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Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 90 (2006) 2569–2571


Some suggestions for photovoltaic power generation

using artificial light illumination
T.E. Girish
Department of Physics, University College, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 034, India
Available online 5 May 2006


Part of the electrical energy spent for lighting purposes can be recycled by photovoltaic power
generation. We have suggested some methods to enhance power generation based on solar cells using
indoor artificial lights. An emergency street light system working on stored photovoltaic energy from
outdoor sodium vapor lamp illumination is proposed as an application.
r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Photovoltaic power generation; Solar cells; Artificial lighting; Photovoltaics

1. Introduction

Up to 20% of world’s electrical energy consumption is used for lighting purposes. The
visible radiation emitted from artificial lamps can be used for photovoltaic power
generation. This will recycle part of the electrical energy spent for lighting. The appliances
operating in indoor fluorescent light has been developed since 1980s such as solar cell
powered calculators and clocks. However, there has been no serious attempts to utilize the
outdoor artificial lamp light as a power source. In this note we have pointed out some
methods to enhance indoor photovoltaic power generation using artificial lights. An
emergency street lighting system working on stored photovoltaic energy from outdoor
sodium vapour lamp light is also proposed as an application.

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2570 T.E. Girish / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 90 (2006) 2569–2571

2. Photovoltaic power generation using indoor artificial light illumination

Fluorescent lamps are the most commonly used indoor lighting sources nowadays.
Desktop office illumination generally varies between 100 and 1000 lux which corresponds
to an irradiance of 0.3–3 W/m2 in the visible region from a fluorescent light [1]. The
photovoltaic power generated by an amorphous solar cell array of 1 m2 area for the above
levels of illumination will vary between 0.25 and 2.9 mW for typical commercial solar cells
[2]. One way to improve photovoltaic power generation in indoors is to increase the area of
solar cell arrays available for power generation and to keep these arrays close to lamp
fixtures (e.g. ceiling) rather than at the desktop. Integrating solar cells and building
materials is an active area of current research [3]. We can think of office rooms where
amorphous silicon solar cell arrays are incorporated into the ceiling material. This is a best
way to increase area under indoor photovoltaic power generation apart from improvement
in light collection by the solar cells.
Places where high wattage (1000 W or more) artificial lights such as tungsten–halogen or
arc–xenon lamps used are production rooms in industries, operation theatres in hospitals
and TV studios. In these locations radiated visible light power near the artificial light
sources can exceed 100 W/m2 and we may be able to generate higher photovoltaic power
from these sources compared to fluorescent lamps.

3. Photovoltaic power generation using outdoor artificial light illumination

Lamps with higher luminous flux like high pressure mercury vapour or sodium vapour is
used for outdoor lighting applications such as street lighting. Spectral irradiance of sodium
vapour lamps lies mainly around the yellow region of the visible spectrum. The spectral
responsivity of a-Si solar cells is relatively high in this region [2]. But the efficiency of
commercial a-Si cells is o5% under low illumination levels of the order of 100 W/m2. A
400 W high pressure sodium vapour lamp can produce a luminous flux of 45,000 lumens.
The efficiency of a typical low illumination (LI) solar cell such as the Fraunhofer ISE
highly efficient cell [4] under HP sodium lamp illumination of 100 W/m2 can be estimated
to be 10%. Such a highly efficient c-Si solar cell array placed at a distance of 1 m from this
lamp can generate power of 10 W. Even if we allow 10–20% light collection losses by these
solar cells the stored photovoltaic power in this way from the operation of 400 W sodium
vapour lamp for 12 h is sufficient to light a 90 W low pressure sodium vapour lamp
producing light of 13,500 lumens for 1 h. This system can be of use for unexpected power
failures in the main supply or grid.

4. Discussion

Light energy harvesting from artificial lamps used for indoor and outdoor lighting
purposes is relevant in this age of energy crisis. Most of the current literature on the low
illumination performance of solar cells is restricted to AM0 or AM1.5 spectrum
illumination [5] or under indoor fluorescent light illumination [6]. There is a need for
developing highly efficient solar cells in future from materials other than silicon whose
spectral responsivities can match well with different artificial lamp’s spectral irradiance
characteristics. The development of Cu(In Ga)Se2 solar cells with a good low illumination
performance is a recent attempt in this direction [7].
T.E. Girish / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 90 (2006) 2569–2571 2571

At present we may be able to regenerate up to 2.5% of the electrical energy spent for
lighting purposes using solar cells working efficiently under weak illumination conditions.
Availablity of low cost photovoltaic modules in future based on molecular and ultra thin
solar cells [8] can make this technology more economically viable. The IR radiation from
different artificial lamps may be also used for photovoltaic power generation. Further light
energy recycling using solar cells can find applications in greenhouses of space stations
where artificial lamps are used for plant growth [9]. It is expected that optical energy
recycling using solar cells will become important soon like water recycling.


[1] LIF Technical Statement No.8, Issue no.7, Lighting Industry Federation, 2001, pp. 1–2.
[2] K. Takahashi, M. Konagai, Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells, North Oxford Academic Publication, London,
1986, pp. 91–93.
[3] A.S.K. Ekman, A. Fredin, Solar cells as building components, Masters Thesis, Department of Civil and
Architectural Engineering, Royal University of Technology, Sweden, 2003, pp. 11–16.
[4] S.Y. Kan, SYN-Energy in Solar Cell Use for Consumer Products and Indoor Application, Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands, 2002.
[5] P.P. Jenkins, D.A. Scheiman, D.J. Brinker, J. Appelbaum, in: Proceedings of the 25th IEEE PVSC, IEEE,
Washington, 1996, pp. 317–320.
[6] P. Ortega, S. Silvestre, L. Castaner, Prog. Photovolt. Res. Appl. 11 (2003) 131.
[7] A. Virtuani, E. Lotter, M. Powalla, V. Ran, J.H. Werner, Thin Solid Films 160 (2004) 451.
[8] I. Gur, N.A. Frower, M.L. Geir, A.P. Alivisatos, Science 310 (2005) 462.
[9] I. Gublitz, D.L. Henninger, B.G. Drake, P. Eckart, Adv. Space Res. 34 (2004) 1546.

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