)
i) Obstinate ii) Handsome iii)Clever iv) Stout
b) His comments were not germane to the main discussion
i). Responsible ii) Logical iii) Possible iv) Relevant
c) Melvin knew that without clemency or a pardon he would spend the rest of his life in
i) competency ii) certainty iii) destiny iv).mercy
Give a single word substitute for the following (N/D ’14)
a) A person interested in collecting and selling of old things – antiquarian
b) One who is not easily pleased by anything – fastidious
c) Handwriting that cannot be read – illegible
d) Things that cannot be seen with human eyes – invisible
17. Convert the sentences to a single word without changing the meaning of the
sentence (M/J ‘03)
a) Government by one person – Autocracy
b) Murder of one's wife – uxoricide
c) One who compiles a dictionary – Lexicographer
d) Fear of English and English customs – Anglophobia
18. Convert the sentences to a single word without changing the meaning of the
a) A name opted by a writer. - Pseudonym
b) Of unknown authorship. Anonymous
c) Taking one’s own life. Suicide
d) A person concerned with practical results. pragmatic
19. Convert the sentences to a single word without changing the meaning of the sentence
a) Animals living on land and in water. Amphibians
b) A person who is made to bear the blame due to others. Scapegoat
c) A person who derives pleasure by inflicting pain on others. sadist
d) A wishful longing for something one has known in the past. Nostalgia
20. Give a single word substitute for the following
a) A person who believes in God. Theist
b) A person who does not believe in God. Atheist
c) Usage of new words. neologism
d) One who copies the writing of others- plagiarist
21. Give a single word substitute for the following
a) Journey to a holy place. pilgrimage
b) One knowing everything. omniscience
c) One who is present everywhere. omnipresent
d) Equal in rank, merit or quality. peer
22. Convert the sentences to a single word without changing the meaning of the sentence
a) Printed notice of Somebody’s death. obituary
b) One who can speak two languages. bilingual
c) One who thinks only of the welfare of women. feminist
d) Study of the relation of living things to environment Ecology
1. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the verb given in brackets.(N/D’10)
Rajesh was working (work) as a farmer in a village near Salem till june 1990. In July
1990, he changed (change) his profession. After the change he migrated (migrate) to Chennai
and through hard work he became rich. At present, he is (be) the owner of two factories in the
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the verb given in brackets. (M/J’04)
Srinivasa Ramanujam was (be) a great Mathematical genius. He accepted (accept) a
clerical position in the Madras Port Trust Office, while he was working (work) as a clerk, he
wrote (write) to G.H. Hardy of Cambridge University a letter that was to change his life.
3. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the verb given in brackets.(N/D’03)
Magnets are known (know) since ancient times. The Earth behaves (behave) like a
magnet and this fact is made (make) possible by the magnetic compass. The nineteenth
century scientist Michael Faraday made (make) use of the principal of magnetism in the
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the verbs given in the brackets. (N/D
a) She usually sits (sit) at the back of the class, but today she is sitting (sit) in the front row.
b) She has been watching the television continuously for four hours. Now she has
developed a headache.
c) Barking dog seldom bite. (bark, bite)
d) During fission radiation is produced (produce). This radiation is (to be) harmful even in
small quantities. It attacks (attack) living tissues and it alters (alter) the genes in body
5. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the verbs given in the brackets:
a) Accidents always happen (happen) at a point of time and space. Given the fatalities, it
works out (work out) to 0.00328 percent of the total road user kilometers everyday along
these stretches of highways. A small number really, but a massive loss if you think (think)
of the lifetime earning potential of those who die (die) in these mishaps.
6. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the verbs given in the brackets. (N/D
Kamala is (be) a teacher. In 1970, she started (start) her career in Sri Lanka. She migrated
(migrate) to India in 1995. Presently, she is working (work) in Delhi.
7. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the verbs given in the brackets:
The newly appointed (appoint) employees in any industry have to be trained (train) to
get themslves introduced (introduce) to their new employer’s work environment and to be
taught (teach) to perform specific tasks.
8. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the verbs given in the brackets (N/D’11)
Only few people in the world have left (leave) their foot prints on the sands of history,
and these men of honour never die (die). One such grand personality is (be) the greatest
innovator of all times Mr.Alexander Graham Bell, who invented (invent) the first practical
telephone. His other major inventions are hydrofoils and metal detector.
Fill in the blanks with correct form of tense
Dear Mary
How are you. I received (receive) your letter last week. Thank you for the recipe for the cake
I asked (ask) for. I made it last week and it was (be) very nice. I now have a new job in a
supermarket in the city centre. I go there every day at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and work
(work) there till 10 o'clock in the evening. I am very happy because my sister is working
(work) there too so we travel to and from work together. I got (get) my first wages last week
and I went shopping immediately! I bought (buy) a new stereo for my bedroom. It is gold
and black and looks (look) very nice. My brother comes (come) to stay with me for a few
days next week. He arrives (arrive) on Saturday so I am going to collect him from the
station. After I collect him, we are going to that Mexican restaurant near the park. Do
(you/want?) to come with us? You can call (call) me to tell me if you want to come or not.
John told me that you passed (pass) your Spanish exam last month. Congratulations. Is it
(be?) difficult? You know that I am (be) terrible at languages but you are better. Are you
going (you/go?) to visit Spain for your next holiday? If so you can practice it.
Please write to me soon with all your news, Mary.
All the best

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