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“Haven's Light is Our Guide”

Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technolohy

Course No: Hum 2224

Course Title: English Language Practice

Submitted By: Name:Bithi Mohanta

Department:Industrial and Production Engineering.

Submitted To: Saila Ahmed

Assistant Professor,Department of Hum
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology.

Date of Submission: 07/08/2021

Assignment on describing the advantages and
disadvantages of telling children that they
can achieve anything if they try hard enough.
There is often debate about advising children achieving their
goals from hard work in some cultures.
Children can achieve their goals form doing trying and trust
themselves in performance. From my perspectives, everything
has good and bad sides, but in this case, the advatages
completely outweigh the disadvantages because this message
could act as motivation the children.
Starting with the benefits,the mentioned belief can be a reason
for mental strength in childrens' minds.In most situations,
children tend to be afraid of failure, telling them this message
will help them build more trust and work harder to make every
effort in everything they do.For instance, A.P.J Abul Kalam was
born in a poor family. He could not think of being a president
for the surroundings he has. Believing that hard work does pay
off, he could fulfill his dream.In this regard i can also share my
12 years old cousin Rifat's story. From very young age he was
suffering from obesity but with proper diet and regular exercise
he reduced 20 kg just within 1 year & his parents are very
positive with him throughout all the time and support him saying
that he can achieve if he strongly determined about his aim.Best
examples of this come from the United States where famously
every child is encouraged to pursue their dreams, no matter how
aspirational and unrealistic. Those who succeed serve as role
models and evidence the efficacy of pushing children to try to
achieve anything.For example, the number of successful
entrepreneurs and artists who have left their mark globally from
the U.S.A is staggering and includes figures like Steve Jobs, Bill
Gates, Michael Jackson, Warren Buffet, and Will Smith. These
people often give encouraging interviews where they reiterate
the importance of having passion and grit to achieve
transcendent fame.
Considering the disadvantages, this can be said that children
might feel the pressure to achieve something in order to content
their parents and society without considering carefully their
ability. So, parents should help their children to differentiate
between things they can do and things we could not achieve
because of prohibition.
Another possible issue is that children lose self-confidence when
they try more without any support from society or their parents.
for instance, students who try a lot to perform in a useful way
and fail after a lot of attempts, think about isolation and become
In conclution, though hard work pays off, we should also try to
balance so that it would help the child to be stronger. On theg
other hand telling "the hard work" as the only way to succeed
can lead a child to invest his time in the wrong work.

Submitted by
Bithi Mohanta

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