Grammar Goals 6 Students Book

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ýf*ýgr Flrst condit[ono[: rеv[еw 2

ýхрý*rýmg ýрý** Рrеsепt perJect & past simp[e 4

@ Хr* * rхзуж*еry Modcls oJ deduction: present tense

It looksffeelsl smeLLsl tastesl sounds + odjective оr /ike + 14
Жеvýеw З Grоmmоr review; ехоm proct[ce 16

W Сu**шпф prolects Present perJect contlnuous: фlrmоttче, negotlve & questlon 18

@ r****ýgпs grзd dýg*gv*r**s Post реrJесt ond norrotive tenses 24

Ж*qяiеw * Grоmmоr review; ехоm proctlce 30
фS Ш***qзglечепts Reported speech, post simple, present perJect, wiLl, сап з2
Reported rеquеsts & commonds 36
l&' Ё
{ a!йёale
j}Bli ilýý Reported questlons: Wh- & Yesi No questlons 38
Ж*чýеw ý Grоmmаr rev[ew; ехоm prcctice 44
ff Аrтl*аЁпg епgЁпееriпЕ Possive voice, post simp[e & present perJect 46

@ ?h* спg*жr**lя*rýd Present сопtlпuоus Jor Juturе orrongements; futurе tenses 52

Kevlew ф Grоmmоr rечlеw; ехоm prcctlce 58

@ & h**,*r ъrygrýd Second condltlono[; I wish + post simp[e l could 60

@ ý*rrсmзеjmýg****rъ Question to$s: post simp[e, present perJect, will

Revlew oJ modo[s

Ж*wýgw ý Grоmmоr review; ехоm proctice 72
Wrý*ýrзg ge*ýs 74
йr* r"g}rж gr rg€*r*аз** *rзd wagdý*sts 84

I\4AC N/IILLN &жщжЁж fu#жуъжж е fuEfufuy Wýffýýжжж
*** , ],::j]]:.. ,]:,]],i "

€}_Фfжi &ryýfth, #JЁ
=% ff я #е йffiв
q,js Т"ъ# s +е_fu*}g

Whеп the city is complete, it wont hove опу cors.

lf there oren't опу cors. there wопt exhoust fumes.

Э Recd the crticle. Tich (r/) the things thct Mcsdcr Citg wоп't hcve.

д пеw kind of 'grееп' city is Ьеiпg builtin дЬu оhаЬi, iп the ',,

united дrаЬ Emirates. Whеп |tдasdar City is complete iп 2025,

it won't have апу саrs, waste or pollution. lf the governrnent's
рlапs work, the city witl depend опlу оп rепеwаЬlе energy,Iike
wiпd апd solar power.lf only grееп епеrgу is иsеd, this will help
сопsеrvе the world's паturаl rеsоиrсеs. Нпd if there аrеп't апу
cars, there won't Ье exhaustfumes to роllиtе the оttиоsрhеrе.
гlлаsdаr City will Ье the flrst of mапу grееп cities аrоuпd thе
world. We will solve mапу епvirопmепtаl problems if we build
mоrе grееп cities like Masdar

с cors и d po[[uti.on п
Ь wlnd Jorms п е ехhоust Jumеs п
с solor ponels п I по,turо[ rеsоurсеs п
Recd cnd complete the grсmmсr Ьох with verbs f.ол cctivitg 1.

We usе the first conditionc[ to tolk obout о possible and

рrоЬоЬ[е Jutrrr:e situation ond its result,
А fiist condltlonol sentence hos two ports (or clouses).
We usе if + present,simpte ond rлrilllwоп't + the i.nfinitive.

When Mosdor Citg is complete, lt won't hcve опU cors.

IJ grееп used, thi.s wi[L help сопsеrvе поturоl rеsоurсеs.

If there опч соrs, there won't Ье exhoust Jumes.

We will so[ve mопч рrоЬlеms Ц *. mоrе cities lihe Mosdor.

# Ёir*f ****i*i*аз.*i
* Comp[ete the sentences with the correct form of the first conditioncl.

whot tronsport wi[[ реор[е usе?

IJ there (о) (not Ье) опg cors, peopte (Ь)
(usе) о speclol troin sgstem.
Q: How mопg реор[е w[[l [[ve there?
А: When Mosdor Citg (с) (Ье) comp[ete,
40,000 people (d) ([ive) there.

Q: Whg wi[[ evergthing Ье rec9c[ed?

А: Тhеrе (е) (not Ье) оп9 wcste
f people f) (rесgс[е) еvеrчthiвg.'
Q: Whot wi[[ hoppen to woste Jood?
А: When реор[е (9)
awo!, Jarmers (h) fuse) it to
Jertlllse crops,
Q: Whot moterlols witt bцttders цsе?
When е ngineers,([)
(usе), rec_gcled_'Фood cnd,,meto[., ],
theg ý),

€ Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the Ьох.

Ье hove to Iive fпБh

Тrео,surе Islond [s on ortflclol islond пеоr Son Fronclsco. When constructlon
(о) finighes (Ь), lt опе oJ the biggest 9rееп cltles
iп the world. If uоu (с)
оп Тrеаsurе Is[ond. uоu won't Ье
оЬ[е to usе 9оцr соr. Оп[9 wolhing cnd
riding blkes wi[[ Ье o[[owed. When gоu
(d) to Ьug Jood, 9оu
(е) to the suреrmоrhеt.
Реор[е wi[[ grоw о[[ their own Jood оп
the islond. IJ уоu ф
the moinlond, 9оu (9)
9о ЬU Jеrrg,
',,i-,. j:, ;|;':"'.i;; ;;|"' ;;.'.,:,.

.|||a. .:.:,.:|::|.. :.r,,::..|r| :a.:r|:. .a::::a:.


Grommor sfоЁ she hos Ьееп there Mice She went in 2006.

Recd cnd complete the fcct file.

Ап огп оziгlg qstrOnqut

Sunito Willioms is оп Аmеriсоп ostronout ond о US Novy оffiсеr.
She joined the Novy 25 уеоrs o9o,ond she hos Ьееп оп
ostronout since l99В. She hos token port in mопу spoce
missions ond she hos Ьееп to the lnternotionol Spoce Stotion
(lSS) twice, She went iп 2006 ond then ogoin iп 2012,
Willioms is now опе of the most ехреriепсеd ostronouts
ot NASA. She hos spent очеr 200 doys iп spoce ond
she hos done seven spocewolks, She hos olreody
Ьrоkеп severol records.These include the longest дi
time in spoce for о femole ostronout ond the mц
longest totol time spent оп spocewolks
(50 hours ond 40 minutes),
willioms become the соmmопdеr of the lss
оп l7th September 20l2, She hosn't gопе
into spoce since she rеturпеd from the lSS in
NочеmЬеr 2о12. Sunito is morried to Michoe|
J, Willioms, о police officer.They hove Ьееп
together for очеr 20 yeors.

Nome, с
Job, ь
NumЬеr oJ gеоrs iп the Novg, с
yеаr she Ьесоmе оп astronout: d
Yеаr oJ Jlrst spoce mlssion: Tl
NumЬеr oJ dogs [п spoce: I
Total time spent оп spocewolks: 9


'!:: Reod cnd complete the grсmmсr Ьох.

{ .li

We usе the present рефсt... ,.

.:. .ý*
t to tolk oborrt experiences ot some time iп оur lives uр to поw.
],1- .".1;;
"'_";*,: --+,.-,'

We don't sag when theg hoppened,

she has Ьееп to the Iss twice.
She has sеvеп spacewalks.
2 wi,th for апd siпсе:
They have Ьееп together lor оvеr 2О years.
She hasn't gопе iпtо space NоvеmЬеr 2012.

We usе the pcst simple to tolh оЬоut finished actions that hoppened ln
the post. We usuо1,1,9 sаg when,
she went ап 2ýсб апd thеп аgаiп iп 2812.
-She the Navy 2ý years aga.
We феп usе these tlme expressions the present perJect ond post s[mp[e,

Present рефсt Pcst simple

пеVеr 09о
9et gesterdoy / 9esterdog mоrпiпg
just lost weeh / month l gеоr
о[rеоdg iп September/2006
so Jоr оп Saturdog/'l 7'h September

.-э Circle the correct words.

с sunito wi[lioms worhed l Jor NASA Jor mопg gеоrs.
Ь She did / hos done three spacewolhs оп hеr Jirst misslon lnto spoce,
с On опе spocewalh, а соmеrо Ьесоmе / hcs Ьесоmе loose and flooted /
hcs flocted lnto spoce.
d She olrecdg spent / hos сlrесdg spent mоrе tlme [n space thon опg
other Jemol,e.
е Wi[[[oms visited / hos vlsited Indio severol tlmes.
f She tclhed / hcs tclleed to children Jrom spoce оп hеr second mlss[on.
g Astronouts печеr wclhed / hоче печеr wclhed оп Mo,rs.

Lirten cnd circ[e Т (trце) оr F ffo[se).
с Yuri Моlепсhепkо hod с dilJerent job
he Ьесоmе оп ostronout,
ь Не has пеvеr been оп the Internotionol т/F
Spoce Stotion.
G Не hos hod о tot oJ experlence lп spoce,
d Не hos Ьееп оп ten spoce missions,
е Не Ьесоmе on ostronout lп 1qq4,
I'' Не ond his wtJe hove been iп spoce
Апdg ond Beth have olreodg Jinished thelr project,
о Yuri Моlепсhепkо wýý (Ье) Ьоrп iп 1961,
Аlr Fоrсе iп ] ЧВ7,
Не ýоiп) the Russlon
(Ье) оп ostronout since 1q87,
Ь Не
d Не (tche port) iп ten spoce rпisslопs,

е Не (do) Jtve spocewolks,

(spend) mоrе thon З0 hоurs
f Не Lп spoce so Jor, |.
(wtn) mоп9 owords Jоr his worh,
g Не
(mоrrg) his wtJe Еhоtеriпо tп 2ООЗ,
h Не ..u..: г

оп the grоuпd.
-1 .::,iэý*х*,*--

.'' .

,] Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the Ьох.

Listen cnd chech.

Send Ieave оrr[Vе s€ftd moke take collect toke

NASA (о) sепt

three robotic rочеrs to Моrs since 200З: The
olm oJ the rоvеrs [s to ехр[оrе the surJoce of the plonet. Curiosity Ь the
newest ond biggest oJ the rочеrs. It ](Ь). ;, .:

26'h NочеmЬеr 2011, ond it (с)

оп Mars оп 5'hАugust 2О12. Curiasity is stitl
on Mors. It (d) thorrsands oJ photos апd it
lots oJ lnteresting soi[ samples. It
Ф boch huge
omounts oJ scientfic doto to NASA
sclentlsts. In September 2О12,
Curiosity (g)
о vеrg excltlng discoverg.
It (h)
photos thot showed there
used to Ье woter оп the
surJосе oJ Mars.

. Imсgiпе gоч cre cn сstrопсцt. Complete the notes cnd write с b[og.

join NASA / 200q

toke port / iп SDoce mБS[опS

do/ spacewo[hs
spend / hоцrs i'п spoce
оrrlvе / on ISS / lost
Ье here / Jor months
do / о Lot oJ experlments
not see / Jomltg / slnce

l iг"\inдr^{ \iлq,д ;п ?ппQ
Hove you visited the Spoce Сепtrе yet? Whеп did you 9о?

Recd the diсlоgце. Whct did the Ьоg [есrп ct the Spcce Centre?

А: Have gоu vislted the Spoce Centre get?

в: Yes, I have. It's omoztngl
А: When did gоu go?
в: I went lost weehend. There wos оп exhtbltion
оЬоut the Cossini.-Hr.rggens SPOce m[ss[on. It's о
robotlc spocecroJt thot is studglng Sоturп.
А: Wow! How [опg hos i.t Ьееп lп space?
в: Since 1qq7! It hos dtscovered seven пеw moons
oround sоturп.
А: That's brlltiont! How long did чоu Stоч ot the exhi.bition?
в: We stoged Jor two hours. It wos rео[[9 interestlng,

We usе the present рефсt to ash аЬоut оп ехреrtепсе lп someone's tiJe,

Have you visited the Space Сепtrе yet?
Have you Gver) Ьееп to the USA?
IJ the 0nswer ls yes, We use the pcst simple Jor о[[ the guestlons thot Jo[[ow,
Whеп did you go? I wепt last уеаr.
How Iопg dEd you stay? I stayed Jоr two hours/weeks.

Tich (/) the correct questions cnd correct the wrong ones. There cre
two mоrе incorrect qцestions.
с Hove цоu
еvеr$ефа рiсturе oJ Cossini.-H ug9епs?
l'{] i lr,.:.]
Ь Hove 9оu еVеr vlsited the Spoce Сепtrе [п Houston?
с How Long hove 9оu stoged ot the exhibition оп Soturdog?
d Hove чоu Wotched the TV рrо9rоmmе оЬоut Soturn lost night?
Did gоu enjog 9оur vi.sit to the musеum чesterdog?
.*;i: . :?::i;
,:*5itr].,Tii;;, l;,Jl':j]|
-.i,:: ."]
]:]":._.. ]

*, Comp[ete the diclogue with the correct form of the verbs.
А: How Lonq (о) lrcve чоu woгked (work) for NASA?
в: Fоr seven 9eors.
А: When (Ь) _ 9оu Jirst
(9о) lnto space?
в: Flve geors о9о.
А: How mопч tlmes (с) _ чоu _ (qo) lnto spoce?
в: Three times. Вut this is mg second mlsslon to the Spoce Stotlon.
А: How [опq (d) uоu
(spend) thеrе on
чоur Jirst mission?
Neorlg Jive months.
Wow! And (е) 9оu еvеr (do) а spocewolh?
Yes. I've done three.
When (fl _ чоu _ (do) the [ost опе?
] wolhed iп spoce lost week!

(see) ongthing stronge i.п spoce? How lопg has he Ьееп thеrе? : *'--a

No, I hoven't get. But I'm he is sti[[ there поw

heeping m9 ечеs ореп! How lопg was he there? =
he [s not there now

Imсgiпе it's the gесr 2О23. Write questions to csk cn cstroncцt.

с Have чоu еvеr Ьееп to *hg lпtеrпсtiопоl Spoce Stotion ?
Ь When dld uоu ?
с How [опо ?

:. ,:f
ё, ,,,,;& Ro[e ptcg 9оцr [nterviews with с pcrtner. Find оцt mоrе detci[s.
*&#* #*&
ffiё Ь Ъtr Ёffiъ#щ"ффьffif
fiф$у"ffi*ъЁЁ F


з :Ж'ý Recd cnd [сЬе[ the рiсtчrе with the цпdеr[iпеd words.

А: This роiпtiпg is colled Маkiпg

Music. But lt's dilJicul,t to see
whot о[[ the things оrе. The
bloch ond whi.te strlpes must
Ье а heчboord.
в: yeoh. Вut whot instrument is it
А: It mоg Ье о piono, Ьut I'm not
surе. Whot do gоu thtnk?
в: It might Ье оп оr9оп. Тhеg
olso hove hegboords.
А: It might not Ье оп оr9оп
or о рlопо. It соuld Ье оп
accordion. Вut I'm surе obout
thi.s [on9 9rеg shope. It must Ье
о miсrоЁhопе. М9 brother hos
опе just [ihe tt.
в: Oh gеоh, i.t's deJinitelg а
miсЙрhопе! And thct must Ье
оuitоr next to it. yоu соп see
о э-_
the strlngs.
It mоg not Ье а gultоr.
It might Ье о се[[о.
в: ОК, Вut whct obout the gellow
ond оrоп9е things ln the
middl,e? Theg [ооk Llke spoons,
Spoons? Тhеg con't Ье spoonsl
Тhеg must Ье something
musicol! I's о роir oJ

ffiЖ ;:;t;i*-зi::\.п *n'"*:-*."i ,qз,-,iо
l;,;;,;:_ 1

Ё Reod cnd complete the grсmmо,r Ьох.

То mоhе deductions obout the present, оr to guess bosed оп evldence,

we use the modols пчst, mа!, might, соцld ond can't + infinitive.
We choose the modol occordlng to how sцrе we оrе оЬоut оur guеss.
рrоЬоЬ[е 50% probcb[e 1% proboble
(I'm чеrg surе (]'m not surе but it's possible) (I'm vеrg surе
[t's Ёrхз*) it's not trце)

It mаg Ье о рiопо.
It rnight Ье оп оr9оп.
It стъt€g€] Ье а
It Ье оп оссоrd[оп. ]t ccn't Ье о spoon.
It mсч Ье а оuitоr.
It might not Ье а gu[tоr.

circ[e the correct option. If both cre possible, circ[e both.

А: Whot do gоu thlnh these shapes аrе?

в: Тhеg (dФ/ mс9 Ье Jlowers
Ьесоusе theg hove petols. I'm surе
theg оrе.
] don't hnow - theg (Ь) mцst Ье /
соц[d Ье.
А: And thls (с) соцld Ье / mс9 Ье
water Ьесоusе lt's Ь[це. And these
shing things (d) ccn't Ье / соц[d Ье
littte Jtsh.
в: Вut the dork Ь[uе (е) mс9 not / соц[d not
Ье woter. It Ф соц[d Ье l might Ье the night
shg. And the shiпg thlngs (ф mс9 not Ье / might not Ье,
Theg (h) mцst Ье / соцl,d Ье stors iп the skg.
А: No! Тhеg (i) can't Ье i might Ье stars! Theg аrеп't the rlght shope!
Theg don't looh Lihe stcrs at с[[, Вut the рlсturе is Ьеоutfut.

=',:.-=,,. Grommor proctice

: : :::: -::::::i,i]::]ar;*
- - -: -.:.:..a|.||:1;1|:r_ |: :,a.:::|1:::|i..-

Listen ond clrcle the things thct sцрроrt the dеdцсtlопs,

Listen с9сiп cnd complete the dеdцсtlопs.

с Не Ье а роiпtеr. Не hos point on his honds,
ь Не Ье оп artist. Look! Не patnts portroits,
с Не Ье successJul,. Looh ot the Ьrоkеп soJol
d Не live rn New Yorh. Lots oJ other hove skgscropers.
е Не Live iп London оr Тоkgо. The9 olso hove sk9scropers.
Picosso. Atl, hls boohs оrе obout Picosso!
I Не [

... Look cnd complete wlth offirmctive or negctive dedцctlons,

(Ье) о musiсlоп.
This womon (о)
She's got о piono i.п hеr house. Вut lots oJ peopte
hove got pionos, so she (Ь)
the рЙпо proJessionol[g. She's с_оrr9iп9 о,,9::о', 'о
she (с) (рl,оg) tt os we[[. She
(d) (eryog) reodlng аЬоut mus[с.
Looh ot the booh. And she (е)
(ttve) iп о citg. I can See trees ondJietds outside hеr
window. The"re's olso о teddg Ьеоr оп the soJo,
She ф (hove) chlldren, оr lt
(g) (Ье[опg) to о nlece оr
nephew. Who hnows?

:j:iril :r::' j9:i
4 Complete with с mоdс[ ond sцitсЬlе
А: I con te[[ о lot оЬоut Don Ьg lооhiпg
ot this photo dtspl,ag he mode.
в: Llke whot?
А: We[[,,Jr-flrst, he (о) must Ье
а good рhоtоgrорhеr Ьесоusе
the photos оrе greot. And he
Ьесоusе thot's о Jootbo[[ shi.rt.
в: Not necessorilg! Не
Lots oJ реор[е who don't р[оg Jootball wеоr Jootbott shirts.
А: But [ook, there's o.[so о Jootball. And he (d) о vegetorlon,
в: Whg not?
А: Looh ot the поmе oJ the booh! And [ооh ot thls photo. Thot's Do,n,
Ьut I'm not surе obout the other two. Тhеg (е) hi.s brothers.

в: Or theg f) brothers. Theg (9) JrLends.

Whot e[se?
А: I hove по idea оЬоut the hegs оr pens! We should osk htm!
Worlt with о рсrtпеr. Mclee five dedцctions cnd give recsons.

ь She mi.ght beco,use

a с She con't

Grommor gool
Recd the diсlоgце. Whot cre theg [ооhiпg ct?

А: Неrе ls the Jirst object.

Соп gоu guеss whot it i.s?
в: It Jeel.s reallg smooth and hord.
It mlght Ье mode oJ wood.
с: Апd looks reollg old.
в: It [oohs llke ап old toy.
Is it Jor chlldren to plog wtth?
А: No, i,t tsn't о tog.
в: When I shoke lt, it sounds Lthe
а muslcol instrument. Is thot
what lt is?
А: Thot's rtght! It's о percussion
iпstrurпепt mode Jrоm
о drled Ьеап pod.
It's colled о rottle.

The Jive Sense verbs taste, look, smel!, sоuпd апd feel оrе Jollowed Ь9,

1 оп odjective:
It Jeeb smooth, It looks old,
2 tiЁе + ftоцп:
It tooks l\ke а toy. It sounds likе а musiсаl Епstrumепt,

* comptete the sentences with the correct sense verbs,

4 А, Whot's thot? В, It s*uпds llhe the doorbell.
Ь This soup is delicious. It homemode.
с Winter Ls here. It _- reollg co[d,
d М9 si.ster _ l,ihe mg mother. Тhеg оrе identlcol,

е Thot р.4uлБП* It llhe roses.

J This Vеrч hord. It con't Ье о Jruit.

#фь .:э*:;j;;::.ýэ*r*u;js,i,{g;r;Ёа_t.#ý*rl"lit;зЗ * *1 + i'i{ti,Зa:
., .l *.,,,.. tti:i1*:;:ý':T* ,ar.i,i*]
,;j:i _li:

,: t{':1 Complete with с sense чеrЬ. Add lifte where necesscrg. Llsten
cnd сhесlз,.
t пr
, a],tr.в J#ъ
ir"j*€ фФ
\/@ *

"яLЪ |.:,-

_ii nЁ *t О
Ъ я *: ,,.,\,\

,,*;'; , ru' ъъ

о It feels hord. It lосэlqs like о snoil.

bIt sour. It о [еmоп.
cIt the seo. ]t со[оurJu[.
dIt о smoll. 9uitor. It beoutfu[.
eIt Sweet. It soJt
fIt grass. It а Jeother.

Choose four objects. Write two sentences to describe ecch. Use some of
the cdjectives in the Ьох.

hard , soJt cold smooth r:ough sa[tg expenslve lоud

|t ýooks expensive. lt smelýs like flowol,s,

= i€"a.
;* Recd 9оцr d,escriptions to с portner. Ссп theg gцеss the object?
Ц, ..,'i*
'J!?,.:*, '


, Recd cnd c[rcle the correct words.

д: This is Rопuфh F[еппеs. He's о Jоmоus ехр[оrеr.
д: не (а)ffцit t6?:l mi9}t ье somewhere ver' co[d.
Look ot ifiГЁе оп hi.s Joce!
в: Не (Ь) mцst feet / mцst feel lihe Jreezing! I'm not
sшrе whеrе he is though. Не (с) mс9 Ье / mцst Ье
tn the Antarctic оr it (d) соц[d Ье / ccn't Ье
the Arcti.c.
А: He's over 7О geors o[d, [sn't he? Does he
reo[[9 go оп expedittons?
в: Yes[ Не (е) hcs Ьееп / wcs оп ехрlоrеr slnce the 1Ч6Os,
ond he
(Р hcs exp[ored, / exp[ored ploces o[L over the wоr[d. In 1Ч69 he
ig) hcs Ьееп / went on on expedition up the White Nl[e, ond

фqЗ he (h) hcs crossed / crossed the Antorctlc оп Joot.

(i) hcs he climbed
He's climbed Моuпt Everest too, hosn't he? When /

did he сlimЬ it?

в: In 2009.

:: complete with the correct form of the verbs or с modcl of deduction,

(а) Гj.*l;g: jl*; ever , (hеоr) oJ Кirо Saloh?

в: I'm not surе. Doesn't she get poid to trove[ оrоuпd the wor[d?
А: Yes , she (Ь) (Ье) о proJessi,onol оdvепturеr slnce she wos 24.

в: whot countrles (с) she _ _

(9о) to since then?

She (d) (trave[) tn the Сопgо, Вurmо, Воrпео ond Реru,

(е) she еvеr (Ье) to the Antorctic?
(cross) Рорuо New Guiпео olone
I'm not surе, Ьut she (Р
iп 1Ч95.
в: - (9)
She - brave- It
Ье verg
(h) Ье verg soJe trove[ling
olone. In Joct, it (i) Ье
rео[[g dongerous.
Mogbe. But tt (j)

Ье Juп! -

Complete the diс[оgче. Whct does Jcch scg to Еlепс? Fоr eoch
question, write the correct [etter (А-Н).
Еtепс: Looh ot this photo. I took [t in the musеum Uesterdoy.
Jcch: В

Elenc: Thot's ri.ght. It's called о hоrро[9rе.

Jссlз: I
Elenc: Yes, 9оu don't see old ones lihe this verg oJten.
Е[епс: No, lt's mоrе comp[icoted. It's l,ihe p|,oging the hоrр.
Jcch: 3
Е[епс: Yes, [t does. It's sometlmes called о horp 9u[tоr.
Jcch: 4
E[enc: Yes, theg hove о hugе collectlon. Yоu should visi.t!
Jcch: 5
А It must Ье reollg rоrе. I've пеvеr seen оп lnstrument [ike
В Wow! Whot i.s it? It looks [ о muslсоl lnstrument.
С Did gоu see опU other instruments ot the musеum?
D How do gоu plog it? It loohs lihe о gultоr, but it con't Ье the some.
Е And how Long did Uоu spend there?
F I think I might 9о next week!
G Whot dld gоu see?
Н What does it sound [ihe? Does it sound ti.he о harp?
What Gоп 9оц do? Circle а mеdс[.
1 I соп tolh оЬоut post ехреrlепсеs ond Jinished octions.

,-=.,_: ,----: --,=rS

I соп mоkе deductions оЬоut the present.

--; --J =;
I con say what things Jee[, [ooh, toste, sme[[ оr sound [ihe.

::j ,,,--..,J |j
* :,
-,:.= ---+?
' *ЁфЁ#
Grommor stoЁ She hos Ьееп moking breod.
They hove Ьееп fishing oll morning.

i',' j].:;
Recd cnd cnswer the questions.

Sixteen odults ond Мо children оrе finding out whot it wos like to live iп the
lrоп Age 2,2ОО уеоrs о9о. Тhеу hоче Ьееп living in their'lrоп Ag"'villoge fоr
six months, with only the too|s, onimols ond сrорs ovoiloble in those doys.
lt's пеоrlу middoy ond Оliчеr is exhousted. He's been cutting wood fоr the
firе since 9.0О оm. Foith got up ot doybreok ond helped hеr mum milk the
goots ond feed the chickens. Since then, she's Ьееп looking ofter the firе iп the
ioundhouse. Неr mum hos Ьееп moking Ьгеоd. Emmo hos Ьееп wоrkiпg,
too. She's Ьееп moking clothes frоm sheep's wool.
Riley ond his dod hоче Ьееп fishing oll mоrпlпg/
but thеrе оrе only Мо smoll fish in thеir bosket. =
'l still miss interesting food,' he soys.
'We've Ьееп eoting роrridgе fоr months!'
'Wе'rе oll tired,' soys Liom, Riley's dod.
'The work hos been difficult ond the
сrорs hочеп't Ьееп growing well.
But nobody is going to give up.'

с Do the villogers usе ongthing Jrom the 2'l" сепtur9?

ь Whot onlmo[s do theg hove iп the villoge?
с What Jood do theg hove?
d whot do the volunteers usе to mahe Jlres?
е Whot does Ril,eq mlss obout поrmо[ [i.Je?

:: Recd cnd Gоmр[еtе the grcmmor Ьох.

We usе the present рефсt сопtiпцоцs to the dцrаtiоп

oJ оп octlon.
We Jоrm the present perject сопtlпuоus wlth havelhas (поt) Ьееп +
the -ing Jorm oJ the vеrЬ.

It [s used...
1 to tolh аЬоut octions thot storted i.n the post ond оrе sti.[[ сопtiпuiпg:
.ShеЪ Ьееп mаkiпg Ьrеаd,
The crops haven't Ьееп grоwiпg well,

We usе for опd siпсе with the present perJect сопtlпuоus to emphasise
thot the oction ls sti[[ hoppenin$ now:
Theu've Ьееп livina there six mопths.
ýnce thеп, she _ Ьееп looking aJter the Jire.
2 to tolh оЬоut оп octivltg оr event thot hos recent|,g Jtnished and hos
о result поw:
He's exhausted. He's Ьееп cutting wood.
Ьееп all mоrпiпа, but there аrе опlц two f'sh iп their bжket.

There оrе some verbs we do not usuоllg usе in the present

perJect сопtlпuоus Ьесоusе theg оrе not octlons: Ье, Ьеlопg,

have ffоr possesslon), hate, kпоw, like, uпdеrstапd.

Comp[ete the sentences (Х = negotive).

о The vоLuпtееrs }зс,rе Ье*п porticipoting iп the
experlment slnce Jопuоrg.
Ь Ечеrgопе [s wet. It rоiпiпg о[[ dog.
с Groce PreSerVtng meot lп solt Jоr two hоurs.
d AtJie (Х) cutting wood todog. Не Jor hопеg.
The chi.ldren (Х) p1,oging. Theg
heLping thetr porents о[[ dog.
There's о пiсе sme[[ [n the hitchen. Еmmо and L[am
mohing bread.
Grommor proctice

#r'Зi.l. Listen cnd circle Т (trце) or F ffolse).

с Lone Droscher Nie[son Ьеgоп rеsсulпg
оrрhапеd orangutans оvеr 1 5 geors ogo. Т /F
Ь The Jorest where the orongutons Live
hos complete[g dlsoppeored. Т lF
с PoLm oil plontotlons оrе оrопgutс,пs'
поturаl hobitat. т/F
d Оrопgutоп пumЬеrs hove Jollen [п
recent uеоrs. Т /F
е Lone wonts to releose some oJ her
orongutons lnto the wi[d. Т /F
I She doesn't need permlssion to
releo,se the оrопgutопs. Т /

g She hos Ьееп Jinding [t dijjicult to

rolse а[[ the mопе9 she needs. Т /

Complete the text with the verbs iп the present рефсt сопtiпцоцs.

Rigo, о volunteer 'bobgsltter' ot the centre, (о)

hos Ьееп ъъоi,kiпý
(wоrh) slnce 7 o'cLock thls mоrпi.пg. She [s covered lп mud Ьесоusе she
(ь) (рtоg) with gоuпg orphaned orongutons.
Rigo (с) (teoch) them o[L dоg, too. She
(d) (show) them which Jrults оrе
good to eot. Two orphons, Luса ond Тоmmg,
оrе tired, Theg (е)
([еоrп) to cllmb, but theg оrе sti[[ not good ot
[t. Momo and Таmu f)
(not р[оg) with the other bobies thls mоrпlпg.
Тhеg оrе in the cllnic. Theg
(g) (sulJer) Jrоm а
stomoch Ьug s[nce lost Мопdоg, but theg оrе
stort[ng to 9et better.
3 Use the prompts to write sentences. Use the present рефсt сопtiпцоцs.

".""'*'''*"*-\i].a.ri;9r"'"2r/ Н,."''. .,Я:v-*>r.^-:

Polor becr resecrch project
Нuпgrg ро[оr beors hove Ьееп comlng into оur town
mоrе cnd mоrе iп the lost Jew Uеоrs. Dr Mognus
ЕgеЬеrg hos been studgiпg whg.

с Dr Egeberg / studg / ро[оr beors Jor two months

Ь Не / troch / their movements slnce the project Ьеgоп

с Ро[аr beors' hobitots / disappe ar l Jor the lost 20 geors

d The ро[аr beors l get / thlппеr Ьесоusе they don't hove епоugh to eo,t

е Dr ЕgеЬеrg ls vеrg cold Ьесаusе he / wotch / о ро[оr Ьеоr Jomt|,g o1,1, mоrпlпg

f The mother Ьеоr / huпt / seals, Ьut she hosn't соught опU get

4 Recd ond write sentences with the present рефсt сопtiпцоцs.

5.3о 1 ,оо thiэ (4,ОО рm оп
2В'Ц DесеmЬеr: 21u'January: 1Э'h FеЬruаrу: 'hiэ аftеrпооп:
mоrпiпg: 26"h FоЬruаф:

frrэt day Ьёgап followiпg stаrtеd feoliпg'tired

поrkiпq witll

l оm feeling tired becouse l've Ьееп writing this rероrt since'I o'clock.
How longlove you been working hеrе?
Hove peopJe Ьееп giving their time? ,

З Recd the diсl,оgце. Whct is the oim of the project?

volunteer iп the Wе'rе chonging thts emptg p|,ot into о роrk Jor the
How [опg hove 9оu Ьееп wоrhlпg here?
Fоr obout Jоur months.
Yоur honds ore о[[ muddg. What hove 9оu Ьееп todag?
I've been plontlng these smol"l trees.
Hos the соmmuпitg Ьееп helptng wlth the project?
Yes, [t has! Реор[е йоvе Ьееп donoting rпопе9 and plonts.
Have реор[е Ьееп gi.ving their tlme, too?
Yes, lots oJ реор[е hove been hetping ct weekend,s,
It's going io Ье rеаL[g posittve Jor the соmmuпltg,

Q цеstiоп Answers

Hcs the соmmuпitg Ьееп hetping? Yes, it hcs. / No, it hcsn't.

How [опg hcve gou Ьееп worhing here? Fоr аЬоut Jоur months,

Whot hove gоu been doing todog? I've Ьееп рlопtiпg trees.

write the questions iп order. Тhеп mctch to the cnswers,

О have / how tong / Ьееп / уоu / with the project / helping
1 Fоr three hоurs

Ь trees / hove / Ьееп / plontlng / todog / 9оu

\ Ben hos.
с З o'clock/whot /since /hove /dotng / 9оu/Ьееп
Yes, I hove.
hos / rоiпlпg / tt / how [опg / been / Jor \
Slnce lost Моg

е cleortng / who / ruЬЬish / Ьееп / hos / todog

I've been
plonttng trees.
& Fr*s*пt p*rf**t **m*ý*t**в*ý: q**ý?ý*аз f*rr*
_ __._...:.

', Comp[ete with the present рефсt сопtlпцоцs form of the verbs.
Llsten cnd chech.
А: How [опg (о) hgve y*u* Ьg*п w*rkirrý (wоrk) at the sоuр hltchen?
в: We (Ь) (wоrk) here еvеrц weehend slnce
the рrоgrоmmе storted in October.
А: Yоu look tlred. (с) (hel,p)

Jоr о [опg tlme todog?

в: Yes, I storted ot 7 o'cloch this morning.
А: And what (d) (do) todog?
в: I (е) (serve) Jood о[[ dog,
but sometlmes I just do the woshing uр.
А: So who ф (do) the
cooklng todog?
М9 clossmote Jеппч (g)
(hetp) i.n the kitchen todog.
She (h) (mohe) the

Choose опе of the соmmчпitg projects below. Write questlons to csh

с pcrtner.
- hetptng the е[dеr[g - helping lп о рrimоrg schoo[
- с[еоп[пg uр the роrk - worhing ot оп опimоl she[ter
о How [опg hove gоu beeil wв;,kiný todgy ?

Ь What ?

с Hove Uоu ?

Interview 9оцr pcrtner. Report two pieces of informction to the clcss.

Alono hos been worhing She's Ьееп reoding
Jor Jоur hours_."* *____.1 .
to the chi.ldren.
ý *зъ
:,: Ё
ъ-{*h rч фЁ flъ
Е а ;j i r J 1; io;
i"; *."
:. -i :,Т5Ч я * ;
j * o#;j -1-дýl*эJ i*
*". ,Ъ
; ;,,';, а р* * i:1,
'*,, f];;,,
: .::г, ] .1

Grоmrпсr stоЁ не noticed thot the chocolote hod melted.

l .j; :;]: Recd cnd пцmЬеr the sentences iп the order the events hсррепеd.
Тhе^iпаепtiоп of the waves
rпlсrоwоyе оyеп

Dr Реrсу Sрепсеr invented the miсrоwаче оvеп.

The iпчепtiоп happened Ьу accident. Dг Sрепсеr
was ап епgiпееr. ln l946, hе was doing rаdаr
геsеаrсh with mаgпеtгопs. Magnetrons рrоduсе
microwave radiation. Опе day at wоrk he noticed
that the chocolate Ьаr iп his pocket had melted.
Не realised that the microwaves frоm а mаgпеtrоп
had melted the chocolate. mlcrowave

Dг Sрепсеr wanted to do mоrе experiments. Не immediately

bought а bag of рорсоrп. Не put it in frопt of а mаgпеtrоп.
When hе checked it Мо minutes lаtеr, all the рорсоrп had
popped! Dr Sрепсеr had created the first miсrоwаче рорсоrп
snack! Не was чеrу excited because he had discovered that
miсгоwачеs cook things mоrе quickly than поrmаl очепs.
Оthеr scientists had noticed the same рhепоmепоп Ьеfоrе
Dr Sрепсеr, but they hadn't understood the potential of the
discovery. So it was thanks to Dr Sрепсеr that miсrоwаче
оvепs wеrе sооп available to the public iп shops.

с Other sclentlsts sow the фесt oJ magnetrons. tr

ь The chocolote Ьоr melted. п
с Dr Spencer put а chocolote Ьоr iп his pochet. tr
d Не put popcorn [п Jront oJ о mоgпеtrоп. п
е Не cheched the popcorn. п
f The рорсоrп popped. п
9 Dr Spencer wos exclted оЬоut his dlscoverg. п
h Не sow the melted chocolote. п
*фi ]

:jj*.. _::] ]:. ]::]: :

Recd cnd complete the grcmmcr Ьох.

We usе the post рефсt to s,ag that somethlng happened beJore

апоthеr. octlon оr event tп the pqst. То Jorm the post perJect we
use had (not) + the post porticrp[e:
2"d ечеп1 = past simple t *t gvеrьt : рýSt р*феt
Не rtoticed that the chocalate Ьаr iп his pocket &*d яуреýggd,


Post perfect Post slmple Present Futчrе


Не reelised that the microwoves *ъ*d уrееLtеd the chocolote.

When he check"ed lt, а[[ the рорсоrп рsрр€ýi.
Dr sоепсеr уъmd the first microwave snoch.


Оthеr sclentlsts hcdn't цпdеrstооd the potentlol

Recd ond пцmЬеr the

trп events'1'ond'2'inthe order theg hcppened.

Dr Sрепсеr reclised the mlcrowoves hod melted the chocotote.

ь Не рчt рорсоrп in Jrопt oJ the mоgпеtrоп Ьесоusе he hcd seen the chocolote melt.
с The рорсоrп
рорсоrп hod popped when he cheched it.

d When he got hisJirst job iп oJactorg, Sрепсеr hcdjustfinished 9еоr six at school.
п п
е не had Ьееп оп e[ectricol епgiпееr Jor mоп9 чеоrs when he mcde hls dlscoverg.

J BeJore Dr Spencer mcde hls dlscoverg, реор[е hcdn't цsеd mlсrоwоvеs

Jor cooking.

iii.lý: Llsten cnd comPlete the sentences.

,.'ь... '.


}.- --:
ъ Ф*ý ф"
'(э ýý
ж Ф
,,.* *

с Dr Аlехопdеr F[еmi.пg discovered[|,in tп lQ2ý

ь At the tlme he wos о reseorcher.
с Dr Fleming's [оЬоrоtоrU wos oJten
d Durtng his holidoy, he hod teJt the bocterio сulturеs оп о
i.п the lоЬоrоtоrg.
е не sow thot hod developed оп опе oJ the dishes.
I не noticed thot the mоuld had stopped the Jrom 9rowing.
9 Flеmiпg hod seen die oJ dопgеrоus bocterla during World Wаr I.

h Flеmiпg knew he hod discovered something rеоtlg

Э Compl,ete the sentences with the verbs [п the pcst рефсt.

с Grееп mоuld h*d dеv*lо&эеd (develop) when Flеmiпg rеturпеd Jrоm holidog.
ь When he Jоuпd the mоu[d, he (Ье) аwач Jo, mоrе thon
two weehs.
с Не reo[i.sed the mould (kilt) the bocterlo iп the dish.
d Не made the discoverg Ьесоusе he (not с[еоп) the
[оЬоrоtоrg еquiрmепt.
е Не ([eove) the dish оп о tob[e when he went on holidog.

f F[еmiпg (worh) iп hls London [оЬоrоtоrg Jor severo,l 9еOrs

when he mode the discoverg.
Flеmiпg wos we[[ hnown ЬеJоrе his dlscover9, Ьесоusе he
(Ье) о successJul medico[ rеsеоrсhеr.
оthеr sclentists (notice) the same рhепоmепоп beJore
Flеmiпg, Ьut theg (not rеоllsе) its si.9niJiconce.

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs iп the Ьох.

Jreeze Ь€]rc Jott lnvent send want invent mоhе

The ice lolly (l905)

When 11-geor-old Frопk Ерреrsоп wohe uр опе mоrпiпg, he
rеmеmЬеrеd he (о) h*d iefX his Jovourite drinh iп the gоrdеп
the night beJore. It hod а stirrlng stich in it. Thot nlght, tеmреrоturеs
(ь) well below Jreezing. When Frопh went outside,
he discovered thot the drinh (с)
Не (d) the Jirst JruitJtovoured ice [oLLg!

Crisps (l853)
CheJ George Сrum creoted crlsps Ьесоusе he wos спgrg! Не
(е) Jor а customer, Ьut the сustоmеr
Ф them bach. Не soid theg were too thlch ond soJt.
So Сrum cut vеrg thin slices oJ pototo ond coohed them uпti[ they
wеrе сrisр. Не (9) to tohe rеvепgе, Ьut the сuStоmеr
toved them! Сrum (h) cri,sps!

Adverbs like 7usr o.пd аlrеаdу go oJter had, €

Не hod just wohen uр.

Use the prompts to write sentences.

с BeJore we reod the аrtiсlе we / not hеаr / oJ Frопh Ерреrsоп
Веfоrс w* rсссj thc c:ticl* hgdn't l,]c*rd nf Гrоr"lk Ерр*;"sоп,

Ь Frопh / just / wohe uр / when he remembered his drink

с Gеоrgе Сrum wos ongrg becouse о, сustоmеr / соmр[о[п / obout his chips

d Реор[е / not trg / crisps until Сrum lnvented them

е Не wos surpri.sed becouse he / not expect / the customer to lihe them
Не wos working in Egypt.
Не found о tomb. No опе hod entered for yeors,
ф,ff,<ffirl!!.tJ;#*фФ,,*,f,")riеd "

Recd the crtic[e. Whct did Howcrd Ccrter discover?

ln1922,the orchoeologist Howord Соrtеr wos working in the

volley of the kings iп Egypt. Не hoped to find о рhоrооhъ tomb.
lmроrtопt orchoeologists hod soid there wos nothing mоrе to
find, but Corter continued to look. While they were digging,
they mode оп incredible discovery. They found the tomb of on
uпkпоwп oncient Egyption rulеr colled Tutonkhomen. No one -r--

hod entered the tomb for over 3,000 yeors! ' *i€:]

when Соrtеr first looked through the door, he sow о room __

full of gold obiects. when he died 17 yeors loter, he hod
recovered mоrе thon 3,500 priceless obiects from the tomb,
ond he hod become os fomous os Tutonkhomen himself.

We usе dljjerent ncrroti,ve tensei iп stories,to descrlbe past events.

Pcst slmp[e
(Моiп octlon)
Тhеg fочпd the tomb oJ оп Eggption ru[еr.

Pcst рефсt No one hcd entered the tomb fоr over з,000 geors!
(Prevlous event)
pcst сопtiпцоцs
(In рrоgrеSs ot Iп 1922, he wos worhing tn E99pt.
о speclJtc time)

Circ[e the correct words. _--\

in Eggpt Jor З'l yeors.
Whil.e he dчg / wcs di99in9, he saw о step thot someone
hcd сцt / wcs счttiпg lnto the roch.
соrtеr sent а tе[еgrоm to оппоuпсе thot he d'rscovered / hcd discovered
Something important.
саrtеr Jound evldence that thieves tried / hod trled to enter
the tойЬ, Ьut theg hcd not Ьееп / weren't Ьеiп9 successJul,

rl *gtJ1..i_-- +*f 1Tjý€
тqqJ]".чi, lJ Ё+i"-j
write the verbs iп the correct псrrсtlче tense. Llsten опd chech.

Iп 2012, о treosure huпtеr (о) с{isсочеrеd (dlscover) З0,000 sllver ond goLd
colns ond some jewellerg while he (Ь) (seorch) о Jiel,d [п the United
Kingdom. Ronqld Groy (с) (hove) о cheop metql detector which he
(d) (Ьug) three months еоr[[еr. The trеоsцrе he Jоuпd wos опе oJ
the largest co[Lections oJ Celtlc colns ond jewe[[erg опgопе (е) eVer
ffind). Experts iп Celtic htstorg f) the colns
wеrе at [eost 2,050 9eors oLd.
Мr Grоg chose thot роrt[сu[оr JieLd beccuse he (9) (hеоr) stories
оЬоцt other peopLe Jinding o[d coins there. White he (h) (usе)
his metol detector it (i) (stort) moking о tot oJ noise. Не dug
Jor З0 mlnutes. When he stopped, he (j) fftnd) 60 coins. Не
([) (hurrg) bach to the shop thot (t) (sett) him the
metol detector ond he (m) (Ьug) о better, mоrе роwеrJu[ mode[.
When the dog ended, he (п) (uпсоvеr) ot [east 120 coins.

Expcnd the prompts to write сп crticle iп gочr notebooh.

use norrctive tenses.
^ 20lЗ, g trеgsшrе hшпtеr discovered, ..

- In 20'lЗ / trеоsurе huпtеr / discover / gol,d plote / while she / dive l oJJ
the FLorldo coost
- \4оrу Fisher / look Jor l the wrech oJ а Sponish ship when she / Л"d / the plote
She / Ье / in the water Jor 30 mlnutes / when she / see / something brtght
in the sond
She / Ье / excited becouse she / not Л"d / ongthing tike it ЬеJоrе
She / tcke / i.t to о Flоridо musеum the next doy
- Дhi.[e theg / с[еоп / it theg / сппоцпсе / thot i,t wos worth $'l million
]**i ,*, ;e
complete the di.crg entrg with the correct ncrrctive tense.

Sctцrdcg 15'^
This mоrпiпg I (о)
I love vоluпtееriпg ot the cot shelter.
(sog) hello to evergbodg, I
(orrive) ot 9.00 оm. AJter I (ь)
(с) (9о) to see mU Jovourlte cot, Sochs, I
(е) (osh) mе to с[еоп
(р[оg) with Socks when m9 mопоgеr
(tohe) mе оЬоut hоur. Then I
the coges. Thot f)
(g) (hel,p) рrероrе the Jood. We (h) ffeed)
(notice) о пеw block ond white опе. Her
the cots when I (i)
поmе [s FЩ9 ond she's odoroblel AJter о[[ the cots ý)_____т_ (eot),

(p1,og) with them о bit mоrе beJore I went

I (h)

у- Expcnd the sentences to comPlete the diclogue. Use the correct Po,st
tense or the present рефсt сопtiпцоцs.
А: Looh ot thi,s little anttque Ьох I Jоuпdl It's Jrоm Chino.
в: Wow, thot's rео[[9 prettg. (а) Whеrе / find l it?
А: In mg toJt. (Ь) i / look / thrоugh some o[d things
when I Г notice / it. (с) Whеп I Jound it I / not lenow
/ whot [t wos Ьесоusе I / пеvеr i see / lt beJore. Since
then, (d) I / цsе / it to Store teol Вut, I've just found
out it's worth Д'1,000!
в: Wow. (е) How tong / 9оu / live / thеrе Jor?
А: Теп gеоrs! Since I Jоuпd оut its vо[uе, Ф I / trg / to declde iJ I shоutd se[[ it.
в: (9) Whg l Ье l it in gоur [oJt?
А: (h) I / csh / еVеrgопе in the Jamil,g since I Jоuпd it, ьut по опе hnows.

jiя; j ,i l**

The iпчепtiоп of the Post-it note

Nоmе oJ scientlst: Sрепсеr Silver
Yeor, 1

Не wos trglпg to mahe: 2 g[uе

Не octuollg mode, 3 gtuе thot didn't
Nome oJ inventor, 4
Yeor, 5
Used рореr to mоrk: 6 iп his booh
Не рut the gtuе: 7 оп the oJ the poper
Post-its Jlrst co[[ed, 8 'n Рее[

1 I con tath. OЬоцt ,whot,,hos;Ьееп hoppening.

I ссп usе norrctive, tепsёý.

.а ,IjРb
@ ,'-lЖ
чу --:ý} з**
Не exploined thot 90 elephonts hod competed.
Grqmmоr stoЁ
не soid he would toke рогt iп the festivql ogoin.

Recd спd onswer the questions.


Ёё Фlер\qпt Ъесutу
,*-, '},
/цr t
contest \
,!,.. Ei,er1, уеэr tlrere is arr elephant festir,.el in }depal. It ц
tn lasts Гог tlrree dalrs and it includes an elephant fооtъа1l
matc:lr arrd а Ьеаuý contest. Elephant lrandler Ajuy Кuslе
took p;rrt irr tlre contest l,r.itl-r lris elephant,_Tolceeli Не
explained that 90 elephants 1red competed in_the contest.
Не said that Tokeey lradn't \\ron, Ъut they hаd hacl а
gooc{ time. дjоу said lre r,vould take part in thе festival
again arrd that rпафе Tokeey rvould rl,in next time,
йе told us shе cotrld Ъе l,еrl, оЪеdiепt, ъut durins
tl-re last contest sl. e heclrr't belraved ver), u,е1l,

ВiъеkD;лlrаl1\-дS оllе оf tlre judtes оf tl-re

contest. Не tclld r*r_s that tlre jtrdges had selected
thе l,,,inning eleplrant tЪr lrer bear-rtifirl
decorations and discipline. Не said lre had
ne\rer Seen an elephant l,,,1ro could оЪеу 1rer
harrdler so well. Da} al explained that tlre aimed to highlrglrt tlre countrl,b
elephant c:onseryation programme. Не said
tlrat eleplrarrt пuпrъеrs 1rad stopped declining,

с where does the e[ephant Jestivol tohe pLoce?

ь How [опg does it [ost?

с Whot sport event does it i.ncLude?
d How mопч elephonts tooh port thi.s 9еоr?
е Di.d Toheeg win? Whg/Whg not?

f Whot does the festivolJocus ottentlon on?

Ё€:].iý-+91 :..::i],.:,
1ё}1,]t:<ira-ii' j

Recd cnd complete the grсmmсr Ьох.

Whеп,wё usе r:ep,orted speech, we usuаllg chonge the tense:

past stmpl,e + past perJect
present perJect +
t + wo,uld
+ could
ý Direct speech Reported speech
* 'Тhеg competed.' Не scid they had соппреtеd.
р 'Не didnot w[n.' Не told цs he hadn't wоп.

'I've пеVеr ýееп one.' не scid hе had пеvеr seen опе.

'I'L[ tohe port ogoin.' Не scid he worrld tohe port оgоiп.

'She соп Ье vеrg obedlent.' Не to[d цs she соцLd Ье verg obedient.

circle the correct words.

с 'Тоhееg соп соrr9 vеrg heovg [oods,,

Аjоч Kusle soid thot Тоhееg ccrried lQllссrrpverg heovg loods,

Ь 'Мопg tourlsts Jrom Еurоре соmе to the Jestlvol,' he said.

Не soid thot mопU tourtsts Jrоm Еurоре hcd соmе / соmе to the Jesti.vol.
с Dohol told rероrtеrs thot the elephont сепtrе hod storted wlth 22 e|"eph,onts.
'The elephont centre stcrted / wi,t[ stcrt wirh,22 elephonts,' he told rероrtеrs.
d KusLe soid Тоhее9 hod worhed with tourlsts Jor the previous eight Uеоrs.
'Тоhееg hcs worhed / hcd worhed with tourlsts Jor the lost eight gеаrs.'
е Не soid elephonts could wоrk Long hоurs еvеrg dog.
'ELephonts Gсп / wilt work [опg hоurs еvеrU dog.'

J 'I wiLL Ье о judge ot the next Jestivol.'

Dahol soi.d he wоцld Ье / wcs о judge ot the next Jestlval.

RегпеmЬеr U
to сhоп9е tlme expresslons iп reported speech,
-esterd,ag t the dоg beJore tomorrow t the next dog

Jollowing gеоr tonight * that night

,.ext gеаr * the
Grommor proctice

.:, ., Complete. Llsten ond checlc.

-," _ л l -

с 'I hel.ped Ьrеоh а world record yesterdog.'

Ко[о sold she Ьrеоk
о world rесоrd
'I donced with 2,642 other wоmеп.
She exploi.ned thot she
with 2,642 other women.
'We реrJоrmеd а trodltlonol donce called KoihottiholiJor 'l5 minutes.
She told mе thеg о trodlti.onal donce Jоr 'l5 mlnutes.
d 'We wi[[ trg to Ьrеоk the rесоrd ogoi.n next gеоr.'
She to[d mе theg to Ьrеоh the record ogoln

'I соп do.nce Koihottiholl verg we[[.'

she soid she koi.hottiholi Vеrч we[[.

Ё Chcnge the dlrect

speech to reported
In reported speech we olso mоhе these chonges, €
speech. соmе -| go hеrе * there this ф that '''

201 2, Itolion chocolote-moher breahs world record
с 'We hove just Ьrоkеп the rесоrd Jor the [orgest choco[ote соi,п,' sold Моriо Conti.
Ь 'Hundreds oJ tourlsts соmе here to wotch us mоhе [t.'
Не soi.d hundreds oJ tourists to wotch them mоhе lt.
'The prevlous rесоrd wos 270 hilos. We mode о coln that weighed 650!'

Не explai.ned thot the previous rесоrd . Не soid }

thot weighed 650. l

d 'It wi.[[ Ье d{ficult Jor реор[е to Ьrеоh this rесоrd.'
Не soi,d to Ьrеоh rесоrd.
е 'А[[ the mопе9 wi[[ 9о towo.rds buildlng о school'.'
Не to[d us thot towords
butlding а school.
i;iз,r,".,,., ::;,j,-,,.L,,.,

ý Recd cnd complete with the correct sentences iп reported speech.

Listen cnd checlc.
1 ffi 'А пiпе-gеоr-о[d girl threw the
2 'I'[[ send m9 own messoge.' bottte into the St Lоwrепсе R[ver.'

з 'The bottle trovelled ocross the 6 'I've loohed at о mор.'
осеоп to Ire[ond.' 7 'Мg Jother tronslated [t Jor mе.'
'I con't believe gоu Jоuпd л9 8 'I'[[ stog in contoct Мопlquе.'
bottle oJter so mопU yeors.'

Lost weeh, '12-gear-o[d Со[[um Jomes Jоuпd о messoge

й!r*а4L iп о bottle оп о beoch i.п Irelond. Со[[um to[d reporters
thot (о) ** c**i*n't r*** liэ* i*}t*r becouse it wos
llf"';l,Eo iп Frепсh. Не exp[o[ned thot (Ь) Jother
. Hts Jather (с)
him thot о п[пе-gеоr-о[d
the St Lowrence River iп Conoda etght gеаrs beJore. Не
explained thot the bottle (d)
to Irе[опd. Тhеrе wos оп email address [п the letter, so
Со[[um wrote to the gir[, Мопi.guе. Мопlquе soid she
(е) аJtеr so mопч geors.
Со[[um told reporters thot f)
ond hod 5ееп how the сurrепts rоп Jrоm Conodo to lre[and.
Не scid thot (9) with
Мопiquе ond he (h) [п
а bottle soon.

' Те[[ ecch other сЬоцt оп цпцsцс[ event. Tcke notes cnd report to
the clcss.

Doniel to[d mе thot he hod seen оп art[cLe obout оп

elephont. Не soid thot it spoke lihe о humопl Не soid Lt
could sog 'hello,' 'no,' '9ood' ond'sit down' i,п Коrеоп.
Grоmmоr gool
She osked us to bring о toy to school. She told us поt to bring Ьrоkеп toys.

З Recd the diсlоgце. Tick (r') or cross (Х) the pictures.

А: What did I mlss at schooI todog?

в: Wе'rе coltecting togs to send to
а children's choritg. Miss Jones
oshed us to Ьriпg о tog to school
on Тhursdоg. She to[d us to chech Iel
[t was iп good condition. She to[d
us not to bring Ьrоhеп togs. She lI
also oshed us not to bring vеrg l]

lаrgе togs. She told us not to @/_@l

wrор the togs - the choritg needs \."
to motch them to the r[9ht реrsоп.

Direct speech Reported speech

'Pleose *=i.э* о tog to schoo[.' She oshed us tt* *уi;ъ*= о toч to school.

'Don't Ьriпg Ьrоhеп togs.' She told us поt to Ьrlпg Ьrоhеп tочs.

Complete the reported Gоmmспds cnd requests.

с 'Рut the togs [п the boxes.'
She to[d us t* рut the togs iп the boxes.
Ь 'Pleose don't choose Ьrоhеп togs.'
she oshed them Ьrоhеп togs.
с 'Pleose heLp mе соrr9 the togs to the bus.'
she ashed mе hеr соrrg the togs to the bus.
d 'Don't drор the togs, Tomos!'
She told Tomos the togs.
'Вrlпg onother Ьох, Susle.'
she to[d susie onother Ьох.
3 Complete the reported requests and соmmопds. Use с sц[tсЬ[е
reporting verb cnd the correct рrопоцпs.

с 'Juon, please drow two clrcles оп the board.'

The teocher osked Juon to drow two с[rс[еs on the board.
ь 'Doniel, соvеr the board with plostlc, please.'
Не with p[ast[c.
с 'Point о пumЬеr on each she[[, сh[[drеп!'
Не each she[[.
d 'Glve 9оur sno[[ о поmе!'

е 'Апо, get some 9ross ond [eaves, p[eose.'

I 'Invite Uоur Jomttg ond Jriends to the snoil rосе tomorrow!'

4 Imсgiпе 9оц ore orgcnising с ссhе scle for chcritg. Mahe three
requests to с pcrtner.

ffiffi ri
i Pleose Ьriпg
i Sог[€ biscults. i some posters?
lrtobtes outside get j

Write the rexuests gочr рсrtпеr mсdе.

Lin osked mе to bring some biscuits.
-:ý1"3;F, s #1 *, _ :_,. j.._j]:
#* д i;" i ,* {, i il'"lt т 'I
ч".* Ея } :": "i'Ъ.:. l-" ]: ё ", , ",, ' 1,Т, ;rЁ

Jone osked hеr how mчсh the Ьrоiп weighed,

Grommor stort
Mork osked hеr whot the cerebellum wos,

3 ý Recd cnd write the ncmes. тhеп mctch the псmеs to the cnswers,

Teccher: Dtd Uоu 9u9s enjog оur vi,slt to

the Соrрus Sclence Мusеum?
Mcrh: It wos brilliont! The hеоrt wos
reolty соо[ ond jumрiпg on the ruЬЬеr tongue WoS greot!
Teocher: Whot questions did gоu osh the tоur 9uidе?
Chcrlie: Jone osked her how muсh о tgpicol Ьrоiп weighed,
Jcne: дпd Diono oshed how mопg bones we had [п оur bodg.
Kcr[c: Моrh oshed hеr whot the сеrеЬе[[um WoS. I oshed hеr how [оп9
humапs соuld survlve wlthout woter.
Tinc: Charlie oshed whot the mоiп Junction oJ the kldnegs WoS.
Dicnc: And Тlпо asked her when the Jlrst humоп heort tronsplant had
token р[осе.
Teccher: And do gоu о[[ rеmеmЬеr the onswers?

Who csleed сЬоцt...

с the сеrеЬе[[um? &&*rk
о [[e less thon 'l .4 hllos

the Ji.rst heort tronsp[ont? аьоut а week
с the wei.ght oJ the Ьrоiп? to с[еоп оur blood
d the Juпсtiоп oJ the hidnegs? \+
е the пumЬеr oJ bones? о port oJ the Ьrоlп
f humоп survlvol without water?
Ж i,:i-;1,,.., -,.. q***ti*rз.*; i&?э- qа;*л*i;э**

Reod cnd complete the grсmmсr Ьох.

In reported inJormatlon questions...

1 we mоvе the tense bcclc iп the some wоч we do with stotements:
аmlislаrе ) waslwere present simple i post simple сап ) соuld
2 thd subject comes be,fore the v-рrЬ. " ,, ,,'
3 we do поt'usе а qцеstiоп mсrh оr оп сцхiliсrg Ga/,^
'Whа/ is.the сеrеЬе!lu,m?' .l Маrk asked hеr wlz,аý the,cel *,о,
'Ноw tж&tсft d*-*s fhe Ьrаiп weigh?' ф Jапе asked hеr iъвw muсtъ
the brain,weighed

Direct speech Indirect speech

Chorlte oshed what lts mоiп Jrrnction
'What is its mо[п Junctlon?'

Dona oshed how mопg bones

'How rrtспg bones €* we hcve?' hcd.

I oshed humо,пs
'How Long ссп humопs survive?'
соц[d survivе.

In reported questions, чоu do not need to lпсtudе Ё

ihе person 9оu osked (himlhеrlthеm, etc.).

Find cnd correct the mistches.

с Не oshed the teacher where@th. сеrеЬе[[um.

Ь She osked mе how [опg does [t tohe Jor Jood to get to the stomoch.

с Не osked hеr whg was it impossi.b[e to sneeze with чоur e9es ореп.

Тhеg osked hеr whot the strongest musсlе i.n the humоп bodg?

е I oshed him whg соuld rо[[ оп[9 some реор[е their tопguе.
Grommor proctice

Listen ond mctch the questions to the o,nswers.

с 'Whot is htnetic епеrgg?' 1 It iS imPossib[e.

ь 'Whч does otlJloot оп top oJ woter?' 2 The theor9 oJ
с 'WhU don't we JoL[ ф Eorth into space?' Епеrgg oJ moving
d 'Whg con't humans trоvе[ into the Juturе?' Весоusе oJ grovttg.
е 'How mопч plonets аrе there iп the
sоlоr sgstem?' 5 Весоusе it is [[9hter.
f 'Whot theorg did Albert Elnsteln develop?' 6 Тhеrе ore eight.

Write the words in order to mсkе reported questions.

с mе / asked / wos / hineti.c епеr9ч / whot / he
Нg *sked mе whс:g} kin*tic еп*rýу v+gs,
Ь oshed lhelme/Jloated/whg /oil / ontop oJ/woter

с her/ osked lh,elwelJol,l ф/whg / Earthlntospace/ didn't

d oshed/ mе lhе lwhg / cou[dn't / humons / intotheJuture / trоvеl

е he / how mопU / wеrе / iп the solar sgstem / plonets / there / oshed

I osked/ hеr lhе lwhot / hod/Albert Ernsteln/theorg / developed

Complete the reported qцеstiопs.

с 'What's the lorgest plonet [n оur sоlоr sUstem?' we oshed
Мr Scott.
We _ hirп the lorgest plonet iп оur
so[or sustem
Ь 'Whg con't we [[ve оп Mc,rs?'
We oshed we [[ve оп Mors.
с 'Where [s the wor[d's lorgest rodlo telescope?'
We _ the wor[d's lorgest telescope
'How mоп9 stors does the Мitkg Wаg'
We how mо.пu
the Mllhu Wqu
е 'How Jor awoy [s the mооп?'
We osked for оwоu
'Which pLonet [s closest to the sun?'
We oshed plonet closest to the
'WhU does Earth hove gravitg?'
oshed о rovitu.

Wrlte the reported questions.

cL 'How moпg [uпgs does the humоп bodg hove?' we oshed the teocher.
,,Vе askec:{ th* tе*сhеr }row rпопу iungs the humоп body had
Ь 'What is DNA?' I osked Soro.
] osked hеr
с 'Whot is Stephen Howking
Jоmоus Jor?' John ashed Jone.

d ,Which tiguid boils ot 100

degrees?' we osked.

е 'Whg con't we see inJrared Light?' Mori.o oshed mе.

',lVhat does hgdropower рrоduсе?' the teacher oshed us.
We osked if shorks often ottocked people.
Апо osked whether they could see well.
!;Фr**йr й*;*gg,ýЯ?;trj J

Recd cnd цпd,еr[iпе the reported хчеstiопs.

I ж:епt t* tiэs *Lus Pl*n*t Аqu*rium last week*n*", ТГr*у iъ*vе

Gп ор€п wеt€г t*пk rяitГt L*ts *J sГrаrks" !Чl* *gk*d tiэ* guid*
l*ts *j qu*stisпs, I'rR sсgr*d *j sl",*rhs, s* Т *.skcd f th*ц *Jten
*ttack*d pe*pl*. Не s*id tl",*y di* s*nr*tlm*s, but n*t *,ý *Jt*n
*s in Jtlr*s. *lllц *sked iJ sh*rký sv*!" sl*pt. Апg *sk*d :,пэlъ*tl"l*r
tРr*y c*uld s** lu;gil *"nd Iv*n *sh*d f j*m*lg siэ*rhs \ff*r€ blgger
than mаlgs. D* ц*,* kn*w th"g апs,gr;*rs? Ф

In rероrtеd ges/no guestions:

1 we mоvе the tense bcch.
2 the subject comes before the verb.
3 we цsе ,r о, whether ЬеJоrе the subject.
'Dо sharks феп ;:i,::Ё+t:bi реор[е?' We ashed i,f sharks oJten ll;],+.*ъ,t'r

Ьiggеr thon moles.

Jemales bigger thon mo[es?' Ivon oshed if,Jema[es ==_.::,:.:

'**= shorks see we[[?' Апа ashed whether shorhs

Recd cnd write the dlrect questions.

с Не oshed whether sharhs hod опg enemles.
'D* gh*rks hgvg *yly *пеп:!еs?'
Ь We osked him iJ о[[ shorhs wеrе dongerous to humопs.
'Are ?,

с I oshed iJ there wеrе shorhs lп everg осеоп iп the wor[d.

d We oshed him how Jost shorhs could sw[m.

е We osked f some shorhs could [lve iп Jresh woter.


f Не oshed whether shorks hod bones iп thelr }'


я## ..,: r, .' *irэ**t!*эi"ig;i ъ*,,lrч€* r}**si;la-l:i

.]:::a:g_a:ra.Jj*..|1]]r1].9.*.].aa: ]]i|]:]:!;;:r},

Wrlte reported qцеstiопs.

с 'Do оl.[ [obsters [[ve [п solt woter?' she oshed.

Ь 'Is о Lobster о Jtsh?' he osked.

Не oshed
с 'Соп lobsters ltve to 100 gears o[d?' theg osked.
Theg ashed
d 'Do Lobsters eo.t Jtsh?' we oshed.
We osked
е 'Do Lobsters have о bochbone?' I oshed.
I osked
J 'Соп [obsters see?' she oshed.
She osked

Llsten to gочr teccher cnd write the reported questions.

с М9 tеосhеr oshed us iJ
ь He/She oshed whether



Discцss the questions with с pcrtner.

: -.: osked us tJ
I --"й::%Ь
think theg оrе Ьесаusе theg eot Jish.

{ **,,:-1; ý
] Rewrlte the sentences iп reported speech.
с 'I sow о meteor Jo[ling to Eorth оп ТV,' Jomes to[d
Jomes told mе 1-1ll ]'l1,1l-i :ll-
Ь 'I hove never seen опUthiпg tihe [t beJore.'
Не soid

'How big wos [t?'

I oshed
d 'I con't rеmеmЬеr exoct[g.'
Не soid

']s there о vldeo oJ i.t оп the internet?'

I ashed
'Соп I usе gоur соmрutеr to watch lt?'
] ashed
'Don't wоrrg obout о meteor Jotting оп gоur hоusеl'
Не told mе

З". Use the direct speech iп the Ьох to complete the еmсil below.

'The next опе wi[[ Ье iп NоvеmЬеr.' 'Do mапg tourists 9о to the Jestivol?'
'How mong monheys there?' 'P[ease send mе gоur photos!'
'It hos Ьесоmе verg рорu[оr.' 'Looh it uр оп the lnternet.'
'You con usuоtlg see them wolking 'Тhеg stcrted thefesttvct iп 1Ч89.'
оrоuпd town.'

Lost week mg cousln went to the mопhеg Jestivo[ iп LорЬuri, Thollond.

Не told m е the [осо[ residents (о) 'l9ВЧ. Не
soid it (Ь) slnce then. I osked him how mоп9
(с) in the оrео. Apporentlg there о,rе over
2,000l Не soid gоu (d) оrоuпd town. I
osked h im (е) tourLsts ond he soid ges.
Не told mе the next f) November. Не told
me (9) the internet so I did. And I oshed
(h) photos, too.
Recd the blog. Choose the best word (А, В or С) for ecch spcce.

'"i:,'_.:' -Ч

I was pl"oying Jootboll iп the 90rdеп Fridog when I sow somethtng

that looked Lihe о stronge rосh. I showed it to mg dod ond I
(]) hlm whot [t was. Не (2) it [ooked lihe о Jossil"!
Не sold we (З) toke it to the оrсhоео[оgg deportment at the
unlversitg to osk оп expert.
next dog, we showed [t to а proJessor. Не tol"d (4) thot [t wos
а woollg mo.mmoth tooth. Не sai.d he hod (5) seen such о perJect
'oss[[. We oshed him how old it wos, Не soi.d thot the last woo[[9 mommoths
rod died iп 2,000 вс, (6) i.t wo,s at Leost 5,000 geors ol,dl I oshed
7) I соu[d keep it, Ьut the proJessor (8) mе to donote
.: to the [осо[ musеum.

Ех сmр [е: Аlп Ф оп с since

1 А ashed в soLd с te[[
2 А oshed в said с to[d
з А con в соuld с will
4 А them в 9оu сus
5 А пеvеr в чеt с еvеr
6 А becouse в when Cso
7 A,J в when с thot
8 А soid в osked с whether
r'/tTot ссп 9оц do? Circ[e о medcl.
I can report фi,rmоtlче ond negatlve stCItements.

2 i con rероrt requests ond commonds.

З I con report questlons. :;

_ dяYY&

l-:".J :,,,,..l ,:з. е]Ъ_""d&j
They were built 3,300 yeors о9о.
Grommor stoЁ
The mопumепt wos cut up.

l ,'," ' Recd cnd mсtсh fccts o-f to the пцmЬеrs.

The tempies ot дЬu Simbel in southern Egypt wеrе built 3,З00 yeors ogo dming the
reign of Rqmses ]I. When the Aswcrn dcxm WCIS Constructed in the ecrrly 1960s, the
River Nile stcrrted to rise. The temp]es were threcTtened with flooding. Реорlе from crll
over the world с61mе together to sove them, The whole monument wcrs cut up crnd
moved 65 metres higher сrnd 2ОО metres bock from its originol position.
The gicxnt ccxrvings on the outside of the temples crnd
the mсrпу stotues from inside wele cut into 2O-tonne
blocks. This wos done moinly Ьу hond Ьессгusе the
stone wcrs ecsily broken. The immense blocks tмеIе
then пumьеrеd cnd they wеrе lifted to their new
tocotion Тhеп, the 12,В36 tonnes of stone wos
corefully reCIssembled.
Now the site is vrsited Ьу thousonds of tourists еvеIу
doy, cxnd the efforts of engineers ond orchcreologtsts to
sсrve the monument сrrе odmtrec сrrоuпd the world

200 mеtrеs -

с when the temples wеrе bu[[t 1 200

ь the weight oJ the сut-uр blochs oJ stone 2 12,в36
с the date the Aswon dom wos constructed
d the пumЬеr oJ metres the temples wеrе moved boch 4 'I960s

е the пumЬеr oJ tonnes oJ stone reossembled 5 '1

I the пumЬеr oJ vlsltors to the site ever9 dog 6 20 tonnes

Recd ond complete the grсmmсr Ьох.

We usе thе pcssive vo]ce...

'l to emphosise the octton, rather than who did it:
The b,locks wеrе lifted to thеir пеw lосаtiоп.
2 whеп we don't know who did the octlon, or it lsn't lmportont:
The tёmрlеs were Ьuilt З,ЗOа уеаrs ago.
ltt З when [t's obvious who did the actlon:
ф тhе stопеs weie rea,sseйbl,ed. ,

5 The post simple pcssive [s Jormed with the verb Ье + pcst pcrticiple.

The Aswon dom WoS Ьцi[t iп the еоr[9 1960s.

The temp[es Were threctened with Jtoodtng.

счt чр
The mопumепt ond moved.

The blocks lifted to their пеw [ocotion.

1е present slmp[e posslve i.s Jormed is/сre + post[e: *

-^.е si"te is visited Ьу thousaпds oJ tourists.

Reod cnd write А (cctive) or Р (pcssive).

q. Sond buried the temples Jоr сепturlеs. Е
Ь The temples wеrе rediscovered iп the 19'h сепturg. п
с The rе[осоti.оп project wos completed iп 1968. п
d The Aswan dom wos built to provlde e[ectrlc[tg. п
е -lundreds oJ hectares oJ [ond wos [ost when the woter storted to rise. п
t These dogs visltors to АЬu Simbel troveI to the site Ьу cooch оr boot.
g .л,е sцп shines оп two stotues lnside the temple tw[ce о чеоr. п
,- , +]
Grommor proctice

Recd спd choose the correct option. Listen cnd сhесk.

с The Вur-; Khol,fo ,*i": ::- ,,,,-:,, Ьу orchitects.

desi.gned /Йg:j:*gпёф/ is designed
Ь Тhrее hundred апd elghtg engineers
оп the constructlon.
worleed / were worlced / wcs worhed
G Englneers vеrg Jost [fts.
ore instctled / were instolled / instclled

d Thirtg-nine thousand tonnes oJ steel

needed l o,re needed i wcs needed
е Wоrh with concrete during the
ntght Ьесаusе oJ the heat.
did / wcs done / cre done

t The buitding Ln 201 0.

is olfi,ciollg opened / wcs olflcialtg opened /

орепs offlcicll,g

Ц *.wont to iпсludе the subject, we use Ьу,

It was designed Ьу о team oJ architects.

Complete the sentences with the verbs iп the pcst simple pcssive.
о The Вuri Kholifo а,! _; , "l ,:,,, , .,j iп 20'l0. (complete)
Ь The bullding оп o.wc,rd in 2010. (give)
с Оvеr ЗЗ0,000 л' oJ сопсrеtе Jor the construction. (need)
d Some scenes Jrom Mission Impossible outside the
building ffitm)
е The Joundotions oJ the buitding to о depth oJ 50 m. (dig)
I About Д'l bi[lion оп the project. (spend)

Rewrite the sentences цsiпg the pcssive. Include Ьу, if necesscrg.

о, Wеrпеr Stenge[ designed the Suреrmоп Escope rо[[еr cooster.
g The ýu$э*rmgп Еsсgре r*{i*r сссstеr чr*s
{ ,jesignec l,:v, Цjеrпег Stепgеl
Ь Не designed it to go Jrоm 0 to 100 hm/h lп two seconds.

с Тhеg spent AUS$ 1 б m[[[i.оп оп bц the rо[[еr cooster.

d Епgiпееrs built the rо[[еr coaster Jrоm steel.

е Locol steel mопuJосturеrs mode some oJ the trochs.

Expcnd the notes to write сЬоцt the Peorl Bridge.

Use cctlve cnd pcsslve sentences.
-T e Реоr[ Bridge iп Jopon is the [ongest spon bridge iп the world. Ьridgе / buitd / to соппесt Awoji. i.slond to the molnlond citg oJ КоЬе
-: construct / Ьg two mi.[[lon wоrhеrs
]опstruсtiоп / stort / Мо9 ]q80
_: design / to reslst strong wlnds ond eorthguohes
-re designs / test / usiпg соmр[ех models
,000 tonnes steel / use / to build the bridge
SэесLоL concrete / develop / to m[х wlth seo wo,ter
_: complete / in 1Ч9В

' ,_ j,- -:"iа,;1э i. оэ?эn i* u;iла \опqаэт эраr, Ьrid,,;э
Grommor gool
Reod the orticle. Whot hcs been done so fcr?

Construction oJ the new tree

hоusе i.n the рlоggrоuпd hos
storted. The o[d ooh tree hos
Ьееп strengthened wtth wood
to support the house. The wood
has Ьееп donoted Ьч о [осо[
building соmроп9 ond lt hos
been cut down to s[ze. The
plotJorm has been bui[t, Ьut
the wa[[s ond rооJ hoven't Ьееп
added gеt. The rоре lodders
hove Ьееп mode, Ьut theg hoven't Ьееп ottoched get. The builders hope to
Jtnish [п three weeks so thot it is rеоdg Jor the summеr ho[idogs.

The present рефсt pcssive ls Jormed wlth haslhave (not) +

Ьееп + pcst porticip[e:

The wood hcs Ьееп Ьоч9ht.

The old ooh trees hove Ьееп strengthened.

The rооJ hcsn't been cdded 9et.

The rоре lodders hcven't Ьееп cttcched yet.

* Fi.nd ond correct the mistckes.

о The tree house ffi. hcs iз**п
ь А second room wos Ьееп odded.
с P[osti.c cholrs hove Ьеiпg bought.
d Bui[ders hove been odded о
е А rероrtеr hos Ьееп tohen photos Jor the рореr.

I It hos chosen Jor on 'Excellent Deslgn' oword.
i *-i-пд ;*i**; *r****9 pe**,*t
tа*"*6t*ф:а ýý

: Complete the text with the verbs in the present рефсt pcssive.


(sho w) the design. Тhеg оrе чеrg

hop]рч with it. The concrete J[ооr *]i,j:

(с) _ (ёоmр[ёtе) : a.;||-..-

; ,--::-a:*
Ё;i: :

ond the rоmрs (d)
фui[ф:]UпJоrtшпаtе[g, there [s not епоugh *Ё
ёg -ъап.-

mопеg to сопtlпuе, The obstacles

ё =;.:|:."+*
a ]i:

(е) (not Ьui[d) ж

and the surrоuпdlпg Jence ггтттl i.

(поt'-рut uр).
Loccl реор[е (g) (ash)
аЬоut wogs oJ rcistng mопе9 qnd severclJundroising
events (h) (orgcnise),


- : l
invo[ved iп о schoo[ project. Tctk with с pcrtner
lПtО,!|[Пе 9ОЦ o're
аьоцt whct hcs Ьееп done so fcr.

The lond Jor the р[оуgrоuпd

hos Ьееп chosen.
ВцilА а пеа р/аузг оцпаi
-l^,е /an1 {ог -the
эо ^_ , _ _. . 7lауgГоuпА l choose
, ;Н'j; i j'::r: ф t o.,at аиthогitiеs
-епА / сlеаг Х
эt €Dоизh rпопе / допе+е
-гL local с-оrпгпцпiiу
, э.ле
/ esk to he/o
глопеу / гаisе t

* эr,еtiопs {гогп
:,г2r-д151Пз es / гесеiче
!ос-е! согпрапi
аctivifies ,'o"|rn," е /
_,,_rе/ to c-o!!eet
_ .ij: ;:i :;=: ji.; j=,-..

ж 4& gЕtrЕgý
g-B#B * Ф-& ý & & ýдь ýйý
*е #ýф* ýyrýý
Iil ý ýж ý ýъ#Еыý
Ёww^Е]Ё жý

o'nd tich (r') or cross (Х) the cctivities.

д Апс: Аrе gоu enjoging gоur holidog tn Modogascar?

& It's brilliant! Тоmоrrоw, wе'rе visiting the copltat, Antono.norlvo.
In the aJternoon, wе'rе cotchlng о Ьus to the south. Wе'rе going
hоrsе riding оrоuпd а volconic [ohe.
д Апс: Wow! Whot оrе чош on Suпdоg?
& f*ý"sg: Wе'rе going on а three-dog boat trtp on the River ТsiriЬihlпа.
On Мопdоg nlght, wе'rе comping on оп istand iп the middl,e oJ
the rivеr. And оп Tuesdag mоrпiпg, wе'rе going into the Jorest
to look Jоr Lеmurs! Тhеg опlg tive iп Modcgoscor.


с vi.s[t Modogoscor's copttal g е соmр on оп islond п

ь catch о trоlп п I visit о zoo п
с go horse ridlng п g look Jоr lеmurs п
d 9о оп о boat trtp п h go snorhelling п
Present fur fu*з*rе *a"r*ngerr****
W cg&*ýa-i*Beз*
2 Recd cnd comp[ete the grоmmсr Ьох.

Тоmоrrоw, we're visiting the copitol.

Оп Mondcg nlght, we're оп on island.

Оп Тцеsdсg mоrпiпg, goin9 lnto the Jorest.

Whot сrе уоu doing оп Sчпdсg?

: Complete the sentences. Do theg refer to the present (Р) or the fчtчrе (F)?
0n Wednesdog, we 'rе getting (get)
о pLane to ТоLLоrо. F

'УУе (Looh) ot photos оп

tne internet ot the moment. р
с Cn Тhursdоу mоrпLпg, we
texpLore) the сопgопs пеоr Isolo.
d {t the mоmепt, оur gulde
(exp[o[n) оur [t[пеrоrg.
о (not stop) ot Andrlgito
\ з:iопаL Роrh оп Fridоg.
- (visit) о [осо[ morket
].: :,.е mоmепt.
fftg) hоmе next Frldоg.
". t;;,."iз.i
Т.1 i$ Listen cnd пцmЬеr the pictures iп order.

Ж Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs 1п the Ьох.

p|"ag not have show llsten have

meet not 9о mahe trave+ Jtg

Profile Newsfeed Messcges

I'vejust arrlved at о soJori соmр iп Zomblo. Lots oJ activltles hove Ьееп
orronged Jor us! Тоmоrrоw mоrп[пg, we (о) 'rg trguleiNinE into the
Jorest and оur guidе (Ь) us how to identiJg animot trochs.
Оп Tuesday mоrпiпg, we (с) the children ot о [оса[
school. Вut we (d) to [essons -We
Jootbol[ wlth them! We ф [uпсh
ot the соmр on Wednesdoy. Instead, we (9) о trodltlono[
Zombion meoL ot а tocol villoge. In the oJternoon, we (h)
pots out oJ сLоg. Оп Thursdog evening, we (i) to
trodltional stories оrоuпd а соmрJirе. It's going to Ье brllliontl We
(j) home next weeh and I know I'[[ Ье rеоtlg sad to teave.
Соmрlеtе the diо[о9че with the correct form of the present сопtiпцоцs.
А: When (о) ore we visiting (visit)
9rопп9 ond gronddod?
в: We (Ь) ([eove) оп Тuеsdоg aJternoon.
А: How [опg (с) We (stog)
with them Jor?
в: Тhrее dogs.
А: Greotl What (d) We (do)
оп Wednesdog?
Gronddad (toke) Pete to а
Jootboll motch ond we
(9о) to the beoch We (9) (hove) а plcnlc.
А: Соо[! Аrе we (h) (9о) to the saJortроrk оп Тhursdаg?
в: No, we oren't. You and Pete (i) (visit) the оquоrlum
with grаппg and granddad. Тhеrе 0rе some new 9rееп seo turtles there.
А: Briltiont! ý) 9оu (соmе) with us?
В: No, I'm not. I (h) (wоrh) оп Тhursdоg. I
(t) (give) с tclh ot the uпlvеrsltg.
л: (m) (9о) on о boot trip ot the оguаrlum?
В: Yes, 9оu оrе. Yоu (n) (9о) оп оп islond tоцr to see dolphins
and birds.

a Complete the sсhеdцlе with 9оцr weehend p[ans. Leave two spcces emptg.


€V€ГttПо: J

5 l l Work iп grочрs. Аrrсп9е to meet чр with someone who is free
whеп 9оц cre.

Whцt оrе чош doing оп So.turdog mоrпiпg?
Grommo,r gool
Еоrth Doy tokes р|осе оп Mondoy. The schoolwill stoy ореп lote.
Wе'rе gоiпg to orgonise о соmроigп.

'} Recd the b[og. Whct cre theg 9оiп9 to do for Ecrth Dcg?

ЖЖЖ*fu ЮЖУ tahes р[асе on Mondog. Wе'rе golng

to orgonise о recgc[ing соmраi.gп cnd help оur porents wtth
rес9сliпg ot home. Wе'rе also going to епсоurаgе оur Jriends
to rес9с[е. А[[ оvеr the world thеrе оrе signs oJ g|,obat
wоrmiпg, опd lt's going to get worse iп the next Jew geors.
Ц *. don't oct now, the епч[rопmепt wil.[ Ье in sеr[оus trоuЬ[е. ,:)
i {-l
Ё[.оr. join оur compaign - 9оu witt hel,p sove the plonet!

Ё Comp[ete the grcmmcr Ьох with sentences from octivitg l.

willl won't + inJinitive
1 Futurе Jocts
yllir, l^,,iii n*lJ. sr:vе t}e D{спе1.

2 Flrst conditionol sentences

IJ we
Ье + gоiпg tо + i.nJinitive
1 Futurе plans and intentlons

2 Futurе predi,ctlons bosed on present evldence

Present simp[e
Futurе events thot оrе scheduled

э circle the best cnswer.

с Fоr Eorth Dog, I doncte rffimg pochet mопе9 to Ьug
recgcllng bi.ns.
ь Ц *. lnvoLve the соmmuпltg, оur octlvities wi[[ Ье / сrе mоrе successJul.
с The tolh оп rесусllпg stcrts / will stcrt 0t пооп.
d Looh ot Lоurо! She will / 's 9оiп9 to put the lemonode соп iп the wrопg
rес9с[iпg bin!
We or9cnise / 're gоiпg to оr9спisе lots oJ interestlng octivities.
:'::-]:..::.]...:] ::-.. ]. _';#*_-"-*'


Complete the diс[оgче with the best fчtчrе form.

А: Whot (а) сrе чоu qajj]ý (do) for Eorth Dоч?
в: We (Ь) (mоkе) bird

Ц рut Ьird Jood outs[de, lots oJ birds
(с) (соmе) to оцr garden.
'l: Is that what these emPtg juiсе cartons оrе Jor?
Yeoh. First, we (d) (point) them and
L сut holes lп the sldes. Then we (е) qtl"D
them with birdseed. Finallg, we Ф
у (hong) them uр оп thot tree wlth w[rе.
How [опg wlLL it tahe to mоhе them?
в: It (9) (tohe) оЬоut о.п hоur.
Do gоu wont to hel.p?
А: Surе. Мg gultоr lesson (h) (stort) ot
Jоur, Ьut I сап help until then. Соп I usе thls point Ьrush?
в: Yes, but Ье соrеJul,! That pot oJ point
ffol,D ф the table!

Complete the еmсil with the best tU

With the vеrЬ go, we olmost
future form of the verbs iп the Ьох. olwoys usе the present ''.

give ршt оп еоrп spend сопtlпuоus, not 9оiп9 to !о:

stort Ье hove SeParote Wе'rе gоiпg tоэо to the beach.
co[[ect ftecft-uP

) We're gоiпg to the beach.

1LS mоrп[пqJ---we (о) 'rе ýаiпg t* с{есп r,;p the [осо[ beoch. The с[еоп-uр
-] at ] 'l .00 аm. Flrst, (с)
:.oves so we don't сut оur honds. Мg mum (d)
:,ostlc ruЬЬish bogs and we (е) о[[ the rubbish we со,п

'.,.d We f) the ruЬЬish os we pich it uр. The beoch

-| so сl,еоп when we Jinish! IJ we toke оur ruЬЬlsh
(h) о
=9, 'о the [осо[ rесgсliпg centre, we
[[e mопеU.

_ ,u. get епоugh mопеU, we

(i) [t оп о recgcl[ng Ьtп Jor
;:rooL. Looh! The suп is соmiпg out. It (j) hot. I'm surе
,,, э (h) о greot tlme!
Recd cnd circle the best onswer.

down house is tlcc_1,g$/ hcs Ьееп loccted iп Szgmbork,

Ь It wcs designed / designed Ьg о Polish businessmon.
G The construction completed / wcs completed in 2ОО7 .

d It is Ьцilt l wcs Ьцilt in '1 14 dags.

е The hоusе hcs been рhоtоgrсрЙеd / wcs photogrcphed thousonds oJ

f We cre visi,ting / witt visi,t [t next Fridоg.

9 The website scgs the inslde wi]t mсhе /
is mоk,iпg us Jee[ dizzg.

';:" Comp[ete with the verbs iп the correct passive or fчtчrе tense.

We hove orrlved Beljing and we have so mоп9 trips orrongedl Тоmоrrоw,

(visLt) the Bird's Nest stadlum on о guided tour.
Jor the 2008 Оlgmрiс Gomes@.
The design (с) (inspire) Ьg Chinese ceromlcs. Seventeen
thousond workers (d) (еmр[оg) to build tt ond 250
mlllion pounds (е) (spend) оп [t. Since the O[9mplcs,
ttФ (usе)
Jor sporting ond ortlstic events. According to
[he website, it (9) (visit) Ьg thousonds oJ tourlsts.
I (h) (tohe) tots
oJ photos oJ it Jor 9оu to
[ooh ot. I thinh tоmоrrоw
(Ье) о
Jontostic dоg,
е Listen to Kirstg tc1,1tin9 to her dcd сЬоцt their holidcg ct с witdlф
саmр iп Кепgс. Tich (r') А, В or С. Yоц will hecr the conversction twice.
Тhеg оrе stoylng at the соmр Jor onother А three dogs. п
В etght dogs. п
С Jive dags, и
I Тоmоrrоw, theg аrе А visiting о Mosal vi[[oge. п
В going on о wolhing saJorl. п
С drivlng lп the [оrrg. п
? Kirstg wcnts to see А crocodlles. п
В e[ephonts. п
С 9irojjes. п
3 The soJcri А wi.[[ Ье excttlng.
В tokes ott dog. п
С tohes hal"J а dag. п
Тоmоrrоw aJternoon, Kirstg ond hеr mum А vlsit о musецm. п
оrе gоlпg to В rest ot the ссmр. п
С рtоg Jootbol,[, п
5 Тhеg оrе hoving dlnner at А 6.00. п
в 6.30. п
с 7.00. п
ЬYhqt соп 9оц do? СirсJе а medol.
i I ccn шsе the post slmp[e ond present perJect passlve.

2 I соп tolh аЬоut the Juturе.

*Ж*у wФуýж
Т@ Recd, cnd write the поmеs of the spechers.

Wеуýd Yо*хýfu Жж*ýwххЕ gmýýже

г ж ..*, ý щ..як,,ý {жg {ж Ф.. @ .Ф. @..@ ffi & @:.W щ ffi
] ::'

iИ_у псшrе is]Lcno qnd I]m {цоm, N. еw :Zecla1.,}.d;, ] ], ,
D,id уоu know thctl 70 mlllion chi]dren сшоuпd, thё
-world don't go to schooР,]f ,,trie* went to scho, ol, ... ý
l they would 1earn more,iKiЦs,,]f, they pCIssed ..'ý
exqms, thef w.otild find better,, }Obý, gцid hсгч€,,G',:l. l,
ý better qurotity of IiJe, ,...ý

ь ф ж @"@,ё * ж & & ж ж ж ж,ю ý, &,& J


Му паmе is Hckim ond I'm from Turkey, iИillions

of people live in plcces where there is no cleon
wсгtеr. Iv{сггrу child_ren get ill from drinking dtrty
wсгter, It Ь imроrtсгrrt to build mоIе wells in
villcges, If every colTl]nunity hod сlесп wсгtеr,
chlldren wouldn't get ilt сrs often,

I'm Asif, from Indicr, Lcrge compcшries сх11 over the

wоrld need to Ье moIe responsible for their workers.
They need to respect workers'rights. Workers would
hCIve better рсу сгпd conditions if these compcnies
didn't exploit them.

с The rtghts oJ worhers not alwags respected.

о,rе Asif
ь It i.S imPortont Jor еvеrgопе to hove access to cleon woter.
с A[t children should hove the сhопсе to 9et оп educatlon.
d Lorge componies need to treot thеir worhers Joir|,g.
е Drlnking dirtg woter mokes children i[[.

@ ýесажd *впdýýgпgý

- Recd ond complete the grсmmсr Ьох.

we usе the second conditioncl to tolh оьоut on цпrео1 sitцсtiоп

ond its imaglned rеsult,
trf they passed, exams, they would find better jobs.
iJhеu don't poss exoms. Тhеu don't find qood iobs.)
J_ J_

А second conditionol sentence has two ports (с[аusеs).

//е usе g[+ pcst simple and иrоцldlwоuldп't + inJinitive:
Unrecl sitцсtiоп + Rеsц[t
I/+ post simple + wоцldlwоuldп't + lnJlnitive

If ечеrg соmmuпitg fu*d с[еоп wo,ter, chlldren wоц[dп't 9et l[[ os феп.
IJ theg didn't expLoit worhers, theg wъ**ая1* hа*w* better condttlons.

If children to school, theg w**дfld L**уrа mоrе ski[[s.

If rhеg р*ss*d. ехоms, theg Jind jobs.

: соп рut the clouse ot the end oJ the sentence.
comes second, we don't uSе о coffIпlo:
,', -.?.n, Lt
],,..drеп wоuldп't get i1l as оJtеп if every
,соmmцпitу had сlеап water.

CLrc[e the correct words.

а _ *. wоц[dп't /@idn'}woste
'Ъ---/ Jood, there would
: а .eSS huпgеr,
Ь ]rildren would do better ot schooL iJ theg
wоц[d hcve / hod епоugh to eot.
с _' ,,.le wоц[d сспсеl / ccncelled world debt,
:эuпtrLеs would hove mоrе to spend оп schoo[s ond hospitols.
]rlldren wоцLdп't / didn't need to work f their Jomilies weren't рооr.
_ .оrе реор[е spohe оut, world leoders wоцld do / did mоrе to he[p.
'.'],е chlldren would hetp f they wочld hnow / knew whot to do.
F# -;"+'""а : аЦ дяа Ё= ss , .:Ё
*jчч," :-":

Grоmmоr рrсGfiсе
Listen ОПd chech'
of the verbs'
correct Jorrn
with the
з *:€i* Complete

150 milъоп
T:i:l.}; :fil1 "*",о,
*"*On' o'oi-t.rcrowded, рuрrЬ provtde)
о Pupll,s

would ЬС

с тr,. ,,,t,iЬ .blldren rоь

; ц *о,Ь.ЧlЪб;F*J -- _Й, rпоrе РОWеr, +

I', iJi1 .n.9'*;;o,n'*on.

=' where necessorr
9 | ""- ..__ л rоrп(ilо
'r'ug (f,
Useе с COПtlтLO
sentences, ;
==]====-=-=er:==<.o=-=l'u= , lo ,..i...
to "*:-'- VОr\Д? - !" **#
Ё Use the PromPts _*.rпо€ th€

Ёоv,*l l liveтБ;Ц

Ёоv V_oj ОЩ Povertg iП


еquОl'lg l no
* ;,,, -rb"*r l mоrе
mОrе wеШs

а..,:,ý ffionwoter l tJ we lburtd

ffi we l tisten
l |'
ner bette, _

,fu' wlthout technotog9
3 Wrlte sentences with g[ Use с соmmс where necessorg.
о Тhеrе оrеп't mопU trees the оrео. The oir quоlitg is bod.
lf there wеrе mоrе trees in the оrео. the gir quolity
wouldn't Ье bod.
Ь The street is Jul"l" oJ ruЬЬish. Реор[е don't usе the ruЬЬish bi.ns.

с We waste о lot oJ рореr. We don't use both sldes.

d The роrh [sn't с[еоп. It [sn't Juп to р[оg there.

е We woste оцr rеsоurсеs. We don't rес9с[е.

I We usе chemicols оп сrорs. Тhеrе ls о lot oJ оtr ро[[utiоп.

9 Тhеrе оrе о lot oJ cors on the rood. Exhoust Jumеs ро[[utе the otmosphere.

4 ffi Ж Worh with а pcrtner. Соmрlеtе the sentences чsiпg 9оцr own idecs.
с The world would Ье о better р[осе 'rJ...
Ь Еvеrуопе would hove епоugh to eot iJ...
с World leoders would do mоrе to hetp f...
d LiJe at school would Ье better iJ...
е I would Ье hoppter tJ...
Grommor goo!

Recd the webpcge. Whct do the children wish for?

I wish [iJe wosn't I wtsh these children

so hord Jоr some didn't hove to worh
реор[е. Whot соп to suрроrt their
I do?

I wish I hnew the ] hove donoted Д10.


опswеr to these I wish I соuld
, :

problems! j

Fcct Wish
I don't hnow the o,nswer. ] wish I lcnew the onswer.
Theg hcve to wоrh. I wish theg didn't hcve to WorR.

We соп olso usе I wish + соuld + infinitive,

] ccn't 9ive mоrе. I wish I соцld 9ive mоrе,

.?: Comp[ete the sentences with the correct word.

о Мапg children don't hove о loving Jomi|,g.
I wish о[[ children о lovlng Jomity.
Ь Мопg chi.ldren live оп the street.
I wish theg live on the street.
Мопg реор[е wоrh iп dongerous condltlons.
I wish theg didn't iп dопgеrоus condltions.
Governments con't solve ott oJ the wor[d's probLems.
I wish theg soLve ol,t oJ the wor[d's problems.
3 Recd cnd complete the sentences.

' ', )апе| Fields frоm New Zealand started а foundation to raise
|', awareness оГ problems facing сhlldrеп аrоuпd the world. She
has raised over L2,0OO Ьу selling 1ewellery mаdе frоm seeds.

о Not о[[ children have the some rights and opportunltles.

I wlsh oll children hod the some rights ond opportunities
Ь Мопg children con't 9о to school.
I wish о[[
G Some chlldren with disabilitles don't rесеiче hel,p.
I wish о[[
d some communltles don't hove electricitg.
I wish о[[
е Роvеrtg ond huпgеr exist.

f I ccn't help evergone.

Worh with с partner. Write sentences сЬоцt how

9оц woцtd tihe the world to Ье better.
We wish oll children hod сlеоп woter ond enough food.
с We wish

5 & & Соmрсrе 9оцr sentences with cnother pcir.
Do gоч cll cgree?

%q#ý ft fiý В вwg ýФфь#ýtrъ#Ж #

Grоmmоr ýtоЁ People used typewriters iп the 20th сепturу, didn't they? They won't
exist iп 20 yeors, will they? lt hos Ьееп populor since 2ОО2, hosn't it?
_:ч,: :.

ё ,9i; ;т;э
Recd cnd tich (rZ) the things the bogs tclle сЬоцt.

Do gоu have апg ideas Jor оur homeworh оп the

historg oJ соmmuп[саt[оп?
в: How оЬоut smohe signols? Theg wеrе оп еаrlg tgpe
oJ соmmuпLсо.t[оп, weren't theg?
А: Good idea. Notlve Americons used them, didnt theg?
в: That's right. ОК, whot оЬоut Morse code? Реор[е
used [t to соmmuпlсоtе with ships lп the ] BOOs,
didn't they?
А: Yeoh, ond lt's sti[[ used todog. And we should
lпсludе tgpewriters. Theg *.l. used to wrlte
beJore computers, weren't theg?
в: I thinh so. Вut theg wеrеп't very фiсiепt, wеrе
No. And theg won't exlst iп 20 9eors, wi[[ theg?
в: I don't thinh so. Technology is chonging so Jost, we'[[
hove mobile phones iп оur wotches soon, won't we?
Thot'[[ Ье so соо[! оК, what e[se?
в: Soctal networhlng has been rео[l.g
рорulаr since 2О02, hasn't [t?
Yeoh. And we hoven't mentioned the
internet оr Twltter get, hove we?
в: Not get. We соuld olso talh аЬоut
соmрutеr chlps lп оur Ьrаlпs.
Вut theg don't exist!
в: Theg w[[[ soon! о,,

smohe si.9nolsи soclol networhlng п teLevlsion п

the internet п Morse code п emaiI п
mоЬi[е phones п the postol servlce п tgpewriters п
iЪ;**::*.: }*gз: р**? xia"*pi*" рr*s**? p*S**1 яijl'

Recd cnd complete the grсmmсr Ьох.

А qчеstiоп tc9 is с short question ct the end oJ с sentence. We ше

questlon tAm.I, rtght?'] оr
Jбr СопJirrпаtiоп ItЪ lthe scg,ing,
'Do gоu ogree?'. Question togs оrе verg соmmоп in spohen Engtbh.
] ,, ,&f$rrтъсrtivq чеrЬ Neg,ctive tcg

pcst them,
Notive Аmеrlсопs ч.sеd theg?

waslwere Тhеg wеrg used to write, weren't theg?

present рефсt It _ been рорulоr slnce hcsn't it?


will We'ýL а[[ hove mоЬilе phones, we?

Nеg,аtivечеrЬ ',,,, , ' AfSrmative tшg


pcst simp[e Реор[е didn't чsе [t, dЁd theg?

waslwere Tuoewriters efficient. wgrg theg?

present рефсt We hcven't mentloned lt gеt, we?

will Тhеч exlst, wtLL theg?

Mctch the sentences to the qцestion tcgs.

с Ccve polntings wеrе used Jor соmmuпiссtlоп 1 hoven't theg?
Ь Реор[е hove usеd Twitter since 2006,
\ 2 will theg?
с Smortphones wi[[ get mоrе intelligent in the Juturе,\-З weren't theg?
d Мспg реор[е used Morse code iп the 1BOOs, 4 hcve theg?
е Реор[е didn t hove соlоur ТV iп the ] 950s, 5 did theg?
I Most children hoven't used о tgpewriter, 6 won't theg?
g Реор[е won't Ьuу boohs iп the Juturе, 7 didn t theg?
З ý&Ф Write the questions iп order. Add рчпсtчсtiоп. Listen cnd chech.

с hoven't storted / get / 9оu / gоur homework / 9оu / have

Yоu hoven't storted your homework yet. hove you?
ь the Worldwlde Web / it / wasn't / wos lnvented / Ьу Tim Berners-Lee

с did / 9оu wеrе о chi[d / 9оu / the internet / when / didn't hove / 9оu

d gоu / hove learnt / gоu / hoven't / how to usе [t

е it / the iпtеrпеt / stop / won't ечеr l wi[[

f wilt / won't gоu / Ье оЬ[е / gou / to do gоur homeworh поw

ý Complete the question togs.

с Реор[е hove Ьесоmе сопсеrпеd оЬоut vlruses оп the lnternet, hoven't they ?
Ь Governments won't Ье оЬ[е to сопtrоl the internet as [t grows,
с Сh[[drеп weren't wоrrlеd obout lnternet soJetg [n the 20'h сепturg,
d Yesterdog peopleradded mоrе thon З00 bttl,ion photos to FосеЬооh,

е Моrе thon Jtve bitl"ton реор[е wi[L usе the lnternet Ьg 2О2О,
f Lcws agolnst t[[ega[ downlooding hoven't stopped it,
Circle the correct words. Then comp[ete the question togs.
А: I'm trч[пq to chech some Jocts Jor m9 project оьоut соmmuпiсоtiоп.
You@/ help ,n.,Йоп't уЪu Z
в: Yeah, surе.
А: The Ancient Eggptions wrote / hove written
in plctures co[[ed hlerog[gphtcs,
в: Yes, thot's r[9ht.
А: But hieroglyphics weren't цsеd / hcven't цsеd
Ьg the Ancient Chinese, ?

в: No. Тhеg used speciol letters colled chorocters.

А: ОК. Реор[е hcd / hcve hcd computers [n thelr
homes slnce the 'l970s, ?

в: Соrrесt!
А: And реор[е didn't send / hoven't sent
telegrams Jor оvеr 40 gеоrs,
в: No, nowodogs реор[е usе the lnternet оr mоЬ[[е phones lnsteod.
А: Whot wi[[ we usе to соmmuпiсо,tе [п the Juturе?
в: We[[, we didn't hnow / won't hпоw uпtil it hoppens,

Write cffirmctive or negctlve sentences. Add о guesti.on ta9.

с 9оu / usе / the lпtеrпеt / gesterdog
You used the internet yesterdoy. didn't you?
Ь Ьug / new mobi.Le рhопе / lost gеоr

G реор[е l reod / newspapers / onllne / lп the Juturе

d gоu / text / gоur mum / slnce 9.00 оm

е gоu / join / Twltter / get

I gоu / Ье оп[iпе / tonight

g Uоur dod / Ьug / о пеw tablet / lost weehend
Grоmmоr gocl
l couldnt rеmеmЬеr the possword.
l might not hove time. Thot con't Ье right.

? Recd the diсJоgце. Whct o're the gir[s trging to do?

I tried to post оп оur closs blog gesterdag, Ьut I

couldn't rеmеmЬеr the pcssword. Do gоu hnow lt?
в: I'm not surе. It might Ье the поmе oJ оur school.
А: Thct con't Ье right. I tried it gesterdog ond it didn't
worh. It must ЬЬ something феrепt.
в: Let's coll Тiпо. She соuld log iп lost weeh.
RеmеmЬеr, she posted thot storg.
Good 1deo. I won't рhопе hеr - she's out with her
pcrents so she mоч поt опswеr. I'[[ text her.
Соо[. Whot do gоu wont to post?
I've wrltten on ortlcle obout the school trlp lost
week. I mоg post the photos I tooh, too, Ьut I
might not have time beJore lessons stort.
в: We corrld оЬо post interviews with оur clo,ssmotes
obout whct theg thоught oJ it.

х Jr{ctch the modcls to their цsе.

А possibilitgз" В possibilitg* С post obilttg -+

D post abilitg - Е deduction -,l F deduction -

с I соц[dп't rеmеmЬеr the possword.

ь It might Ье the поmе oJ оur school.
с Thot ccn't Ье correct.
d It mцst Ье something dilJerent.
е She соцld tog [п [ast weeh.

I She mс9 not onswer.

9 I mс9 post the photos I tooh.
h I might поt have time beJore lessons stort.
1 We соц[d olso post lntervlews wlth оur cla,ssmotes.
the sentences with the words iп the Ьох.

о, I couldn't post those photos lost night Ьесаusе mg loptop brohe.

ь А, Whose storg [s thls on оur b1.og?

В, I don't hnow. It m[пе beco,use I didn't write опе thls

с We put оur project оп the b1,o9. We hoven't declded get.
d I hove tlme to post ongthing Ьесоusе I have lots oJ homeworh.
е Thts lnterview good Jor the b1,og. Whot do gоu think?
I М9 Ьrоthеr mend hls соmрutеr when he was

4 Complete the diclogue wi,th с sцitоЬlе modcl.

А: Rgоп, I (о) couldn't understand the text
messoge uоu sent mе this rпоrпlпg. what оrе
these weird words?
в: Thot's text [опguо9е, Dodl It's eosg. RеmеmЬеr
whot dog [t is!
Ah, оК. It's mU birthdag todog, so HB2U!
(ь) Ье'Норрg blrthdog to gоu!'
в: Exoctlg. Whot's CUL8ER?
А: I'm not surе. It (с) Ье...
'See gоu loter'?
в: yeoh! what oborrt the lost опе?
А: LOL? I hove no i.deo. It (d) Ье о rео[ word!

в: It's '[аugh orrt [оud.' Dad, I (е) use text [апguоgе when I wos
eight. It's not dfJtcul,t!
А: It ls Jоr mе! Whot о,rе gоu doing thls evening? Do gоu hove опg hоmеwоrk?
в: I've аlrеоdg Jinished itl SoIf) go to the cinemo..
Оr I (9) р[оg соmрutеr 9omes. I hoven't decided get.
ý Ж Ж Chech with о рсrtпеr. Do gоч hcve the sо,mе cnswers? If not, ore
both onswers correct?
Жжw&жw %
ý Complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох.

worrld ' hod hcsnt| couldl didn t hnew

о Goog[e hos existed slnce 1qq8, husn't it?

ь Twltter storted in 2006, tt?
с I wlsh I how to use the photo орр оп this smortphone.
d I wlsh I oPen о FасеЬооh occount, Ьut I'm too чоuп9.
е цI а FосеЬооk оссоuпt, I wou[d tnvite уоu to Ье mg Jri,end.
I цI hod о toblet, I tahe it everywhere.

Ж Complete the diсlоgце with the correctform of the verb, с question tcg
or о mоdс[.
Did gоu hnow thot 70 mi[[i.оп сhildrеп
оrоuпd the wortd don't go to schoo[?
I wish I (о) could do (do)
Somethlng to he[p.
в: Ц чоu rео[[9 (Ь) (wont)
to he[p, уоu (с) (do)
something. You've heard oJ Ноппо
GodeJo, (d)
I thinh so. She Ьесо,mе о. U NICEt
Goodwitl Ambossador iп 20,1 з,
(е) ?

В: Yes, ond she wos оп[g 15 ot the time. BeJore thot she organlsed the Репсi[
Morrntoln project.
А: Oh, ges. She ф (send) 400,000 pencils to Ethiopi.on
didn't she?
в: Yes. She had the ideo when о Jriend tn Ethiopia (9) wrlte to hеr
Ьесаusе she dldn't hove о pencil.
А: Ноппа (h) Ье vеrg hordworking. I wlsh I (D (Ье)
mоrе hоrdwоrkiпg.
в: We ý) stort о penci.l collectlon ond send them to Ноппо.
She'[[ Ье сЬ[е to send them оп, (h) ?

А: I don't know. Let's tweet hеr ond osk.
ý Recd сЬоцt smortphones. Are the sentences 'Ri9ht' (А) or 'Wrong' (В)?
If there is поt епоц9h iпfоrmсtiоп to cnswer 'Ri9ht' (А) or
'Wrопg' (В), choose 'Doesn't scg' (С). Circle the cnswer.
SmаrЕрhопеs ае schooЗ-
We оrеп't allowed to smertphones in Lessons. This is [зесоusе we
wоцld spend cll оur tlггLе textlng each otlleruJ *. hod phones.
I don't ggrе€. I think smartphones wоц[d" }"telp tts wlth о wоrh. ]ý.:ý
The рrоЬLегп wlth th"e school соmршtеrs is wе can't occess
all the si.tes we need. ALso, t},tere arеп't епоugh cCImputers
Jor, CILL the рuрl[s. l_est wееk mU grоuр couldrt't do оur
project Ьесошsе tl"lеrе wЕrе п0 cOr&pLtters Jree.
We dld а sшrvеg qt school and 70 percent oj the pupils
sCIid that they needed better ýccess to tlre internet at schoo|.
Тhеg wlsl,t we colrld usе sгftсrtрlrопеs Ln clq,ss. T}re world wi[L Ьесоmе
еvеп mоrе dependent on the Lntern€t in the Jutu,rе, won't [t?

Ехсmр[е: Рuрils ot оl, соп toke their phones into the c[ossroom.
А Right С Doesn't sоg
1 Teochers thlnh рuрtls wouldn't concentrote i,n closs f theg hod phones.
А Rtght В Wrоп9 С
Doesn't so.g
2 Тhеrе о,rе computers Jor о[[ рuрtls to use ot Som's school.
А Right В Wrопg С
Doesn't sag
З Som has occess to о[[ the technotogg he needs at his school.
А Right В Wrопg С Doesn't sog
4 Som uses the schoo[ computers еvеrg dag.
А Rtght В Wrопg С Doesn't so,g
5 Most oJ Sam's clossmotes sog lпtеrпеt occess ot school [sn't good епоugh.
А Rtght В Wrong С Doesn't sog
Whct сап 9оц do? Circle о medcl.
I сап tolh оЬоut uпrео[ sltuotlons ond their results.

2 I con express rе9rеts about о present s[tuotion.

З I соп usе question togs ond modols.

{!_tа"е:-\:!ъа t. d!
а'sф"1- W
Recd the notes iп the Ьох. write them iп the correct circles.

usеs vеr! соlоurJul point ,, Ьоrп Jапuоrg 2ОО7

2011: sold о painting Jor Д15,000 Jirst exhibltion: two gеоrs old
Ьеgсп poi.ntlng: пiпе months old adds small plastic tочs to рiсturеs
ф sold pointings iп mопg соuпtrlеs
sptoshes polnt onto,the convos

Lф & cchievements

СопсLцsiопs li

internotionol reputction ;

youn gest professionol ortist


* Complete the text with informction frол the miпd mср above.

Aelita Andre [s оп (о) Аustrоligп obstroct pointer. She wos Ьоrп lп

Jопuоrу (Ь) . She begon pointing when she wos
(с) . She hos shown hеr wоrk [п оrt golleries slnce she wos
(d) o[d. In Juпе 2011, she sold а Jor (е)
Slnce then she hos sold her ort in mопg f)
Aelito uses vorious techniques in hеr wоrh. She uses (9) _ point
ond oJten sploshes lt onto the convos to creote beoutlJul rmages. Sometlmes
she odds (h) to hеr pointlngs, too.

То сопс[udе, Aelita now hos оп internotionol reputotlon. She ls the goungest

(D iп the wortd.
Yjrifj,t* ;it;!t: Ё;r::,;-,, r,] ,,.,;i; с,; jr: j,,"ir* ,;
BeJore we stort wr[t[n$, lt [s о good ldea to usе mind mops
to brolnstorm ideos ond orgonlse them lnto porogrophs.

# Recd the miпd mср спd circ[e Т (trце) or F фlsе).

mustc ond Jootbo[[
о biotechno[ogg
Lif" & cchievements io оstrопоmg: how the world Ьеgоп
:О Ьоrп Juпе 2003
io 2 gеоrs old, соuld соuпt

to 10
5 geors o[d, Jini.shed о
uп[vеrsitg соursе
6 geors o[d, tooh
universitg courses iп
chemlstrg ond bi.ologg

о поw studles ot universltg
о olwogs gets А grodes
о top student iп mоп9 closses

о Tonishq Abrahom роrtlсulоrlg good ot sclence subjects.

i.s Фl ,
Ь Не is оп[9 interested lп science. т/F
с His porents оп[9 recent[9 dlscovered he [s vеrg tolented. т/F
d Не is sti[[ studging ot uпtvеrsltg. т/F
е Не goes to schoot wlth children hls оwп о9е. т/F
& Now цsе the miпd mср to orgcnlse cnd write three porogrcphs
оЬоцt Tcnishq АЬrсhсm.
T*r"lishq АЬrсhсrтl is * chilci ýsпiuý. Не ъryеs h*rп iп Juпе ?003,
W,w&Ж&жg gжжffi ffi
ý Recd the emcils cnd circle Т (trце) or F ffolse).

Exhi.bition for school.s

Dear M[ss Whlte,

I оm writing to 9оu оЬоut the next exhibition ot the musеum. I аm о Yеоr 6
pupl[ o.t Green Hi[[s Рrimоrg Schoo[.
Fоr the [ost two months we been wоrhiпg on 0 project obout lnventions,
so we were vеrg excited to see that this is the subject oJ the new exhibiti.on.
We Jоuпd some inJormati.on on the webslte, but I would [i.he to osh Jor mоrе
detoils. Fоr ехо.mр[е, wi.L[ the exhib[t[on Jocus on post or recent lnvent[ons?
WILL there Ье inJormo.tlon оЬоut possib[e Juturе inventions? I think tt wi[[ Ье
perJect Jor оur project,
We would oppreciote опU extro inJormotion 9оu con glve us.
Thonk gоu [n o,dvo,nce.
Yours s[псеrе[9,
Jeremg Gront

То: Топg Blggs

Subject: Project.,|..::.:|||,;:,.,,;:!:|:2::-:..,:.:i::::,,|:..:,...:::|::.,:.-.-j::.::...,:.,.-.|..:|..

Hi Топg,
How оrе gоu? I got о rер[9 Jrоm the musеum! The exhibition
i.s mаiпlg оп robots. Соо[, con't woit! It'LL Ье brilliont Jоr оur
project. Con gоu text mе todog's moths homeworh? I Jorgot
to wrlte [t down. Thonhs!
See gоu Loter,

с Jеrеmg is writing to the musеum Jor inJormotlon. 0l ,

Ь Не wonts to hnow the cost oJ their next exhlbition. т/F
с The lпJоrmоtlоп he wants ls оп the musеum's webslte. т/t
d The exhibition wi[[ Ье usеJulJоr his project. т/F
е Топg ls о ctossmote. т/F
Ь#ri9Е*6 :*k]i€: i*ir; ;: ;,] _: i,,;, ],,,i: l ,;si,r**q:
BeJore we wrltе on еmо[[, we hove to think соrеJul,lу аЬоut who we аrе ý to. We usе Jоrmо[ lопguоgе to write ..Ъitrlо adults thot we ''"

dont hnow. We шsе iпJоrmоl lопguоgе to wrlte emoils toJriends andJomilg.

Ж Recd the iп cctivitg 'l с9оiп. Write F ffоrmсl) оr I (iпfоrmоl).

Which type oJ еmа[[,
о ls to о Jriend? I

ь ls to someone we don't hnow?

G uses controctlons?
d шsеs exclo,motion morhs?
е uses shorter sentences?
I olwogs uses complete sentences?
g sometlmes usеs lncomplete sentences?

& Recd с9сiп cnd complete the tcble with the phrcses iп the Ьох.

Hi See gоu Loter brilliont How оrе] 9оu? Can gоu Е€tr
We Йоu[d oppreclot€ , . Yours sincerelg, , I оm writing to Uоu obout
Thonhs Thank 9оu iп odvonce perJect

Fоrmс1 Informcl
Dеоr Hi

€ Worh with с pcrtner. Write сп еmсll to с mцsецm сЬоцt о, new exhibition.

. Whg do gоu wont mоrе inJormotion? . Who оrе Uоu wri.tlng to? &
. Whot extro i.nJormotion do 9o[r wont? . Whot type oJ musеum is [t?
Ww&ЖЖжg gжжЖ ffi
Э Recd the СV cnd circle Т (trце) оr F ffclse).

+,n i'. i1': ; i'-j .'': ]'1 ;

I wоц[d Like to vоLuпtееr at the CCImden Arts

ond CrCIJts Fоir.
;:i*i : l i;*l+ i,: tli.j f * "
i .*. ._. .;,"
l...:,,; : i ;.

I hove good computer shi[[s.

I сап wоrh we[[ with others,
I аm reliab[e and responslb[e.
:,| |\ ;.. i-,. : j-r! ;J_\..]e j]_l ,-,,iJ. :п 1- .."; j.!} .: ...!. ],,l.i !,

I wоп ап academlc award lost чеоr,

Last September, I sold biscults ond collected оvеr t-120Jor charltg,
I аm оп the school swimmlng team.
1} i ] .
:." i ti;;,;';.,;. +.n{. j.]-j_.]i':,.;: i1:]ij

Jon 2014-рrеsепt Babgsitting Jor Mrs Вrоwп (Те[, а207 6458Ь2З)

June-Sept 2013 Go,rden worh Jor а пеighЬоur, Мr Todd Пеl', 0207 q458qбЗ)
!,.. 1; :."] :.,. 1i , ; :,.,/ i ;

Сurrепt[9 iп Year 7,
Woodland Secondorg School", London

с Jenng wrote hеr СV Ьесаusе she wonts о poid job. т/0

ь She hos loohed oJter ch[[dren. т/F
с She does sport ot school. т/F
d She [s о vеrg good рuрit. т/F
е She hos пеvеr helped реор[е [n hеr соmmuпltg. т/F
Ц ,.wont to get о job оr чо[uпtееr, [t [s lmportont to write о
оп orgonlsed, с[еаr CV. We should o[so mоhе surе thot -\
we mепtiоп о[[ oJ оur spec[o[ shi[[s and ochlevements.

ъЕ*r;ti*g *ki$i ,,T";:irl ,J ,],v
Mctch the sentences to the correct section
(А-F) iп the СV.
с I hove good leodership shi[[s.
Ь I took port tn о choritg rосе [o,st Uеоr.
с I vоluпtееr ot о пursiпg home.
d I would lihe to do о рOреr rоuпd.
е I ottended Bonhstown Рrimоrg School.
I Еmо[[: jеппу.rоgеrs@mоlt.соm

Mctch the interest to the cbilitg. Tick (rz) three obilities thct describe 9оц.
о I tike to do teom sports>"**_
Ь I tihe doing indivi.duol, sportr.
\ \2
1 I оm оп lndependent wоrhеr. п
с ] listen to people's oplnions. I wоrk we[[ wlth others. п
d muslc.
I tike drawlng, art оr З I оm responslb[e ond rе[iоЬ[е. п
е Реор[е oJten ash mе to 4 I have good orgonlsotlonal shi[[s. п
help them. 5 I have good tlme mопоgеmепt shi[[s. п
I I do we[[ ot school ond olso 6 ] hove good рrоЬ[еm solving ski[[s. п
hove mоп9 hobbies. 7 ] hove creotive thi.nhing shi[[s. п
g I l,ihe to аrrопgе events, 8 I hove good соmmuпlсаtlоп shi[[s.
h I [ihe moths ond science.
Write gочr СV.
Think obout:
о the job оr чоluпtееr wоrh gоu wont.
о the lnterests and shllls gоu hove thot mohe 9оu speciol.
. опu awords gоu hove recelved ond gоur greotest ochievements.
. worh gоu have done to help out gоur Jomi|,g and соmmuпltg.
WwЖжffiжffi бжжЖ ф
Recd the еmсil cnd ticle (rZ) the things thct Dcvid hos done.

Hl Веп, ý
We've оп[9 Ьееп [n Ропоmо Jor two dogs ond we've о[rеоdg done о [ot! Оп the Jirst ж

dog we went оп о jшпg[е сruisе ond I sow Jive епоrmоцs crocodiles. Brllliontl Thts ы
mоrпlпg we went to the MlroJlores Lochs Мusеum. We соuld see oLL the big ships ý
sailing о[опg the Ропоmо Conol.
I hove leo,rned о lot аЬоцt the Ропсmо Сопо[ hеrе. It wos built between 188'] ond
1q14, cnd it's пеаr[9 80 hm Long. It connects the Atlantlc Осеоп to the PociJic
Осеоп. Аrоцпd 4З,000 реор[е were employed to Ьцild [t. Since it wos Ьцilt, [t hos
Ьееп usеd to tro,nsport goods Jrоm опе side oJ the world to the other.
We hove о [ot oJ exciting things orronged Jor the next Jew dogs. Тоmоrrоw wе'rе
visiting Coibo Notionol Pork. On Wednesdag, I'm going scubo dlving Jor the Jirst
tlme. And оп Thursdog, wе'rе swi.mmlng with shorhs! I con't wait! Chot to 9оu Loter,

...*" &-i
; ..,-_:._ :::=::-::=-=

5а€ :_

о [еоrп to sсuЬо dlve п

е the historg
[ео,rп оЬоut
oJ the Ропоmо Conal
Ь 9о on о juпglе сrulsе и
с see shlps on the Ро.поmа Сопа[ п I see crocodlles п
d v[s[t о Notionol Porh
g swlm shorhs п
h vlslt о musеum п
Ж Recd the еmсil cgcin cnd цпdеrliпе the three topic sentences.

А topi.c sentence tetls gоu whot о роrо9rорh is оЬоut. It [s the most

[mроrtопt, ond usuо[[9 the Jlrst, sentence lп о porogroph. The other
sentences glve detolls to support the ldeo in the toplc sentence.

'& Ыdгtti*зg skýý$: Uз!::g t*p!* ***l****x

These sentences cre frол с parcgrcph iп Dcvid's пехt еmс11.
Nцmьеr thеm in the correct order.
с AJter thot, the boot took us out to
the reeJ o.nd we jumped in. п
Ь Flrst, we рut оп оur wetsults ond оur
sсuЬо equlpment. Е
с Swlmmlng wlth shorhs on Тhursdоg
wos оmоziпg. п
d I sow whlte ttp reeJ sharhs ond even
о whole shаrh. It wos uпЬеllеvоЬ[еI п
е Then we hod о short sсuЬо divtng
[esson to proctise using the egulpment.
Ехрспd the notes to write сп еmоil сЬоцt сfсmitg holidcg 9оц cre оп.
Wrlte three pcrcgrcphs. Use topic sentences.
; ,: ,т.- .*_-
|,,ii i|_]; l i

inj* *rriT** iп r-i*n*i v*ýi*i"*,*,n,...

Flanoi (capical о{ Viе*пагп)
о аггiуеl уеsfегАау
о sаиJ fгalifiona/ Феtег
рирреf Shои.l
о visifel +hе ноап Кiегп Leke
с ete *гаli+iопаl 4ооА
(cha c.e-{ish lisr,)
Dala+ (tоtлп in the соцпtгуsilе)
о yisit fhis аееkепА
с visit the Сгаzу Flоиsе
о lеsiзпе А Ьу {егпаlе Viеtпагпеsе
агсhitесt, Ьиilt in t18os wi|tr
Nhа Тгапз (tооп оп thе. coast) ýý
с yisit neyt Deek
о str.liгп / sпогkеl ai fhe
с зо on а boat гilе
beach '*flж
Wж&ж&жffi gжжЖ %
Listen to с tollt сЬоцt с9ЬеrЬчltgiпg. Circle Т (trце) or F ffctse).
А с9ЬеrЬu[[9 uses the internet to send л,
messoges thot hurt реор[е. (r/ F
ь Yоu should igпоrе hоrmJul websltes Uоu see. Т / F
с Ц gou оrе суЬеrЬu[[iеd, talk to ап аdu[t. Т / t
d Тhеrе [s nothing schoot сап do to stop
с9ЬеrЬu[[Uiп9. l-/
е Yоuпg реор[е should olwoys thinh соrеJu[Lg
when uslпg the lnternet. т/F
Ё ё ф Listen с9сiп cnd complete the notes сьоцt whct shацп sc9S.

А суЬагЬu[lу: . ubob technology to huгt оthоrь
. pobtb
, ьепdь

Whcf to dо
l dоп't ьепd оп hurful mobblgob
2 rороrt суЬоrЬullуiпg webbiteb
? if you гесеivе а hurtful mоььоgо,
4 ьсhооlь апd роrопtь mubt сhildrеп

When li.stening to о [опg text, don't trg to wrlte down evergthlng 9оu о
hеоr. Mohe short notes оЬоut the moln ldeos. Underline or highltght ''.

important words, ond usе lists with bu[[et Polnts оr пumЬеrs.

* Complete this рсrоgrсрh чsiпg sоmе of the notes in cctlvltg 2.

А с9ЬеrЬu[[9 is о реrsоп who uses
Theg olso So, what should gоu
do to stop о с9ЬеrЬu[[9? First,
Second, FLпо[[9,

ЪЧfгз*ilg skýýз: l.i*t*_t*ki** i****iq**з
€ý Listen to Shсцп to[hing сЬочt internet
seiuritg спd tich (/) the phroses gоч hecr.

с protect uоur possword а

Ь personol [пJоrmоtlоп п
с best Jrlend п
d hеgЬосrd п
е ореп оп ottochment п i onti-virus soJtwore

f clich on [inhs п j tolhing to strongers

g cllck gоur mоusе п h с9ЬеrЬu[[у
h downlood а Jite п [ оп[[пе


ý ffi Now listen с9сiп ond tche notes. Highlight importcnt word,s.
,#' Iпtеrпеt sесчritg
,:.хаi 1 Protecting gоur password
о Don't tell опуопе

ё:п\- Z
о Соmрutеr чirusеs


3 Chotting onllne

* Use gочr notes to write о porcgrcph сЬоцt internet securitg.
Рrеsgпt perfect сmd р:rсt simple unit 1

We usе the present рефсt...

1 to tolk оЬоut exper[ences ot some tlme iп оur [[ves uр to now.
We don't sag when thеg hcppened,
she has Ьееп to the Iss twice.
She has dопе sеvеп spacewa[ks,
2 with for опd siпсе to tolk сЬоut on cctlon thot storted in the post
ond continues шр to Rоw:
They have Ьееп togetherfor over 20 уеаrs.
She hasn't gопе iпtо space siпсе NоvеmЬеr 2012.
We usе the post simple...
to tolk obout Jinished octlons iп the post. We usшо[[g sog whеп theg

пеVеr о9о

ЁiЁ у" gesterdog / 9esterdog mоrпiпg

i,,,', olreodg last week / month l yeor
iп SерtеmЬеr / 2006
on Soturdog / 1 7'h ,J

Рrеgешt perf,ect gmd рfrýt simple qш€ýtiопs uпit 1

We usе the present рефсt to osk аЬоut on ехреriепсе [n someone's [fe,

Have you visited the Space Сепtrе yet?
How Iапg have уоu worked Jоr /VA.SA?
Щ the onswer is yes, we цsе the pcst simpleJor aL[ the questions thotJollow,
Whеп d,id you go? I wепt last уеаr,
How Iопg did уоч spend there? Nеаr[у Jive mопths.
ffiжdжffiж w# d*dжжжftйwжж* Wffiffiffiffiжж& &жжжж Unit 2

То mаhе deductlons оЬоut the present оr to guеss based on evldence, we use

the modols rпчsЦ mау, might, соuld опd сап't + lnJinitive. We choose the
modol according to how sцrе we оrе оЬоut оur 9uess, ond how рrоЬсЬ[е the
stotement i,s.

qq% probcb[e 50% probcble 1% probob]e

(I'm чеrg surе (I'm not surе (I'm verg surе
it's trце) Ьut it's possi,b[e) it's поt trце)

It mс9 Ье с рiопо,
It might Ье оп оr9оп.
It mцst Ье о
It соц[d Ье оп occordlon. It can't Ье о spoon.
It mаg not Ье о gultоr.
It might not Ье о guitor.
i We оп[9 use mау поt оr might поf to sog thot [t's possib[e something
[s поt truе. We do not usе соuld поr [п thls sltuation.

ffi*жжжж w#trfuffi Unit 2

The Jtve sense verbs оrе: tсstе, look, smell, sоuпd апd feel.
Тhеg оrе Jollowed Ьg оп cdjective оr lEke + о поцп.
verb + cdjective verb + Iike + поцп
It tostes good. It tcstes like on орр[е.

It loolcs ЬеоutiJul. It [ooles lilce а tog.

It feets sф. It feels lilce о Jeother.
It smells good. It smel[s ]ike о Jlower.
It sоцпds lnterestlng. It sоцпds lihе о bird.
ffiу*ж*жжft ж*wfu*Ё **вевЁЁвъж**дж Un[t 3

We usе the present рефсt сопtlпцочs to emphosise the dцrоtiоп oJ оп oction.

It is usеd...
'I to talk obout octions that storted i,n the post cnd ore st[[[ сопttпuiпg:
The crops haven't Ьееп grоwiпg well.
We usе for апd siпсе with the present perJect сопtiпuоus to emphasise thot
the octlon is sti[[ hоррепiп$ поw:
They've Ьееп living there for six months.
Siпсе thеп, she has Ьееп lооkЕпg aJter the firе.
2 to tolh аЬоut оп octlvltg оr event thot hos recent|,g Jinished ond hos о
rеsult поw:
He's exhausted. He's Ьееп cutting wood all mоrпiпg.

Affirmctive N eg ctive
Short form Long form
I've been llving I hove Ьееп living I hcven't Ьееп llving
You've Ьееп tiving Yоu hcve been Yоu hoven't Ьееп living
He's Ьееп living Не hcs Ьееп livi,ng Не hcsn't Ьееп living
She's Ьееп living She hos Ьееп llvlng She hcsn't Ьееп llving
It's Ьееп living It hcs Ьееп living It hcsn't Ьееп living
We've Ьееп tlving We have Ьееп living We hсчеп't Ьееп ltving
Yоu'че Ьееп l,iving Yоu hcve Ьееп living You hcven't Ьееп living
Theg've Ьееп living Тhеg hove Ьееп living They hoven't Ьееп living

Qцеstiопs Answer
Hcs the соmmuпitg Ьееп helping? Yes, it hos. / No, it hcsn't.
Hcve реор[е Ьееп giving their time? Yes, theg hсче. / No, they hcven't.
How long hcve 9оu Ьееп wоrhiпg here? Fоr two months.
Whot hcve gоu Ьееп doing? I've Ьееп plonting trees,

Тhеrе аrе sоmе verbs we do not usuо[[у usе tп the present perJect
rý сопtlпuоus Ьесаusе theg оrе not actlon"s, Ье, Ьеlопg, have
ffo, possesslon), hate, kпоw, Iike, uпdеrstапd.
Wжgft рwж-#**& Unit 4

We usе the pcst рефсt to sog thot something hoppened before апоthеr
oction or event in the post:
Не поtЕсеd, that the c:hocolate Ьаr iп his pocket had, melted,.
(1" : it melted . 2"d = he noticed.)

Post perfect Post s|mple

The pcst perJect is the some Jor otl persons:

Affirmctive Negative
Short form Long form
I'd seen I hod seen I hcdn't seen
Yor-r'd seen yоu hcd seen yоu hcdn't seen
He'd seen не had seen не hcdn't seen
She'd seen she hod seen she hcdn't seen
It'd seen It hod seen It hcdn't seen
We'd seen we hod seen we hcdn't seen
You'd seen you hcd sееп yоu hodn't sееп
Theg'd seen Тhеg hcd seen Тhеg hcdn't seen

ffiжwwж&&w* &жжжжж Unit 4

We usе dfJerent ncrrctive tenses i,п storles to descrlbe past events.

Pcst simple
Тhеg fочпd the tomb oJ an Eggpttan ru[еr.
Pcst рефсt
(Рrеvlоus event)
No опе hcd entered the tomb Jor over з,000 gеоrs!

post сопtiпцоцs
рrоgrеss ot Iп 1922, he wos worhing iп Eggpt.
о speciJi.c time)
: :,.',
.:.. :::::2--т;#

i:.;:,ir+..: #i;|,1э Unit 5

When we report what onother person sold, we do not usе their exact words
(direct speech). We use reported speech with scjd or tоld(mеlцslhеr).
When we usе rероrtеd speech, we usuо.[[у chonge the tense, рrопоцпs
ond tlmе expresslons.
post simple + post perject
present perJect + post perJect
will + would
сап + could

Direct speech Reported speech

'Theg competed.' Не sc[d theg hcd competed.
'I've печеr seen опе.' Не scld he hcd печеr seen опе.

'I wi1[ tohe port оgо[п.' Не sc[d he wоцld toke port о9оiп.
'She ссп Ье verg obedlent.' Не told цs she соц[d Ье verg obedlent.
We oJten chonge tlme expresslons [п reported speech,
gesterdog + the dog beJore tomorrow + the next dog
ý n.rt g.oi + the JоlГоwiпg gеаr tonight + thot nlght
*'.l;.'ТЧ: 'П":#r"$',r,о,

hеrе -, there

Unit 5

When we report rеqцеst cnd commcnds we use asfted(melцslher) or told

(mеlцslhеr) + lnJinitive. То mоhе the negotlve we usе not + lnJlnltive.
Direct speech Reported speech
'Pleose Ьrirtg о toy to schoo[.' She oshed us ft* Ьriпg о toU to school.
'*fu**k it's in good condition.' She to[d us &* *fueck [t wos tп good condltlon.
'Don't bring Ьrоhеп toys.' She to[d us not to bring Ьrоhеп toys.

'Don't wrop the togs.' She told us not to wrср the toys.
ff€=5*r'*;*# щак,*жЁ***чж Unit 6

In reported informotion questions:

1we mоvе the tense Ьссh iп the some wоч we do with stotements.
аm/[s/аrе + was/were
present slmple + post simple
сап t could
2 the subject comes before the чеrЬ.
З we do not use о question mсr!с оr оп сцхiliсrg Gо/dоеs/diф,

Dlrect speech Indirect speech

'Whot is the сеrеЬе[[um?' Не osked hеr what the сеrеЬе[[um wcs.
'How [опg ссп humапs survive?' Не ashed how [опg humопs соц[d survive.

'How mцсh d*gs о Ьrоlп weigh?' She ashed how mцсh о Ьrоiп weighed.
'How mспч bones de we hcve?' She asked how mоп9 bones we hcd.

Iп reported ges/no qчеstiопs:

'I we mоvе the tense bocle.
2 the subject comes before the чеrЬ.
З we usе if or whether ЬеJоrе the subject.
4 we do not usе о qчеstiоп mcrlt оr оп crrxillcrg.

'Еs cttock реор[е?' We osked if shorks oJten cttoched реор[е.

sharhs oJten
'Are Jemoles blgger than mo[es?' Ivon oshed if Jemoles were Ьiggеr thon moles.
'Ссп shorks see we[[?' Апо osked whether sharhs соц[d see we[[.
, ;- гi,i- iiiitr"ч:BiЁE# Unit 7
,,gjai * iE ,t
,fi*#ý#:ffif;ыЁt ,**ui i;i.:
=- 1+

We usе the pcssive volce...

1 to emphoslse the actlon, rother thon who did lt:
) The blocks wеrе liJted,
2 when we don't hnow who did the oction) оr lt [sn't tmportont:
) They wеrе built З,300 years ago.
3 when it's оЬvlоus who does the o,ct[on:
) The stопеs wеrе reassembled.
The post simp[e possive is Jormed with the vеrЬ to Ье (waslwere) + the pcst
pcrticipte oJ the vеrЬ.

The Aswan dom wcs Ьцilt iп the еоr[9 ] 960s.

The mопumепt wcs счt чр ond moved.
The blochs were lifted to their пеw Locotlon.
The temples were threctened with Jtooding.
о- ,- The present slmple possive Jormed with rs/cre + post portici,ple:

The site is visited Ьу thousands oJ tourists,

Unit 7

The present perJect passive is Jormed with hcslhave (not) + Ьееп + pcst
The wood has Ьееп Ьоч9ht.
The old oah trees hove Ьееп strengthened.
The rooJ hcsn't been cdded get.
The rоре lodders hcven't Ьееп cttoched get.

ý' i Ц *. to [пс[udе the subject, we usе

wo,nt Ьу,
It was designed Ьу о team oJ architects.
ffiу*ж*а*Ё **аъъяffi+-.**пн:, ;,..i,+." Ё]:; .,++t,+;j f#яыВ,Ё,Еi+.*:#,*1trtr*l#ffiвffi Unit 8

We con usе the present сопtiпцоцs to tolk оЬоut dфпitе Juturе

оrrапgеmепts. We usuо[[у use thls tense when we hпоw the time ond р[осе.
We oJten usе time expresslons lihe tomorrow, оп Мопdау (mоrпiпg),
tonight, пехt Fridag, пехt week, elc:
Tomorrow, we're visiting the capita[,
Оп Мопdау night, we're саmрiпg оп ап island.
Оп Тuеsdау mоrпiпg, we're gоЕпg iпtо the Jorest,
What are уоч doing оп Sunday?

ff+.*ё,а*уяg t+*Е*,gЁ#;Ё Unit 8

We use dfJerent fчtчrе tenses to talh оЬоut dfJerent sltuot[ons [п the Juturе:

1 Futurе Jocts ond predlctlons

You wiII help save the рlапеt.
will/wоп,t Мапу species wоп't survive.
inJinltive 2 First conditionol sentences
Ц r, dоп't act поw, the епvirопmепt
will Ье iп trouble.
1 Futurе plons and lntentlons
Ье + gоiпg to + Wе'rе going to оrgапisе а rесусliпg саmраigп.
lnJinitive 2 Futurе predictions bosed оп present evldence
It's going to get worse iп the пехt Jew уеаrs,

Futurе events that оrе scheduled

Present simp[e
Earth Day takes place оп Мопdау.
д With the vеrЬ go, we usе the present сопtlпuоus, not goitтg.toзo:
We're gоiпg to-go to the beach. ) We're going to the beach.
ffi**жжd *жжвd&ж&wжжжЖ unit Ч

we usе the second conditioncl to tolh оьоut оп цпrеq,[ sitцоtiоп ond its
imс9iпеd rеsц[t,
IJ they passed exams, they would fi,пd Ьеttеr jobs,
(Thеu don't poss exoms. Theu don't find oood iobs.)
ч_ J_

То tolh оЬоut the uпrеоl sltuotion, we usе r/+ post simple. То to[k оЬоut the
imogined rеsult, we usе wоцldlwоuld,п't+ infinitive.

uпrес[ sitцоtiоп Rеsц[t

If еvеrg соmmuпitg had cleon woter, children wоц[dп't get t[[ as oJten.
If theg didn't exp[oit worhers, theg wоч[d hcve better conditions.
We сап рut the 9f clouse at the end oJ the sentence. When i.t comes
second, we don't uSе о согг1.1тtо:
:ii=]'j Chtldren wоuldп't get ill as оftеп if every соmmuпitу had
сlеап water.

ffi w&ffiWв--- Unit Ч

We usе I w|sh + post simp[e to talh obout о present sltuotion thot we wont
to Ье dfJerent.
Fcct Wish
I don't lenow the onswer. I wlsh I knew the onswer.
Theg hcve to work. I wlsh theg didn't hove to wоrh.

We соп olso шsе I wish + соцld + infinitive,

Fcct Wish
I ccn't give mоrе. I wlsh I соцld 9ive mоrе.
Ёяя#g Unit 10
: _..
_,_..1 -rr..J 'ti + .}
.j :..ij

А questi,on tcg is о short question ot the end oJ о S.entenc9:W, usе questlon

,og", .о osk Jor ЁопJirmоttоп. It's [[he sogi.ng_'Ap i r.191t?'
о: 'Do 9оu о9rее?',
Qriestion to9, оr. VеrU соmmоп [п spoken English,
When the stotement is
фЕа.**U&vй, the ,og 1,
negctive. When the Ъtоtеmепt i,s negctive, the tog is

Аlf&rнк*t&че v*rЬ Negotlve tcg

post simple Notive Аmеriсопs eeý*d them, didn't theg?

waslwere Тhеg w€rЁ usеd to wrlte, weren't theg?

present рефсt It Ьееrв" рорulоr since 2ОО2,

hcsn't lt?

will We'Ll о[[ hove mobile phones iп оur wotches, won't we?
Negctive verb &$ý&rяк*t&wе tmg

didn't usе lt beJore ] В00, dtd theg?

pcst simple Реор[е

weren't verg фlс[епt, ъtrgrý theg?

waslwere Tgpewri.ters

mentloned the lnternet uеt, kqv* we?

present рефсt we hcven't
will Тhеg won't exlst iп 20 gears, wiLl theg?

jlЁ,.-.:;.,*._j*,ч.i_:] -:, ui! -.,.,,.,....|.,.-.::.|:--.: | : lJni,t
-, 1 0

То tolh оЬоut pcst cbi[i,t9 We uSе соцld/соuldп't,

Не соuld mепd а соmрutеr whеп he was tеп,
I соuld,п't rеаd уоur text.
То tolh оЬоutfчtчrе possibi[itg we use mау (поt), might (not)
ond сочId,
I mау write а Story. We соuld, post iпtеrviеws. I might take photos,
(поt), might (поt),
3 То moke present d,ed,цcti,ons We uSе rпчýt, mау
соuld, and сап't,
That сап't Ье соrrесt. It mцst Ье something difJеrепt,
She mау Ье busy. It might поt Ье miпе,

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