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Jasmine Fritz Fritz 1

Mrs. Layson

English 11 B

19. April. 2021

Pro-Life or Pro-Choice

Have you ever thought about what women go through when giving birth or even when

there’s a child growing up in their stomach? The mother’s choice to abort the child growing in

their stomach, should be completely up to them, not be banned, and make sure that their rights

are not threatened. Women should have the right to chose for themselves if they want to chose an

abortion or keep their child.

An abortion is a medical procedure to get rid of the uterus that is forming in your

stomach. There are two different ways that the women can go about with their abortion: a

surgical procedure or a medical procedure. A surgical procedure is a procedure involving surgery

and sucking the uterus through a tube, while a medical abortion involves taking medication

prescribed from a doctor starting at nine weeks of the pregnancy that will help get rid of the

uterus in the stomach. All though, many laws and the health of the women may decide what

procedure they will have. Not only that but, there has been many fights about laws and

regulations of whether or not you are allowed to do an abortion, since 1821. However, currently

in the United States, with the COVID pandemic; abortion is titled as a non-essential health

service, in order to keep the staff and people safe.

In 2012, the United States endured the highest restrictions for abortion ever! There was a

10% increase in people favoring abortion rights, which means that seven out of ten people think

that there should be rights for abortion (Williams), it should be the women’s choice to abort the

child because it is apart of her rights. There is a difference between something that is living and
Jasmine Fritz Fritz 2

Mrs. Layson

English 11 B

19. April. 2021

something that is growing but not alive yet. An unexpected pregnancy and a pregnancy that you

know you are having and are planning for it are two different pregnancies. A planned pregnancy

changes the way of how women feel about their pregnancy and their baby: they get excited, they

go shopping for all kinds of baby things, however, a unexpected pregnancy feel the opposite

about their baby: they get scared, worried, stressed for all kinds of things which is not healthy for

the women or even the baby. Planned parenthood changes the view of the words “Life” and

“Choice” (Williams). In a planned parenthood the words “life” and “choice” are much more

uplifting. They know that the uterus inside of her stomach is a child growing up inside of her,

and that the baby has a life even if it isn’t born yet; and “choice” shows her that she is choosing

to keep the life of the child and help her to grow and nurture the baby. When a pregnancy is

unexpected then those perspectives of those words change for the worse, they think and believe

that the child has no life because the uterus has not grown into a child yet and therefore since it is

not born the uterus doesn’t represent a life. “Here’s the complicated reality, in which we live: All

life is not equal”. The women who has the child growing inside of her is the boss; she should be

able to chose whether or not she wants to keep the uterus inside of her and let it grow or if she

wants to take it out for reasons of her choice. The mother’s rights should be more important than

the uterus that is inside her that is not alive yet.

What would happen to women who don’t get what they need? Often times, women who

chose an abortion is for safety reasons. “40 percent of US pregnancies are unplanned, with about

half of this number unwanted”(Parker). Often times, the voices of the women and their families,

who want an abortion, are ignored when most of the time, they are making their decision because
Jasmine Fritz Fritz 3

Mrs. Layson

English 11 B

19. April. 2021

it has to do with a health problem. There are all kinds of reasons for why women would not want

to have a pregnancy and would chose abortion, like for safety reasons, or young age and just

want to go back to being a normal kid, or even if they are in some kind of trouble: financially,

physically or mentally, to keep the child safe, but in this case, it is mostly because it was

unplanned or they don’t want to keep the child because it messes up their normal life and could

be judged from the outside world. The women’s feelings are the most important so therefore

shouldn’t be judged for the decision that they make, and likely she has a reason why she can’t

keep the child. So, women have the option to make their own choice as soon as they possibly

can, however, they need to have the right amount of time to make their decisions, for it is a hard

decision to make, because they will have to live with the decision for the rest of their lives.

Approximately, one in three women will chose an abortion and end a pregnancy at least

sometime in their lifetime (Parker). Although, there is a struggle for abortion access, with less

access to abortions, it can most of the time cause them to be a late-term abortion; 85% of U.S

women have no access to abortion. I believe that it is their choice to chose an abortion or not; it

should be apart of their rights without judgement from the outside world.

Many people believe that the war has been won, that women have rights and easy access

to abortion; however, many countries don’t allow for an abortions and are forced to follow

religious rules. The thought that an abortion is a wrong and messed-up choice often comes from

religious ideas, mostly from the Roman Catholic church. On the other hand, Abortion is a moral

choice which therefore benefits for the women of society, because Abortion protects women and

couples. What about the children that are often abandoned. Well, those kids grow up with so
Jasmine Fritz Fritz 4

Mrs. Layson

English 11 B

19. April. 2021

much hate and trauma by not growing up with a mom or dad, which causes them to hurt

themselves and people, and most of them become juvenile delinquents. So in this case, abortions

is helping, because the number of unwanted children are decreasing, which is helping the welfare

of society. With an abortion, the children don’t get put into unsafe homes and grow up without

parents which causes them to have so much hatred and trauma in their lives. Therefore, we

should make sure that women’s rights to chose an abortion or not should not be threatened or

limited for it helps the society, and the nation as a whole.

Although, some people may say that abortions should be banned, because of the painful

suffering that the uterus and the women may feel, however, it is not alive yet, so therefore the

uterus does not feel any painful suffering. Who are we to think that people should not be able to

chose in abortion, when we may have no clue what could be going on in their life? Some people

may think that all abortions are bad, the uterus is not living and therefore abortions should not be

banned or have their rights restricted and their option to chose an abortion to be taken away. The

women may be trying to protect her baby or she may have had an unplanned pregnancy, but

either way, they should be able to choose for themselves if they want to have an abortion or not.

An abortion is a way to stop an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy from happening, in a way, it is

protecting the baby, because if the pregnancy is unwanted then the child could get put in danger

and not cared for the right way or could get put into a different unsafe home.

In conclusion, Women should have the right to choose for themselves if they want to

choose an abortion or keep their child. It should only be up to the women to decide what is best

for their child because the uterus isn’t alive yet. The uterus has not developed into a child yet, so
Jasmine Fritz Fritz 5

Mrs. Layson

English 11 B

19. April. 2021

therefore it would not be killing a child, if the process hasn’t developed that far. Then again, the

uterus is growing inside of her, so she would know what is best for her and the child. Therefore,

we should make sure that women’s rights to chose an abortion should be completely up to them,

not be banned, and make sure that their rights are not threatened; For it helps the nation as a

whole as well.

Works Cited
"Abortion." Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2020. Gale In Context: Opposing
Jasmine Fritz Fritz 6

Mrs. Layson

English 11 B

19. April. 2021


. Accessed 19 Apr. 2021.

Gold, Rachel Benson, and Elizabeth Nash. "Abortion Rights Are Threatened." Are Abortion Rights

Threatened?, edited by Tamara L. Roleff, Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Gale In

Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

Accessed 19 Apr. 2021. Originally published as "Troubling Trend: More States Hostile to

Abortion Rights as Middle Ground Shrinks," Guttmacher Policy Review, vol. 15, no. 1, Winter


Parker, Willie. "Late-Term Abortions Should Not Be Banned." Are Abortion Rights Threatened?,

edited by Tamara L. Roleff, Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Gale In Context: Opposing


. Accessed 19 Apr. 2021. Originally published as "A Perspective on Later Abortion ... From

Someone Who Does Them," Conscience, vol. 33, no. 1, Spring 2012.

Ryan, Paul. "Unborn Children Have Rights That Must Be Protected." Are Abortion Rights
Jasmine Fritz Fritz 7

Mrs. Layson

English 11 B

19. April. 2021

Threatened?, edited by Tamara L. Roleff, Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Gale In

Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

. Accessed 19 Apr. 2021. Originally published as "Life: The Cause of Life Can't Be Severed

from the Cause of Freedom," Indivisible: Social and Economic Foundations of American

Liberty, vol. 21, Feb. 2010.

Williams, Mary Elizabeth. "The Choice to Abort Is Up to Women." Abortion, edited by Noël Merino,

Greenhaven Press, 2014. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

. Accessed 19 Apr. 2021. Originally published as "So What If Abortion Ends Life?", 23 Jan. 2013.

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