CENG 1009 - Programming Fundamentals Final Project

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CENG 1009 – Programming Fundamentals

Final Project

Deadline: January 23, 2021

In this project, you are supposed to work on a system for university placement exam.
We already have the following information related with this exam; student information,
their answers to questions, their choices of universities and university information.
There are 40 questions in the exam book and each question has five possible choices.
(a,b,c,d,e). 4 wrong answers will take away one of the correct ones. Every correct
answer is worth 15 points.

Format of the files is shown below and should not be changed. We will test it with
our files.

key.txt : It contains the answers of 40 questions. There are two lines for question book
type A and B in this file.


university.txt : It contains the list of the universities, their base points and capacity.

1,Ege Üniversitesi Bilgisayar Mühendisligi,300,5

2,Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi,290,3
3,Mugla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Bilgisayar Mühendisliği,280,4

student.txt : it contains the 6 digit id, name and last name of a student.

117112 İbrahim Kaptan

124421 Ayse Yılmaz

answers.txt : it contains the student id, question book type, answers and the id of
choices of universities a student. There will be only two choices for universities. The
placement will be done based on student’s score and choices. The answers that left
blank is shown with “-“.

117112 B abcd-abccecbcdbae---cd-eabc-dea---acdaacedc 2 1
124421 A eeeee---cbcdbaee---eeeeeee--aaa-aaa-bbbbbbc 1 3

DO the following by means of a menu:

1) Search for a student with a given id and display his/her name and last name
2) List the university/universities and departments with a maximum base points.(20
3) Create a file named results.txt which will have, student id, name, last name, book
type, number of correct, incorrect and blank answers, number of answers after
reducing the wrong ones based on the formula given above, score, name of the
schools given as a choice. (20pts)
4) List the student information (id, name, last name) sorted by their score (10pts)
5) List the students placed in every university/department. Display the name of the
university and the department first and then the list of students who were place
into that department. (20pts)
6) List the students who were not be able to placed anywhere. (10pts)
7) List all the departments (Bonus 10 pts)

You should use a Student class while coding for this project. This student class should
have at least three class variables for name, last name and id. You can add extra class
variables if you like, but make sure that you do not violate a class concept.

Name, last name and id should be a string type. Among these, id should be private.
There are also requirements for id so that it should have 6 characters and all of them
should be digits. You can decide on methods by yourself.

 Maximum grade you can get from this exam is 100pts.

 You will demonstrate your project in one-to-one Zoom meeting. Time
schedule will be announced later.
 Create a zip file of your source files and submit the zip file to DYS until the
deadline. Those who did not submit the zip file until the deadline will not be
able to demonstrate and will get 0 for the final exam.

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