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FIELD STUDY ………………………………………………………………………… PAGE NO.

WEEK 1………………………………………………………………………………… 1

WEEK 2………………………………………………………………………………… 4

WEEK 3………………………………………………………………………………… 9

WEEK 4…………………………………………………………………………………. 10

WEEK 5………………………………………………………………………………… 12

WEEK 6………………………………………………………………………………… 16

WEEK 7………………………………………………………………………………… 18

WEEK 8………………………………………………………………………………… 20

WEEK 9………………………………………………………………………………… 27

WEEK 10……………………………………………………………………………… 28

WEK 11…………………………………………………………………………………. 33

WEEK 12……………………………………………………………………………… 35

WEEK 13……………………………………………………………………………… 40
FIELD STUDY ………………………………………………………………………… PAGE NO

WEEK 14……………………………………………………………………………… 44

WEEK 15……………………………………………………………………………… 46

WEEK 16………………………………………………………………………………. 51

My Analysis

Do research to answer the following questions:

1. What is Field Study Program in education?

Field studies involve collecting data outside of an experimental or lab setting.

This type of data collection is most often done in natural settings or environments and
can be done in a variety of ways for various disciplines. Field studies are known to be
expensive and timely; however, the amount and diversity of the data collected can be
invaluable. Field studies collect original or unconventional data via face-to-face
interviews, surveys, or direct observation. Field studies should be carefully planned and
prepared in order to ensure that the data collected is accurate, valid, and collected
efficiently. The equipment needed will depend on the type of study being conducted.

2. What are the important features of Field Study Program for Education?

Based by Brian Myers and Linda Jones, an educational field study can be an integral
part of the instructional program. Good field study provides participants with first-hand
experience related to the topic or concept being discussed in the program. They provide
unique opportunities for learning that are not available within the four walls of a
classroom. An example of this would be a turf grass management program visiting a
golf course. A field such as this would allow participants to see first-hand the many
principles of plant growth and management, pest control, and watering techniques
discussed in the program.

The use of educational field has long been a major part of the education
programming for both youth and adults. However, due to funding limitations, time
constraints, and increased liability concerns many educations professionals balk at
requests for field trips.

In spite of these concerns, well-planned field trips can be a valuable tool in the extension
agent’s educational toolbox.

3. What is the importance of Field Study Program to the prospective teachers like
It is importance to teacher because a great teacher is critical to student
achievement. Great teachers help create great students. In fact, research shows that an
inspiring and informed teacher is the most important school-related factor influencing
student achievement, so it is critical to pay close attention to how we train and support
both new and experienced educators.

All this gives new teachers the greatest chance of success as well as sustain
veteran teachers as they meet new challenges in education. When this training does not
happen, there is a risk that teachers may leave the profession early. The other concern
is that when training is insufficient, students will suffer.

4. What are your roles and responsibilities as pre-service teachers, one way of calling
As pre-service teachers, my roles and responsibilities are supports teachers in identifying
and responding to the additional learning needs of students, facilitates and coordinates a
whole school approach to improving the learning outcomes of every student, coordinates
planning processes and resourcing for students with disability and additional learning and
support needs and develops collaborative partnerships with the school, parents and
careers, other professionals and the wider school community.

My Reflections/ Insights:

The Field Study Program Can Help Me Become Better Teacher in the Future?

Thiis will help a lot for me as future teacher by allowing as to observe, directly
experience classroom teaching before me finally go to field to teach despite of no having
face to face observation due to this pandemic it at least there’s available internet
connection so that I can make interview thru online. As teacher I must aware and ready
for rapidly changes, through online class I can able to observe the students and teacher
I can also teach online, that’s why in every problem there’s always a solution.

B. My Portfolio:

My Personal Illustration of an Effective Field Study Program

O Open for suggestion


Preliminary Activity

You experienced doing a research or thesis paper when you were in third year. Describe your

In a research paper, it gives us hands on experience on gathering information from sources

such as books, articles, interviews, and Internet sites also we use our own ideas, knowledge, and
opinions to create title that allows to pursue are interest, to learn something new, to hone problem-
solving skills and to challenge ourselves in new ways. I experienced planning of experiments, writing
and how to report findings, gain a deeper understanding of the scientific process, developed research
questions and form and test your hypotheses, withal as researcher most part is to publish my work
likewise take in to action our recommendation and suggestion. Working on a faculty-initiated research
project gives us the opportunity work closely with a research adviser as well faculty members. I learned
valuable life skills on how to adopt in this changing of new normal and professionalism, time
management, learning how to use online research tools.

Do you believe that doing research is important? Why or why not?

Yes, I believed that doing research is important and essential to find out which treatments work
better for patients as well to student. It plays an important role in discovering new treatments, and
making sure that we use existing treatments in the best possible ways. Besides research can find
answers to things that are unknown, filling gaps in knowledge and changing the way that healthcare
professionals also teachers work.

My Analysis

What is Action Research?

According to module it simply put, action research describes a research methodology used to
diagnose and address problems. In a school setting, the teacher plays the role of the researcher,
and the students represent the study participants. Action research is a meaningful way for a
teacher to find out why students perform the way they do.

The term, “action research,” was coined in 1933 by Kurt Lewin to describe a scenario in which a
researcher and participants collaborate to solve a specific problem. Donald Schön developed this
idea further with the term, “reflective practitioner,” to describe a researcher who thinks
systematically about their practice.

1. What is the importance of conducting action research?

Action research generates knowledge around inquiry in practical educational contexts, which
allows educators to learn through their actions with the purpose of developing personally
or professionally.
I am convinced that conducting action research in education is valuable to address the problem
and help us educators develop solutions investigative, through analytical research methods designed
to diagnose problems or weaknesses which can lead to my student achievements, and empowers my
professional growth specially this rapidly shifting world of education, many problems can be solved
through action research like distance learning which new in the Philippines that can be broad topic in
doing research.

2. Show in diagram the conceptual framework of action research.

3. What are the methods in conducting action research?

Methods involve action, evaluation, and reflection, beside There are many methods to
conducting action research. Some of the methods include:
★ Observing individuals or groups
★ Using audio and video tape recording
★ Using structured or semi-structured interviews
★ Taking field notes
★ Using analytic memo
★ Using or taking photography
★ Distributing surveys or questionnaires

4. State the process of writing action research paper?

• Plan a change.
• Take action to enact the change.
• Observe the process and consequences of the change.
• Reflect on the process and consequences;
• Act, observe, & reflect again and so on

Action research is iterative; plans are created, implemented, revised, then implemented, lending
itself to an ongoing process of reflection and revision. The general process of conducting action
research was briefly introduced as a four-stage procedure. To reiterate, these four stages are:
1. The planning stage
2. The acting stage
3. The developing stage
4. The reflecting stage
However, it is critical at this time that we begin to examine the specific steps of conducting an
action research study. The nine specific steps that comprise the process of action research:

1. Identify and limit the topic

2. Gather information

3. Review the related literature

4. Develop a research plan

5. Implement the plan and collect the data

6. Analyze the data

7. Develop an action plan

8. Share and communicate the results

9. Reflect on the research process

5. What are the parts of action research paper? Describe each.

Parts of Action Research Paper

Chapter 1: Introduction

• The problem and its background ➢ The background information should indicate the root of the
problem being studied, appropriate context of the problem in relation to theory, research, and/or
practice, its scope, and the extent to which previous studies have successfully investigated the
problem, noting, in particular, where gaps exist that your study.

• Statement of the problem ➢ A statement of the problem is used in research work as a claim that
outlines the problem addressed by a study. The statement of the problem briefly addresses the
question: What is the problem that the research will address? What are the goals of a statement
of the problem?

• Research questions ➢ A research question is 'a question that a research project sets out to
answer'. Choosing a research question is an essential element of both quantitative and
qualitative research. Investigation will require data collection and analysis, and the
methodology for this will vary widely.

• Hypothesis ➢ An action hypothesis is one that is formed in action research. A hypothesis could
be in declarative forms, predictive form, question form or null form. An action hypothesis is
formed after listing all possible causes and choosing the most likely cause among them.

• Significance and purpose of the study ➢ The significance of the study is a section in the
introduction of your paper. Its purpose is to make clear why your study was needed and the
specific contribution your research made to furthering academic knowledge in your field.

• Scope and delimitation ➢ The scope details how in-depth your study is to explore the research
question and the parameters in which it will operate in relation to the population and timeframe.
The delimitations of a study are the factors and variables not to be included in the investigation.

Chapter 2

• Methods and Design ➢ Research design is a plan to answer your research question. A
research method is a strategy used to implement that plan. Research design and methods are
different but closely related, because good research design ensures that the data you obtain
will help you answer your research question more effectively.
Chapter 3

• Results ➢ The evidence used to generate claims or action is clearly documented; the action
taken as a result of the research is tracked; the findings are accessible to the consumer and
relatable to their practice.
Chapter 4

• Conclusions ➢The conclusion is intended to help the reader understand why your research
should matter to them after they have finished reading the paper. A conclusion is not merely a
summary of the main topics covered or a re-statement of your research problem, but a synthesis
of key points and, if applicable, where you recommend new areas for future research.
In the rapidly shifting world of education, action research helps prioritize which changes are worthy of
extra attention. Action researchers pick a slice of their practice and dive into the research literature,
then they use data to evaluate success and draw conclusions.

My reflections/ insights

I am convinced that conducting action research in education is valuable to address the

problem and help us educators develop solutions investigative, through analytical research
methods designed to diagnose problems or weaknesses which can lead to my student
achievements, and empowers my professional growth specially this rapidly shifting world of
education, many problems can be solved through action research like distance learning which
new in the Philippines that can be broad topic in doing research.

Post Activity

My Portfolio

Summarize the important points learned about action research. Present it in whatever creative
way you can.

Preliminary Activity

What usual problems in the distance learning education that you observe or experience yourself?

Distance learning and its relationship to emerging computer technologies have together offered
many promises to the field of education. So, for me failures in equipment and hardware can have a
significant impact on the effectiveness of distance learning for teacher, student and technician. For
teachers, this means that they could be well prepared for the class only to have a bad connection or
camera failure ruin the entire lesson. The frustration and inability of the technician to keep the class
running smoothly may affect the instructor's view of their competency, causing friction. Inability to get
a flow to the class and feel like progress is being made can stymie the learning process for the student.
Students who are used to traditional face-to-face instruction and have a low tolerance for ambiguity
will struggle.

Main activity
My Analysis
What is Gap Analysis?
Gap analysis is a method of determining the differences between actual and expected
performance in an organization or schools. In action research, gap analysis is a practical examination
of identified problems using supported data. In the business world, there is no set process to carry out
a gap analysis since it needs to be customized to suit the business needs. As a result, it is critical to
identify gaps that will allow researchers to understand areas of uncertainty within the research

What help can Gap Analysis give to researchers?

Gap analysis can help you compare the actual performance of your company or project to the
performance you expected. In other words, identifying the research gap is one of the most important
aspects of any study. While drafting the research proposal, it is clear that some areas have received
more attention than others, and others have received insufficient attention.

My reflections/ insights
Why is there a need for me to perform gap analysis before considering a problem/ proposal for my
action research?

Simple terms, a gap analysis is a tool that can help you understand where you are and what
you need to do to get to where you want to go. When executing a project, no matter how well you
plan, you may encounter some difficulties. The idea is to have tools in place that will assist you in
assessing the requirements. Understanding if your project is on track is critical, and learning how to
do so is simple. A gap analysis can be useful and is simple to understand.

Post Activity

My Portfolio

My Gap Analysis Leading to my Research Proposal


Preliminary Activity

Recall the environment of your school when you were in Elementary grades.
What are the facilities present in your school? Describe each. Classroom, library, counseling room,
clinic, canteen offices etc.

Facilities Description
Office of the The office is big but clean and well organized besides there’s counseling area
Principal inside.
Library The library is well lighted and well ventilated it is comfortable enough for
student to read beside Principal’s Office.
Canteen/ The canteen is small and located beside my classroom, there’s a lot of food as
Cafeteria well soup.
Medical Clinic The clinic is well-organized, the medical is available in case of emergency
Science The room is good and has equipment for experiment ` which helping the
Laboratory students to learn well
T.L.E Room The H.E room is located near at garden, there necessary things for cooking,
the place is clean and neat as well organized.
Classroom Inside the room there’s chairs, tables bulletin, comfort room that has available

Main Activity

My Analysis

Virtual Trip on the school where you are immersed.

Observe your cooperating school.

Answer the following for your observation report.

Name of school observed: Nagpayong Integrated High School

School Address Centennial II Nagpayong Pinagbuhatan Pasig City

1. Describe the community or neighborhood where the school is found.

The school is located in the Pinagbuhatan neighborhood. The streets of this

neighborhood are lined by Nagpayong's tricycle terminal, which is bordered by the town's
many schools and other types of shops that provide services to Nagpayong pupils. The area
is sustainable, and community officials have improved the school to provide enough space for
pupils to study and learn.

2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see? What is the condition of the

The school campus is a combination of yellow and blue when it comes to our former
Mayor Bobby Eusebio's turn. We also have television, which was given by our former Mayor
Maribel Eusebio, and this is the first public school in Pasig to have air conditioning. However,
the inside of the premises is surrounded by green color that is easy on the eyes because of
leafy plants, and there is a gargoyle on the rooftop. The building's overall condition is
practically good, and it has a safe and invigorating ambiance.

3. Pass by the offices. What impressions do you have of these offices?

As I traveled through the offices, I felt at ease and welcomed, and my overall
impression of each office was excellent due to their responsibility and cleanliness.

4. Walk through the school halls, the library, the cafeteria etc. Look around and find out the
other facilities that the school has.

Aside from the facilities mentioned in the question, this school has a faculty room on
the second floor and fourth flood of the building, which is air conditioned and somewhat
crowded. There is also a computer room on the second level with many computers’ tables
and chairs, a lab room on the first floor of the second building, and a xerox machine, so
students do not need to leave the premises, particularly the magnificent comfort room in the
second floor.

My Reflections

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed?
Why? Why not?

Yes, it is acceptable for me to teach in the school where I am observing because, first
and foremost. I am already familiar with the location, and it has many positive
characteristics and qualities. In addition, the school is in good working order and is safe. A
learning environment that is conducive to learning is one that is clean, organized, and has
an ideal temperature due to air conditioning, as well as fewer distractions

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

A learning-friendly campus is one that is clean, quiet, and concerned with a student's
overall development, including physical, emotional, and spiritual growth. The ambience of
a campus is also influenced by the town in which it is located. Even though the campus is
clean and well-equipped, the safety of everyone on campus comes first if the
neighborhood is not tranquil for classes to take place. As a result, for effective learning, it
must be balanced.

Post Activity

My Portfolio

My Personal Illustration of an Effective School Environment


Continuation of the Lesson about School Environment

Preliminary Activity

Let’s focus on the classroom.

1. What are the things found in the classroom?

There’s a lot of things found in the classroom like coloring materials, desk, chalkboard, chalk,
white board, eraser, slideshow/ PowerPoint presentation, projector, bulletin board, flash cards,
index card, pencil, pen, calendar, posters, stationery, stapler, binder, puncher, notebook, ruler,
printer, notebook, textbooks, pencil case, backpack, map, globe, book shelf, highlighters, clock,
tape, glue, glue stick, scissors, calculator, compass, sharpener, flash drive, handouts and

2. Do you believe that the classroom is the most important facility of the school? Why? Why

I believe that the classroom is the most important school facility because it is a learning
space in which both children and adults learn. With a classroom, students will be able to focus
and concentrate more on their studies, and teachers will face fewer distractions, they will have
privacy, and they will be able to share their knowledge with one another.

My Analysis

Virtual Classroom Visit

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls?

On the Wall Displays There are various quotations on the wall, many of which are related to
Mathematics and Science, and a display in front of the classroom defines their area. On the
classroom wall are the alphabet, sayings, class officer list, balloon birthday list, trees, Philippine
flag and clock, and painting design.

2. Look at the bulletin boards. What are displayed on them? Are they functional? Why/ Why
Student work, schedule, and a periodical table are presented on bulletin boards, which is
functional since it is practical and beneficial. They can be used to provide pupils with information
and to reinforce teachings.

3. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located?
How are the tables and chairs/ desks arranged?
Table of the teacher it’s a typical public-school teacher's table. It's brown in color, and there's
only one table in the front of the room. Inside the classroom, there are five rows with ten school
chairs in each row, two blackboards, and they use a blackboard and chalk. It is a simple
blackboard that is horizontally set in front of the class, with a shelf of books beside it can be found
on the classroom's left side.

4. What learning materials/ equipment are present?

Learning Materials/Visual Aids Their learning materials are k-12 module. It’s a new
learning material from government. Some of visual aids were from the teachers.

5. Is the room well lighted and ventilated? Describe the lighting and ventilation.

The classroom features six lights, four electric fans those are good condition and two doors,
one for the entry or in the front of the classroom, and the other for the back, allowing plenty of
fresh air to circulate.

My Reflections

1. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

A classroom that is well-lighted and well ventilated. A classroom that is not overcrowded. A
classroom that has facilities which could motivate students to learn also has available
resources needed for every discussion or lesson

2. How does the classroom impact on the learning of the students?

The classroom has the ability to influence students' well-being and motivation. Flexible classroom
designs allow students to make decisions, try out different learning methods, and eventually figure
out how they learn best. Teachers will be able to respond more effectively to diverse kids' learning
requirements with a flexible classroom arrangement. A good classroom management system will
help teachers avoid burnout by reducing the need for yelling, scolding, and other stressful
disciplining methods that generate teacher-student conflict. This type of setting promotes learning
as well as social and emotional development. A good classroom management system will help
teachers avoid burnout by reducing the need for yelling, scolding, and other stressful disciplining
methods that generate teacher-student conflict. This type of setting promotes both academic and
social/emotional growth. Besides a well-designed classroom stimulates and inspires students to
engage with one another and develop diverse abilities such as language and social interaction.
Poor physical arrangements in the classroom might limit children's freedom of movement and lead
to social behavior issues.

Post Activity

My Portfolio

1. Make a photo essay of the general school environment.

2. Design a functional bulletin board.

Name of teacher observed: Mrs. Eren Alay
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Subject: Letrang O
Date and time observed: October 19, 2021 10:00 am

A. Parts of the lesson

1. Motivation
The teacher stood up all the students to pray, and after praying, the children danced wellness
exercise while playing the teacher's shared screen, she observed and listed the energetic dancers,
the ones who were just standing after that teacher called the name of those student before to start
the lecture teacher Eren takes a screen shot of the Descriptive attendance of students. Motivation
for the topic Mrs. Eren played a Letter O song which mentions how to pronounce the Letter O
2. Presentation of the lesson
Teacher Erene used a video lecture in which she played the video and then paused it to
make her students hear the letter and elaborate on the topic by providing examples. She gave
words start with letter O which is (okra, ospital, oso, orasan , obispo, at otap).

3. Evaluation
Teacher Eren asked us to get things that start with the letter O, and most of us, including me, took
a clock to show our answers, and we took a piece of paper to write the big and small letters O and
answer the activity, which will be to circle the pictures with the pen on the screen, starting with the
sound O. She will call a child to answer, what name s/he circled, and what it sounds like.

B. Important skills employed

1.Effective questioning and reacting techniques

Teacher Eren asked us to get things that start with the letter O and student respond
immediately, and most of student, took a clock to show their answers, also ask them get a piece of
paper to write the big and small letters O to show if truly understand and recognize the letter O and
will be displayed on the screen and all will be checked by the teacher one by one on his monitor,
well everything is compliant! after that she will call a child to answer, what name s/he circled, and
what it sounds like the picture. Okay well Josua followed and so on until the activity item ran out.

2.Values integration
For their asynchronous class activity is explained during online class, they will make a collage and
color the letter O using available material much better to use recycled material to do the activity
according to Teacher Erene because savings are important especially now pandemic so don't buy
and spend for the activity to be creative and recycle.

3. Teaching approaches employed

The method of instruction used was a teacher-centered approach, in which the teacher
directs the activity and gives the essential information. In kindergarten, there is a lot more
conversation, giving information. Question and answer, activity, and examples of the letter O
are all provided by the teachers and the students exclusively listen.
4. Logical development of lessons

One of the parts of routine is reporting one or more children, the day, the date, for example,
Today is Tuesday, October 19, 2021, and it is a sunny day. Teacher Eren always reminds her
students and parents to follow the schedules and rules when it comes to online classes so that the
child's account will be in order and the child's account will not be able to intercept the class.
Especially don't be upset when the teacher removes the you to zoom, let's have a positive attitude,
besides you can listen and say information clearly when you speak or write when you turn or the
teacher calls.

5.Classroom management

The teacher checks to see if the pupils are doing a wellness dance and singing a letter O song
when all of the student mice are turned off and the camera is turned on. When someone opens mice
in the middle of a video, Teacher Erene interrupts the lecture to remind them of the rules: open mice
are prohibited unless the teacher calls or talks to them if they want to answer, and you can raise
your hand if you have a question. Teacher Erene's disobedience to children who write on the screen
without being called specifically in their activity to circle the picture on the screen with sound O, it is
banned to write anything and especially not being called while she is in class.

C. Students’ participation

Student mice are off, and the camera is open, the teacher sees if the students are dancing a
wellness dance and sang the Letter O song that we can identify who is participating. Teacher Eren
asked us to get things that start with the letter O, and most of us, including me, took a clock to show
our answers, and we took a piece of paper to write the big and small letters O and checked it one by
one on her screen. Pupils answer the activity, which will be to circle the pictures with the pen on the
screen, starting with the sound O. She will call a child to answer, what name s/he circled, and what it
sounds like beside they make a collage and they color the letter O with recycled material.

Pictures of observations (screenshots)

Name of teacher observed: Mrs. Eren Alay
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Subject: Natatanging kakayahan at talento
Date and time observed: October 22, 2021 11AM

Descriptive report on the following:

A. Parts of the lesson
The teacher stood up all the students to pray, and after praying, the children sang and
danced the Super Book song while playing the teacher's shared screen. She observed and listed
the energetic dancers, the ones who were just standing and just dancing, and she would give the
other children a chance to perform, the pupils are recognize if they were doing well. Student
performed wellness dance that the teacher is currently practicing. After that, teacher Eren takes a
screen shot of the attendance of students.
2.Presentation of the lesson
Teacher Erene used a video lecture in which she watched the video and then paused it to
explain and elaborate on the topic and provide examples.
Teacher Eren has created an activity in which each student will show their talent through a
short video. For example, I am Sophia Laggui. I have a talent for singing (and singing even just
choruses to show my talent).
B. Important skills employed
1. Effective questioning and reacting techniques
After watching the story about talent titled "Ento the Talented Boy," teacher Eren asked, "What
did the spectator understand?" I called Ayesha and her answer was, "Teacher, it's about different
talents, of Ento." Great! Now who has the talent to draw? Raise your hand. Okay, how many people
have a talent for drawing? Who has a talent for coloring? Not everyone is good at coloring or
combining colors. Others are disappointed by such talent, like my son. He is good at coloring. Who
here is dancing? So here, who has the talent to sing? Excellent! Who here has a talent for dancing?
Wow, there are so many who know how to dance, but only a few have joined our section. It's a pity,
but now I hope everyone will pass on their talent for our activity.
2. Values integration
Doing his/her best when performing and not being ridiculed or teased when someone makes a
mistake while performing on stage. For example, Entong, who told his mother and encouraged his
son, told her to continue with our talent, don't be discouraged. Because if not used, the talent will
weaken and gradually disappear! Kids, what will happen again if we don't enrich our talent? That's
right, it will gradually disappear, so we will appreciate it. Teacher Eren employs a positive attitude.
She says that in every game, there is always a sport because there are winners and there are
losers. So, if you participate in a contest, do not be upset with the judges but be happy
because it is an experience.
3. Teaching approaches employed
The teaching approach employed was a teacher-centered approach in which the teacher
leads the activity and provides the necessary information. The kindergarten class is pure discussion.
Teachers talk about Ento and his talent, and how to enrich the God-given talent and what will
happen if it is shared with others, and the students exclusively listen.
4. Logical development of lessons
Reporting one or more children, the day, the date, for example, Today is Friday, October 22,
2021, and it is a sunny day. I observe the review, which used logical development, and teacher Eren
inquires, "What was our last lesson about?" and the students respond about proper bathing and
nose care. Then the students recall the proper bathing process. In addition, teacher Eren reminds
them that when taking a bath, they must first condition the body before bathing, wet the feet first, as
not to shock our hearts.
5. Classroom management
Before watching and listening to the story, the teacher initially inquired, "What will we use for
watching?" Eyes and ears were answered by one of the students. Okay, a reminder to those who
are watching: listen carefully, understand, don't open mice when not called or talking so that we
aren't confused and noisy, always keep the camera open so that the teacher can see if you are
doing something else, and for those who are off camera, make sure to listen because if you call the
name and don't hide, the teacher will assume you are sleeping! with a grin
C. Students’ participation
While all the student mice are off and the camera is open, the teacher sees if the students are
dancing a wellness dance and super books that I can identify who is participating. Teacher Erene
paused a video lesson to explain and elaborate on Ento's story, as well as to ask questions and
remind students that answering will raise her hand and open the mice's mouth. Student participation
will report on today's weather and date, and answer questions while lecturing the topic and provide
Pictures of observations (screenshots)

Main Activity

Writing of lesson plan.


Alcalde Jose Street, Barangay Kapasigan, Pasig City



Grade 1

I. Objectives

At the end of lesson students are expected to;

1. Identify the effect of clean water on one’s health

2. Valuing resources by keep water at home clean

3. Practice’s water conservation

II. Contents

Clean Water for all


• K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies H1FH-IIIb-2, H1FH-IIIc-3and

• Distance Learning Education Module prepared by Jessa Reyes pages 4-6
Materials: Pencil, crayon, video clip and presentation

III. Procedures

A. Learning Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

"Good morning, Class" "Good morning, Ma'am

Let us pray first (One of the students will lead the Prayer)
(Checking of Attendance) Students raise their hand and say present as
the teacher calls in their name)

(Students pick up the pieces of paper)

"Please pick up the pieces of paper under you

That’s great to know. For this morning our I'm fine!

discussion is about water. Are you familiar
with the "Water Song"?
Yes Ma'am

Okay that's good, so are you ready to sing

and have fun today? Yes!

Warm Up
Let us sing the water song

Water... the most beautiful resource

Water... a transparency you can see
Water... delicious liquid to be drank
Water... refreshing thing we need to live

We love the water; we care about water we protect the water.

Water... the plants need it to grow

Water... the sky cries and it falls down
Water... river, oceans, lagoons and pools
Water... a gift from earth, a gift to you

We love the water; we care about water we protect the water.

Alright now class, what can you say about the Ma'am the song is about water that we
song? should love, care and protect because it is

How could you say Jayson?

Because the plants need water in order to
Very good Jayson!

B. Lesson Proper


The boy was drinking water

Before I go here Ma'am
Yes, I brough it!
What do you see in the picture?
When was the last time you drink water? Did
you bring a bottle of water today?

Very good because water is important and also

good for the heart.

Now we were going to discuss about the

keeping water clean and how we can help save

C. Discussion and Analysis

Water for All

All living things need water.

Plants need water to grow.
Animals and human beings need water to live

You need clean water.


How many glasses of water are in the picture?

Let's count!

Drinking eight glasses of clean water a day will

keep you healthy.
Not drinking water will make you sick.
Clean water keeps you healthy. Dirty water
makes you sick

Are we clear with this? Understood?

Keeping Water Clean

Water must be kept clean and safe to use.

There are different ways of keeping water clean.

Look at the picture.

Keep water containers always closed.

Closed water containers will prevent
dust and germs from getting in.
Use a glass when drinking water.
Do not drink directly from the water
Wash the water container before refilling it
with water.
Washing will remove dust and germs
from the container.

Are we clear with this?

Help Save Water

Water is important. That is why you

need to use it wisely.
Save water by using just the right
Yes Ma'am
Do not spill water carelessly.
How we can you help save water?

Here are the examples.

Use a glass of water when brushing your teeth.
Do you use a glass when brushing your

Turn on the faucet or shower just half way

when washing and taking a bath.
Do you turn the faucet on just half way?

Turn off the water faucet while soaping or

Do you turn the faucet off while

Yes Ma'am

Tell your family member if there are water

leaks in the kitchen or in the bathroom.
Do you help your parents find water
leaks at home? Yes Ma'am

Help your parents collect rain water

Rain water can be used for cleaning, washing,
bathing pets, and watering the plants.
Do you help your parents collect rain water?
Yes Ma'am

Do you have any questions?

D. Generalization
Yes Ma'am
Listen and Match (Uses of water)

Yes Ma'am


Water is important and a lot uses. You need clean water to keep you healthy.
You need to save water and keep it clean.

IV. Application

Write (√) if the statement is correct and (×) if it's not.

1. ______________ Water keeps you healthy.

2. ______________ Do not drink water.

3. ______________ You need to save some water.

4. ______________ Drink soft drinks instead of water.

5. ______________ You need to keep water clean.

V. Evaluation

Draw a clean glass of water. Color it.

VI. Assignment

Take a picture on how can you help save water.


I used a glass of water when brushing my teeth

Prepared by: Sophia S.Laggui


Mid -term Examinations

Class Demonstration Teaching (on video)

Video yourself doing the Teaching Demonstration following the lesson plan you made last week.
Use PowerPoint presentation as one of your teaching aids.
The video should not exceed 10 minutes.


Preliminary Activity

When you are already teachers, you should never stop developing yourselves in all aspects. Why do
you think so?

Definitely, as a teacher, I should be knowledgeable in many areas, especially now that material is
available on the internet, which my students can access at any time; yet, as a teacher, I should not
expect my students to be as knowledgeable as I am. If I pick this job, I am accountable for growing
myself in all aspects because I am supposed to be a role model for development.

Main Activity

Look at the following teacher education development map.

My Analysis

Explain in your own words the different phases of Teacher Education Development Map.

Look at the following types of Teacher Development. What do you understand by each of them?

The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) establishes the ideal teaching
practice. It is a formative approach that encourages instructors to take personal responsibility for their
own professional development and progress in order to promote student learning. In the fields of
formal and non-formal basic education, this teacher development looks like a career path until
retirement should planned, which the Department of Education (DepEd) formulates, implements,
and coordinates policies, plans, programs, and initiatives. Entry to teacher education must be
eligible for university admission or have university entrance and meet the assured entry score or
targeted admission standards to apply for bachelor’s level teacher education programs. Pre-service
teacher education is an essential part of every teacher's education curriculum since it prepares
student-teachers to become qualified instructors in the future. The next development is Civil servants
include teachers who work in public schools. Their wages are paid by taxpayers, and they educate
youngsters for the public good. Due to their unusual work patterns, teachers receive good benefits
and are paid more based on how many years they teach. Of course, new employee induction
training which is a type of orientation that prepares individuals to work in a new profession or job
capacity within an organization. A workshop for employed professionals, paraprofessionals, and other
practitioners to acquire new knowledge and better practices is classified as an in-service training.
Furthermore, such a workshop is a training meant to assist a specific group of instructors at a specific
school. Besides having occupation, we must have a retirement preparation for as to do what we
want to do or other goals there are process of determining retirement income objectives, as well as
the actions and decisions required to meet those goals, identifying sources of income, predicting
expenses, executing a savings program, and managing assets and risk are all part of retirement

Research more on how else teachers can develop themselves

8 Things Every Teacher Needs in Order to Grow


Change requires self-awareness and a humble approach to your craft. Instructional strategies are
great, but the ability to see yourself and the need for change–within or around you–are the most critical
step in any process of growth and change.
Be honest with yourself–your strengths and weaknesses. Your needs versus student needs.
Reflecting on how that lesson or activity went, or why that assessment went the way it went. Content
that’s fun versus content that changes students. Admit when you were wrong, or when an idea you
said was good turned out badly or vice-versa.
Honesty–coupled with humility–leads to growth.

2. Vision

Teachers who grow have the ability to see the ‘big picture’–what’s most important, the value of an
idea or strategy, the drains on their own creative energy, etc. They ‘see’ what’s happening around
them and learning and make adjustments and grow.

3. Meaningful Collaboration

Share it in diverse ways. Print a copy and leave it on a colleague’s chair. Send it through email. Share
it on your own blog. Use Pinterest, twitter, or some other method of socializing the thinking. And don’t
just share with new teachers and friends, but your superintendent, state commissioner, neighboring
principals, and perhaps most critically, parents—not just online, but people in your local community
that you know and understand.

4. A Sense of Belonging

Consistently look to integrate the content you read—with committees, PD plans, professional learning
communities, parents, curriculum, student work, etc. Don’t just seek to “use” things, but rather to fuse
them with other important pieces of the teaching and learning process.

5. A Sense of Priority

Be selective in what you read. A lot of titles and headlines promise thinking and utility that just isn’t
delivered in the content itself, whether it’s a book, blog post, video, or other media. And some of it
may be from reputable sources.
Be selective. There is only so much information you can consistently use. Pare down the sources—
anywhere from five to ten blogs or social channels should be more than enough to support your growth
as an educator and allow for change.

6. Diverse Ideas & Perspectives

You may tend towards content that justifies your own opinion—confirmation bias being what it is. And
there’s nothing wrong with that. The bulk of your content should likely reflect the tone and philosophy
of your teaching and learning worldviews.
But don’t be afraid to challenge yourself by diversifying—confronting new possibilities with a critical
eye and an open mind. This is how you grow.

7. Pedagogical Knowledge

Knowledge is everything–it spawns creativity, potential, and purpose.

Knowledge about how your content area obviously is crucial, as is knowledge about how to actually
teach (pedagogical knowledge). But also core to this is knowledge about how people learn–neurology,
psychology, etc.

8. Reflection

Take a moment and look at the work students complete, and the strategies you use to bring them to
and prepare them for that work. Take a close look at how you interact with students, colleagues, and

In what ways do teachers act as learners too?

The activities that teachers participate in to capture, document, preserve, analyze, discuss, and share
their practice serve the aims of professional learning and research, giving unique insights into how
and why learners learn. Both students and teachers are learners and teachers. Students educate their
teachers by their reactions to the teacher's designs, which they construct and perform, as well as
through the transmission of knowledge and know-how that the teacher may lack. Teachers, like the
students they educate, are involved in lifelong learning, and we also learn within the school to my
students through children. Let's admit that not everything we already know, we will learn from our
students, because of their personality, environment, and different backgrounds, especially now that
the internet is available, students can learn by searching. That is why I should enroll in a professional
development course that will assist teachers in better arranging their time and remaining organized.
As a result, I will become more efficient and have more time to focus on pupils rather than paperwork.

My Reflections/ Insights

As a future teacher, I will improve myself and develop more by focus on the subject matter and the
students’ learning my role is to communicate my knowledge to students in a way that allows them to
retain it. The easiest method to improve is to keep in mind that this is a work about the student. Make
sure that each lesson is tailored to the specific needs of each child. Beside I will Try Something New
that i will not hold back when it comes to exploring a new strategy or teaching method. The responses
of my students will help you assess whether or not my method is effective. It's not only the simplest
approach to improve your teaching skills, but it's also a terrific way to show my pupils a side of you
that they didn't know about, keeping things alive and fresh in the classroom. Also, reading,
participating, and joining a group to observe are all things that might help me improve my performance.
I might share material with others so that they can provide feedback that can help me reflect as a

I am a future teacher. I am a learner forever.

I understand that teachers and principals need to update their knowledge, develop new skills, be
exposed to new ideas, and be mentored and supported throughout their careers, which will be filled
with constant and changing problems. It assists educators in incorporating new tools and tactics into
the learning process in order to improve the learning growth of their pupils. According to a study I
read, educators who are lifelong learners are more successful. A lifelong learner is someone who
continues to acquire new skills and capabilities well beyond their formal education years. It entails not
only learning new things but also cultivating an open-minded and optimistic attitude toward the world's
changing nature.

My Portfolio

My Own Personal Development Map

Note: Write one classroom observation report. Follow the following parts.
Name of teacher observed: Mrs. Eren Alay
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Subject: Letrang Tt
Date and time observed: November 8, 2021 10:00 AM

Descriptive report on the following:

Parts of the lesson

The teacher stood up all the students to pray, and after praying, the children danced wellness
exercise while playing the teacher's shared screen, she observed and listed the energetic dancers,
the ones who were just standing after that teacher called the name of those student before to start
the lecture teacher Eren takes a screen shot for the attendance of students. Motivation for the topic
Mrs. Eren played a Letter T song which mentions how to pronounce the Letter T correctly.

2 Presentation of the lesson

Teacher Erene used a video lecture in which she played the video and then paused it to
make her students hear the letter and elaborate on the topic by providing examples. She gave
words start with letter T which is (tasa, talong, tinapay, tainga tren at tigre).

3. Evaluation
Teacher Eren asked us to get things that start with the letter T, and some of student get a
towel, bread, cup and eggplant, including me, took a tissue and we show our answers, and we took
a piece of paper to write the big and small letters T and answer the activity, which will be to circle the
pictures with the pen on the screen, starting with the sound T. Teacher will call a child to answer,
what name s/he circled, and what it sounds like. Beside teacher Erene give an offline activity which
are the Activity 1, 2,4 6 and 10 at the end of the day I checked the work and record who submitted
as per cooperation teacher this will serve as a attendance of student.

B. Important skills employed

1.Effective questioning and reacting techniques
Teacher Eren asked us to get things that start with the letter T and student respond
immediately, and most of student, took a towel to show their answers, also ask them get a piece of
paper to write the big and small letters T to show if truly understand and recognize the letter T and
will be displayed on the screen and all will be checked by the teacher one by one on his monitor,
well everything is compliant! after that she will call a child to answer, what name s/he circled, and
what it sounds like the picture . As well they wrote letter T using their hand and show to the screen.

2. Values integration
For their asynchronous class activity is explained during online class, they will make a collage
and color the letter T using available materials also for their upcoming reading parade they are
encouraged to DIY or do it yourself costumes for them to use a creativity as well much better to use
recycled material to do the activity according to Teacher Erene because savings are important
especially now pandemic so don't buy and spend for the activity to be creative and recycle.
3.Teaching approaches employed
The method of instruction used was a teacher-centered approach, in which the teacher directs the
activity and gives the essential information. In kindergarten, there is a lot more conversation, giving
information. Question and answer, activity, and examples of the letter T are all provided by the
teachers and the students exclusively listen.
4.Logical development of lessons
One of the parts of routine is reporting one or more children, the day, the date, for example,
Today is Monday, November 8, 2021, and it is a sunny day. Teacher Eren always reminds her
students and parents to follow the schedules and rules when it comes to online classes so that the
child's account will be in order and the child's account will not be able to intercept the class.
Especially don't be upset when the teacher removes the you to zoom, let's have a positive attitude,
besides you can listen and say information clearly when you speak or write when you turn or the
teacher calls.
5.Classroom management
The teacher checks to see if the pupils are doing a wellness dance and singing a letter T song
when all of the student mice are turned off and the camera is turned on. When someone opens mice
in the middle of a video, Teacher Erene interrupts the lecture to remind them of the rules: open mice
are prohibited unless the teacher calls or talks to them if they want to answer, and you can raise
your hand if you have a question. Teacher Erene's disobedience to children who write on the screen
without being called specifically in their activity to circle the picture on the screen with sound T, it is
banned to write anything and especially not being called while she is in class. No one will write first
because I will call who will answer and he is the only one I can see writing on the screen

C. Students’ participation
Student mice are off, and the camera is open, the teacher sees if the students are dancing a
wellness dance and sang the Letter L song that we can identify who is participating. Teacher Eren
asked us to get things that start with the letter T, and most of us, including me, took a tissue and
towel to show our answers, and we took a piece of paper to write the big and small letters O and
checked it one by one on her screen. Pupils answer the activity, which will be to circle the pictures
with the pen on the screen, starting with the sound T. She will call a child to answer, what name s/he
circled, and what it sounds like beside they make a collage and they color the letter T with recycled

Pictures of observations (screenshots)


Preliminary Activity

Recall your experiences when you were in elementary and high school.
What were the interesting things you did as learners?
When I was in elementary school, I was in the province, and we were taught to plant the right
way in the school garden, where we had planted vegetables and plants, and we were taking care of
our time for visiting our plants. We were taught to plant the right way, but first we were taught a
lecture, and then we actually did it, and when I was in high school, I recall a festival dancing contest,
which I entered despite not knowing how to dance, and which I enjoyed. There was also a field trip
and tour guide who told history before travelling to the Enchanted Kingdom with museums, but it
wasn't all learning; there was also entertainment and activities.

My Analysis

Observe the learners in your cooperating teacher’s class.

Describe them in the following domains:

1. Physical Development
(Gross and Fine Motor Skills)
After prayer, Teacher Eren asked her students to stand for an energizer in which they would all
dance a wellness is life and observe who is participating and mention students who are not for them
to dance. They would also recognize those who are good at dancing as well as others who are
participating, and those who are not dancing would be given an assignment to send a video dancing
wellness is life.

2. Social Development
(How they interact with teachers, how they interact with peers)

Question and answer in their review asking student what they have remember last meeting,
then student answer the two types of family nuclear and extended family. Very good where your family
belong to nuclear family or extended family. Nuclear family, how could you say so, I have on sister,
mother and father in our house.

In online class they did not interact with peers specially off line because kinder can able to chat
they are dependent to parents or guardians even school work parent is the one who take care of it.
Teacher Eren the way she teaches is just student and teacher interaction student are not allowed to
open mice if not mention his/her name.

3. Emotional Development
(Their temperament-moods – happy sad etc., Level of confidence)

Teacher Eren summons students to the spot to report the date and weather for the day, as well as
lead the students in singing the national anthem in order for them to be prepared. In addition, most of
the activities must be documented, so parents or guardians took videos of specific activities, such as
the Lapu-lapu Langkay Rosas performance, in which all of the boys are singing and marching at the
same time.

4. Mental Development
(Language proficiency, Level of comprehension, thinking skills, problem solving abilities)

When the teacher hears students mispronounce words, she corrects them and instructs them
on how to pronounce them correctly, such as when Leuan mispronounces the word church. The
teacher also asks students to participate in the activity and calls the name of the student who will
respond in the wrap-up activity. Joselito called and counted 1234567, indicating that we had 7 bags,
and he wrote his response in the box, as did the other kids.

My Reflections/ Insights

It is important to know learners’ development growth across domains because as someone

who works with children, it's critical for me to understand development across all domains so that I
can support them in their current readiness as well as they grow. The most crucial reason for
keeping track of each child's development is to see if he or she is on track. Understanding each
child's development and behavior requires looking for developmental milestones. Milestones can aid
in the understanding of a child's behavior. The instructor might appropriately determine whether a
particular child has learning problems and need further aid or support by understanding the distinct
stages of a child's development (Mental, Behavioral, and Gross-Motor). This also allows them to
properly reprimand kids if they misbehave. When teachers understand how children develop, they
will be able to distinguish between the child and the behavior, preventing youngsters from
internalizing damaging signals. Teachers can have a better understanding of how children develop
and what they require at various stages of development by looking at how children grow and what
they require at various stages of development.

Write one classroom observation report. Follow the following parts.

Writing observation reports that would include:

Name of teacher observed: Mrs. Eren Alay

Grade Level: Kindergarten
Subject: Tungkulin ng kasapi ng pamilya
Date and time observed: November 18, 2021 11AM

Descriptive report on the following:

A. Parts of the lesson

1. Motivation
After the prayer, they always dance to the wellness is life song, which is played by teacher
Eren, who keeps track of who is participating and mentions it. Before beginning the lecture, the
teacher snapped a screen shot to keep track of attendance. The best way to motivate a teacher is to
ask them questions. Students, can you recall who the members of your family are? Students
answer: father, mother, sister, brother youngest, and there are also two members of our family who
live with us: grandmother and grandfather. The family is happy in their home, and they are a part of
the community as the smallest unit.

2. Presentation of the lesson

Using zoom application teacher Eren shared her screen to show the video lesson
which she played the video and then paused it to emphasize what is telling on the video. Presenting
family member and their role of each of them.

3. Evaluation
Who are the characters in the story, asks teacher Eren? Lito's decision to quit seems
puzzling. When Lito goes gone, what does the family do? You'll do the same if you're Lito. In the
story, what roles were mentioned for each family member? Moreover,
Give activity number one, which is to color a family picture, as well as activity number two, which is
to trace the names of family members in the story, and activity number three, which is to make a
family tree. Then I’ll be the one will check it in output group chat that will serve as there attendance
of kinder.

B. Important skills employed

1. Effective questioning and reacting techniques

Ace is asked by the teacher, "What kind of family do you have?" We have extended family.
How could you say that you have an extended family? Because my aunties, uncles, cousins,
grandmother, and father were all present at our large house. It's great that you already understand
the distinction between nuclear and extended family.

2. Values integration

What role does each family member describe in the video, asks the teacher? James's
response is that his sister is assisting his mother with the baby's care as well as laundry and
dishwashing. Mother, Immanuel said, is the light of the house and does the housework. Ayesha's
response is that her brother is assisting her father with housework. Grace's father is responsible for
the entire family. Everyone in the class advised to remember to respect, love, and help each
member of the family, and to fulfill your part or position in the family. Jasmine responded that her
baby makes our family happy.

3. Teaching approaches employed

The method of instruction used was a student-centered approach, in which the teacher
inquired about each family member's role and if they do it at home as a sister, brother, or youngest
member of the family, what role did you play in helping your parents and making them happy? All of
the activities were provided and guided by the teacher, but students responded independently.
Tracing the name of a family member and coloring a picture of a happy family are examples of

4. Logical development of lessons

Teacher Eren asks, "If you're Lito, will you do the same?" Yes or no, and why? Students think
critically since they have a lot of siblings, and there's a risk they don't feel loved any longer. So, how
do they react in this situation? The teacher explains that we are all loved by our families, but that
they are sometimes busy because they want you to have a happy life. Having a younger brother or
sister is not a rival, but a playmate who can assist you soon.

5. Classroom management

Teacher Eren instructs pupils to stand straight during the national anthem as a sign of respect
and to participate in all activities, especially when I read a narrative about where Lito is. So, what are
we going to use? Okay, please use our ears and only open your mice when I call your name so that
we may have a pleasant discussion. If there is a lot of noise and a lot of students are opening their
mice, the teacher mutes everyone, including herself.

C. Students’ participation

Pictures of observations (screenshots)

My Portfolio

A. Make a profile of your own characteristics using the matrix below.

My Profile
Name Sophia S. Laggui Date of Birth November18,1998
Age _23______________

Domain/ Preschool and Elementary

High school
Development Primary grades Intermediate grades
A. Physical/ My Physical motor My Physical motor abilities My Physical motor abilities
Motor abilities are list are list below; are list below;
What below; • Running faster • Playing physical
physical- • Navigating • Tailoring sport game such as
motor and building • Washing my hands softball and
things in my own volleyball
could you • Dancing and • Take a bath in my • Learn the basic
singing, own musical instrument
during each
because most • I can eat without the
of the teacher guide of the parents
taught those but messy
things. • Fighting
• Pulling and

B. Social The importance is in The importance is in this The importance is in this

What social this stage, I can stage, I can easily: stage, I can easily:
relationship easily: • I’ve learned to share • I’ve started to have
were • Make friends my foods in my a crush
Important to • I’m learned classmate • I know who to trust
you during on how to • I’ve learned to and not
each cooperate control my anger so • Making a friend
period? • Taught on I never in the fight through social
saying sorry • Get a stronger media
• I know the friendship
between girl
and a boy
C. Emotional The temperament I The temperament I exhibit The temperament I exhibit
What exhibit are: are: are:
temperament • The level of • Mood is not • My level of
did you my changing easily activeness is not
exhibit? activeness is because I know the that high unlike in
What is your high and its difference between my preschool
level of affect my good and bad Level of confident
confidence? sleep Level of confident
• Mood easily • Medium High • Not that high
changing. because I’m shy

Level of confident
• Too high

D. Literacy/ My literacy and My literacy and cognitive/ My literacy and cognitive/

Cognitive/ cognitive/ intellectual abilities: intellectual abilities:
Intellectual intellectual abilities: • Good manners and • Communicating in
• Coloring and right conduct are the English language
What literacy
identifying prior in this stage. • Know the branches
shape • Know how to divide of math such as
intellectual • I know the and multiply geometry, algebra
abilities were basic solution • Know how to etc.
in basic math construct sentence • Science was
problem such in English introduced
capable of
as addition • History is introduced • Learned to write a
and paragraph
during each
• Learned
writing and

B. With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and strategies will you
remember in the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of both the high and
low achievers in your class?

Instruction should be differentiated. It's critical to understand that "fairness" in

education does not imply that all students are taught in the same way. Instead, it entails taking
into account the unique needs of each student and tailoring the program appropriately.
Differentiation allows you to deliver personalized training to students by altering the
pace, level, or style of learning to engage their strengths and interests. This instructional
concept benefits not only students with mental health and learning difficulties, but all children
in the classroom can achieve greater levels when I am attentive about giving training that fits
how they learn best. When appropriate, differentiated instruction includes decreasing
assignments or extending deadlines to meet a child's ability.
When I become a teacher, I plan to implement fairness in the classroom. I will not only
concentrate on the intelligence of the youngster, but also on some of his or her abilities. We
all know that we have the power to accomplish things differently than others. We all have
differences, hence there are no high or low achievers because we were all made equal.

Write one classroom observation report.
Name of teacher observed: Mrs. Erene Alay
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Subject: Place and thing in the classroom (Text based messenger)
Date and time observed: November 27,2021 9AM

A. Parts of the lesson

1. Motivation
Teacher Eren shared the link to the wellness is life dance as motivation, and students or parents
sent it to the outputs group chat of video of the student dancing wellness, and I will react check for
them to realize that I checked it and recorded it.

2. Presentation of the lesson

Teacher Eren provided a video lesson link, and students reacted to the link that was sent to the
teacher to see if they followed it, even though it was a text-based messenger. Students must also
take a video while watching a video lesson.

3. Evaluation
Teacher Eren sent the pages in Self Learning Packets (SLP) for them to answer and pass it to the
outputs group chat that serves as attendance as well as evaluating if they are familiarized with the
place and things in the classroom, as well as students documenting that they are engaged in an

B. Important skills employed

1. Effective questioning and reacting techniques

Since they are not online class, they have activity such connect with a line to match the correct
picture, options are wash area, reading area, study area, grooming and playing area are also name
the places inside the classroom then student send it their answer in group chat and teacher react
very good, good job with emojis

2. Values integration
The valuing is obeying the rules inside the classroom even not mention it was indicated on module
so parent can read it to their child. The activity for this is "do what is asked"
First are which picture shows sharing toys with classmates? Encircle the picture. Second is which
classroom is good for learning? Put a check below the picture and third is which picture shows you
cannot learn well? Cross-out the picture.

3. Teaching approaches employed

Teacher Eren used a student-centered teaching approach in which she simply gave material and
activities to do, but the students would record what they were really doing, even if it was an offline
activity, and they would always document to verify the teacher if they were working.
4. Logical development of lessons
Student answer activity number three to color the heart red if the picture shows you can learn inside
the classroom and color blue if it is not. Also, teacher ask question about story of Manda’ talent if
you are Manda, you will also play instrument? Yes or no beside teacher ask them to show their
talent in short video that will send it to outputs group chat.
5. Classroom management
Teacher Eren did not allow students or parents to comment in the files group chat because it was an
asynchronous class, so those who were not active during that time did not have to hustle to back
read what they were going to do or submit. Also, because there were 90 students in total, the
teacher set a deadline for me to check it as soon as I could.

C. Students’ participation

Pictures of observations (screenshots)

Preliminary Activity

Throughout your study years, how do your parents help you with regard to your education?

My parents were my first teachers. Before I learn how to attend school, they teach me to count,
write, and read for me to get ready for the next level of studying. As I remembered, when me and my
mama were studying together, we read together, and she usually used to tell me stories, which we
read together.
In my high school days, my parents were used to getting me to school using their pedicab.
Throughout my studies, when we have a school fieldtrip, I always bring my mother with me, and she
always thinks of me a lesson and gives me a reminder of what I should do when I experience
something worse in my journey. Since then, I have never been lost on my way to my destination.
At my college, my mother always thought that experience was my best teacher at this stage of
my life. She always told me that her time of my being a teacher is not forever, so I need to teach
myself throughout.

Main Activity
Read the article on the types of parenting.

What are the four types of parenting? Describe each in your own words.

1. Authoritarian or Disciplinarian
Authoritarian parents are frequently regarded of as disciplinarians by me. They have a strong
attributed to the growth with limited room for discussion. Punishment is a regular event. The majority
of communication is one-way: from parent to child. The rest of the time, guidelines are not clarified.
Expectations are high, and there is little room for error.
2. Permissive or Indulgent
Permissive parents, in my opinion, do not watch or supervise their children and consider them
as equals, based on the facts I have gathered and understood. Bribery is a common technique use
by permissive parents, and the word "no" is rarely used by them. This is mixed with a limitation of
demands from their child and the use of fewer rules or standards of behavior to place rules.
3. Uninvolved
Uninvolved parenting, in my opinion, is when parents do not respond properly to their children's
needs and give little attention, support, or love. They also don't put a lot of pressure on their kids.
They don't usually set rules or provide direction or expectations for actions.

4. Authoritative
This type of parenting, in my opinion, has high expectations, but also understands the necessity
of open communication and providing the support their children need to achieve. Considering the
situation, they provide constant discipline. They too are role models for the attitude they like their
children will show.
My Reflections/ Insights

For me, the best type of parenting Authoritative because this parenting style means having real
expectations for their children. It is not important for parents to intervene in every difficult issue.
Encourage independence by teaching a youngster that they are capable of doing tasks on their own.
Learning how to deal with and manage frustrations and painful events while a child is young provides
them with the tools they'll need as teens.

Post Activity

My Portfolio

My Analysis
In your own words, state what parents should do in the education of their children.
For me, Strong family participation in early childhood institutions and programs is essential not
optional to encouraging children's healthy intellectual, physical, and social-emotional development,
preparing them for school, and supporting academic performance in elementary and secondary
school. Children achieve better in school, remain in school longer, and like school more when schools,
families, and community groups work together to encourage learning.

My Reflections/ Insights

My parents contribute a lot in my educational journey by doing a continually encouraging me. Over
the last 18 years, my parents have always pushed me to work hard, acquire an education, and pursue
my interests. They instilled in me the ability to think for myself and make my own judgments. They
want me to succeed in life, but they feel that success may take various forms and requires a lot of
hard effort.

My Portfolio
Make an infographic on the Do’s and Don’ts’s for parents with regard to their roles in the education of
their children.

Write one classroom observation report. Follow the following parts.

Writing observation reports that would include:

Name of teacher observed: Mrs Erene Alay

Grade Level: Kindergarten
Subject: Things found in the classroom
Date and time observed: December 10, 2021 10:30 AM

Descriptive report on the following:

1. Parts of the lesson

1. Motivation
After praying, teacher Erene set up all of the students to dance the Wellness Dance; most of
them had memorized the steps and were eager to dance. The teacher singled out Emanuel,
Dheniel, Zhaynne, Marc, Vaine, and Althea for their enthusiastic participation and enjoyment of the
music. Others, on the other hand, aren't quite ready yet because they've just started an online
course. But others are not ready yet because they have just entered an online class. Ma'am showed
a picture of different place and things inside the classroom and Teacher asked her student to look at
the picture below. Can you name this picture? Where can you see these pictures? What are the
different places inside the classroom? What can you see in the picture?

2. Presentation of the lesson
Teacher Eren used a zoom and shared her screen to see her visuals. She only used a soft
copy of the module, so some of the pictures are black and white. She showed a variety of objects
used in the classroom for learning. She asked to respond to what is on the screen, and her
instruction for lesson 4 was to tell the names of the objects first, then count the number of objects in
the box. What is inside the box? she asked, calling the name of the student. Hailey, one of the
students, gave the perfect response! This is a bag similar to Dorra's, and other questions were
answered correctly by Joselito, Ayen, Althea, and Leuan.

2. Evaluation

For the review, teacher Eren requested us to obtain items that begin with the letter K: Adrian got
a crayon (krayola), Angelo got a spoon (kutsara), Ayesha got a raincoat (kapote), Ayen got a sweet
potato (kamote), and Althea got a carton (karton). Teacher instructed students to name several
locations (playground, canteen, classroom) as well as items found in the classroom (eraser, bag,
and chair) and in the community (student answer church, hospital and school)
Also in the lesson, the teacher called Joselito for number one, which is the answer is 6 bags, but
before he came up with that answer, he counted first, then circled the matching number for each set
as Teacher Eren's instruction, with the same procedure for answering the other item, she called
Kyser for number two, Jeryl for number three, Hermione for number five, and Arkisha for number six.
When they read or count, there should be a tone of completion, such as a period, to ensure that they
fully get the lesson.

2. Important skills employed

1. Effective questioning and reacting techniques
Teacher Eren explained that we utilize a variety of objects in the classroom to learn. Ayesha,
can you tell me what the picture on the screen is, and what's in the box? Erasers, she says aloud, 1,
2, 3, 4, okay, that's right, there are four erasers in the box. That's it! The same approach for
answering the question was used for Sophia's answer number two, which was 5 broom, Vhainne's
answer was 5 chairs, and Mary Grace's answer was I board. When I call your name, you are very
attentive because if you do not open your mice right away, it implies you are not paying attention, so
I will call others and teacher give them a virtual clap.

2. Values integration
Teacher Eren instructed Emanuel to count the number 1, he recited 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, connect
your response in the right column, with the same strategy for answering Ayesha for number two,
Railey for number three, Adrian for number four, and Hailey for number five. Everyone had the
correct response. When we are ready, our tone must be persuasive, as Emanuel does when he
counts. Teacher reminds parents and children to practice counting numbers because practice
makes perfect, and in our lesson, it is important to know how many different objects are in the
classroom so we can take care of them for the next user.

3. tteaching approaches employed

The method of instruction used was a student -centered approach, in which the teacher
asking essential information about the topic they think and get examples of the thing that start with
letter K as well show it to screen to verify of their teacher as well all the activity is provided and
guided by teacher but student answer it independently. Like counting numbers and telling names of
objects and things found in school.

4. Logical development of lessons

Teacher Eren did not assign for the day's reporting for everyone to be ready and master of
the date for today, as Prince James called to be report by the weather today, and Prince said Today
is December 10, 2021, and it is a sunny day okay Very good, look outside if you can verify it is a
sunny day today. For review teacher is asking, Samantha" What did we study again last meeting?"
Letrang K, oh yes, what does the letter K sound like? It sounds like a thorny cat, and in the
motivation portion of the lesson, teacher Eren asks them to think and show by collecting items that
begin with the letter K and displaying their answers on the screen.

5. Classroom management

Before beginning the lesson, the teacher called Mary Grace's attention as the others were
lying down in the online class, and the teacher mentioned it one by one, reminding them that it is not
allowed in the online class, Lance change your clothes I already said to always wear uniform or
white shirt to look presentable class right. The class creates a racket in the middle of the activity,
and the teacher reminds them of the rules: mice are not permitted to open unless asked or
summoned, and when I call your name, you must reply instantly, especially if your camera is not
open, because I will assume you are not paying attention.

3. Students’ participation
As usual, teacher Eren instructs her students that if they are called, they are not allowed to
open the microphone, and the camera is turned on. In the motivation portion, the teacher observes if
the students are dancing a wellness dance and identifies who is taking part. Students that engage
get objects that begin with the letter K, such as cartolina, spoon, sweet potato, raincoat, and carton.
Pupils respond to the activity by naming it and counting the number of objects in it. They also count
the pencils and have students write the answer in the box as well as circling the matching number.
Finally, they have students count and connect their answer to column A to B in the last activity.
Those who did not attend the online class will complete the activity offline and then send it to the
group chat outputs, which will be used to track attendance.

Pictures of observations (screenshots)

Preliminary Activity

Who are the other people that comprise the school community aside from the teachers and students?
Did they play important roles in your life as students? Why or why not?

One of the people who comprise the school community aside from the teachers and students
is the parents. My parents are important in pushing and encouraging me to learn. A positive, healthy,
and lifelong learner is supported by proper parental guidance. If parents are sensitive and
understanding, children learn abilities at a young age.

Main Activity
My Analysis

These are some of the people that you see in school. Research on who else more. Enumerate and
give the functions of each one of them.

• Clinic Nurse is a school nurse plays an important role in enhancing students' general health.
Because of his or her valuable assistance in supporting students' normal growth and fostering
continuity of care throughout their student life.

• Teacher s' role is to help learners in developing by transmitting information and creating an
environment in which students can and will learn effectively. Teachers, on the other hand, play a lot
of options that change from one society to the next and from one educational level towards the next.

• Janitor are they in charge of inspecting property and executing maintenance tasks such as light
bulb replacement and other small repairs.

• Security Guard is a school security guard's work might be demanding. There are several
responsibilities to be completed, and it entails more than simply keeping an eye on the throng in the
halls. Interaction with students and employees, as well as visitors and authorities, is an important part
of the work.

• Principal- The principal's duty encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, including leadership,
teacher assessment, and student discipline. Being an effective principal takes a lot of effort and time.

My Reflections/ Insights

As a student, I am grateful to the other members of the school community because they lift and
improve our schools to a level that is appropriate for all 21st century learners, they ask for assistance
from a lot of sources. "It takes a village to raise a kid," as the old African saying goes, so it's
understandable that it would require a community to create a school. The solution to true education is
a member of the school community. Young people succeed better in school, remain in school longer,
and enjoy the experience more when families, community groups, businesses, and schools work
together to encourage learning, which is why I'm grateful.

My Portfolio

Make a graphic art work featuring the members of the school community. State the help each one

Write one classroom observation report
Writing observation reports that would include:

Name of teacher observed: Mrs. Eren Alay

Grade Level: Kindergarten
Subject: Ibat’-ibang Uri ng Bahay
Date and time observed: Dec16, 2021 10AM

Descriptive report on the following:

A. Parts of the lesson

1. Motivation
Every time they have an online class after prayer, the wellness is life dance is already
regular. In formal lessons, the teacher asks questions such as what is the help of the house? And
the student response for shelter and protection is yes, this will serve as our shield example in real
life, if you are attacked by a vicious dog, you may walk to your house and hide.

2. Presentation of the lesson

After the motivation, teacher Eren uses zoom to present a Filipino fairy tale called "Ang
Tatlong Biik" as well as a video lesson on different types of houses and explains it well while
pausing the video utilizing shared screen to show content or visual aids.

3. Evaluation
With the use of a module activity in which students check if the statement about important
things that learn about the lesson or house for those asynchronous due to internet problems but
teacher answer it online then students get their happy and sad face banner to answer there are five
questions even, I am participating online first statement is that every family needs a house Second,
concrete houses are long-lasting. Houses constructed of pawid and kawayan, on the other hand, are
long-lasting. The fourth point is that a concrete house is built of cement and sand, and the fifth point
is that each family has a different type of home. The teacher will check to see whether our response
is correct.

B. Important skills employed

1. Effective questioning and reacting techniques

Teacher asked did you understand what you watch, what it’s all about? Then Immanuel
answer is different kind of house and part of house. Okay exactly it’s about different kind of house
and what material used in building the house. What materials used to complete or build the house in
group A, Jillian answer is stone or concrete. In group B Alison’s answer is kubo material are nipa
and kawayan also anahaw that commonly see in province.

2. Values integration
Teacher Eren stated that we should be grateful and take care of ourselves because this will
serve as our protection, especially during this pandemic when the covid 19 was spreading and we

were fortunate to have a house where we could sleep because some of the facilities were already
crowded and some of the patients were quarantined at home. Maintain good health by cleaning your
house and washing your hands properly.

3. Teaching approaches employed

Mrs. Alay used a student-centered teaching technique in which she simply provided facts and
asked questions such as, "What are the different kinds of houses mentioned in the story?" Sophia
Claire's response is that a house is made of grass, Vaine's response is that a house is built of wood,
and Aleya's response is that a pig's house is constructed of stone or cement.

4. Logical development of lessons

When we say house, we are referring to a structure, and when we apply this to actual life, we are
referring to one of our protections from rain and sunlight. As a result, the teacher inquires, "What is
the most durable house?" When you wish to build a house, students will think about it and
remember the story of the three pigs. What kind of home do you want to construct? And why is that?

5. Classroom management
Teacher Eren usually calls one student at a time to reduce unnecessary noise and to remind
pupils of the rules by asking, "What are the rules when you watch the story?" And the student said,
"Don't open the mice, listen carefully, don't use your mouth in watching," and the teacher added,
"Listen with your heart to understand it because later I'll ask a question, and if you can't answer my
question, it means you're not paying attention."

C. Students’ participation
Pictures of observations (screenshots)


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