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Group Members: Artist:



Art 1 Final: Artist Research Project and Ceiling Tile Design

For your final, you and/or a partner are going to pick a famous artist from the list (see last

Everyone’s artist will be different so be sure to tell me who your artist is once you make
your choice and he/she will be ‘reserved’. **Note** If there is a group or individual that has
chosen the same artist, then a random lottery will be conducted to see who ‘wins’ the artist.

Individually or with a partner, you will be creating a powerpoint/google slide with

information about your artist. In addition, you will also be painting a ceiling tile for display
in room 136 which expresses the style and subject matter of your chosen artist.

1. Google slide/Presentation 🡪 Complete individually OR if with partner, and e-mail to

Mrs. Puckett
2. Artwork 🡪 Each individual student must create and submit their own artwork

#1 Google slide- Your group will create a powerpoint presentation about your artist. In the
presentation, it must include the following information. Text should be paraphrased, not
copied/pasted, and in bullet point format if applicable.

1. The name of your artist and an introductory slide to your presentation

2. At least 8 images of the artist’s artwork along with the title, date, and medium. (One
artwork along with its information per slide.) Image should be large enough to fill up a
large portion of the slide.
3. Date/place of birth, and date of death (or, if artist is still alive just put ‘present’)
4. A portrait or self portrait of artist
5. 5 interesting facts about your artist--- Must be interesting
6. Answer the questions.
* What media did he/she use?
* What general subject matter interested your artist?
* What drives or motivates your artist to create art?
* What time period and/or art movement is your artist associated with? Explain
its characteristics...
* What other important historical or cultural events were happening at the time
your artist was creating art?
7. Each person’s individual personal opinion about the artist and his/her artwork (at least
50 words for each opinion).
8. Works cited: make sure you include your sources on the last slide.

Be prepared to present the slideshow individually/with your partner and your ceiling tile
artwork to the class. Also, be prepared to express your personal opinions about your artist and
his/her work. Presentation should be no more than 7 minutes long. 5 minutes is ideal.

#2 Ceiling Tile Artwork- Each group member will create a painting on a ceiling tile based on
the style, subject, and/or technique of your chosen artist. NO COPIES! Partners can
brainstorm ideas together but each student must come up with and create their own
original design idea. Ceiling tile will be completed using acrylic paint. Be prepared to explain
how your ceiling tile artwork reflects the style of your chosen artists’ works during your
presentation. Please refer to the Style powerpoint on canvas for additional information.

Google slide/powerpoint Rubric
Slideshare Excellent 15 Good 12-14 Fair 9-11 Poor 1-8

Information All information is Most information Some information Little or no

included and is listed, but some is included but not information is
complete on the information is all may be correct included; no work
slideshow and is incorrect. A works or complete; no cited.
correct. A works cited is listed. work cited is listed.
cited is included. Pictures may or
may not be

Creativity/ Design Excellent 5 Good 4 Fair 3 Poor 1-2

Layout of sideshare Layout is Layout is not very Slideshow is

creatively somewhat creative; little work nowhere near
enhances creative, slideshow went into the complete, and not
information; is somewhat design of the creative or pleasing
information is colorful; not all slideshow; words to the eye. No
coherently words and are not easily read. design qualities are
presented and information may present at all.
pleasing to the eye; be easily legible.
all words are
legible and easy to

Slideshare: _____ /20 pts.

Ceiling Tile Artwork Rubric
5 points per Excellent 5 Good 4 Fair 3 Poor 1-2
Artistic Style Student Student captured Student somewhat Student work does
successfully their chosen captured their not capture their
captured artist’s artist’s qualities, artist’s style at all
characteristic characteristic but could have and artwork does
qualities of their qualities, but some done more not resemble their
chosen artist in traits may have artist in any way.
their artwork. been overlooked
or missing

Time/Effort Student used their Student was Student Student did not
time wisely in class mostly on task and sometimes was on use their time
and worked at worked well on task but could wisely and were
least 2 hours on their project; but have used their often off task; no
their project; could have used time better; effort was given;
Maximum effort their time better. minimum effort project looks
was given. was given rushed and like it
was done in a few
Creativity/ Design Artwork has Artwork has good Artwork has an Artwork is a copy
excellent technique and average design, and is unoriginal ;
technique and design qualities, and somewhat No creativity or
design qualities; and uses the uses the element design elements
design was well elements and and principles, it is and principles
thought out and principles well; somewhat creative were used
uses the elements artwork is
and principles creative.
thoroughly well;
artwork is very
Craftsmanship/ Project is neat and Project is mostly Project is not Project is nowhere
Neatness complete; layered; complete ; good complete with near completion
no torn paper or craftsmanship messy or has and is very messy.
smudges; qualities ; may be unfinished parts
excellent a little messy. throughout; little
craftsmanship care was taken .

Artwork: ________ /20 pts.

Powerpoint _____
Artwork _____
____ / 40 pts. TOTAL

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