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Name: ...............................................................

Diagnostic Test Class: ..................................................................

Alphabet Days of the week

1 Write the next letter. 4 Number the days of the week
Choose from the box. in the correct order.
z d t p h l Thursday
0 abc d
Monday 1
1 efg
2 ijk
3 mno
4 qrs ___ /5
5 uvwxy
___ /5 Vocabulary
5 Look and match.
0 ruler
2 Match the numbers and words.
1 two
2 four 1 bag
3 six
4 five
2 pen
5 one
6 three
Today! Starter © Pearson Education Ltd 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE

___ /5
3 chair
3 Write the numbers.
eleven 11
fifteen 4 desk
5 book
___ /5 ___ /5
Name: ...............................................................
Diagnostic Test Class: ..................................................................

6 Look and tick the correct word, 7 Look and match 1 –5.
A or B. 0 rabbit

1 cat

0 A mum B dad ✔
2 snake

3 dog

1 A boy B girl
4 elephant

5 bird
2 A brothers B sisters

Now match 6 –10.

6 leg

3 A grandfather B grandmother
7 tail
Today! Starter © Pearson Education Ltd 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE

8 paw

4 A aunt B uncle
9 ear

10 nose

5 A teacher B children
___ /5 ___ /10
Name: ...............................................................
Diagnostic Test Class: ..................................................................

8 Write the words under the correct heading.

mobile phone ice cream apple bed cake camera bike
table cupboard skateboard sofa orange chair

Possessions Furniture Food

mobile phone sofa apple

___ /10
9 Circle the correct answer, A or B.
0 Hello. I’m Rick. 8 What’s your phone number?
A Hi. I’m Tina. A 558871.
B Goodbye. B He’s twelve.
1 What’s your name? 9 What day is it today?
A Lucy Jones. A Three days.
B Yes, thank you. B It’s Thursday.
2 How old are you? 10 Where’s your dad?
A It’s today. A He’s nice.
B I’m eleven. B He’s in the garden.
3 What’s your favourite colour? 11 Do you like pizza?
Today! Starter © Pearson Education Ltd 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE

A Yes, it is. A It’s my favourite food.

B Orange. B In a restaurant.
4 Have you got a pet? 12 Can you ride a bike?
A No, I haven’t. A Yes, I can.
B It’s for you. B My bike is red.
5 Where do you live? 13 What colour is your hair?
A On Friday. A It’s brown.
B In London. B It’s long.
6 What’s your address? 14 How old is your brother?
A 25 Hill Street. A He’s my brother.
B In a house. B He’s twelve.
7 Where are you from? 15 Do you like football?
A Australia. A It’s a game.
B I’m Lily. B I love it. ___ /15
Name: ...............................................................
Diagnostic Test Class: ..................................................................

10 Look and circle Yes or No.

0 Is this picture in a school? 3 Is the apple on the chair?

Yes. No. Yes. No.
1 Has the teacher got blonde hair? 4 Has the girl got glasses?
Yes. No. Yes. No.
2 Is the boy’s T-shirt black? 5 Are the books on the table?
Yes. No. Yes. No.
___ /5
11 Read the information about Charlotte.
Then write some information about you.
Today! Starter © Pearson Education Ltd 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE

1 Hi. My name’s .
2 I’m old.
3 I’m from .
4 I’ve got .
Hi. My name’s Charlotte.
5 My pet .
I’m eleven years old.
6 His .
I’m from the UK.
___ /10
I’ve got a brother and two sisters.
Vocabulary /50
My pet is a dog. His name’s Ben.
Communication /15
What about you? Reading /5
Writing /10
Total: /80

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