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Reference Addressed Circumstance Ingredients Development in Any change in

to: s under which Composing the the book of content or

it was Covenant Genesis Emphasis
Genesis 12:1 Abraham God’s calling Moving and Abraham moving There is
The LORD had said to of Abraham Land by faith toward emphasis on
Abram, “Go from your to move in the place where moving by
country, your people and faith God wants him. faith.
your father’s household to
the land I will show you.”

Genesis 12:2 Abraham God’s calling Blessing Abraham’s call God

“I will make you into a of Abraham emphasizes his
great nation and I will to move in promise of
bless you; I will make faith blessing
your name great and you
will be a blessing.”
Genesis 12:3 Abraham God’s calling Blessing and Abraham is God’s emphasis
I will bless those who of Abraham Curses hearing what on who he is
bless you and whoever to move in God will do for blessing and
curses you I will curse; faith him. cursing
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through

Genesis 12:4 Abraham Abraham Moving in faith Abraham not There is

So Abram went, as the went in faith only listened but emphasis on
LORD had told him; and and moved moved in faith Abraham doing
Lot went with him. where God and took Lot as what the Lord
told him. well. told him.
Genesis 13:15 Abraham God promises Land for God moves onto There is
“All the land that you see I land for Abraham and another promise emphasis on the
will give to you and your Abraham and his descendants of land. promise of God
offspring forever.” his giving land to
Genesis 13:16 Abraham God promises Many God makes a There is
“I will make your to multiply descendants third promise of emphasis on
offspring like the dust of Abraham’s multiplying another promise
the earth, so that if anyone offspring Abraham’s of covering the
could count the dust, then offspring. earth with many
your offspring could be offspring.
Genesis 13:17 Abraham God Promise of land God finishes his There is
“Go, walk through the commands promises with emphasis that
length and breadth of the Abraham to having Abraham the Lord
land, for I am giving it to walk the land realize and see wanted
you.” He promised what God is Abraham to see
him. going to give all he had
him. promised.
Genesis 15:5 Abraham God takes Promise of God tries to God
He took him outside and Abraham Offspring make Abraham emphasizes His
said, “Look up at the sky outside and see how amazing promise of
and count the stars-if has him look His promise of many offspring.
indeed you can count up and shows offspring would
them.” Then he said to him how be in a vision.
him, “So shall your large his
offspring be.” future family
will be.
Genesis 15:6 Abraham Abraham has Faith, belief, God comes to God
Abram believed the faith, and was and Abraham in a emphasizes
LORD, and he credited it rewarded for righteousness vision. Abram faith
to him as righteousness. it. and
Genesis 15:15 Abraham Abraham falls Peace and long God talks to God
You however will go to asleep and the life. Abraham in a emphasizes
your ancestors in peace Lord talks to dream. Abrahams long
and be buried at a good him about his life.
old age. long life.
Genesis 17:2 Abraham God appears Covenant and God appears to God
Then I will make my to Abraham large family Abraham when emphasizes
covenant between me and when he was line he was 99 and Abraham’s
you and will greatly 99 and talks tells him about future family
increase your numbers. with him. his family’s line.
Genesis 17:4 Abraham God is talking Covenant and God is going God
As for me, this is my with large family over the emphasizes the
covenant with you: You Abraham covenant with covenant and
will be the father of many about the Abraham. Abraham’s
nations covenant. future family
Genesis 17:5 Abraham God changes Name change God changes The content is
No longer will you be Abram’s and Family line Abram’s name to changed when
called Abram; your name name to Abraham and God changes
will be Abraham, for I Abraham and again talks about Abram’s name
have made you a father of again talks his family line. to Abraham and
many nations. about his emphasizes his
family line. family line.
Genesis 17:6 Abraham God promises Fruitfulness, God promises a God
I will make you very Abraham family line, and family line full emphasizes
fruitful; I will make fruitfulness, future kings of greatness and Abraham’s
nations of you, and kings family line, kings. fruitfulness and
will come from you. and famous promises great
family line. nations and
future kings.
Genesis 17:7 Abraham God promises Covenant, God God is talking to God is
I will establish my an everlasting of descendants Abraham about emphasizing
covenant as an everlasting covenant and Abraham an everlasting His everlasting
covenant between me and between covenant covenant with
your descendants after you Abraham and between Him Abraham and
for the generations to his and Abraham’s his descendants.
come, to be your God and descendants descendants and
the God of your and promises promises to be
descendants after you. to be their their God.
Genesis 17:8 Abraham God promises Land, God promises God
The whole land of Canaan, the land of descendants, the land of emphasizes his
where you now reside as a Canaan as an and be their Canaan, and to promise of land
foreigner, I will give as an everlasting God. forever be the and to be their
everlasting possession to possession God of his God.
you and your descendants and again people.
after you; and I will be promises to
their God. be their God.
Genesis 17:9 Abraham God is talking Covenant and God tells God
Then God said to to Abraham keeping of it. Abraham that he emphasizes the
Abraham, “As for you, and telling must keep the keeping of his
you must keep my him to keep covenant and his covenant.
covenant, you and your the covenant, descendants must
descendants after you for not only him as well.
the generations to come. but his
Genesis 17:16 Abraham God promises Son, blessing, God promises God
I will bless her and will Sarah and descendants, blessing of Sarah emphasizing
surely give you a son by Abraham a and future by giving her a the blessing of
her. I will bless her so that son. He kings. son and a great Sarah.
she will be the mother of blesses her future.
nations; kings of peoples and she will
will come from her. have a great
future line.
Genesis 17:19 Abraham God promises Everlasting God promises a God
I will establish my to establish a covenant covenant for emphasizes the
covenant with him as an covenant for Abraham and his covenant.
everlasting covenant for Abraham and descendants.
his descendants after him. his
Genesis 17:20 Abraham God blesses Blessing of God promises God
And as for Ishmael, I have Ishmael Ishmael, Ishmael emphasizes
heard you: I will surely because of promise of what fruitfulness, Ishmael’s
bless him; I will make him Abraham’s will happen to increased family, blessing.
fruitful and will greatly prayers. Ishmael. twelve rulers and
increase his numbers. He a great nation.
will be the father of twelve
rulers and I will make him
into a great nation.
Genesis 18:14 Abraham God promises Promise of a God showing God
Is anything too hard for them a son. son. Abraham his emphasizes his
the Lord? I will return to power and power and
you at the appointed time promises a son. promise of a
next year, and Sarah will son to Abraham
have a son. and Sarah.
Genesis 18:18 Men who God talks to Powerful nation God talks to the God
Abraham will surely visited the men about and blessing men about emphasizes
become a great and Abraham how powerful Abraham’s Abraham’s
powerful nation, and all Abraham’s future. future.
nations on earth will be family will
blessed through him. become.
Genesis 18:19 Men God Chosen, way of God tells the The content is
For I have chosen him, so visiting continues the LORD, men why changed to God
that he will direct his Abraham talking about promises Abraham was talking to the
children and his household choosing chosen. men visiting
after him to keep the way Abraham Abraham
of the LORD by doing because of his instead of
what is right and just, so ability to lead Abraham. He
that the LORD will bring his family in emphasizes the
about for Abraham what the way of the choosing of
he has promised him. LORD. Abraham.
Genesis 19:29 Abraham God Destroyed cities Abraham had The content is
So when God destroyed destroyed and the saving interceded for changed to the
the cities of the plain, he Sodom and of Lot Lot before the saving of Lot
remembered Abraham, Gomorrah Lord and God from the city of
and he brought Lot out of and saved remembered and Sodom and
the catastrophe that Lot. saved Lot. Gomorrah.
overthrew the cities where
Lot had lived.
Genesis 20:7 King God warns Warning Abraham is God
Now return the man’s Abimalech King journeying emphasizes
wife, for he is a prophet, Abrimalech through Egypt Abraham’s lie
and he will pray for you about and lies about but warns King
and you will live. But if returning Sarah being his Abimalech.
you do not return her, you Sarah back to sister.
may be sure that you and Abraham.
all who belong to you will
Genesis 21:18 Hagar God promises Great nation Abraham sends God
Lift the boy up and take Hagar to Hagar away and emphasizes
him by the hand, for I will make Ishmael promises to making Ishmael
make him into a great a great nation. make Ishmael into a great
nation. into a great nation.
Genesis 22:2 Abraham God tells Sacrifice, Abraham is told God
Then God said, “Take Abraham to obedience to sacrifice his emphasizes
your son, your only son, offer his only son on the obedience to
whom you love-Isaac-and son as a burnt mountain of Him by
go to the region of offering. Moriah. sacrifice of
Moriah. Sacrifice him Abraham’s only
there as a burnt offering son.
on a mountain I will show

Genesis 22:17 Abraham God promises Blessing and God again God
I will surely bless you and to bless possession reiterates emphasizes
make your descendants as Abraham blessing. blessing and the
numerous as the stars in with many overpowering
the sky and as the sand on descendants. of
the seashore. Your He says they
descendants will take will take over
possession of the cities of the cities of
their enemies. their enemies.
Genesis 22:18 Abraham Abraham’s Blessing, God continues God
And through your offspring will offspring and talking about the emphasizes the
offspring all nations on bless the obedience blessing of blessing of
earth will be blessed, earth because Abraham’s Abraham’s
because you have obeyed of his offspring. offspring.
me. obedience.
Genesis 24:7 Abraham Abraham tells Oath, wife, Abraham sends God
The LORD, the God of his servant offspring the servant to get emphasizes his
heaven, who brought me about God’s a wife for Isaac. promise to
out of my father’s promise of a Abraham.
household and my native wife for his
land and who spoke to me son Isaac.
and promised me on oath
saying, ‘To your offspring
I will give this land-he
will send his angel before
you so that you can get a
wife for my son from
Genesis 25:23 Rebekah God talks to Twins, older, Rebekah is told The content is
The LORD said to her, Rebekah and younger by the Lord changed here to
Two nations are in your tells her about about her sons in focus on Esau
womb, and two peoples the twins in her womb and and Jacob, the
from within you will be her womb. He their future. sons of
separated; one people will tells her the Rebekah and
be stronger than the other, younger will Isaac.
and the older will serve be over the
the younger. other.
Genesis 26:24 Isaac God appears Blessing and Isaac is told by God
That night the LORD to Abraham increasing the LORD about emphasizes
appeared to him and said, and says His his future once again to
“I am the God of your name and blessing and his Isaac about his
father Abraham. Do not be tells him descendants future blessing
afraid, for I am with you; I about his blessing. and his
will bless you and will future. people’s.
increase the number of
your descendants for the
sake of my servant
Genesis 28:13 Jacob God appears Land Jacob is moving The content is
There above it stood the to Jacob in a to Haran and fell changing as it
LORD, and he said: “I am dream and asleep and the turns to Jacob
the LORD, the God of tells him, He Lord came to and God
your father Abraham and is giving him him in a dream emphasizes the
the God of Isaac. I will the land he is telling him the promise of
give you and your sleeping on. promise of the land.
descendants the land on land he is lying
which you are lying. on.
Genesis 28:14 Jacob God tells Dust, offspring The continuation God
Your descendants will be Jacob in his of Jacob’s dream emphasizes
like the dust of the earth, dream of the and God is what Isaac’s
and you will spread out to power and telling him about people will
the west and to the east to plenty of his his offspring. become.
the north and to the south. descendants.
All peoples of the earth
will be blesses through
you and your offspring.
Genesis 28:15 Jacob God Watching and The continuation God
I am with you and will continues guarding of Jacob’s dream emphasizes
watch over you wherever talking to and God is watching over
you go, and I will bring Jacob in his promising him Jacob.
you back to this land. I dream and that He will be
will not leave you until I promises to with Jacob
have done what I have watch over always.
promised you. him.
Genesis 31:3 Jacob The Lord Travel and God speaks to God
Then the LORD said to promises to protection Jacob and tells emphasizes
Jacob, “Go back to the never leave him to go back to moving and
land of your fathers and to him and tells the land of his never leaving
your relatives, and I will him to go fathers and he Jacob.
be with you.” back to the will never leave
land of his him.
Genesis 35:11 Jacob God repeats Future, nation God tells Jacob God
And God said to him, “I to Jacob his to go to Bethel emphasizes
am God Almighty; be promise about and again repeats again the future
fruitful and increase in his family. his promise to of Jacob’s
number. A nation and a make a great family.
community of nations will nation out of his
come from you, and kings people.
will be among your
Genesis 35:12 Jacob God tells Land God continues God
The land I gave to Jacob that he telling Jacob that emphasizes his
Abraham and Isaac I also will be given he will receive promise to give
give to you, and I will give land and it land and so will land to Jacob.
this land to your will follow his descendants.
descendants after you. into his

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