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Call 2021 Round 1 KA2

KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth

Form ID KA220-YOU-8B225019 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 May 2021 12:00:00

Project Summary
Please provide short answers to the following questions, summarising the information you have provided in the rest of the
application form.
Please use full sentences and clear language. In case your project is accepted, the provided summary will be made public
by the European Commission and the National Agencies.

Background: Why did you apply for this project? What are the needs you plan to address?
“May we live in interesting times” – a Chinese proverb says. And we definitely do. While facing a global health pandemic, the
most serious threat facing humanity remains to be climate change and the ecological collapse. Climate change is here. As its
impact intensifies over time, it is the children and young people of today who will face the worst
effects.[] The need to include youth voices has become
more pressing than ever as young people, whose futures are threatened by accelerating global heating, are increasingly
demanding action towards a more just, equitable, and climate-resilient society.[
boosting-global-climate-action]. Young people with disabilities are among the poorest and most marginalised of the world's
youth. [
Climate change is the problem, youth activism is the key. Over the past 11 years Go Green has been working on this issue
by developing a program for green leadership and eco-activism for young people, so they can became aware of the climate
crisis and take an active role in climate action as agents of eco-changes in their local communities. Unfortunately the COVID
pandemic made it difficult to mobilize young people in high schools and organize physical trainings. Initiated by Go Green,
and in conversation with our partners, we realised there is no digital eco/green program for young activists. Additionally, we
have all made a research and there is no green leadership program for young people available, even less for disabled youth.
The solution? Creating the Green Leadership program in Greece, N.Macedonia and Romania. The courses are drafted in
English, then translated into the mother tonges (macedonian, romanian, green) and the sign language as well. Videos are
then made, as well as exercises for each course. Later, they are all published on the platform - web page dedicated to Green
Leadership. The program consists of the following courses: 1.Leadership : integrity :emotional intelligence, productivity and
effectiveness, keeping the motivation, self-organizing 2.Climate Change : Energy , transport, waste, forestry, industry,
Climate action I - diplomacy, Climate action II - world movements 3.Green Economy: social entrepreneurship, circular
economy, green jobs, upcycling 4.Youth eco-activism: Environmental democracy, Youth engagement, Communication,
Advocacy and Lobbying, Policy influencing A total of 20 courses, subcategorized in 5 topics. On the other side, we work on
strengthening the capacities of NGOs to include more young people with disabilities in their activities, to be able to cooperate
more with the partner from their country. To have inclusion of young people with disabilities in youth NGOs working with
young people without disabilities who do not affect their mental capacities (since for those it is required to be a special
Objectives: What do you want to achieve by implementing the project?
This project wants to achieve awareness and engagement of young people, including young people with disabilities (hearing
and speaking) in climate action. In order for that to happen, they have to understand the overall situation, the context we live
in today. They have to acquire certain skills this Green Leadership program offers, in order to be persistent and deliver
results at the end - the local actions. The Digital Green Leadership program is designed in such way to develop their
personal skills, work on their personal development, understand the complexity and the urgence of climate action. This
program is complementary to their life and future. Without such guided education, young people can lose very fast their
motivation on certain things. This is why two very experienced youth NGOs will design the courses. General objective: - Lead
young people (with and without disabilities) through the Digital Green Leadership program and explain their role in climate
action as individuals and as groups Specific objectives: - empower young people and make them aware of their their
capacities - educate about climate change and green economy - include young people with disabilities in climate action - give
tools for active citizenship (youth eco-activism in their local communities) - connect young people from the partner countries -
build capacities among partner organizations to work more, educate and active youth, and youth with disabilities on topics of
climate change and climate action
Implementation: What activities are you going to implement?
Overall, the project is designed so it can work on two problems: 1) Engaging young people (including young people with
hearing and speaking disabilities) in climate action 2) Building capacities of NGOs to work with young people Towards the
first problem, the creation of the Digital Green Leadership Program will raise the awareness of the causes, consequences

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA2
KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth
Form ID KA220-YOU-8B225019 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 May 2021 12:00:00

and possible solutions to climate change, such as climate action. The program will be designed and available in Romanian,
Green and Macedonian spoken and sign language (for the hearing impaired), with exercises and video materials for each of
the courses. Additionally, the English version will be uploaded on open learning platforms such as Udemi, Coursera, Canvas
etc to reach international viewers. The Program will be promoted and introduced to young people (14+) in all countries,
through a detailed communication plan and strategy. The most motivated young people will join a physical event for young
people to meet and understand the power of action when they are more numerous. Also, it is to show them that with or
without disabilities, we all have to take part in climate action. The very end result of the program are the local actions- a prove
of everything they learned so far, and what they can actually do and achieve in their local communities. They will organize
campaigns, guerilla actions, write letters to mayors, organize petitions and many more activities related to solving and taking
climate action. The second problem will be addressed by the Romanian partner as an experienced organization working with
both young people with and without disabilities. They know the difficulties other partner youth NGOs are having, and what is
needed for them to do in order to merge their activities. They will organize 4 webinars for the NGOs for their needs and
challenges when working with hearing impaired young people, national policies and support system, share good practices
and real concrete examples/projects carried on by each organization, opportunities to use when working internationally.
Results: What project results and other outcomes do you expect your project to have?
1) The Digital Green Leadership program is the tool for engaging and educating young people, and as such is the most
important outcome in this project. The course is available in 3 languages and 3 sign languages and adapted to cover all
young people in the partner countries. Furthermore, the English version is attached on the open-online educational platforms
such as MOOCs, Canvas, Udemi, etc. It has 4 topics 1) Leadership, 2) Climate change, 3) Green Economy, 4) Youth eco-
activism . After the completition of the course, young people engage in local actions, raising the awareness of the climate
crisis and asking governments to make changes towards more climate resilient communities. Quantitative results: min 100
completed courses per country of both youth with and without disabilities ; min 20 local actions per country 2) International
Youth Hub for Inclusion (hearing and non-hearing young people continue to meet virtually and to work on future E+ projects,
while being supported by youth organizations), strengthened cooperation among youth NGOs from partner countries,
empowered young people, increased communication and organizational skills of young people, increased creativity and
unleashed feelings of empathy and solidarity Overall, this project will lead to better understanding of the climate crisis and
the need for climate action - acquired soft (negotiation, planning etc.) and technical skills (writing a letter for the municipality,
press releace etc.) for youth activism - increased capacities of NGOs for working with both - young people with and without

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA2
KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth
Form ID KA220-YOU-8B225019 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 May 2021 12:00:00

Budget per Participating Organisation

Youth Association for deaf and hard of hearing „Signing youth" - Skopje (E10267575 - The Republic
of North Macedonia)

Project Management and Implementation 6 000

Project Results 2 496

Learning, Teaching Training Activities 5 330

Total grant 13 826

Panagia Evagelistria (E10250522 - Greece)

Project Management and Implementation 6 000

Project Results 4 628

Learning, Teaching Training Activities 5 830

Total grant 16 458


Project Management and Implementation 6 000

Transnational Project Meetings 1 150

Project Results 16 958

Learning, Teaching Training Activities 5 754

Total grant 29 862

Fundatia IKAROS pentru Tineri Activi (E10045589 - Romania)

Project Management and Implementation 6 000

Transnational Project Meetings 1 150

Project Results 4 844

Learning, Teaching Training Activities 6 980

Total grant 18 974

Association for sustainable development and environmental protection GO GREEN Skopje
(E10044148 - The Republic of North Macedonia)

Project Management and Implementation 12 000

Transnational Project Meetings 2 300

Project Results 20 140

Multiplier Events 9 550

Learning, Teaching Training Activities 5 754

Total grant 49 744

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA2
KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth
Form ID KA220-YOU-8B225019 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 May 2021 12:00:00

Note that transnational project meetings, production of project results, multiplier events and learning, teaching and raining
activities will be listed in this table automatically once you have created them in the dedicated section of the form.
You can create other relevant activities that do not receive specific support but are funded by the Project Management
and Implementation grant and add them to the table.

Starting End of
ID Activity Type Activity Title
period Period
Transnational Project
1 2022-01 2022-01 First project meeting
2 Project Results 2022-02 2022-09 Green Leadership Courses
Building Capacities for working with young people with
3 Project Results 2022-02 2022-02
4 Other Relevant Activities 2022-08 2022-10 Recruiting the future Romanian youth eco-activists
5 Other Relevant Activities 2022-08 2022-10 Recruiting the future Greek youth eco-activists
6 Other Relevant Activities 2022-08 2022-10 Recruiting the future Macedonian youth eco-activists
Transnational Project
7 2022-12 2022-12 Second project meeting
Learning Teaching
8 2023-03 2023-03 Past our differences - Stronger in Climate action
9 Multiplier Event 2023-09 2023-09 Go Green March for better future

Other Relevant Activities in the Timetable

Do you want to add other relevant activities not yet included in the timetable and that do not receive a specific grant but
can be funded from the Project Management and Implementation grant?

Other Other Activity

Country of
Activity Activity Title Other Activity Leading Organisation Start Period
ID (yyyy-mm)
Recruiting the future
Fundatia IKAROS pentru Tineri Activi (E10045589 -
1 Romanian youth eco- Romania 2022-08
Recruiting the future Association for sustainable development and
2 Greek youth eco- Greece environmental protection GO GREEN Skopje 2022-08
activists (E10044148 - The Republic of North Macedonia)
Recruiting the future The Republic of
3 Macedonian youth North 2022-08
SYMMETOCHI NEON (E10119140 - Greece)
eco-activists Macedonia

Other Activity Details (1)

Other Other
Activity Activity Other Activity
Other Other Country Other Activity Description Other Activity
Start End Other
Activity Activity of (including: targets groups and Leading
Period Period Participating
ID Title Venue objectives) Organisation
(yyyy- (yyyy- Organisations
mm) mm)

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