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Cell: 0719334839, P.O Box 35625-00100, Nairobi



PhD in Business Administration- Strategic Management

Master of Business Administration- Strategic Management
Bachelor of Education
Certified Public Secretary CPS(K)
Certified Public Accountant CPA(K)
Higher Diploma in Human Resource Management
Strategic Leadership Development Programme course from the Kenya School of Government
Integrity Officer Assurance course
Certified ISO 9001: 2015 Auditor
Senior Management course from the Kenya School of Government
Certificate in TVET quality assurance
Formerly senior Lecturer at NYS and currently Assistant Director, Research and Quality
Management Systems at TVET Authority
Examinations Technical Sub-Committee member at KASNEB
Part-time lecturer in Human Resource Management and Financial Accounting at the University
of Nairobi, JKUAT, Technical University of Mombasa and Cooperative University

Date of Birth 28th March 1983

Nationality Kenyan

ID No. 22761170

Religion Christian

Language proficiency English and Kiswahili

Marital status Married

Hobbies Listening to music and taking a nature walk

Personal Attributes A disciplined, hardworking, and ethical individual with excellent
interpersonal and communication skills.
Career Objective I am aspiring to be in a position where I can apply the knowledge, skills
and attitudes acquired in the course of schooling and career life to assist
organizations attain their goals.


Academic Qualifications

Name of the From To Qualification obtained Grade

JKUAT 2012 2018 PhD in Business N/A
JKUAT 2010 2012 Master of Business N/A
Moi University 2002 2002 Bachelor of Education Second class upper division
Matagaro Secondary 1997 2000 KCSE B (Plain)
Kimai Primary School 1989 1996 KCPE 414/700 Marks

Professional Qualifications

Name of the Institution From To Qualification obtained Grade

Kenya Institute of 2008 2009 Higher Diploma in Human Resource Upper Credit
Management Management
KASNEB 2015 2016 Certified Public Secretaries CPS(K) N/A
KASNEB 2018 2021 Certified Public Accountant CPA(K) N/A

Short Courses Undertaken

Name of the Institution Year Course

Kenya School of Government 2021 Strategic Leadership Development Programme (SLDP)
National Quality Institute (NQI) 2019 Certificate in ISO 9001:2015 Quality Audit
Kenya School of Government 2018 Senior Management Course
Ethics and Anticorruption 2021 Integrity Officers Assurance (IOA) course
Commission (EACC)


Organization From To Job Title Duties

TVET Authority 2018 Date Assistant Director, -Development of proposals for research
Research/Strategy -Development of Data collection tools
-Management representative for ISO
National Youth 2010 2018 Senior Lecturer -Preparing training programmes
Service (NYS) -Preparing learning materials
-Teaching diploma and certificate students
in Mathematics, Accounting, Technical
drawing and Building construction
-Setting and marking examinations
University of 2015 2018 Part-time lecturer -Teaching Strategic Management and
Nairobi Human Resource Management units
-Supervising student research projects
-Setting and marking exams
JKUAT 2012 2018 Part-time lecturer -Teaching Corporate Governance and
Ethics, Company Law, strategic
management and public procurement,
Human resource management
-Supervising student research projects
-Setting and marking exams
Technical 2015 2018 Part-time lecturer -Teaching Financial Accounting, Company
University of Law, Business Law, leadership and team
Mombasa building, Auditing and Labour Laws
-Supervising student research projects
-Setting and marking exams
Cooperative 2018 2019 Part-time lecturer -Teaching introduction to economics
University of
Nyabururu 2007 2010 Graduate Teacher -Teaching Mathematics and Physics
Girl’s High -Setting and marking exams


January 2021 to date Developing competency based curricular for Dental Aptitude College

January to June 2021 Developed a strategic plan for Nyaguku Secondary school

2012 to 2015 Trainer with Kenya Private sector Alliance (KEPSA)

Areas of Facilitation Human resource management, research methods, auditing,
entrepreneurship, finance, accounting and marketing.

January 2017 to Date Training and change management consultant at Baraka FM

September, 2017 to Date Internal control and customer service consultant at A & F Foods-

April 2014 to Date Corporate trainer at The Kenya Institute of management

Areas of Facilitation Corporate governance, performance management, balanced scorecard and

safety and quality management systems.


November 2021 Appointed by the National Construction Authority (NCA) to review and
validate research proposals for one week in Naivasha
July 2019 to date Member of Examinations Technical Sub-committee at KASNEB

January 2020 Appointed to a taskforce to develop the National Construction Industry

Outlook (CIO) spearheaded by the National Construction Authority
December 2019 Appointed to a taskforce to review the Certified Human Resource
Professional (CHRP) Curriculum Spearheaded by Human Resource
Management Professional Examination Board (HRMPEB)

June 2019 to date Member of Technical Examinations Sub-committee at Kasneb

June 2019 to date Committee member- Affordable Housing Program (AHP)

May 2019 to August Chairman- National Science Week Exhibitions Committee

March 2019 Appointed by TVET Authority to spearhead implementation of a quality
management system based on ISO 9001:2015. The Authority was
certified in January 2020

June 2019 Appointed as a member of TVETA records management committee

September 2019 Appointed as a member of TVETA customer service committee

2019 to date Committee member, Tripartite Transport facilitation Programme

2015 To 2018 Member- Examination Moderation Board- JKUAT Mombasa Campus

February 2019 Appointed to an ad hoc committee in TVETA to develop National

Polytechnic standard, Competence Based Education and Training and
Assessment (CBETA) standard and Recognition of Prior Learning


1. Participated in accreditation of about 200 TVET Institutions

2. Participated in quality audit of 30 TVET Institutions
3. Participated in the assessment of Nyandarua Institute of Technology for the purpose of
upgrading it to a National Polytechnic
4. Participated in the assessment of Kenya Technical Trainers’ College for the purpose of
upgrading to the Kenya School of TVET
5. Was a team leader in assessing Animal Health Training Industry (AHITI) for the purpose
of upgrading it to a National Polytechnic


Langat, K., Omboto, D.B., Ambuli, A.M., & Ng’eno J.K. (2021). The effect of trainer
competencies on training effectiveness: A survey of public TVET institutions in
Kenya. The Kenya Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, vol. 4
ISSN 2227-5088.

Mokua, M. & Omboto, D. (2018). Effects of public procurement practices on procurement

performance of constituency development fund projects in Kwale County
government of Kenya. Intenational Journal of Current Research, 10(3), 67333-67338.

Omboto, D., Namusonge, G.S. & Sakwa, M. (2017). The influence of human resources on
strategy implementation in commercial banks in Kenya. Elixir Organizational
Behavior 110(2017) 48 244-48 251.

Omboto, D., Namusonge, G.S. & Sakwa, M. (2017). The influence of corporate leadership in
strategy implementation in commercial banks in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of
Business and Change Management, 4(3), 60-75
Maina, D.W. & Omboto, D.B.(2016). Factors Affecting Implementation of Public
Procurement and Disposal Act 2015 in Kenya (A survey of public universities in
Mombasa County). The International Journal of Business &
Management, 4(8), 139-158.


Omboto, D.B., & Obudho, S.O. (2014). Critical factors affecting the competitiveness of
Kenyan Universities. Paper presented at the 1st Kisii County Conference on quality
education, Kenya


N Name Title of project Completion

o date
1. Diana W. Factors Affecting Implementation of Public Procure and 2017
Maina Disposal Act 2015 in Kenya (A survey of public universities in
Mombasa County).

2. Moses Effects of public procurement practices on procurement 2018

Mokua performance of constituency development fund projects
in Kwale County government of Kenya.


1. Registered Certified Public Secretary and full Member of the Institute of Certified Public
Secretaries (ICPSK) - Registration number R/CPSB/3353


Training of Trainers (TOT) Course by Catholic peace and Justice Commission, Lean Six Sigma
Training and Organizational Performance Index by The Kenya Institute of Management.


DR. Aggrey Wanyama, PhD DR. Titus Kisingu

Deputy Regisrar, JKUAT Lecturer, JKUAT Mombasa campus
Cell: 0725 948 568 Cell: 0720 263 369
Email: Email:

DR. Abdullah Ibrahim Ali, PhD

Lecturer, Pwani University
Cell: 0722 287 363

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